Tag days will no longer need permission from city hall.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

March 2nd, 2021



Burlington is joining the rest of the Region and communities in close proximity – they are getting rid of the need to get permission to hold a tag day.

sea cadets taggingOrganizations will still be able to hold tag days – they just won’t need permission from the city to do so.

They will have to get permission from the property owners –ie, LCBO and Supermarket locations, which tend to have the kind of traffic that makes the tag day successful

The volume of Tag Day requests has significantly declined over the last few years.

In 2020, the City of Burlington issued 15 letters of permission; compared to 33 letters of permission in 2019 and 33 in 2018. Historically the numbers have been higher:

2017: 39
2014: 49

Tag day data 1In 2013, a similar report recommending discontinuation of the tag day program was provided to Council and they chose not to discontinue the program at that time. If a decision is made to discontinue, the Licensing section would advise charities that moving forward in 2021, Tag Days would now be managed strictly by the property and business owners.

This goes to City Council where it will be approved – from that day forward (allow 20 days for people to file objections) and all the taggers have to do is get permission from the locations.

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