By Pepper Parr
April 14th, 2016
This probably means that warmer weather is going to arrive and stay for a while.
The Cycling Committee has invited residents to attend a series of free cycling seminars to help prepare for the 2016 spring and summer cycling season.
There are four topics that will be covered during the seminars, which run at Burlington Public Library branches this spring.
 For Rob Narejko a good ride on one of his bikes is better than a night out. A passionate believer in greater use of bicycles, N has served on the city’s cycling committee for some time. He recently led a night ride that had some 20+ people out on the roads at night.
Awesome Bike Gear for 2016 – Wednesday, April 27, 7 to 9 p.m. – Central Branch
A variety of local bike shops will share the latest in cool cycling gear for 2016. From stylish cycle-friendly clothing to tech/training gear, to fun and trendy bike accessories and fabulous equipment for family rides. Local bike experts will answer gear questions after the seminar.
 Bikes parked outside a Burlington school – both board of education and city hall would like to see more students biking to school and fewer parents driving their children to school.
Bike Maintenance 101
Saturday, April 30, 10 to 11:30 a.m. – Central Branch
Wednesday, May 4, 7 to 8:30 p.m. – Central Branch
Saturday, May 14, 2 to 3:30 p.m. – Alton Branch
Learn about basic bike maintenance that can be done at home. Start the bike season off right with a properly maintained bike for an easier and safer ride. This includes a keynote presentation from Rolling Horse Community Cycle.
Bike Safety
Saturday, May 7, 2 to 3 p.m. – Alton Branch
Monday, May 16, 7 to 8 p.m. – Central Branch
Saturday, June 4, 10 to 11 a.m. – Central Branch
This seminar will cover the rules of the road, must-have bike accessories, the roles and responsibilities of cyclists and motorists, hazards and the proper way to ride on-road bike lanes, bike sharrows and bike paths.
Bike Infrastructure around the World – Wednesday, June 1, 7 to 9 p.m. – Central Branch
Which cities are doing cycling infrastructure right? What creations of pro-cycling design around the world could Burlington learn from? Explore cycling infrastructure projects from around the world.
The seminars are free but sign-up is required.
For more information about the Burlington Cycling Committee and these free seminars, visit To sign up for any of the seminars, call Burlington Public Library – Central Branch at 905-639-3611, ext. 1321.
All this attention to getting bikes ready just might do something for the city’s transportation modal split – and if you don’t know what a modal split is – ask the people who tell you how to get your bike ready – this is what they are all about.
By Pepper Parr
April 14, 2016
Halton Police hosted a training course for new Commercial Motor Vehicle officers. Sixteen of the officers were from Halton – when they completed the three day course they were sent out with these newly acquired skills and inspected 48 commercial motor vehicles over the course of the day.
 Rigorous road inspections results in safer transport trucks on the road. Halton just completed training 16 new officers in this specialized work.
Of those 48, 16 were taken out of service, a 33% failure rate. Officers laid 102 charges, seizing one license plate and vehicle which had not undergone a mandatory annual safety inspection.
The curriculum included cargo securement, hours of service limits, weight and dimension limits in Ontario, speed limiting equipment, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, hazardous material spill response, wheel detachment investigations, among others.
Drivers and operators of commercial motor vehicles are responsible for ensuring that their vehicles, as well as their loads, are inspected and safe before travel. Any defect that compromises the safe operation of a vehicle can result in it being removed from service.
The police have a Regional Commercial Motor Vehicle Unit and train their officers to have the knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct commercial vehicle safety inspections and all related commercial vehicle enforcement.
If anyone has information about any motor vehicles that are unsafe on our roads, please call 911.
By Staff
April 14, 2016
They did get away but not by much more than the skin of their teeth.
On Tuesday, April 12th, shortly after 4:00 am, police responded to a report of two males seen at the rear of Solid Gold along with the sound of glass breaking.
 Video taken inside the Solid Gold- one suspect is pretty clear.
Police arrived at the rear of Sold Gold at which time a white pickup truck with its’ headlights off and one occupant fled east over some grass onto Plains Rd and was last seen going south on Birchwood Avenue at a high rate of speed. For public safety reasons, police did not pursue this vehicle.
Officers quickly observed the rear glass door to Solid Gold was smashed and it was believed the two persons seen walking at the rear were still inside and as a result, a perimeter was established and the business was contained.
The services of the Halton Regional Police Tactical Rescue Unit (TRU) along with Canine officers and negotiators responded to the scene and efforts were made to attempt to communicate with persons inside without success and eventually, officers entered the premise and determined that the suspects were not inside.
 By the time police actually entered the Solid Gold on Plains Road the men attempting to break into as ATM machine were long gone – police have video tape to work from.
Investigators have since reviewed the CCTV from inside the business and it was determined that two suspects fled out the front door of the establishment as the first police vehicle arrived at the rear and before the second police vehicle arrived on scene. The CCTV showed the two suspects inside the business for several minutes where they attempted to break into an ATM but was unsuccessful.
Police are looking for three male suspects. No description is available for the male that fled in the truck however the two suspects that entered the establishment
were wearing hoodies, masks and gloves.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Vince Couce of 3 District Criminal Investigation Bureau at (905) 825-4747 ext 2307 or Crime Stoppers at
1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at; or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 13, 2016
The inaugural Leading Ladies Charitable Dinner and Speaker Series, organized by the Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington, will take place on May 3, 2016 at LIUNA Station in Hamilton. Doors open at 5:30pm.
 Former Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion
What makes this a newsworthy event? Former Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion is going to take the microphone – and it should be a barn burner of a talk.
Hamilton artist, author and philanthropist Patricia Gagic, will share the stage for an engaging and inspiring evening. The evening will be a dinner and exciting silent auction, with the proceeds supporting the charitable work of the Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington.
“Part of the Junior League’s mission is to develop the potential of women.” says Stephanie Fontaine, President of The Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington Inc. (JLHB).
At 95, Hazel McCallion still outworks colleagues half her age. She is passionate about causes that benefit the community and is thrilled to support the Junior League. “My career has spanned many decades but I have consistently championed education and the development of women leaders, two priorities that I share with the Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington.”
As one of WXN (Women’s Executive Network) Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada in 2015, Patricia Gagic’s talents have touched many aspects of the arts and beyond. She is also a dedicated community advocate both locally and internationally. “As a lifetime volunteer and advocate for children around the world, I am excited to share my story in hopes it will inspire others.”
Tickets for the evening (including dinner and speakers) are $100 each (charitable donation receipt available for a portion of the ticket cost), and are available online at or through the office at 289-337-9526 (Tuesday and Thursday).
The JLHB’s current focus of young women affected by poverty grounds their volunteer efforts and partnerships across the Hamilton-Burlington community.
 Former Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion – she can be as tough as nails when she has to be.
While the Junior League of Hamilton-Burlington may be an organization of women committed to voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers purpose may be exclusively educational and charitable they are going to get an up close and persona look about the role women can and have played in the world of politics.
Hazel is going to lay a little of that political love on them.
By Pepper Parr
April 12, 2016
The full detailed report is now on line – it’s a vital document – now all the city has to do is deliver on it.
Link to the document is at:
During council member comments last night Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster said “the public reads the Strategic Plan. When the 2011 Strategic Plan was released it didn’t take long for people to go through the document and remind members of council what it was they had committed to getting done.”
 Members of city council, senior staff plus people from the Region took part in a process that lasted a full year.
The 2011 plan wasn’t anywhere near as detailed as the 2015-2040. The deliverables are significant and at this point in time no one is really clear on how this is going to get accomplished.
Joan Ford, city treasurer and her team will be going through the document with a fine tooth comb and beginning to attach numbers to the deliverables. The results of that analysis will get put in front of the leadership team and collectively they will attempt to determine what can be done within a very very tight financial situation.
Burlington is looking at between 3% and 4% tax increases for the next 20 years – and that is just to pay for what is on the table now.
While staff are working on the document and the ramifications that will come out of it, the city intends to put the keep the document live in real time so that on any given day any citizen can log in and see where things stand – what has been done – what has been changed.
That kind of document maintenance in real time is a challenge to say the least – the proof will be in the pudding.
What has become evident is that City Manager Ridge tends to over reach – sets out possibilities and may not really be in touch with the realities of doing business day to day.
 From the left – the two KPMG consultants, EDC executive director Frank McKeown, Councillor Paul Sharman, planner xxx and Councillor Blair Lancaster taking part in one of the Strategic Plan workshops at Lasalle Park
What has to be appreciated is that Ridge has never been a city manager before; never been the man behind the desk where the buck stops.
It is going to be interesting to see how Ridge steers his staff and then manages to feed city council the information it needs to make decisions.
Councillor Taylor said this was his 9th Strategic Plan and that it was the best he has ever seen and added that it has not been costed out yet. He added as well that he could see a lot of cherry picking going on in the minds of his fellow councillors.
Taylor pointed to a major expense waiting to land on the council table – the cost of storm water management. If you are patient enough you will see a new tax initiative appear on your tax bill – no one knows what climate change is going to do to us – we do know by now that weather is changing – and that there are quite likely to be very damaging storms – the deluge in 2014 was a massive financial hit to the city. The best way to combat what appear to be inevitable is to create a tax levy that will produce a reserve to handle future costs.
 J.C. Bourne of KPMG with City Manager James Ridge and Michelle Dwyer at the last meeting of the team that put together the final draft of the Strategic Plan
Michelle Dwyer who was given credit on numerous occasions during the late stages of getting the Strategic Plan into its final form, will now oversee the implementation of the plan. She intends to make extensive use of City Talk – the magazine the city publishes on a fairly regular basis.
Problem with that communication channel is that few people actually read the magazine.
Dwyer has done some superb work – there appears to be a change in her job responsibilities in the works. Stay tuned.
By Pepper Parr
April 12, 2016
This isn’t the time of year for people to be out on the streets all that much – it’s still a little chilly.
For those who do venture to the edge of the lake and happen to wander east of the Waterfront hotel – they find themselves entering the early stages of a construction zone.
That lot that used to be home to the Riviera is now just mud with pieces of equipment scattered around the site.
 It could be taken for some kind o armament – but it is a drill that bores into the ground.
Fencing is in place and those “must wear a hard hat” signs are beginning to go up. Earlier in the week there was a tall – maybe three storey’s high – rig on the property. Bore holes were being drilled.
Bruno Kresina, the construction project manager, wasn’t on hand to explain what was going on.
The piece of land was home to the sales office – that was torn down a couple of weeks ago. The large six foot by six foot scale model of the Bridgewater project was put in storage – it will show up again when the new sales office is opened.
For a while the use of office space in the downtown core east of Brant was close to a game of musical chairs. Mayrose Tyco owners of the five storey tower on the north edge of the Elizabeth Street parking as well as the owners of the Bridgewater development, had rented space to the Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation. They were set up on the ground floor of the building while the parking lot at the Joseph Brant hospital underwent a massive re-development re-build that is costing the taxpayers $60 million – with the hospital foundation raising a second $60 million.
 A drawing setting out where the different buildings will b situated and the open space for public access.
With the hospital foundation out of the space, Jeff Paikin and his New Horizons Development group can move their sales offices into the space. Not they need all that much of a sales office space – they are said to be past the 70% sold point – and that must be true because the bankers don’t release the cash until sales are at that magic 70% level.
And so now the construction begins.
 This is what the south side of Lakeshore is going to look like sometime in 2018 – there will be public access to the lake in between the hotel on the right and the condominium of the left. It won’t be a very wide opening.
It’s a complex set up. The development was approved by city council in 1995 – it was to be a “legacy” project that had been in the minds of the Mayrose Tyco people before 1985. There were some land swaps that squared the assembled land – and a couple of close calls when Conservation Halton, who had grandfathered the development a long time ago but were beginning to get impatient.
Mayrose Tyco brought in the Mady Group to build what was to be a 22 storey condominium and a seven storey condominium plus a seven storey hotel that edged up to eight storeys.
The first hotel was to be a Delta – that got upgraded to a Marriott – which is some distance from the old Riviera motel.
Mady ran into financial problems – Mayrose Tyco took them off the building of the development and asked Paikin if he would take on the construction.
Paikin had already bought a unit in the seven story condominium – he was now going to build his new home.
 You are looking at what is going to be pretty close to the new street – sidewalk alignment on the south side of Lakeshore immediately east of Elizabeth street.
It will be a couple of years before the any moving vans arrive – the residents of the city have a couple of years to complain about the construction disruptions.
When it is completed – the waterfront will be a much different place.
The construction of the pier and now this luxury level hotel and some very high end condominiums, which will be described as the finest buildings to live in the GTA. Better than Oakville?
By Staff
April 12, 2016
At approximately 4:00 am on April 12th 2016, Halton Police responded to a break and enter in progress at Solid Gold on Plains Road East in Burlington.
Prior to police arrival, three suspects fled. Halton Police Tactical Rescue Unit, Canine, and Negotiators responded.
Hamilton Police assisted with their armoured vehicle and members of their Emergency Response Unit.
 Police did not know that the break and enter suspects had fled as they cautiously approached the Solid Gold location on Plains Road
No one was injured, no arrests have been made, however there is no danger to the public.
Members of the community can expect a police presence in the area while the incident is being investigated.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext. 2316 or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes). -30-
By Staff
April 12, 2015
The Burlington Community Foundation is proud to announce Ron Joyce as Burlington’s 2016 Philanthropist of the Year.
 Ron Joyce – Burlington’s 2016 Philanthropist of the Year.
The Gazette will tell you much more about this remarkable human being who has had such a tremendous impact on the community.
By Staff
April 12, 2016
Will you be Carson or Cora?
Come to the April 15 meeting of the Halton British Club and have fun paying homage to your favorite Downton Abbey character. There will be prizes for the most authentic look, a quiz and a British style tea party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday with some delicious birthday cake. Only $7 at the door.
When: 7:30 – 11 p.m. Friday, April 15
Where: Knights of Columbus Hall, 2400 Industrial St., Burlington
 Which character do you want to be?
The Halton British Canadian Club Inc was established in 1984. Its purpose is to provide a setting where members can participate in social activities. The club meets on the third Friday of every month at the Knights of Columbus Hall.
For more information: or contact
Jane or Russ Parker at:
or (905) 465-3480.
By Staff
April 12, 2016
This is what great readers do – they report as well as read.
We published a piece asking why so many people were reading a story more than a year old.
Gareth Williams popped us a note – the place was being robbed.
 Police tactical squad looking for robbery suspects at Solid Gold.
Plains Road in Burlington has reopened after being shut down since around six this morning, as police searched for an individual or individuals who broke into Solid Gold strip club. Police surrounded the building for hours, with guns drawn. The Tactical unit showed up and a little after 8:30 they finally went inside the building. Elizabeth Hall was at the scene, but did not see anyone go in or out of the building all morning.
CHCH had the full story.
By Staff
April 12, 2016
Why would 170 people want to read a story that was published in March of 2015?
We have no idea – but when we looked into the stats on the story we found that more than 3500 people have read the piece with the headline Burlington lawyer claims Solid Gold is available by the hour on Plains Road in Aldershot.
One of the reasons they reasd the story of course was because they could – everything the Gazette publishes stays in the archives.
Is there something going on in Aldershot the rest of us don’t know about?
Check it out – is there something we are missing?
Solid Gold
By Pepper Parr
April 12, 2016
It was more than a year in the making during which it went from the traditional Burlington four year plan that got expanded to a 25 year plan that added $200,000 to the city’s budget, presumably to maintain the plan or do some of the numerous promises in the document.
Council was proud as punch with the achievement.
It was described as the product of public engagement and a plan the city believes captures the priorities of the city’s residents and community leaders. Input was gathered from business groups, community groups, staff and residents. The city held workshops in late 2015 and early 2016 to test the draft with the community, making 176 changes to get to the final version.
 A City that Grows, A City that Moves, A Healthy and Greener City and An Engaging City – call it home – with a plan for the next 25 years.
In the media release the city said: The strategic plan includes four strategic directions:
A City that Grows
The City of Burlington attracts talent, good jobs and economic opportunity while having achieved intensification and a balanced, targeted population growth for youth, families, newcomers and seniors.
A City that Moves
People and goods move through the city more efficiently and safely. A variety of convenient, affordable and green forms of transportation that align with regional patterns are the norm. Walkability within new/transitioning neighbourhoods and the downtown are a reality.
A Healthy and Greener City
The City of Burlington is a leader in the stewardship of the environment while encouraging healthy lifestyles.
An Engaging City
Community members are engaged, empowered, welcomed and well-served by their city. Culture and community activities thrive, creating a positive sense of place, inclusivity and community.
 City manager James Ridge – once he got his teeth into it – the Strategic Plan became his baby – now he has to deliver on it.
“The new plan is a blueprint for city-building,” said City Manager James Ridge. “This is a bold, ambitious multi-year plan that we will deliver in partnership with the community.”
The media releases are intended to put the city’s spin on an event. What was actually said during the Monday evening council meeting wasn’t quite the same
There was serious concern over the lack of any prioritization and where the money was going to come from to pay for all the plans.
Mayor Rick Goldring said: “With the strategic plan now approved, the city will work with its leadership team to add detail to each strategic direction, including completing the city’s Official Plan and Transportation and Transit Master Plan.
“I look forward to working with council, staff, our residents and businesses to get started on initiatives across Burlington outlined in our strategic plan.”
The city will continue to report back to the community on the progress of the plan, including through issues of City Talk, and through advertising and social media as well as updates to City Council.
The intention is to continually review, refine and update of the Plan quarterly.
And of course the Gazette is going to be there every step of the way. We were the only media organization that attended every one of the Strategic Plan meetings and have an insight that will inform what we write.
During the creation of the Strategic Plan Mayor Goldring made a trip to China – there was never a report on that trip – what it cost and what was achieved.
 In the beginning – when work on the developing of a Strategic Plan started it was going to be a four year plan – it grew.
There has not been a report on how much was spent on the creation of the report – going from a four year plan to a 25 year plan certainly added to the cost.
Also, there doesn’t appear to be a recorded vote or any discussion on the decision to move from a four year time frame to a 25 year time frame.
The Strategic Plan will be on the city’s web site – as soon as we know exactly where it is we will advise you.
By Staff
April 12, 2016
Susan Kilburn has been appointed by City Council to the Board of Directors of Burlington Hydro Electric Inc.(BHEI)
The appointment is for three terms of two years each.
BHEI is the city owned provider of electricity and electrical services to the people of the city.
Ms Kilburn is a consultant to BMO Capital Markets & Enterprise Risk where she leads the execution of a high-profile and highly aggressive regulatory initiative in market risk.
 Burlington Hydro has kept ahead of the technology curve with its innovations – above, the opening of a micro-generation station that provides heat and air conditioning to the Brant Street offices.
She has worked with Rogers Communications where she established a new horizontal department across the Technology organization. This department was tasked with two primary functions: improving business/IT alignment, and optimizing program execution for enterprise-level initiatives.
Clearly an executive with the customer in mind.
Mayor Goldring is also a member of the BHEI board.
By Staff
April 12, 2016
At about 4:40 AM on Saturday April 9th, police responded to a break-in to a fenced compound at Duke Equipment located at 1184 Plains Road East in Burlington.
The police officers located a male hiding in the bed of a pickup truck within the compound. They found a universal Caterpillar equipment key, a multi-tool and a headband with a light attached to it in the suspects possession.
The male fled on foot when first discovered by the police but was located a short distance away where he was arrested without incident.
A further investigation at the scene revealed that the pickup truck where the male was originally found had the rear window pried open.
The male identified as Cody Winston PRICE (26-yrs) of Sarnia was held for bail charged with break & enter, possession of break-in instruments, possession of property obtained by crime and fail to comply with probation.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext. 2316 or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Pepper Parr
April 11th, 2016
We launched our crowd funding initiative late this afternoon telling our readers that we needed to raise some operating capital to hire a strong advertising sales person and additional editorial help.
I put in a paltry $20 to ensure that the site was working and went out to do a short interview and returned to find a few others had contributed, More importantly there was an email from a person who thinks he would like tow work for us – here is what he had to say:
“The Gazette gives a voice to, and tells the stories of, its community; plus, is in the position to capitalize on the four critical drivers of the online experience – video, content, mobile, results. That’s why the company can enjoy a competitive advantage on which Bell Media, Corus, Durham Communications and Channel Zero have yet to capitalize as effectively in the Burlington-Hamilton market.
“I’m prioritizing selling and/or managing for a local and digitally-focused media company with critical mass in the market; as that enables me to build things faster for the employer, clients, and myself – more so than I can on my own. I’ve targeted Burlington-Hamilton (next to our home in the Niagara Region), as it’s a far bigger market with larger dollars to harvest. The Gazette is prioritized ahead of broadcast because you’re in a position to take thought leadership position in this sector.”
Sounds good doesn’t it? As we get into the week we will begin telling everyone we know about the help we need – for the moment – we are off to a good start and I am off to cover a city council meeting. Let’s see what those rascals have been up to.
By Staff
April 10, 2016
They need help with scraping and painting, window cleaning, cleanup of the grounds, moving and cleaning Whinstones, installing safety material on the windows, relocating
the TH&B car, and moving the security fence.
 The outside of the Freeman station is looking pretty good – lots more to be done on the inside.
Does any of this appeal to you?
How about being a part of the team that has contributed over 3,000 hours of effort to get the Freeman Station to the point where they are thinking seriously in terms of setting a date for the place to open.
 The was the end of stage 1 – getting the station off blocks and to he location where it would rest on a foundation. That was phase two. The volunteers who are making this happen have put in more than 3000 hours of work – so far.
The Freeman Station has a proud history, not because of what the majority of city council did to keep it from being sold for kindling – but proud because of the tiring efforts and hard work to first find a site for the structure and then to raise the funds to get it moved and then to get started on the work that will make it a destination for many visitors to the city.
The Friends of Freeman Station want you to dig out your work gloves and wear old clothes and then show up on one of the two (both if you are so inclined) volunteer dates: April 16th and April 30th.
With the hardest part of winter behind them – the team will be out in full force. There is a lot to be done yet
The team would like to know what kind of talent is going to show up: alert them about your skills by emailing them at – and let them know what you can do.
By Staff
April 10th, 2016
On April 8th, 2016 a victim attended 30 Division in Burlington to report a male had threatened to shoot him.
Police commenced an investigation and learned the victim and accused are known to each other. The accused had been trying to contact the victim through a series of
phone calls and text messages.
The victim advised the accused threatened to cause physical harm and ultimately shoot the victim. Fearing for his safety, the victim attended 30 Division and filed
a report.
As a result of the investigation it was believed the accused was in possession of a firearms. Police attended the residence of the accused. He was observed exiting his
apartment building after a brief struggle the accused was arrested.
Once in custody, police executed a Criminal Code search warrant on his residence and located the following:
– A Russian SKS semi-automatic rifle
– 12 stripper clips which contained 10 bullets each (120 bullets total) caliber 7.62 mm
– Quantities of powder cocaine, crack cocaine and marihuana
The accused was identified as Tyler TATAREN, a 20 year old male from Toronto.
– Utter threats to cause death
– Resist arrest
– Carry concealed weapon
– Weapons dangerous
– Unauthorized possession of a firearm
– Possession of firearm knowing possession is unauthorized
– Careless storage (firearm-careless storage (ammunition)
– Contravention of storage regulations (firearm)
– Contravention of storage regulations (ammunition)
– Possession of controlled substance – schedule I cocaine
– Possession of controlled substance – schedule II marihuana
The accused was held for bail.
By Staff
April 10th, 2016
A group of Burlington-area performers have joined together to present a benefit concert in aid of Syrian refugees. Burlington impresario and artists manager Robert Missen put the call out to all of his Facebook friends when the tragic circumstances in Eastern Europe came to a head. He wondered if they would be interested in participating in a special concert to provide financial support to the cause. The reaction was swift and decisive.
Missen put the word out to his colleague, Stillman Matheson, Director of Music at Port Nelson United Church, who then took the idea to the church’s Syrian Refugee Sponsorship Group . Their response was equally positive. The church will provide the use of the sanctuary for the concert, and will support the presentation of the event from marketing and logistical perspectives. Mr. Matheson and the church choir will participate in the concert.
 Stuart Laughton
Musicians from all genres- classical, jazz, folk, blues, musical theatre- will come together at 3:30 pm on Sunday April 17th. All of the artists will be donating their services. They include singer-songwriter Jude Johnson, trumpeter , sopranos Carol Ann Thomson, Elise Naccarato and Alix Kingston, KooGle Theatre’s Leslie and Chris Gray, pianist Charles Cozens, flutist Claire Sweeny, mime artist and singer-songwriter Andy Griffiths. Robert Missen will serve as Host.
All of the proceeds will be shared equally between The United Church of Canada’s Emergency Response – Syria Relief campaign for those in refugee camps overseas and the Port Nelson Refugee Sponsorship Group.
 Trevor Copp
5000 Miles Burlington is but one of several similar benefits that are being held across southern Ontario: Rosedale United Church in Toronto on Sunday November 8th ; Knox Presbyterian Church in Elora on Saturday November 28th ; and St. John’s Anglican in Ancaster on February 28th.
Tickets are $25 and are available through the Office of Port Nelson United Church, at Different Drummer Books, through Eventbrite and at the door. Children under 12 are admitted for free.
By Staff
April 9, 2016
“ Yes we know you’ve heard it all already”, said David Low, president of Latow, the Burlington photography Guild, “but a week from now Latow will be holding its Annual Photography Weekend with David duChemin, who is regarded as one of the top photography educators anywhere.”
 David duChemin
David duChemin is a world and humanitarian assignment photographer, best-selling author, digital publisher, and international workshop leader whose nomadic and adventurous life fuels his fire to create and share. When on assignment du Chemin creates powerful images that convey the hope and dignity of children, the vulnerable and oppressed for the international NGO community. Drawing on a previous career in comedy, du Chemin is a dynamic and engaging presenter and educator. A driven artist, creative professional, entrepreneur and life-long adventurer, du Chemin educates and inspires through stunning visuals and hilarious travel stories.
 From the David duChemin collection.
Saturday’s full-day seminar, Photographically Speaking, – a day of inspiration and
Sunday mini-seminars: three 2-hour sessions: A Stronger Approach to Travel
Photography, Stronger Landscape Photography, and The Visual Imagination.
Saturday evening Latow AV Festival – 10 presentations combining images and music in
innovative ways.
Latow is the photography guild associated with the Art Gallery of Burlington.
By Staff
April 9, 2016
Ontario is challenging high school students to “change the world” by volunteering for at least three hours in their communities.
The challenge runs from April 10 to May 23, coinciding with National Volunteer Week.
This year’s goal is to have 39,000 students aged 14 to 18 participate in volunteering. The ChangeTheWorld challenge, which is delivered in partnership with the Ontario Volunteer Centre Network encourages young people to get involved in their communities and helps them develop important skills like teamwork and leadership.
Ontario high school student are required to put in 40 hours of volunteer time in order to graduate.