Saturday could become a pivotal day for transit improvement advocates - Director of Transit will be on a panel - she will be listening..

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

April 19th, 2018



The Bfast 4th Annual Transit Forum takes place on Saturday at the Seniors Centre – get there early and you can take advantage of the free Continental Breakfast.

Bfast Transit group logoBfast has been advocating for better transit for years – some of the people in the organization know more about the history of transit in Burlington better than anyone currently employed at the transit department.

They are closer to being listened to than they have in the past seven years. It has been a hard slog – the appointment of a fully qualified and respected transit executive has begun to make a difference. Sue Connor came to Burlington from Brampton where she grew that operation into one of the xxx

She will be part of a panel discussion and open for questions – this is the time for the public to let her know what they want and need and where the problems are – and there are a lot of them

The Vital Signs report produced by the Burlington Foundation highlights where some of the transit problems exist.


Getting around a

A partial snapshot of how people who live in Burlington get around or get to work

Bfast have a deep understanding of the transit business – they have been delegating to council for years and for the most part have not been listened to – to some degree due to the poor management leadership at Burlington Transit.

There is much better leadership in place now; the recently appointed Director of Transit is a recognized and respected professional.

Connor Sue

Sue Connor, Director of Transit.

The problem Sue Connor will have is getting the funds she needs to upgrade both the transit assets and money for additional staff – and then some money to do some experimenting.  Connor is probably part of the Burlington Leadership Team (City Manager James Ridge call it the BLT – not a sandwich).  The challenge for her is to get some of the money the city has marked for infrastructure updates – there is a special tax levy dedicated to road repairs.

Transit service - ridership decline

This is the picture Sue Conner got when she asked – How are things going? It wasn’t pretty.

Burlington is some distance from ever creating a special tax levy to bring the transit service up to the level the the planners keep telling the public is going to be needed as a critical part of the Grow Bold initiative that is going to put something in the order of an additional 1000 people in new homes each year between now and 2031.

The planners keep talking about the need to get people out of their cars and maybe onto bicycles and transit.  Connor is surely saying to her colleagues on the BLT – Sure – provide me with the funds I need to do just that.

There may be agreement between the transit people and the planners on what is needed – getting it through this council is another matter entirely.

Saturday is the public’s chance to make their voices and their opinions heard – but ya gotta be there to be heard.

Salt with Pepper are the musings, observations, thoughts, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette.


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7 comments to Saturday could become a pivotal day for transit improvement advocates – Director of Transit will be on a panel – she will be listening..

  • Penny


    If you knew anything about me you would know that am my own person. I push no one’s agenda. I believe strongly in an efficient public transit system. With Burlington having the high percentage of seniors the need for a good transit system will be more important.

    If the City wants people out of their cars, bicycles are not the way to do it. Also intensification means that people need an efficient way to get around. This needs to be planned not simply “build the high-rises and everything will work out”.

  • Sharon

    Burlington Transit should look at Hamilton Transit. Hamilton buses connect with each other. Why is it that if you take a Go bus from Hamilton to Aldershot you have to wait 45 minutes to a hour for a Burlington Transit bus to connect?
    It shouldn’t take 3 hours to come from Mohawk College to Brant Hills.

  • Penny

    More importantly I hope that someone will ask Sue Connor about the transit study to support all the over-intensification taking place in Burlington.

    This forum is the opportunity to ask the hard questions that need answers. I hope the residents take this opportunity to find out just what is happening not only for the next 40 years but for this year.

    • Andrew

      Penny: You do realize that transit is only part of the transportation system and that the City has indicated that it intends to prepare it’s traffic and transit plans based on the OP that is approved by City Council, right? Although you constantly try to push Councillor Meed Ward’s agenda, it is very stale.

  • Eva Amos

    Another model to look at is Mississauga. Senior fare $1.00 valid weekdays 9:30 am to 3:30 pm and after 7 pm and all day Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Why limit travel to free on Monday.

  • Dennis walker

    Can she sell all the big empty buses and replace them with smaller vehicles that can operate in a more flexible manner?

  • Bill Davidson

    Hoping To See All Three Burlington Mayoralty Candidates at this Important Meeting ….Also Their take on Getting Seniors to Ride Free on Monday’s such as Oakville’s progressive program & the positive results! Bill