November 25, 2015
The Skyway arena is getting a really close look from the people who do the thinking at the Parks and Recreation department. It might be in for minor changes or it could be replaced with a totally new building.
The Parks and Recreation people had to decide a while ago that the city did need 11 ice pads – which meant that the Skyway Arena was going to continue to be part of the total ice pad compliment.
The challenge then was to decide what to do with the building that needed more work than any of the other arenas.
There was considerable discussion as to whether the place should have one or two ice pads – that wasn’t totally resolved.
Knowing the rink was in poor shape, there was no viewing section that was elevated and warm, accessibility was very poor and the mechanical used to maintain the ice has seen better days.
The Mountainside arena was recently given a major upgrade – almost a rebuild. Gone was the look of an old style arena – the place was given more space for community use and much improved lockers.
The city was prepared to do the same for Skyway and just yesterday awarded a contract to ZAZ, the company that did the work at Mountainside.
The three options the architects are going to look at include:
1: like for like – upgrade the structure giving the community a more efficient to operate facility.
2: like with enhancement and improvements.
3: replace the existing structure with something new and integrate it into the community.
The architects will create a number of concepts that are expected to go to city council sometime next year – the thought was this might be during the 2Q of 2016
When that comment was made the audience broke into applause.
Denise Beard, Manager of Community Development Services wanted the audience to talk about what they would like to see – rooms where games of cards could be played, space with small kitchen facilities.
Mountainside has two very nice community rooms that have screens that can be dropped down for showing videos; there are small microwaves in the rooms with a sink.
Mountainside has the advantage of having an outdoor swimming pool – Skway has the advantage of having a large park as part of the property.
There is going to be a change – and the community is in on the changes right from the beginning.
The thinking that is being applied to the Lakeside Village plaza is going to be applied to the Skyway arena and park as well as Burloak Park – it will be interesting to see what is in place in five years.
The potential for something really beneficial to the community is certainly there.