By Staff
May 28, 2014
It is the offence that cuts into the hearts of parents whose children are sexually molested.
Parents trust their children to teachers, coaches and others that play a part in the growth and development of their children.
When a person in a position of trust and authority abuses that trust the reaction is one of total and complete revulsion, especially when there are young people involved. All but impossible for a parent to look behind the abuse – it is foul, despicable and cuts to the core of what we as a society can bear. Too much – punish.
The Halton Regional Police continue to investigate sexual assault allegations against Sean Hewson as additional victims have come forward. Hewson was a Sailing Coach instructor.
On Tuesday, May 27th, 2014, Halton Police laid an additional sexual assault and sexual interference charge against Sean Hewson.
The Court has imposed a publication ban which was put in place on May 23rd, 2014.
Mr. Hewson has been remanded to Thursday the 29th of May, 2014 where police will be laying more charges in relation to a sixth victim.
The Halton Regional Police encourage anyone with information to contact D/Sergeant John Mans, Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Bureau at 905 465-8760.
The community’s task now is to aid in the investigation and to be part of the healing and recovery of those assaulted. This is a very hard time for many.
By Staff
May 26, 2014
 The police are on the prowl for a Dodge Caravan – beige.
Last week an estate home in the City of Burlington was broken into; Wednesday May 14th at 11:50 am to be exact.
Two suspects entered the home and targeted jewellery. These two suspects are associated to a 2005 Dodge Caravan, beige in colour.
Are you getting the connection? The police would like to find that van.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Ellie Bale, 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext 2312 or or,
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at Crime Stoppers or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Pepper Parr
April 18, 2014
Covering city hall means listening to people talk. After a while you get to know pretty well what a council member is going to say. You can`t watch a group of people for three years and not learn something about each of them.
There are four newbies; three council members and a Mayor who have grown in their jobs to various degrees and as we get further into the election campaign we will write about what we have observed.
There are two other groups we get to listen to: staff and the reports they deliver and delegations. Some staff members do fine work, a few are superb – some made the wrong career choice.
It is the delegations that are really interesting. Some are there to represent an interest group; some are there to complain, others to ask for something very specific and some are at the podium to tell a story and hopefully influence council.
Those delegations that are appearing for the first time are the most interesting. We never know what it is they want to say.
 In some communities children like this go hungry on the weekends.
Like every advocate for the less fortunate, Lena told stories about individuals and the impact they have had on her and her organization. She wanted Council to hear how difficult it is for some people. The family where the father had to go on disability and the mother who gave up working to take care of the father. It wasn`t long before the savings were gone and the family was relying on food banks and social support.
Truthfully, I tend to tune out for many of these delegations. Council always listens politely realizing there isn’t much they can do – social welfare is a Regional responsibility
Lena Bassford and Food4Kids saw the need and began providing packages of healthy food for kids aged 5-14 years with limited or no access to food each weekend.
Packages are prepared by volunteers and delivered to schools each Friday to ensure children have nourishment over the weekend. There were 1,200 children in Hamilton and 500 children in Halton going without food on the weekends. Food4kids took the position that when kids leave school for the weekend, they should not have to worry about how they will be fed.
Bassford explained how her organization works with other groups; Food for Life; Food for Thought and the school boards which was the capture point for Food4Kids.
Then Lena made a point and my head snapped up – she described a boy that was standing outside a school early in the morning – and in an instant I realized she was talking about me.
The boy, part of a single parent family, three children and a mother with a grade four education who worked as a domestic. Mom was paid $5 a day and car fare. On those days she didn`t get paid – “I don`t have any cash in my purse, I`ll pay you next week “– meant Mom walked home and we had Habitant Pea Soup for dinner.
There were no food banks in those days. When there wasn`t soup in the house we would get sent to the Stop & Shop with a note for Reggie the manager and came home with some food. We always thought Reggie was an uncle, he was around the house quite a bit.
As Lena Bassford talked she mentioned the social cost of not ensuring children had food in their stomachs. A student can`t concentrate on math problem when their stomach is growling. When the household situation is really bad – petty theft begins and sometimes grows to the point where a boy figures it out. I don’t have to go without – I can just take what I want; my hands are fast enough and if they see me I can run very fast.
Or the boy meets other boys who have stealing down to an art form. And the realization that this is a way to gets what you want sets in. The male family figure isn’t in the house, there are no core values being taught, there are no values being handed down.
As a society we are quite happy to pay for social workers, police officers, correctional people (jail guards), prisons, lawyers, judges, parole officers – the list of people in place to handle people in conflict with the criminal justice system is astounding. If a quarter of that money was spent on prevention – making sure that 10 year old boys got fed on the weekends, we would save society a lot of money, a lot of grief and a lot of pain. Of course all the people in the criminal justice system would be without jobs
Lena Bassford explained the Food4Kids core concept: they provide packages of healthy food for kids aged 5-14 years with limited or no access to food each weekend.
Packages of healthy food are prepared by volunteers and delivered to schools each Friday to ensure children have nourishment over the weekend. There are 1,200 children in Hamilton and 500 children in Halton sustaining each and every weekend without food.
For many children Bassford explained “hunger isn’t just an occasional missed meal; it is a way of life. Children who live with hunger develop physically and socially at a slower pace than their peers. Chronically hungry children experience higher levels of anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability and aggression. Chronic hunger results in students with lower attendance rates at school and lower academic performance. Even relatively short-term nutritional deficiencies can negatively impact a child’s health, causing cognitive and developmental damage that prevents them from performing at their full potential.”
Councillor Lancaster asked the obvious question: What do you do in the summer? Bassford explained that a program is in the process of being developed that will provide food for these kids during the summer break.
What does it cost to provide the complete program annually? $500,000 – of which every penny is raised by the organization. Note a dime from the municipal, regional, provincial or federal governments. That’s about what we spend for five police officers.
By Staff
April 16, 2014
Halton Regional Police investigators have arrested the serial bank robber who has targeted banks in Burlington, Oakville and Kitchener over the past four months.
 Police said the man in this picture had no fixed address when he was arrested for bank robbery. He has an address now – jail.
On Tuesday April 15th, 2014, police followed a suspect to Guelph where he was observed entering a Bank of Montreal on Wyndham Street before an arrest could be effected. The suspect exited the bank several minutes later and was arrested without incident at which time it was revealed that he had just committed a robbery inside the bank. All money from this robbery was recovered.
Arrested: Danny William MILLER (49 yrs) of No Fixed Address (Held for Bail Hearing)
Charged with: Robbery (Nine Counts) contrary to Section 344 of the Criminal Code and
Wear Disguise while committing robbery (Nine Counts), contrary to Section 351(2) of the Criminal Code.
Bank staff in Burlington and surrounding communities will be a lot more at ease.
Background links:
BMO on Brant Street robbed.
Police believe they are looking for a serial bank robber.
By Pepper Parr
April 9, 2014
The Region just might be looking for a serial bank robber – and this kind of situation has the potential to become very, very dangerous.
The Halton Regional Police are investigating a series of bank robberies that occurred between January 3rd and April 8th 2014.Police believe the same suspect is responsible for eight robberies in Burlington, Oakville and Kitchener.
- January 3rd, 2014 Bank of Montreal – 519 Brant St. Burlington
- January 29, 2014 Bank of Montreal – 2 King St. Kitchener
- February 18, 2014 Scotiabank Robbery – 64 King St. W. Kitchener
- February 18, 2014 Scotiabank Robbery – 1258 King St. E Kitchener
- March 5, 2014 C.I.B.C. – 197 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville
- March 25, 2014 C.I.B.C. – 575 Brant St. Burlington
- April 2, 2014 Bank of Montreal – 239 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville
- April 8, 2014 Scotiabank – 320 Speers Rd in Oakville
The suspect is described as:
Male, white
Approximately 5’10” to 6’2”
Large build, 200-250 lbs.
Chubby face with a wide jaw
Wearing dark sunglasses, blue jeans, a black hoodie with dark a coloured plaid jacket and a multicolour scarf.
Anyone with information on these robberies is urged to contact Detective John Ophoven, 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 Ext 2343 or Detective Sergeant Ron Hansen at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2315 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477), through the web at or by texting ‘Tip201’ with your message to 274637(crimes).
Regional police will add more images should they become available. They can be found on the web site.
Background links:
BMO on Brant Street robbed.
Friday bank heist.
By Staff
April 7, 2014
Willie Sutton, a full time bank robber was once asked why he robbed banks. “Because that’s where the money is” he replied. Two bandits have figured that out and have taken to cracking open ATM machines in what they see as quiet places.
Friday evening, April 4th 2014, at 4:24 AM, a break and enter occurred at Rexall Pharmacy located at 2400 Guelph Line in Burlington.
Two unknown suspects pried open the front doors to the store and then used a large gas cement saw to gain entry into an ATM machine.
The suspects fled the store with an undisclosed amount of cash from the ATM. The same suspects are believed to be responsible for similar entries in Hamilton, London and Windsor.
Suspect Descriptions:
Male, 5’9″ to 5’11”, 160 to 190 lbs, average build wearing a black head covering which concealed his face and neck, plain white long sleeve shirt, black gloves, black pants and white short cut running shoes.
Male, 6’0″ to 6′”2″, 250-280 lbs, large overweight build wearing a black head covering which concealed his face and neck, plain white t-shirt overtop oa black long sleeve shirt, black gloves, black pants and dark work boots.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Vince Couce, 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext 2307
By Staff
April 2, 2014
A provincial government agency, Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) successfully prosecuted a Burlington refrigeration operator for working with a forged Operating Engineer certificate.
Jeff Bennett of Burlington, Ontario was fined $4,000, plus the mandatory 25% victim surcharge, for a total penalty of $5000, for violating safety regulations under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000 (the Act), by the Ontario Court of Justice in Burlington.
Following an investigation by TSSA, it was determined that Mr. Bennett worked at Wave Twin Rinks located at 1175 Northside Road in Burlington without holding a certificate as a Refrigeration Operator B Class or a Fourth Class Operating Engineer. Mr. Bennett had misled both management and the Chief Operator, pretending to have completed his exams and passing off a forged certificate, purporting to be a Refrigerator Operator Class B.
Mr. Bennett pled guilty to knowingly providing, using and displaying a false certificate of qualification
“This is a serious violation of Ontario’s public safety rules,” said Mike Adams, Director of TSSA’s Boilers and Pressure Vessels, and Operating Engineers Safety Program. “Mr. Bennett flouted critical safety rules, put himself and his colleagues at needless risk, and sullied the good name of power engineers.”
In Ontario, operating engineers must possess valid TSSA certification, which ensures all operators are properly trained and familiar with Ontario’s safety rules. If in doubt of an operator’s certification, contact TSSA toll-free at 1- 877-682-8772.
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA) is Ontario’s public safety regulator mandated by the Government of Ontario to enforce provincial safety regulations and enhance public safety. Throughout Ontario, TSSA regulates the safety of amusement devices, boilers and pressure vessels, elevating devices, fuels, operating engineers, ski lifts, and upholstered and stuffed articles. Its range of safety services include public education and consumer information, certification, licensing and registration, engineering design review, inspections, investigations, safety management consultation, and enforcement and prosecution activities. The organization’s vision is to be a valued advocate and recognized authority in public safety.
By Staff
April 1, 2014
Some people will get taken in by this. If they bank with the Royal Bank of Canada they might click on that link – and that could well be the beginning of a process that moves your money from your bank account to someone else’s bank account.
 What’s the give away here? Look at the address of the sender: rcbroyal – if it were legal it should have read rbcroyal. Also the srvcustom r – spelling error. Most important – a Canadian bank would never, ever send you a notice like this.
If you are at all active on the internet – and it’s hard not to be – you need to be vigilant. There are literally tens of thousands of people pumping out phony messages that are intended to steal your money from you.
At a quick glance they look genuine and they catch your attention.
This latest one, purported to come from the Royal Bank is pretty easy to spot as phony but you do have to look beyond the bank logo which is in the message to give you comfort that it is your bank talking to you.
Just pay attention – and you should be OK. Unfortunately, if money does get removed from your account – it will not be easy to get it back.
Background links:
They will go to almost any length to fool you.
By Staff
March 31, 2014
If you were expecting a parcel to get to you by mail – we can now tell you why it didn’t arrive. The Halton Regional Police – 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau teamed up with Canada Post Inspectors to conduct an investigation into thefts which occurred at the Canada Post Depot located at 1396 Guelph Line in the City of Burlington. The Thefts involved mail parcels which had not yet been delivered.
 Some of the property recovered by police look like Christmas gifts. Suspect released on promise to appear.
As a result of the investigation, police have executed two search warrants and recovered stolen property with an approximate value of $8500.
Former Canada Post contract employee, Thomas Edmund DAVIS (32 yrs) of Burlington has been arrested and released on a Promise to Appear in Milton Court on April 16th 2014, charged with the following offences:
Break, enter & theft
Theft of mail
Theft under $5000
Possession of property obtained by crime
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Mark Urie of the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext 2338 or Canada Post Customer Service at 1-800-267-1177
By Staff
March 27, 2014
On Wednesday March 26th shortly before 11:00 am, a citizen reported seeing a suspicious white truck and a male going door-to-door along Teal Drive in Burlington.
Police converged on the area and located a residence which had been broken into and a laptop was stolen. A search of the area failed to turn up the white truck or suspect however the stolen laptop was located and appears to have been discarded by the suspect on Tanager Avenue.
Several witnesses reported seeing the male running through numerous backyards and into the passenger seat of the white truck on Partridge Drive which then took off at a high rate of speed.
No description was obtained for the driver of the white truck however the suspect in the entry is described as a white male in his 20’s wearing a hat, navy blue and black puffy knee-length jacket, black pants and white running shoes.
Police are seeking assistance from area residents who may have information and/or surveillance cameras which might assist in identifying the suspect and/or the suspect vehicle and its’ driver.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Mark Urie of the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau, Residential Crime Team at 905 825-4747 ext 2338.
Alternatively, anyone with information on this or any other crime can anonymously call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting ‘Tip201’ with your message to 274637(crimes).
Burlington is clearly a city with citizens who notice suspicious behaviour and report it to the police quickly.
By Staff
March 25, 2014
The Halton Regional Police Service is reaching out to the public to assist in identifying a suspect involved in a bank robbery.
Just after 10:30 am this morning, Tuesday March 25th, 2014, a lone male entered the CIBC Bank at 575 Brant Street and demanded cash.
No weapons were seen on the suspect or observed by bank employees. No one was injured.
The suspect was given a quantity of cash and he subsequently left the bank last seen walking northbound on Brant Street.
 Suspected bank robber at the tellers wicket. No one was injured – cash was taken.
Suspect Description:
Male, white
40 to 50 years of age
Approximately 5’10” to 5’11″”
Large build, 200 lbs
Wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie underneath a plaid coat, dark sunglasses and a black ski mask with a baseball cap.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective John Ophoven, 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905 825-4747 ext 2343
 Bank robbery suspect captured on security camera walking towards the tellers.
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting ‘Tip201’ with your message to 274637(crimes).
This is the second bank robbery in Burlington within the last three months. In January the Bank of Montreal was held up by a lone male bandit. Police dogs were brought in but the scent was gone. No arrest was made yet for that robbery.
Background links:
BMO on Brant Street robbed in January.
By Staff
March 21, 2014
In the early morning hours of March 21st 2014, The Halton Regional Police, Burlington Strategic Support Team (SST), concluded a drug trafficking investigation that resulted in three arrests and the execution of a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act search warrant at a Burlington residence
Seized as a result of the Investigation:
323 grams of marihuana (approximately 11.39 ounces/ 0.71 pounds),
1/2 gram of Cocaine,
The drugs have an estimated street value of $2600.00.
The following persons have been charged:
Gary DEAN (22 yrs) of Brant Street in Burlington (Held for Bail)
- Trafficking a controlled substance (marihuana)
- Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the Purpose of Trafficking
- Possession of a controlled substance (Cocaine)
- Breach of Probation
- Breach of Recognizance
Colleen MCCAIG (24 yrs) of New Street in Burlington (Released on Promise to Appear in Milton Court on April 29th 2014)
- Trafficking a controlled substance (marihuana)
- Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the Purpose of Trafficking
- Possession of a controlled substance (Cocaine)
James VAN VIEGEN (27 yrs) of East 42nd Street in Hamilton (Released on Promise to Appear in Milton Court on April 22nd 2014)
- Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) under 30 grams
- Breach of Probation
Investigators remind the public to utilize Crime Stoppers to report any illegal drug, gun or gang activity at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637(crimes)
By Pepper Parr
March 19, 2014
They are at it again.
The graphics on the email certainly look real enough. Anyone doing business with the CIBC might well be fooled enough to click on the link that they say you need to use to ensure that your account card is not de-activated.
 Looks official enough. But this is a total and complete hoax.
It’s a hoax – we got the message – but we don’t have an account with CIBC.
There are some people who will respond to this – and they will give out personal details – that’s where the problem begins.
Are we not close to the point where there can be some form of policing to handle stuff like this?
By Staff
March 18, 2014
Tax time approaching and those who choose to steal instead of work for a living have found that they can often fool people into giving them information which they then use to take your money from you.
The Halton Regional Police are advising the public of a scam involving fraudulent communications mimicking the Canada Revenue Agency.
 The message frequently looks like this. This is not the way the government communicates with you. Ignore it – don’t even click on any of the links.
You might get an email that looks like it comes from the Canada Revenue Agency telling you there has been a mistake or a reassessment and that they are owed a refund. They are then asked to provide detailed personal information telling you it is required to process the refund. They will ask for full name, address, date of birth and social insurance number. They might ask you to provide personal banking or credit card information. The moment you give them this information they can begin pretending they are you and start taking your money.
Fraudsters have gone even further, telephoning individuals directly, stating that they owe back taxes in the amount of thousands of dollars and threatening them with arrest or deportation if they are not paid immediately.
The CRA does not request personal information of any kind by email and has a formal process in place for those who owe taxes and would never demand cash payment immediately.
Halton Police encourages individuals who receive such communications to take a moment and consider the following:
Are you expecting a refund from the CRA?
Does this sound too good to be true?
Why would the CRA be asking me for personal information that they would already have on file?
Are you confident that you know who is asking for the information?
Your best protection is to avoid taking immediate action and contact the CRA directly to confirm if in fact you are owed a refund or are required to make a payment.
Anyone with information on this scam can contact Halton Police Fraud Investigators at 905-825-4747 ext. 8739 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 17, 2014
The Regional police have both a sense of humour and a message they will be handing out this evening. Single piece of paper printed on both sides. Set out below id a preview of what they are going to distribute.
 If the message isn’t obvious – the police provide details.
 Now that wasn’t hard to understand was it?
By Staff
March 14, 2014
Halton Regional Police Officers in Burlington have arrested a man in connection to a series of liquor thefts from LCBO Stores in Burlington and Oakville.
Between February 13th and March 3rd 2014, Neil MACMILLAN (30 Yrs) of Oakville, attended numerous L.C.B.O. Stores where he stole a variety of liquor totaling approximately $3,950.
On March 3rd 2014, an astute LCBO employee recognized MACMILLAN from a previous theft and called police. MACMILLAN left the LCBO prior to police arrival however he was located a short time later exiting a neighbouring Metro Store where he was arrested and found to have a quantity of packaged meat which he had just stolen worth $201.
MACMILLAN was held for bail charged with theft under $5,000 (11 Counts) and breach of Probation (33 Counts).
By Staff
March 13, 2014
The wheels of justice grind slowly in Canada but it is usually fully served.
On June 13th 2011, two assailants entered Don Deez Clothing Limited at 390 Martha Street in Burlington, one of which was armed with a handgun.
The lone employee struggled with one of the assailants before breaking free and fleeing down some stairs located at the back of the store when a gunshot was heard.
The assailants fled the store however a trail of blood led police to the location of some stolen clothing and the involved firearm which had been discarded in some bushes.
Investigators determined that one of the assailants sustained a gunshot during the robbery attempt and that person was eventually identified as Jamar Andre FRANCIS (25 yrs) of Silverstone Dr. in Etobicoke. He was ultimately arrested and charged with Robbery Using a Firearm.
FRANCIS was found guilty and on March 7th 2014, he was sentenced to a jail term of 6-years however he will receive credit for the time already spent in custody.
The second assailant has yet to be identified. It will be tough for Francis to get parole as long as he keeps the name of his partner to himself.
Anyone with information that can identify the second assailant is encouraged to call 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 X2343 or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222 TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 13, 2014
It looked as if it was like getting caught up on the paper work. Detective Eric Schwab, Oakville Criminal Investigations Bureau, took a crew from the Oakville District Strategic Support Team , in conjunction with the 2 District Offender Manager, and proactively sought out individuals in the Oakville area who were the subject of outstanding arrest warrants. Over the course of this initiative three Criminal Code warrants were executed, eight individuals were arrested, and seven were charged with a total of 18 criminal offences.
If this pro-activity worked that well in Oakville – can Burlington be far behind. Some of your less than savoury friends might be leaving town for a while.
Between March 10th and 12th, 2014 the following individuals were arrested, and are facing the corresponding criminal charges:
Frances BOWLES (48 years old, of Oakville)
Charged with Assault, Mischief Under $5,000, and Fail to Appear for Court. She is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton on March 28th.
Dustin ZITA (23 years old, of Oakville)
Charged with Unlawfully at Large, Obstruct Police, Breach of Probation (4 Counts). He has already pled guilty to these charges and is currently being held in custody.
Natalie WATSON (19 years old, of Oakville)
Charged with Obstruct Police. She is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton on April 14th.
Alan FORREST (51 years old, of Mississauga)
Charged with Fail to Appear for Court, Fail to Appear for Prints, Theft Under $5,000 (2 Counts), Breach of Probation. He is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton on March 13th.
Justin HOWITT (27 years old, of Oakville)
Charged with Theft Under $5,000, and Fail to Appear for Court. He is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton on April 15th.
Christopher TELFORD (28 years old, of Mississauga)
Charged with Breach of Probation and Fail to Appear for Court. He is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton on March 25th.
Mary WHALEN (54 years old, of Oakville)
Charged with Breach of Probation. She is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton on March 13th.
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-TIPS (8477), through the web at or by texting ‘Tip201’ with your message to 274637(crimes).
By Staff
March 10, 2014
On Saturday March 8, 2014 at approximately 2:40AM, a male victim was walking eastbound on Lakeshore Road in Burlington passing the Burlington Art Centre on the North side walk. Three unknown male suspects proceeded westbound towards the victim; one of the suspects made a derogatory comment to the victim and proceeded to punch the victim in the face area causing the victim to fall to the ground. The second male suspect then punched the victim in the facial area as the victim attempted to get to his feet. The suspects proceeded westbound on Lakeshore Road. The victim sustained minor injuries.
The suspects are described as follows:
Suspect #1- Male, Caucasian, approximately 30 years of age, 6’0 tall, heavy-set, brown hair, brown chin straps and goatee, wearing a dark-colored pea jacket.
Suspect #2- Male, Caucasian, approximately 30 years of age, 6’0 tall, thin build, short red/orange hair, wearing a dark-colored pea jacket.
Suspect #3- Male, Caucasian, approximately 30 years of age, 5’8 tall, thin build wearing a dark baseball hat in a backwards fashion, and a black ski jacket with white stripes on the arms.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Julie Powers, 3 district Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 X2323
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222 TIPS(8477), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).
By Staff
March 10, 2014
On Saturday March 8th 2014, a salesman working for National Home Services was going door to door in the area of Riverside Drive in Burlington, trying to get residents to switch their hot water tank services.
At about 12:30 pm, the salesman was invited into a residence where he talked to the female homeowner. After some discussion, the homeowner decided not to switch services and the salesman left.
Shortly after, the female homeowner and one of two her children departed the residence to do errands, leaving her 11-year-old daughter alone in the home.
Just after her mother left the residence, the 11-year-old heard someone knocking on the door and as she went to answer it, she noticed the door was opening so she went upstairs to retrieve a phone.
As she returned downstairs, the same salesman approached the 11-year-old child on a landing where he asked if her parents were home, her name and how old she was. After she answered the questions, the salesman placed one hand on the girl’s shoulder and another over her mouth then told her not to scream and he wouldn’t hurt her. When the salesman removed his hand from her mouth, she seized an opportunity to escape and ran unharmed from the home to a neighbour where police were called.
The salesman fled the residence but was quickly arrested by police a short distance away and held for bail.
Daniel WIGHT (19 yrs.) of Birchmount Rd. in Toronto
- Break, enter and commit assault
- Forcible confinement
- Uttering threats
Anyone with information on this or any other crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).