By Pepper Parr
February 25th, 2018
So – who was in the room?
The meeting was intended as a Candidates Workshop sponsored by ECoB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington.
There were prospective candidates from wards 2, 3, 4, a possible for 5 and 6
 Carol Gottlob
Carol Gottlob, the ward 4 potential had run before and did exceptionally well for a campaign that was very short on boots on the ground and just as short on the financial support side. To win she would have to work at knocking on doors full time and her job as a teacher limits what she can do until school is out. A credible candidate who sits on the BurlingtonGreen board.
 Rory Nisan
Rory Nisan, expected to declare publicly very soon. His campaign manager was handing out business cards.
Gareth Williams, a former chair of the Burlington Sustainability advisory committee and a prospective ward 3 candidate was there. He is said to have a campaign team waiting in the wings; Williams is also said to be close to the Mayor.
 Gareth Williams
Lisa Copper and Jeff Brooks, 2014 candidate for ward 3 were scooting about.
Greg Woodruff was in the room – a ward 1 resident who wants to leap frog being a city council member and grab the brass ring – which most of us call the Chain of Office. Woodruff ran for Regional Chair in 2014 – his 5812 votes then are, in his mind, high enough to propel him to the Mayor’s seat.
There were no council members in the room but the Manager of the Mayor’s re-election campaign manager David Vandenberg was there. He is close to Mike Quackenbush who is also a ward 3 hopeful.
 Could three of the people in that center row end up sitting at the horseshoe in the city council chamber? Williams, Fiorito and Gottlob would be a change. Standing in the background on the left is David Vanderberg, the manager of the Mayors re-election team.
Vince Fiorito is thinking about running in ward 5 but has to get his run for the Burlington seat as a Green candidate in the provincial election behind him. Fiorito is a very strong environmentalist who thinks that he will gain enough in the way of profile during the provincial election to give him something in the way of an edge when he files nomination papers for the ward 5 city council seat where he would run against Paul Sharman.
Ken White hasn’t formally announced – he has been working diligently to ensure that the ward doesn’t have 10 candidates running for the council sear. White had a former city planner with him at the ECoB workshop might be a conflict there.
Michael Jones stood up and told the room that he would run for the ward 2 seat just as soon as Meed Ward announces she is running for Mayor. There are two other probable candidates for the ward 2 seat. Leah Reynolds is believed to be Meed Ward’s choice. Given the role she played in ensuring the Central high school remained open she could be a shoo-in but another female candidate with a much stronger pedigree could snatch the prize from Reynolds. Meed Ward has said she is aware of a candidate that would serve the ward very well.
 The ladies that made the meeting happen: From the left Dania Thurman. Lisa Kearns and Penny Hersh. Is there a candidate amongst the three?
The ECoB Candidate Workshop drew a young crowd which is really healthy; they were given a solid grounding of the election rules by Elaine O’Brien that apply to municipal elections which are set out by the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
A firm understanding of those rules is vital. The audience was told that candidates need a campaign manager, they need someone to handle the financial affairs of the campaign and they need a disciplined approach to winning.
The outline that was handed out to anyone interested in running for office is on the ECoB web site.
Peter Thoem, a single Councillor for ward 2 was pretty direct in his comments. “You will have status” he said. “People will respect you and you will have a mountain of paper work in front of you.” Thoem told the audience that on many occasions he had just a couple of days to read complex material and arrive at an understanding.
Thoem made the most important point of the meeting: It is a people business he said; if you don’t like and genuinely care about people – you shouldn’t be in politics.
One has to wonder if anyone delivered this message to the current council.
 Former candidates that have won and and have lost gave the audience some of the best advice they are ever going to get. How much of it did they hear? From the left: Mark Carr, Diane Leblovic and Peter Thoem.
During the Q&A part of the meeting Mark Carr, who was defeated by Blair Lancaster in 2010, told the audience that the staff at city hall “are not your friends – they are accountable to you”.
Did the audience listen and were the speakers heard?
Hard to tell – some of the candidates are very well organized and have the discipline that is needed. Are any of them out knocking on doors? Didn’t look that way.
Has every prospective candidate picked up a copy of the two budget books from city hall and spent the hours needed to make sense of the document? Do they understand how municipal finances work – that cities cannot run deficits and that there are millions tucked away in reserve funds that the city can dip into.
Have any of those candidates mapped out their door knocking schedule – have they figured out where the incumbent is weak and how they can lay claim to those voters?
 Identifying the vote and getting it out on Election Day.
Diane Leblovic, a former school board trustee, was pretty direct – “identify your supporters and make sure they vote on Election Day. Offer them a ride if that is what it takes.”
I had breakfast with a man who expects he will run in the election – and asked him if he had a map of the ward and if he had figured out how many doors he could knock on in a day. If he took the number of streets and estimated the number of houses and multiplied the two then divided that by the number of days he could campaign, he would have some idea of what he was up against.
He gulped, then paid for the breakfast.
The 2014 election results.
By Pepper Parr
February 24th, 2018
There will be delegations during the Tuesday February 27th Statutory Meeting on the draft Official Plan that the Planning department would like to see “adopted” at a council committee April 4 and then made real at a city Council meeting on April 27th – after which the then Burlington approved city plan goes to the Region for approval.
Burlington, like Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills are part of the Regional government where their official plans have to be approved to ensure they fit the Regional Official Plan.
 Regional Councillors
Traditionally Official Plans from the municipalities go to the Clerk of the Region who passes them along to Regional Planning department that produces a report that gets sent to the appropriate Regional Standing Committee.
The Regional Standing Committee debates the report and sends it along to the Regional Council where it is debated – changes can be made – and eventually voted on by the Regional Council.
Once that vote takes place the Burlington Official Plan is seen as valid and the Burlington can make it effective from that point forward.
The problem – and there is a problem – which is that the Standing Committees are not going to be meeting during the months of April, May and June; in July they move to a vacation schedule and are not likely to get much done before the October municipal election which applies to the Region as well.
The demand from people who are opposed to both the content of the Official Plan and the pace at which it is being pushed forward want it made an election issue in October appear to have made their point.
The Burlington official plan that is in draft form would appear to have little chance of being cleared by the Region before the municipal election.
 Deputy city manger Marylou Tanner during a Cogeco TV broadcast.
The argument coming from the Planning department and the city manager that it will take even longer for the plan to get approval if it has to wait after the election because there might be new members of council that will have to get brought up to speed on the content of the plan is specious at best.
Anyone running for city council in Burlington will be very much up to date on the contents of the draft official plan – if they aren’t they shouldn’t be running for office.
The Gazette learned of the changes in the Regional meeting schedule during a meeting ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward had with members of the Seniors’ Centre.
By Staff
February 24, 2018
Conservation Halton advises that the weather office is forecasting upwards of 15 mm of precipitation starting overnight with an additional 5 mm possible on Sunday.
Based on the forecasted rainfall, increased flows and water levels in our creeks throughout Halton will remain higher than normal for the next several days. In addition, remaining ice may contribute to blockages at bridges and culverts and produce localized flooding concerns in low lying areas.
Widespread flooding is not currently anticipated. Our reservoirs are currently holding water above their normal operating and will continue to release water over the next week as they are brought back within regular operating levels for this time of year.
Conservation Halton is asking all residents and children to keep a safe distance from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Conservation Halton will continue to monitor stream and weather conditions and will issue an update to this Watershed Condition Statement –Water Safety message as conditions warrant.
This Watershed Condition Statement will be in effect through Wednesday February 28th, 2018.
By Pepper Parr
February 24th, 2018
 Stephen White
Steven White, a ward 5 resident, stood at the ECoB Candidate Workshop Thursday evening and asked if some time could be found for the prospective candidates in the different wards to get together and work through their differences.
White said that the prospective candidates could look at their individual strengths and determine which candidate had the best chance of taking the council seat away from the incumbent.
Ward 3 is one of those classic situations where there are, at this point in time, five prospective candidates plus John Taylor the incumbent.
Two of the five, ran in the 2014 election. Lisa Cooper is in the race for the third or fourth time and has some name recognition; not much more than that. However she did take almost 26% of the vote.
Jeff Brooks was in the race for the first time in 2014. He never fully understood just what the job was but he did take 15% of the vote.
 Rory Nisan
 Gareth Williams
The other three are all young. Two, Rory Nisan and Gareth Williams would make good members of Council.
Both have accomplished much at this point in their lives.
 Mike Quackenbush
The third Quackenbush is likeable enough but probably not up to the rigorous demands of a city councillor.
John Taylor, the incumbent has served the city well for the more than 25 years he has been a member of Council. He is the Dean of a city council that has frequently treated Taylor rather shabbily. The ravages of time have caught up with Taylor and there are parts of the job he is no longer able to do.
Actors, politicians and the sports community look for that time when they are at the top of their game and find an opportunity to leave the stage. There is an opportunity for Taylor to look at the five prospective candidates and sign the nomination papers for one of them and then work closely with that person during their first two years on office.
The room at the Tansley Woods Community Centre was made up of people who wanted to get elected along with their supporters and those who had been elected and believed change was needed at city hall; they had the experience to tell prospective candidates what they had to do to win. The message was simple – get out there and knock on doors, identify your support and the get out the vote on Election Day.
Other than talking amongst their supporters we doubt that any of the candidates have been out on the streets of their community knocking on doors and looking for support.
 Mark Carr, Diane Leblovic and Peter Thoem had some solid advice for prospective candidates. Were they listened to?
During the two hour ECoB sponsored Candidate Workshop seasoned and weathered politicians Mark Carr andDiane Leblovic laid it out pretty clearly – determine which of the prospective candidates has the best chance of winning and put your energy behind that candidate.
Peter Thoem, a one term member of council for ward 2, explained to prospective candidates that the job is a lot harder than they imagine. “The number of reports you will be given are complex and you don’t have anywhere near the time to read and absorb the documents, form an opinion and get input from the people you represent” he said.
 Lisa Kearns
Lisa Kearns, part of the ECoB leadership team, told the prospective candidates that one of the things they could do as members of council was change the way information gets to them.
Narrowing the field in ward 3 to a single candidate who can take on the incumbent will call for a selfless act on the part of four of the five names out there now. It takes depth of character and the strength to put the community before oneself.
Related news story:
Who got the votes in the 2014 election.
By Staff
February 23rd, 2018
A Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) officer is facing charges related to the alleged fraudulent use of a service-issued gas card.
On February 23, 2018, Michael KELLAS (29) was arrested and charged with 13 counts of Fraud Under $5,000, and was released on a promise to appear and an undertaking.
Kellas was previously arrested on February 13, 2018 and charged with Theft of Credit Card, Possession/Use of Stolen Credit Card, and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000.
“An investigation has revealed that there are reasonable grounds to believe Kellas utilized his service-issued gas card, while off-duty, on 13 separate occasions for his own personal benefit,” said Detective Sergeant Dave Costantini of the Halton Regional Police Service One District Criminal Investigations Bureau. “Gas cards are issued to members of the HRPS only for the purpose of fuelling service vehicles.”
Anyone who may have additional information concerning this ongoing investigation can contact Detective Sergeant Dave Costantini at 905-825-4747 ext: 2415.
Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222- 477 (TIPS) or through the web at
Please be reminded that all persons charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
By Ray Rivers
February 23rd, 2018
Come next year’s federal election Mr. Trudeau will be making a list of promises. Top of that list should be never taking another family holiday outside of Canada.
 The Trudeau family in India.
Oh sure, he is just doing what his father did, hauling the wife and kids along to see the sights, mixing with the locals and appropriating their traditional wear. It’s the classic Canadian charm offensive.
But the PM’s trip to India became way too offensive when he inadvertently brought along a convicted Sikh terrorist to an official function. Hello, how on earth could this character evade the PM’s security detail and end up in a photo-op with the PM’s wife? And what is it with this Sikh thing.
 Jaspal Atwal was convicted of attempting to murder Malkiat Singh Sidhu three decades ago. Here he is shown with the Prime Minister’s wife, Sophie Gregoire while on a tour in India.
Sikhs make up a solid political block in places like Surrey B.C. and Brampton. But we are all Canadians first, something the PM and the novice NDP leader, Jagmeet Singh need to remember as they watch over all these potential multi-cultural divides. Singh has been known to waffle on the Air India bombing (a couple of decades ago) and Sikh terrorism generally.
And all politicians need to take a deep breath before musing on the recent decision of the Quebec court of appeal to uphold the ban on Sikh ceremonial daggers (Kirpans). As in everything, there are limits to what can be stuffed under the umbrella of religious freedom. One only has to look south of the border where the NRA (National Rifle Association) is preaching that ownership of assault rifles is now God’s will, and
The PM did get to announce a billion dollar trade deal and did finally have an official meeting with the Indian PM, which apparently went well. But this was anything but the well organized state-to-state courtship it was intended to be with the world’s fourth largest economy and largest democracy. Nobody was singing ‘When Irish Eyes are Smiling’. Unlike his ill-conceived trip to visit the Aga Khan a Christmas ago, at least there were no major personal conflicts.
But somebody needs to figure out why one of his MP’s would set him up by inviting along a former terrorist, and how this character actually got through Indian immigration in the first place. And the PM would do well to ensure his official travel is more necessary than just nice. Most pundits are still wondering why Trudeau took that trip at all and whether he was even invited.
And it’s not that his presence wasn’t requested back home as Alberta and B.C. went at it over oil and wine. B.C.’s new premier Horgan, governing with an NDP/Green Party coalition sparked the conflict with his eastern neighbour. Obviously he was getting grief from the Greens for approving the environmentally destructive Site C massive hydro project, opposed by farmers, indigenous communities and the usual crowd of environmentalists.
So to appease his coaltion partner, Horgan announced he was going to slow down or stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline which Alberta desperately needs to keep its oil sands operations competitive, and to get the product to markets. Alberta’s premier Notley then took on her fellow NDP’er by banning BC wine in her province.
 When my oil goes THAT way – your wine can come THIS way. Rachel Notley, Premier of Alberta.
And in a most ironic moment for both of these governments, Notley also cancelled a power purchase agreement from B.C.’s Site C which would have helped Alberta get off coal-fired electricity. That was a key component of helping the province meet its carbon emissions targets – something very near and dear to every Green Party member’s heart, and the key to winning federal approval for the pipeline in the first place.
Make no mistake that this was pure politics on the part of the new B.C. premier. He might have been hoping that by showing strength he’d win a timely by-election to replace former premier Clark – which he didn’t. Though nothing raises a political leader’s poll count better that going to war; even if it’s only a war over oil and wine. And then there was this thing about mollifying his Green Party partner and keeping the coalition together.
But everyone knows that the inter-provincial pipelines fall largely under federal jurisdiction and the feds had already green-lit Kinder Morgan. And that was Notley’s point as she pleaded for the PM to shut down Horgan. Perhaps he was too busy picking his wardrobe for the India visit but he had little to say about the matter – other than the obvious.
Alberta is the biggest export market for B.C. wines, and Albertans love their wines. So it didn’t take much for Notley to drop the ban and let the wine flow once Horgan announced he was not going to shut down Kinder Morgan. Rather he was going to ask the courts about the limits of his authority. A case of much-ado-about-nothing in the end, though Notley comes out a hero and Albertans get to savour their favourite wines again.
It is pure speculation whether this issue would have been better solved had the PM barged in and demanded Horgan put his guns back in their holsters. In hindsight, whether intentional or not, Trudeau’s calm and low profile approach – letting the situation evolve pretty much on its own or behind the scenes with his officials – was the best thing he could have done. And that also makes him a winner in this. Now about that trip to India?
Ray Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington. He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject. Tweet @rayzrivers
Background links:
India Trip – Kirpans – Jagmeet –
NRA and God – Blessing the AR-15 – B.C. Challenges –
B.C. Wine – Site C – Pipeline Tensions –
A Way Forward – Test for Trudeau –
By Staff
February 23rd, 2018
This story has been updated.
One wonders why some people do really stupid things.
The Tyandaga Environmental Coalition has a sign they ask people to put put on their lawns to show their support for the effort being made to curtail the mining for shale going on at the Meridian Brick works on King Road.
Later in this saga:
HRPS Officer Kevin met with the registered owner of the car; a woman in her 70’s. “Apparently there have been some issues with this woman before”.
The owner of the car lives in the condo community.
The woman apparently decided the sign was not allowed and, with no information to that effect, and took matters into her own hands and illegally removed the lawn sign.
Officer Ken explained to the 70 year old that there are correct ways of doing things, and ways that are not correct. The woman has apologized, and the sign has been returned and is once more posted outside the townhouse.
 The TEC protest is about an expansion the Meridian Brick people want to do on their quarry property.
It is a complex issue. The Gazette has written on what the TEC people are trying to do.
A Burlington resident reports that her daughter in law saw a woman on her lawn removing the TEC sign as she drove her six year old daughter home from school.
The woman removing the sign ran to her car and drove off.
The daughter in law did not feel she could give pursuit with her little girl in the car.
What the daughter in law was able to do was get the make, colour and license plate of the car.
Anyone know who drives a Light grey/ silver Hyandai with license number BMSC491
By Staff
February 22, 2018
Earlier this week a very pregnant Karina Gould stood before an audience and talked about the cost of an education and how the government was going to help.
 Karina Gould: “I will be working until the day I go into labour”.
A few days prior Gould told a CBC reporter that she would be “working until she goes into labour” and returning to the House of Commons as soon as possible.
Expect to see her in the House with the child snuggling up against her chest – perhaps even being fed. The country has never seen anything like this before.
Gould, the youngest female Cabinet minister in the country’s history, is not only doing her job as Minister of Democratic Institutions – she is alto filling in for her colleagues – she has delivered statement for two ministers recently.
Gould told the audience at The Centre for Skills Training and Development in Burlington that when “more people can afford post-secondary education, our economy can grow and our middle class can thrive. That is why the Government of Canada is helping more low- and middle-income families save money for their children’s post-secondary education through the Canada Learning Bond.”
That bond can provide as much as $2,000 that gets put into a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) for children from low‑income families, with no personal contribution required. This includes $500 for the first year of eligibility and $100 each following year, until the calendar year they turn 15.
The federal government has reallocated $12.5 million over six years, starting in 2017–18, from Employment and Social Development Canada’s existing resources to launch a pilot project. The pilot project will explore new ways to increase awareness and access to the Canada Learning Bond.
Budget 2017 approved amendments to the Canada Education Savings Act to allow the cohabiting spouse or common-law partner of the primary caregiver to request the Canada Learning Bond and the Additional Canada Education Savings Grant on behalf of an eligible child. This change will simplify the application process, ensuring that more children who are eligible for these benefits receive the support they need to help pursue post-secondary education.
 Lisa Rizzato, Chief Administrative Officer, The Centre for Skills Development & Training
Lisa Rizzato, Chief Administrative Officer, The Centre for Skills Development & Training told the audience that: “Funds from the Canada Learning Bond can be used by young students for future expenses related to their studies including trades schools and apprenticeship programs such as those offered in the Centre’s skilled trades pre-apprenticeship programs.
Support for young people, whether they are studying or working, would not be possible without our local representatives in parliament and federal government, and we’re proud to work with them to improve the lives of citizens in our community.”
While take-up of the Canada Learning Bond has steadily increased from 0.2 percent in 2005 to 34.7 percent in 2016, two thirds of eligible children are not yet receiving this education savings incentive, representing approximately 1.8 million children across Canada.
By Staff
February 22, 2018
A call – it was actually more like a plea, from Trevor Copp more than five years ago for changes in the way culture seen as part of the fabric of the city and the way it was funded has developed some roots.
 Trevor Copp
ACCOB, – Arts & Culture Council of Burlington, was formed, studies were done on what the public wanted in the way of culture and how that public was interacting with the cultural offering.
ACCOB was able to get the city to put real dollars on the table and to convince the city that ACCOB would play a significant role in how some of the public money was used.
The latest plus was the announcement that the Burlington Performing Arts Centre (BPAC) and ACCOB have formed the BPAC / ACCOB Community Studio Theatre Initiative – a new funding opportunity for community artists and arts & culture organizations to help offset the costs associated with renting The Centre’s Community Studio Theatre.
 Part of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre’s annual Festival of Trees.
Funds for this new initiative are raised through The Burlington Performing Arts Centre’s annual Festival of Trees, the first of which took place in November and December 2017. Funds raised will be used to cover the base rent of the BPAC Community Studio Theatre for 4 days in 2018.
Interested artists, arts organizations, and cultural organizations are invited to submit applications on or before Saturday, March 31 at 11:59pm to They applications must meet the following requirements:
• Applicants must be members of the ACCOB ($25 annual membership fee) at the time of submitting their application. Visit for more information
• Applicants may be individual artists OR a collective / arts & culture organization
• Applicants must be from Burlington or the Burlington area, which for the purposes of this funding program encompasses Halton Region and the Hamilton-Wentworth Region
• Applicants must submit a maximum 500 word document outlining WHO they are; WHAT they want to do (artistic scope of the project); WHEN they would like to do it and WHY they are deserved of the funding
• Priority will be given to applicants who have not had the opportunity or means to rent the Community Studio Theatre in the past
The ACCOB Board of Directors will adjudicate the applications and contact those chosen to be the recipients of the funding. Successful applicants will be contacted no later than Monday, April 16, 2018.
By Pepper Parr
February 22nd, 2018
The decision to turn what has been a location where buses came in, picked up passengers and moved on serving as a transfer station turned into a mobility hub has confused many, particularly in the downtown core.
Most people see the small terminal on John Street as not much more than a bus station.
 At one point the city considered closing the terminal – now it is going to be upgraded to a Anchor level mobility hub.
Turns out that there has been a lot of thinking taking place that since well before 2014 when the Provincial Policy Statement was revised.
 Lisa Kierns – part of the ECoB team
Paul Brophy, Gary Scobie, Brian Jones, Elaine O’Brien, Brian Aasgaard, Lisa Kearns, Michael Hriblijan, My Dang, Deby Morrison and Nancy Cunningham delegated on the issue at recent city hall meetings
 Gary Scobie
The issue for the delegations was that the bus terminal on John Street does not make the Downtown a Mobility Hub and that the Downtown area isn’t a Mobility Hub. The delegations wanted to know how the downtown got designated as an Urban Growth Centre?
The planning department provided the following response. It is included in the background papers that will be put before city council on February 27th.
 The current Urban Growth Centre boundary – a quick look at the map suggests the gerrymandering has been done. Does the public really understand the impact of this boundary?
“ The identification of the Downtown as a Mobility Hub originated in the 2006 Places to Grow document, which identified Downtown Burlington as an Urban Growth Centre (UGC). At the time the Growth Plan was being developed, the Downtown had been the subject of on- going strategic public investments and revitalization efforts by the City, such as Momentum 88 and Superbuild (2001) funding.
“The identification of Downtown Burlington as an Urban Growth Centre as part of the Places to Grow document further supported and built upon these efforts by establishing Downtown as an area for growth and investment that would support the Downtown’s long-term success.
 The GO train system was going to move people efficiently with 15 minute service and be electrified to help out with climate change.
“In 2006, Metrolinx and the Province introduced a Regional Transportation Plan called “The Big Move” for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, which contained action items to develop and implement a multi-modal transportation plan. As part of this, a connected system of mobility hubs throughout the GTHA was envisioned to serve as places where connectivity between different modes of transportation including walking, biking and transit would come together seamlessly and where there is an intensive concentration of living, employment, shopping and/ or recreation.
“In addition to serving as transit hubs, these areas have the potential to become vibrant places of activity and destinations in and of themselves. Mobility Hubs are intended to become locations for major destinations such as office buildings, hospitals, education facilities and government services. Two types of mobility hubs were identified and defined within the Big Move: Anchor Hubs and Gateway Hubs.
“Anchor hubs are defined as those areas that have strategic importance due to their relationship with provincially identified Urban Growth Centres, as set out by the Places to Grow Plan. Downtown Burlington is identified as an Anchor Mobility Hub due to its relationship with the City’s Urban Growth Centre; its potential to attract and accommodate new growth and development; the convergence of multiple local transit routes through the Downtown Bus Terminal; the linkages to GO Transit, the other Mobility Hubs and surrounding municipalities; and its ability to achieve densities that would be supportive of a multi-modal transportation plan.
“At the January 23, 2018 Planning and Development Committee meeting a motion directing staff to work with the province to remove the mobility hub classification for the downtown, and shifting the UGC from downtown to the Burlington GO station failed.”
 Mayor Rick Goldring explaining Intensification – the public was told then that the changes were not going to change the Burlington “we all lived in”. The 23 storey condo city council approved and the 26 storey condo the OMB said could be built xx that belief.
During the lead up to the serious work being done on what started out as a re-write of the Official Plan the Mayor gave several presentations on intensification. His objective at the time was to assure people that the growth that was going to take place would not change the character of the city.
The public was still concerned then – and they are very concerned now.
What has been come increasingly clear is that it is provincial directions – Place to Grow – the Big Move – the Public Policy Statement that was issued in 2014 and revised in 2017 aren’t fully understood or appreciated by the vast majority of the public.
A Provincial Policy Statement is issued under section 3 of the Planning Act. The 2014 Statement became effective April 30, 2014 and applies to planning decisions made on or after that date. It replace the Provincial Policy Statement, 2005.
That 2014 Statement got replaced in 2017.
Much of this happened while the Planning department underwent significant leadership and staff changes.
The public is struggling on several levels: to get their council to be more transparent and to listen to what the public has to say.
The public has yet to hear a believable explanation on why the draft Official Plan adoption cannot be deferred until after the October municipal direction. The argument that it has to be approved now because if it is deferred it might mean that any new Councillors would need six months to gain an understanding of what these complex plans are all about.
The fact is that any plan that gets approved in the near future sits on a shelf until the sometime in 2019 when it gets reviewed by the Regional Planning & Public Works Committee.
The provincial government explains on its web site that “the long-term prosperity and social well-being of Ontario depends upon planning for strong, sustainable and resilient communities for people of all ages, a clean and healthy environment, and a strong and competitive economy.
 The Escarpment defines the city of Burlington. No development except for within the three settlement areas and even there development is very limited.
“Ontario is a vast province with diverse urban, rural and northern communities which may face different challenges related to diversity in population, economic activity, pace of growth and physical and natural conditions. Some areas face challenges related to maintaining population and diversifying their economy, while other areas face challenges related to accommodating and managing the development and population growth which is occurring, while protecting important resources and the quality of the natural environment.
“The Provincial Policy Statement focuses growth and development within urban and rural settlement areas while supporting the viability of rural areas. It recognizes that the wise management of land use change may involve directing, promoting or sustaining development. Land use must be carefully managed to accommodate appropriate development to meet the full range of current and future needs, while achieving efficient development patterns and avoiding significant or sensitive resources and areas which may pose a risk to public health and safety.
 This 26 storey application will be on the south side of the Brant – James intersection.
 This approved development will be on the south side of the Brant James intersection.
“Efficient development patterns optimize the use of land, resources and public investment in infrastructure and public service facilities. These land use patterns promote a mix of housing, including affordable housing, employment, recreation, parks and open spaces, and transportation choices that increase the use of active transportation and transit before other modes of travel.”
Dense stuff, complex stuff that the public is expected to understand while they decide which program they want to register their children in at Parks and Recreation or figure out how to get the permit they need for changes they want to make to their property.
There has to be a better way to comply with the changes the province has mandated.
February 22, 2018
By Pat Shields
The road to the playoffs for the Burlington Cougars got a little bumpy on February 17th when they lost to the Mississauga Chargers. The Cougars were then 5 points behind the 8th place Orangeville Flyers for the final playoff spot with just four games left on the schedule.
It was a tough start for the Cougars who were playing at the Appleby Ice Centre, with the Chargers’ Matthew Brassard finding the back of the net to open the scoring at the 4:10 mark of the first period. Burlington would knot it up before the end of the frame though, with Mitchell Morrison scoring his 14th goal of the season.
Mississauga came out firing in the second period, out shooting the Cougars 13-7 thanks in part to some powerplay opportunities. The Chargers would take the lead at the midway point of the frame as Brandon Yeamans scored his 12th goal of the season.
 The Cougars played hard – handily out shooting the Chargers by a 19-8 margin
The Cougars battled valiantly in the third period, handily outshooting the Chargers by a 19-8 margin and coming close to tying the game. The tying goal turned out to be elusive though, with Burlington failing to find the equalizer and all but shutting the book on their playoff hopes.
Cougars goaltender Justin Richer turned in another impressive performance in the loss, stopping 33 of 35 shots.
The hope for the team to keep its playoff chances alive when the St. Michaels Buzzers come to town for a Family Day matchup.
It didn’t got well enough. Despite a physical effort in Monday’s Family Day game, the Burlington Cougars came up short against the St. Michael’s Buzzers by a score of 3-0 and were eliminated from playoff contention in the process.
Burlington set the tone early playing a physical brand of hockey in the first period, but fell behind in the latter stages of the frame. Buzzers captain Cameron Searles broke the scoreless tie with his 16th goal of the season to give St. Michael’s the lead heading to the first intermission.
 The Cougars were on the wrong side of a number of power plays, the undisciplined play didn’t help
The teams traded chances in the second period and while the Cougars found themselves on the wrong side of a number of power plays, were unscathed by their undisciplined play as the score remained 1-0 for the Buzzers heading to the third period.
With their season on the line the Cougars came out flat in the final frame, surrendering an insurance marker just 8 seconds in, this time with Buzzers Jonah Alexander finding the back of the net.
Burlington would continue its penalty trouble throughout the period, unable to establish much offensive momentum. Alexander would then ice the game with an empty netter with less than two minutes to play.
The Cougars now have just two games remaining in the 2017-18 season.
By Kelly Drennan
February 22, 2018
Kelly Drennan is a graphic designer and emerging visual artist, who has curatorial and sales experience in commercial galleries. She received a BA (Hons) in Studio Art from the University of Toronto Scarborough and a Diploma in Graphic Design from George Brown College. She is a past member of the James North Art Collective, and has exhibited her work in and around Hamilton and Toronto. Kelly is a board member at Hamilton Artists Inc., and manages She works and resides in Hamilton, Ontario.
There is something very James Dean about the work of Julio Ferrer that is on exhibit at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
The exhibit features portraits of all 23 Canadian Prime Ministers
 Hamilton artist Julio Ferrer
Ferrer’s best known work features iconic figures with political narratives in a pop art style. The artist typically outlines his images in black ink and fills in the rest with high-octane colour. His work is graphic, with a comic book/street art edge.
Both a painter and printmaker, Ferrer is so skilled and paints in such a way that it is sometimes difficult to tell which is a painting is and which is the print.
Recently, Ferrer added some much needed colour to Canadian politics. In honour of Canada 150, he was commissioned to paint portraits of Canada’s 23 Prime Ministers… and paint them he did. They are energized and juicy. It can be noted that this is probably the first time Justin Trudeau will have flaming red hair, and Stephen Harper a magenta suit. Titled “Prime Time”, the paintings are currently on display at the AGB.
Born in Cienfuegos, Cuba, Ferrer graduated from the National School of Visual Arts (Havana) and The International People’s College (Denmark). His work has been exhibited Internationally and he has won numerous awards. Ferrer lives in Hamilton, Ontario with his wife and son.
Ferrer said his earliest memories “are from when I was 6 years old. I used to fill notebooks with drawings and was eager to finish one to start another.
“The world around me. The everyday news. The politics. The music; they all inspire my work.”
Everything Ferrer starts in the search for an idea. “Once that idea reveals, I make a doodle to remember it and after a few days if I still consider it is a good idea, I do my sketch and I transfer to canvas. My technique is quite slow. In order to get the flatness of the colours I do several layers of each colour until I think is flat enough. Red takes up to 10 layers. The work with the lines is very precise. The larger the painting the more difficult the lines are but that challenge is what I enjoy the most.”
When painting he uses acrylics and oils; when print making Serigraphy and Monotypes are the mediums.
Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, and Hokusai have been the prime influences.
 Sir John A. MacDonald – the first of the 23 Prime Ministers this country has had.
Ferrer believes the role of an artist is to criticize the bad things that happen in society. Always being smart in the way you project your thoughts and find original ways to reach the people and make them think about any issue that you intend to talk about.
 Seven of the 23 Prime Minister: How many can you name?
Much of Ferrer’s work has been described as tongue in cheek. He responds to that with: “I like the viewer to enjoy not only the quality of my technique but to smile and even laugh with my ideas and to make them think. I find that through humour you can get a unique connection with the viewer. First comes the laugh, then the deep thought.”

By Staff
February 21st, 2018
 Burlington MP Karina Gould – baby due early in March
Burlington’s Member of Parliament and federal Cabinet Minister Karina Gould stood in for the Minister of Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour Patti Hadju yesterday and announced the Canada Learning Bond program that funnels funds into Registered Education Savings Plans (RESP)
The total amount the Government deposits can be up to $2,000. Applying for and receiving the Canada Learning Bond will not affect any other benefits that an eligible child receives.
Through the Canada Learning Bond, the Government will add money to the RESP for an eligible child every year, even if you do not add any money.
An RESP is an education savings account set up with a financial institution like a bank or a credit union, or group plan dealer. The money in the RESP will grow tax free until it can be used for expenses related to their studies in:
Apprenticeship programs
Trade schools; or
The announcement was made at The Centre for Skills Development and Training.
By Staff
February 21st, 2018
There are three things that are distinctly Canadian – hockey, curling and Maple Syrup.
The maple sap is about to flow and Mountsberg and Crawford Lake Conservation Areas are gearing up for the start of the maple harvest. One of the great traditions of springtime in our area is maple syrup season and each year we welcome thousands of visitors to Mountsberg’s Maple Town and Crawford Lake’s Sweet Water Season.
 The sap comes out one drop at a time – and only if the temperature is just right.
Starting this Saturday, February 24 until April 2 (open on weekends, March Break and holidays) Mountsberg Conservation Area welcomes visitors to the working sugar bush at Maple Town and Crawford Lake
Conservation Area presents Sweet Water Season, a celebration of the Indigenous origins of maple sugaring.
Regular park admission fees apply for Maple Town and Sweet Water Season, Halton Parks members only need to show their membership for admission. Best of all, you can visit two parks for the price of one, as admission to one park may be used at any other Conservation Halton park (except Glen Eden) when visiting the same day.
 The sap is distilled from sweet water into a nice thick sweet and sticky treat.
Canada produces approximately 80 per cent of the world’s pure maple syrup. Canada’s maple syrup producing regions are located in the provinces of Quebec (primary producer), Ontario, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. There are more than 10,800 maple syrup farms in Canada with more than 40,000,000 trees, according to the Government of Canada.
Maple Town
The sugar bush at Mountsberg’s Maple Town has been producing maple magic for more than 150 years and educating the public for over 30 years.
The park will tap about 400 trees this spring and the watery sap will be magically transformed into sweet maple syrup in the Sugar Shanty. How will it be served? Over hot pancakes in the Pancake House, of course! Maple candy tasting, guided wagon rides and tours of the sugar bush with Conservation Halton’s knowledgable staff round out the Maple Town experience.
 Served on corn bread – it is close to a delicacy.
Sweet Water Season
The skill of maple sugar making was first learned from First Nations people who have been enjoying the tasty treat for generations. A trip to Crawford Lake will help you step back in time to learn how maple sugar may have been made in an Iroquoian Village over 600 years ago. Sweet Water demonstrations occur at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. and conclude with a tasty morsel of cornbread soaked in maple syrup. Don’t know what type of syrup you enjoy most? Syrup is similar to wine with many distinct flavours! Treat yourself to syrup sampling flights at noon and 2 p.m. Maple taffy on snow will also be available from 11a.m. until 4 p.m. (weekends and March Break) – a truly Canadian delight.
Want to kick your maple experience up a notch? Join us for one of these special events!
• Sugarmaker’s Breakfast: Have you ever wanted to tap a tree and learn how to make syrup at home? Come to the Sugarmaker’s Breakfast at Mountsberg with sittings at 8 or 9 a.m. on February 24 and 25 (pre-registration required).
• A Taste of Maple: Meet Chef Johl Whiteduck Ringuette in the Deer Clan Longhouse and learn about the Indigenous heritage of maple and Indigenous cuisine in the GTA! Chef Johl will be providing tasty samples from his team at NishDish Marketeria. Join us for A Taste of Maple, Sunday, March 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. for $25 (pre-registration required).
By Staff
February 21, 2018
Records were broken yesterday – 15 degrees had the creeks swollen with Spring run-off and the ice on the streets all but gone.
The Lake had all kinds of cold energy stored in the water that contrasted with the seasonally warm air that resulted in mist rising off the lake.
Picture of the day.
 View of the Skyway bridge from outside the Discovery Centre. Entrance to Hamilton harbour completely shrouded in mist.
By Staff
February 20th, 2018
Close the doors – they are coming in the windows.
According to Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward, there are six new development applications in Ward 2 alone.
She has scheduled public meetings for several and expects to hold public meetings for all of them. Outlined below with dates of public meetings, where scheduled, and details about the proposals.
1335-1355 Plains Rd East
The applications propose the redevelopment of the site into nine standard townhouse units along the northern half of the site, 17 back-to-back townhouse units on the southern half of the property and 12 back-to-back townhouse units on the eastern side of the property for a total of 38 units.
The Neighbourhood Meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2018; 7 p.m., The Salvation Army, 2090 Prospect St
Burlington, ON
The planner on the file is: Lola Emberson at: – 905-335-7600, ext. 7427
2082, 2086 and 2090 James St
The redevelopment proposes an 18 storey condominium apartment building consisting of 153 residential units. The 18th floor will consist of the mechanical units and two penthouse suites. The site is approximately 0.23 hectares in size with frontage on James Street and Martha Street
Neighbourhood Meeting is scheduled for March 27, 2018; 7 p.m. – Art Gallery Burlington
The planner on the file is: Lola Emberson at – – 905-335-7600, ext. 7427
409 Brant St.; 444,448 and 450 John St; 2002 and 2012 James St
The purpose of the application is to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to permit a 24 storey building, including 23 stories of residential and a one storey roof top amenity area.
The proposed 24 storey application for south side Brant & James would include:
597 square metres of ground floor commercial and 227 residential units
five (5) levels of underground parking
car access from John Street
commercial units with front windows facing onto Brant Street, James Street and John Street.
Neighbourhood Meeting has yet to be schedules
The planner on the file is: Suzanne McInnes at – 905-335-7600, ext. 7555
Site Address: 2087-2103 Prospect Street
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment to allow for the construction of two blocks of stacked townhouses, each containing 25 rental housing units (50 housing units). The 2 existing fourplex buildings (8 housing units) will be demolished.

The 8 storey apartment building will remain.
Neighbourhood Meeting has yet to be scheduled.
The planner on the file is: Suzanne McInnes at – – 905-335-7600, ext. 7555
2130 and 2136 New Street
Zoning By-law amendment applications to permit six single detached dwellings fronting onto a private condominium road.
Neighbourhood Meeting yet to be scheduled.
The planner on the file is: Melissa Morgan at – Phone: 905-335-7600, ext. 7788
2421 & 2431 New Street
Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments to allow two, joined 11 storey residential buildings. Building One (west side of property) is proposed to be a 223 unit retirement residence.
Building Two (east side of property) is proposed to be a 139 unit residential condominium.
Neighbourhood Meeting has yet to be scheduled.
The planner on the file is: Suzanne McInnes at – 905-335-7600, ext. 7555
By Pepper Parr
February 20, 2018
The Brand – and the marketing of a politician.
My experience with Marianne Meed Ward goes back to the time in 2010 when she was running for the ward 2 council seat.
It was clear to all those at the two campaign meetings I attended that Meed Ward had her eye on the Chain of Office the Mayor wears.
The 2010 election was the occasion for then Mayor Cam Jackson to lose his seat – he served just the one term after leaving provincial politics.
 The community association Meed Ward rode to a city council seat was Save our Waterfront. The 2018 to 2022 will be save the downtown core.
At the meetings I attended SOW, Saving our Waterfront, was the citizens group that Meed Ward rode to city council.
I don’t recall A Better Burlington ever being mentioned, and I am a stickler for details.
Today – Meed Ward is moving away from her Ward 2 Newsletter as the vehicle that will get her that Chain of Office in October.
While she hasn’t declared Marianne will not be ruining for her council seat again.
Today Meed Ward says A Better Burlington began in 2006 after her neighbours said they felt left out of city decisions, learning about them only after they’d been made.
 Meed Ward at her 2014 nomination meeting where she said to those gathered that she did not want just their vote – she wanted their trust.
Meed Ward defines herself as a journalist for 22 years, who came to the conclusion that “I can do something about that” and a website and newsletter were born. “They’ve taken various forms and names over the years, but the intent remains: To let you know what’s happening at City Hall before decisions are made, so you can influence outcomes for A Better Burlington.”
There is a point during an election campaign where sitting members cannot use the facilities and services they can normally use on a daily basis.
Meed Ward is clearly setting up a new brand so that when she is an announced candidate she has the machinery to communicate with anyone and everyone in the city.
 Her message is pretty clear – is it going to be heard city wide?
Meed Ward believes that “The best decisions are made when elected representatives tap the wisdom of our community members, and welcome many different perspectives.”
Her new site will allows residents to comment and debate with each other; the Commenting Guidelines established in 2016 aim to keep debate respectful.
By Pepper Parr
February 20, 2018
Where is ECoB and their plans to appeal the decision to approve that 23 storey at the north east corner of Brant and James opposite city hall? The on across the street from city hall.
The question being asked is: Can council overturn the 5-2 vote on the 23 storey building at 421 Brant, to stop the project?
 Sometime in the year 2020 people will be looking out from those balconies and the Brant Street we know today will be a thing of the past. The tomato processing plant that used to be where the Waterfront hotel is today is also a thing of the past as is the Riviera Motel. The world does move on.
Answer: Technically, the final decision on 421 Brant has not been made; that won’t happen until the amending bylaws come forward for a council vote.
Usually, the bylaws are presented at the same time as the vote on the application, except when community benefits are negotiated. Those are negotiated after council votes on an application, and the benefits come back for final vote alongside the amending bylaw.
Community benefits are being negotiated for this development, because of the increased height/density, the bylaws and community benefits will come back at a future date (likely in the spring) for council vote. That vote will be the final decision on the matter.
When that final vote is taken ECoB then has something they can appeal.
Council could choose at that time NOT to approve the amending bylaws, which would stop the project. That is unlikely but technically possible.
The fact that the final decision on this matter hasn’t yet been made is why in December the Engaged Citizens of Burlington could not file an Ontario Municipal Board appeal of the council “decision” on 421 Brant; a decision hasn’t been made until there is a vote on the bylaws, which hasn’t happened yet. The bylaw vote triggers the appeal period to file an appeal with the OMB (or the new Land Planning Appeals Tribunal).
Reconsideration Motions:
In general terms, council can choose at any time to “reconsider” a vote – (but that doesn’t apply in this case because the final vote hasn’t yet occurred).
A motion to reconsider an item requires a 5-2 vote to get the motion to the floor; and if that passes, a simple 4-3 majority is all that is needed to make a new decision on the item.
Only someone who voted in the affirmative on the original motion can present a motion to reconsider the decision.
 Taylor said he voted for the 23 storeys but was going to ensure that buildings on Lakeshore and Brant didn’t go higher than 17 storeys. The the OMB gives a developer four blocks to the west approval to put up 26 storeys. would that cause Taylor to have another change of heart?
 Councillor Blair Lancaster might get soft and decide that 23 storeys is too much. Unlikely though.
That means one of Councillors Taylor, Craven, Sharman or Lancaster would have to move a motion to reconsider and then five of the seven members would have to vote for that motion.
Looks pretty slim doesn’t it?
And the OMB decision that gave the ADI Development Group the right to put up a 26 story tower just blocks away kind of makes the idea of an appeal questionable.
The matter keeping the development away from city council is determining just what the community benefit are going to be.
Many people wonder just what does a developer have to give the city in the way of community benefits. How is that benefit calculated?
In the planning world the benefit is called an “uplift”
A calculation is done on the increased value of land as a result of a rezoning, the idea being that land zoned at 8 storeys will be worth more than land zoned at 4 storeys.
The land in question is 421, 425, 427, 429, and 431 Brant St. and 2007 to 2015 on James St. Whatever they were worth with a four storey zoning is the base value – what would the properties be worth if zoning were increased to 23 storeys. One of the properties was already zoned at 12 storeys.
 How much are these properties worth with their current zoning and how much would they be worth with the zoning that is being applied for? 50% of the increased value of the land will get paid to the city for community benefits.
Once that increase in value is calculated (called “value uplift), typically the city takes 50% of that, in cash or other benefits, or a combination of the two.
The value that is determined is not related to the number of additional units a developer will be able to create and sell – It is not related to the market value of the additional units that could be built as a result of a rezoning to increase height or density.
It is related to what the increased value of the land becomes – a fine distinction.
That equation will surprise a lot of citizens.
Some of the content in this article was copied from the A Better Burlington website.
By Staff
February 19th, 2019
Update on that confrontation with Regional police that had a male barricade himself in a residence on Colonsay Drive.
What started out as a domestic situation where a male threatened a female in the Town of Milton on February 2018 ended at 5:00 am this morning when the police took the male into custody.
The female was uninjured in the incident that began in Milton where the male left the area in an erratic manner narrowly missing several pedestrians, prior to police attending. The male was located, alone, at his residence in the City of Burlington.
When officers approached the male in his driveway, the male threatened the officer and retreated into his home. No other persons were in the home at the time. Tactical Officers were deployed to the area and remained there with negotiators from 10pm yesterday until 5am this morning.
Police are still investigating the scene but the male has been arrested and will attend bail court on the 20th day of February 2018.
Accused: David LANE 52 years of age of the City of Burlington
Alleged Offences: Two counts of utter threats, one count of Dangerous Driving, one count of weapons dangerous and one count of weapons: possession contrary to prohibited order.
Original news story:
By Staff
February 19th, 2018
On the world of the scam artists this is a pretty dismal effort at identity theft.
Get used to this stuff; there are enough suckers out there to let their greed and gullibility get the best of them.
You don’t need to be one of them.
 Once the Identity thieves have some basic information they can pick through what they have and build a profile that will eventually get them to sensitive financial data.
The sender wasn’t the TD Canada Trust. It came from somewhere within Brazil; that is what the .br tells you..
TD Canada Trust
 The face you think you see – the email address you think you see – may not be coming from the people you think it is coming from. Watch carefully every time.
The rest of it is all crap – EXCEPT for that – Click Here to Resolve. That is a rabbit hole you do not want to go down.
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They want you to go to that Click here line.