Two local politicians revive the tradition of a New Year's Levee - it was well attended.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

January 11th, 2016



It was fine event – came off without a hitch and was different enough for people to perhaps return to next year.

It was the New Year’s Levee sponsored by the MP and the MPP for Burlington and they basically ate the Mayor’s lunch.

Levee crowd scene

It was a very respectable crowd – the public clearly wanted to take part in a New Year’s Levee.

In Ontario the Levee has traditionally been a civic event. While MP Gould and MPP McMahon were doing their thing Oakville mayor Rob Burton was holding his levee. Burlington gave up on levees sometime ago.

No one knows where Mayor Goldring was – we didn’t see him.

Levee - McMahon at loom - I did that

Levee participants were given the run of the Art Gallery and an opportunity to see how the politicians handled some of the equipment. MPP Eleanor McMahon tried her hand at one of the looms – she seemed surprised that she was able to make something.

Gould and McMahon found a way to make the event more than just a bunch of speeches – they used the Art Gallery of Burlington as a backdrop and had tour guides to tell people what was done in the various Guild’s that were open. It worked very well and gave the Art Gallery of Burlington more visitors than they get normally. One of those win – win situations.

Levee Gould welcoming a new Canadian

MP Karina Gould enjoying a moment with two new Canadians at the New Year’s Day Levee held on Sunday.

And they found a few ways to include the ethnic communities by handing out the very attractive folder that new Canadians are given with their Citizenship certificates There were 109 of those certificates to be handed out – they didn’t all show up – but many of them did and they were made to feel very welcome.

Levee citizenship folders

Citizenship certificates for new Canadians – there were 109 of them on hand.

It was a family event – there were art rooms for the kids to draw and paint.

There were several food tables set up- strawberries dipped in chocolate, nibblies and coffee, tea and juices.

There was no receiving line – and the two woman chose to be very casual. One of the Deputy Police chief’s was on hand – not in uniform.

It was casual, easy going and an opportunity to network like crazy.

Levee Damoff in loom room

Oakville North Burlington MP Pam Damoff is shown how wool is prepared for a spinning wheel.

Pam Damoff, the MP for Oakville North Burlington wasn’t front and center – she got tied down at the Oakville Levee (held by the Mayor over there) – happens when your constituency bridges the two municipalities.

There are in Burlington those old timers who remember the days when the New Year’s Levee took place at city hall. One such city stalwart got into his car with his wife and drove to the Art Gallery New Year’s Day at the appointed hour – found the parking lot empty and is reported to have said to his wife – what if you had a party and nobody came.

Yesterday they did come – thanks to MP Karina Gould and MPP Eleanor McMahon for holding the event. Jazz it up and bit and keep it fresh.

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