Three Burlington dancers made it to the semi-finals at CNE Rising Star talent show

News 100 blueBy Staff

August 26, 2015


Three young girls from Burlington are spending much of the next few days at the CNE in Toronto taking part in the Rising Star talent event that has taken place for the last 29 years.

Lauren Salt

Dancer Lauren Salt has been dancing since she was two – has made it to the semi-finals at the CNE Rising Star competition.

Lauren Salt from the Dance Station and both Poppy and Olivia from the Creative Edge Dance Studio have all made it to the semi-finals in their event.

Poppy and Olivia are dancing as a team while Lauren is doing her own act. She competes next on Sept 1st. Poppy and Olivia compete on August 31st.
Poppy said that she started dance for fun when she was younger and added that “I love dancing with my friends and it’s exciting to perform on stage. It feels really good when I am doing choreography and learning new styles. I hope that I can do more with dance as I get older. I would like to perform in shows and maybe do some acting.”

Dance Olivia and Poppy in the window

Olivia on the left and Poppy on the right are dancing as a team at the CNE Rising Talent competition

Olivia indicated that she can express her feelings and emotions through dance. She also said that she feels joy when she dances and would like to continue with dancing when she’s older so that she could travel with dance and see lots of different places in the world.

Lauren Salt, who has been in dance classes since she was two years of age said:

“Dance to me, is my world. Dance defines me and who I am. It has helped me become the person I am today. By dancing for eight years now, I have learned to be grateful and confident in myself. When I am up on stage dancing, there is an unexplainable feeling I get doing what I love. It is my passion and it is what I would like to do for the rest of my life”

That kind of passion is what produces champions. We will watch with anticipation on how well all three girls do at the CNE competition.

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