New federal regulations will require the Burlington Air Park to talk to their neighbours - what will THAT do to their court case?

airpark 100x100By Staff

July 21, 2015


The following is as dry as toast.
You have to be a bear for punishment to read through it all.
We have highlighted what we think is really relevant in bold
What you are about to read is the publication of changes the federal government wants to be made applicable to WORDS

The federal government recently released a draft of new rules and regulations that will apply to air parks and aerodromes once the public comment period has ended.


The photograph is dated – the runway cutting across the north south has been upgraded considerably and the land leveled for planned development. No one other than the imagination of Air Park president Vince Rossi knew what the plans were – and they kept changing.

These proposed Regulations would address the current identified gap in regulatory requirements by ensuring that there is a consistently applied notification process in advance of aerodrome work. This proposed amendment introduces clarity, predictability and increased communication for all stakeholders. The proposed Regulations are expected to provide an overall benefit to Canadians directly impacted by aerodrome work as the Regulations would compel proponents to engage stakeholders and solicit and mitigate their concerns in advance of construction. Industry will experience greater planning and cost certainty. A consequential benefit is an increase in coordinated land use between proponents and land use authorities.

These new rules will impact the ongoing legal battle between the city and the Burlington Air Park that has been in the court for close to three years.

Operators wishing to develop a new aerodrome or to significantly modify an existing aerodrome, whether it is certified or not, are not currently required to conduct consultations with affected stakeholders. Matters integral to aviation fall under federal jurisdiction, including aerodromes. However, the federal authority, unlike municipal and provincial authorities that have consultation processes in place for significant changes to land use likely to have an impact on the community, does not have a public engagement requirement to identify and mitigate stakeholder concerns in advance of aerodrome development.

The municipal and provincial stakeholders do not necessarily have to be consulted prior to the development of a non-certified aerodrome within their own jurisdiction. As a result, the lack of coordinated development planning can lead, for example, to inefficient land use and increased complaints from local constituents due to the impact of unexpected development.

Rossi and Lancaster in Warren barn

Vince Rossi, in the red sweater on the right sits next to ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster at the only community Rossi attended. His comment to the many requests made at the time was that he would “take them under advisement”.

Operators and stakeholders seeking aerodrome certification are required to have a consultation process but do not have a federal standard to guide them on what constitutes meaningful consultation. The implications for industry and other stakeholders include inconsistent approaches to consultation, insufficient information shared with affected stakeholders, and costs and delays for proponents or operators who, upon completing what they deem to have been an appropriate level of stakeholder engagement, find themselves caught in legal disputes over the validity of their process instead of commencing with their development.


Burlington city manager at the time, Jeff Fielding, taking a strip off Glenn Grenier, who was advocating for the Air Park corporation at a city Council meeting. City lawyers stand aside at the right.

The Government of Canada has exclusive jurisdiction over aeronautics in Canada and has established a legal framework through the Aeronautics Act (the Act) and the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) that sets out robust safety requirements for the civil aviation industry.  There are approximately 2 000 registered aerodromes, of which 547 are certified, and there are an estimated 5 000 unregistered aerodromes.

It is understood and recognized that aerodromes are engines for nearby communities, that they are vital to the growth of a number of Canadian industries, and that the current legislative framework for activities at aerodromes has generally worked well, particularly during the initial growth of aviation in Canada.

What has bothered the economic development thinkers in Burlington is just what does the Burlington Air |Park have planned.  Almost everyone has found it very difficult to get any useful information from |Vince Rossi, president of the Air Park corporation.

These factors, coupled with the need for a strong aviation transportation system, illustrate the need for increased communication in advance of aerodrome development to help understand and mitigate public concern, promote Canada’s aviation sector, and satisfy the growing need to keep moving people and goods.

A common concern raised by stakeholders to the Minister is the absence of a regulatory requirement for proponents and operators of aerodromes to notify affected stakeholders prior to aerodrome development, including the establishment of new aerodromes and expansion at existing aerodromes.
In 2014, the federal government amended the Aeronautics Act to provide the Minister of Transport with the authority and necessary tools to effectively respond to an increasing number of aerodrome issues pertaining to development, location, land use and consultation. The amendment also provided the Governor in Council with the authority to make regulations to prohibit the development, expansion or a change to the operation of aerodromes, as well as the authority to require proponents and operators of aerodromes to consult stakeholders prior to the development, expansion or change to an aerodrome or its operations.

The federal government wanted to encourage responsible aerodrome development and operation by requiring proponents and operators to consult affected stakeholders in advance of undertaking aerodrome work through a structured notification process.

Vince Rossi, president of Burlington Executive Airpark Inc., at a meeting with members of the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition that took place in a barn a couple of hundred yards from the end of his largest runway.

Vince Rossi, president of Burlington Executive Airpark Inc., at a meeting with members of the Rural Burlington Greenbelt Coalition that took place in a barn a couple of hundred yards from the end of his largest runway.

To strengthen the consultation process for aerodrome work by providing details within the CARS that will introduce greater clarity and predictability around developments, compel increased communication to identify and mitigate concerns in advance of development, reduce post-construction complaints from affected stakeholders, reduce the chance of delay and costs associated with process-related challenges brought on by affected stakeholders, and allow for better coordination of land use by all interested stakeholders.

The proposed Regulations amending the Canadian Aviation Regulations were born out of the concerns raised by interested parties adversely affected by aerodrome development, by proponents and operators frustrated by costly administrative and legal delays, and by the general aviation community concerned for its future in Canada. The nature of the concerns centre on improved communication in advance of construction between proponents of aerodrome development and those most likely to be affected by the development. Requiring consultation in advance of commencing construction will allow for many concerns to be proactively raised and mitigated.

Residents of ward 6 have been arguing this point from the day they learned of the tonnes of land fill that was being dumped on the air park property.   Both the citizens of that ward and the Gazette were very pro-active, a little too proactive for the owners of the Air Park who sued Pepper Parr, Denis Monte and Vanessa Warren along with the corporate parent of the Gazette – that case is winding its way through the judicial process.

The current regulatory requirement to consult is limited to those seeking to certify an aerodrome, and they are only required to consult local land use authorities. The proposed Regulations broaden the requirement to consult by way of notification to include anyone seeking to undertake a prescribed aerodrome work, whether creating a new aerodrome or making a significant change at an existing one, certified or not. The Regulations also provide minimum expectations for how the notification process should be conducted, including timelines, whom to notify and under what circumstances.

The proposed Regulations define aerodrome works that require advance consultation as constructing a new aerodrome and building a new runway at an existing aerodrome. The lengthening of an existing runway has also been included but, in recognition of the differences between small and large aerodromes and so as not to capture all extensions as well as to focus primarily on those likely to lead to an increase in level of service, only extensions in excess of 100 m or 10% of overall length (whichever is greater) will be subject to the proposed Regulations.

To ensure that those most likely to be affected by proposed works receive information about them and have an opportunity to share comments and concerns, proponents and operators of aerodromes will be required to notify interested parties prior to undertaking the prescribed aerodrome work. The proposed Regulations outline a list of interested parties to be notified, which is geographically determined as follows.

In the case of an aerodrome work that is located in or within 4 000 m from a built-up area of a city or town, notice must be given to
the Minister;  the local authority responsible for collecting property taxes; and  the public within a radius of 4 000 m from a built-up area of a city or town.

This will certainly be good news to property owners on Appleby Line and Bell School Road who have been glamouring for an opportunity to get their comments on the record.  The city of Burlington will also take some comfort as well from these proposed changes


Minister of Transportation Lissa Raitt attended an Air Park social function. Vince Rossi wears a red sweater, second from left.

The proposed Regulations prescribe minimum requirements for consultation. Although flexible enough to accommodate the differing complexities of projects that could be undertaken at Canada’s 7 000-plus aerodromes, the minimum requirements are prescriptive enough to introduce certainty for proponents and for stakeholders alike, so that engagement is conducted in a meaningful manner. The proposed Regulations allow all parties to understand under what circumstances consultation is required, what information about the aerodrome work must be shared and the manner in which it is shared, what the opportunities are for affected stakeholders to provide feedback, how concerns are dealt with, and that the Minister will have the responsibility for making decisions on unresolved objections. It is anticipated that, by increasing the amount of information shared in advance of construction, most concerns can be heard and addressed proactively with the goal of mitigating negative impacts to the greatest extent possible.

The proposed Regulations prescribe a minimum of 75 days between the notification and the commencement of the aerodrome work. Transport Canada recognizes that more than 75 days may be required for more complex works and the Regulations allow for additional time to be added as needed. The proponent is required to notify all interested parties by way of a notice and by placing a sign in plain view of the public where the aerodrome work will be undertaken. The notice and the sign must include a drawing and description of the proposed works, the estimated start and completion date, the contact information of the proponent and the deadline for comments to be received (which must be at least 45 days from the initial date of notice).

Within 30 days of the end of the notification period, the proponent will be required to prepare a summary report of the consultation and submit it to the Minister. It must contain a description of the proposed works, the persons who were notified, a summary of the comments and objections received and the proposed actions, and any objections that were not or could not be addressed. The report must also be available to anyone who requests it for a period of at least five years.

Within 30 days of receiving the summary report, the Minister will send the proponent a notice that either provides confirmation that the works may begin or that requests information required by the Minister to be able to evaluate any outstanding objections or measures for the purpose of making a decision. The proponent of the aerodrome work may undertake the aerodrome work at the end of 30 days if there are no outstanding objections or on a date specified by the Minister. The proponent must start the aerodrome work within five years of the submission of the summary report. If more than five years pass, the proponent or operator will be required to undertake a new consultation.

Heli-pad drawings Air park June 28-14

A drawing showing the location of what are believed to be helicopter landing pads less than 25 yards from a residents drive way on Appleby Line.

Transport Canada recognizes that there are some circumstances in which these Regulations should not apply. The following exceptions are therefore provided:  Heliports and aerodromes primarily used for helicopter operations;

This exception will put the willys into Barbara Sheldon who has property cheek by jowl to the air park; there were plans to located a helicopter facility beside her front yard.

Through its principal means of reaching out to industry — the Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council (CARAC) Web site and by way of email to 525 stakeholders — Transport Canada shared a preliminary assessment document to determine how best to proceed with the creation of the proposed Regulations. Based on the significant feedback received from stakeholders, a focus group was established. The primary purpose of the aerodrome focus group was to discuss the regulatory proposal that would require an aerodrome proponent or operator to notify affected stakeholders prior to undertaking prescribed aerodrome work.

Transport Canada held a number of focus group meetings; June 2014 to have a policy-level discussion on the regulatory proposal and February 15thl.

One of the concerns  was about the subjective nature of the wording, including the lack of definition of certain terms, such as “reasonable” and “acceptable.”

The association groups and the municipal governments highlighted an issue with the definition of an “ad hoc aerodrome,” stating that there is no outlined responsibility for tracking the 30-day period, which would cause issues with enforcement. Individual organizational comments are highlighted below.

Municipalities want to be included in the consultation process even if the aerodrome is proposed in a neighbouring non-built up area, i.e. they want the radius to be increased.

They felt the duration of the consultation process was too short;  Transport Canada should require land owners adjacent to aerodromes to consult with operators before any new land use activity commences to assess the impact on aviation safety and aerodrome operations.

A second focus group meeting was held at the end of March 2015 to modify the proposed Regulations in response to industry concerns regarding the scope, applicability and prescriptive nature of the requirements. Transport Canada addressed these concerns by clarifying the intention of the proposed Regulations and working with focus group participants to make changes to the scope, applicability and prescriptive nature of the NPA. For example, the kinds of developments or changes at existing aerodromes that would trigger the notification process were defined and the requirement to have a community meeting as part of the process were dropped, since it was felt that the result of sharing information and soliciting feedback could be achieved without it. To address the concerns raised by provincial officials and Canadians relating to aerodrome work in or near protected areas, the requirement to notify nearby federally protected area authorities was added.

The majority of the annual aerodrome work will be undertaken at smaller aerodromes, not at the major international airports. Of the 13 major international airports in Canada, only 3 have planned future development expected to take place over the next 15 years.

For proponents of aerodrome work at smaller certified airports or registered aerodromes outside of 4 000 m of a built up area of a city or town, the c

Air Park entrance uly 2013

The Air Park has yet to file a site plan with the city of Burlington which would suggest that anything they want to build going forward would have to be discussed with the city and the property owners close to the air park. A sign indicating work was planned would have to be erected on this location, among others.

These amendments will be enforced through the assessment of monetary penalties imposed under  the Aeronautics Act, which carry a maximum fine of $5,000 for individuals and $25,000 for corporations, through suspension or cancellation of a Canadian aviation document, or through judicial action introduced by way of summary conviction.

Interested persons may make representations with respect to the proposed Regulations to the Minister of Transport within 30 days.  The regulations were published July 11 which gives people until August 11th to comment.  All representations must be in writing and cite the Canada Gazette, Part I, and the date of publication of this notice and be sent to Marie-Anne Dromaguet, Chief, Regulatory Affairs (AARBH), Civil Aviation, Safety and Security Group, Department of Transport, Place de Ville, Tower C, 330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5 (general inquiries – tel.: 613-993-7284 or 1-800-305-2059; fax: 613-990-1198; Internet address:


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Federal government decides the CN Milton Logistics hub needs to benefit from the eyes of an independent panel

News 100 blueBy Staff

July 21, 2015


The signs on the side of the roads told part of the story – not in our part of town. A lot of people in the Region did not want to see CN Rails Logistics Hub built in Milton.

On July 20th, the federal Minister of the Environment, the Honourable Leona Aqlukkaq, ordered that a panel review of CN’s proposed Milton Logistics Hub project be undertaken. The Halton Municipalities (the Town of Milton, the Town of Oakville, the Town of Halton Hills, the City of Burlington and Halton Region) are pleased to learn that the Minister has referred this project to a panel.

Milton No to hub sign

Protesters make their opinion known – they don’t want to the  truck part of the train-truck transfer hub on their roads.

In accordance with federal environmental assessment legislation, a panel is composed of independent experts who review an environmental assessment, convene public hearings and make conclusions and recommendations on whether or not a project should proceed and if so, under what conditions.
Previously, the Halton Municipalities had written to the Minister and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency expressing their joint interest in ensuring that there is federal-municipal cooperation in carrying out a full review of this rail-truck intermodal facility.

The Minister’s announcement also expanded the scope of Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines to be issued by Canada for the project. These changes respond to several concerns raised by the Halton Municipalities in recent letters to the Minister and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. In particular, the Minister expanded these information requirements to expressly include:

municipal land use, including present and approved land uses;
human safety in relation to motor vehicle safety and pedestrian/bicycle safety; and
human health, including potential changes in air quality, drinking water quality and noise exposure in the Project vicinity.

The Minister has also set timelines for the environmental assessment. The review panel is to be established within 150 days, (December 17th, 2015). The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency will be asking for comments from the public on the Terms of Reference for the establishment of the review panel, details of which will be announced at a later date.

The presentation CN Rail made to Burlington’s city council left a lot of questions unanswered.

Milton CN logistics hub

Site rendering of a proposed Logistics Hub in Milton. Too many unanswered questions for the Region’s municipalities.

Councillors did not like the noise abatement plans they saw; there was one part of Milton that was far to close to the yards where the transfers from train to truck were to take place.

Another major concern was just which routes the trucks were going to take once they were out of the yard – no one had answers to that question.  Councillors could see trucks using Regional roads that were not intended for large volumes of traffic.  “Once a truck leaves that yard. we have no idea what route it is going to take” said Councillor. “They are on the clock and they will take whichever route cuts down on their travel time”, he added

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CineStarz SHOWTIMES and features for July 24 to 30 , 2015

Cinestarz logo


Cine Starz Upper Canada Place
460 Brant Street

SHOWTIMES July 24 to 30 , 2015

TED 2 14A
Fri to Thur 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 9:30

Fri to Thur 11:20 3:05 5:15 7:25 9:30

Fri to Thur 1:00 7:40 9:40

Fri to Thur 12:30 3:00 5:10 9:20

Fri to Thur 11:20 1:25 3:30 5:30

Fri to Thur 11:20 1:20 3:15 7:40 9:35

Fri to Thur 11:00A 7:30P 9:30P

Fri to Thur 11:15 3:05

Fri to Thur 5:00 7:10

Fri to Thur 1:00 5:35


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Suspects in the robbery at an Esso station on Locust Street have been arrested; out on bail.

Crime 100By Staff

July 21, 2015


Yesterday Halton Regional Police arrested and charged the following persons in relation to a robbery at the Esso Station at the intersection of Locus and Lakeshore Road.

Kyle Andrew BAKER (34 years) of Pearl Street in Burlington
• Charged with: Assault

Thomas James LUNDIE (36 years) of New Street in Burlington.
• Charged with: Robbery

Esso suspects

The words “On the Run” on the carpet at the entrance to the Esso station seem somewhat appropriate. Kyle Baker and Thomas Lundie were captured by a video camera. Do theses people not know that everyone now has a video cameras installed ?

Both were released from custody on Promise to Appears and are scheduled to attend Milton court on August 19th 2015.

The robbery took place on July 12 at 2:50 am but the video was not released by the police until Monday July 20th.

The news report almost went viral. The Gazette received a number of direct calls from people who identified the suspects and the news piece we published ranked exceptionally high.

One caller said “Kyle was basically a decent guy”

The victim is a 21 year-old male visiting from Toronto./ He was attacked by those charged and robbed of his property.

Link to the original piece

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Three Burlington entrepreneurs chosen to receive support for summer businesses

Private Sector  100By Staff

July 20, 2015


This summer, Halton Region is offering funding and mentor-ship to thirteen student entrepreneurs through the Summer Company program. A provincial entrepreneurship initiative, Summer Company helps youth between the ages of 15 and 29 run their own summer businesses. The competitive program is co-ordinated locally through the Halton Region Small Business Centre annually and participants are selected from across the region.

“Entrepreneurship encourages innovation, job creation and economic growth, which is a part of Halton Region’s four-year Strategic Action Plan,” said Regional Chair Gary Carr. “Supporting today’s youth with the tools and guidance they need to bring their business ideas to life will provide a strong economic future for the region.”

Madeline Webb

Madeline Webb, The Alternative Baker sells her gluten free product at the Burlington Farmer’s Market.

Three of the thirteen are Burlington students:  Evan Attard, Art Hero Summer Camp: Marlee Armour, Summer Swim Academy and Madeline Webb, The Alternative Baker.  There was no photograph available for Evan Attard

The other entrepreneurs in the Region are:

Darryl Apple, InFaction Studios, Oakville; Leslie Ashworth, Suite Melody Care, Oakville; Neha Bhasin, Summer Soaps Co., Oakville; Michael Clegg, Clegg’s Athletic Program, Oakville; Julia Dedic, Jewels by Julia, Oakville; Lucy He, Keys to Success Piano & Tutoring, Oakville; Emily Hollick, Golden Years Training & Care, Oakville; Stephen Johnson, Jeunessis, Oakville; William Lomoro, Glen Valley Photography, Oakville; and Nia O’Brien, Nia O’Brien Creations, Oakville

The Summer Company wouldn’t exist without the expertise and support from the local business community.

Marlee Armour

Marlee Armour, Summer Swim Academy teaches people to swim in one-on-one sessions in private pools. They also provide lifeguard services for pool party’s

Offering mentorship to the Region’s 2015 Summer Company participants are: Tom Cochrane, Retired Businessman with Oakville Business Advisory Group, Oakville; Kathleen Dills, General Manager, Halton Hills Chamber of Commerce; Maralyn Ellis, Entrepreneur, FuturesFound; Kelsey Leedale, Youth Outreach Worker, YMCA. Phil Von Massow, Owner of CPL Group, Oakville; Jayme Moorcroft, Senior Account Manager, Business and Personal, RBC; Fatima Pereira, Accounting Supervisor, BDO and Pamela Pereira, Senior Account Manager, Business and Personal, RBC

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Burlington fire fighters now have an extra piece of equipment on their trucks: teddy bears they can give children that have been traumitized.

News 100 redBy Staff

July 20, 2015


When we see a fire truck racing through the streets of the city many voice a quiet prayer and hope that no one is hurt, But people do get hurt in fires – especially children.

They may not have physically harmed but the trauma is not insignificant.

Fire fighters are there to suppress the fire and save as much as they can. The fire fighters have families and they understand how harmed some children are – they see it first hand.

Fire - teddy bears - aldershot lions

Deputy Fire Chief Ross Monteith, Deputy Fire Chief Karen Roche and Burlington Firefighters Daniel Everett (far left) and Andrew Bourque (far right) joins Aldershot Lions Club members at a special presentation held at the Lions Club meeting earlier this month.

The Aldershot Lions Club recently donated 50 stuffed teddy bears that will be placed on the department’s fleet of fire trucks for on-duty firefighters to give to children involved in traumatic emergency response calls.

“We are grateful to the Aldershot Lions Club for providing us with these teddy bears that will help calm children involved in stressful situations, such as car accidents or home medical calls,” said Deputy Fire Chief Ross Monteith.

The Aldershot Lions Club wanted to partner with the fire department to do something special to help children in our community. The club plans to buy more bears in the future by setting up a public sponsorship program.

“We gave each bear a yellow, hooded sweater printed with the Burlington Fire Department crest and the Lions Club logo,” said Ron Hardy of the Aldershot Lions Club. “We’d like to make the bears available for purchase and use the proceeds to replenish the teddy bear stock on fire trucks.”

For more information about the teddy bears, please contact the Aldershot Lions Club at 289-337-5558 or

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Halton Regional Police seeking the public’s assistance in identifying robbery suspects.

Crime 100By Staff

July 20, 2015


On July 12, 2015, at approximately 2:50 a.m. police were called to the Esso Gas Station located at Lakeshore Road and Locust Street in Burlington.

A 21 year-old male visiting from Toronto was attacked by three suspects and robbed of his property.

The three male suspects then fled on foot north on Locust Street. Two of the suspects were captured on video in the Esso station prior to the attack.

Esso suspects

Robbery suspects caught on camera entering the Esso Station at Lakeshore and Locust where they are believed to have robbed a person.

The first suspect is described as male white, approximately 30 years old, 5’5” tall with a heavy build. He was wearing a green t-shirt and green camo style cargo shorts, with a green camo Blue Jay baseball cap.

The second suspect is described as male white, approximately 30 years old, 5’10” tall with a medium build wearing a black t-shirt that had a “fix it up” logo.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Erin Cooper of 3 District Criminal Investigation Bureau at (905) 825-4747 ext 2313 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at; or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).

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Bandits outlast Toronto and take the first part of a double header 5-4

element_sportsCBy Justin Lethbridge

July 18th, 2015



On a humid Saturday afternoon at Nelson Park, the Burlington Bandits overcame the tough Toronto Maple Leafs 5-4 in the first game of a double-header. Both teams got off to a slow start but still managed to have an exciting seven-inning game.

Bandits Burlington's pitchers shut Toronto down

Bandit pitching was steady – but it was the batters that took the game.

Toronto finally broke through the great pitching of Burlington’s Steven Dressier in the fifth, scoring the games first run. The Maple Leaf’s followed it up by bringing two more runs in with the bases loaded. Burlington would fire back in the sixth with a home run. Than, with two on base, Jim Martin stepped up and hit a ball right to the fence to bring two runners in to even the game. Immediately afterwards Toronto changed pitchers to no avail as Martin would score on the next hit to take the lead.

The Maple Leafs would tie it up at 4-4 but weren’t able to take the lead in the seventh inning allowing Burlington up to bat needing a single run to win. After a bunt and wild pitch, a deep hit brought in the winning run for the Bandits.

Burlington would go into the break with the momentum as they looked to make up more ground on Toronto in the standings.

After the first game the Bandits were 1.5 games back of the Maple Leafs for fifth in the league.

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Burlington Bandits wallop the Hamilton Cardinals in a 26-10 win on a night when the wind certainly helped the Bandits

element_sportsCBy Justin Lethbridge

July 18, 2015



It was a great night for the Burlington Bandits: at the bottom of the 4th inning the Bandits had an 11 run lead en route to a lopsided 26-10 victory over the Hamilton Cardinals, Friday night in Hamilton.

Bandits batter

The Bandits kept hitting the ball –

The Burlington Bandits pounded out 30 hits in a 26-10 win over the Cardinals Friday night.

Burlington centre-fielder Shaun Cooper had a home run, five RBI and three runs in the win. He added two doubles and a single.

Infielder Jim Martin had three hits, including a home run, six RBI and three runs. Jordan Boston had a home run, single, two RBI and three runs.

Kevin Hussey had five hits and drove in three and scored three times. Designated hitter Tyler Hardie went 3-for-7 with three RBI and two runs, while second baseman George Halim had five hits and three runs.

Right-fielder Justin Gideon had two hits, two RBI and three runs, and shortstop Keith Kandel had four hits and scored three runs.

The wind seemed to pick up in the 3rd inning and carry three consecutive deep hits by Burlington over the fence for runs.

Despite a Cardinal pitching change in the 3rd, the Bandits piled on the runs in a huge 4th inning that blew the game wide open. They continued to load the bases and bring runs in forced a second change in pitchers. Even than, the Bandits tacked on 4 more runs before a fly ball mercifully ended the onslaught with the score 18-4.

Bandits game 26 - 10 July 17

– and they kept getting from base to base until they had a 26 – 10 win in their hands.

While the 10 runs scored by the Cardinals would be more than enough for a victory on almost any other night, poor pitching put them in a hole. Burlington had a whooping 30 hits in a game that went well over three hours. Burlington was led by Jim Martin’s three runs and six RBI’s.

With the victory the Bandits pulled two games up on the Cardinals with only seven games left before the playoffs. Burlington’s next two games come in a double-header against Toronto at Nelson Park on Saturday July 18th.

Barrie still has a firm hold on 1st place in the league with Kitchener in 2nd, Brantford in 3rd, London in 4th, Toronto in 5th, Burlington in 6th, Hamilton in 7th and Guelph in 8th.

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Outdoor Pools Closed Friday, July 17, 2015

News 100 redBy Staff

July 17, 2015

Mountainside Pool, Nelson and LaSalle Wading Pools now closed for the day due to rainy conditions.

No snow?  There are always swimming pools.  Check out the available programs and register for a spot.

Pools closed due to the amount of rain that has fallen.

Outdoor pools will reopen Saturday July 18, 2015 weather dependant.

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Hamlet performance at Thinkspot in Lowville gets the first festival off to a great start - runs through till Sunday.

Event 100By Pepper Parr

July 17, 2015


If the Kick Off event is any indication of what the Lowville Festival is going to be like – this isn’t something you want to miss.
Driftwood Theatre put on a performance of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on an outdoor stage where people got to hear phrases that have become part of the English language: “Take thee to a nunnery” was the one that brought a smile to my face. It was something we said years ago – can you imagine saying that to a young woman today?

Hamlet - Lowville Festival Thinkspot

The setting for the outdoor production of Shakespeare’s Hamlet was superb – the performance was just fine. Everyone needs to hear Shakespeare at least once a year

The play started in the cool of an evening and ended with people gathered around camp fire to talk about the play and the way it was performed with the Driftwood Director.

The THiNKSPOT location in Lowville, amongst Walt Rickli sculptures, is about as good as outdoor theatre can get.

The Lowville Festival ramps things up Friday evening with:

Laughton - pensive with trumpet

Will Laughton play Sinatra tunes on his trumpet? A gift to all if he does.

FRIDAY JULY 17, 2015 7:30 PM
Loretta Bailey and Robert Missen, hosts.
Artists include Stuart Laughton, Renee Barabash, Andy Griffiths, David Warrack, Lorraine Foreman, Michael Mulrooney, Jude Johnson, Charles Cozens, Wayne Strongman and the Lowville Festival Choir,

The first Lowville Festival with a Gala Concert featuring a wide range of superlative performers, most of whom hail from Burlington.
Classical, pop, jazz, blues, folk, musical theatre. The second half of the concert will be a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Frank Sinatra. Proceeds from this benefit concert will be dedicated to the establishment of the festival.

Griffith at the microphone

Andy Griffith – breaking new ground at the Lowville Festival – his Kids event should be a real hoot!

Burlington singer-songwriter Andy Griffiths launches his new kids’ show, which will also entertain the kid in all of us.

Andy Griffiths and Frank Koren and Kim
Join Andy and his Burlington musical friends for an intimate evening with local songwriters in the Victorian stone schoolhouse in the centre of Lowville.

NIA; a joyful, mindful, and expressive physical conditioning practice
LOWVILLE PARK, between the playground and the creek, under the trees
NIA is a joyful, mindful, and expressive physical conditioning practice, incorporating moves from dance, martial arts, yoga and other alignment arts, as well as individualized, free form movement. NIA offers fun and fitness to men and women of all ages and fitness abilities. Join Nia Black Belt teacher Anna Schantz for a NIA dance fitness experience in Music, Movement, and Magic. Theme: Psychedelic Sunday. Bare feet, hippie attire, and flowers most welcome. Suitable for everybody.


Gordie Tapp – will he do some of his naughty routines this time? He did when her took part in the Blue Jeans event at the Performing Arts Centre

Lorretta Bailey and Robert Misen, hosts
Artists include Melissa Bel, Janet Turpin Myers, Loraine Foreman, Jude Johnson, Lorreta Bailey, Robert Missen and Daryl Webber.
Special Guest: GORDIE TAPP
Celebrating the rich historical and Escarpment heritage of the hamlet of Lowville in a concert that combines music and the spoken word. Local musicians Melissa Bel and Lorretta Bailey are joined by novelist Janet Turpin Myers. Legendary Burlington entertainer Gordie Tapp, formerly of Lowville, will be reunited with Lorraine Foreman, his colleague on Country Hoedown, one of the most popular Canadian television shows of the fifties.


Rebecca Caine – going to be great to see what she decides to do on stage.

Rebecca Caine of Les Miserables fame will be part of the Lowville festival
ROBERT MISSEN is hosting this event.
Artists include Rebecca Caine, soprano; Robert Kortgaard , piano; Rachel Mercer, cello; Stuart Laughton, trumpet; Renee Barabash, piano; Michael Mulrooney, piano
Missen says they will be bringing the inaugural festival to a glorious conclusion with a concert featuring some of the country’s finest classical and musical theatre artists. Rebecca Caine, the original Cosette in Les Miserables and star of the Toronto production of Phantom of the Opera; Oakville-born cellist Rachel Mercer; and virtuoso trumpeter Stuart Laughton will present a concert featuring Bach, Chopin and Schafer as well as a special tribute to The Sound of Music.

Lowville doesn’t see this much action even during the Winter Carnival. Getting around Lowville is easy once you know where you are going.

The United Church is at the corner of Guelph Line and Britannia Road with a decent parking lot behind the church.

St. Georges isn’t actually in Lowville, it isn’t even in Burlington. It is on Guelph Line just above Derry Road – can’t miss the place – it is a beautiful stone building built in 1896

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Andy Griffith; a local musician with a strong following will be breaking new ground with his musical event for the kids at the Lowville school house.

Event 100By Pepper Parr

July 17, 2015


Andy Griffiths is beginning to move with a different crowd these days.

This weekend he will be in Lowville taking part in the weekend Festival that is being held in that community for the first time.

Griffith at the microphone

Andy Griffiths – moving the sound through the microphone.

Andy would like you to show up and listen to him share a stage with the likes of Stewart Laughton and David Warrack, Lorraine Foreman, Renee Barabash, Charles Cozens, Lowville Festival Choir (Wayne Strongman, conductor) plus Michael Mulrooney.

“There will be a BIG kick off concert at St. George’s Parish Hall with many great performers and a Frank Sinatra Tribute” explained Griffiths who added ” I’ll play a couple of tunes early in this show. It starts at 7:30 and is sure to be a spectacular evening.”


The Lowville School house – location for several of the Festival events – close to the free parking.

On Saturday Griffiths breaks new ground for him – doing his very first Kids Show – ‘OUR CAT FLASH’ on Saturday, July 18 at 2pm. Frank Koren will be part of the gig with special guest and Lowville resident Loretta Baily sharing the stage – Stage might not be the appropriate word – the event is taking place in the Old Lowville School House located beside the entrance to Lowville Park. Lots of free parking available. )

The show will appeal to kids of all ages as the audience joins in some of the songs that are sung.  The crew will be acting  out parts and generally having a great time.  There will be face painting and crafts as well … before and after the show.

Later the same day …….. Saturday, July 18 at 7:30pm

‘ROOTS AND ROLL’ at the Old School House

Performing folk, roots and folk rock. Special guests at this event will be Kim Koren, Frank Koren, and Fred Magie. He group will be performing original songs, well known to their faithful followers and sure to grab you, if you are a new to these talented performers.

This evening event will also take place in the atmospheric and intimate … Old Lowville School House.


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Fugitive Friday - Week #13 - Looking for Ashley JACOBS and Michael CRICK

Crime 100By Staff

July 17, 2015


It is week thirteen of the Halton Regional Police Service “Fugitive Friday” initiative that reaches out to the public to help locate wanted persons and hold them accountable for their actions. The initiative is being run by the Burlington Offender Management Unit

There are numerous people who continue to evade the police and the court system and continue to live out in our communities while having a warrant for their arrest in place.

In this edition of Fugitive Fridays the police are searching for another couple, Ashley Ann JACOBS, 30 year, of Kahnawake, Quebec and Michael William CRICK, 31 years, of Hamilton, Ontario.

It is alleged:

FF13 Jacobs

Ashley Jacobs is alleged to have assaulted a person

In October 2013, Ashley JACOBS assaulted a female during an altercation in the City of Burlington, was arrested and released to attend Burlington Court in October 2014. JACOBS failed to appear and a warrant was issued for her arrest.

On two separate occasions in 2014, Michael CRICK attended the Mapleview Mall and the LCBO in the City of Burlington and stole several items. CRICK was arrested and released, scheduled to re-attend Milton court in October of 2014 which he failed to do and a warrant was issued for his arrest.

JACOBS is wanted by the Halton Regional Police Service for:
Assault – Adult female
Breach of Probation Order
Fail to Comply Undertaking
Fail to Attend Court

FF13  Crick

Michael Crick

CRICK is wanted by the Halton Regional Police Service for:
Theft Under $5000 x 2
Fail to Re-Attend Court
Fail to Comply with Probation
CRICK is also wanted by Hamilton Police Service for:
Fail to Comply Probation

Ashley JACOBS is described as 5’9”, 190 lbs with brown eyes and black hair. JACOBS has pierced ears and a tattoo on the back of her neck of an “Anarchy” symbol.

CRICK is described as 5’10”, 150 lbs with brown hair and eyes. CRICK has scars on his head and left thumb and also has tattoos “Delaware” on his left forearm and “Crook” on his right forearm.

Both parties are known to frequent Halton, Hamilton, Brantford and Six Nations. Ashley has strong ties to Kahnawake, Quebec and may be staying there.

Anyone with information on their whereabouts is asked to contact D/Cst Bulbrook – Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Offender Management Team at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2346 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at, or by texting “Tip201” with your message to 274637 (crimes).

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Burlington Bandits pull off a comeback victory; now lead Hamilton in the standings.


element_sportsCBy Justin Lethbridge

July 17, 2015


After a hard-fought game Thursday night in Burlington, the Bandits pulled out a close 4-3 victory over rival Hamilton Cardinals. It was a mostly defensive affair, as the two teams traded scoreless innings. There was only one home run and many innings ended with runners left on base.

Bandit pitching

Burlington pitchers shut down the Hamilton batters – to take the game: 4-3

Hamilton got things going with two runs in the second before they showed off their defense. After keeping the Bandits off the board through two innings they got a critical double play with the bases loaded to end the third inning. Despite the defensive pressure, Burlington scored a run in each of the next four innings while allowing only one run by Hamilton.

After going up 4-3 in the seventh, it came down to Burlington’s last two pitchers. Blake Weston and Brandon Catena completely shut the Cardinals down, allowing only two hits over the last three innings.

Weston came in to close out the game in the ninth and despite an error by his left fielder he preserved the win.

The two teams face off in the second part of their home and home Friday night in Hamilton.

Barrie has a three game lead for first in the league followed by Kitchener in 2nd, Brantford in 3rd, London in 4th, Toronto in 5th, Burlington in 6th, Hamilton in 7th and Guelph in 8th.

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Get caught red handed on Brant street on Friday - down town merchants would like to see you.

Event 100By Staff

July 16, 2015


They do it every summer – they use red bags to boost sales for downtown retailers – and it works for everyone – the retailers and the consumers.

Brian Dean, top toff at the Downtown Business Association was out drumming up business for those of his members that took part in the Red Bag Sale.  Too many of his members let the community down last Sunday.  Keeping the doors closed while the city works at getting people out on the street isn't thew way the game is played.

Brian Dean, top toff at the Downtown Business Association was out drumming up business for those of his members that took part in the Red Bag Sale.   He doesn’t exactly make a fashion statement does he?

The event begins at noon on Friday and runs till 9:00 pm in the downtown core.

Celebrate summer in Downtown Burlington! They’ll have you seeing RED all day with activities & events throughout the core.
Look for the red balloons! Get Caught Red Handed for Prize Giveaways!

If you’re spotted with a red retail bag you are in for a chance to win prizes from downtown businesses!

Red Bag event  logoFor every $50 spent, you get entered to win a $500 Shopping Spree! Participating businesses will being handing out the ballots upon purchase, fill out and hand in at our Burlington Downtown tent at Civic Square – set up outside City Hall.

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After a sloppy and messy debate council refers the Code of Conduct to the city manager; new provincial offense court house also given the go.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

July 16, 2015


This article has been revised.

They are now off for six weeks – except for a three day municipal conference in August the magnificent seven that lead this city of ours will be taking it easy.

During their last city council they came close to making absolute fools of themselves over a code of conduct that we doubt will be followed – and if it is – it will be used to continue the petty games we saw at the Wednesday night council meeting.

After what the Mayor called a “sloppy, messy” debate council put back in a section of the Code that had been taken out at a meeting May 12th.
There was all kinds of fulminating about principles and professionalism and the need to work as a team which isn’t what your Council did Wednesday evening.

After some discussion between Councillors Craven and Sharman in the foyer outside the Council Chamber, Councillor Sharman returned to his seat, said a few words to Councillor Lancaster and the meeting began.

Councillors Sharman and Lancaster: both part of the Shape Burlington committee who seem to have forgotten what the report was all about - civic engagement

Councillor Sharman tends to advise Councillor Lancaster on issues and directions.

Councillor Lancaster introduced a motion, seconded by Councillor Sharman to replace wording in the Code of Conduct that had been taken out at that May 12th meeting.

No one had seen the motion until it was introduced – not the Clerk or the Mayor. All the chatter about professionalism and respect for each other got blown out the window.

There is precious little respect between Councillors Craven and Sharman for Councillor Meed Ward. Councillor Lancaster tends to go along with whatever Sharman suggests.

The issue was about whether or not a council members can involve themselves in matters that are outside their wards.

The Gazette will report on that part of the meeting in another piece.

The final vote was to refer the revised Code of Conduct to the city manager where it will get debated under the Governance section of the strategic Plan. One of the problems is that Strategic Plan meetings are for the most part not recorded or broadcast on the city’s web site.



They now have a Code of Conduct – will it make any difference as to how they behave with one another? Don’t expect any changes – the behaviour for most of these men and women is deeply rooted.

The Gazette will report on that part of the meeting in another piece.

Council goes into Closed Session to hear what city solicitor has to say.

Council went into a closed session to talk with the city solicitor about the latest move on the part of the ADI Development Group and the 28 storey project they want to build at Martha and Lakeshore Road. We have no idea what they talked about but the length of the closed session suggests that it was complex.

Earlier in the week the Ontario Municipal Board Commissioner who will be hearing the ADI application set a date for in March for the hearing.

The OMB meeting on Monday was, we are advised, a meeting to set out what the issues are and to narrow the focus – to determine just what it is ADI is asking the OMB to do.

ADI project - rendering from LAkeshore

It is going to take some really fine lawyering to prevent this 28 storey structure from going up at the corner of Martha and Lakeshore. OMB hearing expected to take place in March of 2016

The Gazette was not able to attend that meeting but our colleague Joan Little, a former city and regional Councillor and a columnist for the Hamilton Spectator, said she didn’t hear any discussion that had to do with the narrowing of the issues.

These preliminary meetings are held to get some sense as to how much time the Municipal Board should allocate for the hearing. The one looks like it is going to be long and contentious.

ADI has hired Weir & Foulds, a Toronto firm with an exceptionally strong pedigree – these guys don’t take any prisoners. Based on the two occasions the Gazette listened to one of their lawyer’s the city has its work cut out for it.

New Court House for Provincial Offenses gets the go-ahead.

There was more – the construction of a court house on Palladium Way at Walkers Line is now a go. The intention is to have a court house built that will hear Provincial Offenses only.

Burlington Court House

At least two more years for this Provincial Offenses Court House.

Citizens in the Alton Community were concerned with people being tried for criminal offenses being in the area. Provincial Offenses are things like Highway Traffic Act cases; charges laid against people who have been charged with a provincial law offense.  They aren’t going to see men and woman in handcuffs and shackles being led into that court house.

While the province is responsible for running the courts in which criminal cases are heard – the building that is being planned will not hear that kind of case

Council approved the issuing of a Request for proposals (RFP) to private sector investors/developers inviting them to purchase or lease the site the city owns and build the court house.

Transit issues got a very small mention – there are going to be talks with Oakville transit to look into what might be done to get some public transit to the court house.

City Manager James Ridge did say that there was some public education needed and that there would be public consultations in September.

The Court House to be built is expected to serve the needs of Region foe the next 25 years. The intention is to have the court house ready for occupancy in January of 2018.

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Forest Glen Avenue and Shadeland Avenue - Resurfacing and Reconstruction

News 100 redBy Staff

July 15, 2015


King Paving & Construction has been awarded the Forest Glen and Shadeland Avenue Resurfacing and Reconstruction project.

Shadeland cotructionProject limits are as shown in the attached map.

Road/Lane Closures

Throughout the project, the traffic will be restricted to local traffic only. Every effort will be made to keep disruption to a minimum. Construction signs will be posted and the site will be barricaded.

Please exercise caution and obey all signs placed for your safety.

Preliminary work is scheduled to begin early July and will continue through to the end of September.

The work includes:
Forest Glen Ave & Shadeland Ave
• Road reconstruction includes storm sewer and curb and gutters from Northshore to approx 300m north.
• Remainder of the roadway (to Townsend) is resurfacing only.
Ascot Place
• Road resurfacing with culverts installation in various locations
Vehicle access to and from your properties may at times be difficult, additionally; driveways will be temporarily closed when work is being carried out in the immediate vicinity. Either the inspector or the contractor will notify you of access interruptions prior to the closure.

Parking on the street

For the duration of the construction, on-street parking will be relaxed for the “5 hour limit and overnight between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.” in your area, when your driveway is not accessible or if the street is closed. However, vehicles will be subject to enforcement of all other parking offences where:

• Signs are posted, i.e. prohibited parking, prohibited stopping, etc
• Signs are not posted, i.e. obstructing sidewalks, facing the wrong way, parked within 3 meters of a fire hydrant, etc

Please continue to put your garbage and recycling out on the usual day. It is the contractor’s responsibility to move your garbage to a location that it can be accessed by the garbage truck and return your garbage containers. In order to help the contractor we would ask that you indicate, on you garbage cans and recycling bins, your house numbers.

Lawn Irrigation Systems
If you have a lawn irrigation system, we recommend you disconnect and remove any sprinkler heads within the City’s road allowance. As well, please have your system flagged that is near and City road works.

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Bob Missen gets the Lowville Festival to the starting gate - the weather looks like it is going to cooperate - will ticket sales be as good?

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

July 15, 2015



There is an infectiousness to the guy.

He doesn’t stop – every idea is a great idea.
He’s been in show business forever and knows all the players – he drops names like rainfall.

Bob Missen

Bob Missen – one of the founders of the Lowville Festival – which takes place this weekend

The arts, the arts, the arts – they are what Bob Missen lives and breathes and if there is an opportunity to advance a cause or an idea or an event – he will be at the front of the line

When he delegated during one of the Stakeholders meetings that were held to ”inform” the Strategic Plan, the people in the room had to lean back a little to absorb the flow of words.

Missen knew that this was his opportunity to state his case – and he didn’t miss much of that opportunity.

Missen doesn’t speak from a script – he does wave his hands a lot and the passion just flows out of the man.

He promoted the Lowville Festival and certainly had the ear of the people who were in the room.

Missen’s mission if you will, goes far beyond the limits of Lowville where he is hosting the inaugural Lowville Festival; he sees no reason why the Nelson Quarry that is close to the end of its productive life can’t be converted into a park with an amphitheatre set beside the lake that would get formed when the quarry eventually fills with water.

PERL wants to esure that when this quarry is mined out that the site is properly rehabilitated and returned to the public.

Can the city get it hands on the quarry and turn the site into a healthy addition to the economy and social activity in rural Burlington – will the locals go along with such an idea o do they want to be left along to enjoy their piece of paradise?

Missen is talking the language that John Taylor lives – there are already people planning on a second conversation with the Nelson quarry people about having the city acquire the property.

A quarry in Action was recently acquired by the Region for a reported price of $1 – Missen likes that approach.

Burlington’s city council did a bus tour of the quarry site and were briefed on the time frames the Nelson quarry people were looking at – Councillor Marianne Meed Ward came away from that event feeling that there were potentialities.

The Lowville Festival event is pretty catholic in its breadth – there is just about something for everyone. “We are not at all sure where this is going to go” said Missen. “We just saw the locale as something with great potential and we put out the word and are now bringing all the wonderful talent this city has and letting the citizens hear for themselves.”

Teresa Seaton, centre, discusses where her cultiral hot spots in the city are located.

Teresa Seaton, centre, discusses where her cultural hot spots in the city are located.  Donna Graddon, on the right is thinking that one over.

Missen is convinced there is great potential for an explosion of artistic activity and it doesn’t all have to take place on the edge of the lake. The Escarpment is just as big a part of the city adds Missen and we want to take advantage of that setting.

“Losing Brian McCurdy as the executive director of the Performing Arts centre is close to tragic” said Missen “but there are some very good people in place and their focus now on community groups and encouraging local talent is something Burlington has needed for some time.”

“Hopefully” adds Missen, “McCurdy will be deeply involved in the selection of his replacement – he knows everyone and can be of immense help.”

Missen is of the belief that Burlington will create an Arts Council and that the city will fund it on an ongoing basis – and go so far as to give the Council a significant sum to be handed out to different arts groups – an amount of $100,000 has been floated.

The discussions taking place at the Strategic Plan sessions make mention of a role for the arts but the focus there is on vital neighbourhoods.

There was a time when individual council members listened to requests for funding and some dollars were handed out – it is unlikely that any of the seven politicians that lead us through the darkness are going to give up that perk.

The Collective had done their homework - they knew what they wanted - now to actually get it - that's their challenge.

The Collective had done their homework – they knew what they wanted – now to actually get it – that’s their challenge.

The arts community has certainly come to the surface and are now clearly visible on the radar screen – what kind of influence they can have on the bureaucracy is another story.

Culture Days is taking place in the city in September. Missen takes a lot of the credit for getting the city on board with that program which was a success last year.

The city currently has a Culture manager – she was upgraded from a culture planner – but other than a half time helper Angela Paparizo struggles with a large workload without the kind of senior management level support and direction.

Up until the appointment of Paparizo as a cultural manager, arts programs got stuffed in with sports and recreation – the two didn’t mix all that well.

Robert Steven AGB

Robert Steven. president of the Art Gallery of Burlington has yet to make any kind of a mark on the cultural scene – he is still working his way through the organization he was brought in to run.

The newly appointed president of the Art Gallery of Burlington, Robert Steven, came to us from Grande Prairie, where he ran a full slate of programs as the Director of Arts and Culture – Grande Prairie had a 2011 population of 55,000 – Burlington is three times its size. That city proved to understand that the arts was not only healthy for a public but was also a real business. Burlington isn’t there yet.

The city struggled with an ongoing subsidy of more than half a million dollars each year for the Performing Arts Centre; when they place first went operational Ward 2 councillor Meed Ward said she wanted the place to be self-sustaining if not profitable – she has since learned the arts don’t work quite that way.

The current council is not likely to lay out all that much money in 2016 – they are still trying to digest the possible 4% tax increase the finance department trotted out a few weeks ago.

Cultural projects manager Angela PapXXX and Stela selection jury member talk about the next project for the city?

Cultural projects manager Angela Paparizo and Trevor Copp have been leaders in pushing for the creation of a Cultural action plan – the  task now is to network and create some momentum at the bureaucratic level.

The emergence of a younger active more mobile demographic in Burlington has opened some eyes and resulted in the creation of an art collective that is not shy about getting their story out.

There is a Cultural Action Plan – in print at least – that needs to get some meat on its bones. It was in the hands of General Manager Kim Phillips who has since retired and really hasn’t found a home or a strong advocate. The Cultural manager has some networking to do.

Missen had hoped she would be a very visible presence at the Lowville Festival – Paparizo is on vacation that week.

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Hamlet to be performed outdoors in the hamlet of Lowville Thursday evening.

Event 100By Debra Pickfield

July 15, 2015


Driftwood Theatre will be producing Hamlet at THiNKSPOT location in Burlington tomorrow (Thursday) evening July 16th.

Hamlet - skullPerhaps the most famous Shakespeare play will be performed from 7:30 until 9:30 pm (food will be available for purchase from 6:00 until just before the play begins).

Jeremy Smith, founder of Driftwood, will be staying for a wine and cheese Question and Answer period after the play – and with 20 years of taking Shakespeare on the road through-out Ontario each year I for one am looking forward to hearing his stories.

The feature that makes THiNKSPOT work is the setting and the level of facilitation,

The feature that makes THiNKSPOT work is the setting. 

For people like me who are very rusty with their Shakespeare, there is an equivalent to Shakespeare for Dummies on Thursday afternoon. We have a few spots left if you are interested in getting totally outside of your comfort zone (OK – that is actually me expressing my biggest fears – so now you know) – just let me know if you are interested in joining us tomorrow afternoon. (there will be some liquid courage provided somewhere at ThinkSpot.)

The Hamlet presentation is the first event in a four day event – the Lowville Festival – talking place in what some people are calling a hamlet – that is a stretch isn’t it?

THiNKSPOT is exactly what the name says: A place where people meet to think.

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Which is it ? Maranatha project doesn't look like what was approved at city council.

News 100 redBy Staff

July 15, 2015


Which is it?

The one that was approved by the city at a council meeting or the one that is on the sales sign on the property?


The initial proposal was for an eight story building – that got whittled down to seven. Many felt there was still too much massing.

When Maranatha Gardens was first proposed it was a seven story structure that some felt had too much massing.

A lot of jaw boning with the people in the planning department brought about a revision that seemed to keep most people happy. The Mayor said he believed that some of the people who were opposed to the size of the building would eventually live in it – now there’s an endorsement for you.


With even more jaw boning the project got cut down to six floors with a large open space to cut down on what many thought was a massive wall in a location that wasn’t appropriate

A community group took the matter to the OMB – but soon gave that up and for all intents and purposes the project was a go.

The lot has been cleared and there is some kind of a construction schedule.

Maranatha sign - difference

The what’s being offered for sale sign doesn’t look at all like what was approved at city council – why’s that?

And there is a sign on the property offering units for sale – it isn’t a picture of the building that was approved – it doesn’t look anything like the plan that was approved at city council – so – which one is it ?

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