By Staff
April 4, 2015
The Halton Regional Police have made an arrest in the April 3rd robbery at “Conspiracy Comics” on Fairview St. in Burlington.
Last Friday a suspect entered the “Conspiracy Comics” store at 2388 Fairview Street, and after completing a small purchase, took out a hammer and made a demand for money from the store employee before fleeing the store on foot. She was subsequently found and arrested.
Charged with one count of Robbery is:
Mary Margaret ROSS (30 years)
The accused is being held for bail and will be appearing in WASH court on April 5th. WASH stands for Weekends and Statutory Holidays – which means that Ms Moore just might get sprung from the slammer Easter Sunday.
By Staff
April 3, 2015
At about 8:00 pm on Friday evening, a lone female suspect entered the “Conspiracy Comics” store at 2388 Fairview Street in Burlington.
After completing a small purchase, the suspect took out a hammer and made a demand for money from the store employee before fleeing the store on foot.
The employee was not injured.
The police report does not say if the suspect was actually given any money.
Suspect is described as:
Female, white, approximately 20-30 years old, 5’5″-5’6″ with a slender build. She had a stud piercing under her lower lip (labret piercing).
Clothing: grey hooded sweater (hood worn up), light blue jeans, dark touque, black knap sack, dark coloured skater shoes low cut sneakers
Anyone with information that would assist in this investigation is asked to contact the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 x2316, or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 31, 2015
Police investigators have now obtained surveillance images of the a lone male suspect armed with a black handgun who entered the East Way Bake Shop located at 4047 New Street in Burlington.
 Robbery suspect looks directly into the camera – someone knows him.
The suspect demanded money while pointing the handgun at an employee who then turned over an undisclosed amount of money.
The male suspect fled the store and was last seen running westbound along the plaza.
The suspect is described as a white male in his 30’s, 5’9″ to 5’10” tall, wearing blue jeans, blue plaid shirt, red toque and black sunglasses.
 Robbery suspect wanders around the bakery shop.
Anyone with information that will assist investigators identify him are asked to call Det. Phil Vandenbeukel – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Robbery Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2343 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 31, 2015
The Easter bunny may do the hip- pity hop thing – that’s not what the Halton Regional police are going to be doing – and they will not be handing out Easter eggs either – although the idea if Chief Tanner handing out coloured eggs does have some public relations appeal.
During the Easter long weekend the Halton Regional Police Service will be participating in the Spring 2015 Provincial Seatbelt Campaign
The campaign will run from Friday, the 3rd of April 2015 to Monday, the 6th of April 2015.
 Expect almost every vehicle in the Halton Regional Police Service fleet to be out on the road over the Easter weekend. If you’re seen without a seat belt – $240 ticket.
Road users should be prepared to experience much higher volumes of traffic over the weekend, making it a particularly important weekend for all drivers, passengers and young children to be properly restrained, regardless of the distance to be traveled or anticipated road time.
“A properly worn seat-belt greatly increases the chances of surviving a motor vehicle collision.”
Front line officers, Community Mobilization Unit and District Response Team members will be engaged in targeted enforcement for this important provincial campaign.
A reminder to drivers should you choose not to buckle up you could face a fine of $240 and 2 demerit points, which will remain on your driving record for two years from the date of the offence.
If you happen to be a little short on points you might get a call from your insurance agent as well.
By Staff
March 27, 2015
Police are urging Facebook users to be cautious when accepting new friend requests from persons they don’t know.
There have been several recent reports of Facebook users accepting friend requests from persons of the opposite gender. The new friend will then engage in on-line conversation with a goal of moving the conversation to a video chat using Skype.
Once on Skype, the new friend will engage the user in conversation of a sexual nature and ultimately have the user display themselves nude which the new friend records without the users’ knowledge. The recording will then be used to extort money from the Facebook user as the new friend will threaten to post it on all of the users friends’ accounts and on YouTube unless the user pays them a sum of money.
Anyone who has encountered this scenario is encouraged to report it to your local police AND the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre by phone at 1-888-495-8501, fax at 1-888-654-9426 or online at
You can protect yourself by carefully screening new friend requests, especially ones from the opposite gender.
If you do accept new friends where the conversation turns to one of a sexual nature and you are asked to do a video chat, you are being set up to be extorted. Should this occur, you are encouraged cease all communication with that user, unfriend them and report the account to Facebook.
By Staff
March 26, 2015
This isn’t a Burlington story – but it is both funny and a glimpse into how the police catch the dumber criminals.
On March 21, 2015, the owner of a 5 x 8 homemade utility trailer noticed it was missing from its parking spot on his property.
A short time later, the utility trailer, stolen from a residence in Halton Hills resurfaced on the Kijiji internet classifieds site listed for sale by someone claiming to be the owner.
The real owner confirmed the trailer listed for sale was in fact his. On March 25, 2015, Police locate the seller who was arrested and charged.
The trailer was recovered and returned to its rightful owner.
Steve Medeiros, 20 years of age, from Milton has been charged with possession of property obtained by crime.
Medeiros needs to brush up his social media creds.
By Staff
March 25, 2015
They never give up – they keep looking for new angles and each time they catch a few people – even one is often enough to have made it worth their while.
The latest Identity theft scam we’ve seen is related to American Express.
Look at what was received below. Can you spot the bit of information that tells you this is an attempt to steal your identification?
 Look carefully at the email address of the sender – see the error? they use – the correct address would be American Express.
If information about any of the financial institutions you deal with gets to you financially – check it and then double check it.

Electronically is the only way the thieves can get to you.
By Staff
March 24, 2015
Armed Assailant Robs Burlington Bakery
On Monday March 23rd 2015 at approximately 5:35 PM, a lone male suspect armed with a black handgun, entered the East Way Bake Shop located at 4047 New Street in Burlington.
The suspect demanded money while pointing the handgun at an employee who then turned over an undisclosed amount of money.
The male suspect fled the store and was last seen running westbound along the plaza.
The suspect is described as a white male in his 30’s, 5’9″ to 5’10” tall, wearing blue jeans, blue plaid shirt, red toque and black sunglasses.
Anyone who may have witnessed this male or has information that would assist investigators in identifying him are encouraged to contact Det. Phil Vandenbeukel – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Robbery Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2343 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 23, 2015
There is one sure way to attract the attention of police – drive faster than the limit on a heavily used road.
On Saturday March 21st 2015, uniformed officers pulled over a vehicle on the North Service Road, Burlington that was travelling at a high rate of speed.
During the traffic stop officers observed drugs within the vehicle.
As a result, four occupants of the vehicle were placed under arrest.
A further search of the vehicle revealed the following items:
8 cellular telephones
$1215 in cash
Cannabis marihuana
Oxycodone tablets
Other prescription drugs
The following parties were charged:
Michael BACON (21 year of Oakville)
Possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine and Oxycodone. BACON will appear in Milton Court on April 21st 2015.
Stefan KOBLI (22 years of Oakville)
Possession for the purpose of trafficking cocaine, Oxycodone and marihuana. KOBLI will appear in Milton Court on April 21st 2015.
Kristofer BURNSIDE (21 year of Burlington)
Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana). BURNSIDE will appear in Milton Court on April 21st 2015.
Paola PASQUALINI (21 year of Oakville)
Possession of a controlled substance (Oxycodone). PASQUALINI will appear in Milton Court on April 21st 2015.
These four were either making a delivery to a needy customer or they were using what the police arrested them for having in their possession.
By Staff
March 19, 2015
Things got very nasty Wednesday in the 2300 area of Walkers Line when the Regional police arrived in response to a threatening incident.
The suspect in this matter was known to the victim. Based upon information received from the victim both uniform officers and tactical officers responded in an effort to locate the suspect.
The suspect was located and arrested without incident. The investigation is ongoing at this time. There was no threat to public safety and no injuries were received at any time during the incident.
As a result of the investigation into this incident a 26 year old Burlington resident has been charged with several Criminal Code offences.
Anthony BEAUDRY has been charged with:
1) Uttering a Threat to Cause Injury to an Animal
2) Uttering a Threat to Cause Death or Bodily Harm
3) Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose
4) Fail to Comply with a Probation Order (2 counts)
The male party has been held for a bail hearing on March 19, 2015 in Milton Court.
By Staff
March 17, 2015
More than 30 years after first putting on a police uniform Andrew Fletcher, Deputy Chief with the Halton Regional Police is turning in his badge and moving on into retirement – which for Fletcher will means taking up the job of Deputy Chief of Police of the South Simcoe Police Service (just outside of Barrie Ontario).
Fletcher will leave the Region on or about June 1, 2015.
 Deputy Chief Andrew Fletcher and Detective Donna Whittaker answer media questions during the display of all the cash and other valuable recovered during a bank break-in where the bad guys almost got away.
Chief Steve Tanner said: “Deputy Chief Andrew Fletcher has been a proud and dedicated member of the HRPS family for many years, and will in fact be completing his 31st year on June 1, 2015 – at which time he will retire from the Service to take on new challenges and opportunities.
Fletcher started as a cadet with the HRPS 31 years ago and in recent years was instrumental in bringing that very successful program back to the police service. Andrew became a Constable soon after and was promoted through the ranks of Sergeant, Staff Sergeant and Inspector where he has performed in a variety of patrol, investigative, support and supervisory roles prior to becoming a Deputy Chief on January 1, 2007. Andrew worked in uniform patrol, criminal investigations, drugs and intelligence, major crimes, and was a member of the Tactical Rescue Unit among other assignments during his varied and successful career here in Halton.
 Auxiliary police officer Voorberg tucks a notice under a car windshield as Deputy Chief Andrew Fletcher makes sure it gets done right. Both were taking part in the Lock it or Lose it Campaign.
He was involved in many major investigations during his time with our Service, and in senior positions has commanded both the operational and support sides of the organization.
Most recently he has distinguished himself in many ways amongst his peers at the OACP (Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police) and across the province as a leading expert in community mobilization, and as the Chair of the OACP Community Safety and Crime Prevention Committee. Andrew will always be credited with truly spearheading our move here in Halton to Community Mobilization throughout the Service, and just this past January to our integrated Community Mobilization teams.
By Staff
March 16, 2015
The Regional Police are making one of those extra efforts to enforce the traffic laws on St. Patrick’s Day.
For the First Time offender there is a
• 3-day licence suspension
• $150 Administrative Monetary Penalty
For the Second Time offender (within 5 years)
• 7-day licence suspension
• Mandatory alcohol education program
• $150 Administrative Monetary Penalty
For the Third Time offender (within 5 years)
• 30-day licence suspension
• Mandatory alcohol treatment program
• Six-month ignition interlock licence condition
• $150 Administrative Monetary Penalty
Subsequent infractions (within 5 years)
• 30-day licence suspension
• Mandatory alcohol treatment program
• Six-month ignition interlock licence condition
• Mandatory medical evaluation
• $150 Administrative Monetary Penalty
These roadside licence suspensions cannot be appealed. Suspensions will be recorded on the driver’s record. For up to five years, these roadside suspensions will be considered when determining consequences for subsequent infractions.
Now if they can get as tough with drivers who deliberately distract themselves using a cell phone – we will have made some progress.
By Pepper Parr
March 12, 2015
In a democratic society the people can address those they elected to have their grievances or wishes heard in a public setting.
Katherine Henshell, a layer who ran for the ward 1 seat in the last municipal election has addressed city council with a grievance.
We set it out for you.
I would like to discuss Aldershot’s Solid Gold Strip Club.
I have brought my request to Councillor Craven’s Office on 3 separate occasions and each request has gone unanswered.
I suppose he does not have time for me as I have sought to petition the City of Burlington to turn his house into a park for ornithologists, and then, I ran against him in the City election.
It does not bother me that he chooses to not respond, although, I did take it personal when he tried to run my car off the road while he was bombing along Bayshore Boulevard. It wasn’t so much that I was driving the car – it was that I had my 12 day old daughter in the car and I had to swerve up into the neighbour’s yard to avoid getting hit. (By the way, I sought an apology but none was granted.)
Since November 2015, my new baby has kept me busy but it hasn’t stopped me from aggressively trying to expand my husband’s and my grocery store, and scope out and manage a new development of affordable housing for seniors. Of course, this is on top of running my law firm in downtown Burlington and managing my husband’s and my other real estate and business interests.
In any event, the issue with Solid Gold needs to be addressed. It is currently Aldershot’s largest commercial retail/service business west of Francis Street. That is embarrassing. A number of other factors are equally disturbing about this business.
1. It is located on Plains Road which is the busiest street in Aldershot;
2. It borders on 2 residential neighbourhoods;
3. It has 6 – 8 hotel room doors which open on Plains Road and across from a residential community;
4. It has the largest square footage of any retail service business in Aldershot west of Francis Street;
5. It is located within 550 metres of Aldershot High School;
6. Children from grades 7 – 12 walk past the strip club to and from school everyday;
7. Children from grades 7 – 12 walk past the strip club to go to Wendy’s for lunch everyday; and
8. It shouldn’t need to be said about the degradation of women and other issues which are additionally appalling about the operation of a strip club.
Additionally, I was driving home from Pizza Pizza (at King Road) one Friday evening with our family’s dinner and I noticed a few young children in girls’ soccer uniforms outside the Dairy Queen. It was a nice sight to see. Then I drive down Plains Road past the Strip Club and 3 – 4 strippers (wearing stripper’s outfits) were standing on the sidewalk on Plains Road waving the cars into the parking lot in broad daylight. I was immediately disturbed that those young soccer players might take the same route home and drive past the strippers as well. This shouldn’t happen in Burlington (or anywhere for that matter). (I telephoned the Halton Regional Police when I returned home and they indicated that they would look into it as they had also received other calls about the incident.)
In conclusion, Mr. Craven is well aware of the above issues as he and I travel the same route to work every day and he passes the Strip Club twice a day like I do. He has chosen to be non-responsive to my request for a decision of his position on the matter.
The children of Aldershot do not need a Strip Club, nor do they need to see a Strip Club, nor do they need to ask questions about a Strip Club too prematurely.
The destruction of the entire commercial sector in Aldershot has created Solid Gold to now stand out as it is the largest retail service building in Aldershot on a huge piece of land. It has become the centerpiece of Aldershot.
Giving birth to a 10 pound 15 ounce baby has not slowed me down – it has only given me more energy to “do the right thing” and that is to speak up against this Strip Club. The Village Vision of Aldershot does not need this landmark business to continue to be Solid Gold.
I humbly seek council to add a discussion of this issue to the agenda. I am certain that other parties will want to express their opinions on the matter as well.
Thanking you in advance for your attention to this matter.
 Henshell once played as goalie – she now plays defense. Now wants to run interference at city council
Ms Henshell has been seeking a meeting with Councillor – to date a meeting has not taken place. In a recent email to the Councillor Ms Henshell had this to say.
I don’t know why I continue to email you as you continuously fail, refuse or neglect to return any type of correspondence sent by myself.
The fact remains that Solid Gold Strip Club is Aldershot’s largest retail/commercial services location.
Any concerned resident would be appalled at that fact.
You have taken no issue with the existence of Solid Gold Strip Club as you have done nothing in your entire sitting as Ward One Councillor.
The current facts of Solid Gold are as follows:
1. Location within 550 m from a primary/high school;
2. Adjacent to 2 residential neighbourhoods;
3. Strippers stand on the street and wave in cars;
4. By the hour hotel rooms for rent adjacent to a major street;
5. Largest retail business in Aldershot; and
6. Countless issues surrounding the entrapment and abuse of women in the sex trade industry.
I write to advise that as a result of your inexcusable absence from the issue, you have forced me to reach out to my contacts and resources and bring this issue to light.
Please be advised that I will inform all my contacts and resources that you have been of NO ASSISTANCE to me in this issue and that you refuse to even respond to me.
I have given you every opportunity to be on the side of moral integrity, however, you have chosen otherwise.
I urge you to put this item on the agenda so that the City Councillors can have an open discussion about the issues surrounding Solid Gold Strip Club.
However, I already know that you will not reply as you just don’t care.
In the spirit of full disclosure we need to add that Ms Henshell is representing the Burlington Gazette in the claim for damages the Air Park is making in its allegation that we libeled them.
By Staff
March 10, 2017
This year’s well-celebrated St. Patrick’s Day falls on Tuesday, March 17th. Halton Regional Police officers will be out on Tuesday ensuring those that clink glasses won’t clink cars.
 Don’t let the face of a police officer get into a picture like this.
Recognizing that many Halton residents will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this Friday or Saturday night instead, motorists should expect to see several RIDE programs in effect and also note a higher uniform presence patrolling in licensed establishments over this weekend, educating the public about impaired driving and enforcing the laws to ensure everyone on our roads are safe.
This team will be also be focusing their efforts on conducting bar checks at licensed establishments and reminding the staff of their responsibilities under the Liquor License Act, and encouraging staff to call police should they suspect a patron is about to drive a motor vehicle while impaired.
 Don’t think this friend will qualify as your designated driver.
Informative St. Patrick’s Day fliers will be handed out at RIDE checks across the Region in efforts to educate the public and spread the word about the consequences of impaired driving.
The Halton Regional Police Service wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and encourage party-goers to celebrate responsibly. Don’t Press Your Luck!….Use a Designated Driver!
By Staff
March 7, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Service in partnership with the Niagara Regional Police Service have concluded a short duration drug investigation titled Project Capital resulting in the arrest of a network of street level drug traffickers operating across the GTA.
On Thursday March 5, 2015, members of the Halton Regional Police, Niagara Regional Police and Hamilton Police Service, executed a total of ten Controlled Drug and Substances Act (CDSA) search warrants throughout the Regions of Halton, Hamilton and Niagara.
Four men have been arrested and charged with several drug related offences. Officers seized cocaine, marihuana and Fentanyl with a street value of approximately $25,000.
In addition, approximately $60,000 cash and a Dodge Ram pickup truck were seized.
Simon CHAMORRO , 37 years old from Hamilton has been charged with:
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Cocaine)
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marihuana).
Salvatore LAMACCHIA , 35 years old from Welland has been charged with:
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (Cocaine),
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marihuana)
Breach of Probation.
Timothy TOWNSEND, 46 years old from St. Catharines has been charged with:
Possession of a Controlled Substance (Fentanyl).
By Staff
March 6, 2015
The results of Project Viocurus (Latin for Master of the Roads) are in and they point to a significant reduction in personal injury and damage collisions within the Towns of Milton and Halton Hills.
Between February 5th and March 5th officers from 1 District proactively targeted the major east west commuter routes and collision “Hot Spots” within both Townships targeting the “Big 4” bad driving behaviours; aggressive driving, distracted driving, impaired driving and failure to wear seat belts.
For the same period last year there were a total of 22 injury collisions. This year there were 11 injury collisions. The project had the same positive impact on property damage collisions with 186 being reported last year compared to 81 this year.
Officers continued to target those drivers who present a significant risk to the motoring community, focussing especially on those who are prohibited from driving and driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol. During the project a total of 10 drivers were arrested and charged for impaired driving and 38 drivers were charged with driving while under a suspension.
During the project a total of 1130 Provincial Offence Notices were issued compared to 949 for the same period last year.
Halton Police would like to remind the public that we take traffic safety and enforcement extremely seriously and remain committed to working with our community partners to make our roads as safe as possible. If you suspect that a driver is impaired please treat this as a crime in progress and call 911.
If any member of the public wishes to report an incident involving dangerous and/or aggressive driving they can visit our website and file a Road Watch report.
The mission of the Halton Community ROAD WATCH Program is to reduce aggressive driving on the streets and highways of Halton Region. The Halton Community ROAD WATCH Program encourages the community to take responsibility for their driving behavior and attitudes.
By Staff
February 25, 2015
Following a police investigation, the Halton Regional Police arrested Robert SPEARING (47) of Hamilton after he allegedly defrauded an elderly couple of $5500.00.
In September 2014, an elderly couple hired Spearing to complete some home renovations. At the time of the alleged offences, Spearing misrepresented himself as a certified gas technician.
Robert SPEARING (47) faces two charges of Fraud Over $5,000 and Making a False Statement in Writing. He was held for bail and will appear in the Milton Provincial Court on Thursday February 26th, 2015.
Police believe there may be more victims and are encouraging anyone who may have been victimized to report the matter to police.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Seniors Crime Investigator D/Cst Nada Jovic at 905 825 4747 Ext 2344.
By Staff
February 24, 2015
As drug busts go in the Region it was a big one.
The Burlington Strategic Support Team of the Regional Police concluded a drug trafficking investigation that resulted in four arrests and the execution of Controlled Drugs and Substances Act search warrants at two Burlington residences.
• 2350 ml (2.35 Litres) gammahydroxybrutyrate –commonly known as GHB,
• 2497 grams of marihuana (approximately 2.5 kilograms).
• 143 marihuana plants,
• $2690.00 in cash.
 The police know what a photo op is all about – question is did the politicians teach the police or was it the other way around.
The drugs have an estimated street value of $ 166,690.
The following persons have been charged:
Robert Hegedus (41 yrs) of Burlington (Held for Bail)
• Trafficking a controlled substance (marihuana),
• Cultivation of a controlled substance (marihuana),
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking,
• Possession of a controlled substance (GHB – gammahydroxybrutyrate) for the purpose of trafficking.
Edina Hededus (30 yrs) of Burlington (Released on Promise to Appear in Milton Court on March 24th 2015)
• Cultivation of a controlled substance (marihuana),
• Possession of a controlled substance, (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking,
• Possession of a controlled substance (GHB – gammahydroxybrutyrate) for the purpose of trafficking,
• Breach of probation.
Matthew Robilliard (21 yrs) of Burlington (Released on Promise to Appear in Milton Court on March 24th 2015)
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking.
Trenton Ascah (18 yrs) of Burlington (Released on Promise to Appear in Milton Court on March 24th 2015)
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking.
By Staff
February 20, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Service seized some of the most addictive drugs sold on the street: cocaine, methamphetamine and heroine was found during early morning search warrants.
On February 20th 2015, members of the Drug, Gun and Gang Unit and the Burlington Strategic Support Team executed three (3) search warrants in; Burlington, Hamilton and Mississauga in relation to a drug trafficking investigation.
As result of this investigation police have seized the following controlled substances:
• 1.1 kilograms methamphetamine (crystal meth)
• 16 ounces of cocaine
• 4 ounces of cannabis marihuana
• 8 grams of heroine
• Digital scales
• Currency
Christopher Everton JONES (29 years of age) of Burlington was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (two counts)
Xaysongkham VONGXAYA (31 years of age) of Hamilton was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (2 counts)
Aenoy VILAYSANE (30 years of age) of Hamilton was arrested and charged with the following offences:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking (3 counts)
JONES and VONGXAYA will appear for a bail hearing on February 20th 2015 in Milton.
VILAYSANE was released and will appear in Milton Court on March 31st 2015.
By Staff
February 18, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Service will be initiating a traffic safety campaign throughout the City of Burlington in efforts to reduce motor vehicle collisions.
Operation RISC (Reducing Intersection Safety Concerns) will run throughout 2015. The intention is to maximize police visibility and increase the public’s perception of safety while driving.
Collisions at intersections have a high risk potential of serious injuries or even death, making intersection safety a priority for the Halton Regional Police Service. The most common contributing factors are inattentiveness, distracted driving (cell phone use), failing to yield, driving too fast for road conditions, following too closely and disobeying traffic lights signals.
The mission of Operation RISC (Reducing Intersection Safety Concerns) is to proactively reduce the amount of collisions occurring within traffic intersections throughout the City of Burlington.
Operation RISC will be supported by the 30 Division District Response Unit and Uniform Patrol and will implement a variety of strategic response options at these intersections. Police will utilize education and enforcement strategies in order to deter collisions from occurring within targeted intersections and to also promote safe driving habits.
The goal of this initiative is twofold: To deter drivers from committing the types of offences that increase the probability of a collision at or near an intersection. To educate drivers and promote safe driving habits.
Last year there were 3,789 collisions in the City of Burlington which equals an average of 10 motor vehicle collisions per day. The Halton Regional Police is committed to reducing motor vehicle collisions in an effort to providing a safer community.
Operation RISC will kick off Thursday February 19, 2015.