Corn on the cob - a summer delight and an amazing plant.

background 100By Pepper Parr

August 22, 2019



Corn cob on plateFor most of us – corn on the cob is something that is a summer-time favourite.

Boiled or roasted in tin foil, then slathered in butter with salt and pepper added – it just can’t get much better than that.

Sympathy for those whose dental apparatus limits what they can enjoy,

corn silkCorn is an amazing plant. Did you know that each strand of corn silk on a cob is connected to a single corn kernel.

As the cob grows on the stalk, the hanging strands collect pollen that falls from the tassel at the top.


The silk grabs the pollen and sends it down to its kernel, which is waiting to be fertilized.

Now that is both neat and an assurance that a force bigger than all of us has everything in hand.

corn eating

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4 comments to Corn on the cob – a summer delight and an amazing plant.

  • Steve

    Corn on the cob prices have gone through the roof. Thanks bio fuel.

    • Phillip Wooster

      Steve, it’s not so much bio fuel that’s the problem. The real problem is the cost of production–Ontario agriculture is increasingly being regulated and regulations cost money. The biggest costs are labour–you are now paying for the big jump in the minimum wage and associated costs paid by the employer; increased fuel costs–business receives NO direct rebate on carbon taxes.

  • Phillip Wooster

    The absolute best corn in Ontario is grown by Welsh Bros. in Scotland, Ontario. The bicolor is called Gourmet Sweet and, if you can find it, the yellow is called Chocolate Sunrise or Butter Gourmet. Available at Marilu’s or the Burlington Market (look for Gallants).