By Pepper Parr
June 6th, 2020
A reported 5000 people marched from Walkers Line to City hall last night in support of protests against the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis .
He was murdered by a police officer who had pressed his knee again Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes at which point Floyd died.
The last words heard from the man were ”I can’t breathe”.
There were certainly issues of social distancing but the march was a typically Canadian peaceful event.
The crowd in civic square was quiet and not filled with people pressed together.
Half an hour after the event Civic Square was empty with not piece of garbage littering the space.
Would that Spencer Smith Park and the Beachway looked as tidy at the end of a weekend.

Civic Square was basically spotless half an hour after the Solidarity March took place Thursday evening. It was more than a respectable crowd which struggled with the social distancing rule, especially those on the right hand side who were clustered far too tightly. Will we see an uptick in infections in a couple of weeks?

I’m all for anti-racism; just interesting that only 2 weeks ago: fines given to people at Trinity Bellwood’s Park. Now with same number of case this even-more congested event sees no fines. Mixed messages.
Suggested edit :
George Floyd was ALLEGEDLY murdered by a police officer who had pressed his knee again Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes at which point Floyd died.
The former police officer has since been charged with murder and is in jail awaiting his date in court.
It’s not alleged. Did you see the pictures and videos
Until he is found guilty in a court of law, it is alleged. You are not the judge or the jury.
It’s still “alleged” until platoons of lawyers and judges crawl all over the case and make off with a few million $$ in fees. But pictures do not lie in the 21st century.