Santa was there, the kids lined the sidewalks and snow at least hinted that it was in the air.

December 2, 2013

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON. The weather worked – you could see your breath when you exhaled.  The rain held off but that little flutter of snow that would have made it a ”real” Christmas parade just didn’t appear.  Other than that I t was fine 48th annual Christmas parade through the streets of Burlington.

This time there were live animals as well – ok so they were a pair of bedraggled looking ponies – they were there.

This picture sums up the season. It is about a birth.

Do you know how cold that pavement was?

There is a reason for the season – and it isn’t shopping until you drop or your credit card gives up. A Christmas Eve service at the Performing Arts Centre.

What do you call it – a bi-directional vehicle? It was quite the thing to watch the way the cab got steered.

The Rocca Sisters cosponsors sign at the head of the parade told of the shift in who is putting up a good chuck of the money – there are still Rotary noses that are out of joint; justifiably so one might add.  It will take a bit of time to unravel that mess and perhaps make changes to the parade’s organizational structure.

Its official when the Town Crier comes marching down the street – Santa follows.

A standard in any parade for kids.

Other than that all the “usual suspects” were in place.  The city’s Town Crier led the event and the Old Boy himself brought it all to a close.

Lots of hot chocolate consumed after this parade.

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