By Staff
April 28th, 2021
Burlington Centre Lions Farmers Market to Open Wednesday May 19, 2021at the Burlington Centre
The outdoor Market operated by the Burlington Lions Club has been approved by Burlington Centre management and the Halton Region Health Department.
Now in its 63rd year, the Market continues to be immensely popular, drawing customers from Burlington, Hamilton, Waterdown and Oakville to the Burlington Centre to purchase fresh produce. Vendors come from all over Southern Ontario, and we’ve added 10 new Vendors this year bringing the total to 50.
The Market is open on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays: open from 8 am to 2pm – 3 pm on Fridays
The new virus variants required enhancements to last year’s comprehensive Covid precautions. Elements of the 2021 Safety Plan include: Customers are to maintain 2-metre (6-foot) distancing at all times, especially if wait lines occur due to heavy attendance. Personal Masks are prudent and required in close proximity and encouraged in lines. And of course Vendors, Volunteers and Customers are to remain home if feeling unwell, and seek testing as necessary.
New provisions:
We will post the allowed capacity of Customers at one time in the Market.
Products purchased should not be consumed while inside the Market.
We cannot accommodate entertainers/buskers as in the past.
Unchanged from 2020, but with increased emphasis:
Entry and Exit are separated at one location only, to enable counting customers to manage the capacity limit. Customers are required to respect the perimeter cones and rope flags when arriving and leaving.
Social Distancing at all times. Hand Sanitizer stations at Entry/Exit. Service dogs on duty only, other pets not permitted.
Signage will remind visitors of the daily one-way direction of travel, distancing at stalls, patience and courtesy. Our goal is “Shop ‘n Go!” since others may be waiting. Come early!
Vendors’ stall displays are set up for “Point to Buy” service without customer contacting the produce. (Sorry, no samples.)
It takes 40 Volunteer 2 hour shifts each week (in addition to the Vendors’ work) to set-up and put away the Safety Plan Items and staff the Entry Point. New Volunteers are invited to contact the Market Manager on site, or visit the market website, or leave a message at 905-634-4002 for a call back. An opportunity for you to do some Community Service!
Burlington Centre Lions Farmers Market – For further information contact Perry Bowker at 905-632-5832

As a vendor for our 11 season at the Burlington Centre Lions Farmers Market we are excited to be back and thank the Lions Club and all the volunteers for making it possible again this year under harsh circumstances.. We are looking forward to seeing a everyone soon.. Sharon (Pogo’s Family Farm)
I am so glad the market will be open! I think it’s wonderful and they did a great job last year with their COVID protocols. I can’t wait to go back.
Look forward to it as well, we are working hard here at the farm to get ready for another season of fresh and delicious fruits and veggies fir the farmers market… Sharon