By Pepper Parr
January 19th, 2018
There were two meetings in town last night.
 Registration table for the ECoB meeting held at Wellington Square United Church.
One, a Reverse Town Hall, called by the Mayor took place at the Art Gallery, the other, organized by Engaged Citizens of Burlington, took place at Wellington Square United Church; they drew 70 to 80 people and talked about the “need to change council”.
A new group was formed “from ward 1” who were going to meet again and find a way to replace their ward Councillor Rick Craven.
The ECoB meeting ended at about 8:00 pm. Lisa Kierns, an ECoB founder, left that meeting and zipped along to the Mayor’s meeting and presented him with six questions.
• What is the rush to push forward the Official Plan? Residents find the precinct plans difficult to find, analyze, and understand the impacts in all wards. This is still not clear.
• Is the City doing enough to defend Zoning and Official Plan limits? Why are the rules changing and why is Development forcing special considerations – profitability?
• What are we gaining in the rush for intensification and what tools are available to keep it in control? Is this the City we want to live in?
• Why did the City begin engagement on the Official Plan when the supporting plans are not complete, this is not a complete strategy or Plan? We need to see the impact of the: Transit Plan, Transportation Plan, and Mobility Hubs. What is the rush?
• Why is downtown an Area Specific Plan if a Character Study was not done on the neighbouring St. Luke’s Precinct and Emerald Neighbourhood? Have the concerns with specific residents who border on the growth areas been adequately addressed? What about uptown?
 Between 70 and 80 people attended the ECoB meeting; at least one with a cheque in hand. Some of the participants formed a group to replace the ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven.
• Do you want to live amongst tall buildings in your neighbourhood? The City of Burlington is changing the rules to turn into a big city intensified with big tall buildings? This is not a provincially mandated Mobility Hub.
One of the meeting organizers, who asked not to be named said: “It was a great meeting with a lot of questions and answers given.”
The ECoB lawn signs were on sale, expect to see them popping up on snow covered lawns.
By Staff
January 18th, 2018
On January 18th 2018 at approximately 2:40pm, a collision occurred at King Road and Plains Road in the City of Burlington.
 Photo of a male suspected of stealing a car from a woman while she was pumping gas into her car. Police photo.
The male driver of one of the vehicles fled the collision scene. He ran to a nearby gas station and stole a vehicle from an elderly female who was pumping gas. The female was not injured. The male made good his escape in the stolen vehicle eastbound on Plains Road. Police are seeking the public’s assistance to identify the male.
Anyone who may have any information pertaining to this investigation is asked to contact the Det McLeod of the HRPS Burlington Criminal Investigation Bureau 905-825-4747 ext. 2385 or Crime Stoppers “See Something, Hear Something, Know Something – Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), through the web at or by texting “Tip 201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
January 18th, 2018
Angela Coughlan Pool – Service Disruption
Angela Coughlan Leisure Swim on Thursday January 18 from 5:30-7:30pm has been cancelled due to a maintenance issue.
 Angela Coughlan Pool
For alternative swim opportunities, please visit
By Staff
January 18th, 2018
When Toronto Global put in their bid to be the location for what is being called HQ2 – the second headquarters Amazon wants to set up mention was made in that document of a piece of land on Upper Middle Road east of Appleby Line – known as Bronte Meadows.
 Part of the bid made had to include the transit infrastructure of the site.
The document that Toronto Global submitted a number of possible locations – Bronte Meadows was one of them.
 An aerial view of the 184-acre site on Bronte Road.
What is just a little ironic is that the Paletta interests have been trying to get what is defined as employment land changed to a residential designation.
Amazon announced today it had whittled down the list of 238 bidders to a short list of 20. Toronto was the only Canadian city to make the list.
One of the showcased sites in the Toronto Global bid was the Burlington’s Bronte-Meadows, a 184-acre site billed as having “campus-style development” potential.
 Upper Middle Road looking east towards Burloak – prime commercial.
The “Toronto Region” lauded in the bid also includes Hamilton. The TO bid document even gives brief shout-outs to local institutions like McMaster University and Mohawk College as well as recreational highlights like our escarpment parks and the Hamilton Tiger-Cats
Amazon is said to be planning to invest more than $5 billion into the forthcoming headquarters and hire 50,000 highly paid employees in the city housing it.
Amazon had stipulated in September that it was seeking to be near a metropolitan area with more than a million people; be able to attract top technical talent; be within 45 minutes of an international airport; have direct access to mass transit; and be able to expand that headquarters to as much as 8 million square feet in the next decade. But Amazon also made clear in that it wanted tax breaks, grants and any other incentives.
The extra space will help the rapidly-growing company, which It had nearly 542,000 employees at the end of September, a 77 per cent jump from the year before. Some of that growth came from Amazon’s nearly $14 billion acquisition last year of natural foods grocer Whole Foods and its 89,000 employees.
 A three dimensional view of the Bronte Meadows site on Upper Middle Road where it curves into Burloak.
The process will now shift into a new phase, with Amazon representatives communicating more directly with finalist cities as they prepare to select a winner later this year, and perhaps with cities being even more outspoken about why they should be chosen. Inc. said it will make a final selection sometime this year.
You can expect this news to work its way into the municipal election campaign that is already underway – all those condominiums along Brant street just might be needed.
By Staff
January 18th, 2018
Burlington Public Library and the Sound of Music Festival are excited to announce a new partnership.
Starting in January, free music and art education workshop series begins. They are called: Taking It to the Streets, designed for kids ages 9 to 12:
Sun January 21: Body Percussion Level 2 with Sheldon De Souza
Create music from nothing to something! Turn a zipper into a scratching turntable. A bottle for a cowbell. Clap, tap or stomp in a pattern. Use multiple voices to layer and create impact.
Sun February 11: Creative Arts with Rosalinde Pecino
 Rosalinde Pecino will show people how to explore the world of imagination and artistic expression.
This workshop is an opening into the magical realm of creative arts using a series of exercises focusing on play, discovery, relationship, and expression. Together, with the help of the arts, we explore the world of imagination and artistic expression!
Sun April 8: Body Percussion Level 2 with Sheldon De Souza
Sun May 27: Theme to be announced
Sessions run 1.30-3pm. To register for any one or all of the Taking It to the Streets music education workshops @Central, please visit Sound of Music Festival. Space is limited. Maximum 20 children. There is no cost to attend but pre-registration is required.
Questions about the workshops? Contact Elizabeth Gomez, Chair, Music Education, Sound of Music Festival, 905.334.2241.
By Staff
January 18th, 2018
With all the confusion, all the concern and a deep mistrust on the part of a significant portion of the downtown population the city is going to introduce another layer of information and advice.
The city created an Urban Design Advisory Panel and asked for people who were interested to get in touch with the Planning department. They were seeking architects, landscape architects, urban designers and planners as members for its inaugural term (2018 to 2020).
The mandate of the Burlington Urban Design Advisory Panel is to provide independent, objective and professional urban design advice to the Department of City Building – Planning, Building and Culture on all tall and mid-rise buildings (five storeys or greater) and all public development projects, studies and policy initiatives with the objective of achieving design excellence in the city.
The city “is at a unique time in its history. With very little green space left for the development of suburban-type neighbourhoods, the city can no longer grow out. Instead, it must grow from within its existing urban area.”
 No green space left – so it is build up, build smart and build beautiful.
Applications were due by Dec. 22, 2017
Selected candidates were to be contacted in early January 2018 to arrange an interview with city staff.
Joe Gaetan, a Gazette reader wanted to know “who establishes the guiding principles for this panel?” And wondered if “any thought has been given to any form of citizen engagement on urban design, or do we have to wait until all the decisions are made and then react?”
By Pepper Parr
January 18th, 2018
The Engaged Citizens of Burlington, a newly formed group working towards a better Burlington for generations to come is particularly concerned with issues of planning and development.
They operate online and through community meetings to help build awareness on issues affecting Burlington residents and the community as a whole.
The group planned a Workshop for volunteers that takes place this evening.
Unfortunately, the Office of the Mayor planned an event at the same time and while ECoB said they “applaud the Mayor for taking time to listen to the public” they did think that the Mayor’s office should have been aware of the meeting they had planned and been able to avoid a conflict.
 Rick Goldring during a 2014 election debate when two lightweight candidates went up against him. The 2018 election is going to be a lot different. Former Mayor Mike Wallace has thrown his hat into the ring – others are expected to follow.
ECoB said they were under the impression that the January 23rd City Planning and Development Meeting was the time for the Mayor to listen to the public.
Matters got a little difficult for ECoB when the city manager sent them a letter threatening legal action if they did not remove some comments about the city planning department from their web site.
It’s all getting a little messy – there must be something in the water the people at city hall are drinking.
ECob is going ahead with their meeting.
The Mayor is going ahead with his Reverse Town Hall meeting.
They will all be at city hall on January 23rd for a critical Planning and Development meeting.
 Mike Wallace with Connie Smith.
The day before – January 22nd, Mike Wallace a former city Councillor and former MP for Burlington will stand up in Civic Square and formally announce his intention to run for the Office of Mayor.
Suddenly everything comes into focus!
Salt with Pepper is an opinion column published from time to time.
By Staff
January 18th, 2017
Mike Wallace, five term member of Burlington City Council and three term Member of Parliament for Burlington, will announce his intention to run for the Office of the Mayor of Burlington on January 22nd at 11:30am.
The event will be held in the courtyard in front of Burlington City Hall 426 Brant Street. (They mean Civic Square)
Wallace will have a short speech to make to supporters in attendance and be available for interviews
By Pepper Parr
January 17th, 2018
The meeting took place on December the 18th.
It was requested by a group of Aldershot citizens who wanted more information on the developments taking place in their community. Much of the agenda was put together by the then Director of Planning Mary Lou Tanner.
 Planters along Plains Road have given what used to be a provincial highway a much more suburban look. The level and form of development taking place in their community has many concerned.
Main Agenda Topics –
1. An overview of Mobility Hubs with a focus on employment-commercial areas (City staff)
2. Overview of employment lands in new Official Plan – Mobility Hub/Aldershot and residential/height mixed use focus (City staff, All)
3. Identification of issues-concerns with employment-commercial space (Tom, Greg, Dayna, Stephen, All)
4. De- commercialization and the loss of walkable necessities of life – inherent contradictions with the plan, and related issues.
5. Encroachment
 Mary Lou Tanner
The then Director of Planning, Mary Lou Tanner (she became the Deputy city manager on the 22nd of December) provided the first three agenda items which led at least one person in the group to think there would be “would have a discussion all around, but we did not”.
Six mobility hub planners attended but according to people who were in the room not one of them said a word, except on small items of clarity with few words.
When the “meeting ended they took another way out of the room, avoiding us. There was no mention of a response to our issues and questions.”
The group had questions about
Community feedback;
What is an acceptable retail mix and
Why doesn’t the City enforce a minimum?
Transit integration and “walkability”
New OP
How is growth being measured?
How does that dictate plan direction?
The group was concerned over reports that the city is well over track to meet the region’s goals. What are the population targets for the next 10 years and does this tie in with unit construction?, they asked.
“Is it valid/legal for current planning decisions to be swayed by potential OP changes that are not on the books yet?
“How are mobility hub changes being factored into new OP?”
It was what most of citizens taking part thought was going to be a civil meeting with an open and transparent exchange of ideas.
But there was a bump that changed the tone of the meeting.
At one point, one of the Aldershot residents, appeared to have looked at Tanner in a manner that was uncomfortable to her and she let loose saying:
“Don’t you ever look at me like that again.”
By Deedee Davies
January 17th, 2018
I am saddened to be writing to let you know that the citizens-led volunteer group, Burlington Waterfront, has shut down its operations. I had to step down as Chair of this group to focus more personal time and energy on providing elder support. With our executive members already also deeply involved in the complementary advocacy efforts with other groups to protect our waterfront lands and downtown from unnecessary overdevelopment, none of them were able to take on this role.
 Deedee Davies on the left with Councillor John Taylor and Realtor Linda Davies – the two women are not related.
We encourage you to stay involved in protecting public access to our waterfront. Writing to all the Councillors and Mayor with your views on issues is a good start.; Ward 1; Ward 2; Ward 3; Ward 4; Ward 5; and Ward 6
As well, there are several advocacy groups operating where you can offer your support, expertise, time, or effort.
 Plan B, a group of downtown residents, want to ensure that the public has better access and sight lines to the waterfront and the pier. They want to be “at the table? when the redevelopment of the Waterfront Hotel takes place.
Plan B is working with the city planners to develop a better plan than the city’s preferred concept for the redevelopment of the Waterfront Hotel lands at the foot of Brant Street. The draft city plan called for two towers of up to 25 and 18 storeys and a large 4 storey podium all on the waterfront side of Lakeshore Road. You can join Plan B in their efforts by getting involved through their Facebook page at
ECoB (Engaged Citizens of Burlington) is “fighting City Hall” to have overturned the recent approval by City Council for a 23 storey condominium on the north-east corner of Brant and James Streets. This is the proverbial “straw that breaks the camel’s back” and would permit a flood of 20 something storey condominiums into our downtown and line Brant Street from the waterfront up. In fact, city planners already envisage (and are trying to put approval for it in the Official Plan) a 22 storey condo being built at the NE corner of Brant and Lakeshore Road, where the old bank building, now a falafel restaurant is located. This would be directly across from the proposed 22 storey replacement for the Waterfront Hotel and the 22 storey Bridgewater Development already under construction.
This not-for-profit group of citizens are also proposing to delay approval of the Burlington New Official Plan that regulates land use for the next decade so that citizens have proper opportunity to learn about and comment on the sweeping changes being proposed for some neighbourhoods. Find out more on how you can get involved at, on Facebook at and on Twitter at or email them at .
 Meed Ward with Mayor Goldring: she is more comfortable with herself as a speaker.
Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward who represents the downtown is working tirelessly to try and stop these irreversible events from occurring. She has brought to light new information on the Downtown Mobility Hub and a discrepancy between city and provincial intensification boundaries that could be game changers.
Please read her latest Ward 2 newsletter at or follow on Facebook at or on Twitter at @MarianneMeedWard to learn more. If you care, please get involved, particularly if you are not from Ward 2.
Burlington Green Environmental Organization believes the City of Burlington is missing a huge opportunity to preserve and add green spaces to the downtown as they finalize the Official Plan. With all the condominiums planned for the core, there are not any park spaces planned for south of James, east of Brant and north of Lakeshore. Where will the children of families living in this neighbourhood play? You can learn more at under the Local Issues /Preserve Greenspace tab, or follow them at
Burlington Core Residents is a forum for residents to stay current on the latest news and developments in the Burlington downtown area. Their email address is, or follow them at
 The developer wants to intensify this property.
First Urban Inc is appealing the city’s refusal of rezoning for 143 Blue Water Place and 105 Avondale Court (between Walkers and Appleby Lines south of Lakeshore Road). It will be going to an OMB Hearing at City Hall beginning May 14, 2018 at 10:00. The City and citizens are trying to prevent a development of 35 three storey townhouses and 4 semi-detached units from being built on the waterfront where currently there exist two homes. This development is inappropriate at this location for so many reasons. An association was formed to help the city fight this proposed development. They are called Burlington Lakeshore Residents Association. Their chair, Ben King will be an official Party with legal standing to the OMB Hearings. To become involved, please write to them at or check out their website at
 When the city sunset the Waterfront Advisory committee that a former member had set up the Council member for the ward, Marianne Meed Ward, created a citizens advisory committee that would “take a holistic look at what is best for the city”.
On behalf of the executive of Burlington Waterfront, I would like to thank you for your interest and efforts in protecting public access to our waterfront and encourage you to continue making Burlington a great city with a great waterfront by staying engaged. And please take time to enjoy our beautiful waterfront, in every season – it is a jewel.
 Former Toronto Mayor David Crombie was a guest at a Waterfront Advisory Committee where he urged Mayor Goldring to listen to what the citizens of the city.
Editor’s note: The Waterfront group that has ceased operating had an interesting history. It was what was left of the Waterfront Advisory Committee that was formed by former Mayor Cam Jackson. The city sunset that committee. Both Mayor Golding and Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward said they would form committees to take up the work that both felt needed to be done.
The Mayor did nothing – Meed Ward decided to serve as an advisor to the group she was going to form. While serving as Chair of the committee Davies worked tirelessly and brought interesting information to the public. Think Deedee Davies when you think about who should be nominated as one of Burlington’s Best.
By Pepper Parr
January 17th, 2018
It is getting nasty out there.
ECoB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington make no bones about their dissatisfaction with the way information from the Planning department gets to the taxpayers who cover all the costs.
There is a section on their web site offering pointers to people who want to write the politicians.
Here is part of what is on the web site now:

Do you need some help putting your thoughts into valid points for your letter to City Hall? Here are some ideas for you!
Questions you should be asking. Points you can be making.
Why is council not following its own current official plan?
How can a new Official Plan be passed when so many master plans have not been completed?
How can proper decisions be made when these other master plans aren’t completed? It is like building a house on a base of sand.
Council is not defending its own official plan at the OMB- why not?
Is council so quick to allow planning staff to determine what our City will look like because they don’t want to spend the money in the event that they could lose? Is that a good reason to allow for poor planning?
There seems to be money to spend on “legacy projects” – like the Joseph Brant Museum but not to defend the current official plan.
The residents elect council to represent their needs not the needs of Staff and the Developers.
This council seems to forget this. What is happening in the downtown core is happening in all of Burlington- this needs to be an election issue. Presently 9 new development applications have been received by the City since Christmas – 5 in Ward 2- If we don’t stop what is happening now it will be too late. We should be questioning the legality of how certain areas were designated.
As someone said “Can you imagine that former Mayor Hazel McCallion would allow staff and the developers to dictate what was happening in Mississauga? “
It is the Mayors job to lead his council to do the right thing for the residents. I think residents have been very clear about not wanting over intensification. We need to stress that residents are not against development- but the right kind of development.
Where is our mayor? Why is staff dictating to Council it’s like the tail wagging the dog?
ECoB got a letter from the City Manager in which he said:
To Whom it May Concern:
On your website, in the area of letter writing campaign, you set out questions to be asked of the letter recipients. Among them is:
How can staff in the planning department be pushing these amendments when they know that they are not following The Professional Code of Practice of the Ontario Planners Institute which requires members to serve the public “to provide full, clear and accurate information on planning matters to decision makers and members of the public”?
This directly alleges that City staff have committed professional misconduct, and is categorically untrue. Staff have met or exceeded all requirements of their professional codes of practice, and have far exceeded the requirements of the planning act and other legislation in terms of consultation and provision of information. The fact you don’t like their recommendations does not mean they have acted unprofessionally.
I would like an immediate removal of these comments from your site, and an apology, or I will take all necessary steps to hold you accountable for these defamatory comments.
James Ridge City Manager
It appears that ECoB wasn’t prepared to meet the threat and removed the wording that offended the City Manager and sent the following letter to the City Manager in which they, ECoB said:
January 16, 2018
Sent by email to:
To Whom it May Concern:
It has been received that on the website, in the area of letter writing campaign, the questions to be asked of the letter recipients including:
“How can staff in the planning department be pushing these amendments when they know that they are not following The Professional Code of Practice of the Ontario Planners Institute which requires members to serve the public “to provide full, clear and accurate information on planning matters to decision makers and members of the public”?
at the request of the City of Burlington City Manager has been removed,
Members of Engaged Citizens of Burlington (ECoB) however rescind the request to issue apology.
It is further argued that the statement “The fact you don’t like their recommendations does not mean they have acted unprofessionally” infers a personal intent and is itself a defamatory comment which cannot be substantiated.
 ECoB attracted close to 100 people to a community meeting on a cold winter night with fresh snow falling. How will they take to the threat from the city manager?
The defensive tactic to silence this group through legal threat of a defamation case would quickly find evidence in the November 30th Planning and Development ECoB deputation that there is no defamatory intent and that this is a matter of responsible communication on matters of public interest.
It was identified on public record that following the November 30th Planning and Development meeting that the position of ECoB is to Request to Planning and Development to defer submission of the planning and building department report PB-50-17 regarding proposed new official plan (November 2017) regarding proposed downtown mobility hub precinct plan and proposed official plan policies until no sooner than June of 2018.
This will allow invaluable community input to understand the impact of the various planning instruments and initiatives. This will align with the provincially recognized Downtown Mobility Hub Area Specific Plan expected for delivery in June 2018. There are 7 requests in total per the deputation.
ECoB’s review of the Professional Code of Practice requiring members to serve the public interest hinges on planning staff bringing the new OP forward for approval without several significant studies (Transportation Master Plan, Transit Plan, Mobility Hubs study, etc). These have not been completed.
The question is simply: Does this action by the Planning Department, knowing that important information is missing, meet the requirements of the above Code? Do they believe they have provided all the required information?
To ECoB the facts are very clear. Do Council and residents have “full, clear and accurate information?” The answer is No.
This issue must be raised in view of the significance of this matter for all residents and the council of Burlington. How can a decision be made without full information? If we cannot agree, perhaps the Discipline Committee at OPI (Ontario Planners Institute) should decide if the document should have been brought forward at this time. We think this is a fair compromise solution.
Engaged Citizens of Burlington
cc. Mayor and Council Members
Somewhere along the way polite, civil, and transparent communication got lost.
By Staff
January 17th, 2018
On January 10, 2018, a female resident communicated electronically with a male via an online dating website.
The male later met with the woman at her residence in Burlington, Ontario. During that meeting the female victim was sexually assaulted and had several electronics stolen from her residence.
On January 15, 2018, after a detailed investigation, the accused was identified and arrested by members of the Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Bureau.
The Halton Regional Police Service has charged Darrell Jason TURNOCK, 36 years, of Dundas, Ontario with Sexual Assault and Theft of Property (Over $5000).
The accused was released on a Promise to Appear, with a court date of February 7, 2018.
Anyone with information related to this incident is asked to contact Detective Constable Mark Werner, CASA, 905-825-4747 ext. 8747. Tips can be forwarded to Crime Stoppers; “See Something, Hear Something, Know Something — Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
People charged with an offense are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
By Staff
January 16th, 2018
Sip a glass of local wine while you listen to the stories of our local cultural thought leaders.
The Museums of Burlington announce a “A Toast to History Speaker Series” that begins on Thursday, February 8 with a tribute to Black History Month.
Teacher and historian, Kelly Gray, will present “I am Canadian: Reflections Past and Present”.
• Thursday, February 8, 6:30 to 8:00 pm
• Tickets are $10.00 each and can be purchased in advance or at the door (space permitting)
• Admission includes a glass of wine upon arrival, doors open at 6:30 pm
• Spaces are limited, call 905-332-9888 or email to reserve your spot
Other dates for the speaker series are:
Thursday, April 12 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm | Geneology | Building and Preserving your Family Tree
Thursday, June 14 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm | Save the Evidence | A campaign to restore the former Mohawk Institute Residential School as a historic site
Thursday, September 13 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm | TBD
Thursday, November 8 | 6:30 – 8:00 pm | TBD
By Pepper Parr
January 16th, 2018
The process of closing the two Burlington high schools begins.
Some good new – the Ministry of Education is providing capital funding for the relocation of two existing child care programs.
 What was a purpose built school that included an additional gymnasium is going to be hard to replace.
Pearson Co-operative Nursery School will move from Lester B. Pearson High School to Brant Hills Public School in Burlington.
The Lord Elgin YMCA Child Care Centre will move from Robert Bateman High School to Frontenac Public School in Burlington.
The provincial government will provide funding for these two projects. Brant Hills Public School will receive $771,381 to upgrade facilities, and Frontenac Public School will receive $1,028,508.
For both these relocated child care programs, the capital funding will be used to retrofit underutilized spaces.
Scott Podrebarac, Superintendent of Education who handled the PARC’s and with responsibility for Early Years/Child Care Liaison in the Halton District School Board said: the funding “allows us to work with two long-standing, established child care programs to increase the number of child care spaces in our community and serve more families.”
The design phases for the Pearson Co-operative Nursery School are complete and the new space will open at Brant Hills Public School in September 2018.
How many of the parents currently using the Pearson facilities will want to or be able to use the new location.
Renovations to Frontenac Public School are in the preliminary design stages and the opening date for the Lord Elgin YMCA Child Care Centre will be announced at a later date.
By Pepper Parr
January 16th, 2018
The mayor is hosting a town hall this Thursday at the AGB at 7:00 pm to hear from residents about the downtown.
Our information is that the notice of the meeting was only shared on Twitter. An hour afrer we first published the Office of the Mayor said:
I’m hosting a Reverse Town Hall this Thursday, January 18th, 7 p.m at the Art Gallery of Burlington to discuss the downtown Burlington in context to our Official Plan and the draft precinct plan.
Reverse Town Hall is all about coming together to share your perspectives. I hope to see many residents, developers and stakeholders this Thursday.
 The Mayor in listening mode.
The event is being billed as a Reverse Town Hall. “I want to hear your thoughts about the future of downtown Burlington. This is your meeting and an opportunity for me to listen.
Imagine if this listening capacity were to make its way to the Council Chamber.
ECoB has scheduled a meeting for people interested in volunteering to grow what is known as Engaged Citizens of Burlington.
A genuine and regrettable conflict – the Office of the Mayor was perhaps not aware of what ECoB had planned.
By Staff
January 16th, 2018
This could be both fun and interesting.
Literacy, the Library, Choo Choo trains and the Freeman Station.
The Burlington Library, New Street branch, is holding a “Reading” Railroad day. The Library and Friends of Freeman Station are teaming up on Saturday, February 3rd to promote reading literacy and model railroad fun.
They are combining “story times” with model trains and age-specific special activities.
10:30 – 11:30 – “Adventures on the Island of Sodor” will feature an operating Thomas the Tank Engine with Annie and Clarabelle along with exciting stories about Thomas and friends (for preschoolers).
2:00 – 3:30 – “Burlington in the golden age of steam” offers a nostalgic look at our grandparents’ life around the Freeman Station. (All ages.)
Saturday, February 3rd at the Central Library, Centennial Room,
There is no cost to attend, but donations toward construction of the model railway diorama will be gratefully appreciated.
By Staff
January 16th, 2018
A motor vehicle was stolen on January 10th 2018.
The Halton Regional Police are investigating a motor vehicle theft that occurred on January 10th 2018.
 Suspect in the theft of an auto from Best Western Hotel 2404 Queensway Drive, Burlington.
The unknown male suspect, in the attached photo, stole the victim’s vehicle while it was left running and unattended in the parking lot of the Best Western Hotel situated at 2404 Queensway Drive in the City of Burlington.
The vehicle has since been recovered in the City of Hamilton and police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the person responsible for this crime.
The quality of the image is much better than most photographs supplied by the police. This person should be identified quickly.
If you have information relating to this incident or are able to identify the unknown suspect, please contact Detective Constable Dave Macedo of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2333.
Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS), through the internet at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637
Police are reminding the public to never leave a vehicle running while unattended and to never leave spare keys in the vehicle.
A suspect is presumed innocent until proven guilty on a court of law.
By Pepper Parr
January 16th, 2018
The ECoB people are beginning to dialogue with at least one member of city council.
They have always had the ear of ward 2 Councillor Meed Ward but they have had problems getting time and attention from the rest of Council.
While ECoB and Meed Ward are on the same page the ECoB people made a point of telling people that they weren’t a front for Meed Ward – they just happen to support each other in terms of the objective, which was to take a hard realistic look at what is happening to the downtown core of Burlington.
During a meeting with Councillor Taylor two ECoB people met and set out what they feel Councillors are not hearing from the Planning department.
ECoB is a small organization – not more than a handful of people. With the idea developed, after some missteps getting themselves off the ground, there is now a clear direction. The organization is now reaching out for volunteers to take part in getting the message out and further developing the resistance to what is coming out of the Planning department.
The group is holding a Volunteer Recruitment Workshop on Thursday January 18th at Wellington Square Church, 2121 Caroline Avenue from 7-9 PM.
 ECoB lawn sign.
Their lawns signs are now ready for those who want to show their support for the group in a more visual way. Signs are $5 – covers the cost – and will be available at the Thursday meeting,
ECoB can be reached electronically at:
In summarizing their conversation with Taylor Lisa Kearns and Penny Hersh report that Taylor is now aware ECoB believes the “planned growth for Brant Street is not providing vibrancy, culture or character, but will in fact price out families or those under the top 2% in wage earners.
The women refer to a Toronto Star article that references Toronto real estate prices and what they believe will be the cost of commercial property on Brant Street.
 Lisa Kierns ECoB member
They believe there is a housing bubble “that is going to burst at some point and that at some point we will be left with a decimated character for downtown Brant Street, potentially unfinished or vacant condos, and a false promise of vibrancy. This is indeed a grim picture for the gem we have been fortunate enough to enjoy.”
“You must know” said the ECoB team, “as Planning does, that the properties on Brant have been land massed with a bet that the low density will be exchanged for incredible profit – most of which is backed by foreign money – if you don’t know this, it is time to start asking some very serious questions.
ECoB believes the city is “giving away height for nothing in return. Nothing. If the other Precincts can absorb the required growth and Brant Street is off limits, then those areas will be as valuable as Brant – the opposite is true, if Brant is available then the value of the other buildings will be reduced. This means there is a way to offer housing while still protecting Brant Street.”
 Councillor Taylor on discussion with former Director of Planning Mary Lou Tanner who is now the Deputy city manager.
“The creators of the problem – vacant stores, no leasehold improvements, short term leases and sky high rents have caused the problems we have downtown – these same individuals are proposing the solution as condo level retail and offices. This is not the solution, there is no soul or feel to commerce in those properties, and if the value of the property is assessed more factually – as 2-4 storey’s then the opportunity for true vibrant and exciting retail and services can flourish. Awesome businesses are dying to get downtown but are forced out because the property’s must be unencumbered to develop.
“There is so much more to this conversation that ECoB will continue to bring forward and we need to rely on those that can affect change in a positive way to ensure our heart and core is protected. Please be part of this change.”
Taylor listened, as he usually does.
 Where the development is taking place in the city.
By Pepper Parr
January 15th, 2018
David Vandenberg a third year political science student at McMaster University announced on Cogeco TV’s The Issue last week that he will be running the re-election campaign for Rick Goldring who will be seeking his third term as Mayor of Burlington.
Vandenberg said he was honoured and excited about the role and was looking forward to 2018!
 David Vandenberg on Cogeco TV
Vandenberg has almost as much exposure in the city as the man he will be working to keep in city hall for another three years.
Vandenberg attended Wilfrid Laurier University where he studied Economics w/ Management Option. While at Laurier he was a member of the Lazaridis Student Society, Laurier Intramurals, Laurier Economics Club. Mike Lazaridis, co-founder of the BlackBerry Corporation is close to an idol at Laurier.
Vandenberg worked on getting high school students involved in the Pythons’ Pit. That job required him to work with the HDSB/HCDSB to promote and seek student involvement with Pythons’ Pit
– Market and promote Pythons’ Pit across the region to business professionals and mentors
– Seek and gain community sponsors for the program
– Foster youth entrepreneurship and guidance to High School students in Halton
His entrepreneurial bones were first evident when he created David’s Lawn Care which he operated for
6 years 9 months.
 David Vandenbewrg’s job is to keep that Chain of Office around the Mayor’s neck and make sure the voters don’t decide to wring that neck at the election polls.
It was a self-started lawn care company that he founded in 2011 and maintained seven weekly contracts with neighbours as well as short term clients who leave for vacation.
Vandenberg worked as a Research Analyst Intern with Emshih Developments Inc. from February 2017 – September 2017.
There is also a bit of a show business streak – Vandenberg was an Emcee – Concerts in The Park
Every active student works in a restaurant at some point- Vandenberg was a Host/Server at Son of a Peach Pizza.
Managing an election campaign that is likely to be a much contested event with at least three solid candidates known to be in the race. The only one to declare publicly is the current Mayor.
Vandenberg will need all his youthful energy and whatever he has in the way of skills to pull this one off. Not sure if he realizes yet that politics is a bloods sport – not for the faint of heart.
By Staff
January 15th, 2018
ECoB will also be holding a Volunteer Recruitment Workshop on Thursday January 18th at Wellington Square Church, 2121 Caroline Avenue from 7-9 PM.
The ECoB lawn signs should be available at that time as well. Anyone interested in getting one should contact us through our email address