By Staff
February 21st, 2019
It looks as if the Interim is still the Interim and not the Acting.
During the Capital Budget Standing Committee meeting today Tim Commisso was addressed as the Interim City Manager. A couple of chuckles were heard from the Staff Section of the council seating.
No one has said anything about how the title “Acting” got attached to Commisso’s name – clerical error perhaps?
The budget meeting went exceptionally well. The performance put in by Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte on handling two very complex financial issues – Information and Technology and the Fire department, were lengthy but very well done.
The financial requirement for Information Technology was in the millions and brought to light some serious issues that were not known or discussed at anything length at previous budget meetings.
This council is made up of younger people who are not afraid to ask questions and id they aren’t comfortable they ask a follow up question.
Budget Committee Chair Lisa Kearns was able to match the staff member explaining the technology word for word – she has been down that road before. They also managed to take a decent amount of money out of the Capital budget – they are determined to get any tax increase below 3% – given the rate at which they moved today – you can think in terms of something well below that 2.99% Mayor Meed Ward put on the table.
There is a different tone from this council.