Waterfront Trail gets a workout from Carpenter House supporters while the Greens plant new saplings.

News 100 greenBy Staff

June 1, 2015


Everyone was out on Saturday – we all stayed in on Sunday. Summer isn’’t ready to show its face yet.

Carpenter House exercise warm up

It was warm up time for the several hundred Carpenter Hospice volunteers and supporters before the took a long leisurely walk along the Waterfront Trail to the canal and back.

Carpentr House - walking the trail

The weather was as good as it gets – the Carpenter House supporters in the blue T-shirts were out in force.

The waterfront was the place to be on Saturday. The hundreds that support Carpenter House were out exercising and then walking the Waterfront Trail.

BG tree planting volunteers

While hundreds walked the Waterfront \Trail an additional 100 + planted new saplings in the environmentally fragile sand dunes.

BG tree planter

Carefully tamping down a new sapling one of the hundred + people who put in half a day ensures the roots have a chance to growth into the sand.

Close by just over 100 people dug away in the environmentally fragile sand dunes that make up a large part of the Beachway Park.

They were out there on their hands and knees making sure new saplings were firmly bedded. The Sunday gave them a solid soaking.

In the past residents in the park would be out with their pamphlets and petitions looking for support. None of that in site this Saturday. It seems as if they are resigned to what is going to eventually happen – or they are saving their energy for another day. For some the fight to keep their homes in the park will never end.

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