By Staff
July 11th, 2016
The Gazette reported this to you last week – the city got their notice out early this morning.
Work to replace the outdoor pool and splash pad at Nelson Park has begun. At its meeting on Monday, July 4, Burlington City Council approved the advancement of funding from the city’s 2017 capital budget which will enable the construction of the new pool to start this fall.
 Swimming? Not at Nelson – not this summer.
“Over the last six months, city staff have worked hard to get this project ready for construction, securing the design work and permit approvals needed,” said Allan Magi, the city’s director of capital works. “The demolition phase of construction began last week and we anticipate the work to construct the new swimming facilities will start this fall.”
The new 50-metre pool, featuring eight swim lanes, will be built beside a new beach-entry wading pool and splash pad. Detailed drawings of the new swimming facility will be available online at later this summer.
One Gazette reader commented: “Why have we not looked for a Facility Naming Sponsor to help cover costs for the Performing Arts Centre or The Pier? Perhaps Got Junk or Badger Waste Disposal could get a good deal and help relieve the stress on our wallets. Why is it taking sooo long for Nelson Pool to be back in operation? Closed for 2015, 2016 and also 2017? This is ridiculous. The majority of our residents do not have a private pool and need Nelson Pool to be open each summer, plus all the city programs and students hired each summer to work at Nelson Pool.”
At its meeting on July 4, City Council also directed city staff to investigate sponsorship opportunities for the naming of the new outdoor pool and splash pad at Nelson Park.
“Similar to other municipalities, the City of Burlington is exploring ways to generate new revenue streams to help reduce the tax burden on the community,” said Chris Glenn, the city’s director of parks and recreation. “Based on council’s direction, city staff will look at a potential naming sponsorship for the outdoor pool replacement project. Any money generated from a sponsorship would help with the future repair and renewal needs of the facility.”
The Gazette report is available below:
Nelson pool spending approved:
By Staff
July 13, 2016
They held it together until the eighth inning and then opened the floodgates and put seven runs on the scoreboard to beat the Guelph Royal 8-5 at a game played in Guelph,
The Bandits were using their bats.
Canice Ejoh went 3-for-5 and hit his first home run of the season to lead the Bandits offence. Ejoh had three RBI. Nolan Pettipiece had two hits and drove in a pair of runs, while Julian Johnson and Justin Gideon had the other RBIs. Kevin Hussey singled, doubled and scored a run, and Brad McQuinn scored a pair of runs.
Christian Hauck (3-3) went eight innings for the win, allowing three runs (two earned) on five hits, striking out eight and walking seven.
For Guelph, Aaron Loder singled, doubled and drove in three. Guelph scored three runs in the bottom of the ninth but fell short. Kyle Alarcon had an RBI and scored twice, and Chandler McLaren also had an RBI. Adam Rossit singled once and scored twice.
Richard Gill (2-3) took the loss after failing to get an out in the ninth inning in relief of AJ Mackey. Gill was charged with two runs on two hits and didn’t record a walk or strikeout.
The sixth-place Bandits improved to 7-18, and the seventh-place Royals dropped to 6-20.
Future games
Wednesday, July 13
Kitchener at Toronto, 7:30 p.m.
London at Brantford, 8 p.m.
Thursday, July 14
Toronto at Kitchener, 7:30 p.m.
Barrie at Burlington, 7:30 p.m.
By Pepper Parr
July 12th, 2106
It has taken a long time for Nick Carnicelli to begin his project on John street south of Caroline. But the hoardings are up and some of the demolition has begun.
 Seventeen plus storey condominium is part of the three structure Carriage Gate project at John and Caroline.
The project will consist of a high end condo, a parking garage and an office building that was promoted as a medical location.
The financing is in place and the sales team is working out of a smart looking office on Old Lakeshore Road.
Getting this one to the point where the developer can start building has not been easy. There were issues over hydro lines – were they going to get buried and if they were who as going to pay for that work?
And who was going to pay for hauling the power lines all the way up from Lakeshore Road. The city certainly didn’t make it easy for this developer.
The ward Councillor wanted to see affordable housing units in the project that is made up of a parking lot, a medical office building and a condominium.
 Hoardings are going up.
This project is one of several that are going to change the look, feel and tone of downtown Burlington. You won’t recognize the place in five years.
Bridgewater will rise 22 storeys above the lake – and right at the edge of the lake, Paradigm has the first three of the five structure project on Fairview well underway. The ADI Nautique development is mired in an OMB hearing.
The Saxony on Locust is in site clearing mode.
The sleepy quiet Burlington that many people want is going to undergo a significant change.
Are we ready for it?
By Staff
July 12th, 2016
The construction season is spread throughout the Region.
 New gas pipeline being laid across the top of the city.
Union has is laying pipe for the transmission of gas – the line goes right through the top of Burlington. We get to see what has been happening in western Canada.
The 48-inch diameter steel gas pipeline that would run approximately 22 kilometres, linking Union Gas’s Hamilton valve site, near Hwy. 6 and Carlisle Road, to the Milton Gate Station south of Derry Road.
By Pepper Parr
July 12, 2016
There is construction going on all over the city. The work that is reaching into the sky is just fine with most people – the work being done on the roads has people complaining – New Street residents are going to be grumpy all summer.
 Concrete pours well underway at the Dundas Sutton project.
 An early architects rendering of what the ADI Development Group thought they wanted to do with the Dundas-Sutton project. The look of the project and the price point both underwent a change.
The Adi Lynx development on Dundas at Sutton – next to the Bronte Creek is well past the ground breaking stage – there was no ceremonial turning of the sod when that project started.
 Financing of any development project is critical. If you want to understand how the Lynx is being financed – look no further than this organization.
The project has a progressive look to it – but if real estate is all about location – Bronte Creek gives this site some cred.
By Pepper Parr
July 11th, 2016
Some momentum is being lost and the boaters at LaSalle Park are now facing an uphill battle to get the funding the need in place for the expansion the LaSalle Park Maria Association has in mind.
John Birch has been a tireless advocate for an upgraded harbour that would protect the boats from some of the rough waves that would roll in and was doing very well with his plans.
 Trumpeter swans were once the biggest problem the LaSalle Park Marina Association had in getting approval for their wave barrier project. It isn’t the swans putting on th brakes – city hall is taking a closer look at the business model.
He had run into some resistance from the Trumpeter Swan people who felt the planned harbour would take their habitat away from the birds.
That isn’t the main problem anymore.
The LPMA financing always looked like a bit of a stretch but in the past the association had always met the financial obligations.
 The LaSalle PArk Marina Association wanted to build a wave barrier – the financial model they have used is making city hall uncomfortable.
While the current project is quite a bit bigger than anything they had done in the past it appeared to have merit and it was getting past all the milestones.
The harbour the boaters want to put in place certainly had a number of significant benefits for the city.
Birch and ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven get along well and Craven does not like losing something his residents want. Expect some tension to surround this one as it gets worked through.
A Staff report had been prepared and put into the agenda for the current cycle of Standing Committee meetings – then it was pulled from the agenda.
“The primary reason” said city manager James Ridge “is that I believe that Council needs to consider the report in a bigger context, and a broader range of questions about the project.
“The report’s observations are also arguably at odds with a recent resolution of Council to provide a letter of support to the LPMA for grant-seeking purposes. This is further reason for Council to pause to consider the project from a more holistic perspective.
“The project involves City owned assets, and it is unusual to have a Joint Venture partner take on the financing for project of this size which invariably entails risks to both the City and LPMA. At this point we don’t have a detailed costing of the breakwater construction, however the City would very likely be responsible for any cost overruns. And as the report points out, we have concerns about the financial model, including the likely need for a loan from the city with 25 year or more repayment. This would also be unprecedented and have inherent risks.”
 City manager James Ridge
“In comments made to the Gazette Ridge said: “The LPMA was unhappy with the report. However it was intended to be an independent arms-length assessment of their business case. The LPMA was very helpful in providing detailed financial records, and met with staff to answer questions before the report was prepared, but clearly disagree with the conclusions. They have provided additional information that we have reviewed, and we will meet with them again, but the report will reflect the City’s independent objective assessment of LPMA’s business case.”
Ridge as a city manager is turning out to be very fiscally prudent – no risk taking on his watch. Wonder what would have happened to the Pier had Ridge been on the job?
The Gazette will analyze the city staff report and publish a follow up piece.
Touch times for the boaters.
By Staff
July 11th, 2016
The Test Kitchen didn’t make it – maybe Papa Giuseppe’s will do better.
The Test Kitchen was a restaurant that opened up on Brant street and for a short period of time was the hottest spot in town with an exception $10 lunch with a beverage included on the menu.
 The Test Kitchen had a sparse clean look to it – it was the place to be seen.
 The former Test Kitchen was the first restaurant in the city to put up a pop up patio. There are now two on Brant Street.
The place had a buzz to it and you sometimes had to wait to get a table.
They used all the high tech stuff to take your order and the staff was made up of those young people that just exuded energy.
Alas, something went wrong somewhere and they were suddenly gone. Overnight they stripped the two locations they had and haven’t been since.
There are a number of suppliers and a former landlord that would like to talk to them. Rumour has it that the people who backed the place financially are also looking for them… And these people aren’t your traditional bankers.
The Test Kitchen were the people that brought the first pop up patio to the city – let’s give them credit for that much.
Papa Giuseppe’s east side of Brant – south of Caroline.
By Pepper Parr
July 11, 2016
And so we are going to grow Up, Smart and Beautiful – which is the tag line for what most of us understand as intensification.
How far up we go and where that up takes place is what a lengthy Committee of the Whole was about Thursday afternoon.
Council was assured that the planners knew where that “up” growth should take place and where is won’t take place.
The policies in the existing Official Plan are intended to guide the review of Official Plan Amendments involving a proposed increase in density.
These policies generally assist staff to review these applications on a site-specific basis but lack the required supporting policy framework that ensures that the proposal conforms to a broader city-wide vision and will support other important community and city-building objectives contained with the Official Plan and Council’s Strategic Plan.
 This is the vision – a clear separation between rural and urban.
Without a city wide-wide vision, intensification can quickly become sporadic and create many challenges for the city including:
• limiting opportunities to concentrate growth in key under-utilized areas which have the potential to be major sources of new growth and investment;
• creating the potential for proponent driven intensification proposals in established neighbourhood areas of the city;
• resulting in the sporadic allocation of limited financial resources for development specific infrastructure and/or community infrastructure upgrades/investments; and
• not achieving key goals and objectives of the Official Plan, Places to Grow and Strategic Plan.
In 2008, the city’s first intensification framework was developed and endorsed by city Council. This strategy was primarily intended to form the basis for the development of new mixed use land use designations in the Official Plan and to identify the city’s capacity for population growth as part of the Region’s 2031 growth allocation process. However, the strategy and associated mapping were not incorporated as part of the current Official Plan.
As of March 2016, 72% of proposed residential units since 2006 which are either currently under review by city staff/under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board, or have been approved by city staff but for which a Building Permit has not yet been issued, were located outside of the intensification areas identified through the city’s previous 2008 framework.
What that seems to say is that developers paid no attention to the Official Plan and the city let them get away with.
“Given current development trends since the development of the 2008 intensification strategy, staff believe that action must be taken to establish a comprehensive vision for intensification in the city through the Official Plan.”
Proposed Direction: Intensification Framework
A new city-wide Intensification Framework is proposed as part of the current Official Plan Review that will build upon Council’s new Strategic Plan and serve to provide greater clarity and direction to the public, city staff and other levels of government as to where and how the city plans to grow and intensify over time. More specifically, the new framework will have four key objectives:
1. serve as a filter through which privately initiated Official Plan amendments for increased density are considered and evaluated to ensure that growth is being directed to priority areas including key under-utilized mixed use and transit station areas;
2. provide the basis for the development of population and jobs growth capacity projections which will inform the forthcoming 2041 growth allocations by the Region of Halton;
3. ensure coordination amongst various city departments and other levels of government and service providers with respect to the efficient and timely focusing of investment/upgrades in infrastructure (including water and wastewater servicing, transit, utilities etc.) and community infrastructure (including parks, community facilities and public realm) which may required to support intensification and long-term growth; and
4. provide greater opportunities to accommodate a variety of housing forms that can serve the needs of a broad demographic in terms of tenure, affordability and access to services and transit.
The following sections will identify how the proposed Intensification Framework will achieve these objectives by outlining the proposed details/structure of the framework, how the proposed framework will be implemented and also identify how the framework will serve to inform future city initiatives related to intensification.
The proposed framework will achieve its objectives by establishing four key areas:
Primary Intensification Areas,
Secondary Intensification Areas,
Employment Intensification Areas
Established Neighbourhood Areas.
For each area, the Official Plan will contain objectives and policies that, while maintaining development permissions provided through the underlying land use designations, will serve to establish clear expectations for the scale and type of intensification that is expected within each area and provide greater direction when evaluating proponent driven Official Plan amendments for increased density. The high-level geographies, objectives and policies of each area are outlined below:
The Primary Intensification Area will be comprised of major nodes and corridors, which may include various residential, mixed use, commercial or employment land uses in areas which have the greatest potential to accommodate intensification including: the city’s Urban Growth Centre (UGC); mixed use areas of the Uptown Urban Centre; the Aldershot, Burlington and Appleby Mobility Hubs; the Plains Road/Fairview Street Urban Corridor; the Brant Street Urban Corridor and aging Neighbourhood Centres located south of the QEW
 This is a draft document.
Primary Intensification Areas will focus on the intensification of under-utilized mixed use and employment areas (including Mobility Hubs) which have the greatest potential to accommodate significant population and employment growth and foster the development of pedestrian and transit-oriented neighbourhoods.
Growth within Primary Intensification Areas will account for a majority of the city’s growth over the planning horizon of the Official Plan and create a network of density that will support higher-order/frequent transit opportunities.
Policies for the Primary Intensification Area will require new developments to achieve intensification and promote developments which propose significant population/employment growth to locate in the Primary Intensification Areas to ensure that proposed redevelopments make the most of the development potential these areas offer. In addition, policies will ensure that these areas are planned to develop as complete communities and that Primary Intensification Areas are a focus for city, Regional and Provincial investment/upgrades to infrastructure and community infrastructure which may be needed to support significant population and job growth in these areas.
Secondary Intensification Areas will be comprised of commercial/mixed use designated areas and generally vacant sites which are not located within a Primary or Employment Intensification Areas and which are located immediately adjacent to an arterial street. In addition, staff propose that sites containing publicly-funded schools be generally identified as forming part of the Secondary Intensification Area in order to recognize potential redevelopment/intensification needs on these sites over the long-term which may not conform to the traditional residential land use designations applied to these sites.
Secondary Intensification Areas will consist of areas which may contain limited, site specific opportunities for intensification over the planning horizon of the Official Plan. However, to ensure the Primary Intensification Areas remain the primary focus for significant intensification and infrastructure and community infrastructure investment, these areas will not be intended to intensify at a scale or intensity equal to that of the Primary Intensification Area. As such, Secondary Intensification Areas will not be intended to accommodate a majority of the city’s growth to 2031.
In order to meet the intent of the Secondary Intensification Areas, policies will include criteria to evaluate intensification proposals which involve an Official Plan Amendment for increased density. The criteria will focus on the proposed scale and intensity of the proposed development to ensure that the proposal will not result in significant unplanned population growth beyond that currently permitted under a site’s existing Official Plan permissions and that the proposal will not require infrastructure/community infrastructure investments/upgrades in order to be accommodated.
This will provide staff and Council with greater control and predictability that development proposals involving significant population and employment growth will be focused/directed towards the Primary Intensification Areas. In addition, this will ensure that financial resources for potential infrastructure investment/upgrades required to accommodate growth are not being redirected to areas outside of the Primary Intensification Areas.
Established Neighbourhood Areas
Established Neighbourhood Areas will be comprised of existing, predominantly residential neighbourhoods (including areas designated as Residential Low, Medium or High Density) as well as small neighbourhood-oriented commercial sites which are not located on an arterial street.
 This is a draft document.
Established Neighbourhood Areas will be intended to accommodate existing development, redevelopment and intensification opportunities which are already currently permitted through a site’s Official Plan land use designation. As such, Established Neighbourhood Areas will not be considered essential towards achieving population/employment growth to 2031 and beyond.
In order to maintain the stability of the Established Neighbourhood Areas and limit the potential for the introduction of significant and unplanned intensification proposals into these areas, policies will be introduced that prohibit privately initiated Official Plan amendments for increased density beyond that permitted through the underlying land use designation.
As a result, only the following forms of intensification would be permitted within the Established Neighbourhood Area:
Redevelopment/infill in accordance with Official Plan land use permissions;
Consents to Sever;
Plans of Subdivision; and
Accessory Dwelling Units (e.g. second suites, including detached units).
This limitation would not prevent or preclude the potential for redevelopment or intensification of sites within the Established Neighbourhood Area but rather provide greater certainty that any proposals will be in keeping with the existing permissions provided through the site’s Official Plan land use designation and compatible with the neighbourhood’s existing built form, density, and scale.
Employment Intensification Areas
The Employment Intensification Areas will be comprised of areas identified as city or Regional ‘Areas of Employment’ as identified at the conclusion of the city’s Municipal Comprehensive Review. However, this will not include employment designated areas located in undeveloped areas outside of the built boundary as the proposed Intensification Framework is intended to apply only to developed areas where redevelopment and intensification would occur within an existing developed area context.
 This is where the residential housing was built.
While not forming part of the Intensification Framework, employment designated lands within undeveloped areas of the city will continue to be governed by the underlying land use designations and policies of the Official Plan and will continue to form part of the city’s employment land inventory pending the outcome of the city’s Municipal Comprehensive Review.
The Employment Intensification Area is intended to capture employment lands located within developed areas which have the potential to accommodate further intensification and job growth to 2031 and beyond.
Within Employment Intensification Areas, staff generally believe that existing Official Plan permissions/policies along with the implementation of Council endorsed policy directions provided through the Employment Lands Direction Report will ensure that the Employment Intensification Area can continue to provide substantial opportunities for future intensification and job growth. A new policy is proposed that will promote significant employment intensification proposals to be located in areas which are in close proximity to transit routes and/or major, multi-purpose or minor arterial streets to ensure these proposals are adequately served by the city’s transportation network. In addition, staff may review the need for any additional policies pending the outcome of the city’s current Municipal Comprehensive Review for employment lands.
Council, meeting as a Standing Committee endorsed the report unanimously. It will get final approval at the next city council meeting.
It is a report that needs close study – policy for a long period of time is being put in place. The intensification targets will get written into the Official Plan – which both staff and council would like to see as something that has stronger teeth to it.
 This is a map of the 2008 intensification framework.
The section of the staff report that told of the “72% of proposed residential units since 2006 were located outside of the intensification areas identified through the city’s previous 2008 framework” is troubling.
There will be more to say about intensification – right now it is Up, Smart and Beautiful as the city decides to Grow Bold.
By Staff
July 10, 2016
The Barrie Baycats piled up 28 runs on 25 hits in a 28-0 shutout of the Burlington Bandits.
Kyle Degrace was 5-for-5 with six RBI’s including a double and home run to lead Barrie. Zach Sardellitti also had five hits and seven RBI’s with Conner Morro adding four hits and four RBI’s. Ryan Spataro and Kevin Atkinson each had three hits and three RBI’s and a home run. Jordan Castaldo also had two hits and two RBI’s including a home run for Barrie.
Emilis Guerrero (2-1) was the winning pitcher allowing only three hits in seven innings with 16 strikeouts. He was relieved by Brandon Catena who pitched the final two innings. Jack Dennis (1-4) was the loser, giving up 11 runs on seven hits including five home runs in 3.1 innings.
In Brantfoed the second-place Kitchener Panthers (19-6) kept pace with the first-place London Majors with a 6-1 victory over the Brantford Red Sox (16-11). Brantford is in fourth place.
Tanner Nivins led the Panthers with three hits with Terrell Alliman and Dave Whiteside adding two hits each including a double.
For Brantford, Tyler Patzalek had two hits.
Matt McGovern (4-0) was the winning pitcher, giving up four hits in 5.2 innings of shutout baseball. He walked one and struckout five and was relieved by Ian Rendon, Iannick Remillard and Phil Owen who finished up. Riley Barr (1-1) took the loss for Brantford, allowing three runs on five hits with two walks and five strikeouts in 6.1 innings.
In Guelph, the Royals (6-18) jumped out to a 6-0 first inning lead enroute to an 11-1 win over the Toronto Maple Leafs (12-13). Guelph remains in a sixth place tie, 5 ½ games behind the fifth-place Toronto.
Santino Silvestri and Chandler McLaren each had three hits to lead Guelph with Silvestri adding three RBI’s and McLaren one. Pat Coughlin had two hits and two RBI’s and Kinglsey Alarcon adding contributing two hits.
Alberto Rodriguez (2-2) was the winning pitcher, allowing only one run on three hits, one walk and eight strikeouts in seven innings. Justin Cicatello (3-3) took the loss for Toronto, giving up 11 runs, only six earned, on six hits in 6.2 innings. He walked four and struck out four.
Future games
Sunday, July 10
Guelph at Toronto, 2 p.m.
Hamilton at Barrie, 7 p.m.
London at Kitchener, 7 p.m.
By Pepper Parr
July 9th, 2016
It was the second downtown car show for Ron Baker – and it turned out to be better than the first held last year.
There were more cars registered – 150 this year. The streets were just as crowded and there appeared to be a lot of entries that weren’t seen last year.
 The cars took over Brant street – they were there for people to look at and talk about.
At a city council meting sometime ago Councillor Taylor once said that the city would be a more vibrant place is Brant Street were converted to just pedestrians – it was just people walking wherever they wanted Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm – as vibrant as we’ve seen it and the merchants were doing just fine.
 The boys liked the look of the inside of this one.
Baker has attached a name to the event: Past, present and future – the future being the electric cars that people could take for a test drive. There wasn’t a final count but they were at the 50 + level when we left for the day.
Burlington Greens Amy Schnarr had hoped to take one of the electric cars for a spin – they drove to city hall on their bikes and realized they didn’t have their driver’s licenses. Amy did say that she had her credit card with her but got that look from her husband – so they weren’t buying.
 A hot rod getting a careful once over from a passer-by.
 An oldy but a goldy – getting a closer look while fond memories take over.
 Burlington once had a police car that looked something like this.
 It was the Ford model T that started it all.
There were no cars for sale – the occasion was to look at what was being offered in the way of electric cars that are referred to as EV’s
The crowds around the electric cars were the kind of thing car dealership sales people die for – and the crowds were certainly in that tire kicking mood.
People were at that stage where they were making decisions and looking at different models.
 Luxury defined – if you owned one of these you were definitely wealthy.
City councillor John Taylor had the use of a Mercedes Benz electric i3 for a week and he was delighted. He drove out to have dinner with his son in the electric car, the experience John had was not the experience his wife Kathy had during the drive. “She was having range anxiety.” But later in the day Taylor was seen taking a test drive in a different electric car. It will be interesting to see what Taylor does next.
There were 80 test drives done in a variety of electric vehicles (including the Mitsubishi iMiEV and Outlander PHEV, Nissan Leaf, Ford C-Max Energi, Fusion Energi, Focus EV, Chevy Volt and BMW i3).
Not one accident.
There were additional rides offered by Eco-Limo in a Tesla Model S!
The people who are deeply involved in this change of automotive technology we are going through can see and understand how the public is coming around. Dan Guatto at Burlington Hydro has the task of ensuring that Burlington Hydro has the infrastructure that is going to be needed in place so that those electric cards can have their batteries charged.
 Locust Street lined with electric cars.
Some of the automotive people selling internal combustion engines appear to be hanging on to their old business model which is getting less sustainable by the month.
Baker mentioned a number of corporate groups that are now loaning their cars for demonstration drives. “We are not at the tipping point yet” said Baker. Quaddro agreed adding that everyone who is now under 40 will be driving an electric car in the not too distant future.
The range of the electric cars is getting better and better.
 She likes it – he wants it.
For those short trips around town – an EV is the best choice one can make added Baker. For those few occasions when a really long drive is being taken – the bigger cars are the answer. How many long drives does the average family take? Not enough to justify that big eight cylinder engine.
 Ron Baker – organized the event along with the Lions Club.
Baker has plans to grow the Car show – next year he hopes to have a section that will include EV trucks. Seeing the vehicles on the street is a large part of the shift from the internal combustion engine to the close to soundless electric car. What the public needs to know is how they can be assured that there will always be a place where they can charge their car.
Burlington Hydro has a large education project ahead of them. Might we see that next year?
By Staff
July 9th, 2016
Well – this is different.
A Different Drummer is hosting an otherwordly event at the bookshop to celebrate a new work by J.K. Rowling, in collaboration with Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a two-part play charting the adult life of Harry Potter and the fantastic travails facing his young family.
On Saturday, July 30, starting at 9pm, Hogwarts devotees of all ages are invited to A Different Drummer Books, bedecked everywhere with stunning artifacts from the Academy, for spirited activities and tasty refreshments. Come as you are, or dressed as your favourite character!
At Midnight, we’ll offer copies of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. The book is $40, price includes HST.
If you order your copy before the event, you’ll receive a $15 certificate for all other books purchased here at A Different Drummer. To order, please contact us in person, at 905 639 0925 or
The event is touted as a night of great fun and enchantment to herald the wonderful new Harry Potter tale.
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus!
By Staff
June 9, 2015
She has been missing since 12:45 PM on Tuesday July 5th 2016. She was last seen near her home on Millcroft Park Drive, Burlington.
 Helen Robertson often wore mis-matched shoes
Residents within the nearby area of Helen’s home can expect to see an increase in police presence. Hamilton Police mounted unit, The Ontario Search and Rescue Volunteer Association (OSRVA) and the Ontario Provincial Police are assisting with the investigation.
The mismatched shoes believed to have been worn by Helen, of which police previously released a photo, have been located. Please be aware that Helen often wore mismatched shoes and therefore it is possible she may be wearing other mismatched shoes.
 Helen Robertson, 79, missing for four days.
Halton Police are continuing to encourage Burlington and the surrounding area residents to check their properties and outbuildings. In addition please continue to watch for Helen and report any sightings immediately to police directly and avoid reporting sighting by way of social media.
Anyone with information on Helen’s whereabouts are asked to call Halton Police at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2305
Hellen Robertson is a 79 year-old Alzheimer’s patient. The police have issued five updates on this missing woman.
By Staff
July 9th, 2016
Burlington, ON
IBL games rained out.
Rain forced the postponement of two IBL games Friday night. London was hosting Burlington and Guelph was in Brantford. Make-up dates have not been announced. Panthers double Cardinals
It didn’t rain in Hamilton but the bats of the Kitchener Panthers racked up 17 hits in a 14-7 win over the Hamilton Cardinals Friday night.
Justin Interisano had three of those hits, including a home run, and added three RBI and three runs. Sean Reilly hit his 11th home run of the season and 156th of his IBL career. He drove in three and scored four times. David Whiteside went 2-for-5 with a home run, two RBI and two runs. Mike Gordner added three hits, two RBI and a run, while Frank Camilo Morejon drove in a pair of runs.
Terrell Alliman had a single RBI, and Tanner Nivins singled three times and scored twice.
Mitch Clarke (1-0) picked up the win after giving up five runs (four earned) on nine hits over five innings, striking out four without issuing a walk.
Second-place Kitchener improved to 18-6 and trails London by a game for first place.
Liam Wilson went 3-for-5 with three RBI and two runs to lead the Cardinals, who fell to 6-21.
Tyler Hardie and Dre Celestijn each had two hits and an RBI, and Chris Beer drove in a run.
Robert Wilson (1-4) lasted an inning and gave up seven runs on seven hits with a pair of walks.
Future games
Saturday, July 9
Barrie at Burlington, 1 p.m.
Toronto at Guelph, 7:30 p.m.
Kitchener at Brantford, 8 p.m.
Sunday, July 10
Guelph at Toronto, 2 p.m.
Hamilton at Barrie, 7 p.m.
London at Kitchener, 7 p.m.
By Pepper Parr
July 8th, 2016
This city of ours has a tradition of people giving back to their community in a number of ways. For some there is a pretty clear line from the giving to the financial return – charity is good business.
There are others who have done exceptionally well and the just write cheques – more often than not without any form of return – many prefer their gift to be anonymous.
Others get known for what they do – because that is what they do.
Each year for the past two years – and again this year on July 17th – there will be an outdoor performance of Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew on the large lawn (small field) behind the offices of Thinkspot in Lowville.
There is something about good theatre taking place in the open on a summer evening as dusk works its way to sunset and the night begins to close in.
Last year the performance was Hamlet, done by the same company of actors: Driftwood Theatre Company.
In some comments made by Driftwood Artistic Director, Jeremy Smith, one can get a sense of what goes into the production that takes place on a makeshift stage,
“Casting a production is never simple” said Smith, “and it represents for me the very best and worst aspects of my job. I both love and loathe this annual process of narrowing a field of over 400 candidates to exactly the right combination of 8-10 individuals.
“From one perspective the casting process is filled with unknown opportunities. At any moment someone can enter the audition room and bring that unexpected quality that you didn’t even know you were looking for – one which takes your thinking about a play in new and surprising directions. The challenge is always to create an auditioning environment where, within a very short amount of time (usually 10-15 minutes), a sense of trust and play can be built between the auditioner and the auditionee. And when you do engage with someone in a meaningful way, it’s a great room to be in.
“From another perspective, there is the constant knowledge that in nearly 90% of the cases, you’re going to end up saying ‘no’ to the person who walks in the door. This is something I’ve never really gotten used to – even after over 4,000 auditions. It’s a serious downer. Auditioning is an imperfect system: one fraught with both excitement and considerable stress.”
 Bring a folding seat an enjoy an evening of fine theatre.
It is that “unexpected quality” that makes summer theatre the delight that it is. These actors make peanuts, they travel around in a beat up old bus and are always repairing something because there is no money for new things.
They do what they do for the love of the stage – it is not something you want to miss.
The Thinkspot production leads into the second annual Lowville Festival that is being held at different location in the hamlet. The link below sets out the Festival schedule. The people making the Lowville Festival happen believe here is an opportunity to create an event that will become a staple in summer activities that are not focused on the waterfront.
If you think this city is blessed with a great south end – meander up north and get a sense of what rural Burlington is all about – and if you want a fuller appreciation for how Burlington blends its rural and urban parts – take in the Rural – Urban exhibit that is at the Art Gallery.
 ThinkSpot’s Debra Pickfield – the hat – let her explain that to you.
And lastly, if you see Debra Pickfield walking around the grounds on the 17th – thank her for making the Taming of the Shrew production happen.
Lowville Festival schedule.
By Staff
July 8th, 2106
Conservation Halton has declared a Level I Low Water Condition for its watershed.
The low snow accumulation over the winter combined with below-normal rainfall amounts over the last three months (April, May and June) has resulted in reduced water flows and levels in local streams.
 Bronte Creek is part of the Halton Region watershed – water levels are low.
Conservation Halton’s data for the month of June indicates that like much of south central Ontario, the Halton watershed has received below-average precipitation. The watershed received an average of approximately 23 mm of rain, which is only 30 per cent of the normal June average of 76 mm. The three-month average for April to June was approximately 37 mm or 47 percent of normal for this time of year. Further, the current data suggests that a number of our streams are below, or are approaching a Level II Low Water Condition threshold.
“The combination of lower snowfall amounts in winter and below-average rainfall over the last three months has resulted in the streams in the Halton watershed being lower than their typical levels for this time of the year.” said Conservation Halton Manager of Watershed Engineering Services, Janelle Weppler.
“The current situation is similar across a majority of our neighbouring watersheds and much of eastern and southwestern Ontario is in a Level I Low Water Condition with some watersheds at a Level II Low Water Condition. In light of the current conditions, our monitoring has increased and follow up discussions are being scheduled with our Low Water Response Team. ”
Under the Level I Low Water Condition, water users in the Conservation Halton watershed are asked to voluntarily conserve water with the aim of reducing overall consumption by 10 percent. The Low Water Condition is based on criteria set by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry (MNRF).
 If you are drawing water from a well on your property the Conservation Authority wants you to cut back by at least 10%
Water users which rely on municipal sources are not subject to these cutbacks at this time, however municipal governments, such as Halton Region, may implement water conservation measures. Conservation Halton’s watershed was last in a Level I Low Water Condition in 2012 for just over 6 months (from June to December).
The Conservation Halton watershed is comprised of the Bronte, Grindstone, and Sixteen Mile Creek watersheds that encompass portions of Puslinch, Hamilton, Halton Hills, Milton, Mississauga, Burlington and Oakville, as well as a number of smaller urban creek watersheds located in Burlington and Oakville.
 Grindstone Creek also has low water levels.
A Level I condition triggers a call for a voluntary cutback of 10 per cent by users taking water from wells or surface water sources. Major water users, such as golf courses, aggregate extractors, farm irrigators and others are asked to implement or continue their water conservation programs to reach the 10 percent target. Rural water users can lower the demand on the watercourses and aquifers by pumping water at a lower rate, storing it in ponds or by staggering their pumping times in conjunction with neighbours to lower peak demand.
Conservation Halton, in partnership with the MNRF, monitors local water level and precipitation amounts. In the event of water shortages or a drought, Conservation Halton works closely with local water users and other government agencies to coordinate water conservation efforts and try to reduce demand.
Under the Province’s Ontario Low Water Response strategy, local water users and managers establish Water Response Teams (WRT) in areas experiencing low water conditions so the local community can carry out actions to reduce and better manage water use. The Low Water Response Team, coordinated by Conservation Halton in its watershed, consists of representatives from the Province, Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, local water users and industry groups. There are four levels of Low Water Conditions:
Normal – Normal Conditions are within normal limits.
Level I – First indication of potential water supply problems, primarily a warning level – key focus is on voluntary conservation of water
Level II – Indicates a potentially serious problem – conservation of water is extended to restrictions on non-essential uses
Level III – Indicates a failure of the water supply to meet demand – key focus is on conservation, regulation and enforcement of non-essential uses.
Halton’s Outdoor Water Restriction Level 1 – Blue – Careful Use
Voluntary odd/even day lawn-watering in effect.
The following outdoor water uses are allowed:
Water newly planted seed or sod.
Water trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens.
Sprinklers for recreational use.
Splash pads.
Fill swimming pools and hot tubs.
Fill garden ponds or fountains.
Wash cars.
Wash building exteriors (i.e. sheds)
Burlington fire chief issues fire ban:
The city of Burlington has banned fire pit and chimineas in the city due to hot weather.
By Staff
July 8th, 2016
It was a long investigation, began in May 2016 when the Halton Police in partnership with Hamilton Police, began to investigate a series of automobile thefts.
On the 6th of July 2016, the investigation concluded with search warrants being executed at five separate locations within the Hamilton area.
As a result of this investigation three parties were charged with several automobile theft and drug related offences.
Theft of Motor Vehicle x 13
Possession Over x 18
Conspiracy to Commit (one count each)
CDSA 5 (2)
CDSA 4 (1)
Breach Probation x 4
Breach Recognizance
The charged parties are:
Dwight Gifford 34 years of age from Hamilton
Dwayne Dyer 35 years of age from Hamilton
Devon Edwards 33 years of age from Hamilton
Anyone who may have information about this investigation is asked to call investigators at the Burlington Criminal Investigation Bureau at 905-825-4747 extension 2307, Or Det. G. Gallant Hamilton Police Auto Squad 905-546-3820.
Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS), through the web at or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637(crimes).
By Pepper Parr
July 8th, 2016
Walker, Nott, Dragicevic Associates Limited (‘WNDAL’), a company retained by Adi Morgan Developments (Lakeshore) Inc. to assist in the development approval process associated with the redevelopment of the property known municipally as 374 and 380 Martha Street submitted the following to the city on June 29th. The city has yet to make this information public.
 The original architectural rendering for the property the Adi group proposed building at the intersection of LAkeshore Road and Martha Street.
The original application was for a 28-storey mixed use building consisting of 226 residential dwelling units and 348 square metres of non-residential gross floor area at grade
The Adi Group then bought the house on Martha Street to the north of their development site and asked the Ontario Municipal Board to adjourn the hearing they asked for while they worked out a new design with the city.
The OMB Commissioner gave them until June 30th to submit a new design.
The following is a description of the design.
The enlarged site is approximately square shaped with frontage on both Martha Street and Lakeshore Road and dimensions of approximately 40.6 metres by 41.7 metres. The configuration of the enlarged site allows for the elimination of the above-grade parking garage in favour of residential and amenity space, and a reduction in the height of the podium from five storeys to one- and three-storeys above which a 23-storey tower would rise for a total height of 26 storeys (88.4 m), inclusive of the podium.
More specifically, the following is a list of the revisions that have been incorporated into the Revised Proposal since the Resubmission:
• The area of the development site has been increased from 1,359 square metres to 1,701 square metres;
• The height of the podium element has been reduced from five-storeys to one- and three- storeys. All above-grade parking has been eliminated from the podium in favour of residential units and amenity space;
• The overall gross floor area has been increased from 15,089 square metres to 19,159 square metres (which is primarily the result of the substitution of the above grade parking with residential and amenity space uses);
• The floor space index has increased slightly from 11.1 FSI to 11.26 FSI;
 The original site for the development did not include 380 Martha Street.
• The overall residential dwelling unit count has been revised from a total unit count of 192 units consisting of 145 one-bedroom units, 45 two-bedroom units and 2 three-bedroom units to a total of 240 residential dwelling units consisting of 4 studio units, 162 one-bedroom units (including one-bedroom plus den), and 74 two-bedroom units (including two-bedroom plus den);
• Indoor and outdoor amenity areas have been redesigned and now consist of 435 square metres of indoor amenity (plus storage lockers) whereas there was previously 428 square metres of indoor amenity space and 693 square metres of outdoor amenity space (plus private balconies and amenity space) whereas there was previously 493 square metres of outdoor amenity space. Amenity areas are now proposed to be located on the 2nd, 4th, and 20th storeys;
• The amount of parking has been increased commensurate with the increase in the number of units such that now there will be 241 parking spaces for 240 residential units, all of which are located below grade; and
• The area of the ground floor retail space has increased from 327 square metres to 423.2 square metres;
The consultants argue that the enlarged site continues to represent good planning and is an appropriate form of development for the subject site within a Downtown Burlington context.
The document we obtained does not include any architectural renderings.
 Adi brothers appear to have taken on a partner for the controversial Martha Street development.
What is interesting to note is that Adi now appears to have a partner in this development. The corporate name used is Adi Morgan Developments (Lakeshore) Inc.
It is still a 23-storey tower that would rise above a three storey podium for a total of 26 storeys.
One additional note: Mayor Goldring is reported to have been asking people what they thought of a ten storey structure.
By Staff
July 8, 2016
The London Majors increased their lead atop the IBL standings after a 9-2 win over the Burlington Bandits Thursday night.
London (20-6) moved 1.5 games ahead of Kitchener for first place.
Keith Kandel had two hits, two RBI and a run, while LeJon Baker hit a solo home run. Byron Reichstein added two hits and an RBI, and Carlos Arteaga drove in two and scored once. Michael Ambrose had the Majors’ other RBI.
 Bandits are still ahead of Hamilton – now to get in front of Toronto
Starter Owen Boon (4-0) was sharp, allowing one run on four hits in seven innings, striking out seven and walking two.
Burlington’s Ryan Beckett (2-4) took the loss, giving up six runs (five earned) on 10 hits over seven innings. Beckett struck out four and walked three.
At the plate, Julian Johnson had the lone RBI. Justin Gideon had two hits, Canice Ejoh singled twice and scored twice, and John Whaley added a pair of singles.
The sixth-place Bandits fell to 6-17.
Elsewhere in the league the Toronto Maple Leafs spread the offence around in a 13-8 win over the host Barrie Baycats Thursday night.
Five players drove in at least two runs as the fifth-place Leafs improved to 12-12.
Leadoff batter Connor Lewis had a home run, two RBI and three runs. Dan Marra added a three-run home run, while Jon Waltenbury had two hits, two RBI and two runs, and Will Richards had two RBI.
Grant Tamane singled three times and scored three times.
Dillon Mulholland (4-2) picked up the win, going seven innings and allowing six runs on 11 hits, walking three and striking out two.
Kevin Atkinson led the Baycats with a home run, two singles and two RBI. Kyle DeGrace drove in a pair, while Zach Sardelletti had two hits and an RBI and Glenn Jackson drove in a run and scored twice. Jeff Cowan and Branfy Infante each had three hits and a run.
Conner Morro singled twice.
Cole White (3-1) gave up eight runs (two earned) on five hits over 3.1 innings. White struck out one and walked five.
Third-place Barrie dropped to 16-9.
Future games
Friday, July 8
Kitchener at Hamilton, 7:30 p.m.
Burlington at London, 7:35 p.m.
Guelph at Brantford, 8 p.m.
Saturday, July 9
Barrie at Burlington, 1 p.m.
Toronto at Guelph, 7:30 p.m.
Kitchener at Brantford, 8 p.m.
By Staff
July 7, 2016
Halton Regional Police responded to a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle on North Service Road between Walkers Line and Guelph Line in the City of Burlington.
At 2:10 pm, this afternoon, a 78 year-old St. Catharines woman was a passenger in an eastbound vehicle on North Service Road. The car drove past a police officer parked in a driveway on the north side of the service road conducting traffic enforcement.
The occupants of the car were lost, so the driver pulled over on the south shoulder of the roadway east of the officer. The woman got out of the vehicle to walk back to the officer for directions. While attempting to cross the roadway, the woman walked into the path of a westbound SUV and she struck by the vehicle.
The woman was rushed to a Trauma Centre where she is currently in critical condition.
A section of North Service Road was closed for approximately 3 hours for the collision scene investigation. The driver of the SUV, a 51-year-old Hamilton man, was not injured in the collision.
Alcohol and speed are not believed to be factors in the collision.
Anyone witnesses are asked to contact the Collision Reconstruction Unit at (905) 825-4747 ext. 5065 or call Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Pepper Parr
July 7, 2106
It certainly wasn’t her first time before an audience speaking but it was an occasion when the Burlington Chamber of Commerce got to grill MP Karina Gould on the issues that mattered to them.
The under 30 member of parliament has some work to do on a number of files but doesn’t need any help knowing when to move a matter off her plate.
 In this photograph, Burlington MP Karina Gould explains to a listener how to get a job done. She appeared at the Chamber of Commerce BBQ eaarlier this week to talk about her work and the speech she heard United States president Obama give to the House of Commons.
When asked about hydro rates she was quick to explain that it was a provincial matter. When asked to talk about cross border issues that impacted Burlington based corporations Gould realized that she had a lot to learn – and hopefully she makes a point of getting back to Jim Peters who explained that he exports 75% of his production and expects that to grow to 90% in the very near future.
Moving senior staff back and forth across the borders to deal with human resource matters is something the Americans are very touchy about. It is a tricky matter and one that business people across the country have to deal with on a regular basis. They could use some help.
The Chamber of Commerce holds a BBQ every summer – the idea is to grill both the food and the Member of Parliament.
Gould held her own but there are a number of files she is going to need to brush up on.
As the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development et la Francophonie, Gould gets to put her experience with trade matters to good use when she travels with the Minister.
She took part in an international conference in Turkey several months ago and expects to spend some time with the Minister in Kenya soon.
It will be interesting to see how she performs when she meets with the Chamber of Commerce next summer. They will want her to be more on top of their concerns next year.