By Staff
August 14th, 2017
Blathwayte Lane will be closed
Monday, Aug. 14 to Friday Aug. 18, 2017
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily
Hydro duct is being installed on Elgin Street.
By Staff August 14th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
For Leslie Gray it was a little like herding cats – some twenty of them. The kids rehearsing Annie Jr at the Drury Lane Theatre were learning the positions they were expected to be in on the stage. Like any director Gray would make a change – which proved to be a little challenging for some of the chorus line. “Down stage – now upstage and then move sideways and keep your legs up. Remember your positions” – they were getting. This was a summer boot camp for kids who would perform in a real theatre at the end of it all. It was put on by KooGle Theatre, the husband and wife team of Leslie and Christopher Gray who have in the past mounted some very entertaining performances at the Performing Arts Centre. It is not easy to make light summer fare work in Burlington. It is a market that has to be developed. This summer Koogle decided to do Annie Jr, an abridged version of Annie the popular Broadway production geared down to a summer production that was open to anyone. There will be some 40 young people on the stage at one time or another. The production was coming together for its three performance run – Matinee and evening on Saturday the 19th and a Matinee on the Sunday. There are about 50 tickets left – both Saturday performances are sold out. That isn’t something that happens very often with community theatre. The KooGle team of Leslie and Christopher Gray were familiar with the format they chose to use this year – a boot camp that had the participants taking part in intensive workouts for a number of weeks. During the workouts Leslie and her script assistant Melanie Arsenault and co-director Carla Pantalone had a pretty good idea of what they had in the way of talent and built their show around what they had. The talent levels did vary – and some of the kids were close to shameless as they mugged for the camera. There were far more boys than girls – all were wonderfully polite and there was basically no attitude from any of the performers. There will be those in the “chorus line” that will lose their place on the stage – memorable moments. The full production will be fun for the kids and for the parents and the grandparents that buy tickets. At $10 a pop it is real value. By Staff August 14, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
One of the beautiful things about sports is the way things can turn on the kicking of a ball, the passing of a piece of pigskin, the shooting of a puck or the crack of a bat. And it was the crack of a bat that brought about a stunning 5-4 Brantford win over the Toronto Maple Leafs Sunday afternoon in Game 7 of the quarter-final. Brantford will now face the Barrie Baycats in the semi-final starting Tuesday. The Baycats lost just two games in the series – and those were to the Toronto Maple Leafs. With the Leafs out of the playoff series the Brantford Red Sox face a team they were never able to beat during the regular season. The Red Sox win stunned the league with their game 7 comeback over the Leafs – the only team that managed to defeat the Barrie Baycats. While the Brantford team battles it out with the league leading Barrie Baycats the Kitchener Panthers’ will take on the London Majors. It has been an exciting series of baseball games for the league. The Burlington Herd were taken out of the playoffs when Hamilton defeated then 4 – 1 in the seven game quarter finals. By Staff August 14, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
As obvious as this might sound it is the people in a community that are the building blocks that growth, change and acceptance are built upon. Building relations with people of different faiths and beliefs is the goal of Burlington’s first inter-faith multicultural festival to be held Saturday, August 19 at Central Park Bandshell from noon to 4 p.m. Through foods from different cultures, dance, games, singing and entertainment, the festival will offer Burlington and area residents the opportunity to meet people who practice different faiths while learning their customs and beliefs. “Among faith leaders in our community this dialogue is already there. This festival is being held to widen this discussion to the broader community,” said Abdullah Hatia, Imam for the Halton Mosque. Rev. Stuart Pike, Rector at St. Luke’s Anglican Church, agrees, calling the festival a “breaking-the-ice celebration.” There will be no preaching at this informal, fun-filled event which will run from noon to 4 p.m. on New Street at Drury Lane. In the event of rain, the festival will move inside Central Arena. A broad cross section of faiths as well as community groups will be represented. The One Burlington Festival builds on the candlelight vigil organized by Rory Nisan last February at Burlington’s City Hall the day after the Quebec City Mosque shooting to mourn the victims and demonstrate solidarity in Burlington and Halton. “Multiculturalism, inclusion and interfaith understanding cannot be taken for granted. We have to nurture them as one community,” said Nisan. “The key concept (of the inter-faith festival) is that all faiths are responsible for the dignity of the other,” added Pike. Hatia added that its central message is to celebrate our differences. “Isn’t it cool that we live in Canada and we’ve got this rich diversity to celebrate in culture and the arts.” Hatia has personally experienced the richness of this diversity through his friendship with Rev. Dr. Orville James, Minister of Wellington Square United Church. They first met a few years ago after Hatia spoke at the YMCA’s Peace Medal Breakfast. Their friendship blossomed as they worked to resettle Syrian refugees into Burlington. Since then, each has come to personally know other members of their individual faiths. “It’s a beautiful thing,” Hatia said. “Sometimes, over coffee, we have deep discussions, with respect and the goal of understanding one another’s beliefs. To get to that point, you have to have a lot of trust. It is a close relationship. This is also the goal of the inter-faith festival. It is just the beginning of people getting to know one another.” Rory Nisan, Lead Organizer for the One Burlington Festival can be reached at: 905-464-7195, By Staff August 14th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
They take to the grass this evening at 7:00 pm for the second season of Shakespeare at the RBG Rock. Trevor Copp has done a remarkable piece of work with the Merchant of Venice and his cast of nine. Copp sets out the story line. Money: Portia has it. Bassanio wants it. Shylock lends it. Antonio owes it. And it will cost him dearly. Dark in its humour and bawdy in its romantic hijinks, The Merchant Of Venice takes audiences on a journey of love, mercy and (in)justice. And for the second consecutive year, Trevor Copp will direct the production; Copp is the founder and Artistic Director of the Tottering Biped Theatre. Last year, their first at the Rock Garden they brought in more than 2000 people to watch A Midsummer’s Night Dream. It was a bold venture and it took courage on the part of the Royal Botanical Gardens administration to make the space available to Copp. It turned out to be a really wise move – the Burlington Hamilton markets might well be on the way to becoming the place where a director has the opportunity to produce a program that is vivid and entertaining. There is an intimacy to the space used at the RBG Rock – well worth attending. Opening night is this evening – the play will run August 14th to 18th ; 21st to 25th; the 28th and September 1st. There are no Saturday shows. Tickets are available on line. By Pepper Parr August 12th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
Rain threatened so they moved the event from the patio to the expansive space indoors where the sound was just fine and the audience happy and dry. The third annual Jazz on the Patio was about to begin. Jane Bunnett brought her exquisite all-female sextet: Maqueque and their soul of Cuba sound to the stage. They were the first night performers of the very successful Jazz on the Patio series that the Performing Arts puts on each August. This is the third year and it worked wonderfully. Four performances being done by four different female groups chosen by Brian McCurdy – who should be referred to as the Executive Director Emeritus of the Performing Arts Centre, has produced a sterling program. He ran a superb program when he was the full time Executive Director and left a SOLD OUT performance for the woman that replaced him when he decided to try retirement – only to have to return to the job when she proved to be less than was expected. Tammy Fox was brought in to run the place – she wasn’t at the Jazz event on Friday so we didn’t get to meet her but we have heard nothing but good things about the woman who has an impressive resume. The problem with the Executive Directors at the Centre is that they seem to have trouble lasting beyond their sophomore year was the way one wag put it. The really solid programs have been put in place by McCurdy – who was on hand to watch the event Friday evening. The Jazz program is the best of that music form one is going to hear in this city. Take in the show – it is a free program – where you will hear some of the smartest and sweetest sounds that will float from the stage. In terms of numbers – the Performing Arts staff had nothing to complain about – there were a couple of places where you could find a seat but not many. The problem was with the demo-graphics. The down-town crowd have made the Performing Arts Centre their turf and they are a loyal audience. The younger crowd – the people who are the future of the Centre, just weren’t in the audience. The Gazette was told that the marketing people distributed flyers, advertised in local markets including Hamilton and Oakville and had post cards delivered to homes in the Burlington market. Something isn’t working – the room was full –and there is nothing wrong with the seniors and the in the process of becoming a senior market. But the purpose of the Centre is to include a wider demographic. Whatever the magic is to attract those younger couples – the marketing people haven’t found it yet – and it certainly isn’t because they aren’t trying. The program content for this Jazz on the Patio series is as good as it gets – equals anything you will hear at the bigger city locales. The classically trained Cuban violinist was superb. Those Cubans certainly know how to move on a stage. There were times when she was as aggressive with her bow as Ashley Macisaac has been on occasions. It was just plain fine music in a great locale – take it in if you are downtown – performance in the afternoon and the evening on Saturday and on Sunday afternoon. Jazz on the Patio at the Performing Arts Centre – program line up. By Pepper Parr August 11, 2107 BURLINGTON, ON
When West Haven Drive resident Heather Laurie saw the letter in her mail box telling her that a quarry was going to go operational just over 100 yards from her back yard she made a point of meeting her neighbours – quickly. The letter was notice of a meeting that Heather was not going to miss. The company, Meridian Brick, was the corporate entity that came out of an amalgamation of a number of brick manufacturing operations. Brick manufacturing has been an industry in Aldershot for close to 100 years which wasn’t something the people on Westhaven Drive knew much about. Turned out that the brick plant had three different quarries in the same area which are referred to as the west cell, central cell and the east cell. Meridian was telling the community that they wanted to begin the process of preparing to mine Queenston shale from the east cell. That preparation would mean cutting down 9000 mature trees and operating heavy equipment yards away from the homes on the west side of Westhaven Drive. When the residents went to their ward councillor and the Mayor asking for some help to prevent the cutting down of those 9000 trees and keeping the noise, the silica dust out of their lives, they were told that the company had a license to do what they were proposing. Nothing the politicians could do about the problem the residents believed they had. According to the residents, the MPP wasn’t much help either. The noise and the silica dust were just starting issues – there was the matter of property values on a street where home re-sale prices ranged from $795,000 to $2.2 million. Heather’s initiative brought the neighbours together which resulted in the creation of TEC – Tyendaga Environmental Coalition – a non-profit the community created after local fund raising put money into a bank account to cover the cost of incorporating and hiring professional help. The hand-delivered letter from Meridian to the Westhaven Dr. residents (WHD) mentioned their intent to expand their quarry to the east cell and announced a September, 2015 date for a WHD Community Meeting in order to present their plans and provide a Q and A forum. About 60 WHD residents found themselves facing 10 Meridian employees; most were operations personnel. During that 2015 presentation residents learned a little about the corporate history, 1929 – Quarry owned and operated by National Sewer Pipe Sometime in 2010 a number of brick manufacturing operations were merged to create Meridian Brick who are now the operators of the brick manufacturing plant and the quarries in north Aldershot and the one on Dundas west of Tremaine. Ward 1 city Councillor Rick Craven told the residents that Meridian Brick had a license to operate a quarry : “..they showed us documents …” he is reported to have said. Meridian had taken the position that they wanted to be “Good Neighbors”; they even have a handbook setting out what they were setting out to do. That 2015 meeting was attended by Donna Kell (City Burlington, Manager communications) , Lisa Steen (City of Burlington, Planning) and Thomas Douglas (City of Burlington Planning). This was the meeting at which Councillor Craven told the residents – “They have the license folks there is nothing you can you do”. Prior to the meeting Hanson offered WHD residents a tour of the processing plant. During the 2015 meeting residents asked if the company could do an incremental quarry ‘dig’ – in other words only deforest a portion of the trees at a time (essentially, gradually move eastwards) rather than do the full 30-acre deforestation. Their answer was that they had to do a complete deforestation because they needed to get more complete and comprehensive core samples which they could not get those without full deforestation. This appeared to indicate that they have very little knowledge about the clay / shale content before the devastation which some residents thought was even more disturbing. The residents asked how the company would monitor the dust. Meridian said they would place a number of plastic bottles with holes in them suspended on a pole and periodically examine their content for volume. The residents wanted them to measure for content as well. The 2015 meeting did a lot to galvanize the residents – they were beginning to realize that their lives were going to experience considerable disruption. They had come to realize, said one resident, “ that the politicians just want it off their plate and not have to be bothered about the mess that gets left behind when the quarry had been mined out.” Meridian Brick began to realize that they were now up against a community that did not like what was being proposed and they were not going to sit quietly and let the company do whatever it wanted. That September 2015 meeting lasted about two hours; it got a little tense near the end but out of it came an agreement amongst the WHD residents that they had to organize a community group which would then represent the community and work with brick company. They were initially called the Tyandaga Community Group but in January 2016 they renamed and incorporated as Tyandaga Environment Group. This is a story about residents who want their elected officials to protect their interests and a municipal government who seem to want to walk away from a problem because of a license that was issued in 1972. The residents are pointing out that things change. To follow: How the community pulled together and did their own research – it wasn’t a pretty picture. By Staff April 11th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
With the Burlington Herd out of the InterCounty Baseball League playoffs interest in the city has fallen off but there are people who want to be kept up on how the playoffs work out. The Barrie Baycats are enjoying a long bye – waiting for the Brantford – Toronto quarter final and the Hamilton – Kitchener set to work their way to the semifinals. The Brantford Red Sox forced a game 7 against the Toronto Maple Leafs. That game will take place Sunday afternoon in Toronto. The Hamilton Cardinals won game five in that series and stayed alive enough to play game 6 against the Kitchener Panthers. That game will be played Sunday, August 13 at 2:00 pm The Toronto Maple Leafs are the only team who have beaten the Barrie Baycats this season – they did that twice. By Staff August 11, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
The Burlington Youth Soccer Club (BYSC) is hosting “Cogeco Mini Soccer Day” in partnership with Cogeco Cable on Saturday, August 19th to celebrate the end of the soccer season for the U7-U12 age groups in their Outdoor House League program. Cogeco Mini Soccer Day is being held to recognize our players and volunteer coaches for all of their achievements over the course of the Outdoor season. The expected attendance is upwards of 4900 people, with over 1600 players in these age divisions and both parents and coaches in attendance. The Soccer Day will take place from 8:30am – 4:00pm at Sherwood Forest Park (at the end of Fairview Street past the Appleby GO station) in Burlington. The event will feature over 60 mini soccer matches and medal presentations throughout the morning and afternoon. Many of the BYSC’s community partners will also be in attendance and are providing bouncy castles, bubble soccer, food and prizes. The BYSC invites the Burlington community to come out and enjoy the festivities, regardless of whether your child plays in their programs. An information tent with staff will be present if you are interested in learning more about BYSC programs or registering for our upcoming indoor season. Mark your calendars for what is sure to be a great event! For more information about Cogeco Mini Soccer Day or other BYSC programs, visit or call 905-333-0777.
By Staff August 11, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
This looks interesting. If you are in the city, attending or taking part in a cultural event – take some family picture of all of you at the event and send the pictures into the theme is to have you celebrating Canada’s 150th by capturing your love of art and culture. Enter a photo of yourself or your family taking part in a unique cultural experience anywhere in Canada. The You could win a prize pack valued at over $1500* including a DSLR camera, 24 Cineplex movie passes for a year, and more! Here is the web site to enter your pictures – all the details are there. There are a number of corporate sponsors – the largest appears to be Sun Life By Pepper Parr August 10th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
We seldom realize just how much of our commonly used phrases come from the pen of William Shakespeare. If you take in the upcoming production of The Merchant of Venice that will take the grassy lawn of the Rock Garden at Royal Botanical Gardens you will hear dozens of phrases that you use frequently without fully realizing where they cane from. Trevor Copp tells people that in the Merchant “Money makes the world go ’round: Portia has it. Bassanio wants it. Shylock lends it. Antonio owes it – and it will cost him dearly. “Dark in its humour and bawdy in its romantic hijinks, The Merchant Of Venice takes audiences on a journey of love, mercy and (in)justice. The cast of Chris Reid/Shylock, Michael Hannigan/Antonio, Alma Sarai/Portia, Shawn Coelho-DeSouza/Prince of Morocco and Lorenzo, Claudia Spadafora/ Jessica, Isabel Starks/Ensemble, Jamie Kasiama/Nerissa, Zach Parsons/Bassanio, Jesse Horvath/Launcelot is in final rehearsals – they will put on two performances in St. Catharines before opening at the Rock Garden May 14th. Is St. Catharines going to be Burlington’s Peoria – the city that many live productions try out on before hitting stages in Manhattan? The schedule is August 14th to the 18th, 21st to 25th; the 28th and September 1 NO SATURDAY SHOWS Tickets are available at: This is the second year that Copp has mounted Shakespeare at the Rock Garden which provides the perfect atmosphere for a night of inspiring theatre under the stars. This is a very physical production that has a number of the 2016 crew returning to the stage. The event was basically sold out last year; opening night RBG staff had to bring out additional seats. Heck even the Mayor was on hand – he didn’t stay for the full performance. We sat in on a full rehearsal earlier this week. There a couple of line drops and some last minute change suggestions. Copp includes his staff at almost every level – certainly on the content of the production. Blocking and movement of different actors on the stage is a collaborative thing; more often than not he will say “sure, why not”. His direction however is tightly focused – he doesn’t miss a thing and has a way of working with each actor in a way that works for the actor. While Copp is a dance artist in his own right – he doesn’t drag around a lot of ego with him. The cast works well together – they like each other and share the ins and outs of their daily lives. These are educated and informed people with a sense of humour and some sharp wits as well. The black humour is not to be shared. Each performance will include a half hour intermission with garden tours available during that time. The Rock Garden will close to the general public at 5:30 p.m. Garden opens at 6 p.m. to those who have purchased tickets. Seating is first come first served. The performance is rain or shine however in the event of inclement weather, RBG will determine at 5 p.m. if the theatrical performance will be cancelled. To check for a cancellation please check our Facebook page or call the weather hotline at 905-527-1158 ext. 404. Your ticket will be valid to attend a future show of your choosing. Please call 905-527-1158 ext. 516 to arrange your new date. For those with dinner reservations, dinner service will go ahead as planned. If the performance is cancelled while in progress, please see the event staff to reschedule for another performance date. By Staff August 10th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
The 2017-18 Fall/Winter Live and Play Guide – the City of Burlington’s guide for information on recreation, sport, culture programs and festivals and events is now available online. Printed copies are available for pick up at recreation centres, City Hall (426 Brant St.), Burlington Tourism (414 Locust St.) and Burlington public libraries. The online Live and Play guide allows you to review and share program information as well as register for programs directly from any computer or mobile device. View the online guide.
An interesting program that has become quite popular is pickle ball, a trending sport that is taking the world by storm. Easy to learn, Pickleball can be geared to a wide range of ages and skill levels, from those new to the sport to the most seasoned players. Burlington offers registered lessons for Pickleball players of all levels. Many drop-in times and locations are also available. These drop-in programs are designated as beginner or intermediate levels and provide flexible, convenient opportunities to enjoy the sport. In coming years, Pickleball in Burlington will expand to include more advanced lessons, advanced drop-in times, and tournament play. For now, we encourage advanced level players to play with similarly skilled partners and opponents or to respectfully adjust their level of play to the level of others. More on the program online. By Staff August 10th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
It is one of the events that those living downtown know about and make sure they get to the Performing Arts Centre early enough to get a seat. It is the annual Jazz on the Patio – a joint effort between the Performing Arts Centre and the Burlington Downtown Business Association that is free. Those who get there are treated to some of the smartest – sweetest jazz you are going to hear in this town. And there is a cash bar, And – given the way weather has played with us this summer – in the event of rain, the performance will be moved inside the venue. The line up this year includes: Friday, August 11 Four-time JUNO Award winner, two-time Grammy nominee soprano saxophonist/flautist Jane Bunnett brings the soul of Cuba to the hearts of Canadian music-lovers. Along with her new and exquisite all-female sextet: Maqueque. Saturday, August 12 Biali is an award-winning Canadian pianist and vocalist, who has has been garnering world-wide recognition for her music. Her accolades include SOCAN Composer of The Year, and Keyboardist of The Year at Canada’s National Jazz Awards. Saturday, August 12 Amanda Martinez is a Toronto-based singer-songwriter whose music blends her unique Mexican and South African roots with flamenco soul. Her solo CDs have garnered her multiple nominations for Latin Jazz Performer of The Year. Sunday, August 13 Born in Scarborough, Kellylee Evans is a chameleon-like performer, whose natural charm and improvisational jazz vocal style have shined on her adventurous journey through jazz, soul, pop and hip-hop over the past decade. Every square inch of the patio is taken up – some people sit on the sidewalk on the other side of the street to listen to the music. It is unfortunate that Performing Arts staff have in the past taken up some of the prime space – this is a public event – not a perk for staff. The downtown lifers know a good deal and they arrive in droves. By Staff August 10th. 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
Any day now you can expect to see the Back to School flyers in the print edition of newspapers. It will be a thick package of advertising material. While many kids look forward to back to school shopping, new clothes and school supplies are unaffordable luxuries for about 1 in 10 students in Burlington, Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills. The Halton Learning Foundation (HLF) is on a mission to raise $10,000 by September 1 to ensure those students can start the school year with the basics they need to be successful. The Foundation annually provides more than 1,000 students and their families with emergency funds for clothing, lunches, and other basic necessities, and helps ensure all students can be included in school activities. “The high cost of housing in Halton, low‐paid work and unexpected events like illness or accidents can affect a family’s income to the point where they can no longer afford to buy their children new shoes or send them on a school trip,” she says. “We don’t want kids in our community to give up on their education and the opportunity for a better future because they are unable to fully participate in school.” Mansfield says even small donations can make a difference; for just $20 a student can be included in a class field trip instead of being left behind. The help is needed to help prepare a child in our community to go back to school. You can donate on line or give the office a call: 905‐ 335‐3665, ext. 3408 or 3388. The Halton Learning Foundation helps eliminate financial barriers to education for students of the Halton District School Board by providing emergency help for students in need, post‐secondary scholarships, and funds to assist schools that have classroom needs beyond core education funding. By Staff August 9th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
If someone calls you, s6ays they are from the city and asks to make an appointment to come to your home and inspect water and gas meters inside your home – you should know the call is fraudulent – the city isn’t going to call and offer to help you. That is not the business municipal governments are in The city continues to receive reports of phone calls being received by Burlington residents from an individual claiming to be a City of Burlington employee. The caller asks residents to set up an appointment time to inspect water and gas meters inside their homes. These are fraudulent phone calls Residents who have called the number displayed on their call display got the “number not in service” message. The city is also posting information on its social media sites about the fraudulent calls. If it looks too good to be true – you should know it isn’t. Municipal governments don’t call citizens – they do respond to citizen complaints. By Staff August 9th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
The Burlington Herd are the first team to get taken out of InterCounty Baseball 2017 playoff contention. The London Majors won its first-round series after a 7-2 victory over the Burlington Herd Tuesday night at Labatt Park. London wins the best-of-seven series 4-1. For Burlington, Matt Schmidt hit a solo home run, and Reese O’Farrell had the other RBI. Ryan Freemantle singled twice. Christian Hauck (0-2) gave up seven runs (four earned) on seven hits with two walks and six strikeouts in 6.2 innings. Byron Reichstein and Cleveland Brownlee each had two hits for the Majors and two RBI and combined to score three times for the team. Kyle Gormandy drove in three, LeJon Baker had an RBI, and Chris McQueen went 2-for-3 with two runs and a stolen base. Luis Sanchez (2-0) went eight innings, allowing two runs (one earned) on nine hits with a walk and four strikeouts. The Brantford Red Sox broke a 6-6 tie with two runs in the eighth inning to beat the Toronto Maple Leafs 8-6 Tuesday night at Arnold Anderson Stadium. The best-of-seven quarter-final is tied 2-2. Panthers pitcher Jasvir Rakkar struck out 13 in a complete-game shutout as the Kitchener team blanked the Hamilton Cardinals 7-0 Tuesday night. Kitchener leads the best-of-seven quarter-final 3-1. Future games Thursday, Aug. 10 By Staff August 8th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
Summer days should be filled with play – time spent lying on your back looking at the clouds, building forts, hunting for frogs, and exploring! Turn back the clock and make some time childhood memories at Mountsberg and Crawford Lake Conservation Area’s Amazing Things To Do Before You Are 12 event this weekend on Saturday, August 12 and Sunday August 13 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Families can spend the day checking things off a list of “Amazing Things To Do Before You Are 12”. Make a nest like a bird, touch a snake, make a masterpiece, learn to make fire without a match, and play to your hearts content. You won’t want to miss the fun at this year’s mud pie kitchen at Mountsberg or at the Archery range at Crawford Lake. Live snake and raptor presentations round out a day full of family fun. Regular park admission applies, and Halton Parks members can show their pass for admission. Author Richard Louv introduced us to the dilemma of the growing disconnect between children and nature in his ground-breaking book “Last Child in the Woods”. He coined the term Nature Deficit Disorder which aptly describes the poor physical and emotional health of children and adults due to the lack of direct exposure to the outdoors. “Amazing Things To Do Before You are 12” event was created in response to provide fun, active outdoor play for busy families. Mountsberg Conservation Area is located on Milburough Line, five km west of Campbellville, ON, between Highway 6 South and Guelph Line. This 472 hectare park includes extensive wetlands, forests, fields, and a reservoir. For more information please call Mountsberg at (905) 854-2276 or e-mail
By Staff August 8th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
The London Majors powered past the Burlington Herd in a lopsided 15 – 2 romp Sunday night. Justin Gideon hit a solo home run, while Kevin Hussey had the other RBI. Ryan Beckett (0-1) gave up seven runs (five earned) on seven hits in 1.2 innings. He walked one and struck out one. On the London side Byron Reichstein and Michael Ambrose each hit two home runs. London leads the best-of-seven quarter-final 3-1 and can advance with a win Tuesday at home. The Toronto Brantford series has the Leafs leading the best-of-seven quarter-final 2-1. In the Hamilton Kitchener series – Kitchener leads 2-1. With all three quarter final playoff teams playing this evening how things are going to fall out should be clearer. In the meantime the Barrie Baycats patiently wait to learn who they will be playing in the final round. The only team that has been able to beat the Baycats has been the Toronto Leafs. Future games Wednesday, Aug. 9 By Pepper Parr August 8th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
It is less than a year away. In June of 2018 we will elect a provincial government. The provincial Liberals have been in office since 2003 and are described by many as tired and no longer have that edge one needs to govern a province the size of Ontario. Hydro rates bother a lot of people and the selling of a significant part of Hydro One is seen as close to criminal by many. The attention being paid to the upgrading of our infrastructure – roads, rails – and the building of hospitals has been admirable. Will all that be enough? Wynne put immense pressure on the federal government to improve the Canada Pension Plan by creating an Ontario pension plan – the federal government caved in and improved the federal plan – something every Canadian can be grateful for. The raising of the minimum wage to $15 an hour suggests the Wynne government hasn’t completely lost touch with what the province needs. The pressure from the private sector is immense – Loblaws is lobbying her fiercely. Keeping the provincial economy sound and maintaining the NAFTA agreement with an American president who wants to tear it up before he gets committed to either a mental health institution or a prison is not a small matter. Something well beyond the capacity of Patrick Brown. When deciding who you want to run the government, being angry and wanting to get rid of what you have, requires a look at what the options are. The pickings aren’t all that inviting. Andrea Horwath hasn’t excited anyone other than the limited NDP base and the support for her there isn’t exactly overwhelming. And there doesn’t appear to be a number two within the NDP ranks. Patrick Brown struggles to define just what it is he wants to do – and seems to have an edition of his platform that is tailored for whichever part of the province he is in. In Burlington it has been difficult to get a sense of what the Conservative candidate, Jane McKenna, has to say or to even get a look at her. The Gazette has reached out to the Conservative’s in Burlington – they haven’t been returning calls. Brown is still learning his way as the Conservative party leader – he should be aware that he isn’t going to hold that job for all that long. The game changer is Brian Mulroney’s daughter Caroline, who has been nominated to run as the Conservative candidate in York–Simcoe, north of Toronto. She appears to have a home in Forest Hill, a very tony part of Toronto and a home in a township within the York Simcoe riding. The team guiding the Caroline Mulroney nomination campaign are keeping her away from national media while they woo the locals. The sitting member for York Simcoe, is the longest serving female member of the provincial legislature and has thrown her support behind Mulroney. Caroline Mulroney did not decide to enter provincial politics to sit as a back bencher at Queen’s Park. That is not the way the Mulroney’s do business She will win the York – Simcoe seat and while she has zilch legislative experience the pressure on Brown to put her in his shadow Cabinet is something he will not be able to resist. Should he win the provincial election, which is a big assumption, the pressure to put her in his Cabinet will be even stronger. The Mulroney’s are going to do to Patrick Brown what they did to Joe Clarke. It will not take too long for Caroline Mulroney to outshine Patrick Brown and begin the move to ousting the poor man when there is a leadership convention. Jane McKenna, who has been particularly adroit at figuring out where the power is in a room, will find herself warming up to Ms Mulroney as quickly as she possibly can. Ms Mulroney is in this for the long term. Should she find herself on the Opposition benches the goal will be the same – to gain the leadership of the Conservative party in Ontario. So what the public wants to do is look very carefully as Caroline Mulroney – is this the woman that is going to restore the Progressive Conservatives to power in Ontario? Patrick Brown might, and this is a small might, defeat Kathryn Wynne. She is a formidable campaigner and she does not like to lose. She also believes that Ontario has done well by the Liberal government she has led. These are all small matters – Catherine Mulroney is going to lead the Ontario Progressive Conservative party and will at some point defeat the Liberals. Wynne might prevail and get back in but 2018 will be her last election and there is no one on the Liberal front bench that can take the leadership and defeat Ms Mulroney. The only thing in the woman’s way is any stupid mistake she could make. Highly unlikely – her Father will be up to his ears in her campaign and he will call in every favour he has and then some. An opportunity to create a Mulroney dynasty is too much for Brian Mulroney to take a pass on. By Staff August 7th, 2017 BURLINGTON, ON
It was clearly a difference of opinion that got out of hand. Eight people on the street outside the Solid Gold nightclub located at 53 Plains Road East in Burlington got into a fight that had the police responding at approximately 12:30am on Sunday August 6th 2017 , During the fight, one of the suspects used a small pocket knife to stab two other people involved in the fight. Those people have been treated at hospital for minor injuries and are expected to make a full recovery. Detectives have since identified each of the persons involved in the incident and are continuing conduct interviews and investigation into this matter. Police are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the altercation or may have any information concerning this incident to contact Detective Joe Barr of the #3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau, at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2385. Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See something, Hear something, Say something” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes). |
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