By Staff
August 24th, 2020
You may have seen some of them – the Terry Fox Posters in the bus shelters around town.
There will be some lawn signs and the display case at city hall will include Terry Fox material.
The annual Run was to take place in September – but got Covid cancelled.
That hasn’t stopped the people who do the fund raising from getting out there and getting those dollars in for the critical research.
The medical research community has done some really fine work – tens of thousands are alive today because of that research which has been due directly to the people who raise money and do that run.
Burlington has had a special relationship with the Terry Fox Foundation – starting a year or two after the Run ended in Thunder Bay.
Craig Gardner, the chair of the Burlington Run this year has been working on every possible way to get people out and doing their Run.
He recently told the Gazette that initially before covid-19 he was hoping for $130K which would be their best year ever.
Last year was their second best year ever $121K.
2005, the 25th anniversary was the best year at $127K.
Then, with covid-19, people told us ½ of last year would be a reasonable target so $60K.
Now with four weeks to go and already $24K donated, they think they might hit $100K.
There is one bigger event planned for the adidas person Janette Wilson which could bring in $20K or more alone if they can pull it off.
The Terry Fox T shirts have run into some Covid bumps as well.
When you are out for a walk in Spencer Smith Park and you see the Terry Fox marker – I suspect you do what most people do – you pause and remember when you became aware of that magnificent young man.
Let’s not let him down.