By Pepper Parr
March 7th, 2021
Week after week we report on the job the Burlington Food Bank is doing. A job they do with absolutely nothing in terms of funding from the City or the Region. It is the Region that is responsible for social welfare.
The volunteers at the Food Bank toil away – day in day out.
The results for the past year are a little on the startling side.
Looking back at their numbers for February 2021 they served 1,400 households. In February of 2020 the Food Bank served 1000 households.
That is a 40% increase and it just cannot be sustainable.
Families needed the assistance for many reasons and the Food Bank was able to help because of incredible community support here in Burlington.
Robin Bailey, Executive Director said: “We understand that needing help isn’t something you choose to do, it’s often due to changes in circumstances. Sometimes you have to reach out for a little assistance and that’s why we’re here.”
Very sad that so many new families have to rely on extra help from Food Banks. What were their numbers for February 2021, do you know?