We didn’t make it this time – but the condition of our tree canopy is such that the issue has to be brought up again.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON. July 10, 2013.  When asked how he felt things were going at a meeting of residents at LaSalle Pavilion who were talking about a Private Tree bylaw Mayor Rick Goldring said he didn’t feel he could go wrong; “half the people want one the other half don’t”.


People pay a premium to live on streets like this. while most of these trees are on city property there are hundreds in back yards that are private. They add to the value of the property, the health of the community and the sheer enjoyment of live.

The Council he leads didn’t see it that way and voted 5-2 to receive and file a lengthy report on what people thought about a Private Tree bylaw.  City hall staff recommended doing nothing –other than educating the public.  This Council had no appetite for taking on a problem that is out there – a private tree bylaw is not popular because of ignorance and misunderstanding.

While Liz Benneian made a number of strong points during her delegation to Burlington`s city council – she could not convince them to work towards creating a Private Tree bylaw.

 Liz Benneian,  former president of Oakvillegreen Conservation Association and the person  that led that organization during the time it was advocating for the creation of a private tree bylaw in Oakville.

 She was delegating to Council to talk about the Oakville experience.

“The Urban Forest” she said “faces many challenges including poor quality compacted soil; salt exposure; little natural regeneration; invasive species and pests and development.

 “If we want to have a healthy urban forest and reap all the benefits that trees provide including increased property values and improved air quality, then local Councils must enact a suite of measures to protect and plant trees.”

 Benneian explained that in Oakville developers would buy land and clear the lot first and then submit a site plan. It’s at the site plan stage where municipal staff has some input on what trees must be preserved. But by the time the plans went to site plan, there were no trees left on the lot.

 “So this is the critical issue, that I don’t believe it has been made clear during your public consultation to date: developers, who own property, and homeowners are exactly the same under the law. There is no distinction; both are private property owners. And if there is no Private Tree Bylaw, then developers can clear all the trees off a property if they like.” 

 “But if there is a private tree bylaw then developers can no longer buy up land, strip it of trees and then take a site plan to a planning department.”

 “But if there is a private tree bylaw then developers can no longer buy up land, strip it of trees and then take a site plan to a planning department.”Trees are a community asset maintained Benneian, and their loss affects the quality of life of the neighbourhood.  And that for at least half of Burlington is the rub- far too many people have yet to buy into the argument that trees are communal.  We still have people who feel that the tree is on their property and they can do whatever they want whenever they want.

 “Getting a tree bylaw passed was not easy in Oakville” explained Benneian. “A small but very vocal property rights group sprang up. Their fundamental argument was that no one should have the right to tell them what they could and couldn’t do on their property. That argument is quite ridiculous. We have many laws that restrict what property owners can and can’t do: For instance, I can’t decide to have a bonfire in my backyard, I can’t dump hazardous waste on my land and I can’t tear down my old garage and rebuild it without a permit. But despite their weak argument they raised a lot of noise at the time and spread a lot of misinformation,” said Benneian.

 Many of the people who spoke at Oakville’s Council said things like “we agree developers should be controlled but leave us alone” – clearly not understanding the fundamental problem that developers and private property owners were the same under the law.

 Oakville looked for a way to find common ground.  They formed a committee that included the most vocal anti-tree bylaw. Oakville’s Council considered the suggestions made by that committee and enacted a compromise bylaw, which  Council has amended once to make it stronger and will be amending it again soon.

 Benneian pointed out that vocal property rights group has simply faded away. “When the first set of amendments were made not a peep was heard from them.”

 “While homeowners may cut down a tree here and there to put in a pool or expand a driveway, their impact on the urban canopy is minimal. As your surveys suggest, individual homeowners are not a significant problem in tree loss. But developers are. So the trick is creating a Private Tree Bylaw that won’t unduly infringe on homeowners while it will stop developers from clear-cutting.”

 Benneian added that “just because it’s tricky, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Your telephone survey demonstrates that your citizens understood that  –  90% suggesting various exceptions to the bylaw that would allow for tree removal in certain cases. It’s important to note that only 10% of respondents said they would not be in favour of a private tree bylaw despite exemptions.

Burlington is in much the same situation as Oakville, all the big Greenfield developments are complete or fully planned. Now that we are at build out, development will come through infill and this is where the challenge to protect our urban tree canopy in our most established and beautiful areas becomes critical. These are also the areas with the largest and oldest trees that are providing the most community benefits. Their loss will be greatly felt by your entire community.

After all the public consultation, City of Burlington staff are not recommending a private tree bylaw at this time. Instead, the focus of staff efforts should be on public education and awareness.

This was hard for Benneian to understand as Burlington’s current and future tree loss (aside from the ravages of Emerald Ash Borer) will mostly be due to infill development. She explained that when you are trying to deal with a problem, you must choose the right tool set.”

To chuckles throughout the Council chamber Benneian declared: “Developers are immune to “education and awareness”. The best, and I would add the ONLY effective tool to prevent clear-cutting by developers, is a bylaw.”“Developers are immune to “education and awareness”.

 Benneian used the survey the city had done and pointed out that a majority of Burlington’s citizens clearly place City Council as the agency responsible for protecting the community’s trees. In fact, in that survey, more residents choose “Pass Bylaws to protect trees” than any other response at 22%. “Maintain and protect trees” followed at 21% and “Oversee development to ensure trees are protected” came in third at 20%. If you add in “Enforce bylaws/issue fines” (8%), “protect older mature trees” (4%), “Prevent clear-cutting (3%), “Require a permit for tree cutting (3%); “Slow/halt development” (2%) then 83% of respondents were clear that development was the problem and a bylaw/permit system was needed.

 “Public awareness and education is all well and good, but it will not stop developers from cutting down trees and it will only have limited success with homeowners”, said Benneian.

 Burlington has decided to go the “education and awareness route. Benneian pointed out just how ineffective this approach has been in the past. “Despite a decade of education on the life-saving benefits of wearing seatbelts it wasn’t until legislation was introduced in 1989 that seatbelt use climbed in the U.S. from 21% to 70%.”

If these were all private trees and they were all cut down – it would certainly be a different looking place to live – and the value of the houses would plummet.

 “Results of your own online survey” Benneian pointed out, “suggest that education alone isn’t effective at impacting people’s tree-related behaviour. In your online survey you asked people who had ash trees on their property if they had treated them for emerald ash borer, and despite all the publicity to date, 76% said no.

 The one outstanding feature of the information gathered during your public consultation”, explained Benneian, “is the citizens of Burlington, like the citizens of Oakville, appreciate the value of their urban forest.”

The task now is to find a way to get this issue back on the agenda in Burlington.  That 5-2 vote to receive and file meant it is off the table.


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James Smith has a viewpoint on the private tree bylaw – he rants.

By James Smith.

BURLINGTON, ON. July 8, 2013. 

James Smith usually goes on about transit or waxes eloquently about the Freeman Station which he is in the process of saving.  Over the weekend he apparently stumbled across a city staff report about trees and – well he kind of lost it.

Guelph has one.

So does Oakville. 

Toronto? Check.

Burlington? Nope.

 I could be speaking about any number of things like reliable, well-funded Transit but in this case it looks like we won’t be getting a Private Tree Bylaw either if one reads the Private Tree By Law feasibility study about to go to council. Burlington it seems is keeping to its long and proud tradition as depicted on our Coat of Arms 

This tree canopy on Belvinia in the Roseland community is a large part of what the older part of the city is all about. Beautifully shaded streets with trees that add value to every house on the street.  Most of these trees are on city owned property.

 To be fair, council has started, if it’s not too much of a bother, the process of maybe, possibly, sometime looking at a private Tree bylaw. Rather than ask staff to craft a tree by-law Council asked for a feasibility study, and in May they told City Staff “no recommendations”, instead we get “options”.   The report spills a lot of ink on background, you know, like why trees are important, applicable statues, methodology, numbers of trees cut down every year by Arborists, (about 1,800) and the results of surveys and consultation. Oh, we’ve been consulted, we’ve been telephoned and online surveyed, research firms hired, and public meetings held. City staff tell us they have 71,571 “Touch Points” (- frankly I don’t like the sound of that term at all). 71,571 sounds like a big number until you read that 68,000 of these “Touch Points” come from  the City’s version of Pravda- AKA- City Talk- the thing that only wonks like me, & high school civics students (reluctantly) read. 

 City staff tell us they have 71,571 \"Touch Points\" Did I mention consultants? Burlington LOVES her consultants, Forum Research provided 31 pages of survey data that supports the community’s view that Trees are important!!  Fifty Nine percent suggested more needs to be done to protect trees. A one page spread sheet and four paragraphs are included in City Staff’s portion of this feasibility study that superficially addresses what other  cities do and do not do to protect trees on private property. What towns  have them, number of times amended, number of annual infractions, fines,  staff required,  number of permits issued and fees, exemptions and a one word answer if the by law is effective.

Did I say we had meetings? Burlington city hall loves its meetings almost as much as it loves its consultants. Burlington carries on its proud tradition of meetings.  Talking and meetings,  give the impression that work is actually being done. One may point to all the meeting minutes, and reports and addenda produced from which a report is dutifully presented. It all looks like an issue is being tackled, decisions being formulated, and our staff resources put to good use. 


 Here are City Staff’s Options:

Decide against implementing a Private Tree Bylaw

Direct Staff to Draft a Private Tree Bylaw

Increase Public Education and Awareness

Enhance public Participation and Involvement

Identify Partnerships with the community to Enhance Tree Planting Programs.

Delegate Responsibility for the protection of woodlots between 0.5 ha and 1.0 ha to Halton Region.

 Wow,  what did this cost in staff time and consultants? Furthermore, staff recommends all of these options, with the notable exception of actually crafting a tree by-law. Really. Burllingtonians, 59% of us want more tree protection, but City staff who were specifically asked not to included recommendations, opine that they don’t support a Private Tree By-Law! Out of whole cloth and with little or no back-up this statement heading appears: ” Support for a bylaw regulating trees on private property is low”  In my book 59% is still pretty good, given that Don’t Support, and Don’t Know/Don’t Care are about equal.

Every tree on this street is on private property. Every property owner has the rigght to cut down the tree on their property. If one comes down – so what? If five come down will those five people have lessened the value of the properties on the street? If they all come down – would anyone want to buy property on this street. That’s what a Private Tree Bylaw is about.

 So where does this statement come from? Could it be the many members of vested interests who made their way into the public meeting on the subject? Could it be the way the on-line questions were asked to give a desired result? One example: The on-line survey did not ask WOULD YOU SUPPORT A PRIVATE TREE BY-LAW  but rather cunningly asked: “If the city of Burlington was considering a household tax increase to preserve and protect the urban forest, for which of the following initiatives would you like to see the funds allocated?” and seven choices were presented. Funnily enough, 47% replied they will not support a tax increase for any reason. I wonder how these folks feel about the $300,000 for taking the memorial out of Joe Brant?

 Burlington City council once again is set to live up to their tradition by abandoning anything close to a vision of what kind of city we should build.Lets look at this a little more critically, the city of Oakville have staff of exactly one person to run the tree by-law, Guelph has 4.  if part of the reason staff have drawn the conclusions they have is a result of little support for taxes increased  to be spent on one position,  can we not find the money in existing programmes? What about permits and fines? Surely this can be a self funding office,! I would argue it could generate a surplus to fund some of the other wacky stuff city staff actually want  to do. My conclusion is, for some reason, city staff don’t want the headache of an office that actually does stuff, but would rather play with Adobe Suite making marketing plans that the people of this town really don’t give a squirrel’s tail about. Otherwise why would they have devised a process designed to produce these results?  Make no mistake, one just has to make it through the report and read how the on-line questions have been asked, to come to the same conclusion. It is either that or one must ask if city staff is up to the task.

 After who knows how many staff hours, and work by well paid consultants,  Burlington City council once again is set to live up to their tradition by abandoning anything close to a vision of what kind of city we should build. Heck, we can’t even follow good examples from other cities in the GTHA. Meanwhile mature trees are set to be cut down trees on Ghent Avenue, and through out the city. 

 Oh, and Burlington’s Coat of Arms? Why by now you should know that our Motto below the Shield reads:  STAND BY

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Organic Farmer’s Market shifts schedule and will operate on Sunday’s – opens May 11th –

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  April 30th, 2013.  The Organic Farmer’s Market will open for the first time this season on May 11th and operate on Sunday’s from 9 to 12ish.

Traffic last year was decent but many people found the Friday a difficult day; people who worked weren’t able to stroll over and enjoy the setting.

Last season tables were laden with fresh vegetables, organically grown  Expect to see an even wider selection this season.

Barry Imber, the energy behind this project said “ the hope is that the hood will stroll over in the mornings and take their time to enjoy the people and the various things that local farmers have to offer.

“We will also have a few new vendors in addition to possibly a breakfast vendor and Tamp Coffee doing his specialty pour over coffee for the crowd. We’ll have the picnic benches out and will encourage everyone to chill out and take their time.

The Chef’s Shootout last year.  A light rain didn’t stop the event – the food was delicious.

Burlington Tourism is looking for ways they can get behind the project. While the market is hosted in a commercial location, in the parking lot behind Centro’s on John Street, the net result is a place for community and Imber hopes it is cherished and embraced as well as promoted to make it stronger.

The closing event last year was a great idea – A Shootout between two Chef’s from Spencer’s on the Waterfront – took place even though it was raining.  The Chef’s did a great job and the 40 or so people stood there with their umbrellas enjoying the food.

Wet but fun.  Hopefully Imber will hold at least one of these Shootouts this year.

The market is set up behind Centro’s on John Street.  Downtowners can just stroll on over and nosh.

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Burlington columnist links the Boston Bombings, Justin Trudeau and Tory attack advertisements

By Ray Z. Rivers

Ray Rivers will write weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat after which he decided to write and has become a  political animator.

BURLINGTON, ON. April 29, 2013.  ‘Root-causes’ you say?  Justin Trudeau dared to utter that phrase in his interview with Peter Mansbridge, shortly after the Boston Marathon bombings.   Trudeau was “committing sociology”, the Prime Minster accused, as if that was one of the unforgivable crimes the PM had included in the government’s new ‘safe-streets’ legislation.  

Afghan women being taught some of the basics through funding provided by the Canadian International Development Agency – getting at the root causes of political violence.

National Post right-wing columnist Barbara Kay had earlier taken her aim and fired a volley at the young leader – showing his ‘inner sophomore’, she accused.  She went on to draw a comparison to his father, when as PM he brought out the army to quell the FLQ hostage crisis of 1970.    True enough he activated the War Measures Act, but Pierre also dealt with some of the “root-causes” – the disenchantment and estrangement of Quebecers’ from their rightful role in the federation.  Lest we forget, he introduced official bilingualism, regional economic development, and the inter-provincial equalization program.

Of course Kay and Harper are playing politics, aren’t they?   Everybody knows that for every effect there is a cause…and a root-cause.  I mean why else is Canada providing social and economic aid to Afghanistan, except to remove the kind of ‘root-causes’ that contributed to 9/11, right?  Under Stephen Harper, Canada, proudly, has become one of the world’s top donors of economic development and educational assistance in Afghanistan, raising the levels of education, ensuring greater food security, and regional development of that nation, one of the world’s poorest. 

In 2011, Canada assisted over 1600 schools graduate almost 50,000 students, 85% of them girls.  And we helped Afghan small and medium businesses create over 20,000 new jobs, injecting $325 million in the national economy.  These are very impressive stats for a government that doesn’t believe in ‘committing sociology’ and in considering and reducing ‘root-causes’. 

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Is figuring out how we can EACH save a little on what we spend on energy the key to attracting new business to the city?

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  April 22, 2013.  Five very smart people gathered in the Community WHAT at the Burlington Performing Art Centre last week to talk about the city’s Community Energy Plan.  They met in a Workshop setting – and while energy is vital – it isn’t the most exciting thing to sit in a dark room and look at power point presentations for a couple of hours.

That time proved to be very well, actually exceptionally well spent.

Here is where the energy we use comes from.

Here is how that energy is used.

We learned how the city has mapped the way energy in the city is used.  We learned how critical energy use is to attracting new business to the city.  We learned how stakeholders in the city look at the way energy is used.  We learned what and how Burlington Hydro can be a leader in the creation of a more energy-efficient city.

These graphs show electricity use in the province and the way we use electricity in Burlington.

Compare our use of natural gas with electricity>

How do we heat our homes?  How do we heat our office buildings?  Remember when Hydro had programs for us on how to convert to electricity?  They would pay you to tear out those radiators and put in electric baseboard heaters and more insulation in the attic.  Turned out that wasn’t such a good idea and now Burlington has more than 4500 homes heated electrically and we are looking for ways to convert those homes to something more economical.  Who knew?

Natural gas is now the energy use of choice.  There is now far more natural gas than we need – so much that we now liquefy the stuff and send it off to places that need the energy.  The Americans have convinced themselves that they have so much natural gas that they will be energy sufficient soon and not need as much of that Saudi Arabian oil.  That the Americans are fracturing to get much of that natural gas is another matter.

The graph on the left sets out the housing stock we have and when it was built.  On the right the graph sets out the different square footage of the housing stock we have.  A large house built at a time when energy was cheap is an expensive building to heat in today’s markets.

The kind of energy you use and the amount you use is determined in large measure by when your house was built and how many square feet of space you have.

Katelyn Margerm, a researcher with the Canadian Urban Institute, explained how she took data from multiple sources and mashed it all together to tell the  story of how people in Burlington use energy.

Spend some time comparing the electricity consumption map with the gas consumption map. where do you fit in this picture?

Spend a few minutes looking at the data she collected. Where do you fit into the pattern of energy use?  What are the options for you?  Are the options you have similar to the options the city has?  Are the city’s options  important to you?

Natural gas consumption is significantly different than the consumption of electricity.  Given that the supply of natural gas is very high right now and will remain that way for at least ten more years one would think this is the route to go.  Is it?

More questions than answers at this point – but the answers Burlington comes up with are critical to how financially healthy this city is – and if it isn’t financially healthy – guess who is going to pick up the shortfall?

Nearly half of housing units in Burlington were built before 1980.  More than half of units are between 1,500 and 2,500 sf.

Nearly half of housing units in Burlington were built before 1980.  More than half of units are between 1,500 and 2,500 sf

This work helps form a baseline which can be used to establish community energy targets and timelines. Industrial, commercial and institutional location mapping allows planners and economic development people to explore future development scenarios and to help identify opportunities for conservation and retrofit and think through land use policy (infill, zoning).

One of the next step is to overlay the information now in hand with demographic information and consumer attitudes using the Environics Analytic s information to design retrofit and conservation programs.

If you didn’t think energy efficiency is all that important – stay with us as we take you through a series of articles on what we learned last Thursday afternoon.

Part 1 of  a series

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Social media guru finds there is a person in the room wanting to eat his lunch.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  April; 22, 2013.  James Burchill, an absolutely shameless promoter and one of the those people in this city who KNOWS social media and has managed to make a decent living at it.

He has created a network that grew from about 50 people to the point where it is now at more than 2000 “members” and strong enough to support a mini-trade show at the Performing Arts Centre and bring his flock together once a month, always at an upscale bar for nodding and noshing.

There is someone out there who wants to MeetUp with all these people – James Burchill founder of Business in Burlington doesn’t quite see it that way and is becoming familiar with the phrase “cease and desist”.  Will that be enough to stop some interloper from eating his lunch?

MeetUp is the vehicle Burchill uses and Business in Burlington is the name of the game.  He also has gigs going in Oakville and Niagara.  Add to that the chutzpah to get a car dealer to loan him a fire-red sports car for use for a day – or is it longer?  My name wasn’t drawn so I’ve no idea how long anyone gets to use the car.

Burchill handing out as Hypnosis session as a door prize.  Has James been asleep at the switch while someone tries to steal his market.  Competition is said to bring out the best in all of us.

Burchill sent out a note to his followers with this “heads up. I’ve learned someone has launched a new MeetUp using our the “Business In” trademark in their name.  t’s already causing confusion and thank you to everyone who’s emailed me about it.

There are 3 approved and licensed Business In ™ Networking groups and Burchill is in discussions to launch more. “Unless you hear it from me directly,” advises Burchill “ it’s not an approved group nor is it licensed, part of the “Business In” network, or operating under the same code of conduct and/or rules.

Burchill has “reached out” to the person behind the group and is endeavouring to clear up the naming confusion. Again, if you didn’t hear it from me – it’s NOT an approved Business In ™ Networking group.

Burchill has bumped into that hairy beast called “intellectual property.  Can he lay total claim to the name?  It costs to do that.  Someone obviously sees that Burchill is on to a good thing and they want in on it.  Is Burchill far enough down the track and keeping his flock warm and fuzzy enough for them to stay with him?  Or will they wander over and see what the other guy has to offer.

The business schools tell us that competition brings out the best in us – gets us the lowest price and the best value for our money.  Burchill doesn’t charge a fee – he just puts on an event and charges people for using his event to promote themselves and his service.  His followers do however give him their time and that’s more valuable than cash at times.

How will Burchill handle this?  Does he have the cahonies to ward off some interloper?  This might be a useful lesson for him to involve his membership in – great brand bonding if he can get his followers to ride this wave with him.

And a lesson in what to do when someone walks into the room expecting to eat your lunch.  Stay tuned.

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Three thousand shrubs, 300 trees planted in the Beachway – tons of trash removed – BurlingtonGreen pulls it off – again.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON  April 21, 2013.  The weather didn’t help.  It was downright chilly. For those working along the Beachway – it was particularly cold.  Those who show up year after year and those who make BurlingtonGreen what it is – the weather wasn’t a detriment.  The politicians took to the podium and told those who came down to city hall for the BBQ how well they had done and how worthwhile their work is – they already know that – that’s why BurlingtonGreen is the great organization it is.

Environment Minister Jim Bradley, who hopefully heard about the Enbridge Pipeline concern from Amy Schnurr who has her back to the camera as she hits up the Minister for a grant next year while Burlington Green president Ken Woodruff  and Regional Chair Gary Carr look on.

Environmental Minister Jim Bradley spoke about the environment – spoke longer than usual and made a lot of sense; clearly an

Three hundred of these trees were planted on a cold Saturday morning with an additional 3000 shrubs planted as well in the Beachway at the edge of the lake.

Environmental Minister that gets it – and then walks his talk. It was the effort of his office that got BurlingtonGreen the grant that allowed the planting of 3000 plants and 300 small trees – a little more than seedlings but they will grow and those endangered sands along the edge of the lake may have a chance of seeing some stability.

Bradley did what few politicians do – he walked about on his own, chatted with people and asked them questions.

As people were walking about Amy Schnurr, Executive Director of BurlingtonGreen made a point of button holing the Minister and chatting him up for a grant for next year’s event

Registration were record level – again.  The numbers as to how much trash was picked up aren’t tallied yet but it will be an impressive number.

BurlingtonGreen was named the Mayor’s Community Service Award winner and recognized at Burlington’s Chamber of Commerce Gala  on April 11th.

Burlington talks about being bicycle friendly – just doesn’t act very friendly and really doesn’t believe the roads are meant to be “shared by cars and bicycles.  At least not Lakeshore Road.

Now if BurlingtonGreen can get the Mayor to move beyond awards and buy into and then act on some of the BG initiatives we will have made some progress.  As we watch the node and the beacon on the pier get put in place BG people smart over the missing wind turbine.

The Minister of the Environment certainly walks his talk – may he can teach our Mayor how you do that.

The CleanUpGreenUp this year included basically every school in the city – BG has made huge progress at that level.

What’s next?  Earth day – takes place Monday

Alton Village, a newer part of Burlington that has an attitude that is chippy – they refer to themselves as the “new” Burlington with the rest of us living in the old Burlington.  They have a newsletter that gets mailed out; they have a Facebook page used to exchange information where they reported that of the six locations they had defined for CleanUp there were “Some areas we did not get too, so if you are out and about grab a bag and pick up any garbage you see! By helping keep the community clean, will help keep our neighbourhood a safe and inviting place to live and visit!”

It was chilly – here Ivy Simms stands in line for burger. Standing to her right is Justin Jones, the Project Coordinator with BurlingtonGreen who oversaw the Green Up at Beachway Park. There were dozens of  others who enjoyed the food provided each year by Turtle Jacks. Ivy Simms does publicity for BurlingtonGreen.

Later in the week we will learn just how much trash was picked up.

Do you think we could figure out how to pick a CleanUpGreenUp day that was a little warmer – it was chilly out there.

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You can make that 13,464 into a 13,465 – just show up and CleanUp so we can all GreenUp. Praying for sunshine would be appreciated.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON. April 18, 2013.  By now you should have picked up your gloves, the bags you are going to use and know where you’re going to go to CleanUp so we can GreenUp.

 Alton Village gas six locations for people to work at in their part of town.

The Liberals seem to feel they are in a contest with the Conservatives as to how much trash they can pick up.

When it’s all over – the crowds will gather at Civic Square for a pop and a burger.  What if all 13,464  volunteers show up?  What a party – they will have to block off Brant Street for sure – maybe even a bigger crowd than Sound of Music outside City Hall.

Whatever BurlingtonGreen did to get 13,464 people out –kudo’s to them for pulling this one off.

If there are people who would still like to participate but did not register before it closed today at noon, just go ahead and do your CleanUP  using your own supplies and then send the stats and photos to BurlingtonGreen afterwards –   info@burlingtongreen.org. 

Alton Village, which is creating quite a sense of itself, they’ve got their own Newsletter, they’ve got a Facebook page they use to communicate with each other more directly and they sure know how to raise funds.

Here’s their message to their community on the CleanUpGreenUp

Alton Village under constructionHey hey hey! Only 1 more day until the BIG clean up in our awesome VILLAGE!!! Grab your gloves! Grab a bag, come and meet us at one of the six locations! Bring a camera, meet new people!
Thank you to all our sponsors and greeters!
Prizes, come out and spend some time and help clean up and put your name on a ballot and you could win one of the many prizes we got!
– gift cards – Home Depot & The Keg & Bon Appetite Card
– a comfy blanket
– 1 of 2 golf shirts
– 2 movie passes
– 1 hour photo shoot
– use of a moving van
– Tea Party for you and your friends!
– grab bags with a buy 1 get 1 free from Super Swirls, and other fun stuff!
– Water and cookies will be there as well!
Wear warm clothes, bring boots some areas are muddy!
Email cleanupalton2012@hotmail.com if you have any questions!
See you there!

The city is going to welcome the Ontario Environment Minister Jim Bradley for the role his department played in this year’s event.

When he gets here the Mayor is going to “commend BurlingtonGreen  for their success in leading others in the community to make meaningful contributions to the greening of our planet at the local level,” and he will extend  “a special welcome and thank you to Environment Minister Jim Bradley who is visiting Burlington on Saturday – not sure he is going to get his hands dirty but he will accept the Mayor’s thanks and that of BurlingtonGreen for the contribution from the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund.”

Using funds given to them by the province Burlington Green is going to plant shrubs in the Beachway community where sands shift and vegetation does not take easily to the soil.

BurlingtonGreen registered .” 8,400 in 2012. This year, BurlingtonGreen is partnering with the city and Conservation Halton to clean up Beachway Park, using a grant of nearly $25,000 from the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund.

Minister Bradley will say on Saturday that he wants to  “Thank BurlingtonGreen volunteers for their  hard work and dedication which has transformed another Ontario shoreline into a place of pride for the community. Grassroots efforts like this ensure that the people of Ontario continue to enjoy lakes that are drinkable, swimmable and fishable.”

We hope we can solicit that Minister support when we go to the National Energy Board seeking limits on what Enbridge Pipelines can do with the 30 inch pipeline they operate that runs through the city between Sideroad  #1 and #2 – a lot of the water that runs into the lakes comes from Escarpment  creeks and streams.

The Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund offers grants to grassroots community groups for activities such as cleaning up a beach or shoreline, restoring a wetland, or creating a coastal or riverside trail.

 The Beachway community is the subject of a major report from the Region and now in the hands of the politicians and the bureaucrats.  It’s a report tat is going to shakeup that portion of the city – but for the time being Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven is happy to say that  “The residents and visitors to the Beach very much appreciate the efforts being made on their behalf” and he echoes Mayor Goldring’s thanks to our provincial environment minister and to all the volunteers who give their time and energy to help BurlingtonGreen in this collective effort.”

 BurlingtonGreen has led in the collection of more than 5,600 kilograms of litter, the sorting and recycling of more than 300 kilograms of paper and plastic and the collection of 185 kilograms of metal and 30 tires over the past few years.

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Beware of a media release that tells you how much they are doing for you but doesn’t tell you what it is costing.



By Pepper Parr.

BURLINGTON, ON.  April 17, 2013  Starting today, the city’s E-Government program will be launching the first of several new online services. For the first time, the city’s parks and recreation department’s Live & Play Guide is available online, allowing people to view program information and directly register for recreation programs of their choice at any time, day or night, from the comfort of their homes.

Wow! Is this as good as it sounds?

 “Posting the very popular Live & Play Guide on the city’s web page is an important step for the City of Burlington’s E-Government program,” said Mayor Rick Goldring. “The people of Burlington have told us online service is an important option, and we are listening.”  That’s good – having a Mayor that listens is good.

Two pages of the electronic version of Live and Play, the city’s magazine on all its recreational programs. Convenient once you get the hang of the thing.  Was there a real savings?  We did save some trees.

The on-line version of Live and Play will allow people to search, bookmark and tag favorite pages.  The content is to be Mobile-friendly, which means you can book something from your smart phone while travelling on the GO train.  That’s very good.

You can set things up so that you get information via email and social media sites.  City hall has in the past been a little reluctant with social media.  There was the sense a year back that staff couldn’t be trusted to send out sensible messages.  That appears to be shifting.

In the media release the city says”  “People are now busier than ever. The introduction of the online guide and its features will give residents user-friendly recreation information, whether at home or on the go,” said Chris Glenn, director of parks and recreation. “The online guide will provide easy access for residents to register for a variety of programs.” 

What you used to get in your mailbox is now on-line.  Really slick, fun to use but allow yourself some time to get the hang of the thing.

The city’s E-Government strategy will be delivered through 10 projects put in place over three years. Over the next couple of months, the city will launch epost in conjunction with Canada Post for property tax billing and tee time bookings for Tyandaga Golf Course.

Brent Stanbury, E-Government program manager,  who built the first web site for the city before he went to work for the federal government, came back to Burlington to take us from the entry-level web site to something much more sophisticated and, it might be added, a lot harder to create.

There wasn’t enough space within the IT department at city hall to house the team.

Now – about the site.  It is slick but it is going to take some getting used to.  There are all kinds of tabs on the sides and it will take you some time to get used to it.  When you move from page to page there is a sound effect that is all but identical to flipping the pages of a magazine.

Is it too complex?  Many will have problems with it – but it appears to be all there – you just have to get used to getting around the thing.  Best approach: put your ten year old in front of it and let them tell you how it works.

Navigational Tool – takes a bit to get used to them but they work very well.

It does work.  There is an event on the Seniors’ Centre page that kind of interested me: a day trip to Toronto to take a Tall Ship Cruise.  I clicked on the spot I thought I should have clicked on and that brought me to a page that had all the information – and told me that I had to come back June 1, to register.  I didn’t figure out how to get the program to remind me to come back June 1 – just put that into my Outlook calendar and that will remind me.

It looks as if the thing is going to work well.

Did notice though that the publication doesn’t appear to be on the city’s web site and the media release didn’t tell you where to go to get to it.  There was a link in the media release – but few people get that document.

So – if you want to get to the Live and Play CLICK HERE.

Make a point of bookmarking that page when it comes up on your screen – you will want to go back to it.

That website address suggest Live and Play, in its electronic edition, is on some other website and that the city is paying a fee to keep the thing there. Is that fee less than the cost of printing the magazine and having it distributed?  The media release makes no mention of any cost – but there are no free lunches.

At first blush this looks like a superb effort – now some time and effort has to be made to help people learn how to use it – or am I just showing my age?   Hope not.

We will be back to tell you more about this one.

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The hard part of community policing – reporting on a pedophile released back into the community. There is more the chief of police can do.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON  April 17, 2013.  The media release was blunt, direct and very much to the point.  Anthony Burke, a convicted pedophile was out of jail and back on the streets.  He was considered dangerous and the police chief  was telling the community to be careful.

“In the interest of community safety, Halton Regional Police Service Chief Steve Tanner discloses the following information concerning a convicted sexual offender residing in Burlington.

Anthony Burke – how will Burlington decide to handle this man now that he is out of prison and back on the streets? will we find a way to get him the help he needs and prevent another crime – or will we hound him to the point where he becomes even more dangerous.

“Anthony Vincent BURKE was convicted on June 28, 2011 of Sexual Assault, Sexual Interference, Make Child Pornography and Indecent Exposure to a Person Under 16 years of age.  The offences pertain to incidents that took place in 2004 in Waterdown, Ontario and a related investigation in 2011.  He was sentenced to a period of incarceration.

“At his sentencing hearing before the Ontario Court of Justice, BURKE was made subject to a Prohibition Order for a period of 10 years which prohibited him from the following:

 Attending a public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 years are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a daycare centre, school ground, playground or community centre.

Seeking, obtaining or continuing any employment, whether or not the employment is remunerated, or becoming or being a volunteer in a capacity that involves being in a position of trust of authority towards persons under the age of 16 years.

 Using a computer system within the meaning of subsection 342.1(2) of the Criminal Code for the purpose of communicating with a person under the age of 16 years.

Anthony Burke – how did this man, born 71 years ago, get to this point in his life. And what do we as a community want to do with him for his remaining years? We could wait until he re-offends, and he will re-offend if he does not get help, or do we find a way to get Anthony Burke the help he needs.

BURKE moved to Burlington in November 2012 and as mandated by the provisions of Christopher’s Law, promptly notified the Halton Regional Police Service of his change of address.  Since that time, he had been closely monitored by the Halton Regional Police Offender Management Unit and officials from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

On Thursday February 7, 2013 at 6:40 p.m., BURKE was observed within the Tansley Woods Community Centre, Burlington.  The community centre operates numerous children’s programs, has on site daycare centres, indoor playground area, indoor public swimming pool and library facilities.

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Plant shrubs on the 20th, come back in 2020 and see them still growing: BurlingtonGreen looking for real environmentalists.

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON  April 11, 2013  The weekend of April 20th BurlingtonGreen hopes to have 10,000 people out on the streets, the ravines and the vacant lots picking up trash that has accumulated or been left on the ground by irresponsible people.

They call the event their CleanUp, GreenUp  and this year they have added a new, interesting twist that gives the GreenUp part of the event real oomph. BurlingtonGreen, in partnership with the City of Burlington and Conservation Halton will be hosting a Green Up event at Beachway Park thanks to the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund.

Part of the team that is going to be out on the Beachway planting shrubs and native plants Saturday April 20th.

Up to 100 people can sign up to participate in this rewarding stewardship event to improve the coastal environment of Lake Ontario’s shoreline by picking up litter, removing invasive species and planting native grasses, shrubs and trees. Those interested in participating are asked to register.

Why Green-up? The removal of invasive species is important because they compromise the ecological balance of the region and put native species that exist in the area at risk. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources, invasive species move into ecosystems and take over, killing some native species. They disrupt food webs, degrade habitat, introduce parasites and disease and lead to species at risk. Globally, only habitat loss is a bigger threat to biodiversity.

Advantages of planting native trees, shrubs and grasses will help to restore the area by providing food and habitat for native wildlife, protecting water quality by controlling soil erosion and they add beauty to the landscape while preserving our natural heritage.

It is locations like this at Beachway Park where the vegetation is sparse and the sands constantly shift that shrubs and flora native to the sands will be planted Saturday April 20th.

Beachway Park is a special place, sometimes referred to as the jewel of the city. It is a popular spot for walking, beach activities and special events. The beach itself is part of a formation called a Baymouth Bar, which is a pure sand feature, formed through natural processes of erosion and deposition.

The Beachway community is currently the focus of a study being done by the Region along with Conservation Halton to determine what kind of a community people want in that part of the city.  It’s clear what BurlingtonGreen wants – a place that is as natural as it can be with flora that works with the land mass.

If you have what it takes to bend over and plant shrubs – put your name down for this one – and let the family know that you will be in the tub for an hour or so after you’ve done your shift.

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6000+ Burlingtonians have signed up so far for the GreenUp Clean Up BurlingtonGreen wants to see 10,000 registrations.


This is where the rubber hits the road for the BurlingtonGreen people. Get your supplies, get registered and add to the CleanUp-GreenUp collection.

By Staff

BURLINGTON,ON.  April 9, 2013  BurlingtonGreen, this city’s award winning community organization wants this year’s GreenUp Clean Up event to be the best one yet.

The event will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2013. Schools and businesses can participate anytime from April 15 – 20th . This annual city-wide event is a terrific, rewarding opportunity to get out and meet your neighbours, make new friends and make a difference to help the planet locally. We will provide free supplies for your clean up and all participants are invited to attend a Thank You Celebration at City Hall afterwards from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. where there will be a complimentary BBQ and refreshments, a free raffle, various eco-displays and activities for children.

100 lucky volunteers will have the opportunity to participate in a Beachway Park “Green Up” event as part of the April 20, Community Clean Up Green Up day!  Thanks to the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund, we are working with Conservation Halton and the City of Burlington to acquire native plants to put in the hands of volunteers to improve the coastal habitat of Lake Ontario right here in Burlington.

All schools and groups that register to participate and send in a photo of their clean up “in action” will be entered into a draw for a chance to win great prizes courtesy of Tim Horton’s. After the event, the action photos will be displayed on our popular Green Wall of Fame on the BurlingtonGreen website for all to enjoy.

There are a couple of hoops you have to go through to get yourself or your group registered – but once you get the hang of the BurlingtonGreen website everything you need or want to know is set out there for you: supplies and where you can do the GreenUp-CleanUp.  It is all there in almost exhaustive detail.

The get together at city hall is very close to the best attended citizen’s event in the city – even when it’s raining – people show up.

This event is Burlington at it’s very best – we don’t need any magazine to tell us how good we can be.  See it all at city hall – after you’ve done the Clean up so that the city can Green Up.

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Catholic school boards may have less money to work with but their salary levels are just as good as the public school board.

By Staff

The Halton Catholic District School Board has 192 staff members on the provincial governments “sunshine list of people earning more than $100,000 per year.

The public school board has 328 people over the $100,000 level while the city of Burlington has 117 people at that level.

Are the numbers reflective of what is earned in the private sector?  Do we have an educational system that is taking more out of the public purse than it is putting back into the education of our children?

The figure at the end of each line is the taxable benefit paid to the employee.

We apologize for the formatting.

ADOLPHE,  ELSIE                    Secondary Department Head       $101,579.92       $72.00

AGRO ,   ANTHONY                  Principal                                      $118,255.90        $244.64

AGRO, DEROSA   LAURA         Vice Principal                               $111,503.44        $244.64

AMOROSO         EUGENE        Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

ANDERSON        JUDITH          Vice Principal                               $104,035.19        $244.64

AQUILINA          MELITA          Secondary Department Head         $101,079.92        $72.00

ARESTA            VINCENT         Vice Principal                               $116,696.72        $244.64

BAKAIC             EMI                 Principal                                       $115,615.30        $244.64

BALOGH           STEPHANY      Principal                                       $119,132.84        $244.64

BARBATI           JOHN             Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

BATTAGLIA       VITO              Secondary Department Head         $105,371.72        $72.00

BAUMAN           CLAUDIA        Special Education, Consultant       $102,122.28        $71.92

BEHAN              BARBARA       Principal                                        $110,316.18        $244.64

BERTIN             MICHAEL        Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

BIEN                 SONIA             Principal                                        $119,900.68        $244.64

BLACK             JOANNE          Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

BLAIN              VINCENT         Secondary Department Head         $104,458.32        $72.00

BOELHOUWER  KAREN           Secondary Department Head         $106,103.62        $72.00

BOIAGO          CATHERINE      Vice Principal                               $105,682.33        $244.64

BOYD   KEITH   Ontario English Catholics Teachers Association – Secondary President     $124,639.08    $72.00

BRADY             KEVIN              Principal                                       $119,900.68        $244.64

BRAIDA            MICHELE         Principal                                       $119,132.84        $244.64

BROCK             RICHARD DENNIS           Ontario English Catholics Teachers Association – Elementary President       $160,850.86        $71.92

BROWNE          TAMI               Vice Principal                               $104,281.59        $244.64

BURNS             GREGORY       Secondary Consultant                  $101,248.02        $72.00

CACCAMO        VINCENT         Secondary Department Head        $100,348.02        $72.00

CALZONETTI    JOSEPH           Secondary Department Head       $100,348.02        $72.00

CAMILLETTI     GINO               Secondary Department Head       $100,848.02        $72.00

CAMPBELL       DANIELA         Principal                                      $104,409.85        $244.64

CAPORICCI    CHRISTOPHER  Vice Principal                              $102,223.36        $244.64

CARTER            KELLEY          Vice Principal                              $103,535.93        $244.64

CASCONE BROWNE   KELLY   Principal                                      $117,257.28        $244.64

CASTELLAN      DEAN            Secondary Department Head       $101,099.21        $72.00

CASTELLARIN TERESA           Vice Principal                              $108,549.37        $122.35

CAVERLEY        CAROL           Principal                                      $119,900.68        $244.64

CEELEN              ANTHONY     Principal                                      $119,900.68        $244.64

CHESSER      MARK                Secondary Teacher                     $100,600.79        $72.00

CHIARELLI         MICHAEL       Principal                                     $114,738.38        $244.64

CHOMA            CATHERINE     Vice Principal                              $102,223.36        $244.64

CIANCIOLO        PAUL             Principal                                     $126,188.39        $244.64

CIPRIANO        CAMILLO         Principal                                      $116,328.97        $244.64

COLTERMAN    JOHN              Secondary Department Head       $100,348.02        $72.00

CORBACIO    GIACOMO          Superintendent, Facilities             $164,423.66      $1,370.40

CORDEIRO       ANTHONY        Vice Principal                               $107,279.22        $244.64

CROWELL          JEFFREY       Vice Principal                              $109,087.89        $244.64

CSERNYEI          JULIUS          Principal                                      $119,132.84        $244.64

CULINA      BRANKO               Secondary Department Head        $105,371.72       $72.00

DALY    CHRISTINA                 Principal                                       $119,132.84        $244.64

DALY    PATRICK                    Principal                                       $125,420.55        $244.64

DAVIS   THERESA                   Senior Administrator, HR              $106,035.78        $71.88

DECLERICO   CHRISTINA        Principal                                        $114,098.85        $244.64

DELUCCA MALETTE     RITA   Principal                                         $115,615.30        $244.64

DEMERIS     TREVOR              Vice Principal                                 $104,412.76        $244.64

DENNIE         MARGARET        Vice Principal                                $100,321.62        $244.64

DEONI PAUL                           Vice Principal                                 $103,535.93        $244.64

DESANTIS          JOANE          Vice Principal                                $111,482.92        $122.35

DIDIODATO       ROBERTO      Secondary Department Head         $100,418.47        $72.00

DIDONATO        CESARE         Secondary Consultant                    $101,079.92        $72.00

DIIANNI              PAUL             Vice Principal                                $101,090.10        $244.64

DIIANNI              ROCCO          Vice Principal                                $115,956.50        $244.64

DINOLFO            NANCY           Principal                                       $119,132.84        $244.64

DOBBIE               KAREN          Principal                                       $119,900.68        $244.64

DOMINICK         PAULA            Principal                                       $119,900.68        $244.64

DUFFIELD      ALEXANDER      Senior Administrator, Facilities     $106,035.78         $71.88

DURRAN             THOMAS        Principal                                       $119,132.84        $244.64

ELLISON          SONIA              Elementary Consultant                  $103,768.19        $71.92

ELSHOF        WAYNE               Senior Administrator, Information and Technology    $114,057.50    $71.88

ESPOSITO     YOLANDA          Vice Principal                                $104,412.76        $244.64

FACH    KATHLEEN                 Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

FAVERO              CARLA         Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

FAZZARI             MAUREEN     Secondary Department Head         $105,371.72        $72.00

FERGUSON        PAUL            Secondary Department Head         $100,848.02        $72.00

FINAN   DONALD                     Secondary Department Head         $102,099.23        $72.00

FLYNN           ADRIAN              Principal                                        $115,699.94        $244.64

FOESE   OLIVER                     Chief of Psychological Services    $110,769.60        $71.88

FOSTER        JUDY HELEN     Secondary Department Head         $100,265.58        $72.00

FOX       DIANNE                    Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

FUCA    MARY LOUISE           Secondary Department Head         $100,043.05        $71.92

GALLAGHER MALISA   PATRICIA    Principal                              $119,900.68        $244.64

GALLOWAY    DONNA LYNN   Elementary Consultant                  $101,607.93        $71.92

GIARDINA      MELISSA          Secondary Department Head         $103,665.92        $72.00

GIROUX              WENDY        Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

GOODWIN DUNCAN    VICTORIA  Consultant Special Education   $118,111.08       $71.92

GOULART    GABRIEL            Secondary Department Head         $100,848.02        $72.00

GRACE       DAVID                  Secondary Department Head         $106,675.10        $72.00

GUERIN               JOSEY         Principal                                        $107,044.09        $244.64

GUROWKA        ELIZABETH    Principal                                        $119,900.68        $244.64

GUZZO                JOHN           Principal                                        $119,900.68        $244.64

GUZZO                SUSAN         Principal                                        $119,132.84        $244.64

HALEY         CHRISTOPHER    Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

HALYCZ             JOSIE            Vice Principal                                $101,902.28        $244.64

HARRIS           MICHAEL         Vice Principal                                $116,554.50        $244.64

HERMAN         JACQUELINE    Superintendent, Education            $164,423.66        $606.84

HOGAN         VICTORIA           Vice Principal                               $103,535.93        $244.64

HOURIGAN        TERRENCE     Secondary Department Head        $101,079.52        $72.00

HOUSE                SONYA         Vice Principal                               $104,412.76        $244.64

HRYHORSKY    CAROL            Principal                                       $118,255.90        $244.64

HUTTON         MARGHERITA   Secondary Department Head        $100,848.02        $72.00

IANNETTA         MICHAEL        Principal                                       $125,671.74        $244.64

JAMBROSICH    FRANK           Secondary Department Head        $100,348.02        $72.00

JENNY MICHAEL                      Secondary Department Head        $101,079.92        $72.00

JONKER              DWIGHT        Vice Principal                               $111,503.44        $244.64

JURUS JOSEPH                       Vice Principal                               $110,626.50        $244.64

KALVAITIS        RICHARD        Secondary Department Head        $100,348.02        $72.00

KENNDY             CONOR           Secondary Teacher                      $107,858.28        $72.00

KINNEY              KIMBERLY       Principal                                      $119,132.84        $244.64

KOHL    SYLVIANNE                 Consultant Elementary                 $101,448.09        $71.92

KORITKO            ANN               Principal                                      $118,255.90        $244.64

KUMAGAI          MARICA          Secondary Department Head       $100,185.72        $72.00

LAFORET   MARY CATHERINE  Principal                                      $104,867.29        $244.64

LANGILL            RITA               Secondary Department Head       $100,348.02        $72.00

LANOIS               CLAIRE          Vice Principal                              $104,412.76        $244.64

LAURIN               GARY            Secondary Department Head        $101,114.40        $72.00

LAW      BRUCE                       Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

LEE        VIJAY                        Secondary Department Head         $100,369.58        $36.00

LEONARD          PAUL             Secondary Department Head         $100,987.40        $72.00

LOCKE         JAMES                 Vice Principal                                $111,503.44        $244.64

LOPRESTI     ROSANNA          Principal                                        $119,043.82        $244.64

LOWICKI            KATHERINE    Principal                                      $131,961.07        $244.64

LUTYK            CAROLINE         Elementary Consultant                 $102,122.28        $71.92

MACADONALD    CAIRINE        Principal                                       $112,357.95        $244.64

MACADONALD   MICHAEL       Secondary Department Head        $100,348.02       $72.00

MACDOUGALL        DOUG       Principal                                       $119,900.68        $244.64

MACINTYRE      ELIZABETH      Principal                                      $112,002.98        $244.64

MACPHERSON DANIEL            Secondary Teacher                      $100,369.58        $72.00

MARONESE       MARGARET     Vice Principal                              $103,535.93        $244.64

MAYNE               PATRICK         Principal                                     $119,900.68        $244.64

MCARTHUR       MARJORIE       Vice Principal                             $111,503.44        $244.64

MCCARLES        GORDON         Vice Principal                             $106,151.08        $244.64

MCCARTHY       KAREN             Consultant, Special Education    $102,122.28        $71.92

MCCARTHY       TIMOTHY         Secondary Department Head       $100,348.02        $72.00

MCDOUGALL    CLARK             Secondary Department Head       $101,995.23        $72.00

MCGILLICUDDY        COLIN      Principal                                       $126,188.39        $244.64

MCMAHON  PAUL                    Superintendent, Business Services and Treasurer of the Board : $177,297.58        $1,269.44

MCNEILL      ANNIE                  Elementary Teacher                     $116,575.39        $71.92

MERLINI      JOHN                    Secondary Department Head       $100,348.02        $72.00

MILLER               SANDRA        Consultant, Special Education     $103,981.95        $71.92

MONACO            VINCENZO     Vice Principal                               $105,781.13        $244.64

MONTANARI     GINO               Vice Principal                               $111,503.44        $244.64

MORO   KATHLEEN                  Secondary Department Head        $101,079.92        $72.00

MORRISSEY       MICHELLE      Vice Principal                               $103,535.93        $244.64

MUNRO               MARISA        Secondary Department Head         $104,321.31        $72.00

MUVRIN             RACHEL         Secondary Department Head         $103,831.54        $72.00

NAAR   LORRAINE                   Superintendent, Education             $154,055.69        $532.08

NACIUK              RICHARD       Vice Principal                                 $116,554.50        $244.64

O’CONNOR         BARBARA      Consultant Elementary                   $101,448.09        $71.92

O’GRADY            JUSTINE         Principal                                        $111,705.92        $244.64

O’HARA               JOSEPH         Executive Officer, HR                   $164,423.66      $1,536.72

OVERHOLT        TIMOTHY         Assistant Superintendent, HR       $139,423.61      $1,002.28

PARADISO          SUSAN           Consultant Elementary                   $102,122.28        $71.92

PARISI MICHAEL                       Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

PAROYAN          EDOUARD        Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

PASCERI             MARIA            Vice Principal                                $104,412.76       $244.64

PAUTLER            MICHAEL         Director, Education                       $206,191.64    $1,078.52

PERUSIN             ADRIANO        Secondary Department Head         $105,371.72       $72.00

PINELLI               ANTONIA        Superintendent, Education             $154,055.69      $532.08

PINK      ANTHONY                     Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02       $72.00

POLETTO            ANGELO          Secondary Department Head        $101,848.04       $72.00

PONIKVAR         SANDRA           Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02       $72.00

PRKACIN            ANNA               Principal                                       $119,132.81       $244.64

QUINLN              JOHN               Principal                                        $131,961.07      $244.64

RALPHS              MICHAEL         Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02      $72.00

RIDEOUT            JODIE               Secondary Department Head         $100,348.04      $72.00

ROBERTSON      ELIZABETH       Secondary Department Head         $101,617.79      $72.00

ROLLAND          SUZANNE          Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02       $72.00

ROSSINI              SUZANNE        Superintendent, Education            $164,423.66      $606.84

ROWLES             CONNIE           Consultant, Special Education       $101,311.08      $71.92

ROWLES         JAMES                Superintendent, Education            $164,423.66    $1,627.44

SARTORI             CLAUDO         Secondary Department Head         $105,371.72       $72.00

SHAW   ROSALIE                       Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02       $72.00

SIMPSON            COLIN             Principal                                        $118,255.90       $244.64

SLUSKI                MICHAEL       Secondary Department Head         $100,155.90       $72.00

SMITH ANNA MAY                      Vice Principal                                $103,100.30       $244.64

SPOTSWOOD     CHISTINE         Elementary Teacher                     $116,173.12        $71.92

STARR MICHAEL                        Principal                                       $119,132.84       $244.64

STEVENSON      KATHERINE      Consultant Elementary                  $101,595.88        $71.92

SUSI      JOHN                            Principal                                       $119,900.68      $244.64

SZPAKOWSKI    PETER             Secondary Department Head         $101,505.22        $72.00

TESSARI              MARY            Superintendent, Education            $164,423.66        $606.84

TRIANTAFILLOU       LINDA       Vice Principal                                $111,394.41       $244.64

VAITONIS           NIJOLE            Principal                                       $125,420.55        $244.64

VANLANDSCHOOT        CARL    Secondary Department Head        $100,348.02        $72.00

VANROOSMALEN        ERICA   Chief Officer Research and Development  $114,057.50   $71.88

VICIC    NED                             Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

VIGNA PAT                               Principal                                        $111,379.21        $244.64

WAECHTER       LISA                Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

WARMELS         MARGARET     Principal                                        $113,374.06        $244.64

WELCH               KATHERINE    Secondary Teacher                       $102,725.36        $72.00

WHALEY            MAUREEN       Secondary Department Head         $100,348.02        $72.00

YUST    JENNIFER                     Principal                                        $119,132.84        $244.64

ZUCKER              STACEY         Senior Administrator, Business Services  $114,057.50  $71.88

Return to the Front page

Public payroll levels are close to running amok. Numbers for Halton District School Board show 328 above the $100,000 level.

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON  April 2, 2013 – If you thought the “Sunshine list for the city of Burlington was big – the school boards seem to have everyone on their list.

There are 328 Halton District School Board employees on the list for 2012.

The last figure on each line represents a taxable benefit paid to the employee.

David Euale, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board is paid roughly what the Burlington city manager earns.

The Director of Education, David Euale  earns an amount equivalent to that of Burlington’s city manager.  It appears that every school principal earns $100,000 plus.

In the Globe and Mail of today’s date editorialized with the following:

In short there is now a Sunshine economy, and the rest of us.  And it’s not just Ontario, most government at all levels across Canada have failed to properly manage their payroll.  The need to address this disparity and control their salary spending before it widens further.

We apologize for the lack of better formatting of the data that follows.


It is about the students – or have we forgotten that?












ADAMS               DALE    Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

ADAMS              DOUGLAS          Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

AILEY CLAIRE               Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

ALBRECHT       DAN      Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

ALEXIOU           CHRIS   Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

ANDERSON       JOANNA             Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

ANSTETT           NANCY               Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

ARNOLD            CHRIS   Secondary Teacher           $107,563.04        $0.00

BALL   THERESA            Vice Principal Elementary              $100,284.85        $208.00

BALLENTINE    RONALD             Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $113,606.92        $0.00

BARNES              DEAN    Principal Secondary         $111,785.81        $208.00

BARRETT           ALBERT              Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

BARTNICKI        ODETTE              Supervisory Official         $177,841.78        $5,460.00

BATE    CYNTHIA            Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

BECKWITH        TERRI   Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

BEDARD             ERIN      Principal Elementary        $103,574.87        $208.00

BEJJANY            CHRISTINE         Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

BENEDETTI        KRISTA               Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

BENNETT           PAIGE   Instructional Consultant – Elementary        $102,246.46        $0.00

BENNETT–AHEARN       RAQUEL             Vice Principal Elementary              $103,574.87                $208.00

BIRD     PETER   Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

BLACKWELL     JEFF      Associate Director            $198,705.41        $5,460.00

BLACKWELL     TERRI   Principal Elementary        $105,652.88        $208.00

BOAG   DAVID Supervisory Official         $175,328.00        $5,460.00

BONANNO         KAREN                Principal Elementary        $109,078.32        $208.00

BORBATH          MALERIE            Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

BOTELHO           LUISA   Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $107,364.83                $0.00

BOTHWELL       DOUGLAS          Principal Secondary         $122,268.47        $208.00

BOURNE             DAVID Secondary Teacher           $100,522.04        $0.00

BOVEY                PAMELA             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

BRANDON          IAN        Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $116,692.44        $0.00

BROWN               ROB       Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

BUKOVCAN       MIKE     Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

BUSSE NORMAN            Secondary Teacher           $109,412.98        $0.00

BUTTON             JACQUELINE     Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

CALDWELL–MCCANN TERILL                Instructional Coordinator Elementary                $111,092.44        $0.00

CAMPANARO    MARCELLO       Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

CANT    VALERIE             Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

CAREY                JEFFERY             Vice Principal Secondary               $106,272.42        $208.00

CAREY                MARGARET       Department Head – Secondary      $102,101.81        $0.00

CARON                KRISTA               Department Head – Secondary      $101,966.61        $0.00

CARRIGAN         SUSAN Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

CARROLL           KATHLEEN        Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

CASEY SHARON             Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

CATANIA            JEFFREY             Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $113,704.56                $0.00

CAUGHLIN         KEVIN Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

CERICOLA          MARGARET       Principal Elementary        $116,071.04        $208.00

CHENIER            JACQUELINE     Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

CLATWORTHY                GRANT                Principal Elementary        $120,071.04        $208.00

CLIFTON             KENNETH           Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

COFFEY              LISA      Principal Elementary        $117,128.60        $208.00

CONSOLI            ALLISON             Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

CORRIGAN         SANDRA             Elementary Teacher          $105,966.58        $0.00

COSENTINO       CINDY Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $106,489.56                $0.00

CROCKER           GARY   Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

CULLEN              GERALD             Supervisory Official         $168,737.72        $5,460.00

CUNDARI           VINCE   Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

D’ALESIO            GUY      Department Head – Secondary      $102,516.61        $0.00

DAIGNAULT      PAUL    Vice Principal Secondary               $109,120.30        $208.00

DALY    RUTH    Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

DAVIDSON         GRANT                Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $113,783.24                $0.00

DAVIN CAROL                Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

DAVIS   MICHELLE         Instructional Consultant – Elementary        $104,097.50        $0.00

DAVISON            PHIL      Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $114,904.56        $0.00

DE–GRAAF        ADRIAN              Department Head – Secondary      $101,166.61        $0.00

DEBOER              DEBORAH          Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

DEMAN               KATHLEEN        Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

DEMEDEIROS    TERRY Regional Supervisor         $110,376.75        $0.00

DEMOPOLIS       CHRIS   Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

DEVEREUX        LESLEY               Department Head – Secondary      $101,982.07        $0.00

DI–MATTEO      LAURA                Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

DICKSON            LOIS      Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

DILEO   TONY    Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

DISYAK               VICTOR               Secondary Teacher           $103,705.82        $0.00

DONALDSON    GORD   Vice Principal Elementary              $102,335.23        $208.00

DRUMMOND     ANNA   Principal Elementary        $101,438.50        $208.00

DUECKMAN      SUSAN Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

DULEY                MARK   Vice Principal Secondary               $116,867.79        $208.00

DUNCAN            CHRISTOPHER Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

DUNN   DEBORAH          Principal Elementary        $125,230.40        $208.00

DYKES                DAVID Long Term Occasional Teacher – Secondary            $102,666.00                $0.00

DYKSTRA           SUSAN Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

DYSON                PATRICIA           Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00

EATOUGH          ROBERT              Supervisory Official         $157,804.34        $5,460.00

EMMERSON       SHEILA                Vice Principal Secondary               $109,120.30        $208.00

ETHERINGTON                ALLISON             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61                $0.00

EUALE DAVID Director                $228,019.01       $0.00

FARNAND          REGINALD         Principal Elementary        $116,760.56        $208.00

FARRELL            HATTIE               Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

FARRISH             MARY JANE      Vice Principal Secondary               $112,512.30        $208.00

FAULKNOR        BEVERLY           Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

FEATHERSTONE             DONALD             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61                $0.00

FINAN   BARB    Department Head – Secondary      $104,266.61        $0.00

FISHER                BRADFORD        Secondary Teacher           $107,223.66        $0.00

FLANAGAN       COLLEEN           Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

FORD    TODD    Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

FRANKOVICH   NICK     Principal Elementary        $124,910.56        $208.00

FRASER               CAMERON         Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

FRAYNE–FRENCH          SHARON             Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

GABRIELE          SUSAN Department Head – Secondary      $102,027.25        $0.00

GALLANT           MICHAEL           Vice Principal Secondary               $107,511.93        $208.00

GASSI   CARMEN            Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

GATAVECKAS HEATHER           Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $111,092.44                $0.00

GAZAN                MONIQUE           Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

GEORGE             THOMAS             Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

GOLDSWORTHY             JUDI      Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

GOODHOOFD    HERB    Assistant              $101,666.48        $0.00

GOODLET           KYLE    Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

GRAHAM            DEREK                Vice Principal Secondary               $105,914.69        $208.00

GRUBER             JEFFREY             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

GRZESLO            JOLANTA           Instructional Consultant – Elementary        $101,297.50                $0.00

GUEST MARIE Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

GUNION              JENNIFER           Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $104,465.60        $0.00

HALL    FIONA   Instructional Program Leader – Elementary              $100,697.50        $0.00

HALL    GILLIAN              Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $116,784.36        $0.00

HALL    TIMOTHY           Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

HAMILTON        DAVID Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

HAMILTON        ROBERT              Principal Elementary        $122,683.36        $208.00

HARPER              HOWARD           Department Head – Secondary      $100,866.61        $0.00

HARTMAN         KAREN                Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

HAYAKAWA     ERIN      Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

HAYLES              CHERYL              Vice Principal Elementary              $104,361.35        $208.00

HEFFERNAN      REGAN                Principal Secondary         $124,090.62        $208.00

HENLEY              JOHN    Elementary Teacher          $105,966.51        $0.00

HERLIHEY          GERARD             Principal Secondary         $114,321.57        $208.00

HEWSON            BOB       Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

HOTCHKISS       TODD    Vice Principal Secondary               $118,120.30        $208.00

HOULDCROFT KEVIN Department Head – Secondary      $102,666.61        $0.00

HUDSON             ELIZABETH        Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

HUGHES–ALLEN             KELLY Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

HUMPHRIES      DENISE                Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

HUNT–GIBBONS             JULIE    Principal Secondary         $120,705.82        $208.00

IANNUZZI           ROBERT              Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

IBBOTT               RYAN   Department Head – Secondary      $115,173.55        $0.00

ISBISTER             KAREN                Manager               $115,376.79        $0.00

JENKINS             GARY   Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

JERMYN             JOYCE Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

JOHNSTONE      DIANE Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

JONES   BOB       Principal Elementary        $110,936.57        $208.00

JONES   DONALD             Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $112,341.40        $0.00

JUBY     JANET Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

JUDGE KELLY Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

KAISER               ANDREW            Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

KEMPFF              HEATHER           Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

KERSHAW          JO–ANNE            Senior Manager $126,344.58        $0.00

KEW      MARGARET       Vice Principal Secondary               $113,059.65        $208.00

KOEKKOEK       CAROLINE         Senior Manager $126,344.58        $0.00

KOVICH              MARK   Department Head – Secondary      $105,603.81        $0.00

LALL     GURDEEP           Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

LANG    DIANA Department Head – Secondary      $106,343.74        $0.00

LECLERC–HARWOOD   SUZANNE           Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

LEMAIRE            MICHELLE         Vice Principal Secondary               $104,583.22        $0.00

LEWIS   CAROLYN          Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

LEWIS   DAVID Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $124,442.25        $0.00

LEWIS   JANE     Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

LIMANNI            MARIA                Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

LIN        AMY     Secondary Teacher           $101,160.99        $0.00

LLOYD                SIOBHAN            Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

LOFT     FONDA                Department Head – Secondary      $105,603.81        $0.00

LONG    CATHERINE       Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

LYALL MARK   Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

MAANDAG        NICK     Regional Supervisor         $110,376.75        $0.00

MACAULAY      MALCOLM         Department Head – Secondary      $100,421.88        $0.00

MACDOUGALL                STEPHEN            Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58                $0.00

MACFARLANE MARGARET       Elementary Teacher          $105,966.58        $0.00

MACK   SUSAN Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

MACLEOD          JULIE    Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $111,092.44        $0.00

MARAS               JOHN    Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

MARCHAND      LIDIA    Principal Elementary        $106,797.25        $208.00

MARION             LUCY    Vice Principal Secondary               $112,120.30        $208.00

MARKS               GILLIAN              Vice Principal Elementary              $103,274.87        $208.00

MARKS               SEAN    Principal Elementary        $111,573.89        $208.00

MARLOW           TONI     Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

MARSHALL       PETER   Principal Elementary        $116,810.56        $208.00

MARTINO           MICHAEL           Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

MATHEWS         JOLLEEN            Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

MATHEWS         MERRILL            Principal Elementary        $109,078.32        $208.00

MCARTHUR       KATHERINE       Principal Elementary        $120,071.04        $208.00

MCCARTER       JANE     Principal Elementary        $109,078.32        $208.00

MCDONALD      GAIL     Principal Elementary        $113,113.47        $208.00

MCFADDEN       DEBRA                Supervisory Official         $157,804.34        $5,460.00

MCLELLAN        MARIA                Principal Secondary         $124,090.62        $208.00

MCRAE               SHAWN               Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

MERNER             STEPHEN            Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

MIHAILOVICH GUS       Principal Elementary        $106,797.28        $208.00

MILLER               STUART              Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00


Parents know what it costs to keep their children in these classrooms – now they know what it costs to keep the principals in the schools. Too much?










MILLS   KATHERINE       Secondary Teacher           $113,580.66        $0.00

MILOVANOVIC                PETER   Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

MITCHELL         MARYANNE      Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

MORASSUT        RANDY               Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

MUIR    SUZANNE           Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $110,847.15        $0.00

MURRAY            KEITH   Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

NAPIER               MARGARET       Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

NEWCOMBE      REBECCA           Vice Principal Secondary               $101,888.93        $0.00

NEWTON            JACQUELINE     Principal Secondary         $124,566.74        $208.00

NIMIGAN            MARGARET       Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

NODWELL          RICHARD            Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

O’BRIEN              KAREN                Department Head – Secondary      $107,047.21        $0.00

O’HARA               STACIE                Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

O’HEARN            ALBERT              Occasional Principal – Secondary               $127,030.90                $0.00

O’MALLEY         LARRY                Principal Secondary         $130,665.02        $208.00

OBENG                YAW     Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00

OLENICK            MARTYN            Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

OLIVER               STEVEN              Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $100,305.90        $0.00

OTHMAN            RITA      Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

OXLEY                JACQUELYN      Vice Principal Secondary               $115,955.80        $208.00

PAYNE                STEPHEN            Department Head – Secondary      $105,603.79        $0.00

PAZIUK               JENNIFER           Principal Elementary        $104,169.35        $208.00

PEARCE              BRENDA             Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

PEARCE              KEITH   Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

PECE     JACQUIE             Vice Principal Secondary               $109,120.30        $208.00

PENNYFATHER               JOHN    Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

PETERSON         CHRISTINA        Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $119,778.53                $0.00

PETTINATO        MARISA              Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

PFEIFFER            KELLI   Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

PHILLIPS             BRENT Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

PHILLIPS             JOHN    Vice Principal Secondary               $112,098.41        $208.00

PILIBBOSSIAN   STEVE Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

PILSZAK             JEFF      Department Head – Secondary      $101,166.61        $0.00

PITT       MICHAEL           Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

POCIURKO         HELEN Vice Principal Secondary               $110,846.22        $208.00

POPE     STEVEN              Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

POWELL             DEBORAH          Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

PREINER             MONICA             Department Head – Secondary      $101,649.43        $0.00

PRIESTNER        SUZANNE           Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

PRITCHARD       SCOTT Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

PRITCHARD       SUSAN Instructional Coordinator Elementary         $111,092.44        $0.00

PRUDEN              RASA    Vice Principal Secondary               $109,541.45        $208.00

PULLEN              JOHN    Principal Elementary        $109,078.32        $208.00

PURCELL            DAVID Principal Elementary        $121,378.14        $208.00

QUIST   EVELYN              Principal Elementary        $106,103.11        $208.00

REDMOND         KIMBERLEY      Vice Principal Secondary               $109,120.30        $208.00

REHM   ANDREAS           Secondary Teacher           $104,392.30        $0.00

REHM   KATE    Vice Principal Secondary               $105,519.62        $208.00

REID      LAURIE               Principal Elementary        $103,326.72        $208.00

REIST    CAROLYN          Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

RENTON             DEBORAH          Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

RENZELLA         DOMENICO        Manager               $111,650.73        $0.00

RICE      NANCY               Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

ROBBESON        HEATHER           Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

ROBERTSON      GAVIN Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

ROBINSON         DEB       Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

RUDDOCK          COLETTE            Principal Elementary        $113,524.60        $138.00

RUDGE                CHERIE               Department Head – Secondary      $101,166.61        $0.00

SADAI   TIMOTHY           Instructional Consultant – Secondary         $102,665.60        $0.00

SAGAR                KERRY                Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $105,765.60        $0.00

SAHAI   ALKA    Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

SAHI      MANWINDER    Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

SALMINI             CRISTINA           Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

SAMPSON           STEPHEN            Vice Principal Secondary               $100,898.59        $0.00

SAMSA                ALVIN Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

SAUNDERS        STEVE Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

SCHNURR           JODIE    Department Head – Secondary      $104,754.71        $0.00

SCOTT NIGEL   Vice Principal Secondary               $109,420.30        $208.00

SEREBRIN          LISA      Principal Elementary        $104,169.35        $208.00

SHIELDS             SANDRA             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

SHOSS JONATHAN        Principal Secondary         $124,090.62        $208.00

SHYMINSKY      KENNETH           Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

SILVESTRI          LUIGI    Vice Principal Elementary              $102,635.23        $208.00

SKANES              LEONA                Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

SKROVONEK     STEPHEN            Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

SLEMKO             BRIAN Principal Elementary        $108,529.71        $208.00

SMITH BRUCE                Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00

SMOLENAARS ROBERT              Elementary Teacher          $105,966.51        $0.00

SODEN                HELEN Vice Principal Secondary               $112,120.30        $208.00

SONODA             SHARI   Instructional Consultant – Elementary        $100,697.50        $0.00

SORGENTE         ALEX    Department Head – Secondary      $101,766.61        $0.00

SPENCE               WENDY               Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

SPRUIN                CONAN               Vice Principal Elementary              $100,284.85        $208.00

ST–JAMES          MARY   Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

STEPHENSON    LIBBY   Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

STEVENS            PETER   Vice Principal Secondary               $109,120.30        $208.00

STEWART           HEATHER           Vice Principal Secondary               $110,359.65        $208.00

STEWART           JANET Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

STEWART           KYLE    Secondary Teacher           $100,097.47        $0.00

STEWART           LINDA Senior Manager $109,598.81        $0.00

STIEVA                JOHN    Principal Secondary         $122,851.25        $208.00

STOOKES            SHARON             Principal Elementary        $115,034.97        $208.00

SUMNER             RANDAL             Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

SWANSON          DAVID Principal Elementary        $115,271.04        $208.00

SWANSON          KIMBERLEY      Department Head – Secondary      $102,935.21        $0.00

SWEETMAN       JACQUELINE     Senior Manager $126,344.58        $0.00

SYDOR                SHELLEY            Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

TAPP     PATRICIA           Vice Principal Elementary              $102,335.23        $208.00

TAYLOR             ANDREA             Principal Secondary         $113,546.46        $208.00

TAYLOR             DONNA               Principal Secondary         $129,756.47        $208.00

TEMPLETON      JAMES Secondary Teacher           $100,639.40        $0.00

TERRY KELLEY              Senior Manager $126,344.58        $0.00

THOMPSON       CAROL                Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

THOMSON          DOUGLAS          Secondary Teacher           $101,249.84        $0.00

THORPE              MARIAN             Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $114,678.53                $0.00

TOTH    JOE        Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

TRAINOR            NANCY               Vice Principal Elementary              $100,284.85        $208.00

TRUFFEN            GORD   Principal Elementary        $116,997.07        $208.00

TULK–LAPRADE             DALLAS              Principal Elementary        $104,863.67        $208.00

TUTTON              DANE    Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00

VAN–ROOYEN JASON Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

VAN–WYNGAARDEN    BRIAN Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

VANDENBROEK              TERRY Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

VANDERHELM                PAUL    Principal Elementary        $116,510.56        $208.00

VARGA               SHARON             Principal Elementary        $103,079.71        $208.00

VARRICCHIO     NICHOLAS         Principal Secondary         $119,482.96        $208.00

VEERMAN          LUCY    Supervisory Official         $175,328.53        $5,460.00

VISENTIN           DANIEL               Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

WALKER            SHELITA             Principal Elementary        $102,929.71        $208.00

WALLACE          ELEANOR           Department Head – Secondary      $104,123.54        $0.00

WALLACE          KIMBERLEY      Instructional Coordinator Secondary          $113,104.56                $0.00

WALSH               JO–ANNE            Instructional Program Leader – Secondary                $103,865.60        $0.00

WARREN            MARGARET       Principal Secondary         $118,243.23        $138.00

WATSON            JOHN    Secondary Teacher           $107,223.66        $0.00

WAUGH              LORI      Vice Principal Elementary              $102,035.23        $208.00

WEINBERGER   MAUREEN          Elementary Teacher          $139,316.32        $0.00

WERNER             LYNNETTE         Instructional Program Leader – Elementary                $103,038.30        $0.00

WHITE DARLENE           Principal Secondary         $119,482.96        $208.00

WHITE PAUL    Department Head – Secondary      $103,790.58        $0.00

WILLIAMSON    SCOTT Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

WILSON              DOUGLAS          Department Head – Secondary      $101,540.58        $0.00

WORLIDGE        KAREN                Instructional Program Leader – Elementary                $101,547.50        $0.00

WOTHERSPOON              WILLIAM            Manager               $114,619.06        $0.00

WREN   PAUL    Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

WRIGHT              PAT       Executive Director – Halton Learning Foundation $107,795.69                $0.00

WYATT               KATHERINE       Manager               $110,376.75        $0.00

YHARD               BRADLEY           Department Head – Secondary      $100,919.80        $0.00

YOUNG               JAMES Department Head – Secondary      $114,125.85        $0.00

ZEHR    MURRAY            Department Head – Secondary      $102,935.21        $0.00

ZINN     JOEL     Department Head – Secondary      $101,644.11        $0.00

ZONNEVELD     MARK   Supervisory Official         $175,328.47        $0.00

ZUCHKAN          DINA     Department Head – Secondary      $100,266.61        $0.00

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Art used on television shows gives the Burlington Art Centre a bit of a boost.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  March 23, 2013  How do you increase the revenue of an art centre?  Sell more art would be one answer.  Then how do you sell more art?  You have to have what people like and you need to figure out how to grow an appreciation for art and that takes time and funding.

Anne Brownell,  Corporate Enterprise Specialist at the Burlington Art Centre,  has come up with a way to get the art the BAC has in its rental inventory off the racks and out where it can be seen – and develop decent revenue for the Centre as well.

There are more than 400 paintings in the Art Rental inventory

When you see an office or a board room in a television program chances are some of the art on those walls came out of the BAC inventory.  Awhile back a colleague contacted Anne Brownell inquiring about what the BAC had in the way of art that could be rented.  As a result of that call BAC art is now seen on CTV’s Flashpoint, Cracked and Rookie Blue.

Brownell couldn’t pull the racks out fast enough – that initial contact has resulted in a tidy little business for the BAC.  The art rental and sale business contributes 30% of the revenue for the art shop.

Selling art is a complex business – people have to know you are there and they want to know that the collection has depth and consistency.

The Burlington Art Centre recently sold two painting to the Province of Ontario collection.  This came about when the mother of the curator of the provincial collection, who happens to live in Burlington, got her daughter to look at what the BAC had – and was impressed enough to buy two pieces.

Donna Fratesi, on the left holds up one of two paintings sold to the Province of Ontario collection.  Helping is Anne Brownell of the Burlington Art Centre

The province bought Jeanette Obbink’s ‘Killarney Rock’ and also Donna Fratesi’s ‘Almost Heaven’.  While these two are no longer available for rental or purchase they could have been and there is a lot more like these two in the BAC collection.

Donna Fratesi’s ‘Almost Heaven’, is now part of the province of Ontario collection.  Ms Fratesi has 24 painting in the rental section of the art gallery.  Her work is certainly popular.

There is one “gotta” to all this – you must be a member of the Burlington Art Centre.  That’s another good deal: A family membership is $120; Individual $105;  and Seniors $85.

That membership gets you a reduced price on every event and a 10% discount on all your purchases.

Corporate memberships are also available – $250 annually for those which have the added bonus of being available to every employee.  Great way for an organization to brighten up the walls of their offices.  Corporations get to rent pictures for a six month period.

McMaster University’s De Groote School of Business on the South Service road used to be a corporate member; they didn’t renew last year.  One would have thought the university, that pinnacle of culture, would be a continuing member.  Maybe business and art don’t mix?  The Burlington Art Centre is certainly showing that they do, indeed they do.

“When I paint, I aim to create a point of harmony and peace, a breathing space in our busy lives. As a landscape artist, I paint what catches my attention, either a place that takes my breath away, or the opposite - a place to catch my breath, and as to be expected, they often coincide.Every painting has a story behind it. ‘Killarney Rock’ was started on the spot, with the canvas duct-taped to a tree, as a plain air painting during a canoe trip to Killarney National Park. The painting was finished later in the studio as it was too large to finish in one sitting.

Developing a reputation and a customer base is critical to selling art.  People who buy art tend to start slowly and look to people who have a wide selection.

For those of us who live in Burlington there is an opportunity to rent art for a period of three months, hang it in your home and decide if you really like it.  You can grow your appreciation for art by renting a piece that you are really not sure about, hanging it on your home and if after 90 days you realize that the piece was not for you – you return it.  All you are out is a small rental fee.

The Burlington Art Centre has been doing things like this for the past 35 years.  They are taking space in the newest art facility in Burlington when they bring Randy Bachman to town as part of their 35th anniversary celebration.  The Shoreline Room at the BAC won’t hold the crowd they expect so they’ve rented the Performing Arts Centre for the event.  Nice to see the two organizations working hand in hand.

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Is there a new theatre in town; a new place offering professional performing arts? Ireland House has chosen to be a venue. Check it out.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  March 18, 2013   Theatre is alive and well in Burlington and Ireland House is showing the city how it can be done.

Sometime ago, Ireland House got a $32,500 federal grant to promote heritage and commemorate the War of 1812 and has decided to use some of that money to bring a live dramatic production to historic Ireland House.

So fitting that a theatrical production focused on the War of 1812 should be performed at Ireland House.  Tickets are a gift at $10.

The 90 minute production will be done in the lower level of Ireland House – sound quality should be very good in a space that is quaint and intimate.  It will be a difficult place for people who have ambulatory problems but other than that – it should be an interesting day.

There will be just the two performances on Friday April 5th: a matinée at 2:30 pm and an evening performance at 7:30 pm.

Tickets are very competitively price at $10 each.  Call 905-332-9888 to reserve your tickets.

The Dora-nominated Toronto theatre company,  Down n’ Out Productions, is bringing  heritage, history and solid drama to locations across Ontario.  If you don’t know what a Dora nomination is – know that is a mark of superb theatre.

The production – When the Ice Breaks is a new play based on life in Upper Canada during the War of 1812. Exploring the inner workings of an Upper Canadian household during the War of 1812, one domestic servant’s personal story of sacrifice and redemption comes alive in this intimately staged production written by Madeleine Donohue and featuring four professional performers with live early Canadian folk music.

Construction of Ireland House didn’t begin until twenty years after the War of 1812 when the community was more settled.  A close to perfect venue though for a War of 1812 production.

The production will run for 80 minutes and is appropriate for audiences ages 10 and up.

If this is as good a production as it sounds – why wasn’t it put on at the Performing Arts Centre?  Is $10 a seat out of the question for PAC?

This is a Museums of Burlington War of 1812-1814 initiative supported by the Federal Government’s “Celebration and Commemoration Program” that brought a $32,500 grant to the museum operation.

Down n’ Out Production approached Ireland House and asked if they could put on the performance in their locale.  Great idea.



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The wheels of commerce start in a workshop – skilled tradesmen make the dies that make the machines that make the stuff we use..

By Staff

BURLINGTON, ON – Manufacturing companies in Burlington face a serious shortage of trained workes with skills that relate to tool and die making.

The Centre, an educational organization that is part of the Halton Board of Education structure offers courses in electrical training, renovation skills development and industrial millwright mechanic/machinist  skills.   These are “trades” that pay  well and offer  satisfying work where expertise is built up over time.

The Centre for Skills Development & Training’s (The Centre) gets students trained and earning for career with a future, fast.

Students at The Centre are trained on equipment they would find in any workshop in Burlington.

The Centre is currently accepting applications for the 22-week, full-time program that includes over 70% of hands-on training in over 6,000 square feet of fully equipped shop space. Last year, over 92% of graduates found work in their field. The next start date is March 25, 2013.

Jamie Fierro-Silva on the right and Omar Taylor practice setting up measuring devices for the very exacting work done on tool making equipment at The Centre.

“Today, almost 50% of Canadian companies, regardless of size of location, are facing serious labour and skills shortages. This shortage poses a threat to economic growth; however, it also represents immense opportunity for people interested in working in trades,” said Kathy Mills, Chief Administrative Officer of The Centre for Skills Development & Training. “Our Industrial Millwright Mechanic/Machinist program is comprehensive and includes personalized job search assistance to ensure students land work in industry as quickly as possible.”

Established in 1988, The Centre for Skills Development &Training has two locations in Burlington and Oakville, and one location in Milton and Clarkson. The Centre provides pre-apprenticeship skilled trades training, employment services, services for newcomers to Canada, and customized workplace training and consulting services for companies.

That’s the corporate part of this story; there is a really interesting dynamic going on in the class I watched.  The twenty some odd people in the class I looked in on were guided by Al Hossack who would work one on one with students as they set up a machine or worked to solve a problem.

Hossack was steps away for any student working in a shop that had the kind of equipment these students would work with in any workshop they went to – and the vast majority of these students would be employed once they have completed their course.

Mike Harwood is the Job Developer for the trades department. In a phrase – he is the matchmaker – he knows all the students and knows the needs of the employers in his markets.  His relationship with the employers is such that they tell him what they need and he looks at what The Centre has coming through the system.  Sometimes a student will do a very short placement to see if the chemistry is right.

Harwood refers to his job as “employer dating”.

Al Hossack, a certified tool and die maker takes a student at The Centre through the set up procedures on a piece of equipment. Hands on and classroom time are part of the course.

What the Centre is doing is attracting people who want to learn a trade and then, while training them, are also grooming them for the first job they will go into.  It’s not a slam dunk course explained Al Hossack.  We aren’t like a community college where students wander in whenever they want and wearing their pyjamas if the choose.

The Centre teaches skills and focuses on good work habits; punctuality and reliability.  The students who walk out the door with their certificate in their hands take the reputation of the Centre with them – and that reputation is vigorously protected.  Students toe the line – end up with good jobs, not just decent jobs and are known to have come out of a good school.

Ellen Faraday – den mother to students at The Centre

Ellen Faraday, Senior Trades coordinator for The Centre is sort of the den mother of the place.  She lives and breathes what they do and sees every student as her project.  She knows them all by name and knows where they are probably going to get their first job.  These are “her people” and she is heavily invested in their progress. Ellen will tell you as she leads you from one workshop to another that three of the women who work with Mike Holmes – of Holmes on Homes fame came out of  The Centre and then she rattles off the names.

The course that will start at the end of this month is being sponsored by the Ministry of Training – they are picking up the bulk of the fees.  Great deal, great opportunity for someone who would like this kind of work or who wants to change the career stream they are in.

The Centre – worth looking at.


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The battle took place off the shores of our city – and soon there will be a plaque telling that story.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON  March 13, 2013  Some history might get “righted” and Burlington just may see a plaque somewhere in the city telling the true story about the “Burlington Races”, which despite the name, tell of a critical part, perhaps the most critical part, of the War of 1812 as it related to the Great Lakes.

Many believe that the country that controlled the Great Lakes would win that war.  And the battle that took place in 1813 right off the shores of Burlington and up to the entrance to Hamilton harbour was clearly won by the British.

Rick Wilson, a member of the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee, points out what he believes is a glaring error on a historical plaque, located in Hamilton overlooking Burlington Bay. Wilson hopes there can eventually be a plaque in Burlington correcting the error.

It’s an exciting story that is seldom fully told – Burlington seems to have that problem with its history.

Local amateur historian Rick Wilson has for some time taken umbrage with a plaque that sits up at the Burlington Heights, which is located in Hamilton, that tells of the naval battles that were a part of the War of 1812 during which the British repelled American efforts to invade the country and who knows what they would have done with us.  Perhaps we would all be singing Yankee Doodle Dandy today.

After years of telling anyone who would listen that this plaque was historically incorrect, Rick Wilson, an amateur historian who has focused on the War of 1812, just may have succeeded in getting the plaque corrected and having a plaque placed in the city of Burlington with the true story.

The offending plaque was put up, Wilson thinks, sometime in the 70’s.  Wilson found that most people agreed with him – that the plaque was wrong – but no one knew what to do to correct the error.

For Wilson the offending part of the plaque begins with:” After a sharp engagement, the British squadron was forced to withdraw toward Burlington Bay where it could take refuge under the batteries on the adjacent heights.  A close chase ensued but by the skilful seamanship, Yeo was able to bring his ships through the shallow channel in the sand bar to the safety of this bay.”

That never happened according to Wilson.  The draft in the channel was such that a ship could not have gotten into the bay.

Wilson would take his story to anyone who would listen.  His persistence paid off when, it is believed, that Councillor Craven brought up the matter up at the Joint Bay Area committee where Hamilton agreed the plaque was incorrect and they undertook to do something about it.

Because there cannot be two plaques in the province about the same event in two different places, the Burlington Heights sign has to come down and then a Burlington plaque can go up.  The expectation is that Hamilton will put up a new plaque with the correct information.

Wilson has been fighting this issue for a couple of years.  He said he “got blown away” by  MPP Jane McKenna, who was no help at all.  And while he got all kinds of support from MP Mike Wallace, there was not much Wallace  could actually do.  The plaque is provincial and Wallace explained to Wilson that federal people never intrude on provincial historical stuff even though the federal government poured a tonne of money into War of 1812 events.  Figure that one out!

Wallace did get Wilson an invitation to an event being attended by the Prince of Wales at Fort York in Toronto.  There wasn’t an opportunity to chat up the Prince explained Wilson.

Burlington now has to find a location and work with the provincial branch that handles these things.  To the surprise of everyone, and to the absolute delight of Rick Wilson, the project is moving faster than anyone imagined.

There doesn’t appear to be any animosity with the Hamilton people,  who have agreed their sign is factually incorrect.  The Heritage Committee expects to ask for a Staff Direction to get this project moving on our side of the Bay.

Where would a plaque telling the story be placed? Wilson thinks somewhere in Burloak Park would be about right but no one really knows where that critical battle took place.  All we know is that it did take place and the British won it.



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He`s back in town for his annual nightly performances: The Jefferson Salamander shuts down roadways again.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON Burlington, Ont., March 12, 2013 — The slimy little creature that brought a halt to the opening of a second quarry on the Escarpment is expected to begin his migration to his breeding ponds between the middle of March and the middle of April.  The city of Burlington shuts down parts of King Road while the little creature slithers across the road.

Details on the King Road closure.  Dark line at the base of the mountain brow indicates where traffic cannot use the road for about a month.

King Road will close from the base of the Niagara Escarpment to  Mountain Brow Road, March 18 to April 8 to allow the endangered Jefferson salamander safe passage during its annual migration to lay eggs.

In Canada, the Jefferson salamander is found in Southern Ontario in a few small pockets of deciduous forest; mostly  along the Niagara Escarpment. Burlington is home to one of those small pockets.

Now an endangered species and the mascot of the environmental community in Burlington.

Jefferson salamanders spend the winter underground, then seek temporary ponds formed by spring run-off, sometimes crossing King Road to do so. They lay their eggs in clumps attached to underwater vegetation. By midsummer, the larvae lose their gills and leave the pond and head into the surrounding forest.

The Jefferson salamander is a protected species and is a nationally and provincially Endangered Species at Risk.

Conservation Halton is committed to preserving native biodiversity and protecting species at risk through activities such as protection of natural heritage systems, the creation of wildlife corridors, and increased public awareness through education, outreach and partnerships with local organizations.

In 2012, the city closed the same section of road completely for a three-week period. “The closure was a success last year. There is evidence to make the city and our partners believe that the Jefferson salamanders were able to travel safely across the roadways,” said Bruce Zvaniga, director of transportation services.

“The reaction was positive towards the road closure last year and shows how the community will support steps to protect the local environment,” said Rick Craven, Ward 2 councillor.

“Conservation Halton commends the City of Burlington for once again undertaking a full closure of King Road. It is also encouraging to note the support of area residents who are keen to help ensure the long-term survival of the Jefferson salamander, by taking steps to protect its habitat,” said Ken Phillips, Conservation Halton CAO. “Our studies showed that last year’s road closure was a tremendous success allowing the salamanders to safely traverse the roadway on their way to the breeding ponds.”

Adult salamanders migrate to their breeding ponds in mid-March or early April during wet rainy nights. They show strong fidelity to their birth pond and can be very determined to reach it.

The salamander played a much larger role in the community effort to stop the opening of a second quarry on the Escarpment.  Burlington heroine Sarah Harmer was a significant part of that effort when she testified at the Joint Board hearings that made the decision not to issue an additional mining permit.

Harmer saw her first salamander in the basement of her home on an Escarpment side road when she was a young girl; little did she know then of the career she would have in the future and the role that slimy little guy would have on the community she was raised in.

PERL, Protect Escarpment and Rural Lands, of which Sarah and her mother Isabelle were a large part, went on to oppose the quarry application and saw the Tribunal that heard the arguments come down in favour of the environment citing the endangered status of the Jefferson Salamander.

The legal costs for the city of Burlington were $2.1 million.  PERL is still believed to have a significant legal debt.  Time for a big fund-raiser; Sarah get the guitar.

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First Jamie Adkins and then The Gruffalo at the Performing Arts Centre; great time to be a kid in Burlington.

By Pepper Parr

BURLINGTON, ON.  March 12, 2013  If you haven’t filled in the days of Spring Break week yet – there is an event at the Performing Arts Centre that is not only fabulous entertainment for the young ones but the price is actually comfortable.  Jamie Adkins and his Circus Incognitus is taking place at the Performing Arts Centre March 14th.  The man is an absolute delight and the younger kids will roll in the aisles laughing.

And there are still plenty of seats left.  This event should really be a SOLD OUT production.  The illustration below shows what was available at 10:oo am on Tuesday.

The dark blue dots are the seats still available.  The site lines are excellent in the Main Theatre.  No need to be up close for this production.

We are beginning to see some cross promotion between the Performing Arts Centre and local commercial operations.  The Different Drummer Bookstore has announced a contest that gives the winner four tickets to The Gruffalo which takes place at the Centre on April 13th at 2:00 pm in the afternoon.

“Jolly sing-alongs, visual gags and a license to roar in raucous fashion sets the seal on this successful comedy for everyone over three” was the way one reviewer described the production.

The Different Druimmer is holding a contest for a set of four tickets to The Gruffalo – nice bit of cross-promoting.

Programing for children is a subtle game – get it right and the kids are theatre goers for life.  Get it wrong and they are lost for a long time.  Jamie Adkins and The Gruffalo are close to as good as it gets in terms of programming for the young ones.

The Centre is toiling away at building a young audience – they are also still open to hearing from anyone who feels they can serve on the Board that has some vacancies.  One Burlington resident sent an email asking: Please send me information regarding board seats.

While the request didn’t offer much in the way of background and qualifications from the person asking for information, the response from  Ilene Elkaim, the Board member apparently responsible for new Director recruitment didn’t offer much encouragement.

The information regarding the board is on our website www.burlingtonpac.com. You can find the information on the Board of Directors page.

Hope this helps.

 Ilene Elkaim

On behalf of the Board Recruitment Committee

It is critical for the Board to get it right during the fiscal year the Centre is going into.  It is now evident that the Board is going to have to be much more involved and prepare itself for a rigourous business plan review that Budget & Corporate Services committee chair Councillor John Taylor has said is a condition of his going along with the funding requested for this year.

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