By Staff
May 2, 2015
Every once in a while a police officer does something that is out of the police box and certainly not in the rule book.
That has happened in Burlington’s police station where D/Constabe Bulbrook came up with an idea that was used when he was with the Toronto Police Service. Bulbrook worked in Toronto from 2006 until 2013 when he joined the Halton Regional Police Service.
“We used to have a Wanted Wednesday program and I got the idea of turning that into a Fugitive Friday – an occasion when we would use the media to get out the word on people the police wanted to catch.
The Halton Regional Police, Burlington station is launching a new initiative to help locate wanted persons and hold them accountable for their actions.
Al Albano, Superintend for the Burlington Station, took to the idea and the first Friday Fugitive story was published last week. Somehow the Gazette missed that media release – the police haven’t nabbed their man yet – so we have told that story below.
The second Friday special hasn’t been caught yet – but according to D/Constable Bulbrook “these things take time. If we get the pictures out there – people just might be able to tell us something.”
There are numerous people who continue to evade the police and the court system and continue to live out in our communities while having a warrant for their arrest in place.
Every Friday, the Burlington Offender Management Unit will share information on a wanted person in hopes that the public can assist in locating the individual.
The first Fugitive Friday poster boy the Halton Regional Police are looking for is:
Raymond Lloyd FRENCH, 45 years from Brampton
 Raymond Lloyd FRENCH – featured as Burlington’s first Friday Fugitive.
In May 2010, FRENCH stole $15,000.00 in cash from an elderly female’s home in Burlington. The accused pled guilty to this crime and was ordered to pay restitution to the victim. The accused has neglected to pay restitution and has breached his probation order.
The accused is wanted for Fail to comply with probation x 3, and is known to frequent the Halton, Brampton and Haliburton areas.
5’10, 280lbs, grey hair and hazel eyes.
Anyone with information on the accused’s whereabouts or have information that would assist investigators in identifying him are encouraged to contact Detective Constable Bulbrook – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Offender Management Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2305 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
The policed are sharing “Fugitive Friday” information on their website and via social media through Twitter @HRPSBurl and @HaltonPolice.
The Gazette of course will send you the latest every Friday.
By Staff
May 2, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Service is investigating several night time break and enter incidents at three units of a townhouse complex on Glendor Avenue in the City of Burlington.
During the early hours on May 2nd, 2015, an adult male entered a townhouse unit through an unlocked window. Once inside the male stole movies, electronic gaming console and games.
A second incident occurred when the male culprit then entered another townhouse unit through an unlocked sliding door. The male went to a bedroom where an adult female was sleeping. The male began to touch the female as she slept. When the female was awakened and yelled and the male culprit fled the residence.
A third incident occurred when the male culprit then entered into another townhouse unit through an unlocked sliding door. The male stole packages of cigarettes and prescription medication. The male then entered a bedroom and began to touch an adult female while she slept. The female awakened and yelled at the male culprit and he once again fled the residence.
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) were notified of these incidents and responded to the area, located and arrested the male culprit in the area of the townhouse complex.
The investigation was continued by the HRPS Sexual Assault and Child Abuse bureau in conjunction with the Burlington Criminal Investigations bureau. No victims were hurt during these incidents but they were alarmed at having an intruder in their residence.
Arrested and held for a bail hearing is:
Serage ARBAD (21 years) of Burlington
• Sexual Assault (two counts)
• Break and Enter (three counts)
Police remind people to ensure their windows and doors are properly secured especially during the warmer seasons as this is a desired point of entry for culprits to commit a break and enter.
Anyone who may have witnessed this suspect in the area or has information that would assist in this investigation is asked to call the HRPS Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit at 905-825 4747 ext. 8970 or the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825 4747 ext. 2315 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800 222 8477 (TIPS), or through the internet at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
May 1, 2015
The smart catchy phrases are usually created by advertisers – people wanting to sell you toothpaste or laundry soap that gets things whiter than white.
Halton’s Regional Police Service appears to have brought in someone with a flair for words – not something the police are noted for by the way.
It’s Fugitive Friday, Please Help Us Find Curtis Komp” announced the headline on the media release.
This is going to be a tough week for Mr. Komp – the police provided a picture.
The “Fugitive Friday” initiative is how the HRPS are reaching out to the public to help locate wanted persons and hold them accountable for their actions.
There are numerous people who continue to evade the police and the court system and continue to live out in our communities while having a warrant for their arrest in place.
Every Friday, the Burlington Offender Management Unit will share information on a wanted person in hopes that the public can assist in locating the individual.
It will be interesting to see how this works:
Regional Police are looking for: Curtis Henry KOMP , 50 years old, of Hamilton.
It is alleged:
In July, 2014, the accused attended several residences of seniors in the City of Burlington posing as a police officer or firefighter, in attempts to collect money/donations on behalf of several charitable organizations that support causes such as; Easter Seals, Autism and Cerebral Palsy
– The accused was located and arrested near the residence of one of the victims, in possession of several pledge sheets as well as pamphlets to various charities
– The accused was already on a Probation order for similar offences committed in Hamilton
– The accused was released on a Recognizance and was required to attend court in March of 2015 at which time he failed to attend
 Is this the look of a worried man? The police have made Curtis Henry Komp their featured Friday Fugitive.
Curtis Henry KOMP is wanted for:
Fraud under $5000 (5 counts)
Fail to Comply Probation (2 counts)
False Representation
Fail to Re-Attend Court
The accused is also wanted by Hamilton Police Service for Fail to Comply Probation
He is described as 6’2”, 230lbs, with brown greying hair and blue eyes. The accused has numerous tattoos including a (Sun-Moon w/face) on the right side of his neck and an Oriental symbol on the left side of his neck. KOMP is known to frequent Hamilton, Burlington, Toronto and Ottawa.
Anyone with information on the accused’s whereabouts or have information that would assist investigators in identifying him are encouraged to contact Detective Constable Bulbrook – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Offender Management Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2305 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 30, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Bureau have completed an investigation into allegations of historical sexual assault against a now retired school teacher.
It is alleged that the accused was teaching at Fairview Public School in the City of Burlington over the years 1969-1975 and sexually assaulted a male student during that time.
David COTTERELL, 67 years, of West Grey, Ontario has been charged with Indecent Assault on a Male, scheduled to appear in court on May 20, 2015.
Police encourage anyone with information related to this investigation to contact Detective Constable Wendy Clayton at the Halton Regional Police, CASA Bureau – 905 825 4747 Ext 8970 or
By Staff
April 29, 2015
On Tuesday 28th April uniformed officers got a call from a Burlington Home Depot location who wanted to report a female who had just made a fraudulent purchase and was leaving the store.
The officers arrived and located the female in the parking lot of the business and she was subsequently arrested without incident.
Home Depot Fraud investigators advised the officers that this female who was previously unknown to them had been conducting similar fraudulent activity across the GTA over the past several months.
Members of the Halton Police Fraud unit were called in to assist in the investigation and the female has been charged with a total of 24 criminal offences including multiple counts of impersonation and fraud over $5,000 dollars. The offences have all occurred at numerous Home Depot locations across the GTA including London, Richmond Hill and Toronto as well as Oakville, Burlington and Milton.
Charged is Nicole ROUSE of Toronto.
She did not go home that evening.
By Pepper Parr
April 27, 2015
It looked official enough – but there was something phony about it so I zipped a short note to my account manager and asked him – what’s up?
 The impression you get is that your bank is taking care of you – except that the message didn’t come from your bank
Just as I suspected – it was phony.
I’m glad that the guys who keep my millions under lock and key were able to confirm my suspicion.
If you got this – delete.
By Staff
April 24, 2015
On April 23rd 2015, members of the Halton Regional Police – 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau arrested two Hamilton residents in connection with two recent Pharmacy Robberies in Burlington.
 Part of the evidence seized by police in Burlington pharmacy arrests.
Police executed a search warrant at a residence on Horning Drive in Hamilton where a significant quantity of stolen narcotics, a stun gun, stun flashlight, flick knife and a quantity of cocaine and marihuana were seized.
Arrested and held for bail are:
Geoffrey Peter MACPHERSON (29 yrs) of Horning Drive in Hamilton
• Robbery X2
• Wear Disguise X2
• Possession of prohibited weapon X3
• Possession of prohibited weapons while prohibited X 8
• Possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana)
• Possession of controlled substance (hydromorphone) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (temazopam) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (lorazepam) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (oxycodone) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (hydromorph contin) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (fentanyl) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (morphine sulphate) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (Tylenol 3) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of property obtained by crime X 2
• Breach Probation X3
Sarah Elizabeth MACDONALD (26 yrs) of Horning Drive in Hamilton
• Robbery X2
• Possession of prohibited weapon X3
• Possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana)
• Possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana)
• Possession of controlled substance (hydromorphone) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (temazopam) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (lorazepam) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (oxycodone) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (hydromorph contin) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (fentanyl) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (morphine sulphate) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of controlled substance (Tylenol 3) for the purpose of trafficking
• Possession of property obtained by crime X 2
The pharmacies held up were St George Pharmacy located at 5295 Lakeshore Road in Burlington. The pharmacist at that location fled from the drugstore when the robber pulled up his shirt to reveal his waistband.
The I.D.A. pharmacy located at 1893 Appleby Line in Burlington was the second drugstore robbed. In that instance the suspect demanded narcotics and money while brandishing the knife at the pharmacist. The suspect was given an unknown quantity of narcotics and money.
Anyone who may have witnessed these incidents or has information that would assist investigators who have not yet spoke to police are asked to contact Detective Phil Vandenbeukel – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2343 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the Internet at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes.)
By Staff
April 23, 2014
Early Thursday morning police were given information about a suspicious male observed washing his hands in the creek near Brant Hills. The police were told this male may have had a gun in the waistband of this pants.
Police attended the area and contacted the surrounding schools, which were subsequently placed on hold and secure while police conducted the investigation. The hold and secure of the schools was lifted after approximately one hour.
A trail of blood drops led police to a residence on Coldstream Drive which was found to have a broken window.
A suspect was located inside the home, he had barricaded himself from police. Officers from the Tactical Rescue Unit arrested the suspect.
Police are continuing to investigate at this time and will provide an update as soon as possible.
There are no public safety concerns.
By Staff
April 20, 2015
We see it every summer – police reports of break-ins and theft of property during the day when people are at work – or out of the house.
There was a report last year of a house being illegally entered at the front while the owners were in the back yard gardening.
Burlington is fortunate in that most people are quite vigilant and call 911 when they see something suspicious.
However, all too often the people making the phone call don’t have some of the information the police need.
Halton Regional Police Service recently put out a convenient form that they encourage people to use and stick up on the fridge.
You can print out this story and crate you own list of neighbours.
The police ask:
Do you know the first name of at least five (5) different neighbours?
Would you be able to tell police the address of the house behind you in the event you witnessed a break and enter?
Does your back door neighbour know your address?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, use the chart below and get to know your neighbours. And call 9-1-1 to report crimes in progress.

By Staff
April 19, 2015
What was thought to be more of an accident than anything else has been determined to have been a fire set by a youth playing with a lighter.
On Saturday April 18, 2015, at 4:30 pm, a grass fire was reported in the area of Dundas Street and the 407 highway in the City of Burlington. The Burlington Fire department responded and discovered that the grass fire had set a wooden hydro pole on fire which caused hydro wire to come down. There were some minor power outages in this area. Several residents of a townhouse complex adjacent to the fire on Headon Forest Drive had to leave their homes as a safety precaution for a short period of time until the fire was contained.
The Halton Regional Police Service investigated this matter and determined that a 14 year old youth was involved in starting the fire. The youth had been using a lighter to burn small items and this caused the dry grass to ignite and caused a fire that got rapidly out of control. The youth was arrested and later released from police custody and will be required to appear in the Ontario Youth Court of Justice at the Town of Milton in May 2015.
The youth is charged with one count of Arson, one count of Mischief to property of a value exceeding $5,000 and one count of Failing to comply with a youth probation order.
No details of the charged person will be released to the public as this disclosure is not permitted by the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Any person with additional information about this fire incident is requested to contact Detective Joe Barr of the Halton Regional Police Service (Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau) at 905-825-4747 ext. 2385 or ext. 2315 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the Internet at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes.)
By Staff
April 18, 2015
Just before 7 pm Friday evening a male and a female walked into the St George Pharmacy located at 5295 Lakeshore Road in Burlington and headed for the rear of the drugstore.
The male is reported to have been wearing a mask.
When the pharmacist began interacting with the male, (those are the words in the police report) the bandit pulled up his shirt to reveal his waistband.
The pharmacist quickly fled outside.
The male and the female suspects did the same thing – they were last seen fleeing northbound on Kenwood Avenue. No injuries were sustained during the robbery.
The male suspect is described as white, approximately 5’6”, thin, wearing a black mask, red/orange t-shirt and black pants.
The female is described as white, approximately 5”7’, wearing black tights, a black Columbia winter jacket and black toque.
Anyone who may have witnessed this incident or has information that would assist investigators in identifying the suspects are asked to contact Detective Phil Vandenbeukel – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2343 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the Internet at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes.)
By Staff
April 17, 2015
On Thursday April 16th 2015 at about 3:50 PM, a citizen observed a male entering unlocked vehicles in a parking lot on John Street in downtown Burlington.
 Proceeds of crime
Police responded to the area, located and arrested the male a short distance away. The male was found to have a small quantity of Canadian Tire money and a cell phone in his possession which is believed to be stolen property.
Arrested and held for bail is:
Wayne Gordon PUNTER (38 yrs) of Burlington
• Theft under $5000
• Breach Probation
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 16, 2015
The Halton Regional Police Service, Drug, Gun and Gang Unit executed five (5) Controlled Drugs and Substances Act search warrants throughout Burlington (4 locations) and Hamilton (1 location).
One of the warrants executed was at the Venus Tanning Salon situated at 1035 Brant Street, Burlington. The search warrants were a result of a four month investigation into suspected cocaine traffickers in the City of Burlington.
Police have arrested five (5) individuals for drug related offences and seized the following evidence:
100 grams of cocaine • Scales • Packaging materials
$13,000.00 Canadian Currency •
5 grams of cannabis marihuana
500 ml of GHB
14 grams of MDMA
5 grams of methamphetamine
An Anabolic Steroid Production Lab
A GHB Production Lab
Large quantity of anabolic steroids
Police have charged the following individuals:
Jovan MASIREVIC (26 years of age) of Burlington is charged with:
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Cocaine •
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Methamphetamine
Andrew TEIXEIRA (27 years of age) of Burlington is charged with:
• Possession of Cannabis Marihuana
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Cocaine
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Methamphetamine
Sukhvinder SINGH (44 years of age) of Hamilton is charged with:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – MDMA
• Production of a Controlled Substance- Anabolic Steroid
• Production of a Controlled Substance- GHB
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Anabolic Steroid
• Possession of a Controlled Substance- Cannabis Marihuana
• Possession of a Controlled Substance- Oxycodone
Breach of Recognizance
Possession of a Controlled Substance- Methamphetamine
Possession of a Controlled Substance- Amphetamine
Laura SZOKE (27 years of age) of Hamilton is charged with:
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – MDMA
Production of a Controlled Substance- Anabolic Steroid • Production of a Controlled Substance- GHB
• Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Anabolic Steroid • Possession of a Controlled Substance- Cannabis Marihuana •
Possession of a Controlled Substance- Oxycodone •
Breach of Recognizance •
Possession of a Controlled Substance- Methamphetamine •
Possession of a Controlled Substance- Amphetamine
Brian SLAGTER (44 years of age) Burlington is charged with: •
Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Cocaine
SINGH, SZOKE and MASIREVIC were held for a bail hearing and will appear in Milton Court on April 16th 2015.
TEIXEIRA and SLAGTER will appear in Milton Court on June 2nd 2015.
By Staff
April 16, 2015
On Wednesday April 15th 2015 between 1:00 PM and 2:30 PM, unknown culprit(s) broke into two separate homes on Glenwood Avenue in Burlington (Aldershot Community)
Culprit(s) broke a small glass door window at the rear of each home which allowed them to reach inside to unlock the door and gain entry into the home.
Once inside, culprits ransacked various areas of the home stealing cash and jewellery.
Anyone who may have observed any suspicious persons and/or vehicles in the area are asked to contact Det. Ellie Bale of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Residential Crime Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2312 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).
Police would like to remind the public to remain vigilant in spotting and reporting any activity that appear suspicious.
The Halton Regional Police Service offers the following crime prevention tips to help reduce your chance of becoming victimized:
• Lock your valuables in a safety deposit box.
• Install a loud audible house alarm.
• Secure your safes and lock boxes to the floor.
• Be cautious when allowing people you don’t know into your home.
• Report any suspicious behaviour to police.
• Keep a detailed inventory of your jewellery including photographs. This will assist officers in the event your property is stolen.
• Check with your insurance company to ensure you have adequate coverage for your valuables.
• If you encounter someone in your home, DO NOT CONFRONT THEM. Call 9-1-1 immediately.
By Staff
April 15, 2015
Members of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Robbery Team have concluded their investigation into a robbery that was reported to have taken place at the East Way Bake Shop located at 4047 New Street in Burlington.
They have determined the robbery did NOT occur.
The employee who reported the incident, Jennifer ELLIOTT (38 yrs.) of Burlington, has since been arrested and charged with public mischief and theft under $5000. She was released from custody and will appear in Milton Court on May 5th 2015.
The male depicted in a previous release is no longer considered a suspect.
The Halton Regional Police reported that on Monday March 23rd 2015 at approximately 5:35 PM, a lone male suspect armed with a black handgun, entered the East Way Bake Shop located at 4047 New Street in Burlington.
That just didn’t happen.
Report of the robbery
By Staff
April 13, 2015
On Sunday April 12th 2015 approximately 10:00 PM, police responded to a break and enter at a Hydro One compound on Cumberland Road in Burlington.
Upon arrival, police observed a lone male fleeing the premise who after a brief foot chase, was taken into custody without incident.
Further investigation at the compound revealed the male had been concealed inside an outbuilding where he was stripping copper wire.
Arrested and held for bail is:
Ian SILVERTHORN (48 yrs) of Proctor Bv. in Hamilton.
• Break, Enter and commit theft
• Possession of break-in instruments
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 13, 2015
On April 12th 2015 at approximately 9:53 PM, Halton Regional Police and the Burlington Fire Department responded to a fire inside Kay Motors Inc. at 1227 Plains Rd. E. in Burlington.
The fire was quickly extinguished and contained to a rear office. The business was closed that the time and investigation at the scene pointed towards arson. The extent of the damages appears minor, the value of which is not yet known.
Police are looking to identify a male seen lingering around the business several hours prior to the fire.
This male is described as being 6 feet tall, average build, wearing blue jeans, a red shirt and a suit like jacket with an orange bandana covering his face and head.
The male was seen leaving the area in a white vehicle similar to a Lincoln Town car or a Crown Victoria.
Anyone who may have witnessed this male or has information that would assist investigators in identifying him are encouraged to contact Detective Constable Dave Ardrey – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Commercial Crime Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2306 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 13, 20/5
On Saturday April 11th 2015 at approximately 10:58 PM, police responded to 5111 New Street in Burlington in response to a report of a group of youths fighting.
Upon police arrival, it was learned that a group of three male youths jumped another youth and stole his 13” Macbook Air laptop, watch and cell phone before fleeing the area. The victim sustained only minor injuries.
Police later located and arrested the three youths on Longmoor Rd. near Chamberland Rd.
The youths were still in possession of the victims watch and cell phone however the laptop valued at $1500 has not been recovered.
Three young offenders who cannot be named are charged with robbery and possession of property obtained by Crime.
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
April 9, 2015
Just a little after 6:35pm yesterday afternoon, a lone male suspect armed with a knife, entered the I.D.A. pharmacy located at 1893 Appleby Line in Burlington.
The suspect demanded narcotics and money while brandishing the knife at the pharmacist. The suspect was given an unknown quantity of narcotics and money.
The suspect fled the pharmacy and was last seen running southbound on Appleby Line. There were no injuries sustained by anyone during this incident.
The suspect is described as a white male in his mid 20’s, 5’7″ tall, slim build, wearing dark pants, white/silver snowboarding jacket with a peaked hood, black mask and black gloves. He was carrying a cloth reusable shopping bag.
For the police this is one of those situations that can only get worse – a young man desperate for drugs and money – with an addiction that has pushed him to this limit.
Anyone who may have witnessed this male or has information that would assist investigators in identifying him are asked to contact Detective Sergeant Ron Hansen – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext.2315 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the Internet at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes.)
By Staff
April 7, 2015
The Identity theft operators are at it 24/7. They just churn out phony email messages and send them to lists of names that they buy For pennies apiece or use names they have hacked from some insecure web site or server.
And how many insecure web sites are there out there? Listen to this:
The July 14, 2015, deadline for which Microsoft will end support for Windows Server 2003 is final and will not be extended. And with fewer than 100 days to go, the software vendor is intensifying its efforts to encourage to move to its latest version of the platform, Windows Server 2012 R2.
Gartner, a respected services consulting company reckons there are eight million Windows Server 2003 OS instances in operation. Others reckons that of those instances, a full 20 per cent – 1.6 million – will blow past the 14 July end-of-support date.
What happens six months from now, on 14 July? That’s the date Microsoft issues its last security fix ever for Window Server 2003 – the end of extended support from the server operating system’s maker.
That means any new hacks built or vulnerabilities discovered in Windows Server 2003 and those running the legacy server OS will be facing them on their own.
It’s a problem if your server systems hold data of any kind – which they will – and could be accessed directly or indirectly from the internet.
Server systems are generally thought isolated from external attackers, but last year’s attack on Sony Pictures put an end to that illusion.
 For a company that might be using this security service it would seem like a reasonable request – but the receiver of this email didn’t use the service. For those stealing data – all they have to do is catch one person who doesn’t realize it is a false request.
The following came across our computer screen. First we are not an ADP Security clients – and if you look closely at the email address they claim to have sent from it isn’t difficult to spot the error.
A bookkeeper who is handling your payables might not catch this kind of thing – drill into them the need to be careful and cautious – the down side when these identity thieves get a grip on your web site are very expensive.