By Staff
July14th, 2023
The Niagara-bound traffic on the QEW Burlington Skyway is open this weekend.
Travellers can visit or @511Ontario for updates on work and traffic impacts.
 Access to the on ramp for Niagara bound traffic is open this weekend.
By Staff
July 4th, 2023
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of orporation Ontario (AGCO) announced that it will be extending the period to complete Smart Serve recertification.
Certificates with an expiry date between July 1, 2023 and August 31, 2023 remain valid until September 1, 2023.
The Information Bulletin on this update has also been sent out to all liquor licensees. It reads:
As a result of the high volume of Smart Serve liquor training recertifications underway, the AGCO is extending the period to complete recertification for those whose certificates are set to expire. Certificates with an expiry date between June 30, 2023 and August 31, 2023 will now remain valid until September 1, 2023.
This means that:
- Liquor training certificates issued before September 1, 2018 will remain valid until August 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. This includes Smart Serve certificates and certificates issued prior to 1995 from the Server Intervention Program (SIP).
- Smart Serve certificates issued on or after September 1, 2018 will expire five years from the date of issuance (e.g., a certificate obtained on September 15, 2018, will expire on September 14, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.).
By Pepper Parr
June 20th, 2023
Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns has published a newsletter for her constituents. The content is good; Kearns is thorough and she has an understanding of the issues that surpasses that of most of the other Councillors.
She takes on the Mayor when she thinks a little tug on her chain is needed.
She manages Standing Committee meetings better than any other member of Council.
The opening paragraph of the most recent newsletter goes:
“I have enjoyed seeing so many out and about at our local parks and visiting small local businesses. I hope to see you out there too! I continue to be so proud of the many ways our community has shown its commitment to caring for each other. My office continues to support all requests and is here to serve you, please reach out.”
 Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns
The concern for us at the moment is we didn’t see Councillor Kearns at any of the Standing Committee meetings this week. All the public got was that Kearns had sent her regrets – which is political speak for “I am going to be absent”.
Councillor Nisan was away for at least one meeting – he was at a conference.
With two Councillors away the important business that gets dealt with at Standing Committees suffers from input from Councillors that are not at the table.
Kearns has children that often need attention – which her constituents understand.
What isn’t know is – why is Kearns absent? Does the public have a right to know ?
Is the problem a physical one – Kearns was thought to be dealing with long covid or is it psychological – she does have difficulty standing up for a position she has taken on occasion.
 Civic Square needs an upgrade – and Council needs what Kearns can bring to the table in terms of how it can best get done. What Staff brought to the table earlier this week is not good enough.
The plans for a significant upgrade to Civic Square needed input from Kearns – Staff was bungling the presentation – there were too many unanswered questions.
Her involvement in the discussion on changes to ward boundaries is critical – it is her ward that has the most residents – the solution to the problem is complex and far more difficult than most people realize.
Kearns is the smartest member on this Council – her contribution is significant. It would help if the public knew a bit more. How much more – it is a little sticky when the personal lives of public people is the issue.
Public people need to learn to trust the people that put them in office.
We wish Kearns God speed in dealing with whatever it is that ails her. The residents of ward 2 need her sharp mind.
When Marianne Meed Ward was involved in an auto collision and learned she had suffered a concussion she skipped Standing Committee meetings but was always at Council meetings where the vote counted.
By Staff
May 16th, 2022
The following sports fields are closed today (May 16) due to wet and unplayable conditions:
Nelson D1 – Casey Cosgrove
- Millcroft – D1, D2 and D3
- Ireland – D1, D2, D3 and D4
- Maple D1 and D2
- Central D1 and D2
All other fields are open.
By Staff
May 6th, 2022
The Service Burlington counter that was on the main floor of city hall was moved to the second floor due to main level construction has now been closed ass of noon today.
Too much noise from the construction work.
 The city does have a heart – Service Burlington appointments booked today for marriage licenses will take place. If you have any questions, please call 905-335-7777.
A reminder that many service payments are available online at
More information about the temporary closure to walk-in customers will be provided early next week.
City Hall Modernization Project
The construction at City Hall is happening as part of the City Hall modernization project. The project is one of 22 recommendations from the Red Tape Red Carpet Task Force report and will create a more open, customer-facing area on the first floor of City Hall.
By Staff
March 25th, 2022
Locust Street will be temporarily closed between Elgin Street and Lakeshore Road
 Locust street – just north of city hall
Monday, March 28, 2022 to Monday, April 25, 2022
for excavation works related to pipeline repairs by Trans-Northern Pipeline Inc.
Access to adjacent buildings, including the municipal parking garage, will be maintained from Lakeshore Road and through traffic will be detoured around the block.
This might be a good time to do a major re-routing of this pipeline.
By Staff
February 25th, 2022
Some City web applications and online forms temporarily unavailable for scheduled maintenance March 3
On Thursday, March 3, 2022, the following applications and forms will not be available starting at 10 p.m. until Friday, March 4 at 2 a.m.:
- Burlington calendar
- Application to search for City parks and facilities
- The City’s online job application platform
This maintenance work has been scheduled in the evening hours to limit the disruption.
By Staff
January 31st, 2020
Update to Feb. 5 GO-VAXX Indoor Walk-In Clinics schedule
Feb. 5 schedule is now as follows:
10 a.m. – 4 p.m. : Adult Pfizer for ages 12 to 29 years of age
4 p.m. – 5 p.m. : Moderna for ages 30 years of age and older
5 p.m. – 6 p.m. : Paediatric Pfizer for ages 5 (on the day of the clinic) to 11 years of age
The GO-VAXX Indoor Walk-In Clinics will take place at Sherwood Forest Park. No appointment required.
Links and Resources
COVID-19 Resources
• For information about COVID-19 in Halton Region, including the latest public health guidance and the status of COVID-19 cases, please visit
o COVID-19 Vaccine information
• Community questions and requests regarding City of Burlington services can be directed to Service Burlington by phone at 905-335-7777, by email at or online.

By Staff
January 28th, 2022
Burlington has launched an online lobbyist registry designed to document interactions between individuals who lobby members of Burlington City Council. The centralized, searchable registry found at helps ensure greater transparency in the local government decision-making process and meets the requirements of Burlington’s Lobbyist Registration Policy.
Under Burlington’s Lobbyist Registration Policy (approved by City Council on Nov. 1, 2021) lobbyists are required to register themselves as a lobbyist and submit the subject matter(s) they intend to discuss with a member(s) of City Council. Lobbyists are required to register their lobbying activity within 10 business days of their meeting with a member(s) of City Council.
There are three types of lobbyists that exist in Burlington:
Consultant Lobbyist – an individual who lobbies for payment on behalf of a client (another individual, a business or other entity).
In-house Lobbyist – means an individual who is an employee, partner or sole proprietor, and who lobbies on behalf of his or her own employer, business or other entity.
Voluntary Unpaid Lobbyist – means an individual who lobbies without payment on behalf of an individual, business or other entity for the benefit of the interests of the individual, business or other entity.
Links and Resources
- To learn more about the lobbyist registry, what is lobbying and who should sign up for the lobbyist registry and to learn more about other tools and processes the City has in place to ensure accountability and transparency in local government decision making, visit
 Councillor Kearns had a Registry in place well before council decided it should do the same thing.
Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns has had a Registry that requires all her meetings with lobbyists to be listed on her registry.
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward explains: “The lobbyist registry is one of many tools the City has to ensure a culture of open, transparent and accountable government. It’s important that members of the public can clearly see who is lobbying the City of Burlington’s public office holders and on what topics. The goal is not to prevent interactions and communications but to make decisions more transparent.”
Kevin Arjoon, City Clerk adds a comment: “The new online registry is designed to record the lobbying of City Council in meetings with representatives that have a business or financial interest and the goal of trying to influence legislative action. Lobbying is a legitimate activity that benefits not only lobbyists, but also public office holders and members of the public. The benefits of lobbying are lost, however, when they take place behind closed doors. This new registry ensures the process is transparent and easy to access by the public.”
By Staff
January 17th, 2022
To allow snow removal equipment room to clear roads safely and quickly, all on-street parking has been suspended.
During a Snow Event when accumulation is more than 7.5 cm, road clearing updates can be found by visiting
It is important for people to know that a declared Snow Event does not automatically mean all City facilities are closed or programs are cancelled.
On occasion a program may be cancelled when facilities remain open. For instance, if staff are unable to travel safety to the program location. When this occurs, all efforts will be made to contact the participants in advance when possible.
Snow Clearing Service Levels
 Snow Event declared
Primary and Secondary roads are addressed as soon as snow starts to accumulate.
Residential roads are cleared after snow reaches 7.5 cm of accumulation. Residential roads are not maintained to bare pavement but are sanded as required at intersections, hills and sharp curves to enhance traction.
All sidewalks are plowed after 5 cm of accumulation and salted or sanded as required.
Heavy snowfalls or successive storms can sometimes extend road clearing to longer than 24 hours. Please be patient as our crews work to clear the busiest streets first.
The City is not responsible for clearing windrows left on driveways when the plow passes. If you think you will need help clearing the windrow, please make arrangements such as speaking with your neighbours, family members or hire a contractor.
Parking During the Winter
When a Snow Event is declared, there is no parking on any city streets until the Snow Event has been declared over. The City thanks residents for their cooperation to move their vehicles off city streets to help with snow clearing operations. Residents who park their cars on streets blocking snow removal could be faced with a $120 parking ticket or be towed.
All existing parking exemptions are also invalid during Snow Events.
Snow Events and parking restrictions are announced through the City’s social media.
By Staff
January 4th, 2020
Support from the leadership at the provincial, regional and municipal levels are going to be given by media release.
The Premier laid down the decision to move back to Stage 2 for a 21 day period.
 Mayor Meed Ward on the porch of her home preparing to do a YouTube broadcast during the early days of the pandemic.
Nothing in the way of a message from the Mayor (unless you count the quote at the end of this article) or the Regional Chair. We have a Mayor who will get out on the street to support the front line workers at the hospital but unable to find a way to put together a message on YouTube or work with the City Administration to put something out on the city web site.
Could our Mayor not wear the Chain of Office and sit in the Council Chamber and talk to the public.
In 2018 when she was running as a member of Council she asked people to not just vote for her but to trust her.
Your Worship – the public needs to be able to demonstrate that you have their trust and they will work with you.
Please – work with them.
The impacts on City services as Ontario moves to modified Step Two of the Road map to Re-open are as follows:
The Province of Ontario has announced a return to a modified Step Two of the Road map to Re-open with new public health measures to slow the spread of COVID-19.
The following temporary changes will be in place from Jan. 5 until at least Jan. 27, 2022.
Recreation Changes
• City of Burlington facilities for indoor sports, recreation and fitness activities will be closed, and the start of all in-person Winter programs will be postponed
• All indoor programming, including recreation courses and drop-ins are cancelled or have transitioned to online. Registered participants and pass holders are being contacted directly, and those who wish to withdraw for a full refund may do so
• Facility rentals at City recreation locations, as well as Halton District School Board and Halton Catholic District School Board are cancelled. Renters are being contacted with details around rental contract adjustments and credits
• Faith-based rentals and renters who provide child care may continue to operate in modified Step 2
• Registered recreational virtual programming will continue, and online registration can be found at Options to stay active at home are also available online at
There are still opportunities to be active for your physical and mental health, including:
• tobogganing, neighbourhood rinks and parks and open spaces. Please stay off any artificial turf as it can be easily damaged during winter.
 One of the places where people can get outdoors, exercise and maintain social distancing. Registration necessary.
• The Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond is open with pre-registration required for outdoor skating. Online registration opens 25-hours in advance of the skate time at Please remember to complete COVID-19 screening before arrival for your skate.
• The Play Lending Library has outdoor equipment to borrow. Contactless pick up and drop off is available at Brant Hills Community Centre at 2255 Brant St. and a full listing of equipment is available at
Impacts to other city services
Service Burlington
City Hall, located at 426 Brant St., remains open for in-person service by appointment only for commissioning services and marriage licences. Walk-ins are not permitted.
Please visit, or call 905-335-7777 to book your appointment. Residents can also visit to access a variety of City services online.
Service Burlington is available to answer questions by phone during regular business hours, at 905-335-7777 and
Burlington Transit
Burlington Transit will run a COVID-emergency schedule beginning Sunday, Jan. 9, 2022. For schedules and routes, visit
Halton Court Services
The Court administration counter services at 4085 Palladium Way will remain open for in-person services from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Where possible, members of the public are encouraged to access court administration services online by email at or on the Halton Court website at Halton Court Services.
Parking Services
Parking enforcement requests and parking exemptions may be delayed. Urgent parking enforcement requests posing a safety concern will be given priority.
 Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
For more information on the City’s COVID-19 response, visit
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward said: “We know how difficult it is to once again face restrictions to slow the spread of Covid-19. These last two years have been so hard and you’ve all made so many sacrifices. Thank you for hanging in and caring for each other. We’ll get through this.
“Our Emergency Control Group has met regularly throughout the holidays to review the impact of recent announcements on City services, so we can respond appropriately to this rapidly changing situation. Our key focus remains delivering the essential services you count on, while keeping staff and residents safe.”
Links and Resources
• Province of Ontario media release:
COVID-19 Resources
• For information about COVID-19 in Halton Region, including the latest public health guidance and the status of COVID-19 cases, please visit
• Community questions and requests regarding City of Burlington services can be directed to Service Burlington by phone at 905-335-7777, by email at or online
• Residents can stay informed at as well as on our social media channels: @cityburlington on Twitter and
By Staff
January 3rd, 2020
Administration at the Art Gallery announced this afternoon that “In response to the Government of Ontario’s announcement regarding a return to a modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen, the Art Gallery of Burlington will close for a period of at least 21 days, effective immediately. This closure includes all exhibitions and studio spaces.
 At least three weeks before we see anything like this at the AGB
The health and safety of the community are always our top priority and, at this time, we are working to review and revise our programs, courses, and services planned in the upcoming weeks. Here’s a look at a couple of important updates regarding the closure:
Winter 2022 In-Studio Courses
If there are any changes to our Winter 2022 in-studio courses, registrants will be notified by AGB staff in advance.
Shop the AGB
 This lovely piece of jewellery is available – you just drop by and pick it up.
The AGB Shop will remain open for curbside pick up only. Click here to browse the AGB Shop online.
Stay Connected to the AGB Virtually
The best way to check for announcements and updates is to visit our website, here. Here are other ways to engage with the AGB digitally:
Visit us on Instagram to view our IGTV videos for a series of fun, family-friendly activities you can try out using items from around your home.
· Learn more about past and upcoming AGB exhibitions by visiting our website. Take a look at exclusive content including, exhibition text, artist interviews, audio clips.. Click on any of the underlined hyperlinks to visit an exhibition page on our website!
All of us at the AGB thank you for the support and encouragement you have provided us during these times, and we are so proud to be part of this extraordinary community. We look forward to the time when we can open our doors and welcome you again!
By Staff
December 10th, 2021
 Get there before 3 on the 13th.
The Service Burlington counter at City Hall (426 Brant St.) will be closing at 3 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 13, 2021.
The counter will re-open at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 14, 2021.
Residents can visit to access a variety of City services online.
By Staff
November 27th, 2021
The Halton Public Health people have put together a very good video for parents who plan to take their children 5-11 to a pediatric vaccination clinic.
 This young lad shows how getting vaccinated is done – easy peasy.
There is a lot of misinformation floating around and some really stupid people harming the rest of us with their uninformed comments.
The video is really worthwhile Click HERE to watch it – it’s short – just under four minutes.
By Staff
November 5th, 2021
Mainway, between Northside Road and Guelph Line will be closed nightly:
Nov. 4 to 6, 2021
7 p.m. to 7 a.m.
for resurfacing work.
Emergency vehicle access will be permitted, and local access will be maintained up to the closure points. Through traffic will be detoured as per map.
By Staff
November 3rd, 2021
The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, is expanding eligibility for booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to additional groups of high-risk individuals starting November 6, 2021, providing them with an extra layer of protection against the Delta variant. Over the coming months, Ontario is also prepared to gradually roll out booster doses to all Ontarians aged 12 and over.
While the province continues to report one of the lowest rates of active cases in the country and continues to make steady progress in vaccinating more individuals, offering the extra layer of protection provided by a booster dose will contribute to the fight against COVID-19.
“Keeping a low rate of infection in our communities and protecting our most vulnerable is how we can keep our schools, businesses and social settings as safe as possible while avoiding further lockdowns,” said Dr. Kieran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Health. “To provide every individual the best protection while learning to live with the virus for the long-term, we are prepared to expand booster eligibility to all Ontarians pending clinical recommendations, with eligibility expanding this week to individuals who face a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.”
Based on the recommendation of the Chief Medical Officer of Health and in alignment with the National Advisory Committee on Immunization’s (NACI) recent recommendation, the province will begin offering booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to the following vulnerable populations if at least six months have passed since their last dose:
• Individuals aged 70 and over (born in 1951 or earlier);
• Health care workers and designated essential caregivers in congregate settings (including long-term care home and retirement home staff and designated caregivers);
• Individuals who received a complete series of a viral vector vaccine (two doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine or one dose of the Janssen vaccine); and
• First Nation, Inuit and Métis adults and their non-Indigenous household members.
Booster doses are being offered to these groups based on evidence of gradual waning immunity six months after receiving their second dose and a higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19.
Starting on Saturday, November 6 at 8:00 a.m., eligible individuals will be able to book their booster dose appointment through the COVID-19 vaccination portal or by calling the Provincial Vaccine Contact Centre, directly through public health units that use their own booking systems, through Indigenous-led vaccination clinics, select pharmacies, and primary care settings.
Eligible individuals can book appointments at a Halton Region Community COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic through Halton’s online booking system, starting Saturday, November 6, 2021.
Hospital-based health care workers are encouraged to reach out to their hospital employer to get vaccinated directly through their hospital’s vaccination program.
Locations and timing for booster doses may vary by public health unit based on local planning and considerations.
In addition, Ontario is once again supporting northern and remote fly in First Nation communities by launching Operation Remote Immunity 3.0, this time through the co-development of plans with Health Canada’s First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, to support Sioux Lookout First Nations Health Authority and Weeneebayko Area Health Authority, First Nation health organizations, to administer booster doses in their communities with transportation and vaccine supply assistance from Ornge and local public health units.
While the COVID-19 vaccine is highly effective, the province is prepared to expand eligibility for a booster dose to all Ontarians over time. Based on Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccination rollout for first and second doses, expansion of eligibility for booster doses will be based on age and risk, with an interval of six to eight months from the second dose.
“Ontario is continuing the success of our vaccine rollout by expanding eligibility for a booster shot based on age and risk,” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “As we continue rolling out our Last Mile Strategy to vaccinate as many Ontarians as possible, providing an extra layer of protection starting with our most vulnerable is critical as we continue to safely reopen and manage COVID-19 for the long-term.”
During the height of Ontario’s COVID-19 vaccine rollout, a large population of Ontarians received their first and second doses at a longer interval than indicated on the product monograph. This longer interval has now been shown to improve duration of protection, and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization now recommends an optimal interval of eight weeks between first and second doses.
“The expansion of eligibility for booster shots is one more step that our government is taking to protect Ontarians and keep our communities safe,” said Solicitor General Sylvia Jones. “As with the initial administration of COVID-19 vaccines, the phased rollout of booster shots ensures that vulnerable groups are prioritized and can easily access booster shots through pharmacies, clinics and health care providers.”
COVID-19 vaccine eligibility for children aged five to 11 is subject to Health Canada approval. Ontario is working with public health units across the province to prepare to vaccinate children aged five to 11. The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children aged five to 11 is a distinct formulation at a lower dose and supply of vaccine that will be rolled out in parallel to booster doses.
By Staff
August 30th, 2021
In the coming weeks, the Ontario government will open additional temporary road test centres in Burlington to increase the number of passenger road tests (class G2/G) available in areas where demand is highest.
These temporary road test centres will help increase testing capacity across the DriveTest network and help people who need a road test book sooner.
 The province finally opened up additional Testing Centres. Burlington GO station is the location for the temporary location. Register on-line.
Throughout efforts to clear the backlog, the health and safety of DriveTest customers and staff will be of utmost concern. Customers will be required to wear face masks inside centres and during road tests, sanitize their hands, complete the Patron/customer screening developed by the province and share their “passed” results prior to the road test or admittance to the centre.
Starting Tuesday, September 7, 2021, DriveTest will offer class G2 and G road tests seven days a week between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at temporary locations at Burlington GO Station
These sites are in addition to the temporary road test centres that opened in August 2021.
To book your road test, please visit – the only official channel for booking a road test. You should never give your driver’s licence to a third party or an unknown website. DriveTest will never charge you an additional fee to book or reschedule a road test.
The inability to complete road tests to qualify for their driver’s has been a serious issue for far too many young people who have found jobs but need to be able to drive.
The province failed to notice the significant increase in demand.
Finally some action. The demand will be heavy expect delays. |
Quick Facts
- In addition to opening temporary centres, Ontario is hiring an additional 251 temporary driver examiners, extending weekday operating hours for passenger road testing and offering passenger road tests on Saturdays and Sundays at select locations to clear the backlog of road tests.
- Because of the high demand for road test appointments, we are unable to prioritize customers with cancelled appointments. As measures to address capacity are implemented, additional road test appointments will be made available. Please continue to check for new blocks of road test appointments.
- If your road test was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions, you will have a credit on the system to rebook your test.
- Road test applicants may be required to provide a contact phone number should contact tracing be required. Applicants may be required to keep vehicle windows open to ensure proper airflow.
- All DriveTest staff will wear appropriate personal protective equipment when serving customers, and driver examiners will also be equipped with face shields, sanitizer packages and seat covers when conducting road tests.
- For inside services and road testing for other licence classes, customers will need to visit a permanent DriveTest location.
By Staff
August 25th, 2021
The City of Burlington is preparing a COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Policy applicable to all City staff, regardless of work location.
This policy will require all City staff to show proof of vaccination, and provide reasonable time for staff who are not yet fully vaccinated time to do so, with some exceptions for those who are legally entitled to accommodation.
Rapid Antigen Testing for those City staff not yet vaccinated prior to entry into the workplace will also be required.
An update on this new policy will be brought to the September 9 Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability Committee meeting.
 City requiring all staff to be vaccinated – even if they are not working at city hall
At that committee meeting, the City will also be looking into a potential vaccine policy for the public entering City facilities to help protect staff and the public.
The health and safety of staff and residents continues to be a top priority for the City.
The City, as an employer, has an obligation under Ontario law to take all necessary precautions to protect its workers. The City will be encouraging contractors and partners of the City to do the same in order to protect our staff, their employees and the public we serve.
 Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward supports the policy and said: “While science continues to support the effectiveness of vaccinations in this pandemic, we can understand there is some apprehension about a required proof of vaccine. It’s important to note this is not a new concept in Canadian society. Proof of vaccination against at least 9 different illnesses such as polio and meningitis has been mandatory for Ontario children attending public elementary school for many years.
“We are already seeing healthcare settings, post-secondary schools, private sector businesses and other municipalities across the country implementing these policies to help protect our communities and our health care capacities. Where there are special circumstances, exemptions are provided.
“Though you can still contract and spread COVID-19 after being vaccinated, we’ve heard from our local medical and health staff the infectious period is shorter and it’s less likely you’ll need hospital care. Currently in Ontario, more than 90% of people in hospital with COVID-19 are unvaccinated or have an unknown vaccination status.
“The City of Burlington is committed to the health and safety of its staff and visitors from the public who may interact with staff. The City will also be looking at a public policy that will come to Committee and Council in September – I look forward to that discussion with my Council colleagues and hearing from the community.”
 City manager, Tim Commisso
City manager, Tim Commisso has had staff develop a policy that will go to Council September 9th. “Our number one goal throughout this pandemic” said Commisso “has been and continues to be focused on keeping all Burlington staff and residents safe while working to stop the spread of COVID-19. Bringing in a vaccination policy for our staff is another step we have taken to meet that goal.
He added: “The City will comply with its human rights and privacy obligations and accommodate employees who are legally entitled to accommodation, while protecting staff. I want to thank our staff for continuing to provide the valued City services to our residents during these trying times.”
By Staff
July 14th, 2021

People can prove they are fully immunized by showing the physical or emailed receipt that was provided to them at the time of vaccination.
Vaccination receipts can also be downloaded or printed through the provincial portal.
By Staff
May 31st, 2021
The Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) is doing work on North Shore Boulevard East, between QEW Toronto and QEW Niagara on-ramps
All lanes will be closed except for one lane in this section of North Shore Boulevard
Tuesday, June 1 to Friday, June 4, 2021
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
MTO Traffic Control personnel will maintain two-way traffic and provide priority right-of-way for emergency vehicles when needed.
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