By Staff
May 15th, 2019
Burlington Green has been running what they call an EcoFilmFest at the library on New Street for a number of years. The films focus on environmental issues.
The 10th annual Eco-Film Festival program for 2019 is set out below.
It is both an exciting and informative series of documentaries that creates awareness and opportunities for collective action within the community to help protect the planet.

By Staff
May 15th, 2019
Each year the Burlington Foundation chooses a person, sometimes a couple to be named as the Distinguished Philanthropist for the year.
The 2019 Distinguished Philanthropist will be Angelo Paletta described as a prominent business leader and generous philanthropist.
Angelo is the face of Paletta International. He has called Burlington home since 1964, and over those many years has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the city. “Angelo’s commitment to making our community a better place to live for everyone is always at the heart of his philanthropic endeavors,” says Colleen Mulholland, President and CEO, Burlington Foundation.
 Angelo Paletta with Colleen Mulholland, President of the Burlington Foundation.
“Angelo, who has supported our foundation for many years consistently demonstrating a passionate and generous commitment to many charitable needs and causes. We are truly delighted to honour and celebrate his legacy of giving and social impact.”
Angelo will be honoured at Burlington Foundation’s 20th Anniversary Celebration being held on the evening of Thursday, October 24, 2019.
The award is presented by Canada Life.
In 2013 Angelo was the Patron for the Burlington Community Foundation annual fund-raiser. Watching him work a room is a pure delight.
Related news story
Angelo as Patron of the 2013 Fund Raiser for what was ten the Burlington Community Foundation.
By Pepper Parr
May 15th, 2019
Things got a little sticky for the Art Gallery of Burlington (AGB) – the cash didn’t flow the way they needed it to flow.
 It graces the entrance to the Art Gallery – many don’t understand what it means.
The AGB is one of the local boards Burlington created to provide services that a community may value but that do not fall within the usual service delivery of the municipality. These services may be as varied as economic development service or arts and culture. The City of Burlington has relationships with several boards:
• Aldershot Business Improvement Association
• Art Gallery of Burlington
• Burlington Downtown Business Improvement Association
• Burlington Economic Development Corporation
• Burlington Museums Board
• Burlington Public Library Board
• Burlington Theatre Board
• Tourism Burlington
 Burlington Theatre Board is the corporate structure for the Performing Arts Centre. The City pumps more than a million every year into Performing Arts and just shy of a million into the Art Gallery. The total into all the local boards is in excess of $15 million.
These organizations have service level agreements with the City which outline services provided by the City to the boards. Over the past few years, some boards have requested additional accounting services. It made little sense for each of these Boards to have their own accounting department. Bunking in with the city made more sense and better operational reviews. The city has already begun to work with several of the Boards and some changes have taken place since January 2017 in accounting and financial reporting services provided to the boards.
 Robert Stevens, Executive Director of the Art Gallery.
In 2017, a request was made to the Controller and Manager of Financial Services by the Executive Director of the Art Gallery to consider providing accounting services to the Art Gallery. The concern driving this request was that financial information being received internally was not timely due to cumbersome accounting procedures and therefore was not useful for proactive decision making.
Finance management determined that it would be useful to understand the financial processes at the Art Gallery before deciding to provide accounting services. Finance staff provided support in developing accounting policies and procedures, cash flow forecasting, budget preparation and other financial processes beginning in the summer of 2017.
Through the work performed by Finance staff it became evident that the Art Gallery was experiencing cash flow challenges. To help reduce the likelihood that the Art Gallery would have to increase its line of credit, the City provided additional funds over and above the budgeted operating grant. The City provided an additional $265k in 2017 to assist with the cash flow challenges.
In 2018 the City expanded its financial services to the Art Gallery to include accounts payable and accounting services. The additional services included bringing the Art Gallery into the City’s financial system, SAP. Finance staff continue to support the Art Gallery with financial reporting and cash flow analysis. This support includes attending the Audit and Finance Committee meetings of the Board. More timely, accurate and complete financial reporting is provided to the Board and management of the Art Gallery. The provision of accounts payable services enabled a cash flowing of operating expenses through 2018. At year end the cash flow extended to the Art Gallery resulted in an intercompany payable to the City of $424k.
Finance staff have been on site at the Art Gallery two days per week up to and including the audit of the 2018 financial statements which concluded in March 2019. Art Gallery staff have been mentored so that they are now able to assume responsibility for more of the financial management. Finance staff will continue to provide support but will have less of a presence at the Gallery. Finance staff continue to look for additional opportunities to support the Art Gallery in establishing good financial management practices. The focus in 2019 will be to reduce dependence on the City for cash flow support.
During 2018 the Art Gallery held a successful fundraising event which netted funds of $181k. The Board of Directors of the Art Gallery has requested that approximately $60k of the funds be held in a reserve fund for future needs.
Some financial stability for the Art Gallery
By Pepper Parr
May 15th, 2019
Two things struck me during the Monday and Tuesday Standing Committee meetings.
The first was during the Statutory meeting on the development proposal for 411 Maple Avenue where the operator of a long term care nursing home wants to sell the property to a developer and use the proceeds from that sale to build a new long term care retirement home in the Alton community.
The proposed development is inside the Urban Growth Boundary, which is currently under an Interim Control Bylaw that has stopped things cold.
Much of the discussion during the lengthy meeting was about the heights involved. What started out as a 22 + storey building, got whittled down twice to the now 11 storey development.
The operators of the long term care retirement home were hoping that they would get an exemption from the interim control bylaw.
That didn’t happen.
 Heather MacDonald – City Planner
Here is what did happen which was interesting. Kelvin Galbraith asked Heather MacDonald, the Planning Director if the practice in the new official Plan would be consistent in its use of measurements.
The Director wasn’t able to say – absolutely.
We have heard complaints from a number of people about the way the height of a structure is defined. Planners tend to use the number of storeys – but a storey isn’t a unit of measure – it is used to describe some space.
 Ward 1 Councilor Kelvin Galbraith wanted to know what unit of measure was being used to determine the height of a development.
Galbraith wanted to see metric measures used and he appeared to want the actual height of the building to the top of the very top floor. He appeared to want to know just how many metres in the air the building was going to rise.
On occasions a developer will say it will be 11 storeys with an amenity area at the top. That amenity space is an additional number of metres of height.
One would have thought the Planning Director would have taken the opportunity to say that there would be data that would be clear.
A missed opportunity. Hopefully we might see a council member pick up on the need for clarification and get a staff direction in place setting out how developments will be described when it come to their height.
Burlingtonians are a little sensitive about height these days.
The second thing that struck me was what we spend on the culture-entertainment sector. Some whoppers in those numbers – that is covered in a separate story.
By Staff
May 14th, 2019
It was on again off again for a week – then they just gave up and said Closed until further notice.
The weather is playing havoc with the folks over at the Parks and Recreation department.
Grass sports fields are closed due to unsafe conditions. Public safety trumps everything.
 No ball playing on this diamond. This is basically the situation across the city – except where there is artificial turf.
In a media release the city said: “Due to the amount of rain the City has had over the past few weeks, all natural turf-grass playing fields will be closed until further notice.
Between April 1 and May 13, 226 mm of rain has fallen in Burlington. The average monthly rainfall for April and May combined is 150.3 mm.
The soggy conditions of the fields are a threat to player safety and use of the fields will cause damage to the turf resulting in significant repairs and lengthy field closures. Not all grass fields have been mowed because site conditions are too soft. Mowers have become stuck resulting in the need for costly repairs of the tracks left behind which also pose a risk to player safety.
 The field conditions are terrible – a lot of damage done.
Murray Cameron, Manager of Park Operations explains it this way: “We’ve had much more rain than normal this spring, so our fields just haven’t had a chance to drain. They will need several days of drying conditions for the ground to become firm enough to support a mower and dozens of people using the area, so please stay off the fields until further notice, even if we get one or two warm sunny days.
“Repairs of fields are costly and time-consuming and injuries are not how anyone wants to start the season.”
By Staff
May 14th, 2019
June is the Month of Play and the City of Burlington has many activities planned to help people get outside, have fun and be active.
The Burlington Kite Festival, presented by the Rocca Sisters Team
The Burlington Kite Festival, presented by the Rocca Sisters Team, is being held on Sunday, June 2, 2019 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Brant Hills Community Centre, 2255 Brant St.
Festival participants can build their own kite (while supplies last) or bring their own kite to fill the sky with dancing colours.
This year’s event will feature the Curiosity Cube which involves interactive, hands-on science experiments using the latest technology to inspire curiosity in the next generation of scientists. There will also be face painting, balloon animals, stilt walkers and much more. All are welcome.
 Splash pad at LaSalle.
Spray Pads
Community Park Spray Pads will be opening on May 18.
 Nelson pool.
Summer Outdoor Pool Openings
• Nelson Pool and Splash Park opens June 1
• LaSalle Outdoor Pool and Splash Park and Mountainside Pool and Splash Park open June 15
Please note, Nelson Pool and Splash Park will be closed June 9 and July 6 to 7, and
Angela Couglan Pool will be closed after May 31, 2019, until Spring 2020 for pool renovations.
Learn more about swimming lessons and recreational swimming schedules at
ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge
Help Burlington become Canada’s Most Active Community. All you need to do is track your activities during the challenge. The challenge takes place from May 31 to June 16.
Download the ParticipACTION app for free at
Start tracking your activities!
Burlington Walks the Talk
Burlington Walks the Talk is a community program that encourages people to create or join neighbourhood walking groups year-round. The program offers a “how to create a walking group” guide and a place on the City of Burlington website to share information about upcoming community walks to invite others to participate and learn more about walk meetup times and locations in Burlington. The first 10 groups to post their community walking group on the community walk meetup calendar will receive up to 10 t-shirts for their walking group (while supplies last).
Pop Up n’ Play
Popping up in City of Burlington parks throughout the spring and summer is our Pop Up n’ Play experience where children can explore, create, imagine and play in their own way.
Yoga in the Park
Each week will feature a fully qualified instructor in a different park. Bring your yoga mat and/or towel, water, and wear appropriate clothing. All experience levels are welcome.
NEW-Pop Up n’ Play Fitness
Parents can join free Yoga in the Park every Sunday morning in May and June from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m., while kids get their move on at our free Fitness Pop Ups. Encouraging children to be active and have fun in non-traditional activities. Build a ninja course, find a new way to balance or swing, create a strength challenge or make up a new game. Ages 4-14. Parents are to be in the park during the program.
Play Streets
The community program offers the opportunity for weekly, local street closures which encourage the use of neighbourhood streets for safe, active play and social interaction between neighbours of all ages and is available all year.
 Summer play at the Band Shell in Central Park
Concerts in the Park
Bring a blanket or lawn chair and enjoy an evening of music under the open sky at the Central Park Bandshell. Concerts begin June 16 and run every Wednesday and Sunday until the Aug. 18. We offer music for every style and age.
100n1 Day Burlington
A festival of citizen engagement, 100In1Day Burlington is part of a growing global movement that is changing how people interact with their cities. 100in1Day Burlington inspires residents to activate 100 innovative, thought-provoking ideas into activations to transform our city, all on one day, June 1.
The City of Burlington encourages people of all ages to get outside and enjoy the many parks, outdoor spaces, playfields and recreational play experiences that support active living and a healthy lifestyle for all ages, abilities and cultures. Learn more about recreational experiences and where to play at Get Outside. Live & Play Every Day.
 Chris Glenn, Director of Parks and Recreation in his PArks& Rec uniform.
Chris Glenn, Director of Parks and Recreation maintains that “Flying a kite is just as fun for adults as it is for kids. For the rest of the Month of Play, we have a variety of activities to keep everyone active, having fun outdoors throughout the city all summer long. Get outside and play this summer and help Burlington become Canada’s Most Active Community.”
By Staff
May 13th, 2019
The Farmers’ Market at Burlington Centre, operated by the Burlington Lions Club, will open for its 61st consecutive season on Wednesday, May 22nd and continue through October 26th.
The 50 vendors at the Market offer fresh local produce in season, eggs, meats, cheese, baked goods and wine.
Market hours are Wednesdays 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM; Fridays 8:00 – 3:00; Saturdays 8:00 – 2:00.
The Lions use the proceeds to support local community, health, and youth needs.
By Staff
May 13th, 2019
It just doesn’t stop.
 PC Leader Doug Ford faced a barrage of questions from Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne and NDP Leader Andrea Horwath during the election debates. We are now seeing the answers to many of those questions.
That’s what happens when you elect a government that promised change – this time you get it.
The provincial government tabled Bill 108. It’s not good news.
The Bill affects 13 pieces of legislation including the Conservation Authorities Act, Endangered Species Act, and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal through changes to the Planning Act.
Set out below is a brief overview of some of the changes.
Susan Lloyd Swail, Senior Manager, Livable Communities is calling it the Developers Dream Bill; the Ontario Home Builders Association got pretty much everything they asked for. In her comments she points out that:
 An update is due later this month.
The Bill enacts changes to legislation that implement the provincial Housing Action Plan. Overall it makes it easier to build housing anywhere in the province. The new Growth Plan, A Place to Grow comes into effect May 16th, 2019. It permits expansions of settlement boundaries (up to 40 ha- 100 acres at a time) and conversions of employment land ahead of an MCR- Official Plan review. Expect more sprawl onto farmland.
The government is cutting regulations and policies that protect the environment, endangered species, and allow citizen input to speed up development approvals. Not that we are running out of housing. Municipalities plan for housing and are required to keep a 10 year supply of land designated for growth and a 3 year supply of draft and registered housing- that means housing ready to build.
Ironically, many of you will recall that developers taking OP’s to the OMB created on average a 3 year delay. There is no doubt we need more low income subsidized housing in than is currently available especially in the GTA but there is no shortage of unaffordable single family homes.
Many of the changes to the Planning Act affect LPAT- We are going back to the old OMB with a twist- it will still be called the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).
The new LPAT disallows third party appeals (non-profit groups) on certain matters, like subdivisions and matters where Council hasn’t made a decision. We also expect the cost of participating in hearings to increase. Rather than policy conformity the new LPAT will go back to an interpretation of good planning. Progressive municipalities with strong planning are not happy with this change as it is seen as undermining their authority. In municipalities that don’t follow good planning this change could be positive.
Environmental Defence plans to launch a campaign to kill various aspects of Bill 108 in the coming weeks.
Democracy at its best – the electorate getting what they elected.
By Staff
May 13th, 2019
M.M Robinson High School will be cancelled today (Monday May 13) due to a water main break on Upper Middle Road in Burlington.
There is no water available at the school. We have been advised by Halton Region that the repairs will take more than 6 hours.
School bus transportation has been cancelled.
The J.W. Singleton Education Centre (Halton District School Board office), located on the same property as the school, will also be closed today.
Further updates will be provided as information is received.
By Pepper Parr
May 13th, 2019
They are the We Love Burlington Advocacy Group. The describe themselves as a distinctly ‘grass roots’ and non partisan group. They advocate on a broad range of issues that affect the City of Burlington and its citizens.
They have mobilized as a very small action group around the regional government review with a primary mission of raising public awareness that the review is taking place and what its implications could be. They claim hey have been extremely successful within the very limited time frame available to them.
They recognize that the regional government review has been initiated to find efficiencies amongst the subject municipalities, to improve services and to address governance issues where they are found to exist. The “We Loves” are very supportive of these objectives generally.
They are however against any suggestion of amalgamation of the City of Burlington into a broader Halton Region organizational structure because we believe, as reported in the Fraser Institute Report of 2015, that such actions are seldom fiscally prudent or operationally effective.
The “We Loves” along with the Oakville “We Loves” will be delegating at a Regional meeting on Friday the 17th.
The Gazette will publish their delegation on Friday and report on how the meeting progresses.
 Deborah Ruse, Lynn Crosby, Blair Smith and Josie Wagstaffe outside Queen’s Park after an unsuccessful meeting with MPP Jan McKenna
The Burlington “We Loves” have not had an easy go of it when it comes to support from their MPP. They were able to arrange a meeting with her at Queen’s Park but made little progress in getting her to speak for the people of Burlington and read their petition into the record.
They were at first unable to get the Minister to make a copy of the petition available for signing at her Burlington office.
When the MPP for Oakville Burlington North offered to make the Burlington petition available in her office, along with the one from citizens of Oakville, McKenna apparently saw the light and said she would post a copy in her office where people could sign it.
Gary Scobie, a frequent Gazette commenter urges people to get down to MPP McKenna’s office this week and sign this petition. “There is strength in numbers and I believe the vast majority of Burlingtonians support our local and regional governments, so let’s add our signatures to something we believe in.”
The Petition reads as follows:
To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Whereas, the Government of Ontario has announced a review of Ontario’s eight regional municipalities, the County of Simcoe, and their lower-tier municipalities, including Halton Region and the City of Burlington; and
Whereas, Municipal governments are responsible for funding and delivering crucial local services on which residents depend; and
Whereas, 97 per cent of residents are satisfied with the quality of services delivered by the Region; and
Whereas, 95 per cent of the City of Burlington residents rate their quality of life as excellent or good; and
Whereas, Halton Region has maintained an AAA credit rating for 30 consecutive years due to effective governance and prudent fiscal policies; and
Whereas, Burlington has a proud heritage that goes back to 1798 and its founding father, Six Nations Captain Joseph Brant; and
Therefore, we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: That the City of Burlington remain a distinct municipality within a two-tier Region of Halton municipal governance structure.
McKenna office hours are: 9:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Her office is located at 472 Brock Ave., Unit 104
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2019
Media and members of city council have an odd relationship.
We first get to see the people elected to council during the election phase.
Some ask for help – we are generous and tell them as much as we can about the job they are seeking.
We get to know some of them very well. And every time we tell them – “we are not your friends. We are delighted you are running for office and we wish you well.”
The moment we become their friends our usefulness ends and our integrity dies.
The Gazette has always had a strong interest in encouraging candidates for public office that share our view of what public service means – and that is – An informed public can make informed decisions. We are consistent and persistent in digging out information politicians decide they don’t want to share.
Once the candidate is elected the rules of the game change – we are now one of the organizations that works at ensuring the council member is accountable and transparent.
Something happens to people when they are elected. They begin to see whatever they say as important. They expect every word of their media releases to be published just the way they gave it to us.
We point out that they have confused reporting with public relations. The only person who really cares about what a young member of council has to say is their parents.
I was recently covering a photo-op event in the east end of the city – most of the Council members were on hand and the two members of Parliament who represent Burlington.
There was one council member in particular I wanted to talk to. Up until the meeting last week I thought there was a good working relationship but had begun to notice that this particular council member tended to want the conversations to be off the record.
On this occasion, as I approached the council member he said: “I can’t talk to you”. “What” I asked – “what do you mean you can’t talk to me. Why not?”
“Can this be off the record” was the response. “No” was my response. “Then I don’t want to talk to you” and the council member walked away.
I tend to be persistent – and pressed the issue. “Who said you can’t talk to me.”
That’s when the first shoe hit the floor. “I have been advised not to talk to you until your situation with the city is cleared up.”
Where did that advice to the newly elected council member come from?
This was an individual who looked to me for advice, comment and direction while running for office.
This was the individual who asked if we would publish comment and opinion pieces and help him create a stronger profile in the city.
What I found astounding is that an elected member of council decides to heed the advice of an unnamed person (we are pretty sure we know where the advice came from) without questioning the source.
It is a little late in the game for a council member to decide that they don’t want to talk to media.
Anyone who asks what the issue is with city hall has only to read the Gazette. We have been brutally honest – and written at length about just what the issue is.
The details can be read by anyone.
In one of the documents we received from the city the word “vexatious” was used. We had to pull out our Oxford English Dictionary to be sure we fully understood the word.
Vexatious – causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry.
synonyms: annoying, vexing, irritating, irksome, displeasing, infuriating, maddening, exasperating, provoking, galling, rankling, grating, jarring, harassing, harrying, bothersome, tiresome, troublesome, niggling.
That would describe me; something I am proud of.
The council member has less than a year under his belt – perhaps he will learn over time. I’m not betting on it.
We are waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette
By Jim Young
May 10th, 2019
Recently the Gazette reported that the City of Burlington will seek improvements in the working of Citizen Advisory Committees and Citizen Engagement in general via three Citizen Action Labs.
External consultants will conduct the labs to “Help us shape the way we move forward with citizen committees and citizen engagement at the City of Burlington!” They will pass citizen input and lab results on to city staff.
I want to feel positive about these labs. I have filled out the on-line survey and have signed up to participate. But when our city’s Corporate Communication Group, the department charged with corporate, government and citizen communications, hires an outside group to conduct communication exercises I worry. We have been down this road before.
The City’s Charter Action Team (CHAT), responsible for The City Engagement Charter was formed by Council in 2014 in response to The Shape Burlington Report of 2011.
No doubt CHAT believe they are engaging and communicating well. Yet, most of the anger around citizen engagement and many Non-City Advocacy Groups have sprung up over that same period due to frustration with Citizen Advisories. Some of these Non-City groups have helped shape Burlington more than the city sponsored ones. So the question becomes: Can Citizen Action Labs improve engagement where previous efforts have failed?
The Gazette article provided a link to a delegation I made at council on behalf of ECoB on citizen engagement in April 2018. Re-reading that delegation, not much has changed. However, with a new council, elected on pro-engagement platforms, and apparently committed to that, I am hopeful that things will be different this time.
However, CHAT’s record leaves me looking at Citizen Action Labs through a cautious lens.
 Gary Scobie, far right, was a member of the Waterfront Access and Protection Advisory Committee which was sunset by the city. Chair Nicholas Leblovic is far right with Michael Sullivan to his left.
So why do some citizen advisory committees work while others don’t? How is it that some non-sponsored advocacy groups are more effective than city sponsored ones? I offer my thoughts based on experience with both types of groups, starting with a general explanation of Citizen Committee workings then examples of what seems to work, what doesn’t and a few caveats for Council, Staff and Citizens seeking greater engagement.
There are currently sixteen Citizen Advisories. Essentially they exist to “Advise Council”. That advice is fed to council via Committee Staff. So city council gets advice from two streams. From its professional departmental staff and from well-meaning, but non-professional Citizen Advisory Committees. If these two advice streams were equivalent, with equal access to council, all might be good. However they are not.
Advisory Committees are made up of citizens and interested stakeholders, appointed by council, who have a vote. Then there are non-voting staff from the department related to the advisory committee’s work. Staff from the city clerk’s department guide the advisory committee through council processes and procedures and record meeting minutes which, as any committee person knows, is a very influential position.
In essence, city departmental staff get two kicks at the can. They recommend actions directly to council then get to weigh in on advisory committee decisions. Citizen members can be, and are often swayed by the weight of staff expertise. This can leave citizen members feeling that unless they are cheer leading for staff recommendations, their views are not valued or appreciated.
Advice from Committees is funneled through staff as guidance or recommendations to council. Unfortunately such guidance often slants towards staff positions. This can be frustrating for citizen members. In instances where departmental staff recommendations are at odds with citizen committees, historically citizen advice is overlooked.
The next piece will be on examples of what seems to work, what doesn’t for committees and a few caveats for Council, Staff and Citizens seeking greater engagement.
Jim Young is an Aldershot resident who delegates frequently at city council. He once sat on the Seniors Advisory Committee.
Related news articles.
News story on the creation of the Citizen Action labs.
Young column on why Advisory committees can never work.
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2019
Oh to have been a fly on the wall.
There she was at the front of the room asking a group of developers and real estate types – what can we do for you?
Had Jeff Paikin been in the room the Mayor would have gotten an ear full. In a recent communication with us he said:
 Jeff Paikin – New Horizons Development.
“Moved to Burlington permanently for our offices just in time to be subject to a council that shuts down our business and a mayor who twice uses unauthorized videos of our site to stand on her soap box and pump up over-intensification even when it doesn’t exist. Nice warm welcoming feeling for a company that pays and has generated hundreds of thousands of tax dollars annually.”
We wonder how Jeff really feels.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward was doing another part of her Red Tape Red Carpet initiative to learn how the city could be what Premier Ford has already declared we are: – and that is Open for Business.
The focus group Meed ward was meeting with was made up of a full-house of over 40 leaders from the development and real estate industry. It appears that the audience was made up of people who volunteered to attend and perhaps a few that were asked to take part.
In her newsletter on what has become known as the RTRC initiative Meed Ward said:
 Development in the City of Burlington is a very hot issue: Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
“As everyone is well aware, development in the City of Burlington is a very hot issue, and was one of the most commonly discussed during last fall’s election campaign.
“My goal is to find a way to help our city grow in the right way and in the right places, and to partner with my colleagues at City Hall, with residents, and with our development community to make that happen.
“With that said, the Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force initiative is not just about development. It’s about helping all of Burlington’s businesses thrive. Developers and real estate professionals are just two industries of many in our city, but they overlap with those of businesses that are growing, relocating, or starting out here. Their struggles become the struggles of other businesses too.
“At the same time, developers are a business like any other, and while they face challenges around permits and approvals, they also have to deal with access to talent, adequate transit, employee parking, and beyond.
“The focus group was an important step in better understanding the top issues facing this group, and I appreciated how many leaders from these industries showed up to participate in this journey.
“While the City of Burlington’s current Interim Control Bylaw was top of mind for many in the room, we know that geographically that only applies to 1% of our land in Burlington. Furthermore, we know things weren’t perfect before that was put in place, so we focused on the challenges that already existed and have long-term impact.
“What we heard from this audience was the following challenges – again, many of which were commonly heard at other groups we’ve met with over the past 2 months (common themes from yesterday’s session are highlighted in bold):
The Permit process – flaws and delays
Ability to attain SPAs in a reasonable time
Dealing with the MTO – lack of accountability to timelines, lots of delays
Delays with Halton Conservation
Conflict between the different levels of government
Business mindset is lacking
Lack of accountability with the City
Too many agencies involved
Staff act like they’re afraid of losing their jobs
No incentives to reduce operational friction
Inconsistent bylaw/zoning interpretation/zoning uncertainty
Lack of vision
Lack of control over other agencies / influence
Affordability of projects becoming unrealistic: land, construction, time all push up costs
No “leader” to manage applications
Lack of KPIs for city staff (perceived or otherwise)
Provincial policies are shifting / rethinking
Lack of staff knowledge in understanding market forces
Lack of respect for landowner rights
Too in the weeds – focus on important issues
Lack of common sense being applied
Opinions can depend on mood of person who is assessing the application
Building envelopes
No severance / Niagara Escarpment Commission
Environmentals on particular corridors
All the time delays cost money
Political agendas – development applications treated politically instead of on their own merit
Time associated with the severance process (took 2 years)
Zoning inflexibility (ex: Seniors Long Term Care facility)
Timing associated with obtaining a zoning verification letter – used to be 10 days now over 5 weeks
City staff raising issues that do not apply to the application in question
Limited incentives available for developers to build sustainably, and integrate sustainable design features
Public transparency re: cost recovery/recovery funding
Compare to Brampton, where 100 units got approval in less than a year – fast process, open to discussions, and Mayor/Council wanted things to happen
Perception that plants and animals have more rights than people
Hard to get calls returned from City Hall (all departments)
Outdated city standards (ex: Parks)
Lack of downtown parking for offices, bars, restaurants and retail
Transit dead spots
“While it took a few minutes to switch gears and focus on the positives, there are certainly reasons everyone in the room is still doing business in Burlington and we wanted to ensure we clearly understood what those are:
BEDC as a facilitator, expeditor and supporter
Great fast-track process for building permits
Experienced city staff are good to deal with
Online process that shows if a building permit is closed
Mayor seems very on board
Facilitation at this event was great – Interim City Manager was great facilitator at the table
Professional people to deal with
Sustainable design guidelines
Ability to start work early to help shorten delivery sometimes
Burlington building process is good
Councillor was helpful overriding bad staff decisions
Building department closing out an old permit +
We win most if not all appeals to OMB/LPAT
Development application website is good
Community safety – businesses with shifts / evening hours are less worried for their staff getting to/from work
Burlington’s culture, family-orientedness & energy draws people here to live and work
Access to talent, amenities and housing (high tech talent is easier than other segments though because of housing costs)
“Again, we finished the day by leveraging the knowledge and experience in the room to come up with solutions, ideas and changes that the City can spearhead to make things better:
Some of the comments Meed Ward highlights are:
Support a culture of service and efficiency by ensuring staff have clear KPIs and they are part of their performance reviews
Incentives for hitting KPIs and going above and beyond
Business/file liaison to track, communicate, and shepherd a file to completion in a reasonable time
Leadership needs to stand behind file planner
Encourage staff to learn more as things change to drive subject matter expertise (regulations, etc.)
Leverage better technology to streamline and automate / CRM system / Self-Serve
Customer service training / commitment to customer service
Hire more people if short-staffing is impacting speed of turnaround
Cut the timelines to match the Municipal Act
Apply a stronger sustainability lens and offer incentives
Allow multiple levels of approval to run concurrently
Seniors housing/land zoning strategy
Business advisory board
BEDC needs more influence
More advocacy/upward pressures necessary to other levels of government
Stand firm on the position of what is good for Burlington – don’t sit on hands with other agencies
Be collaborative vs combative
Site visits at properties to understand context and better apply common sense
Create more “fast track” and “premium” services – willing to pay for speed
Do more to educate the public about the benefits of growth to help those inherently resistant to change to see the positives
Make it a priority or essential that new hires in these departments have spent at least some time in the private sector on the other side of the table to provide better perspective and understanding
Next round of comments shouldn’t go back to bottom of the pile
Be ok with weighting the value of certain projects in their worth to the community (jobs for example) and be willing to prioritize those in terms of speed and attention – not every project is equal
Apply Artificial Intelligence / automated processes to remove personal opinion from the process
Shorten time frames for turnarounds of minor revisions
Fees should be payable on approval not all up front (or reimbursed when deadlines are missed)
Empower staff with more decision-making power to apply common sense
Remove height restrictions
Educate the public on good planning practices
Be more consistent – don’t change policies when Councillors change
Leverage tech being used in other municipalities (ex: Mississauga)
Focus group with staff: what are THEIR challenges to moving quickly & how can we help
Provide more info on the steps that happen in the process & why it takes so long. What is happening each day over the course of all those months (and sometimes years)?
Quick morning meeting/daily scrum (15 min) each day by team leaders to set goals with staff: what will you get off your desk today and move forward? Then hold people accountable and recognize good performance. Ask the question “What will it take to get this approved today?”
More of a culture of recognition for making things happen. Celebrate those staff.
The next focus group will include several contributors from the rural business ecosystem who sit on the newly formed Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee with the City of Burlington.
The next step is to take the learnings and information back to the Committee at their next meeting later this month.
Meed Ward has moved with considerable dispatch on this initiative. What is disturbing is that she has ensured there is no media in the room. Why not?
By Staff
May 10th, 2019
Market friends — spring is here and so it’s time for Season 8 of the Centro Farmer’s Market! —— Opens Mother’s Day – every Sunday through to Thanksgiving. 10 am to 5 pm
One of the gems of the Downtown Core.
Now in its 8th season, Centro Market is a food focused farmer’s market in Burlington Downtown, established with the goal of fostering community while connecting people with fresh healthy food and to the wonderful folks that grow and produce it in our area.
 Fresh doesn’t get much better than this!
By Staff
May 10th, 2019
Transit Route 4 – Detour in place from May 21 to December 2019
Detour Area: Rexway Drive and Walkers Line
 Road rebuild begins May 21st – end in December – this year.
Detour Routes:
• Route 4 will travel along Cumberland Ave. and New St.
Stops not in Service:
• 151 & 152 – Rexway Dr. at Cumberland Ave.
• 178 & 180 – Rexway Dr. at Woodview Rd.
• 189 – Rexway Dr. and Rexway Crt.
• 194 – 3461 Rexway Dr.
• 202 & 805 – 3486 Rexway Dr.
• 212 & 209 – Rexway Dr. at Walkers Line
• 201 – 514 Walkers Line
• 203 – 515 Walkers Line
• 193 – 476 Walkers Line
• 190 – Walkers Line at New St.
Detour due to construction on Rexway Dr.
 Rexway from Walkers Line
By Staff
May 9th, 2019
It took place in a different location; the Performing Arts Centre rather than the Convention Centre,
And it was to be the last Burlington’s Best Recognition Award until both the administration and city council agreed on what the event should look like.
For the year 2018 the following took place:
There were 28 nominees and seven award winners at the annual Burlington’s Best Awards ceremony on May 8, 2019.
This year’s Burlington’s Best categories include: Heritage Award, Community Service Award, Environmental Award, Arts Person of the Year, Junior Citizen of the Year, Senior Person of the Year and Citizen of the Year
Citizen of the Year Award, sponsored by the City of Burlington
The City of Burlington is a unique city within the Greater Toronto Area that is defined by both significant urban and rural areas. The city is proud of its clean, safe, close-knit neighbourhoods, many employment opportunities and commitment to alternative ways of getting around. The City of Burlington’s vision is to be a city “that grows, moves, is healthy, green and engaging.”
The Citizen of the Year Award is given to a person whose volunteer activity has made a significant and sustained contribution to the vibrancy and wellbeing of the Burlington community in 2018.
Winner: Karen Phelps
Karen is truly inspired by helping others and encourages engagement in the community. She has contributed to Alderfest, Aldershot Community Honor Roll, Next-door Social Space and Burlington Age-Friendly Council. Karen founded the Warwick-Surrey Community Association, the Partnership West Food Bank and Partnering Aldershot. She also organized the Aldershot Garden Festival and the Melon Ball. Karen dedicates herself to any task and stays connected throughout a project to ensure success is achieved. Karen has impacted others, made a significant difference in the community and enhanced the quality of life for residents in Burlington.
Heritage Award
This award is sponsored by Heritage Burlington, a City of Burlington citizen advisory committee made up of 14 volunteers who provide advice to City Council on issues related to the conservation of Burlington’s cultural heritage.
The award goes to an individual or group who has demonstrated a commitment to the preservation of Burlington’s heritage, and has volunteered their time in an effort to support the preservation of Burlington’s heritage in 2018.
Winner: Joan Downey
Joan is a passionate volunteer who supports the community with her efforts. She has been a member of the Burlington Historical Society for over five years and is a strong and reliable volunteer. Joan has transformed the archives into a well-structured, meaningful archival system. With teamwork as one of her strengths, she coordinates and supports the archival volunteers. Joan performs an essential and much needed function for the Burlington Historical Society as a key member of the outreach team and has been involved with various projects such as oral histories presentations.
Joan has a willingness to serve, has excellent relationships with others and a pleasant demeanor that is truly appreciated.
Community Service Award
This award is sponsored by Cogeco, a diversified communications company that strives to meet the communication needs of consumers and advertisers through cable distribution and radio broadcasting.
The Community Service Award is given to an individual or group whose volunteer activity has contributed to the betterment of the Burlington community in 2018.
Winner: Greg and Andrea Howard
Greg and Andrea Howard are passionate and dedicated in supporting their community. They responded to a tragic loss by creating a way to make the community more informed about mental health. Greg and Andrea organize an annual hockey tournament called Ty’s Tourney in memory of their youngest son Tyler who died by suicide. The tournament planning includes player registration, sponsorship, prize donations, volunteer management and promotion. They have raised funds for over six-years that has been donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halton Region Branch. Through their contributions, free walk-in counselling has been made available throughout the Halton community. The Howards saw a need and put forward an incredible amount of work to help address this and make the community aware of mental health. Greg and Andrea’s generosity and selflessness have supported many.
Environmental Award
This award is sponsored by Walker Environmental Group, a leading waste management company that develops solutions for environmental challenges—solutions that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable—including aerobic composting, alternative energy production and environmental project management. The company’s diverse range of services provides sustainable solutions that reduce waste, improve energy efficiency and enhance the environment.
The Environmental Award is given to an individual or group that improved and/or protects Burlington’s environment in 2018.
Winner: Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club
The Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club’s local volunteers are a dedicated group of individuals who are passionate about the environment. They maintain 36 kms of trail in Burlington and they are the largest non-governmental organization preserving natural lands in Burlington. In 2018, they were able to purchase Fisher’s Pond Nature Reserve, which permanently secures 1.1 km of the Bruce Trail and preserve 87 acres of significant Niagara Escarpment habitat in Burlington. Volunteers of the club are a group of dedicated individuals whose efforts are beneficial for all. The Iroquoia Bruce Trail Club maintains the trail along the Niagara Escarpment for the enjoyment of the community.
Arts Person of the Year
The Arts Person of the Year Award was donated to the City of Burlington by the Irmisch family to recognize the importance of the arts in the community and to recognize all the volunteers who work so hard to showcase the amazing talent and culture of Burlington.
The award is given to an individual who has contributed to the arts in Burlington as an artist, patron or advocate, including, but not limited to, visual arts, media arts, musical arts, performing arts and literary arts in 2018.
Winner: Hayley Verrall
Hayley is a dedicated individual whose talents in art and passion for performing have contributed to Burlington. She has been an active member of the community, using her talents to support local individuals and organizations. Hayley has performed at several nursing and long-term care homes as part of her Singing for Smiles program, aimed at bringing classic country music to individuals who are unable to travel easily. She was chosen by Ontario Country Music Associations – International to represent Burlington in Tennessee, USA. Hayley is a very community-centric artist whose talent and heart are always present.
Junior Citizen of the Year
Youthfest was founded in 2002, and avidly promotes the importance of youth in our community, develops youth responsibility and action in the community and connects youth to meaningful volunteer opportunities and available supportive service.
The Junior Citizen of the Year Award is given to a youth, 14 to 18 years of age, who has made a significant contribution to the Burlington community in 2018.
Winner: Keziah Oduro
Keziah is committed to the community, shows empathy and is confident in her abilities. She is a leader amongst her peers and is dedicated to attaining a high-level of achievement. Keziah has been the elected representative for her grade and sports liaison at Notre Dame High School. She was elected co-Prime Minister by her peers in high school. Keziah has worked collaboratively with teachers, administration, council and students to encourage school spirit and motivate change. She also volunteers at Joseph Brant Hospital and at her church. Keziah strives to see the changes she believes in and is a resilient individual who has shown perseverance in the face of adversity.
Senior Person of the Year, sponsored by the Village of Tansley Woods
The Village of Tansley Woods offers a rich selection of programs and activities year around. The Village is designed to build a community while serving residents’ personal needs and wants.
The Senior Person of the Year Award is given to a Burlington resident aged 55 years or older who has made a significant contribution to the Burlington community and/or advocated on behalf of seniors in 2018.
Winner: Trudy Csernyei
Trudy is an inspiration for our community and sees the need for bringing citizens together. She has organized a group of seniors and offers activities that allows them to use their skill sets and offers a sense of togetherness. Her group has grown to 180 seniors who gather on Monday afternoons. Each week, Trudy and the group gather items for children in need overseas for Canadian Food for Children. She also collects and distributes clothing for those in need. Trudy goes above and beyond to make a difference in our community and is an inspiration.
The Burlington’s Best Awards are managed by a citizens’ committee established in 1965 with the mandate of recognizing Burlington residents who bring honour to the city and make a difference in the community.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward, in congratulating the winners, pointed out that ”
The ripple effect of your actions will carry beyond the people and the communities you’ve served and benefit the city as a whole.”
Calah Brooks, Chair of Burlington’s Best Committee, said: “The quality of nominees never ceases to amaze me. In the end, they’re all winners and we’re so thankful for all the work they’ve done to help make Burlington the best place to live, work and play.”
By Staff
May 9th, 2019
A Goodram Drive resident sent us the following:
I thought I would share this interesting letter that I received from Canada Post yesterday at our home on Goodram Drive in Burlington.

There are coyote dens in the ravine behind us explained Jeff Leedale and they are often seen in the front yards of homes.
I’ve attached a picture I took while putting my toddler into his car seat. I wish the City had the same level of concern that Canada Post has.
 More than a Canada Post Driver wants to handle.
By Ray Rivers
May 9th, 2019
My conservative friends are forever lecturing me that governments should always run a balanced budget and avoid debt like the plague. But then they also tell me that government should operate like a business or a household. So which is it?
The average family today, particularly those starting out, finance their biggest expenses: their home, automobiles and major appliances. The choice often is to buy on credit to replace a major appliance or automobile, or face even higher operating and maintenance costs when the item becomes totally cost-ineffective. So personal debt is a fact in our lives – and thus all those annoying commercials for Credit Karma.
Modern business also runs on credit for just about everything they need. In fact the level of corporate debt continues to increase – and why not? When interest rates are low, below the potential rate of return of new investments, time is right to invest and grow their markets and build their capacity to better meet increased demand. The ability to afford and to manage debt is what matters, not the absolute amount.
As with business and your average household, it is an outdated economic notion that government should always have to balance income and cash outflow in the short term. During the last federal election the two leading parties were promising balanced budgets which would have necessitated more economic austerity and pushed the economy deeper toward recession and greater unemployment.
So the voters opted for the party with a positive program to take advantage of low interest rates to expand the economy. And sure enough Canada’s economy responded with higher levels of growth, lower unemployment and the best performance in the G7. Given the economic success of that policy, Canada is in less danger of losing its triple A credit rating regardless of its deficit spending.
In fact our ability to afford debt is the best it has been since 1981, and the debt to GDP ratio is projected to continue to decline even as the government maintains relatively high annual deficits. That is because, much like a householder’s credit rating, it is not the absolute size of the deficit or debt that matters but its relationship to income and wealth.
The latest big thing in economics is called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). It may help explain why Donald Trump can run-up debt like a drunken sailor with his head stuck in a barrel full of rum – and the US economy doesn’t capsize.
MMT says that a government which prints its own currency can almost spend till the cows come home – providing inflation is kept penned up in the barnyard. That is particularly the case if the debt is largely held domestically, which has been the case in Canada.
 The data isn’t all that current – but it does show how often the federal government ran a deficit.
Perhaps the New Democrat or Green parties will go out on the limb as far as advocating a Canadian green new deal in our federal election this October. That would be gutsy given the controversy surrounding the proposal in the US, even among Democrats. And it is a full year before the concept will be tested on the US voting public.
But we shouldn’t expect to see the Liberals back away from their rather more modest spending plans. They are unlikely to knee jerk to austerity because some of yesterday’s voters and the conservative opposition parties still harbour a hollow and dated notion of always paying your way with what you are carrying in your pant’s pocket.
Today’s interest rates are the lowest in a couple of generations and investing now to build capacity, enhance incomes and reduce unemployment is a wise option for our national government. It might also be the best time to expand those social programs in which economies of scale end up costing society less even if it costs government more.
Programs like pharmacare or mitigating climate change come to mind. That kind of investing is exactly what a smart household or business would do. Would our children’s children really value a fiscal debt-free inheritance over one with the kind of environmental deficit we are heading towards?
This coming election can be expected to see fixated discussion, ad nauseum, about the size of Canada’s deficits and debt. Alarmists on the opposition benches will promise another imaginary fiscal balance should they get elected. But in the end, the math is simple. Budgetary deficits are a consequence of either too much spending or too little taxation. And financing, be it in business, the home, or government, is a just bridge over troubled waters.
 There are always strong and opposing views when it comes to taxation.
Finally, it is a rare moment when any of today’s ‘arm chair economists’ will even mention increasing taxation – the price of government services. And since there are important economic consequences associated with all fiscal levers, their hesitancy is warranted.
Still if government is supposed to be a business, shouldn’t it try to operate like one?
Ray Rivers writes regularly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington. He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject. Ray has a post graduate degree in economics that he earned at the University of Ottawa. Tweet @rayzrivers
Background links:
Household Debt
Business Debt –
Modern Monetary Theory –
Green New Deal
By Staff
May 9th, 2019
Sport Field Status
All Grass Multi-use Fields and Ball Diamonds are closed, due to extreme water saturation.
Additional rain in the forecast for Thursday, May 9 and Friday, May 10.
Grass Multi-use Fields and Ball Diamonds will be assessed on Friday for a decision regarding weekend play.
Artificial Turf Fields remain open.
By Pepper Parr
May 9th, 2019
 Burlington MPP Jane McKenna – wasn’t able to help her constituents – until a neighbouring MPP did.
It took a little doing but Burlington’s MPP Jane McKenna finally saw the light and agreed to make a petition available to the public at her office. The Petition opposes a possible realignment of the Region of Halton as a political entity and merging the four municipalities that make up the Region today: those being Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills.
Citizen groups in Oakville and Burlington created local organizations that set out to get signatures on a Petition as a starting point.
The Burlington people had a difficult time getting a meeting with Jane McKenna the MPP who at first said no to the idea of having the Petition in her office for people to sign.
The Burlington group did manage to meet with the MPP at Queen’s Park .
The group visited MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos who represents North Burlington in the Legislature, at her office. Triantafilopoulos had already supplied a petition for Burlington constituents to sign, similar to the petition she is hosting for We ❤️ Oakville group.
 MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos understands how to meet the needs of constituents.
Triantafilopoulos went one further – she said she would read the Petition into the record at Queen’s Park.
The Triantafilopoulos move seemed to spark something in the McKenna office; she is now willing to host the petition in her Constituency Office because she does “not want citizens of Burlington to have to travel to another municipality if they want to sign the petition”.
The We ❤️ Burlington petition will be available in MPP McKenna’s office at 472 Brock Ave., Unit 104 between 9:00am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Make sure to visit and sign this document to indicate your concern with the Province’s efforts to force amalgamation in the Region of Halton.
For those in North Burlington, please visit MPP Triantafilopoulos’ office located at 2525 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 570 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to sign.
Further good news, MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos has agreed to read the petition in the Legislature. We will advise when we know the date. She plans to stand with Oakville MPP Stephen Crawford and together read the Oakville and Burlington petitions. MPP Crawford previously read the Oakville petition in the Legislature on March 27, but plans to do so again as more signatures are received.
Poor Jane McKenna seems to have been forgotten by her collaugues.
The Petition reads:
 Petition is now at the MPP’s Burlington office.
To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Whereas, the Government of Ontario has announced a review of Ontario’s eight regional municipalities, the County of Simcoe, and their lower-tier municipalities, including Halton Region and the City of Burlington; and
Whereas, Municipal governments are responsible for funding and delivering crucial local services on which residents depend; and
Whereas, 97 per cent of residents are satisfied with the quality of services delivered by the Region; and
Whereas, 95 per cent of the City of Burlington residents rate their quality of life as excellent or good; and
Whereas, Halton Region has maintained an AAA credit rating for 30 consecutive years due to effective governance and prudent fiscal policies; and
Whereas, Burlington has a proud heritage that goes back to 1798 and its founding father, Six Nations Captain Joseph Brant; and
Therefore, we the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as follows: That the City of Burlington remain a distinct municipality within a two-tier Region of Halton municipal governance structure.
There is an old maxim in the world of citizens who engage their governments: If you persist there is a better chance of prevailing. That certainly appears to be the case with the matter of the Petition.
Halton could be spared any changes:
In a conversation with a colleague in Hamilton, John Best, publisher of the Bay Observer, a monthly newspaper that has some reach into Burlington, he suggested that Halton and its municipalities will be spared – “it is Niagara and Peel that are going to get the close look. Niagara has 127 elected officials – the Premier has never liked large representation at the municipal level – he made that abundantly clear when he chopped away at the size of Toronto’s city council.
The Premier also has an interest in the Region of Peel where Patrick Brown is the Mayor. Peel is made up of Mississauga, Caledon and Brampton. Mississauga has indicated that it would like to be re-constituted as a single tier government – it is certainly large enough.
What happens to Caledon and Brampton? It would be one way of getting rid of Patrick Brown – wouldn’t it?