Worobec: Spring is in the air; family has been spending a LOT of time outside


The Gazette has put together a team of parents who are at home taking care of their children while the province goes through school closures and the shut down of everything other than essential services.

Ashley Worobec  and Nicki St. George will write regularly on how they are coping.  We invite parents to take part in this initiative by adding comments to each Coping with COVID19 & the kids article.

graphic coping greenBy Ashley Worobec

April 8th, 2020



We have been doing pretty well.

The shock and awe is easing, and we’re adjusting to a new normal.

All four of us are home, as my husband is a teacher so he and the kids are obviously not at school, and my clinic was closed as of March 16th.

Ashley Apr 8 plant

Something that says Spring is on its way – bit warmer would be nicer.

We are filling our mornings with more structured activities- the kids have begun their daily online work, which has been a real help to provide some routine and concrete goals. I’ve been helping the kids with their work while my husband does his own computer work- creating assignments for his students and interacting with them online, checking in to make sure all have access to the work, phoning to see how they’re doing.

I’ve been really touched with how much communication we’ve had from the kid’s teachers and I’ve seen how much work my husband is putting in, keep his own students engaged and informed. It’s a trying time, but we’re all adapting. The afternoons seem to be more unstructured, and we do lots of walks, puzzles, and movies.

Ashley office team Apr 8For me, my clinic is having bi-weekly Zoom meetings and that’s been really helpful to keep morale high.

We are working hard on the business behind-the-scenes, and it’s been great to have that focus. We are also offering complimentary virtual or telephone appointments for our patients, which allows us to modify their rehab exercises and give advice if they’re in pain or looking for some guidance for their biomechanical health.

Spring is in the air, which I’ve found to be helpful as well. My extended family is all in Alberta, and they are still very much in the depths of Winter, so it’s been harder for them to be outside. My family has been spending a LOT of time outside, and yesterday the kids set up their slack line in our front yard- it’s basically a big tightrope and provides lots of fun for them.

Ashley slack line Apr 8The Easter bunny brought it a couple of years ago, and it seems that every year around Easter weekend, the slack line finds its way outside- it really marks the start of the nice weather, and this year has been no exception.

Of course the kid’s sports have all been cancelled, but we’ve been playing a lot of games in our yard – soccer, football, and lots of workouts in our driveway. We have a bit of gym equipment, including some dumbbells and kettlebells and it’s been really nice to see our kids taking an interest in that as well, as my husband and I are both workout junkies.

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