Walmart delivers a significant cash contribution to the Food Bank

graphic community 3By Staff

June 15th, 2021



One of the things that makes the Burlington Food Bank the success it is are the partnerships they have developed.

It took some time for the understandings to be worked out and the trust to be built but over time Robin Bailey and the folks at Walmart have created a program that has Walmart sending food that is in perfect condition but is not going to get sold for a number of reasons. They may have over stocked; weather may have impacted traffic to their locations, or what they had in stock was not going to get sold.

They communicate with the people at the Food Bank and talk at least every couple of days to arrange for the shipment of food. This is the ongoing part of the relationship.

Walmart hunger campaign

Walmart ran a very successful Fight Hunger Spark Change that raised both funds and a better awareness of what happens when people are hungry.

Walmart has a Fight Hunger Spark Change campaign that resulted in the generous donation of $26,765.72 to the Burlington Food Bank. The funds will allow for the purchase of healthy nutritious food for people needing support in our community.

The need remains steady and this is excellent timing for relief. We would like to encourage everyone who is able to support our local businesses and restaurants to enjoy a nice lunch on a patio in this great weather. And please be kind to one another as we all keep trying to get through this pandemic. Don’t forget the essentials to safely distance, wear masks as needed and wash/sanitize your hands often.

If you are in need or know of someone who could use our help, PLEASE have them email us at or call 905-637-2273 to make arrangements to have food dropped at their door or make arrangements to pick it up through our curb-side pickup option. If you are a resident in Burlington, we are all here to help. Don’t struggle – give us a call.

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