They need some help - have you got four hours to spare?

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

September 13th, 2019




Freeman station - old GTR picture

It cleaned up pretty good. The station was the start of trips to other places. And it was where you got off when you were coming home. Troops left for war from the station. They would march up Brant Street and onto the railway property. Keeping it and turning it into a small local museum has taken a lot of work with many obstacles to overcome. Now the station has to be prepared for the winter weather.

Freeman - tracks in place

They need some help.

They are a great bunch to work with and this will get you out of the house.

The Friends of Freeman Station note that it has been a great first summer season at Freeman. Now we need help tidying up, getting the Station ready for the winter. Hopefully you will be able to spare some time on one or more of the following days to help out.

Freeman station Sept 18-17

Evening settles on the station.

September 14,     Saturday 9am to Noon            Scrape & Paint Outside Trim
September 16,     Monday 9am to Noon           Winterizing the Station
September 18,     Wednesday 9am to Noon     Moving the compound
September 21,     Saturday 9am to Noon          Scrape & Paint Outside Trim
September 23,     Monday 9am to Noon          Winterizing the Station
September 25,     Wednesday 9am to Noon     Winterizing the Station
September 30,    Monday 9am to Noon           Winterizing the Station
October 2,           Wednesday 9am to Noon      Winterizing the Station

Just come on down to the Station in your working clothes and we will set you onto to the tasks required.

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