By Staff
March 21st, 2016
The Halton District School Board invites parents to attend an information session in the next several weeks to gain information, meet other parents and ask questions about transitioning their children with special needs into Kindergarten. The following meetings will be held:
Wednesday, March 30, 2016 – Emily Carr Public School at 4-5:30 p.m., 2255 Pine Glen Rd., Oakville
Monday, April 4, 2016 – M.M. Robinson High School at 9:30-11 a.m., 2425 Upper Middle Rd., Burlington
Monday, April 11, 2016 – Ethel Gardiner Public School at 7-8:30 p.m., 14365 Danby Rd., Georgetown
Monday, April 20, 2016 – P.L. Robertson Public School at 7-8:30 p.m., 840 Scott Blvd., Milton
Topics for this information session will include:
● Learn about support and programs offered by the Halton District School Board
● Speak with parents whose children with special needs have recently entered Kindergarten
● Learn more about the Community Care Access Centre (CCAC)
● The role of the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
● Meet Special Education staff from the Board and ask questions
● Visit a Kindergarten classroom (except at M.M. Robinson High School)
Information sessions will begin with a brief overview presentation followed by a choice of small breakout sessions focusing on specific topics.
There will be childcare available at all information sessions.
By Staff
March 16, 2015
One never knows what is going to appear in the mail box.
The following was passed along to us – interesting.
March 11, 2016
Fax: 416-314-8452
Application Assessment Officer
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Access &
Service Integration Branch Application Verification Unit
135 St. Clair Avenue West, Floor 1 Toronto, Ontario M4V 1P5
E-mail: Ms. Tina Dufresne, District Manager
Halton-Peel District Office, Central Region
4145 North Service Road, Suite 300 Burlington, Ontario L7L 6A3
Dear Sir/Madam:
Subject: EBR Registry Number: 012-6693
Ministry Reference Number: 1720-A59NX4 Proponent: 2120901 Ontario Limited
Instrument Type: Environmental Compliance Approval – EPA Part 11.1-sewage
Location: 5432 Bell School Line, Burlington, Ontario
I am writing on behalf of the of the Corporation of the City of Burlington, in response to an application for a new Environmental Compliance Approval for 2120901 Ontario Limited posted to the EBR on February 4, 2016. For the reasons that follow, the City of Burlington is requesting that the application be returned to the proponent as incomplete for the reasons as will be set out below. In the alternative, the City is requesting that the time for the submission of comments be extended for an additional 60 days beyond the current deadline of March 20, 2016 to permit adequate time for consideration of the issues by Burlington City Council, and affected residents.
The City of Burlington and the Burlington Airpark Inc. have been engaged in litigation for several years arising from an illegal fill operation taking place at the Burlington Airpark. The sewage works that are the subject of the application before you drain water from the landfill at the airport that is the subject of the litigation between the City and Airpark. The Airpark is located between Appleby Line and Bell School line, north of Highway 407, all of which is located in the northern rural area of Burlington.
It was the dumping of landfill that resulted in neighbours calling the Gazette – we published the first stories on the problem which woke up people at city hall who began to look into the problem.
A fill operation on the Airpark property commenced in late 2007. The City of Burlington was never consulted about the fill operation or about any proposed expansion plans that the Airpark might have with respect to its operations. On or about March 2013, the City began receiving a significant number of complaints from new landowners in the vicinity of the Airpark. The nature of the complaints ranged from grading activities, drainage, noise, dust, traffic safety and about the possible effects of contaminants in the fill on drinking water. After having investigated these complaints, staff concluded that the Airpark was using its lands as a fill site in order to generate revenue and was not depositing fill to implement a planned and/or imminent expansion of its airport facilities.
As a result of its investigations, on May 3, 2013 the City issued an Order to Comply pursuant to its site alteration by-law by obtaining a permit for the ongoing fill operation. After the Airpark failed to comply, the City issued a Violation Notice under its by-law. Since that time, the City has been engaged in protracted litigation with the Airpark to bring the Airpark into compliance with the City’s by laws to address the off-site impacts caused by its fill operation.
Litigation Round 1
The Airpark brought a court application in July 2013 to prohibit the City from enforcing its Topsoil Preservation and Site Alteration By-law against the Airpark and the Airport. The City responded with a counter application seeking a declaration that the City’s Topsoil Preservation and Site Alteration By-law 6-2003 was valid and binding upon the Airpark and to its fill activities.
In November 2013, the court dismissed Airpark’s application against the City and declared that the City’s Topsoil and Site Alteration By-law was valid and binding upon it. The Airpark subsequently appealed the decision to the Ontario Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal on June 13, 2014.
Following the decision of the Court of Appeal, the City continued to press the Airpark to comply with the Order to Comply under the City’s Site Alteration By-law. The City adopted a new Site Alteration By-law #64-2014 which contained materially the same provisions found in the previous by-law. The City maintained that the Order remained outstanding and it continued to be entitled to enforce it. The Airpark subsequently did file an application, however maintained that it was in relation only to a small area at the north-west corner of the Airport. This position
ignores all of the fill unlawfully deposited at the Airpark between January 1, 2008 and August 2, 2013.
litigation Round 2
The City commenced an application to the court in April, 2015 seeking an order to remove all fill deposited on site between 2008 and 2013. In the alternative, the City seeks to have the court order the Airpark to submit a complete application for a site alteration permit pursuant to the new City’s site alteration by-law. The application was heard by the court on November 10, 2015 and at the time of preparing this letter, the court has not released its decision.
Nature of Burlington’s Interest
The City of Burlington has a clear and compelling interest in the application for Environmental Compliance Approval that has been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change and posted on the EBR. As demonstrated above, the City has been engaged in a protracted dispute with the Airpark to regulate the fill that was brought onto the site illegally in order to address the environmental impacts resulting from those actions. In particular, the City is concerned with the grading of the property, and the impacts on the drainage of the lands, all of which are related to the proposed sewage works identified in the current application for compliance.
Councillor Blair Lancaster walking through the property of a farm adjacent to the air port found the land spongy and soaked with water – now we know where that water is coming from.
Prior to 2008, which was the start of the fill operations, the Airpark had a storm sewer drainage system that was located generally in the vicinity of the North South runway and the airpark buildings. These storm sewers discharged into the existing pond at the SE corner of the property and into the adjacent farm fields.
With the start of the fill operations, additional storm sewers were installed in the areas of fill. These storm sewers discharge into a regulated watercourse and also at several locations along the west property line. This has resulted in changes to the stormwater discharge regime onto adjacent properties. The change has been from the previous “sheet flow discharge” to “concentrated flow discharge”. As a result, adjacent properties have been adversely impacted, as identified above in the form of complaints received by the City.
The City agrees that the MOECC Environmental Compliance Approvals were required for these storm sewer systems. In addition, Conservation Authority permits should have been applied for. It is the City’s position that detailed storm sewer and stormwater design calculations should be provided for these systems. The application does not include adequate information in this regard.
Irregularities with the Present Application
City staff has had the opportunity to attend at the Halton-Peel District Office to view the materials filed by the proponent. The City submits that the application as filed contains a number of irregularities that merit the rejection of the present application on the basis of incompleteness.
Name of Proponent
The ownership of the Air Park and the taxes they actually pay are now being questioned.
The name of the proponent making application for environmental compliance approval is 212091 Ontario Limited. The Certificate of Incorporation and the Articles of Incorporation attached to the application for that numbered company date back to 2006. Our recent corporate search of this company discloses that the numbered company was in fact amalgamated with the Burlington Airpark Inc. on January 1, 2007, forming a new company, Burlington Airpark Inc. being Ontario Corp. Number 1721779. Burlington takes the position that the application has been made by a defunct corporation which cannot have legal responsibility for the proposed works to which the application relates. The documents submitted in support of the applicant’s name are neither current, nor do they provide proof of the name of a genuine applicant. Furthermore, the documents submitted do not include copies of the subsequent articles of amalgamation.
Burlington submits that the proponent’s name as posted on the EBR is misleading, and a reasonable person having an interest in postings on the EBR respecting the Burlington Airpark Inc. would not have adequate notice of the application as posted in its current form.
Location(s) Related to this Instrument
The posting to the Environmental Registry identify the relevant address as 5432 Bell School Line, Burlington. Our information is that the actual address for the site is 5342 Bell School Line, in the City of Burlington. Again, any reasonable person having an interest in activities related to the Airpark would not have adequate notice that an application had been made for those lands. Also, 5342 Bell School Line is only one of three land parcels forming the Airpark lands.
Statement of the Municipality (s. 5.1)
The City notes that section 1.5 of the Application – Statement of the Municipality has been left blank. The Municipality has to indicate that it has no objection to the construction of the works in the municipality. I can assure you, that the City of Burlington, where the works are located has not been contacted and has not been consulted. Furthermore, the box has not been checked as “NA”.
Our understanding is that a municipal declaration is required from the municipality in which the sewage works are or will be located. The Ministry’s own “Guide to Applying for an Environmental Compliance Approval”, identifies that this declaration, “is required to establish the municipality’s general concurrence with the proposal, to ensure that the proposed works would not contravene any municipal by-laws or other requirements.” Also, the common law requires that the City be consulted in these circumstances.
Based on the background provided in this correspondence, the City of Burlington has very serious concerns about the sewage works identified in the application, and the municipality ought to have been consulted prior to the application having been made. The City takes the position that the installation of sewage works was done concurrent with the illegal infill operation that was occurring at the site, in contravention of the City’s site alteration by-laws.
Burlington’s Request
Barbara Sheldon look at 32 feet of landfill less than 50 feet from her kitchen window. All dumped without any permits because an airport maintained they were federally regulated and did not have to comply with city bylaws.
The City of Burlington is requesting that the application be returned to the proponent as incomplete for the reasons as presented. The application contains incomplete and inaccurate information, and has the effect of misleading any person with an interest in tracking environmental activity on the EBR. The proponent ought to correct the application, and ensure that discussions are held with the relevant municipal authorities, including the City of Burlington and Conservation Halton before an application for environmental compliance is re submitted.
In the alternative, the City is requesting that the time for the submission of comments be extended for an additional 60 days beyond the current deadline of March 20, 2016 to permit adequate time for consideration of the issues by Burlington City Council, and affected residents.
Please note that these submissions are preliminary and deal only with the adequacy of the application and process followed to date. Should the application continue to be processed for approval, the City will submit its technical comments on the application for environmental approval.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours truly,
Nancy L. Shea Nicol
City Solicitor & Director of Legal Services cc. Mr. Ian Blue, Gardiner
This is the kind of document that would get circulated to council members and discussed in a closed session of council. Our thanks to the citizen who had the courage to pass it along to the Gazette.
By Staff
March 16, 2016
The nominations for Burlington’s Best Awards are in. This year there are 20 deserving and devoted nominees for the seven categories.
Residents are invited to join some of Burlington’s finest civic-minded volunteers, advocates and community leaders on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Burlington Convention Centre, 1120 Burloak Dr., for the 2015 Burlington’s Best Awards, a gala evening in honour of Burlington’s most outstanding citizens.
Anne Swarbrick is the chair of the Art Gallery if Burlington Foundation. she has been nominated for the Community Service Award.
Ken Woodruff a former Burlington Green president was nominated for the Environment award.
Vince Fiorito was nominated for the Environmental award.
The nominees are:
Citizen of the Year – Paul Echlin, Brenda Hunter
Junior Citizen of the Year – Chris Choi, Kelli Hornick, Erin Richardson, Olivia Walker-Edwards
Senior Person of the Year – Ed Dorr, Bob Pring, John Worobec
Environmental Award – Vince Fiorito, Herb Sinnock, Ken Woodruff
Arts Person of the Year – Cate Beech, Dan Murray
Community Service Award – Gilbert Deveer, Frank Lupton, Janice Martin, Anne Swarbrick
Heritage Award – Derek Martin, Winnifred Stewart
By Pepper Parr
March 10, 2016
Festivals and events are big deals for Burlington.
In the summer months there is RibFest; Sound of Music, Canada Day and the Children’s Festival.
Does RibFest define Burlington? Should it? It is a very popular event.
People in the parks and recreation department are looking at what has been done in the past and what they might do in the future in terms of planning for events.
They want to develop a strategy to help guide the delivery of festivals and events in the community and they want public input on the types of events held in the city, how many events are held, where in the city events are held and if and how the city should help to fund events
There is an online survey where you can get your two cents worth in –takes approximately five minutes to complete. Click here.
The data shown are not the final results – the survey has not been completed yet.
There is a historical approach applied to the acceptance of events hosted within Spencer Smith Park. The park and some downtown roads have reached capacity and there is now a desire for a balanced approached to potentially expand events to other areas in our city.
Staff want to:
Set a vision for events in Burlington
Define the objectives for hosting events in Burlington
Determine guiding principles for event hosting including:
define different types of events and priority events
do risk assessments
look at the funding model for events
establish critera for considering new events and removal of duplicate or less desired events
The city doesn’t stage much in the way of public events north of the QEW – everything happens along the edge of the lake. This event was in Alton – stage certainly wasn’t city issue – shows what you can do with couple of 2×4’s and a sheet of canvas if you have to keep the sun off you.
A number of months ago council and staff met as a Committee of the Whole and talked about the direction the city might want to take with its festivals and events. The city consistently wins awards for the quality of the events it does hold – the question that was put before the meetings was:
Are the events we are currently holding the events we should be holding is a question that was asked. How you events get selected? More than twenty years ago city staff opposed the RibbFest being held in the park – but it was a Rotary project and Burlington city councils rarely oppose what Rotary wants.
There was discussion about the “Burlington brand” – are we more than the Sound of Music? Has RibFest met its best before date? Do we want to begin to move events out of the downtown core?
Committee of the whole meetings have an open approach – the rules of procedure that stymies council meetings don’t apply – comments are much more candid.
The Parks and Recreation people are taking an innovative and welcoming approach to citizen engagement – they are going to hold a “party” at Royal Botanical Gardens March 29th from 6:30 to 9:00 pm at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Auditorium B.
The creating of community seems to be replacing community engagement – we are seeing some interesting and innovative approaches coming out of the parks and recreation department.
By Pepper Parr
March 8th, 2016
He bought the place in 1980 – when it was a 5000 square foot operation.
It was an emotional day for Jack Dennison – he announced cedar Springs had been sold.
This afternoon Jack Dennison announced the sale of the Cedar Springs Health and Racquet Club to Ivan Bradiaric, a Burlington businessman and property owner who has been a member of the club for more than ten years.
Dennison, in what was an emotional occasion for him, was reluctantly passing on the torch to someone who will immediately begin refurbishing the look of the lobby and making better use of the space.
The sale of the property closed on March 1st – why? The place was limping – it needed a freshening up and the corporation needed to make better use of the land.
A wistful Jack Dennison look on as the new Cedar Springs owner rolls up hi sleeve the grow the business.
Bradiaric has property holdings in the immediate area and he thinks he can do some cross marketing to boost the club’s membership – and – most importantly – see if he can get a zoning change to build a condominium at the south end of the property and tie it into the club.
Bradioaric said he expect to spend between $1 million and $1.5 million on upgrades that will be part of a new concept. He wasn’t prepared to say just what he had in mind other than to add that membership had become stagnant and he believed there was significant growth potential.
What happens to Jack? Well he is an avid sports person; he talks about more time for tennis and doing some cycling when the weather is better.
The club grew sort of “topsy turvey” in Jack’s hands. While Dennison earned an MBA at McMaster he brought his own unique management style to his business operations – much the way he brings his unique style to the seat he holds on city council.
More cycling time – that’s it?
Dennison was in the habit of holding his community meetings at the club where he consistently served popcorn and water to those who attended.
The sale of the club may surprise many – it’s something Dennison has been working at lining up for some time.
It was a tough emotional day for him.
By Staff
March 8, 2016
The City of Burlington Animal Shelter invites all cat and dog owners to attend its low-cost microchip clinic on Saturday, April 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Burlington Animal Shelter, 2424 Industrial St.
City by law says cats have to have a microchip – did you know that?
“The last thing any pet owner wants to experience is the stress that comes with trying to find a missing animal,” said Dave Lake, the city’s supervisor of animal services. “In addition to a dog licence, a microchip is an easy, inexpensive way to ensure owners can be quickly reunited with their pet if they are ever separated.”
The cost for a microchip is $30 per pet and only cash will be accepted. Visitors to the clinic can expect a quick and minor procedure. Dogs attending the clinic should be brought on a leash and cats placed in a carrier. The City of Burlington’s bylaws require cats to be microchipped.
Appointments for the clinic can be reserved by calling 905-335-3030. Walk-ins are also welcomed. Pet owners are asked to bring proof of up-to-date vaccinations.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Paw Fund in support of stray animals.
How do they work?
Microchips can be implanted by a veterinarian or at a shelter. After checking that the animal does not already have a chip, the vet or technician injects the chip with a syringe and records the chip’s unique ID. No anesthetic is required. A test scan ensures correct operation.
Microchip implanted in a cat – visible near the top of the photograph.
An enrollment form is completed with chip ID, owner contact information, pet name and description, shelter and/or veterinarian contact information, and an alternate emergency contact designated by the pet owner. Some shelters and vets designate themselves as the primary contact to remain informed about possible problems with the animals they place. The form is sent to a registry, who may be the chip manufacturer, distributor or an independent entity; some countries have a single official national database. For a fee, the registry typically provides 24-hour, toll-free telephone service for the life of the pet. Some veterinarians leave registration to the owner, usually done online, but a chip without current contact information is essentially useless.
The owner receives a registration certificate with the chip ID and recovery service contact information. The information can also be imprinted on a collar tag worn by the animal. Like an automobile title, the certificate serves as proof of ownership and is transferred with the animal when it is sold or traded; an animal without a certificate could be stolen.
Did you know?
That you must have a microchip put in your cat? In 2005 the city passed a bylaw:
Control and Registration of Cats
30. (1) No person, being the owner of any cat shall fail to have the cat implanted with a functioning subcutaneous microchip.
By Staff
February 4th, 2016
It must be the weather – 16 degrees on an early February day. Yikes!
The Burlington Bandits held up decently last year – is 2016 their year?
It moved the Intercounty Baseball League (IBL) to releasing its 2016 schedule which begins on Saturday, May 7 with three games – London at Burlington, Hamilton at Guelph and Kitchener at Barrie. The 2016 season will mark the IBL’s 98th season.
Each team will again play a 36-game schedule. The only scheduled doubleheaders are the two between Barrie and London. Weekends comprise a large majority of the schedule as 72% of the games will be played on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (104 of the 144 games).
The IBL All-Star Game will again be held in Barrie on Saturday, July 2nd at 2:00 p.m.
By Staff
February 3rd, 2016
Might be a little early to lay down firm plans for Family Day – it is more than a week away. Some of the event planned at the Art Gallery of Burlington do require pre-registration – so take a look at what they have planned.
Saturday February 13
An opportunity for parents, grandparents, guardians and young people (ages 8+) to share in some creative time. Our artist instructor will first lead you on a tour of the current exhibition for inspiration and then guide you through an art making workshop, introducing new techniques and mediums each session.
This session the instructor will be leading an activity working in Fibre – introducing the “wet felting” technique. All materials are included in the cost of the program.
Time: from 2 – 4 pm
Must pre-register for Saturday Sessions call 905-632-7796 ext 307
• Adult non-member $7.50, Adult member $5,
• kids ages 8 to 14 years $2.50
• Families of 4 non-members $15 members $10
Sunday February 14 – Open Studio
Bring family and friends to AGB’s FREE drop-in art studio. Our artist instructors offer ideas as sources of inspiration to facilitate creative activities and encourage visitors to engage with art and craft making. In celebration of Valentine’s Day we will be making our own cards
Time: 1 – 4 pm
Cost: FREE
Sunday February 14 – Art Therapy Exhibition Opening
Bring family and friends to the Art Gallery of Burlington for the opening reception of “Visual Voice – Art Therapy in our Community” exhibition in the RBC Community Gallery.
Time: 2 – 3 pm
Cost: FREE
Monday February 15 -Open Studio
Bring family and friends to AGB’s FREE drop-in art studio. Our artist instructors offer ideas as sources of inspiration to facilitate creative activities and encourage visitors to engage with art and craft making.
Time: 1 – 4 pm
Cost: FREE
The Open Studio program was made possible through financial support from the TDBank and the Economical Insurance Group.
The city subsidizes the Art Gallery to the tune of just under $1 million a year.
By Staff
February 2, 2016
We are indebted to John Skardius for the smart little video he sent us of the move done yesterday of the Bastedo House at the Corner of Elgin Street to Maple Street where it will get slid onto its new foundation and then under a complete refurbishment.
Click on the link
You might want to take a look at the software he used to create the video – you might find it useful.
By Mark Gillies
February 1, 2016
A rare event indeed. A Burlington heritage property has actually been saved from demolition to make way for a new condominium project.
It wasn’t as good a crowd as the Santa Claus parade but there was a very healthy crowd following along Elgin Street shepherding the Bastedo House to its new home. A win for the historical community.
The historic David Bastedo home was originally located at 1437 Elgin Street. Its future at one time was uncertain. Demolition could happen, unless there was a better solution. Heritage preservationists do not win many times against developers. Fortunately, the house was saved.
The historic Bastedo residence begins it short trip down Elgin Street, with many interested onlookers. The 150 year plus residence glides past the 179 year old St Luke’s Anglican Church. It was like one old friend saying goodbye to another very old friend. Finally, the building comes to a stop at the end of Elgin Street, waiting for the foundation prep work to be finalized, before settling into its new neighbourhood; hopefully for another 150 years.
The house began its move westward on Elgin Street at 10 AM on February 1, 2016 towards a second beginning. This house will be renovated and converted back to a beautiful home. It will be located on the west side of Maple Avenue at the end of Elgin Street.
The physical move was a wonderful sight to see, and drew a huge crowd; many with cameras recording this spectacular event.
The Bastedo House sits on the float waiting to be gently shifted onto its new foundation on Maple Avenue.
Although the exact age of this heritage property is not known; many believe it was built somewhere in the late 1850s or possibly in the 1860s. The house could be close to 150 – 166 years old. The Bastedo heritage home is one of the oldest homes in Burlington. The house was built when the village was known as Wellington Square. It is a local treasure.
By Staff
January 28th, 2016
In recognition of February’s Black History Month, schools in the Halton District School Board have planned events and initiatives to celebrate and honour the contributions of black Canadians, past and present.
Burlington events include:
• Frontenac Public School (Burlington): The school will be making daily announcements about the contributions of key composers, musicians, and artists who have not only impacted the country’s musical landscape but who have been contributors to supporting the movement toward equality and equity.~
PK Subban – not only a great Black personality – but he plays for the Habs as well
Michael Lee Chin – Local Black man made good.
Some schools held Black History Month events just prior to the month of February, including Aldershot High School. The Burlington school hosted Bobbi Taffe, a volunteer speaker with Passages Canada. She shared her perspective on black/African heritage, stories of refugee experiences, immigration to Canada, racism and discrimination, and social justice and human rights issues.
Every year, Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of black Canadians, past and present. Canadians take this time to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of black Canadians who, throughout history, have done much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation it is today.Michael Lee Chin
If you haven’t read anything Toni wrote – head for the Library.
Donovan Bailey – he made everyone of us proud when he crossed that finish line first. A great athlete and a very funny guy as well.
“The Halton District School Board is proud to celebrate February as~Black History Month~with numerous events and activities throughout our schools. This month, however, is more than events and showcases. It reflects how learning can be transformed as a result of culturally relevant and responsive teaching,” said Rob Eatough, Superintendent of Education with the Halton District School Board. “There are numerous events and learning experiences occurring throughout the month of February and over the entire year to embed Black history and inclusive education in schools across the Halton District School Board.”
Ciné-Starz Upper Canada Place,
Burlington, ON L7R 4B6
Week of Friday, January 29, 2016 through Thursday, February 04, 2016
The Forest (14A)
Fri – Sun: 9:40 PM
Mon – Thu: 3:15, 9:40
Concussion (14A)
Fri – Sun: 1:00, 3:00, 5:10, 7:30, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 12:50, 3:00, 5:10, 7:30, 9:40
Joy (PG)
Fri – Sun: 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:20
Mon – Thu: 12:45, 3:00, 5:15, 7:20, 9:40
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (G)
Fri – Sun: 1:00, 3:15
Mon – Thu: 12:50, 5:45
Sisters (14A)
Fri – Sun: 5:00, 7:15, 9:30
Mon – Thu: 3:00, 5:00, 7:30, 9:40
The Good Dinosaur (G)
Fri – Sun: 12:50, 2:50, 5:10
Mon – Thu: 5:10 PM
Spotlight (—)
Fri – Sun: 1:00, 2:45, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 12:40, 2:40, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
The Peanuts Movie (G)
Fri – Sun: 1:10, 3:20
Spectre ()
Fri – Sun: 7:00, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 12:45, 7:00
The Martian (PG)
Fri – Sun: 4:45, 7:10, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 12:45, 3:20, 7:10, 9:35
By Pepper Parr
January 25th, 2016
It is recognized as one of the most important dance productions ever mounted by Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, the highly-acclaimed Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation.
It will be on the stage of the Performing Arts Centre for one show on February 4, 2016. Book tickets here.
Royal Winnipeg Ballet dancers Sophie Lee and Liang Xing perform a Pas de Deux in Going Home Star
“This is an amazing opportunity for our patrons to see this production,” said Suzanne Haines, Executive Director of The Burlington Performing Arts Centre, “we look forward to welcoming the Royal Winnipeg Ballet to Burlington.”
Described as “searing and sensitive,” this ” emotional classical ballet” was first envisioned by the late Cree elder-activist Mary Richard and RWB’s Artistic Director Andre Lewis. “We aim to boldly continue our mission to teach, create and perform outstanding dance with intent to entertain, inspire and move audiences and present works that resonate beyond the walls of the ballet,” adds Lewis.
Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation was created with the guidance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and members of the Aboriginal community. Through stunning storytelling and captivating dance, this deeply moving ballet explores the powerful stories, both told and untold, of survivors of the Indian residential school system. The ballet explores the world of Annie, a young, urban First Nations woman adrift in a contemporary life of youthful excess. Annie feels strangely disconnected within her superficial loop. But when she meets Gordon, a long-haired trickster disguised as a homeless man, she’s propelled into a world she’s always sensed but never seen.
Royal Winnipeg Ballet dancers Sophie Lee in Going Home Star
Together, Annie and Gordon travel the streets of this world as well as the roads of their ancestors, learning that without truth, there is no reconciliation.
Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation is a representation of the many stories, both told and untold, by Indian Residential School Survivors and their families. The creative team that brought this story to life includes renowned choreographer Mark Godden, Canadian novelist and TRC Honorary Witness Joseph Boyden, Cree actress, former Member of Parliament, and TRC Honorary Witness Tina Keeper, Canadian multimedia artist KC Adams, accomplished costume designer Paul Daigle, and Juno Award-winning composer Christos Hatzis with Polaris Prize-winning Inuk throat singer Tanya Tagaq and Steve Wood and the Northern Cree Singers.
“Going Home Star – Truth and Reconciliation may be the most important work mounted by the Royal Winnipeg Ballet in its illustrious 75-year history,” boasts Robert Enright, of CBC News.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) was established in 2008 to tell Canadians about the history of Indian Residential Schools and the impacts it has had on Aboriginal children who were sent to the school by the Canadian government and to guide a process of reconciliation between and within Aboriginal families, communities, churches, governments and Canadians.
The TRC has a five-year mandate under the direction of the Chair, The Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair and Commissioners Chief Wilton Littlechild and Dr Marie Wilson.
The creation of the Residential Schools is one of the blackest marks on Canadian history. It is something for which we are all responsible -and it is up to all of us to repair as best we can the damage we did and make way for the aboriginal First Nation’s people to become what they have always been meant to be.
It happened – we did this to these people – a process of Truth and Reconciliation can heal some of the wounds and repair some of the damage.
Going Home Star was commissioned by Artistic Director André Lewis; the production explores the world of Annie, a young, urban First Nations woman adrift in a contemporary life of youthful excess. But when she meets Gordon, a longhaired trickster disguised as a homeless man, she’s propelled into a world she’s always sensed but never seen. Not only do they travel the streets of this place but also the roads of their ancestors, learning to accept the other’s burdens as the two walk through the past and toward the future.
Together, both Annie and Gordon learn that without truth, there is no reconciliation. Based on a story by award winning Canadian author, Joseph Boyden. The Royal Winnipeg Ballet is one of the world’s premier dance companies, founded in 1939.
Prior to all Dance Series performances join us in the lobby for pre-show chats by
Gary Smith, Hamilton Spectator – Ballet Review – Dance International.
Post-show talk backs will also take place, with various Artistic Directors and/or Company Members.
Ticket prices:
Regular Price: $59 + $2.50 Fee and HST (You Pay $69.50)
Senior Price: $47.20 + $2.50 Fee and HST (You Pay $56.17)
Youth/Child Price: $25 + $2.50 Fee and HST (You Pay $31.08)
Series Price: $53.10 + $2.50 Fee and HST (You Pay $62.83)
By Pepper Parr
January 22, 2016
A funeral at a Performing Arts Centre? Well first it wasn’t a funeral – it was a celebration of the life of Thomas Sutherland – everyone in the theatre knew him as Tom.
It wasn’t a sold out event but it was better than many of the events for which tickets are sold.
A good 450+ were in their seats to listen to people who loved Tom dearly and wanted to talk about him before his passing in a very sudden death that no one was ready for begins to be forgotten.
His children Kirsten, Derrick and Matthew were there as were his grandchildren: Noel, Gavin, Oland and Jamie.
Walter Mulkewich asked the audience to “grieve the loss of a good man”.
The arts were a big part of Tom’s life – he was an active supporter of the Performing Arts Centre and what was the Burlington Cultural Centre when he first got involved.
I didn’t know Tom all that well – we would cross paths – we were both big L liberals and believed in the cause.
I last saw Tom at the Liberal Christmas Party at the Polish Hall. He was his usual loquacious self. I sort of knew he sang but wasn’t fully aware of the roll music played in his life.
That evening he sang and had MPP Eleanor McMahon joining her voice with his. I thought at the time – we are going to hear more of these two. McMahon likes to ham it up and, if one was to believe all that was said at the celebration of Tom’s life this afternoon – Tom was a born arm twister, could sell ice cubes to Eskimos and encyclopedia’s to people who didn’t know they really needed a set of the books until Tom got in front of them.
He sold the Spectator on the corner of King and James in Hamilton when he was a couple of sizes above a sprout – and as his sister told that story you could almost hear him calling out: Extra, Extra – real all about it in the Spectator. There was a time when that was the way newspapers were sold.
Tom did it all –and he did it his way. He loved to take the Frank Sinatra songs and sing his heart out. During the video that was played on Tom with all kinds of pictures there was his voice. I found myself asking if that was Tom or Frank himself.
Was he singing or was he giving a speech? For Tom Sutherland they were one in the same – he did prefer the singing.
The remarks made by the several people who spoke were more political than I expected and were, I suspect, a significant change for Burlington. The Liberals have only held the two seats for just over a year.
Tom ran federally again Bill Kempling in 1978 and again in 1980; he was the kind of guy who couldn’t pass up on an election campaign. Both MPP McMahon and MP Gould spoke entertainingly about their door to door experiences with the man.
One of the highlights of Tom’s personal political career was the occasion he got to introduce then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
He was clearly loved and treasured – he was a one of 11 children – with five of his brothers passing before him.
His sister Loretta spoke of the occasions when the family would be at the pier on the Beach in Burlington – no not the one we paid $14 million for – one of the wooden structures that were a part of the city we have forgotten about. But the Sutherland family hasn’t forgotten those days.
For a family of 11 – it was as if they were a small tribe – they cared for each other; the love was the glue that kept them all together; it was so evident in the pictures that were shown on the screen at the Performing Arts Centre on a Friday afternoon when several hundred people paused in their busy day to Thomas Sutherland.
Minor transit delays Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 during Robbie Burns Road Race
Minor delays can be expected this Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 on routes 2, 3, 21 and 25 from approximately 9 to 11 a.m. in downtown Burlington during the Robbie Burns Road Race.
By Pepper Parr
January 19TH, 2016
There isn’t going to be a Lowville Winter Fair this year.
City hall has moved the funds that were used in the past today for the event and put them into the Love My Hood project which is a program that allows any neighbourhood to approach the Parks and recreation department with an idea and ideally get the support they need.
If there is going to be any marshmallows and hot chocolate it will be at a local rink event. Not in Lowville.
You can still toboggan at Lowville – but there will not be an organized Winter Fair this year.
Parks and Recreations has come to realize that most communities know what they want and don’t have to be spoon fed.
Love My Hood is a pilot project to build a healthier Burlington by engaging and empowering residents to come together and provide events celebrating their Burlington neighbourhoods.
Love My Hood helps residents bring events to all neighbourhoods throughout the city by supporting and encouraging Burlington residents to hold their own neighbourhood gatherings, activities or projects where neighbours can get to know each other. Love My Hood provides resources, support, guidance and eliminates some common barriers in event hosting.
There were 13 love My Hood events in 2015 – Parks and Recreation wasn’t prepared to say how many they hoped for in 2016 but they are aiming for 150 of them in 2017 – why 150? 2017 is Canada’s 150th anniversary of Canada.
Want to know more about creating an event for your neighbourhood? Contact Burlington Festivals and Events Office.
As for winter activities – the city now has 18 local skating rinks and they felt that Love My Hood programs could be developed around the rinks.
Lowville doesn’t have a local rink – thus – no Lowville Winter Fair. There was some talk about the Lowville community putting on an event – if they do it will be more local and not something that hundrds of people trooped up to Lowville to take part in.
Is this an opportunity lost? It will be interesting to hear what ward 3 Councillor John Taylor has to say on this.
Stay tuned for some comment from him.
In the meantime – if you want to do something for your community – fill in an application form at:
There is all kinds of information on this new approach the city has taken to empowering neighbourhoods and letting each community design programs it wants. Log into for more details.
By Staff
January 14th, 2016
The Halton District School Board is adding an Professional Activity Day to the school calendar – Friday, April 8, 2016 is the day you will have to find something else for the kids to do.
The additional day is part of the negotiated terms bargained between the Ministry of Education and the federations representing Ontario teachers.
Schools will be closed to students and there will be no classes on Friday, April 8, 2016. This date has been added to the School Year Calendar posted on the Board’s website.
The Easter holiday is at the end of March.
By Staff
January 13th, 2016
The Gazette has written about the 100 Women Who Care Burlington. It is a simple concept whose impact is very powerful.
The goal is to raise $40,000 (or more) annually for local registered charities or their charitable programs that help Burlington residents live their lives to the fullest. This is done by gathering 100 women (or more) who commit to donating $100 (or more), four times per year. At each of their one hour meetings, nominations for charities and/or their programs are submitted by members for consideration of the group.
To expedite the process, of the nominations submitted, three are selected at random and of those, the nominators have an opportunity to pitch their cause to the members, after which a vote is taken, ballots counted and cheques written to the organization that receives the most votes.
The group is part of a grassroots movement that’s spreading rapidly across the globe. Men’s groups have also been formed (one is in the works for Burlington) and in some communities, the kids have been inspired to follow suit (with $10 donations).
Since their inaugural meeting in 2014, they have collectively donated in excess of $40,000 to:
– Burlington Humane Society
– Halton Women’s Place
– Home Suite Hope
– Food4Kids
– Carpenter Hospice
– Alzheimer Society of Hamilton and Halton
– Community Living Burlington
– Friday Night Community (Wellington United Church)
More information about the group can be found at Their facebook page is
Meeting dates for 2016 are January 19, May 31, September 13 and November 29. All meetings this year will be held at Emma’s Back Porch at 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd.
Craig Kowalchuk and the team at Emmas Back Porch has a long history of giving back to the community and 100 Women Who Care Burlington are appreciative of their support in hosting our quarterly meetings this year.
Dermetics, a Burlington based business is sponsoring 10 of their staff as members. It’s been a fabulous way for their business to give back to the community, while involving their team as they contribute to the decisions on where the funds will be directed. Dermetics has also provided numerous door prizes and incentives to grow our membership.
Ciné-Starz Upper Canada Place,
Burlington, ON L7R 4B6
Week of Friday, January 15, 2016 through Thursday, January 21, 2016
Point Break (14A)
Fri – Sun: 11:00 AM, 1:10, 3:00, 7:20, 9:30
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 3:10, 7:35, 9:40
Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip (G)
Fri – Sun: 11:00 AM, 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 3:30, 5:10, 7:40, 9:40
In the Heart of the Sea (PG)
Fri – Sun: 7:25 PM
Mon – Thu: 2:50, 7:25
Creed (14A)
Fri – Sun: 5:05 PM
Mon – Thu: 5:10 PM
The Good Dinosaur (G)
Fri – Sun: 11:00 AM, 1:00, 3:15, 5:20
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 3:15
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 (PG)
Fri – Thu: 5:10, 9:30
Spotlight (—)
Fri – Sun: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 2:45, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
The Peanuts Movie (G)
Fri – Sun: 11:15 AM, 12:45, 3:15
Spectre ()
Fri – Sun: 12:15, 2:30, 7:00, 9:40
Mon – Thu: 2:30, 7:00, 9:40
The Martian (PG)
Fri – Sun: 5:00, 7:25, 9:35
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:30
Snowtime! (La Guerre des Tuques) (G)
Fri – Sun: 11:20 AM
Mon – Thu: 1:00, 5:15
By Pepper Parr
January 11th, 2016
Transparency and accountability are words that flow out of city hall – every organization uses the words – it is often difficult to see any meat on those bones.
There are also a number of organizations that get funding from various sources; grants and donations seem to be the biggest sources.
John Mello with one of the Whinstone stones that are a part of the history of the station – there is a work day coming up when the things have to be moved.
The Friends of Freeman station have produced a report that sets out what they brought in in terms of funds and how they spent them.
This level of transparency and accountability is a model for all the non-profits in the city – the public has a right to know what you are doing with the funds that you get.
For Friends of Freeman – here is their story.
Consolidated Financials: To date we have raised about $260,000 which represents about 50% of the estimated cost to restore the station and make it a viable asset to our community.
The following is summary of our budget expenditures to date:
Construction materials, including lumber, paint, hardware, tools….. 11%
Preparing building prior to move and the move…. 25%
New Roof ….4%
Hydro Installation……3%
Removal of Hazardous materials….4%
Grading Excavation and back fill …23%
Basement (foundation)….17%
Publicity and public relations, including Web site, email services, postage, bank charges, permits, insurance etc…..3%
Storage rental…..2%
Acquisition of artifacts…..8%
John Aasgaard with some of the pictures that are in the Freeman Station collection.
Grill being fitted into the wicket of the Station Master’s office.
Our organization is 100% unpaid volunteers.
Things slow down a little in the winter – but donations and volunteers are always accepted – the xxx stones are going to get moved soon – strong backs needed for that task.
Set out below are the chores that are waiting to get done along with some meetings. when the Missus wants you out of the house the Station is a pretty good place to scoot over to.
January 13th – 7 PM – FOFS Board meeting – City Hall – all members welcome
(We meet the second Wednesday of each month same place and time)
January 16th – 12 Noon – BDRC team meeting
– the Burlington Diorama Railway Club regular planning meeting
— Frank Rose room, Burlington Public Library
January 23rd – 9 AM – Whinstone moving day –
for this volunteer work day, strong hands needed, gloves,
steel-toed boots if you have them
January 30th-10 am-4 pm Train Show St Johns Church Hwy 5 Burlington
January 31st-10 am-3.30 pm Marritt Hall 630 Trinity Rd S, Jerseyville, ON
February6th Heritage Day Burlington Central Library 10 am-2 pm