Five more Burlington public schools to have Core French in grade 1

News 100 blueBy Walter Byj

March 9, 2015


The Halton District School Board voted to expand the Core French program in September. The expansion was to be for not less than twelve additional schools but not more than fifteen.

Tecumseh Public school

Tecumseh is one of five Burlington Public Schools to get Core French in September

The Board announced that the following Burlington schools will have the Core French program in September.

King’s Road Public School
Paul A. Fisher Public School
Ryerson Public School
Tecumseh Public School
Alexander Public School

This will create a total of 39 elementary schools that will now carry this program as of September 2015. This represents slightly more than half of all elementary schools in Halton. The remaining schools should have the program, pending its success, within the next two years.

Ryerson public school

Ryerson will have Core French for grade 1 students in September.

These students will receive 40 minutes a week of Core French instruction starting in Grade 1 with instruction expanding to 200 minutes in grades 6-7-8.

The program will continue to be monitored and an interim report will be brought to the trustees in November 2015.

If this program continues to grow and is deemed to be successful, what pressure will it bring to the current French Immersion program and how will it affect schools that are both single and dual track French Immersion schools? Time will tell.

The expansion has five schools in the western part of the Region; five 5 in the east and five in the north providing core French in grade one.

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You voted for them - but they aren't ready yet to tell you how they vote for you. City is still not publishing detailed voting results.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

March 9, 2015


We elect them to make decisions on how the city will be run, which includes everything from hiring a city manager who runs the administrative side of things to approving a budget that will determine how we are taxed.

They meet as both members of two Standing Committees and as a city council where they approve everything done at the Standing committee level.

The seven members of the Burlington city council are also members of the Halton Regional Council.

Many of them don’t want you to know how they voted on specific issues – because you can then hold them accountable.The seven members get paid something in the order of $60,000 for serving as members of city council. They get an additional amount for serving as members of the Regional Council.

Along with all the discussion and debate – these seven men and woman VOTE.

Council vote Dec 18-14 Water Street

City Council during a recorded vote. Meed Ward votes against a motion. It is only on recorded votes that the results of a vote are known.

But you don’t know how they voted unless you are in the room or watch the proceedings on the web cast. And – even if you are in the room it is frequently difficult to see who has their hand up and who doesn’t.

The only time the public is certain as to how a member of council votes is when there is a recorded vote and they all have to stand up and actually be counted.

Recently the office of the city Clerk improved the quality of the minutes and the agenda so that we now know how a vote went – however all the document says is that the vote carried or lost – you don’t know who voted for or who voted against a motion.

In February of 2013 city council decided that recoding all the votes wasn’t necessary Here is the comment made at that time.

“With respect to recorded voting at standing committee meetings, members of Council on the review team expressed differing viewpoints. Acknowledging that recommendations from committee are intended to be a preliminary position on a matter, it was felt that recording a member’s vote at that stage of deliberation could inhibit a member from changing his or her position later at Council should new information become available.

It was also noted that recorded voting would slow the transaction of business at committee meetings. As the review team did not have consensus on the matter, a recommendation on recorded voting is not included within this report and would require direction from Council. Nonetheless, the sentiment of the review team was that if recorded votes were to be permitted at Committee, these would be restricted to the main motions (and main motions as amended) but would not be applied to amendments themselves or any secondary motions tabled.

School board votes

The Halton District school Board has a system that records all votes. Why doesn’t Burlington have one of these?

Over at the Halton District School Board an automatic voting system was put in place. When a vote it to be taken the trustees press a key on a keypad and the results are flashed up on a screen.

The city of Burlington isn’t there – they don’t want to be there – many of them don’t want you to know how they voted on specific issues – because you can then hold them accountable.

Here is what the public now gets.
There is a report coming forward on the Air Park and the problems the city has been having getting the Air Park ownership to provide a site plan for the work they have done in the past and work they want to do in the future.

It took two court cases for Burlington to make clear that the city has the right to require a site plan.

The report is an important one – and it was to be brought forward in February but council decided to defer the report until the new city manager was in place.

James Ridge is due to report for duty March 23rd. Because this is a critically important report council wanted the new city manager at the table which meant deferring the report.

Here is how Council handled that matter:


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Meed Ward:
Amend Item CW-6-15 of the Development & Infrastructure Committee Meeting No. 2-15, by making the following change:
“Refer the report providing an update regarding the Burlington Executive Airpark to the March 30, 2015 Development & Infrastructure Committee meeting.”


Was the vote unanimous? If it wasn’t how did members of council actually vote? The public report doesn’t tell you that.

There is a lot at stake with the air park decisions. It is one of the issues that will define the shape of the northern rural part of the city.

There are a significant number of people in ward 6 who are not certain their member of council is hearing what they have to say about the direction the city should take on this issue and they would dearly love to know how Blair Lancaster voted.

The public record doesn’t tell you how she voted.  It doesn’t tell you how any of them voted – just that they did.

Related article:

Council decision on recorded votes.


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Beaudoin stuffed; sex ed curriculum could be controversial and core french being extended across the board

News 100 redBy Walter Byj

March 9, 2015


It didn’t take long for the Halton District School Board to decide how it was going to handle the proposed new curriculum on sex education. They unanimously approved the motion by trustee Gray (Halton Hills) that the board send correspondence to the ministry requesting both funding and appropriate training for elementary and secondary teachers in reference to the new Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Halton District School Board wants funding and training before it gets into the new sex education curriculum.The trustees acknowledged this could be a controversial bill and wanted assurance that the teachers in Halton have the resources and knowledge to teach the curriculum appropriately. Trustee Collard (Burlington) stressed that all teachers should be consistent in their training; this was echoed by the student trustee Sophie Schneider. There was no disapproval of the new curriculum by any of the trustees although they did acknowledge that it could be controversial. There are rumblings in the community – a lot of people are not comfortable with this change.

The board also approved the motion that the primary Core French program be extended with for September 2015 with a minimum of 12 new schools and no more than 15.

Although all trustees were impressed with the program to date, there was some question as to the continuation of the program to all schools in the board. Not so said trustee Harvey Hope (Oakville). This is not a pilot project, it is a go. This was reiterated by Associate Director of Education Miller. “Staff does not see this as a pilot program” he said. We are currently cautious only due to staffing issues.

This is not a pilot project, it is a go.If an additional 15 schools are added this year, more than half of the schools would have the program this September with all schools on board within two years. The board will be forwarded the list of new schools for their review by Friday of this week.

The board then faced the issue of filling two current vacancies. Superintendent of Education Yaw Obeng is leaving for a higher position in Burlington, Vermont while David Eaule, Director of Education, announced his retirement effective August of this year.

Although hiring committees will be formed for both positions, both trustee Danielli (Milton) and Collard (Burlington) wanted as many trustees as possible involved in the hiring of the new Director of Education. This is a very detailed and complicated procedure and any experience gained through this process would prove to be beneficial in future hiring’s. The initial step would be to hire a search firm and this should be done by April.

With the upcoming elections of two student trustees by April 30th of this year, the current student trustees, Schneider and Sahi, forwarded a motion that the voting procedure should change.

They didn’t want to see voting become a popularity contest. The board will work with the student trustees to draft a new procedure by the next meeting.

Beaudoin school

Beaudoin Public school is stuffed – no room left.

Beaudoin stuffed - Ryerson has six emply classrooms - changes coming.The Board is struggling with a situation where some schools are filled to capacity while others have room to spare. This is apparent at Charles R. Beaudoin public school; it is a triple track school – dual track English and French Immersion along with gifted self contained classes and is exceeding capacity.

Ryerson public school

Ryerson Public school has six empty classrooms

Ryerson has six classrooms available. Superintendent of Education Zonneveld proposed that self-contained gifted classes include grades 3 to 8 at Charles R. Beaudoin while Ryerson would include grades 1 to 2. The self-contained classes would continue to expand over the coming years to include grades one to four while Beaudoin would have classes from five to eight.

Trustees expressed concern about students having to transition schools after grades four. There are parents who will express that concern as well.
Beaudoin has had problems with the size of its student population for some time.

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Drug traffickers arrested and charged following search warrants in Halton, Niagara and Hamilton

Crime 100By Staff

March 7, 2015


The Halton Regional Police Service in partnership with the Niagara Regional Police Service have concluded a short duration drug investigation titled Project Capital resulting in the arrest of a network of street level drug traffickers operating across the GTA.

On Thursday March 5, 2015, members of the Halton Regional Police, Niagara Regional Police and Hamilton Police Service, executed a total of ten Controlled Drug and Substances Act (CDSA) search warrants throughout the Regions of Halton, Hamilton and Niagara.

Four men have been arrested and charged with several drug related offences. Officers seized cocaine, marihuana and Fentanyl with a street value of approximately $25,000.

In addition, approximately $60,000 cash and a Dodge Ram pickup truck were seized.

Simon CHAMORRO , 37 years old from Hamilton has been charged with:
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Cocaine)
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marihuana).

Salvatore LAMACCHIA , 35 years old from Welland has been charged with:
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Cocaine),
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marihuana)
Breach of Probation.

Timothy TOWNSEND, 46 years old from St. Catharines has been charged with:
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Fentanyl). 

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The way Ontario is built and developed is about to change: Better consultation with residents early in the development process are welcomed.

opinionandcommentBy James Smith

March 7, 2015


Sometimes, little noticed somewhat boring announcements by government are the ones that pack the biggest punch. Yesterday’s announcement by Minister Ted McMeekin that Ontario intends change to how we’ll plan, build, and pay for developing cities in Ontario is one such announcement.

The way Ontario is built and developed is about to change; I think this will be a very welcome. First let me declare my bias, I’m a Founding Member of BFast (Burlington for Accessible Sustainable Transit), and as a design consultant I often work on projects for both public and private developers. I feel the changes announced by Minister McMeekin yesterday may mean modestly more work for me and my clients.

If these changes live up to the billing, changes to Smart Growth, land use planning and development charges have the potential to be a seismic shift on how cities are built for years to come and this affects us all. The coming changes will radically impact how we go about urban growth in Ontario on a scale as large as the introduction, ten years ago, of The Green Belt. If the legislation lives up to the press release, the Province will put teeth into its Smart Growth policy and Municipalities will need to pull their weight.

So far Smart Growth is a policy many municipalities, including Burlington, give just lip service.  Professional planners and drafters of Official Plans write elegant documents, but City and Town Councils frequently ignore their more lofty goals. With this legislation Minister McMeekin is saying Municipalities will be held to account, and will need to live up to the Goals of Smart Growth. Long overdue.

So far Smart Growth is a policy many municipalities, including Burlington, give just lip service.This change is about the kind of building projects we’ll see built in Ontario and how we will pay for the stuff we build. I suspect that members of Burlington and other City councils who subscribe to the failed dogma of Libertarianism won’t like this legislation one bit. To them I say: “suck it up princess, the free ride is over”. Specifically these Planning Act Changes propose to:

• Ensure residents are better consulted at the beginning of the planning process for new developments.
• Encourage residents to provide feedback on the future of their communities.
• Help municipalities resolve potential planning disputes earlier, reducing involvement of the Ontario Municipal Board in local disputes.
• Extend the review of new municipal official plans to 10 years, instead of the current five-year cycle
• Providing municipalities with more control and stability over their planning documents. Once a municipality establishes a new official plan, it would be frozen and therefore not subject to new appeals for two years unless changes are initiated by the municipality. A community planning permit system once established by a municipality would not be subject to any appeals of private applications for five years.
• Clearly defining what constitutes a minor variance (a small change from a zoning bylaw).

Better consultation with residents early in the development process and getting their feedback are welcome, long overdue changes. The challenge will be to break down the walls of NIBYism; no small task. For at least seventy years North America has embraced suburban sprawl funded by, more sprawl.

Leigh Gallagher, in her book The End Of The Suburbs outlines how North Americans have the car-centric suburban landscape in their DNA and is our expectation of where we live. Both Gallagher and Smart Growth talk about breaking this unsustainable cycle. The proposed changes to the Act will have to help with this understanding of what Smart Growth means, so residents will need to understand this shift when proposals are brought forward. As, or more importantly, the development industry will have to change their business model too.


Six houses identical to this one were torn down on land that was part of the Veterans Land program – the lots were assembled and the infill shown below built.

Boilerplate infill projects will no longer be acceptable. Projects will more and more have to reflect an individual neighbourhood’s character and residents taste and long-term expectations for their community. Budgets for new projects will therefor need to change as removing the hated OMB from most planning disputes will mean more money being spent on public meetings and Architects’ fees and less time on Lawyers’ fees. In my experience, anytime more thought goes into a design and less time is spent on legal wrangling makes for a better project.

werf bfgt

Fifty eight units were built on land that previously had six homes on it. Tough to find a back yard in this infill project.

The ten year cycle for Official Plans has potential positive benefits as it will reduce the time Cities and Towns spend on Official Plans and free up those staff resources. No only is limiting the involvement of the OMB of great news, these changes will mean fewer Municipalities, will do their city planning by Official Plan Amendments. Burlington specifically has for at least 25 years engaged in planning by Official Plan Amendments rather than relying on either the Regional or City’s Official Plan. Councils often are blinded by developments that have actually cost the Municipality money in the long run as the Official Plan Amendments often is at odds with the official plan, these changes will force the Development industry to do better planning, spend more on Designers and less on Lawyers.

Development Charges are set to be changed in the following fashion:

• Help municipalities recover costs for transit services and waste diversion.
• Create clear reporting requirements for capital projects municipalities financed though development charges, as well as section 37 of the Planning Act related to density bonusing and parkland dedication.
• Municipalities would be required to follow reporting requirements that reflect best practices and detail to the community how money from development charges is spent.
• The government would create better reporting requirements for municipalities collecting money under section 37 of the Planning Act related to density bonusing, and related to parkland dedications, which details how the funds are spent.
• Development charges would be payable at the time the first building permit was issued for a building so that developers could be certain of the cost.
• Municipalities would be required to better integrate how development charges fit with long-term planning, including local asset management plans.
• The government will help municipalities identify and share their best practices on using development charges to address local planning and financial objectives.
• There would be more stringent reporting and greater oversight of any funds or municipal charges on new developments that fall outside what is allowed in current legislation

Development Charges can be a useful tool to reflect the real capital costs of any building project on a municipality. Planner Pamela Blais in Perverse Cities clearly outlines that the real cost to the municipal taxpayer of urban sprawl is not presently accounted for in many North American jurisdictions. Development Charges attempt to make a project pay for the real cost of the capital costs a new project represents.

While Transit and Waste diversion were not specifically accounted for in the previous Act they can be funded under more general categories. Specifically calling these items out is a good step. The challenge will be to use Development Charges to limit Greenfield, or make it pay for the burden it puts on a Municipality while simultaneously not acting as a brake on positive and creative infill development.

So there needs to be the ability for Municipalities to bracket Development Charges accordingly.

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Police media releases now using Latin? Project Viocurus - Collision Reduction Initiative Pays Off

News 100 redBy Staff
March 6, 2015



The results of Project Viocurus (Latin for Master of the Roads) are in and they point to a significant reduction in personal injury and damage collisions within the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills.

Between February 5th and March 5th officers from 1 District proactively targeted the major east west commuter routes and collision “Hot Spots” within both Townships targeting the “Big 4” bad driving behaviours; aggressive driving, distracted driving, impaired driving and failure to wear seat belts.
For the same period last year there were a total of 22 injury collisions. This year there were 11 injury collisions. The project had the same positive impact on property damage collisions with 186 being reported last year compared to 81 this year.

Officers continued to target those drivers who present a significant risk to the motoring community, focussing especially on those who are prohibited from driving and driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol. During the project a total of 10 drivers were arrested and charged for impaired driving and 38 drivers were charged with driving while under a suspension.

Officers continued to target those drivers who present a significant risk to the motoring community.During the project a total of 1130 Provincial Offence Notices were issued compared to 949 for the same period last year.

Halton Police would like to remind the public that we take traffic safety and enforcement extremely seriously and remain committed to working with our community partners to make our roads as safe as possible. If you suspect that a driver is impaired please treat this as a crime in progress and call 911.

If any member of the public wishes to report an incident involving dangerous and/or aggressive driving they can visit our website and file a Road Watch report.

The mission of the Halton Community ROAD WATCH Program is to reduce aggressive driving on the streets and highways of Halton Region. The Halton Community ROAD WATCH Program encourages the community to take responsibility for their driving behavior and attitudes.

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Do we need a carbon tax in Ontario? We need something to save this planet but not at the gas pump where the pain can be seen and felt.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

March 7, 2015


Ontario’s minister of the environment. Glen Murray, might have chosen a better winter. He has announced province-wide climate change consultations as a prelude to developing a new strategy. But after the coldest winter in ages he may well get a cool reception from folks who haven’t warmed up to the difference between weather and climate.

The Province has released a discussion paper as a starting point for consultations. This is one of those primers on the topic – a sort of ‘climate-change-for-dummies’. It is more style than substance, to be sure, but the paper does crawl up to a bottom line. A carbon tax is on the horizon for Ontario!

Green house gasses A

There is a direct connection between this picture and the one on the right.

Ice berg - green house gas

What does a person who cares about the environment and is prepared to pay to preserve the plant we live on do to keep the northern environment?

Carbon taxes are anathema to our federal government. We recall how Mr. Harper shredded Liberal leader Dion for making a carbon tax the centerpiece of his election campaign a few years ago. And Harper, we know, had spent his earlier days as a climate change denier, though today, as PM, he has to give some lip service to the phenomenon. Besides he is the man who has never seen a tax he liked.

But that isn’t how the nation’s provincial jurisdictions see it. Gordon Campbell may have come from the same place as Harper when he first came into power in B.C. several years ago, but he quickly came to understand the issue. Performing an almost perfect 180 degree back-flip, his government became seriously committed to the environment, and climate change in particular. And the centerpiece of his program was a ‘revenue neutral’ carbon tax. In turn, the B.C. public has vindicated his decision and endorsed the tax by supporting the Liberals at the polls.

Quebec also has a carbon tax and Alberta has a ‘cap-and-trade’ emissions trading regime, which works as a kind-of carbon tax. Ontario has been toying with the idea of joining a couple of US state-led emissions trading initiatives, or starting its own emission trading program. But unlike some other provinces, Ontario is still standing by the water’s edge with one foot in the water in this regard.

Not that anyone should dare criticize Ontario for lack of action. The province didn’t need a carbon tax or cap-and-trade program to score the most impressive GHG reductions in North America. While emissions have increased in most of the other provinces, and soared in Alberta, Ontario’s emissions plummeted to 6% below its 1990 levels. Had every other province followed Ontario’s lead, Canada would have been able to meet its Kyoto international obligations instead of throwing up our hands and becoming the first nation to withdraw from the global treaty.

If you can’t get the puck into the net you might try moving the goal posts. That has been Canada’s approach to defending climate change inaction with this PM, who, in fact, has a book on hockey to his name. But moving the milestones to 2007 just makes Ontario’s performance look better with an impressive 17% reduction.

So if Ontario is already the most valuable player in the league, why do we need a carbon tax? Cynics might speculate that the provincial government is just looking for a new ‘cash cow’ to reduce the provincial deficit and debt. And as to a new tax – well it’s a bit like Molière’s ‘bourgeois gentilhomme’, who striving to become a gentleman and speak in prose, finally realizes that he’d been speaking it all his life.

For example, our healthy electricity rates reflect the shift away from lower cost dirty coal. Isn’t that a carbon tax by another name. And aren’t the HST and federal excise tax, charged per litre at the petrol pump, just a carbon tax by another name? How would a new carbon tax be any different? In the end B.C. and Quebec’s fancy carbon taxes amounted to not much more than jacking up consumer costs at the pump.

File picture of gas fired power station at sunset in Minsk

It might be a nice photograph – but it is not by any stretch of the imagination a pretty picture.

The theory behind the carbon tax is that it dis-incents the use of fossil fuels, and the consequent release of emissions. Sales taxes are consumption taxes. They discourage consumption so they are good tools from that perspective, as we have seen with declining tobacco sales. But sales taxes, like the HST, are not without their consequences.

It’s called the income effect. Consumption taxes hurt lower income tax payers more that those who are well endowed. This inequity has earned sales taxes, also called indirect taxes, the title of ‘regressive’ as opposed to ‘progressive’ – which is what economists call income or inheritance taxes. Progressive taxes are more socially equitable since one pays taxes in keeping with one’s ability to pay.

B.C.’s effort at ‘revenue neutrality’ trades off consumption taxes for income taxes and inevitably hurts lower income residents, notwithstanding its overall popularity. Those wondering why the wealth spread between the rich and the poor in this country has sky-rocketed over the last couple of decades need only to look at Brian Mulroney’s trade-off between introducing the GST and reducing progressive income taxation.

For a carbon tax to be effective, there need to be alternatives to fossil fuels. The public needs to have the means to shift to public transportation and/or afford and accept the myriad of emerging electric and hybrid vehicles. Further, any such tax has to be big enough to catch people’s attention, so they’ll seriously consider making the shift from the status quo. Otherwise they might as well continue driving that guzzler, grumbling about the high costs and voting for the other political party at the next election.

Having been cultured for over two decades on the evils of taxation, Ontario residents can be expected to resist the imposition of a new carbon tax. However B.C. has shown that making the the new tax revenue-neutral can induce public acceptance. And this acceptability can be enhanced by demonstrating that the proceeds of the tax have been applied to furthering emissions reductions, not simply taken as another tax grab to get dumped into the provincial treasury.

It is not everyday that a government anticipating a new tax, invites broad public participation in helping it make that decision. The links below include access to the discussion paper as well as other background. It behooves us to respond to this invitation by the Wynne government, a government that has shown itself to be inclined to action, rather than just philosophizing.

Climate change is a serious matter with potentially dangerous outcomes, regardless of how much today’s weather may have seduced us into inertia. We owe it to the next generation to participate.


Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran as a Liberal against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province.

Background links:

Climate Change       Consultations      Climate Change Paper      Carbon Tax

Carbon Tax and Keystone     Quebec’s Carbon Tax      More Carbon Tax

Fuel Taxes     Moliere

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Province's lottery and gambling arm are hoping to secure up to $375 million in additional profits in the next five years

News 100 blueBy Edmund Anderson

March 6, 2015


For many sports and gambling enthusiasts, new games and new ways to win big are now being offered . In Ontario, betting and gambling are overseen by OLG and PlayOLG is the brand new official site where residents of this province can do all their online gambling including sports betting. It is secure and legal and perfect for those that want to gamble from the comfort of their own home.

OLG offers a number of online gambling options and they are set to add more in the future including peer-to-peer poker, bingo, sports betting and more. This brand new site opened its doors in early January 2015 and it provides the government with another opportunity to expand their revenue from gambling.

Play OLGBy launching this brand new online gambling website, the OLG is hoping to tap into the estimated $400 million that Ontario gamblers are spending annually on international sites. They are hoping to secure up to $375 million in additional profits in the next five years. Ontario now joins British Columbia, Manitoba, Quebec and all of the Atlantic Provinces in offering online gambling and casino style games to their residents. Players at PlayOLG will be able to set their own wagering limits up to $9,999 per week. They must be at least 18 years of age and must be an Ontario resident and play within the province.

Sports Betting in Ontario
The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is operated by the provincial government of Ontario and they offer the only legal Canadian based online sports gambling for residents of Ontario. Ontario is home to no less than four major league sports teams and Toronto is rumored to eventually be the host for Canada’s first ever NFL football team. The major sports teams are the Maple Leafs in the NHL, the Blue Jays in the MLB, The Raptors in the NBA, and the Toronto FC in the MLS. With this in mind, it is easy to see why sports betting is very popular in Ontario. The OLG has recently made Pro-Line betting services available online which is great news for sports betting fans who like to place their wagers online.

OLG’s Pro-Line online sports betting website is available to all Ontario residents over the age of 18 and here you will find all the days listed events, links to the sports offered and the lines for these events. The Pro-Line betting grid lists available betting options and you will need to make your selections and then print out your betting slip. The betting options available are very limited especially when you compare these to international online sports betting websites. The Pro-Line bets are comprised of picking 3-6 outcomes and that is it. They also offer Point Spread and Pro Picks but it still doesn’t compare to the international sites.

Canada’s Legal Sports betting Bill – C290
With current Canadian gambling laws, parlays are the only way that Canadian residents can place a wager. If you are a serious gambling this means you will be limited and it is why many sports betting fans choose to use international sites.

Here they can place whatever bets they want. The parlay rule has been subject to a lot of debate over recent years and many Canadians are hoping that the C290 bill will get passed. It has been tied up in the senate for a long time now and once passed this will remove the parlay wager rule and allow Canadians to bet on single game results and so much more. For sporting fans this will be a very welcome change as it will allow them to bet on single results such as the NFL final, football, and so much more.

So far we still don’t know when this bill will be passed or even if it will be passed and because of this, Canadians are doing their sports betting elsewhere and opting to use international websites that allow bets from Canadian gamblers. The downside to this, is that the government is losing out on massive revenues each year and this is the argument for the passing of the C290 bill as once passed, these revenues can be kept in Canada and pumped back into Ontario’s economy.

Legal betting and online gambling in Ontario is done through OLG and their provincially run website PlayOLG is for residents of this province only. There are advantages to this in that you know that everything you do is legal and the site is safe. The disadvantages of course are that you are only playing against residents of Ontario and the jackpots up for grabs aren’t as big as those offered by huge international websites. If you are planning on placing wagers on sporting events this year, including the NFL’s Superbowl final or this year’s Stanley Cup final, then like many others, you will be hoping the C290 bill issue is resolved sooner rather than later.

You can read about the NFL final predictions and what sites are offering the best odds so that you know where to place your wagers for the best return. There is also valuable information for those who will be placing parlay bets too.

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It’s these controversial issues where you can publicly call out the Mayor, Council, or Councillors.

News 100 redBy Tom Muir

March 6, 2015


Hard to disagree that the present delegation process isn’t much of an accountability mechanism, but nobody ever said it was easy. What you seem to suggest is giving up. Apathy is how we got to where we are.

The point is that you can delegate and say whatever you want, and demand answers in the Council chambers. You can raise an issue and target a Councillor or whoever as the wrongdoer. You can band together and make a louder noise. You can’t do that at any other level of government.

Keep in mind that a lot of Council business is repetitive and officially mandated by law. It’s not always a big deal that creates issues that arouse people.

As a Standing Committee chair, Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven is as good as it gets.  Handling delegations and accepting the ideas of other people - not as good.  But he wins elections.

As a Standing Committee chair, Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven WAS as good as it gets. Handling delegations and accepting the ideas of other people – not as good. But he wins elections. Craven and Tom Muir tangle frequently.

It’s these controversial issues where you can publicly call out the Mayor, Council, or Councillors, whoever you see as the guilty party. Gang up on them with your fellows.

What we really need is the major press and media to get involved in a bigger way. The Gazette here is really the only voice on what goes on at City Hall, in an otherwise large vacuum. The other media are part of the lack of accountability.

You either get in the citizen boat and row, or drown.

William James, the philosopher, once said, “Act as if what you are doing makes a difference – it does.”

Tom Muir is an Aldershot resident who has delegated frequently at city hall – he doesn’t back down. He commented on the delegation process in Burlington. Click on the link


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Proposed provincial changes to the Planning Act might help Burlington transit and bring an end to five years reviews of the Official Plan

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

March 5, 2015


Ontario is proposing reforms to the Planning Act and the Development Charges Act that would give residents a greater say in how their communities grow and would provide more opportunities to fund community services like transit and recycling.

At some point all the data and all the public input gets placed in front of Burlington's Planner, Bruce Kruselniiki - who will issue a report and city council will make decisions.  Creating the downtown the city wants and needs has not been an easy process for Burlington.

City planner Bruce Bruce Krushelnicki will undoubtedly applaud the proposal the have Official Plan Reviews done every ten years instead of the current five.

The proposed Planning Act changes, if passed, would:

Ensure residents are better consulted at the beginning of the planning process for new developments.
Encourage residents to provide feedback on the future of their communities.
Help municipalities resolve potential planning disputes earlier, reducing involvement of the Ontario Municipal Board in local disputes.
Extend the review of new municipal official plans to 10 years, instead of the current five-year cycle.

Bfast Transit group logoIf passed the Bfast people (Burlington for Accessible Transit) will burst with Joy! – and probably have to have Pacemakers installed to still their beating hearts.

Burlington has always had a confusing relationship with transit – most people don’t use it – and council doesn’t like spending for a service that isn’t used all that much

Changes to the Development Charges Act, if passed, would:

Help municipalities recover costs for transit services and waste diversion.
Create clear reporting requirements for capital projects municipalities financed though development charges, as well as section 37 of the Planning Act related to density bonusing and parkland dedication.

Working groups of stakeholders will review and consider further more complex land use planning and development charges issues, and propose solutions.

The proposed amendments are based on input from across Ontario including more than 20 public workshops and stakeholder meetings held from October 2013 to January 2014.

More than 1,200 submissions on the land use planning and appeal system, and the development charges system were received during the reviews.
Approximately 200 of Ontario’s 444 municipalities use development charges.

Bus station 1

Province appears to want more public input on transit decisions – might mean crating a new transit Advisory Committee. We scrapped the one we had.

The announcement from the provincial government this morning are proposals that will have to be debated and it will take some time for them to work their way into the way business is done in the province.  If passed they have the potential to make significant changes in the way transit development gets done and the rile the public can play.

The question left hanging for Burlington on this one is:  Will we have our Official Plan revised and voted on before the province makes these proposals law?

Ten years between Official Plan reviews must have resulted in huge sighs of relief in the city’s planning department.





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Air Park issues; employment lands and a twenty year tax projections that gives nothing but indigestion. Burlington gets ready to welcome a new city manager.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

March 5, 2015


One would hope that a health club benefit is one of the perks that James Ridge negotiated when he met with the Human Resources people to negotiate his contract – he is going to need to ensure that his stamina is in top form.

M~ SUN0117N SLID E.jpg

James Ridge – what kind of an administrative structure will he create?

A number of files have been put on hold until he gets himself a chair to put behind the desk he will use. It will be interesting to see if Ridge goes the route that Jeff Fielding took when he moved from the 8th floor where he was a walk across the hall from the Mayor to the 6th floor where he was right in with his team.

That’s a pretty small team at this point. Scott Stewart turns out to be the only man on deck.

Fielding, a city manager who can be tough when he has to be.  His experience will allow him to mentor a team that can be grown and at the same time address the problem with all the "acting" staff positions.

Fielding, a city manager who excited staff and taught them how to rise up to almost any challenge. But he didn’t stay long enough to make a real mark – there are however going to be some stains.

While Council members have had several interviews with Ridge, these were job interviews and the dynamic of that kind of a relationship is different. Ridge will have wanted to impress them and at the same time get the measure of the council he is going to serve.

Council members will have wanted to individually get the measure of the man and determine how their individual agendas might be advanced.
Given the style and ideological split on this Council Ridge will have figured out what he has to work with and for.

There are a number of significant files that are on hold until he arrives – officially that is set as March 23, 2015.

A Workshop that was planned on the “Alignment and Collaboration on Employment Lands” has been moved back to late May or June.


Getting tough, tough about compliance with the Site Plan bylaw will occupy the new city managers for a time – bigger decision to be made is what role does an air park play in the city’s longer term economic development plans. No one at city hall believes they can work with the air park owner.

There are some tough decisions to be made on the Air Park. The city is believed to be ready to use the authority the courts have given them to enforce the Site Plan bylaw. There are property owners along Appleby Line that are watching this with great interest. The pain on this one is going to be shared.

Emotions are running very high in at least one household.

Burlington has land that is designated for employment use – many in the real estate field believe that some of that land is much more suited to residential use – which is music to the ears of the developers that own the land.

Burlington has some very important decisions to make. The Fielding approach was to make all kinds of side deals – at least one of those is going to come back and bite this council in the backside.

Burlington is struggling to find just the right balance between residential and commercial and then figure out how we manage the very large seniors’ population we are going to have.

The politicians talk about how well they are going to take care of that seniors’ population – those people vote.

Frank McKeough, former Chief of Staff to MAyor Rick Goldring asked about how politicians can handle complex issues when voters tend not to be informed and don't have the background needed to arrive at decisions.

Frank McKeown, former Chief of Staff to Mayor Rick Goldring now runs the Economic Development Corporation. His objectives don’t fit all that well with a growing seniors population that will require more in the way of services. Making Burlington a high-tech haven and a seniors heaven is going to be a challenge.

Frank McKeown now runs the Economic Development Corporation – he isn’t comfortable with the idea of Burlington being seen as a seniors heaven; that doesn’t jive very well with a vision of a city that has loads of high-tech talent and is one of the most pleasant and safest places to live – expensive perhaps but the high tech field pays very well.

James Ridge and his wife are going to take four days to drive from Vancouver to Burlington with heir four pets in the car. One can imagine the conversations that will take place – between the husband and wife – we don’t believe the pets talk.

Staff know next to nothing about the man who is going to lead the administrative side of the city. Ridge will want to determine as quickly as he can what he has in the way of bench strength and figure out what he wants in the way of a senior level administrative structure. Right now many of the eggs are in Stewart’s basket.

During the early Goldring first term there were three General Managers. That got whittled down to two with the working relationship with one of those two less than sterling.

Roman Martiuk was the City Manager at the time; he wasn’t able to form the kind of working relationship Goldring wanted and after just over two years Martiuk moved on – ok he was pushed out.

Goldring himself had a very difficult first two years getting the hang of the job for which he wasn’t all that well prepared. His wisest move was bringing Frank McKeown in as Chief of Staff but that didn’t last.

Fielding’s octane level was far too high for this council. Time will show just how rough shod he ran over this council.

Besides the Air Park matter and the decisions to be made on what we do with the employment land we have there is a document that sets out what taxes could look like twenty years out. It is not a pretty picture.

Welcome to Burlington James Ridge!

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Developing talent, discovering opportunities; techies under 20 to strut their stuff at the AGB

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

March 3, 2015


Employers need to continuously develop new talent, acquire new skills, and be open to fresh insights and ideas.

Tech Under 20’s need hands-on work experience that will strengthen their resumes and take their skills and careers to the next level.

These two groups need to meet each other – which is part of what Silicon Halton is trying to do with their Meet Up at the Art Gallery of Burlington March 10  at 7 in the evening.

A team of teens and adult mentors are working together on this meet up, inviting local Employers and Tech Under 20’s to present ideas and discuss the importance of Tech Internships to the ongoing growth and success of all types of businesses in the region.


The technically trained students are showing us a different world. There are forms are as different as their thinking.

On the agenda are:

Tech-focused students who have recently completed internships and are looking for new opportunities’
Employers who have recently offered (or are looking to fill) tech-focused internships in Halton’
Government program representatives with information about funding (for employers) and opportunities (for students / grads).
Discussion after the presentations on helping Silicon Halton develop a new Tech Internship Program for the region.


Oleg L.
Grade 12 student, Oakville
Sofware developer
INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE: Recently completed a semester-long co-op with a software company that led to a full time summer job offer.
TOPIC: Oleg will discuss how demonstrating a high level of skill and commitment during a short term co-op can lead to extended opportunities with an employer.

Amanda R.
1st year UWaterloo
Honors Mechatronics program
Schulich Leader scholarship winner
INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE: After competing in robotics competitions for 6 years and volunteering in Lego robotics since 2011, she is currently working on her first co-op placement as an Automation Engineer at Camcor Manufacturing, Linamar
TOPIC: Amanda will discuss the importance of networking before, during and after internships and co-op programs.

Ella R.
Grade 12 student, Oakville
Competitive robotics software developer, autonomous programmer & on-field strategist
INTERSHIP EXPERIENCE: Completed a Thermal and Nuclear Internship with Hatch Inc. last summer.
TOPIC: Ella will discuss how her internship opened her eyes to the variety of roles available on engineering teams in a large company setting.

Eddie S.
Grade 12 student, Milton
Competitive robot designer, build team leader & on-field strategist
INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE: Eddie hasn’t taken part in an internship program yet, but want to learn more about opportunities related to engineering and design.
TOPIC: Eddie has advanced skills in design, engineering and robot fabrication, but he is unsure of where to turn for information on internships that would suit his interests and future career development.

Sam R.
1st year student at OCAD University
Majoring in Graphic Design
INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE: Completed a communications internship with Appleby College two years ago that led to a paid, full time position with their communications team the following summer.
TOPIC: Sam will discuss how his technical and creative skills in graphic design and digital photography were expanded while meeting the needs of the internship, and how he benefited from the responsibility and creative freedom provided by both the internship and full-time summer positions.
LOOKING FOR: Sam is interested in working with organizations that will stretch his technical and creative skills further, while providing opportunities to continuing developing his portfolio of graphic design, photography, videography and motion graphics work.

Tom Murad – Ph.D., P.Eng., F.E.C., SM.IEEE; Head of Siemens Engineering & Technology Academy, Siemens Canada Limited

Vincent Hamel; Manager, Electro-Optical Engineering, L-3 Wescan

Ian Small; General Manager, AudioBooks

Mark Arteaga; President, RedBit Development
Mark will discuss “what we look for when we hire”.

Government organizations that have funding available will also be on hand.

Sandra Nuhn: Manager, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Halton Region
Sandra will highlight two young entrepreneur programs that the Halton Region Small Business Centre is delivering in the Region.
Summer Company: Provides hands-one business training and mentorship, with awards of up to $3,000 to help enterprising students between the ages of 15 – 29 start and run their own summer business.
Starter Company: provides training, mentorship and the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to $5,000 to youth between the ages of 18 – 29 to start, grow or buy a small business.

Kimberly Neale
Integrated Job Developer, Employment Services, Halton Region
Kimberly will highlight free employment services, programs and training incentives available to employers & job seekers in Halton Region. She will provide information / updates on Ontario’s Youth Employment Program, the Youth Job Strategy and Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant.

Sabrina Essner
Program Lead, Halton E-Mentoring & Newcomer Strategy, Halton Region
Halton Region is a welcoming, inclusive and supportive community. Sabrina will discuss the launch of Halton Region’s E-Mentoring program, community value and how to participate.

Registration can be done at Eventbrite


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Mayor expected to announce a new Chief of Staff - took long enough.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

March 2, 2015


Finally – the Mayor is going to have a Chief of Staff – not sure if Brian Kelly will be given that title – his background appears to be in government relations – where he worked at McMaster and York University

The Mayor has been without a Chief of Staff since Jackie Isada left the Mayor’s office to do government relations work for McMaster University.

Kelly has some politics under his belt he ran in Hamilton where he got 172 voters placing 9th in a field of 15 candidates.

BrianKellyHe has a pedigree that is stronger than the Mayor’s except for one thing – the Mayor has won a number of elections.
We can expect an announcement out of city hall in the near future – we understand Kelly is due to pick up his business cards sometime next week
As for the pedigree – it’s extensive:

Advisor, Government Relations, Office of the President, York University – July 2012 – Present (2 years 9 months)Toronto

Candidate for municipal office; City of Hamilton – July 2014 – October 2014 (4 months)Hamilton

Principal: Brian Kelly Consulting. 2011 – July 2012 (1 year)Hamilton, Ontario

Expertise in federal, provincial and municipal government relations

Senior Advisor to the President on Government Relations, McMaster University
2007 – 2011 (4 years)Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Vice President: Public Affairs Strategy Group, 1998 – 2007 (9 years)Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Director of Government Relations: AT&T Corporation, 1995 – 1998 (3 years) Ottawa, Canada Area

UPS: Manager of Government Affairs, 1992 – 1995 (3 years) Toronto, Canada Area

Nortel Networks, Manager of Environmental Affairs, Director of Government Affairs
1988 – 1992 (4 years) Toronto, Ottawa, Ontario

Manager of Government Relations and Environmental Affairs: Bell Canada, 1986 – 1988 (2 years) Toronto, Canada Area

Regional Manager for Eastern Canada, Canadian Printing Industries Association, 1984 – 1986 (2 years) Toronto

Manager: Environment Canada, Acid Rain Office, 1984 – 1984 (less than a year) Toronto, Canada Area

Special Assistant to the Minister; Department of National Defence/ Department of Public Works
1980 – 1984 (4 years) Ottawa.

Senior consultant in public policy and government relations serving clients in the private sector, industry associations, quasi-public sector and non-profits – clients served include: Vancouver Port Authority; AT&T Corp; Baxter Corp; Hydro Quebec; Fairmont Hotels; Bio-Rad Laboratories; Canadian Electricity Association; InterVISTAS; Canadian Cancer Society; Cogeco Cable.

Kelly has been around. He told voters in Hamilton that the “city needs to play nice with the province” when he was running for office – words that certainly must have made Mayor Goldring’s ears perk up.

Kelly placed 9th in a field of xx candidates – talking 2.46% of the vote with 172 ballots.

Kelly will not be telling Goldring how to win elections.

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New event for Ontario artist's to offer their wares in Burlington waiting for council approval.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

March 2, 2015


At the beginning of each meeting of the city Councillors the Chair asks if there are any declarations of interest. Ward 4 Councillor Jack Dennison frequently has to declare an interest because his sports club operations provide recreational services to the city.

A declaration of interest prevents a member of council from voting for anything that he or she stands to benefit from. Other than that – it’s all pretty tame stuff.

A question cropped up at the Development and Infrastructure Standing Committee this afternoon when it looked as if ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman was in the process of getting himself into a conflict when he suggested that Lori McDonald spend some time in his part of town.

Artfest BurlingtonLori MacDonald is the woman who wants to bring ArtFest to Burlington for a three day gig she wants to hold on Old Lakeshore Road.
The dates for the event are May 29-31 – which happens to coincide with the Car Free Sunday that is sponsored by Councillors Dennison and Sharman using the $10,000 the pinched from the city budget

Mayor Goldring wanted to know if the organization could “pull this off” with the time they have. MacDonald sounded confident and she seems to have much of the hard early stage work done. There are a couple of hair dressers on Old Lakeshore that are concerned about their clients getting into their shop.

MacDonald has been working on this project since October but hasn’t been able to say anything about it until Council had given it a nod.

Artfest Ontario is MacDonald’s company – which she owns runs. She has been in the art development business for some time – got into creating Artfest when she took on the development of an art show at the Distillery District in Toronto.

She used to do three a year in Toronto but is cut back to one due to the Pan Am Games. She has run an Artfest in Kingston for the past three years and is looking forward to getting something going in Burlington.

She really wanted to be at Spencer Smith Park but that wasn’t possible.

Artfest layout of space

The tents will be set up along Old Lakeshore Road ans in the Emmas Back Porch parking lot.

The old Burlington Art Centre (now the Art Gallery of Burlington) used to run an outdoor art show but after a couple of really bad years due to weather for the most part gave up on the project which created an opening for MacDonald

She expect to set up more than 100 10 x 10 foot tents along Old Lakeshore where she is getting great cooperation from Craig Kowalchuk at Emmas Back Porch who has turned his large parking lot over to the Artfest.

Council will give the go on this, if that is their wish, March 23rd.

In the meantime Sharman will be doing his best to coax Lori MacDonald to ply her trade at Sherwood Forest Park during the Car Free Sunday May 31st.

I could have sworn I saw Paul Sharman wink at MacDonald while she was giving her delegation

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Rivers would like to see the Ukraine manufacturing tractors - doubts this is going to happen in the near future.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

March 2, 2015



Marina book on Ukranian tractors

That title has to be taken tongue in cheek.

British author Maria Lewycka provides a valuable look into Ukrainian society through her charming novel about Ukrainian tractors. Although trade between Russia and Ukraine has pretty much come to a halt, except Russian gas, following Russia’s invasion, the economies of the two countries had been closely intertwined during the days of the USSR. As ironic as it seems today, Ukraine had been a major provider of military equipment for the Soviet block, including rocket and helicopter engines, and even tanks (tractors in the book).

At the moment it is like watching a school-yard bully kick the crap out of a smaller kid and steal his lunch money. And we in the west are holding a ring-side seat, frozen by the obscene spectacle and hoping, in vain, that the irrational aggressor will come to his senses. Having expressed our concerns and imposed some mild sanctions to ease our guilt, we find ourselves shouting words of encouragement from the sidelines but are hesitant to help with significant material substance.

Similarities to Germany’s 1938 invasion of Czechoslovakia are eerie. Russia, unable to control its lesser neighbour, has invaded on the flimsy and false pretext of protecting the linguistic rights of Russian speakers there. But in this the truth lies somewhere else. The cunning Vlad Putin is either unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, or is so bent on aggression against his neighbour that it doesn’t matter.

It might look as if Russia’s invasion was part of a greater long term strategy, which recent evidence shows it was. Back over a year ago there were rumours of Russian parliamentarians exploring Hungarian and Polish interest in the division of Ukraine – in the spirit of Stalin and Hitler’s pact to divide Europe between them (Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact).

The former Ukrainian president Yanukovych, elected in 2010, was essentially Putin’s puppet. He ran down the military and the economy, making the country vulnerable and weak, and ripe for the ensuing aggression. Under Kremlin pressure he cancelled plans for the Ukraine to join the EU, which ordinary Ukrainians had regarded as their last hope of rescuing their failing economy and ending corruption.

When the people protested, he called on Putin to help him. And Putin apparently complied providing sharpshooters who killed over a hundred of the protesters. Then fearing for his life and having lost his moral authority in parliament, by even his own party, Yanukovych fled to Russia, taking the federal treasury ($40 billion) with him. Interpol has recently issued a warrant for his arrest.

Russian troops invading Crimea

Crack Russian troops invading the Crimea.

While Ukrainian parliamentarians were sorting out how to govern, and with the conclusion of the Sochi Olympics, Putin made his move. First he invaded and annexed Crimea and then moved into eastern Ukraine. As the recovering Ukrainian army was in the process of expelling the pro-Russian forces in the east last summer, Putin uncloaked his military might, sending in his crack troops, modern tanks and advanced weapon systems to defeat them.

A desperate Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire freezing battle lines (Minsk). However, the Russian president, despite all his denials, ignored every aspect of the agreement. He continued to send more troops and advanced weapons to ensure that the out-gunned Ukrainians would not be able to retake pro-Russian seized territory, and allowing his forces to continue grabbing more land.

Then there is the matter of the Russian missile which knocked down a Malaysian airliner last summer, killing all 300 people on board (including a Canadian). Since the rest of the world seems impotent to deal with this event, it will likely require legal action by the aggrieved victims’ families to register some measure of accountability. And there is now evidence that Putin’s people have been conducting a terrorist campaign, planting bombs all over Ukraine, including at a recent peace march.

Putin has been jailing or exiling all of his political opponents over the last few years, as he has steadily moved Russia back towards autocracy. On Friday his most effective opponent, in fact his once former deputy prime minister, was gunned down in a professional assassination – reminiscent of KGB contract killings.

Vladimir Putin’s Russia is the antithesis of the way we in the west believe a major military power should behave. Yet nobody is prepared to stand up to him in any meaningful way – in any way that might change his behaviour. Putin told the west that sanctions would not work and they haven’t. Yes, sanctions and lower oil prices have hurt the Russian economy, but Putin is not going to be swayed by economics.

Canada has received more Ukrainian immigrants than anywhere else outside of Russia.Putin won’t stop until he is stopped. Ukrainians know this but nobody else seems to get it. Obama, Merkel, Hollande, and even our own Harper, keep saying that there is no ‘military solution’ to the crisis. But they couldn’t be more wrong, as events have shown. The former KGB agent is all about his military might. To get his attention he needs to believe that his military could fail to meet its objectives. Negotiating terms with Putin is a one way street, with the traffic going only in his direction. Call this kind of negotiation what it is – appeasement.

Appeasement failed to stop Hitler in 1938 (Neville Chamberlain in Munich) and it will not work in Ukraine (Minsk). Ukraine has asked the west to supply it with modern weapons to defend itself against Russia’s unprovoked military aggression. Ukraine is in the process of a massive mobilization of its youth, but needs training and modern weapons for its conscripts to be able to defend themselves. We in the west, including Canada, have that technology in spades.

Ukranian tractors

Ukraine became a source of agriculture for the |Soviet Union and Europe. They were never quite as good as the Massey Ferguson tractors Toronto factories shipped to farms throughout Western Canada

Canada has always had a special relationship with the Ukraine. After all this country has received more Ukrainian immigrants than anywhere else outside of Russia. Ukrainian-Canadians have recently been coming out to help the country of their heritage, including joining troops on the front line against the pro-Russian military forces.

Ukrainian-Canadians know we have the ability to supply the training and arms that Ukraine needs, or that we should be able to help influence other nations to move in that direction. There is no partisanship here. Every single Canadian government has supported Ukraine’s struggle for independence, including making us the first nation to recognize the new country after the breakup of the USSR.

Stephen Harper has been among the most vocal anywhere in defending the sovereignty of Ukraine. We have offered some financial assistance and some non-lethal military supplies. But our Ukrainian Canadians, who have become some of the PM’s staunchest supporters, know that we can and should do much more.

Rivers-direct-into-camera1-173x300Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran as a Liberal against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. Rivers describes himself “as of Ukrainian extraction”.


Background links:

Ukrainian Tractors     Soviet-Nazi pact     Invasion Strategy     Appeasement Failure

Breaking the Ceasefire     Breaking the Truce      Mis-reading Putin     Need for Weapons    Putin

Full Scale War     Russian Contract Killing     Russian Terrorism     Putin’s Plans     Canada’s Role

Price of Appeasement

Canadians in Ukraine     Canadian Persuasion

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Delegating at city hall is an art - you have to push to hold council accountable for what they do.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

March 3. 2015


It is when people can appear before those they have elected and have an open dialogue; an exchange of ideas and concerns that the democratic process works at its best and the way it was supposed to work.

Burlington is not there yet.

Back in 2010 when the Shape Burlington report was published, it was a document put together by former Mayor Walter Mulkewich and the late John Boich. Boich was very close to then Mayor Cam Jackson – he ran his 2010 election campaign.

Jackson created the advisory group to produce a report to take away some of the heat he was getting from disgruntled citizens who were beginning to realize there were real problems with the pier.

Crane working at the pier site topples.  Proves to be the pont at which problms with the design became evident.

Crane working at the pier site topples. Proves to be the point at which problems with the design became evident.

By this time the crane accident had taken place and things were beginning to smell. Law suits were threatened and writs were issued and everyone was off to meet with a judge.

City hall found their collective noses were a little out of joint when the Shape Burlington report was given to Jackson. They felt the report had slammed them, if ever so slightly.

Many people were unhappy with the treatment they were getting from the office of the Clerk.

In the municipal world – the Clerk is a major player. Both the Mayor and the Clerk must together sign each by law that is passed by Council – without the signature of the Clerk – the bylaw isn’t legal.


City Clerk Angela Morgan; has been with the city for more than 25 years.  Doesn’t live in Burlington.

Council cannot meet officially without the Clerk being in the room. In closed sessions it is the Clerk who is in place to keep everyone on the straight and narrow. The Gazette has it from more than one source that Burlington’s city Clerk has had to be quite vocal and direct with Council when it is in Closed Session in the past. The Clerk or the chair of the Standing Committee has to read out a statement setting out why a council or a committee is going into a Closed Session and then ensure that the discussion is directly relevant to the reason for going private.

Both city staff and Council members are sworn to secrecy but it is possible to put together a collection of comments to get a sense of how your Council behaves in closed sessions.

In a related article we write about the comments made by the WHO that recently completed an investigation into a complaint from the Burlington Waterfront Committee (BWF) on what did get discussed in a Closed Session on the sale of lake front land between Market and St. Paul Streets south of Lakeshore Road.

BWF people have delegated a number of times on this matter. That group of people is fortunate to have people who delegate very clearly and have their facts well set out. There was an unfortunate occasion when Gary Scobie was delegating on the sale of the Water Street property and Councillor Sharman asked how his Water Street views squared with his views on the Beachway.

Sharman had introduced a totally different subject and put Scobie off his stride. Fortunately for Sharman Scobie was too polite to call Sharman to account for that old political stunt of changing the subject


Monte Dennis delegates frequently – ask him what he thinks of this council and the way it responds to delegations.

Delegating is an art. The way people delegate in Burlington is set out in the procedural bylaw which most people aren’t even aware of. It is the Clerk’s job to ensure that the bylaw is enforced.

It should also be her job to take steps to ensure that the public is fully aware of the bylaw and take some initiative to ensure the public is educated.
Burlington’s Clerk focuses on enforcement.

Recently a long time Burlington resident wrote us about delegating – how it can be done to be effective

“I have had a delegation or two that was not on the agenda” our source said. “You have to ask or tell the Clerk that you want to speak, and what about. Do this with skill and thoughtfulness.”

Our source had delegated multiple times on a matter that he had put on the agenda. The individual reminded us that ”you were there, and eventually came to my house for a chat about it”.

“I was very insistent about my right to speak”, said the source “although you may have to wait for a meeting date if the next Committee meeting has a full agenda already. The web site directions for delegations allows for this, it’s just more trouble. You just have to push.

Gary Scobie

Gary Scobie has delegated frequently; is always well prepared – but can seldom get this council to agree with some of the exceptionally good points he makes

“I was told by an ex-mayor that they can’t just stop you, but it’s not straightforward as when you are speaking to an agenda item.

“It also helps to be imaginative about how what you want to say might fit into an existing agenda. For example, the just completed budget process provided an opportunity to position the issue as a budget accountability, business case matter, where the delegate would ask about how this expenditure would fit in.

“The Strategic Planning process might provide another item – the question being how does this property deal fit into the city strategic thinking, and what kind of business case was proposed.

“Imagination and tact, with rational evidence based arguments are needed. It takes time and planning.”

Indeed it does – but it can be done – and when done effectively changes can be made.

Meed Ward talks - always has, always will.  Was shutting her down in a public session with no notice the best way to do this?

Councillor Marianne Meed Ward used delegations to propel her way into public office.  She is one of the few that probes and asks questions of the delegators.

It is interesting to note that in Committee of the whole meetings, which are not broadcast, the dialogue between staff and council is very open and very healthy. There is mutual respect most of the time – not always.

That same level of respect isn’t nearly as evident when voters, taxpayers, the people to whom elected officials are accountable to – the same people who consistently say it is an honour and a privilege to serve the public.

Evidence of that honour and privilege is not evident at city hall much of the time.

Our source wrote the Gazette to comment on some of the comments that were appearing.
“I went back and looked at the story again’, he said “and saw that I had commented twice, both suggesting action on the part of the commenters.

“My take in both cases, and similar ones, is that the commenters don’t seem willing to call the mayor or Councillor, or whoever, to account for the issue raised. You have to go to city hall, as a delegation, and demand an explanation. That’s the only way to seek accountability. You have to call them out.”

“The commenters either can’t be bothered, are too lazy, or have no case. Or they like the system the way it is in case they get in power and can act the same unaccountable way.”

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Beachway back in the news - what's up?

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 28, 2015



For some reason the Burlington Beachway seems to be making the news

Clothing was found in a pile in Beachway PArk - police seached land and water - no body recovered and no missing report filed.

The community used to straddle the railway line that ran beside the lake – it once had more than 200 homes.  Today there are just 30 left and they aren’t at all interested in selling or moving.


Councillor Meed Ward was interviewed on Cogeco Community television and mention was made of the very unsatisfied residents who felt they were not going to ever see the true equity in their homes.

That led Cogeco reporter Krista Sharpe to getting out into the community with her camera and asking questions.

Sharpe met Helen Skinner who has very strong opinions on what the Region and the City are doing to the Beachway community and has never been at a loss for words.

Form your own opinion – listen to Cogeco.

Beachway 1011 sold for $600k

The Region budgeted as much as $400,000 to buy |Beachway homes – this one was sold for $600,000 with the owner given the right to remain in the building for two years.

What the public hasn’t been told all that much about is the work going on within the Burlington Parks and Recreation department – they are the people doing at least the early part of the design work of the proposed park.

The Beachway issue is: what kind of a community does the public want?   The public is vaguely aware that the Region is prepared to buy the homes and if what Craven has to say is true they are actively “courting”‘ those home owners – you could say they are picking them off one by one.  What the  general public really isn’t clued into is what will eventually happen to the Beachway if the Regional policy gets carried out.

Councillor Craven says the home owners are not being pushed out and that they have been kept fully informed – that’s not the view one gets from council candidate Katherine Henshell who says that because of the zoning and the prospect of homes being tied up in red tape – residents can’t find willing buyers – and that depresses the value of their homes.

Henshell argues that the only buyer is the Region

That might be the case but the Region estimated the houses could be bought for about $300,000 each – the most recent sale was for $600,000.

The Beachway situation has always been complex – do the views of Craven, Skinner and Henshell impact what you think?

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Local public school part of 50th flag anniversary celebration

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

February 28, 2015


Burlington has thousands of people who remember all too well the public debate over the adoption of a new flag for the country. Lester B.. Pearson, the Prime Minister at the time was giving a speech at a Legion gathering – they came close to booing him off the stage.

Canadian flag first time raised

Noon of February 15th, 1965 – the \red \maple leaf was flown from Parliament for the first time.

But at noon on February 15, 1965 the red maple leaf went up the flag pole on Parliament hill – and at locations across the country – and has been there ever since. That flag had a very difficult early childhood.

The flag that is raised each day and taken down each evening on Parliament Hill is donated to some organization where it is proudly flown. The list for flag requests stretches four years into the future.

Now that it is part of who we are there are groups across the country who want to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the red maple leaf.

A massive Canadian flag was passed hand over hand amongst a huge crowd in Montreal days before the citizens of Quebec voted in their referendum to remain a part of Canada.

A massive Canadian flag was passed hand over hand amongst a huge crowd in Montreal days before the citizens of Quebec voted in their referendum to remain a part of Canada.

Hometown Proud, a unique national program, that is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Flag of Canada is doing a cross country recording session tour and will be in Burlington March 10th to record the students at Pauline Johnson public school taking part in a national version of O Canada.

This unique program commemorates and aims to educate students on the history of Canada’s national flag, as well as unite students in what may be the largest recording of O Canada.

Getting to the point where Canada could celebrate the 50th anniversary was not an easy process. The link below is a CBC clip on the raising of the new flag. It is lengthy – 20 minutes – but if you want to fully appreciate what we went through – take the time. Watch for that Canadian hero Georges Vanier who was Governor General at the time. Stooped and looking every day his 70 |+ years Vanier watches as a flag he loved and fought under – losing a leg in the process – is brought down.

The film footage is HERE

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Escarpment is part of a provincial review of the Ontario Greenbelt; Crombie to chair the panel.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

February 27, 2015


Ontario is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the largest permanently protected greenbelt in the world and looking to the future by reviewing the land use It is the largest permanently protected greenbelt in the world.plans of southern Ontario. The Greenbelt protects farmland, green space and clean water.

Our Escarpment is a part of this review.

The Province will hold public consultations, across the Greater Golden Horseshoe and Greenbelt area, on the review of four provincial land use plans to grow the Greenbelt, protect prime agricultural land, build transit friendly communities and support economic development. The province will undertake a co-ordinated review of:

The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
• The Greenbelt Plan
• The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
• The Niagara Escarpment Plan

In addition to public consultations, like town hall meetings, Ontarians will also be able to comment through the Environmental Registry.


David Crombie, former Toronto Mayor and one of the best friends Burlington has seems pained at Mayor Goldring’s comments.fourth

The review, which is expected to be complete by early 2016, will also benefit from the input of an expert advisory panel, chaired by David Crombie, former federal cabinet minister and former mayor of Toronto. Other panel members include:

Keith Currie, Vice President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture
Rae Horst, former CAO, Credit Valley Conservation Authority
John MacKenzie, Commissioner of Planning, City of Vaughan
Debbie Zimmerman, CEO, Grape Growers of Ontario
Leith Moore, Senior Vice President, Urban Fieldgate Homes

Having this review panel chair by David Crombie is good news for Burlington. Crombie has been a friend of the city for years and in the past has chided Burlington for not doing all that it could do to ensure there is a consistent Waterfront Trail.

Burlington recently agreed to sell of some prime waterfront property along the edge of Lake Ontario between Market and St, Paul Streets because it didn’t believe there was any real potential for a trail continuation in that part of the city.


The Escarpment is what gives us a large part of our identity.

While the waterfront isn’t within the mandate for a Greenbelt review it is the waterfront and the Escarpment that define this city.

Burlingtonians know that there are still bureaucrats within the Ministry of Transportation who want to push a road through that part of the city
Citizens are invited to make comment on the Environmental Registry. Click here to get to the Registry – and if you can make any sense of it – tell us how you did it.

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Extreme Cold Weather Alert has been extended by the Halton Region Health Department

Spencer Smith - lake frozenAn Extreme Cold Weather Alert has been extended by the Halton Region Health Department for the overnight period on Friday night into Saturday morning, February 28. Temperatures will once again drop into the extreme cold range during the overnight period on Saturday night into Sunday morning, March 1. This alert is issued when temperatures are expected to fall below -15 degrees Celsius (without wind-chill), or when weather conditions are severe enough to warrant alerting the community to the risks involved with prolonged exposure. The alert is intended to inform the general public and community agencies and recommend precautions. This alert is in effect until temperatures rise above –15 degrees Celsius (without wind-chill) or weather conditions improve and the risks involved with prolonged exposure are reduced.

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