By Pepper Parr
November 22nd, 2021
Getting the plans for a Holiday Market off the ground and into the minds of the public was a little awkward and far less than transparent – but they are closer to liftoff – which is December 9th to 12th – all to take place in a parking lot.
The event is free – the opportunity is to see what merchants in the area have to offer. The idea was patterned after the immensely successful German Christmas markets: Burlington wanted one of its own and after more than a year of thinking about it and sifting through various ideas, Brian Dean, Executive Director of the Burlington Downtown Business Association (BDBA) and Peter Van Dyk thought they had an idea that could fly.
 The Holiday Market will fill the space in this parking lot. This is the view looking east.
It was to be an event supported in a big way with sponsorships. The initial effort to land a major bank didn’t work out.
Sponsors as of November 18:
PV & V Insurance
SB Partners
Core Development Group
Rick Burgess of Frederikse Law
 With the Poacher on the west end and The Dickens on the eastern end there will be no problems for those looking for an Adult Libation
The list of vendors is growing. Some of those set out below will not be present for all four days – a schedule will be posted on the website stating which vendors will be present on which days.
Joseph Tassoni
Bodega Wellness
Do + Dare Undie Co. Ltd.
Miss Bailey Brown
The Handmade House
Agora Marketplace
La Crème de la Crème
Burlington Downtown Business Association & Tourism Burlington
Water’s Edge Salon & Spa
Omi’s Sweet Treats
Pop Balloons Pop
Wheat Queens & Pretty Things
Wicker Blues
Your Local Boulanger
Ash Designs
Backed By Bees
Bu Candles
Candles and Palms
3 Girls x Curated Goods
French Lunch
Get It While It’s Hot
Ivy + Soy
Kelso Lavender
Musical acts will be confirmed closer to December 9. At this point there are several choirs lined up.
The Holiday market people are working with Sound of Music to determine if some of the talent they work with can be available.
Noise was a concern – no assurances at that level.
There was mention of alcohol being available. Talks with the people at The Poacher didn’t go very far – they apparently had some liability issues.
This is an evolving initiative with a lot of unknowns and great aspirations.
The web site for the event
Hours of operation:
Thursday December 9: 4 pm-10 pm
Friday, December 10 and Saturday, December 11: 11 am-11 pm
Sunday, December 12: 11 am – 7 pm
By Staff
November 22, 2021
The Art Gallery of Burlington will feature Heidi von der Gathen of Air and Earth Design on Saturday, November 27 from 12 to 3 PM.
 Heidi von der Gathen
Heidi will share more about her practice and demonstrate the Keum Boo technique she uses to fuse gold embellishments to the silver in her jewellery.
Air & Earth Design is the contemporary jewellery brand designed by artist, Heidi von der Gathen. Hand-crafted, organic inspired elements combined with clean lines and unique finishes gives Heidi’s jewellery a chic and contemporary edge.
These timeless pieces that describe style rather than fashion, can be worn for years. Powerful beauty. Here is jewellery designed for women that are comfortable with themselves and enjoy creating their own, unique and personal statement.
By Pepper Parr
November 20th, 2021
If you haven’t made your plans for the afternoon – you might want to join Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns on the walkabout she plans in the southern part of her ward.
 Hear what your ward Councillor has to say about this development – it will replace the Waterfront Hotel.
She has invited anyone to join her while she comments on the development proposals that have been grandfathered by the Minister of Municipal Affairs; which means that they will probably clear the Ontario Land Tribunal.
The Mayor has said little and is reported to have done as much as she can to get the members of Council not talk about what the Ministry has done to the city.
You owe it to your self to spend an hour on the walking tour.
Starts at 1:00 pm – gather at the foot of Brant Street at Lakeshore.
By Staff
November 19th, 2021
Annual Village Tree Lighting – Saturday, Nov. 20 – 3 to 6pm when the tree will be lit. Come early to look around and hear St. Matthew’s Bell Choir at 4:30 & 5:30; Enchorus Children’s Choir; Outdoor Vendor Market; Santa & Friends; Hot Chocolate & Snacks, and pre-book a Horse-drawn Carriage Ride at To help your neighbours bring non-perishable food items to the Cram-a-Cruiser Food Drive.

By Staff
November 19th, 2021
Breaking News
The Gazette has learned from a usually reliable source that Santa has arranged to visit Burlington on Saturday and Sunday – the 4th and 5th of December.
Our sources sent us a map of the route Santa is expected to take.
The reindeer aren’t available this year – the Santa workshop team didn’t think it was safe for them to be out without wearing masks – they couldn’t find anything that would fit the reindeer.
Santa was able to get some help from the Burlington Fire department who will drive Santa around the city.
We expect to get more detailed information from the elves as we get closer to the arrival dates.
Stay tuned.

By Staff
November 18th, 2021
Tim Hortons is picking up the tab for free swimming and skating on the PA Day, Nov. 26
Tim Hortons has also made a contribution to the Skate Lending Program which will be coming to the Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond when it is opened later this year.
During the PA Day there will be four hours of free swimming and four and a half hours of skating on Nov. 26
 It will be a fun time – but you do have to register.
During the winter break, there will be more than 20 hours of free swimming and 74 hours of skating for residents.
For all days and activities, pre-registration is required and registration opens 25-hours in advance for residents and 2 hours for non-residents and all persons 12 years and older will require proof of vaccination and must complete the screening at
For more information on dates and times and to register, visit
By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
November 19th, 2021
Giant Tile hosted a grand opening event for their Burlington location at 1515 North Service Road. Thursday evening.
The location specializes in contemporary designer lighting, home automation, kitchen and bath fixtures, porcelain, and quartz slabs, and flooring.
 Giant Tile offering a full range of home improvement and upgrade products.
The first of two “opening” events was focused on the home renovation industry who got a look at the sleek new location; meet the staff and the owners.
Tile Giant opens to the public tomorrow Friday morning, and will feature a weekend barbeque from Friday to Sunday (running from 10 am to 5 pm each day). All are welcome to the barbeque where Tile Giant will be running a 20% off storewide sale during the balance of the weekend.
Ashfaq Shaikh, a co-owner of Tile Giant, touted the new location’s showroom concept as unique in Canada. He suggested Tile Giant is one of few professional design centers in North America for business to business and retail customers.
 Located at 1515 North Service Road close to the Costco Centre.
“People think of design centers as more for furniture but I think before the furniture that the tiles, the lights, home automation, and plumbing are very important. We tie all of that together in the design center.”
Tile Giant has a location in Vaughan: Shaikh said he sees “Burlington as one of the fastest-growing markets. Burlington is the center of Oakville, Milton, Hamilton, and a lot of new developments in the GTA just outside of Toronto. This is a great central location, close to the QEW, close to Costco, and close to IKEA – we are a business hub,” said Shaikh.
The founder of Tile Giant, Agostino Gotto, was called out of semi-retirement to help his successors with the launch of the store. Gotto cited the Godfather to joke about his attempted retirement, “just when I thought I was out they pulled me back in.” Gotto was excited to see the fruits of his labour flourish.
“Let’s just say I wish I was twenty years younger, that should tell you how it’s going,” said Gotto.
Tile Giant is working on developing other locations throughout Canada and plotting expansion into the United States. It is not hard to see why Gotto wished his younger self remained as the hands-on owner of the newest enterprise. Though he didn’t rule out being pulled back into the business again, saying he was game for “no more than five more store openings” with a laugh.
Cocktails and hors-d’oeuvres were served by Life is an Event catering. Staff and investors were thanked in speeches by the co-owners and with food and drink.
 Fully staffed – ready to serve
Tile Market had no problems attracting staff to their new location, they are fully staffed, and are excited to kick off their operation just in time for the Christmas season, their busiest time of the year.
Tile Giant’s products reflect the upscale contemporary vibe they are after. The company says they have a range of products for every budget. The company’s website allows visitors to book a design consultation online and has a visualization feature that shows off their different products in household room mockups.
The ownership board opted out of a group photo at their new location and suggested the beautiful ladies at the party, involved in varying degrees with Tile Giant, pose for the Gazette instead. It’s hard to argue with that business acumen.
By Pepper Parr
November 17th, 2021
Taking a long look at the bigger picture and looking back at what the city has gone through in, as Executive Director Sheila Jones put it – a 609 day Journey – calls for a pause and the question – what’s next?
While we all seem to think that “normal” might be returning no one is set yet to bet real money on a date.
Once a month Council gets taken through a report the Emergency Coordination Group (ECG) uses to advise on what has been done, where the city is financially – tax collections are good and revenue losses as a result of the pandemic are stabilizing.
The city is still in a State of Emergency and no one is certain just when that is going to come to an end and what the process will be to get back to the normal we once knew.
A graphic was put up on the screen – this is where we have been.
 Just ups and then down – city hall has managed to keep the wheels on the wagon and on balance has done a good job. The wear and tear on staff has been significant.
By Staff
November 16th, 2021
It has come to this.
Three year olds getting their first look at what kindergarten has to offer them in a virtual Zoom setting.
Is this the best that creative minds can do?
Appears not.
In a media release the Halton District School Board said:
Starting school is a big step for children and parents/guardians, and the Halton District School Board wants to make that transition as smooth as possible. This fall, the HDSB is welcoming future students and their families to a virtual Kindergarten experience at to learn more about making the first school experience a happy one.
 Clip from a video introducing three year olds to kindergarten. Where is the grass? This is a muddy yard.
 Is the correct answer to every question: Why?
Due to current public health restrictions, traditional in-person Kindergarten Open Houses are not possible this year. Instead, we have created a virtual experience for three-year olds and their families.
At, three-year olds can explore a Kindergarten classroom to see what their future classroom might look like next September. There are videos to watch, pictures to view and fun activities for kids.
Parents/guardians can learn about the Kindergarten program at the HDSB, play-based learning, community resources in Halton and before-and-after school care. Families can also sign-up to receive a welcome package from the HDSB including a free children’s book.
Registration for Kindergarten begins in January 2022 and will be by appointment only (in-person and/or virtual) through the school your child will attend.
Further information will be shared in the new year.
To begin Kindergarten in September 2022, children must be four years old by Dec. 31, 2022 for Year 1 Kindergarten and must be five years old by Dec. 31, 2022 for Year 2 Kindergarten.
By Pepper Parr
November 15th, 2021
If Climate Change still matters to you after what we have learned from the COP26 conference in Scotland – then you want to listen to Katharine Hayhoe.
She is being brought to Halton by the Halton Environment Network via Zoom on November 18th at 8 PM for a Virtual Discussion with United Nations Champion of the Earth, Climate Activist and Author Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, as she joins our community to discuss her new book “Saving Us”.
In Saving Us, Hayhoe argues that when it comes to changing hearts and minds, facts are only one part of the equation. We need to find shared values in order to connect our unique identities to collective action. Dr. Hayhoe’s book is a multilayered look at science, faith, and human psychology to give you the tools you need to start talking about climate.
Get your copy in person or online at your local library, or at your local bookstore and learn from one of the top climate scientists in the world on how to talk about climate with your friends, co-workers, and family.
Join the discussion by registering here:
For more information:
Follow #HCCReads & @haltonclimate on twitter to follow the conversation.
By Staff
November 15th, 2021
The Burlington Performing Arts Centre is going to show us the way to live a normal life.
They have pulled back the curtain and are delighted to safely welcome back their eager audiences, volunteers and artists to LIVE entertainment.
 Sean Cullen – an “Evening of Sophisticated Silliness” that is not to be missed by anyone who wants a good laugh.
Returning to our Community Studio Theatre on Wednesday, November 17 for his first of three upcoming events, is BPAC friend and favourite Seán Cullen (The Ellen Show / Workin’ Moms / Last Comic Standing / Just For Laughs / The Debaters).
Having traveled the world for over three decades as a master of improvisation and an accomplished impressionist who delights in the absurd, THE SEÁN CULLEN COCKTAIL HOUR (& a half!) will be an “Evening of Sophisticated Silliness” that is not to be missed by anyone who wants a good laugh.
Liven up your spirits with a hilarious evening of comedy and music with the award-winning master of silliness alongside special guests: Allie Pearse (Letterkenny / JFL Standup & Pitch / ‘I Heart Jokes Award’ Winner for 2020 Breakout Comic), Chris Locke (Just For Laughs / Baroness Von Sketch / Mr. D / Canadian Comedy Award for 2014 Best Male Standup), Richard Crouse (host of Pop Life, In Short and Reel to Real / film critic for Bravo, CTV News and CP24) and musical guest Joan Smith (Serena Ryder / Little Foot Long Foot / Joan Smith & the Jane Does).
Next week, BPAC also presents two renowned shows that celebrate a pair of the all-time greats, Frank Sinatra and Patsy Cline.
 When you hear Leisa Way singing “I Fall to Pieces” your heart will swell – you are in for a really good time.
(Way-To-Go Productions) stars in the celebrated SWEET DREAMS: THE MUSIC OF PATSY CLINE featuring The Wayward Wind Band for two evening and two matinee performances from Thursday, November 18 until Sunday, November 21.
Experience the fascinating story of the legendary country singer Patsy Cline’s life and the incredible music that she left behind including “I Fall To Pieces,” “She’s Got You,” “Walking After Midnight,” and her biggest hit, “Crazy.”
Backed by a superb four-piece band, Canadian stage star, Leisa Way, a powerhouse singer and entertainer herself, celebrates not only the music of this legendary singer, but tells stories about Patsy Cline’s life that have never been heard before. This concert has been playing to sold out crowds across North America and Europe.
After 50 years of live performances and recordings, Jimmy Stahl has taken his legendary big band project to another level. The Jimmy Stahl Big Band does Sinatra’s greatest hits like you’ve never heard them before, featuring the rising star and crooner Michael Vanhevel in this new tribute to Frank Sinatra and the American Songbook.
 There will never be another “Old Blue Eyes” but Michael does come very close. Takes you back.
Jazz aficionados can also expect to be impressed by Grammy–winning charts, scorching horns and fresh interpretations of jazz, blues and swing music spanning multiple decades by the incredible 20 plus musicians on stage.
Experience the power and magic of a big band as The Jimmy Stahl Big Band performs SOUNDS OF SINATRA live on Saturday, November 20 in BPAC’s Main Theatre with fresh arrangements of big brassy blues, swing and jazz standards.
Patrons who want to experience the energy of the live concert environment can purchase tickets through the BPAC Box Office, secure in the knowledge that the BPAC’s health and safety protocols are in place to keep performers and patrons safe. All patrons must show proof of COVID-19 double vaccination to be permitted entry into the facility and wear a mask. ALL-IN PRICING INCLUDES ALL TAXES AND FEES! Livestream ticket options are also available for most shows.
Tickets can be purchased online or by telephone:
905-681-6000 |
By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
November 11th, 2021
A naval officer said “you will never understand what your attendance means to us,” in the first of Burlington’s two Remembrance Day ceremonies this morning. That lack of understanding seems mutual, as so many in the audience will never understand the magnitude of the service and sacrifice of those honored today, try though we may.
 The Colour Guard at Veteran Square
Old and young naval veterans gathered by the Naval Monument at Spencer Smith Park many wore flawless blue dress and white berets. Waves crashed and sprayed across the promenade. Planes soared through the grey morning sky where the faded white ghost of the sun began to reveal itself, the sun rose lazily while soldiers stood in uniform and at attention by the monument.
In the afternoon an Avro Lancaster, World War Two’s biggest British Bomber plane, part of Hamilton’s Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum’s collection, was set to fly over the region. A crowd gathered in long winter coats on a cold morning in remembrance.
 The member of the Teen Tour Band may have been the age of the veteran when he went to war. Today he plays the pipes at the City Hall ceremony earlier today.
“It’s like an old summer day on the Atlantic,” said the naval officer. The audience laughed but it was another thing they couldn’t truly understand.
Wreaths were laid by the foot of the Naval Monument behind which stands a tablet bearing the names of the fallen. The monument is dedicated to the 2024 naval personnel and the 31 warships of the Royal Canadian Navy and the 1466 merchant seamen and 75 ships of the Canadian Merchant Marine who were lost during World War Two. The numbers are almost too big to comprehend, the names of the fallen too many to fathom as individuals, they become abstract.
 Burlington MP Karina Gould taking a tot of rum to remember the war experiences of veterans at the Naval Monument on the Naval Promenade.
After the ceremony, the naval veterans gathered for a shot of rum, where they toasted absent friends. They were joined in their drink by a game Minister Karina Gould and Mayor Marianne Meed-Ward.
In the discussions that followed among the navy men some teased and joked with each other, others spoke more somberly. An elderly navy man talked about his family as a military family, his father buried alive in the trenches in northern France, some hundred years ago during the war. The naval veterans plotted to head off to the Halton Naval Veterans Association. Amongst each other they oozed a familial kind of familiarity, maybe it comes from the shared secret, that shared harrowing experience they lived the rest of us can’t understand.
The 11 am ceremony took place at the Cenotaph by City Hall, in the recently unveiled Veteran’s Square. The event was advertised as a virtual one but the city was unable to keep the people away as Brant Street was thronged by crowds listening quietly.
The drone of the bagpipes sounded and the colour guard marched in. The colour guard bore the flags, wore monochromatic blue plaid kilts and dark coats, some adorned with service medals. The sun shone brightly by the late morning and the bronze soldier at attention atop the monument cast a long shadow across Veteran’s Square.
The veteran who led the ceremony became another to try and bridge the gap of understanding. Breaking down the word “remember” into “re” and “member” and asking us to consider it serving to reintroduce the fallen into our membership. Maybe that makes it easier to remember the fallen as an individual, he spoke then of the popularity of wartime poems to the same end, to understanding.
And so he read:
 The picture was taken in France by Mayor Marianne Meed Ward when she was representing Burlington at an event.
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.”
-John McCrae
The veteran leading the 11 am ceremonies came from a military family as well, his grandfather had to be sent home from World War One after lying about his age to join the military, he was 16. So few veterans remain from the World Wars to tell their stories.
 Members of the Royal Canadian Navy standing before the Naval Memorial on the Waterfront
Many of us have relatives who served though it grows more distant generation by generation, fewer storytellers, faded memories, the sacrifices abstract and difficult to comprehend, the individuals become statistics or a name among many on a memorial tablet. And so we gather on November 11th, and in the moment of silence when everything else from our noisy lives full of self-importance and mixed up priorities shuts down, even for a moment, maybe we can get close to understanding.
Thank you to all veterans for your service and sacrifice.
By Staff
November 11th, 2021
Steven Page’s distinctive and powerful voice will reach out to the audience at the Performing arts Centre on Saturday the 13th.
 Steven Page: among the most instantly recognizable voices in popular music.
That voice is among the most instantly recognizable in popular music. He is a member of the Canadian Music Hall of Fame with former bandmates, Barenaked Ladies, the award-winning band he co-founded.
As one of the principal songwriters and lead singer, Steven spent twenty years with the group, touring the world and selling millions of albums.
Steven’s fifth solo album, DISCIPLINE: HEAL THYSELF, PT. II, was released in 2018, followed by tours of the UK, Ireland and the U.S. with bandmates Craig Northey (Odds) and Kevin Fox. In 2019, Steven toured Canada from coast to coast starting in the east with a successful run alongside Symphony New Brunswick. The Discipline Tour concluded in autumn 2019, with an extensive tour of the U.S. Northwest, Southeast, Northeast and Texas. The Steven Page Trio – Live in Concert DVD was filmed during this tour and has been airing on American Public Television stations across the U.S.
Since becoming a solo artist, Page has carved out a diversified niche for himself that extends beyond recording and performing through an extensive array of projects in music, film, theatre and television. He has composed six Stratford Festival scores, has collaborated and toured North America with Toronto’s innovative Art of Time Ensemble and performs with his rock star pals as a member of the Trans-Canada Highwaymen.
Steven journeyed across Canada and the U.S. as host of TV’s The Illegal Eater, became a Chopped Canada Champion and appeared as a judge on Iron Chef Canada in their 2019/20 season.
Show Length: Approx. 90 min. Intermission.
Ticket Prices:
Regular: $69.50 (All-in)
Member: $64.50 (All-in)
Livestream: $15 (All-in, per household)
Member Livestream: $10 (All-in, per household)
Ontario pandemic guidelines: all patrons must show proof of COVID-19 double vaccination to be permitted entry into the facility.
By Staff
November 9th, 2021
 Individually hand crafted bowls done by artisans from across the province.
You looked at the bowls
You bought the one you really liked
You picked it up at the Art Gallery.
Now you get to enjoy your soup.
For those who have taken part in the AGB annual Soup Bowl event – It’s time to fill your bowls – Soup Bowl To Go voucher redemption began yesterday.
It’s time to fill your bowls – Soup Bowl To Go voucher redemption began on Monday!
Visit the AGB website to find a list of this year’s participating restaurants along with redemption details and restaurant contact info.
Click here to get started
Don’t have a voucher? There’s still time to grab a soup bowl!
Once you’ve bought your bowls, select your favourite restaurant from the list. Contact your restaurant of choice to arrange your voucher redemption. Arrive at the restaurant for your arranged take-out or dine-in time and enjoy!
By Staff
November 3rd, 2021
To help reduce the backlog of road testing due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Ontario government is using several GO station parking lots as temporary road test centres to help fill demand as pandemic limitations ease – including parking lots in your coverage area.
Those looking to book their passenger road tests (class G2/G) can now do so at Burlington GO, Mount Joy GO, East Gwillimbury GO, and Oshawa GO, which offer convenient locations – and ample space – to put their driving skills to the literal test.
Signs will be set up at each GO Station.
The testing in Burlington is taking place in the NORTH parking lot.
By Staff
November 2nd, 2021
 Jenna Morais, second-year forward at Carleton University.
Burlington native Jenna Morais led the Carleton University Ravens to their first 2-0 start since 2010-11. The second-year forward had a goal and an assist in the Ravens’ home opener on Friday before scoring the game-winning goal on Sunday afternoon versus the University of Ottawa.
Jeremy Whalen, Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing and Communication at Carleton University in the Department of Recreation and Athletics popped us a note to tell us that Burlington native Jenna Morais led the Ravens to their first 2-0 start since 2010-11.
The second-year forward had a goal and an assist in the Ravens’ home opener on Friday before scoring the game-winning goal on Sunday afternoon versus the University of Ottawa.
Jenna Morais is a women’s hockey player.
By Staff
November 2nd, 2021
The 2021 Remembrance Day ceremony will again be virtual and will be live-streamed at, beginning at 11 a.m. on Nov. 11. Please do not go to the Burlington Cenotaph.
The Royal Canadian Legion and veterans are asking residents to stay home and stream the ceremony online. Only those directly involved in delivering the ceremony will be at the Cenotaph.
To view the live streaming, go to at 10:45 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. The ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. The ceremony will also be available for viewing afterward.
The 35-minute ceremony will include a colour guard, two minutes of silence, music performed by some members of the Burlington Teen Tour Band and a reading of In Flanders Fields.
The 9 a.m. ceremony at the Naval Monument in Spencer Smith Park is open to the public.
By Staff
November 2nd, 2021
Did the GO train schedule screw up impact you this past weekend – Oct. 30 and 31?
Metrolinx explains what happened.
There is never a good time to shutdown the busiest commuter rail line in the country.
This past Saturday (Oct. 30) was particularly rough with the combination of Halloween festivities, sporting events, and concerts all drawing people to downtown Toronto.
So, what happened? During a routine track inspection, GO Transit crews discovered a section of the tracks between Port Credit and Clarkson GO stations was unstable, so much so that trains could no longer pass through the area safely.
The transit agency made the difficult decision to shut down that section of track.
 This huge hunk of equipment was brought in to smooth and stabilize the tracks which then had to be tested to ensure the tracks were stable. It could have been worse and happened during rush hours.
Making the fix
Behind the scenes, transit experts at Metrolinx drew up a plan to keep people moving and got started immediately on the repairs. Extra GO buses were called in to shuttle people between Port Credit and Clarkson, and Lakeshore West train service was reduced to hourly to avoid further delays.
The team initially estimated it could take up to 24 hours to complete the repairs but crews worked through the night – during the rain – on Saturday to get the repairs done as quickly as possible, in hopes of reducing the impact to people on Sunday.
Once the initial repairs were made, a large machine known as a DynaCAT was brought in to smooth and stabilize the tracks. Finally, GO had to run a test train over the repaired section at slow speeds to make sure everything was good to go.
In the end, the teams got the job done in time for regular GO train service to resume on Sunday morning.
By Staff
November 1, 2021
Meet the DAGB (Digital Arts Guild of Burlington): an emerging community guild of young adults with an interest in digital art forms.
It is a new group formed as a guild at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
The guild is interested in encouraging and supporting underrepresented youth groups in their journey with digital arts. They’ll be opening to the public in the coming months, providing a place for knowledge exchange, skill and equipment sharing, informal educational programs, and a safe space for self-expression.
 Technology and artistic creativity
They have put together a n upcoming digital demo series.
Technology and artistic creativity are expected collide with a budding youth digital guild at the AGB.
Youth artists, makers, and creators will soon have a new home where they can gather to create and explore the boundless world of digital arts.
It is an emerging community guild of teens and young adults with an interest in digital art forms. Located in the Creative Hub, the DAGB is interested in encouraging and supporting underrepresented youth groups in their journey with digital arts.
The DAGB is excited to open to the public in the coming months, providing a place for knowledge exchange, skill and equipment sharing, informal educational programs, and a safe space for self-expression.
 Image courtesy of Bryan Depuy.
Bringing an interest in the latest tools in digital arts, founding DAGB members are currently acquiring equipment for a functioning studio space. In the late Winter, the DAGB are hosting a series of digital demos on the AGB’s Instagram Live, as part of their soft launch. From 3D printing, to Sound Art, E-textiles, and even DIY video games, the DAGB is showcasing the practices of young digital artists throughout the month of November to highlight the diverse ways folks can express themselves with digital art forms.
The DAGB is aiming to build engagement and membership in the new year. These youth hope to host more educational initiatives and develop their inventory of equipment throughout their partnership with the AGB.
Everyone is welcome to stop by the studio space for a peek at their work, or to join one of their upcoming demos to learn something new.
This is al in the near future. The AGB hasn’t provided a contact point yet – we will chase that down for you.
By Ryan O’Dowd: Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
October 31st, 2021

Cogeco employees set up in seven different Burlington locations across the city last night to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters and lend another pair of eyes for public safety. If a Cogeco employee saw something they would notify police.
Staff from the cable company were on the streets from 5 pm to 7:30 pm. The technicians interested in participating were sent out to their stations with their work trucks decorated for Halloween.
Across Burlington signs of normalcy were abundant this Halloween with pandemic restrictions loosening. Kids took to the streets at dusk as ghouls and princesses while orange bled out from the setting sun across a purpling sky on a chilly autumn evening.
Cogeco gave back to the Burlington community tonight affording a watchful eye and spreading some Halloween joy.