Which highway are you talking about ? Where does it go?

By Pepper Parr

October 20th, 2023



There are so many highways that are planned it’s difficult to keep up.

The map set out below makes it pretty clear.

It was prepared by the people at Narwhal – an aggressive not for profit on-line newspaper that you might want to have a look at.  Click HERE for a look at what they are doing.  Some really good stuff.


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First four new Armoured Combat Support Vehicles were officially accepted by the Canadian Army

By Pepper Parr

October 19th, 2023



No matter how they describe it – it is an ugly machine.  Army will take possession of 360 of the things.

Today, the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, and General Wayne Eyre, Chief of the Defence Staff, visited Garrison Petawawa where the first four new Armoured Combat Support Vehicles (ACSVs) were officially accepted by the Canadian Army.


Minister Blair and General Eyre toured the newly-arrived armoured vehicles, which represent the first of 360 Armoured Combat Support Vehicles that will be delivered to the Canadian Army over the coming years.

These first four vehicles are the ambulance variant, which will be equipped with medical supplies and an internal layout that will allow for the treatment of a wide range of injuries.

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Halton Region Public Health confirms rabies in a bat found in Burlington

By Staff

October 19th, 2023



Halton Region Public Health has confirmed that a bat found at LaSalle Park in Burlington on October 9, 2023 has tested positive for rabies. Any Halton resident or their pet who may have had direct contact with this bat or another suspicious wild animal around this location and date should seek medical or veterinarian attention immediately.

Rabies in bats is uncommon, bites from rabid bats have caused almost all human cases of rabies in Canada.

Rabies is a viral disease that causes severe damage to the brain and spinal cord and, if untreated before symptoms appear, can lead to death. The virus is spread through the saliva of an infected animal such as a raccoon, skunk, bat, dog, cat, fox, or other wild animal, usually through a bite or scratch. Rabies illness in humans is exceedingly rare, and can be prevented by the use of a rabies vaccine following exposure, which is extremely effective, but only if it is administered before symptoms occur.

Although rabies in bats is uncommon, bites from rabid bats have caused almost all human cases of rabies in Canada. Bats have small, needle-like teeth, and their bites easily go undetected. If you have been bitten, scratched or exposed to bat saliva, wash any wounds thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention immediately.

It is not always possible to identify if a bat has rabies, as rabid bats may move slowly, lose the ability to fly, remain active during daylight hours or be unresponsive to loud noises. If you find a bat in your home, do not attempt to move it and contact your local Animal Control Services. To report a wild animal that you suspect may have rabies, follow the steps on ontario.ca/rabies.

There are a number of ways you can protect your family and pets from rabies:

  • Know what to do when exposed to a bat or any other animal:
    • Call Animal Control Services. Do not touch dead or sick animals with bare hands.
    • Collect the contact information of the animal’s owner/custodian where applicable (their name, address and phone number).
    • Immediately wash all bite or scratch wounds with soap and water and seek medical attention.
    • Report all animal bites or scratches to Halton Region Public Health by calling 311.
  • Other prevention and safety measures include:
    • Educate children to stay away from any wild, stray or aggressive animals.
    • Do not touch, feed or move wildlife, including young, sick or injured animals.
    • Avoid animals that are behaving strangely.
    • If you find a stray animal, report it to your local Animal Control Services.
    • Do not keep wild animals as pets.
    • Make sure your pet’s rabies vaccinations are up to date.
    • Keep your pet on a leash when off your property.
    • Have your pet seen by a veterinarian if it has come in contact with a bat or other wild animal.
    • Animal-proof your home by filling any holes that could allow animals to enter.

For more information on rabies, visit halton.ca or contact Halton Region Public Health by calling 311.

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Community Development Halton on the edge of rebuilding its board - is a new more effective organization in the works ?

By Pepper Parr

October 19th, 2023



Community Development Halton (CDH) is looking for new Board members.

The organization doesn’t have a big public profile – it isn’t a Burlington based organization anymore; its office is located in Acton and consists of very little space.

CDH is a nonprofit, charitable organization focused on the impact of economic, political, social and cultural forces on individuals, families and stakeholders in Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville.

That is a big job – it is one of those organizations that asks: What if?

It could and should be the equivalent of a think tank engaging with the  the community through social research work, community dialogue and community development initiatives to improve the quality of life in the Halton community.

It has been through a tough time in the past five years. Some of the past Board choices were not what was needed.

The staff lost their way and the Board wasn’t able to find the kind of Executive Director that was needed.

Within the last year the organization did a significant pivot; found a new President who brought sterling credentials to the task she had taken on.

Risha Burke with Ted McMeekin

The Board then hired Risha Burke as the Executive Director; Burke was one of those ‘get into the trenches’ types who certainly knows how to write a report – but you tend to find her in the community working directly with community groups.

I once watched Burke appear before Burlington City Council with a young woman of colour; a single parent who had never delegated before but was very impressive – she more than made her point with the help of people who work with the disadvantaged.

Burke attended an event and found herself talking to Ted McMeekan who, at the time was an MP, serving in the Kathleen Wynne Cabinet.  Ted was the first CDH Executive Director.  It was called the Social Planning Council at the time.

The Gazette hasn’t yet had an opportunity to interview  Joanne McKiernan, President of CDH, to get a sense as to how she intends to add some weight to the Board she has and what they will create in the way of a Strategic Plan and a work list for the next three years.

Joanne McKiernan, President of CDH

The Region of Halton needs what a community development organization can do.

Up until now they have had a very strong working relationship with Alex Sarchuk – Commissioner of Social and Community Services and there is every reason to believe that can continue and become even stronger.

Related article:

Search for a new board.





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The Courts and Environmental Policy - clean electricity; oil and gas emission caps ? Not right away

By Ray Rivers

October 19th, 2023



Last week Canada’s Supreme Court ruled that the Trudeau government had over reached its constitutional rights in implementing the 2019 federal Impact Assessment Act.  Former Alberta premier Jason Kenny had appealed the implementation of this legislation, derisively titling it the ‘no more pipelines act’.  In its five to two decision the court ruled with Kenny that, in fact, portions of the act intruded into provincial jurisdiction. 

Danielle Smith, went rabid, trashing Trudeau and calling on anyone interested in investing in resource projects in her province to bring it on.

In barely a heartbeat following that decision, the current premier, Danielle Smith, went rabid, trashing Trudeau and calling on anyone interested in investing in resource projects in her province to bring it on.   She warned Ottawa about her 2023 Alberta Sovereignty Act as she channeled her hatred of the current federal government, warning Trudeau to stay the hell out of Alberta.  1960’s era Quebec separatists in the FLQ couldn’t have held a candle to her.

But the message from the court wasn’t the slam dunk Smith was making it out to be.  The feds say they’ll only need to fine tune the impact assessment act and they’ll be ready to keep rolling with those very climate friendly initiatives which Smith most objects to: clean electricity; oil and gas emission caps; and of course, no more oil or gas pipelines.  

Ironically, this was the very same Supreme Court which took the Harper government to task for its own milk-toast attempt at Impact Act.  Still, the feds know they have an important precedent in their back pocket with the Court’s earlier support of the federal right to tax carbon emissions to combat climate change.  Besides the feds have other tricks in their bag like the Environmental Protection Act, the Fisheries Act and of course the Criminal Code.

Canada has been a leading international advocate for curbing climate change emissions but all of that seems like hypocritical preaching given that this country is also planning to undertake more fossil fuel development than just about anyone else in the world.  And much of that growth will be in Alberta if Premier Smith has her way.  While the dotted lines are a little blurry there is no doubt about Alberta’s legacy emissions and the role they have played contributing to the changes in our climate which we are seeing today.

Alberta is by far the largest source of carbon emissions in Canada having emitted over 256 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO₂e) in 2021 alone.  And we know that the consequences of global heating/warming are not confined to the oil producing provinces but manifest their impacts – floods, drought, fires, dirty air – in every province and territory. 

When people in one province are placed in jeopardy because of the actions of another they have a right and obligation to seek redress.  That is, in large part, why we have a federal government – to deal with the cross border consequences of a province’s economic activity.  And when it comes to carbon emissions and climate change the atmosphere has no provincial boundary.

Alberta has experienced forest fires that wiped out communities.

And that is perhaps what Premier Smith doesn’t get.  She shouldn’t be allowed to get away with burying her head in the (oil) sands as she promotes expanded fossil fuel extraction activities which threaten the lives and livelihood of the rest of us in the rest of Canada – as well as those in Alberta itself.   And if the Supreme Court won’t allow the federal government the necessary constitutional overreach to protect Canadians then other courts and legal processes will have to fill the void,

The state of California recently filed a lawsuit against some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, including ExxonMobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and BP.  In the suit the state contends these companies knew full well about the dangers of the poisons they were/are developing and selling.  Their scientists and engineers had reportedly made amazingly accurate climatic predictions, going back to the 1950’s, which bear up well with what we are seeing in our climate today.

Those companies, possibly in cahoots with the auto companies and energy utilities, knowingly and deliberately misled and deceived the public about the risks of fossil fuels for decades in order to protect their commercial interests.  The state is suing them to establish a compensation fund to pay for future damages caused by climate-related disasters in California.  This is not the first legal action taken against big oil, but coming from the largest state in the union, it is perhaps the most powerful to date – actually putting the ‘polluter pay’ principle into play.

Taking the culprits to court is a well-worn path, mimicking cases where compensation claims were awarded against the narcotic drug industry (OxyContin), and most significantly, big tobacco.  Except that government is also up to its neck and complicit in the extraction of fossil fuels; issuing authorities/approvals for mining/drilling and then collecting energy royalties. 

Some provinces, such as Alberta or even Ontario have adopted policies which promote the development and/or use of fossil fuels at a time when the climate experts are saying STOP.  Moreover, in the case of those two provinces they have shut down clean energy alternative programs.  So it’s a logical next step for concerned citizens to sue the very governments which are responsible for failing to protect the environment. 

Seven young Ontario residents did just that, suing the Ford government for cancelling the previous (Liberal) climate program.  And this time they were indeed given their day in court.  Previous attempts at suing the government over environmental misdeeds, such as the law suit against the Harper government for pulling Canada out of the Kyoto climate accord, have generally been dismissed without a hearing.  The courts generally prefer to rule on legislation rather than government policies.

For that reason, the judge in the Ontario suit also ruled against the plaintiffs but not before agreeing with the youth applicants on several key points, concluding that ….”By not taking steps to reduce GHG (greenhouse gases) in the province further, Ontario is contributing to an increase in the risk of death and in the risks faced by the Applicants and others”. 

When Premier Smith gets her day in court.

Climate change is a serious concern and there will inevitably be even more law suits against governments as they continue to deliberately fail to protect their citizenry.   And eventually one of these will succeed in forcing the hand of those governments led by climate deniers to do their job.  So when Premier Smith gets her day in court, perhaps she’ll also end her campaign of hatred against our Prime Minister… and her ridiculous advocacy for an independent Alberta.

Ray Rivers, a Gazette Contributing Editor, writes regularly applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington.  He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject.   Ray has a post graduate degree in economics that he earned at the University of Ottawa.  Tweet @rayzrivers


Background links:

Legal case     Hypocrisy?    California   Ontario

Ontario Decision  Federal/Provincial cooperation


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Community Development Halton seeking applicants for Board Members  

By Staff

October 19th, 2023



Community Development Halton (CDH) Board of Directors are people who live and/or work in the Halton community and who participate as unpaid, volunteers to help CDH achieve the stated Mission: Through research, community development, planning and promoting volunteerism Community Development Halton strives to improve the quality of life for all residents of Halton.

CDH is a nonprofit, charitable organization focused on the impact of economic, political, social and cultural forces on individuals, families and stakeholders in Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. CDH supports two programs:

The Social Planning program engages with the community through social research work, community dialogue and community development initiatives to improve the quality of life in the Halton community.

Volunteer Halton provides residents and nonprofit agencies with volunteer opportunity matching services, as well as building the capacity of nonprofits through training, consulting, and resources.

Visit www.cdhalton.ca for more information about CDH.

Directors serve on the Board for a term of three years with options to renew. Board meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Directors also participate in ad hoc committees, with the total average time commitment of approximately 50-60 hours per year.

The CDH Board strives to reflect the strengths and diversity of the Halton community CDH welcomes applications from people with disabilities and encourages people to make requests for accommodations at any point in the process. Preference will be given to candidates who demonstrate that they are committed to equity and social justice and have a passion for and/or experience with the following:

  • Community needs in Halton Region;
  • Human services and nonprofit organizations;
  • Accounting and financial practices;
  • Communications and marketing;
  • Legal knowledge and expertise;
  • Citizen engagement and collective impact

Interested Candidates are asked to please email your letter and resume to the Nominating Committee: CDH Board of Directors at office@cdhalton.ca. by Friday November 3, 2023 at 5:00pm

All applicants will be contacted. Selected applicants will be invited to a virtual interview using Zoom.

Related content.

What is CDH all about?

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Leader of the opposition asks Premier Ford: why not disclose the records from the personal phone he himself admitted he uses regularly

By Pepper Parr

October 19th, 2023



NDP Leader of the Opposition Marit Stiles

She said she was going to keep going after him – true to her word she did just that when she tabled a motion that, if passed, would force the Ford Conservatives to stop their appeal to the province’s Information and Privacy Commissioner and finally disclose the Premier’s phone and email records. NDP Leader Marit Stiles issued the following statement: 

“The more we learn about the Ford government’s preferential treatment to speculators and personal friends, the more the Premier appears to hide. 

If Mr. Ford truly did nothing wrong, why not disclose the records from the personal phone he himself admitted he uses regularly for government business?  

While he’s at it, why not release his emails? 

This government is under a cloud of suspicion; it is being investigated by the RCMP. People deserve to know who their Premier is talking to and what he’s saying.” 


  • The motion will be debated Monday, Oct. 23.  
  • Guidance from the Information and Privacy Commissioner advises that the government and political staff only use government devices and platforms. 
  • In the Auditor General’s Special Report on Changes to the Greenbelt, she indicated: “It is important to note that any communication between lobbyists and political staff about government business is still subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and is not excluded from this act even if the communication occurred on a personal email account.” 


Whereas the Government is under criminal investigation by the RCMP for their removal of lands from the Greenbelt; and 

Whereas the Auditor General is in the process of reviewing whether there has been mismanagement and abuse of Ministerial Zoning Orders; and

Whereas there are outstanding questions about an inappropriate relationship between a former Government Minister and a land speculator, and incorrect information provided to the Integrity Commissioner about this relationship; and

Whereas there are outstanding questions about whether there was preferential treatment given to a foreign company to build a private spa on public land at Ontario Place; and

Whereas there are outstanding questions about preferential treatment given to government donors and personal friends of the Premier with respect to the building of Highway 413; and

Whereas there are outstanding questions about unqualified patronage appointments to public agencies, boards, and commissions; and

Whereas the Premier has admitted that he regularly uses his personal phone to conduct government business and those communications might be relevant to these inquiries;

Therefore the Legislative Assembly calls on the Premier to cease his access to information appeal and disclose the contents of his personal phone and email accounts to the Information and Privacy Commissioner. 

The Motion will be defeated because Premier Ford’s government has a clear majority of member of the Legislature.  But the question has been asked.

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November is Financial Literacy Month at the Library

By Staff

October 19th, 2023



November is Finance month.

Several good programs



Car buying registration HERE

Ten Healthy Habits registration HERE

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Celebration of authors, books, and creativity runs the full month of November at the Library

By Staff

October 19th, 2023



BurlLITFest is back!

Our annual celebration of authors, books, and creativity runs the full month of November—and all events are FREE to attend.

Register now to avoid disappointment!

Register HERE

Full Lineup of BurlLITFest events.

Click on the program you want to take part in.  Some of the items are slow to load – be patient,

Author Talks
Women of Crime with Melodie Campbell, Vicki Delany, Jennifer Hillier & Hannah Mary McKinnon, November 8
R.H. Thomson with Ian Brown, November 10

Historical Fiction with Jennifer Robson, November 13

Climate Justice in So-Called Canada, November 14

Cozy Mystery Queen, Melodie Campbell, November 15

Why Representation Matters in Writing with Sarah Raughley, November 16

In Conversation with Alicia Elliott, November 20

Art of Screenwriting with Chandler Levack, November 22

The Truth About Migrant Work with Gabriel Allahdua, November 23

Author & Athlete Perdita Felicien, November 26

Is AI the End of Real Authors? with Navneet Alang, November 27Writing Workshops for Adults

The Writers Room with Brian Henry, November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

Writing a Memoir with Impact with Samra Zafar, November 7

Journaling for Creativity & Wellness with Lynda Monk, November 21

The Aspiring Author’s Guide to Self-Publishing with Karl Mamer, November 26

BurlLITFest Open Mic, November 30Writing Workshops for Kids

From Idea to Story with Sylvia McNicoll, November 4

Draw with Feeling! with Jennifer Faria, November 11

Prescription for Descriptions with Jennifer Maruno, November 18

Writing in Rhyme with Lana Button, November 25

Finish Strong! How to Write Endings with Jennifer Mook-Sang, November 26


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If you have ever wondered why development applications take so long to get approved - do read on

By Pepper Parr

October 19th, 2023



A standing Committee recommended accepting the Staff report on an Appleby Line development application for a single story building that was adjacent to a Regional water pumping station.

The number of reports required for what isn’t a complex development is stunning.

The project was approved at a special meeting of Council earlier this week

Supporting Documents

The applicant has submitted the following materials in support of the subject applications:

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City Services Survey closing Oct 20 - Share your feedback

By Staff

October 19th, 2023



The City is collecting public feedback on City services through the 2023 Community Survey.  The feedback helps guide future actions and decisions on City services. It also helps City staff and City Council better understand resident satisfaction with City services. The Community Survey is statistically valid. It has been conducted on a regular basis since 1998.

The goal is to measure and continuously improve on resident well-being and satisfaction with City services. 

How to give your feedback 

The telephone surveys have now been completed but an online version of the survey is open until this Friday Oct 20. This online survey gives residents whose telephone numbers were not chosen an opportunity to provide input. Residents are encouraged to take part online.


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Moving the hydro towers from the Beachway not in the cards - far too expensive

By Staff

October 18th, 2023



On July 13, 2022, Regional Council endorsed staff to identify an overhead relocation option for the hydro towers between Lakeshore Road and Eastport Drive; and that a detailed feasibility analysis be conducted on this option.

Staff from Halton Region, City of Burlington, Conservation Halton and Hydro One Networks Inc. have continued work on assessing options relating to the Hydro Towers. The detailed analysis has concluded that no above ground relocation options have been identified as feasible.

Hydro towers along the Beachway are going to be in place for a long time.

An underground alignment is the only relocation option remaining that could meet the objective to relocate the towers, although there would be significant impacts to some Master Plan features.

Rory Nisan

The underground alignment option would result in removing nine towers along the beach by relocating the transmission line underground, however the cost to relocate the existing towers to underground is significant and substantially more than the overall park master plan implementation costs. As a result staff recommend that this option no longer be pursued.

Burlington Ward 2 resident Rory Nisan, representing ward 3 residents, commented that a possible option would be to move the towers to the Hamilton Harbour area.

Hydro Tower Relocation Options and Technical Report Summary

The consultant retained to conduct a preliminary technical review of the various hydro tower relocation options has advanced six different options from ‘sketch’ to ‘preliminary plan’ in order to better inform discussions and next steps in this initiative. The technical assessment reviewed each option from a variety of perspectives including technical feasibility; impact to the power grid; safety; environmental impacts; estimated capital cost; construction feasibility; regulatory considerations; and real estate availability.

Graphics on each of the options are set out at the end of this article.

This level of detail was vital to understanding the spatial requirements of each option, and gaining a better understanding of how the options could impact the natural environmental and implementation of the features identified in the 2015 Master Plan.

Following the completion of the Preliminary Technical Report, project partner staff (Hydro One, Halton Region, City of Burlington and Conservation Halton) held a workshop to review the results and identify, based on the technical components, which options were feasible for continued consideration.

Six Options Investigated: Technical Feasibility Summary

Option 1: Underground

The consultant’s report explored two potential underground alignments.

The primary challenge associated with any underground option relates to the requirement of additional infrastructure (terminal junctions) which are necessary to transition the existing overhead system to an underground system. Two, 70 metre by 70 metre terminal junctions at the north and south end of Beachway Park would be required to transition the overhead system to an underground system. The addition of terminal junctions at either end of the park would create new unintended visual impacts within the park and would limit implementation of the features of the Living Shoreline character area as envisioned in the 2015 Master Plan. The cost estimates for this option exceed the budget currently allocated for this project.

While the underground option has been Council’s preferred option to explore, this option results in major changes to the Living Shoreline character area and also has significant cost implications. This option is feasible from a technical perspective.

Option 2: Overhead Relocation East Side of Eastport Drive / QEW

Option 2 proposes to relocate six tower structures westward to the east side of Eastport Drive. The key challenge associated with any option to relocate towers is the presence of existing structures or infrastructure in the area. Through discussion with Project Partners it was clarified that in order to meet operational requirements (i.e., to facilitate access to overhead transmission lines requiring repair in case of service interruption) land below new transmission lines is required to be unencumbered by existing structures. Locating the transmission line in proximity to Eastport Drive also creates challenges with respect to maintaining Ministry of Transportation setback requirements from Eastport

Drive and the Queen Elizabeth Way. Option 2 also faces challenges in terms of finding vacant land that would also result in a viable design from a technical perspective. Option 2 is not feasible from a technical perspective.

Option 3: Overhead Relocation West Side of QEW

Option 3 proposes to relocate a portion of the transmission line to the west side of the Queen Elizabeth Way. As with Option 2, the key challenge relates to the presence of existing structures or infrastructure in the area, in this case, crossing a Provincial highway has been identified as a significant barrier. It would necessitate highway closures in the event repairs are required, or other safety risks. On the basis that the resulting alignment does not meet operational and technical requirements, Option 3 is considered not feasible.

Option 4: Overhead Relocation within the Park

Option 4 proposes to relocate the transmission line slightly westward on the backside of the existing dunes. Implementation of Option 4 would result in substantial negative impacts to the natural environment (dune) and would significantly limit Halton Region’s ability to enhance the park with the features identified in the 2015 Master Plan. Further, the resulting alignment does not respond to Regional Council’s objective to minimize the visual impact of the transmission line, given that the transmission line will remain visible within Beachway Park. Given that the resulting alignment does not respond to Regional Council’s objective to minimize the visual impact of the transmission line and will serve to undermine objectives to protect and enhance the natural heritage system, the Project Partners recommend not moving forward with consideration of Option 4.

Option 5: Submarine Cable

Option 5 proposes to remove the tower structures and install a transmission line cable on the lakebed. As with Option 1, two, 70 metre by 70 metre terminal junctions would be required to transition the overhead system to an underground system, along with the addition of three to five lattice towers, creating new visual obstructions within the park. In addition, it was identified that submarine cables have a shorter overall estimated asset life, by as much as half, even when properly maintained. Further, regulatory complexities associated with Option 5 would result in a lengthy approval and implementation process. The Project Partners recommend not moving forward with consideration of Option 5.

Option 6: Enhancement

Option 6 suggests that the transmission line and towers to remain in situ, with visual enhancements added to the towers. Although Option 6 would not address Regional Council’s objective to minimize the overall visual impact of the transmission line, the option does provide an opportunity to improve the appearance of towers. Given that Option 6 would not result in a lessened visual impact, Project Partners recommend not moving forward with Option 6.

Impact Matrix of the 6 Options Explored in the Technical Report:


 In order to ensure a broad range of options and opportunities have been explored, the consultant retained to provide commentary on the potential to have the transmission line removed from Beachway Park area entirely through alternate means, by removing and relocating the existing transmission line and towers around Hamilton as shown in Figure 1, below. The challenges associated with each of these options are outlined below.

Bypass Option

The Consultant identified that there is a strong likelihood that the majority of the existing towers cannot handle additional overhead circuits; therefore, an additional transmission line system will be required to carry the existing four circuits. Relocating the transmission lines around Hamilton would be very costly due to the transmission line’s total length. The existing 115kV lines from Beach Transformer Station to Burlington Transformer Station around the City of Hamilton are approximately 23 kilometres. The existing 230kV lines between Beach Transformer Station and Burlington Transformer Station, which run west of Hamilton via Middleport Transformer Station, are over 40 kilometres long.

Hamilton Burlington Area Transmission System

Based on the capital cost estimates completed for Concepts 2, 3, and 4, the average cost to install 2.3 kilometres of a new transmission line system was estimated to be approximately $23 million. This equates to $10 million per kilometre. Based on the approximate unit rate of $10 million per kilometre, assuming an overhead transmission line throughout, the base implementation costs would be $230 million for the 115kV Line bypass and $400 million for the 230kV Line bypass. This cost does not include the value of real estate procurement costs that would be required to widen existing rights-of-way that have been in place for decades and are generally surrounded by developed land.


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How can so many Palestinians support an act that much of the world has condemned as a terrorist outrage? 'We couldn’t take it anymore'

By Staff

October 18th, 2023


Republished from the Christian Monitor


A mood of shock and inevitability has spread over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as residents find themselves plunged into a war that has caught everybody off guard.

But even as the Gaza Strip braces for an Israeli ground assault, a large majority of Palestinians appear to support Hamas militants’ brutal weekend attack on Israel.

How can so many Palestinians support an act that much of the world has condemned as a terrorist outrage?

Hamas’ popularity is built on profound frustration with the failure of peace talks with Israel.

On Saturday, news of the surprise Hamas eruption prompted celebrations on the streets of Ramallah, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, where people distributed sweets to gathering crowds.

Many saw the attack, in which more than 1,000 Israelis – mostly civilians – died, as retribution for the deaths of Palestinian civilians in earlier rounds of conflict and in daily life. Two hundred have been killed by Israeli soldiers or settlers in the occupied West Bank this year, a record high.

Frustrations have been running especially high in the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip, whose 2 million residents have been forbidden by the Israeli authorities to leave for 16 years.

“The situation is very devastating, and we couldn’t take it anymore,” says local journalist Hind Khoudary, describing deteriorating living conditions in Gaza. The assault on Israel “may not be aligned with international law,” she adds, “but, for the first time, Palestinians here in Gaza do not feel helpless.”


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Stiles going after Kaleed Rasheed - wants to know where he gets his pedicure when he was in Las Vegas

By Staff

October 18th, 2023



Marit Stiles, the Leader of the Official Opposition NDP, submitted a request to the Integrity Commissioner this morning, asking him to investigate whether former Conservative cabinet minister Kaleed Rasheed broke the Members’ Integrity Act when he and two of Ford’s senior advisors jetted off to Las Vegas with a Greenbelt land speculator.

Kaleed Rasheed. former Cabinet Minister

“Mr. Rasheed’s story on what happened in Las Vegas has changed many times,” Stiles said. “And every new piece of information raises more questions than answers, but all suggest a pattern of preferential treatment.”

Rasheed gave up his cabinet post and resigned from the Conservative caucus after reports surfaced that he and Ford’s advisors provided incorrect testimony to the Integrity Commissioner on their now-infamous trip to Las Vegas with developer Shakir Rehmatullah. Knowingly lying under oath is known as perjury in Canada’s Criminal Code.

“People are frustrated with how expensive life has become and with a government that is choosing not to do a thing about it,” Stiles said. “They’re angry that Ontario has a corrupt government that has brought back a cash-for-access culture at Queen’s Park.”

“Step by step, we’re going to put an end to it.”



  • In June 2023, an investigation from The Trillium revealed that former Conservative Minister and MPP for Mississauga East—Cooksville went to Las Vegas with Greenbelt developer Shakir Remtullah
  • In August 2023, the Office of the Integrity Commissioner reviewed this trip as a part of his larger investigation into former Conservative Housing Minister Steve Clark, who resigned the following month after the report concluded he violated the Member’s Integrity Act.
  • Khaleed Rasheed’s trip to Las Vegas included prominent developer Shakir Rehmatullah, former Conservative Principal Secretary, Amin Massoudi, and Jae Truesdell, the government’s former housing policy
  • Rasheed, Massoudi, and Truesdell all provided incorrect testimonies on the dates of this trip; they all said the trip was in 2019, when it really was in
  • All three corrected their record with the integrity commissioner once the media reported evidence to the contrary, which raises serious concerns.
  • Rasheed claimed to the Integrity Commissioner that he was only in Vegas once since being elected – in December, 2019. However, reports later showed that not only was he not there in 2019 (he was in fact there in 2020), but also that he had another trip in February, 2023.
  • Rasheed provided banking records to show proof of repayment for the trip show a deposit of $2,000 on December 20, 2019, which would have been prior to the trip and prior to any reported repayments from either Mr. Massoudi or Mr. Truesdell. The amount does not match the amounts that Mr. Massoudi and Mr. Truesdell indicated they provided to Mr. Rasheed. This was also documented by media reports. This raises more questions.
  • Rehmatullah has a documented history of preferential treatment from the Ford government. As the developer who made one of the most significant gains in the now reversed Greenbelt grab, the details of this trip is necessary to understand whether Mr. Rehmatullah received or provided information that led to government policy changes for his own material benefit.
  • Page 106, paragraph 421 of the Integrity Commissioner’s report on former Housing Minister Steve Clark: “On the evidence, I am unable to make a definitive finding as to what or who prompted Rehmatullah in the Fall of 2022 to take the steps he did to request that his small piece of land and the land of two of his fellow members of a landowners group be removed from the Greenbelt. But I find it is more likely than not that someone did.”
  • Did a sitting Conservative Minister intentionally lie to the Office of the Integrity Commissioner? Was there patronage or inappropriate gifting in this Vegas trip? And what does it reveal about the Greenbelt land swap?





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Did the Mayors 'lap dog' just bite her?

By Pepper Parr

October 17th, 2023



Editors note: Several of the comments were attributed to the wrong person.  Corrections have been made.

Turning now to the food truck festival said the Mayor.

We have two clauses to vote on here. We will take them separately.

The first is to direct the city manager of and the manager of festival and events to decline future food truck festival applications in Spencer Smith Park, effective 2024.

The second clause will be to encourage the event organizers to work with staff to find a suitable location in Burlington

The discussion and debate that took place on these two clauses was revealing in several ways.

First, we saw for the first time, ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan (Rory lives in ward 2) disagreeing very directly with Mayor Meed Ward on how the city should decide whether or not to let the Food Truck Festival continue to take place in Spencer Smith Park.  That has never been Nisan’s style up until now.

Stolte:  We all hope that we can figure it out with this particular event organizer.

We know that the citizens of the city would like to continue to enjoy that type of event of event. Is there anything stopping us from reaching out to other organizations in our community or service clubs and supporting them to perhaps look at creating a food truck festival so that the at least the event can continue in Burlington in some capacity.

If this visitor wants to attend a Food Truck Festival – it won’t be in Burlington

Staffer:  So there would be nothing preventing us from doing so. We usually just wait until applications come in to the festivals and events office from event organizers is typically our process. I hope that answers the question.

Stolte:  A point of clarity – if a person such as myself, were to have contacts within a service club, and I had a conversation with them and they wanted to reach out to the city as far as looking at that then we could explore that alternative?

Nissan It’s been a challenging issue. I think. I think the fact is that we have a provider here now who listened to what we asked our committee and did his due diligence and even found a potential alternative location, but it’s completely offline at Burloak.There will be two years of construction. There’s just no other place to put this other than Spencer Smith Park. So I just don’t agree with any assertion that this decision is anybody’s but ours. The fact is that this event brings as much as $11 million dollars of business into the city. 40,000 people enjoying themselves in the city down that Spencer Smith Park has been for seven years

Nisan: I want to be part of the city that supports fun that supports leisure and good times.

There haven’t been complaints brought to city council. It’s a fantastic event enjoyed by residents across the city and supporting businesses other than the restaurants that are complaining. There are many other businesses that are being supported. This is a case where we need to go back to our first principles here as council members and do what’s best for the city as a whole.

And you know, I want to be part of the city that supports fun that supports leisure and good times and not a city that pushes events out to meet the interests of a small number of people. So I honestly ask my fellow councillors to please reconsider. If you need more time to think this through ask for deferral. But please do reconsider your position and allow this festival to stay in Burlington. I mean, what a shame if this went to Oakville or Hamilton or Milton and and we lost it in Burlington. It would be an absolute shame and make no mistake; this is our decision. The provider has done his due diligence, and it’s our decision on whether to have a food truck festival in Burlington or not.

Mayor  I don’t think I’ve ever seen our staff or counsel for that matter. Give options to this many options to any provider who wants to create an event in our city and I want to acknowledge and thank staff and council for working with the food truck organization to at least look for other other venues.

Mayor Meed Ward: I would love to see a food truck festival in other parts of the city.

Specifically, the reason we can’t or we decided to go through the process that we’re going through is because the local BIA and the associations are restaurants in in the downtown area and I’d have to say the other areas have some effect as well. indirectly. They pay the freight each and every day. They’re the ones that create the employment each and every day. They pay their fair share and contribute to the tax base each and every day. We need to support our community. Every day. I will do that. Always.

So those are basically the highlights that I want to make sure everybody understands. I would love to see a food truck festival in other parts of the city, and we have had them privately in private locations that were very successful in the past, and we will have it again I’m sure someone will come up with a program that will fit the needs of our city. This aligns with my own thinking on this that our role as council members with our city wide heart is to look at all of the interests that come before us and there are competing interests.

Mayor: Second time speaker back to you, Councillor Nissan.

Thank you Your Worship, but I appreciate the comments and listened intently to everyone’s and recognize them in the minority. According to the comments anyway. So you know, the BIA is more than the restaurants. There’s hotels that benefited there’s a $11 million of economic activity that’s been brought to the city so if we want to feel if we want to help the if we want to help the BIA and help the downtown I think we can help them by bringing 40,000 people into our downtown.

Nisan: the BIA is more than the restaurants.

So that’s my opinion about about the BIA and what’s good for the BIA but I think we’ve had a great we missed a great opportunity here to have a premiere event in the park. I think it casts a chill on other potential event organizers. And it’s gonna make it we talked about other people going into the park while they have to go through what Ben has had to go through in order to maintain his festival. I think they’re gonna think twice about it. He did his job. He looked around. He looked everywhere.

If we don’t want to have a food truck festival fine, but let’s not pretend that there’s another Canada food truck festivals waiting in the wings. Just to open up in a location to be determined that has already been found to not be feasible. There’s no other there is no other food truck Canada food truck festival. Perhaps something can be organized but it won’t be in any way on the scale and opportunity here I bet has businesses you know a business or has that as well the food trucks, their small businesses, they’re the smallest the small businesses are also they did nothing wrong. And now they’re going to lose a weekend of business and our residents are going to lose out on a lot of good fun for this. So I’m sorry, this is the end of the food truck festival in Burlington. I don’t see anybody else coming forward. And I’m just I’m just very sorry that we’re that we’re sort of taking the fun out of Burlington.

Mayor: So with all of that not seeing any more hands on the board a vote on the first clause:

Direct the city manager of and the manager of festival and events to decline future food truck festival applications in Spencer Smith Park, effective 2024.

who?. Thank you turning to the second clause to encourage the event organizers to continue to work with staff to find a suitable location in Burlington. Councillor Nissan, did you wish to comment on this clause?

Nisan: This is moot. At this point it’s clear that the organizer has done everything he could – he will be doing and will be moving his food truck festival to a neighbouring municipality.

So this has moved to this point. I would suggest that his is as this is no longer relevant. The the first item was fulfilled through the committee direction – he did his due diligence and there’s no more encouraging to be done.  Nisan saw going forward as moot

Mayor Meed Ward: I’m happy to vote on that..

Mayor: I can declare this moot, but I’m not going to

I think I’ll put it to the vote. Certainly I’m only speaking for myself. I think that this is the sentiment that a number of us feel that we would like to encourage event organizers to work with staff so I’ll leave it on the board unless all of you tell me to take it off. I’m happy to  vote on that.

And I see hands going up now. Councillor Kearns, go ahead.

Kearns: I’m absolutely looking to take this vote .

Kearns: I’m absolutely looking to take this vote . This was a massive modification from the initial staff direction that I’ve worked very closely with staff and stakeholders on to have to signal the goodwill that our city our staff have continue to leverage to this operator and so I don’t find it complete and done by way of a delegation piece of information. I thought I, I will keep it open because we were very vocal on working with this particular operator and if it is the operators decision, you can come back by way of a memo through staff to let us know that they’ve made a decision outside of that I’m I’m not supporting a withdrawal of this and I don’t find it closed.

Councillor Bentivegna: I concur with what counselor Kearns said, I would like to leave this open as well.

Councillor Nissan speaking a second and last time to this clause.

I’m sorry. I’ll defer to you Mayor for your first time  I’ll hold my comments until after you speak.

Mayor: Go ahead.

Nisan: Okay, thanks. Look, let’s get our feet on the ground here. This is not happening, the food truck festival is dead in Burlington. So let’s not pretend that there’s still an opportunity. It’s over.

Mayor: Okay, I’m not seeing any other hands on the board. I don’t share your pessimism Counsellor. I believe that votes can be clarifying for folks and it can encourage them should they wish to make use of our audience here and Burlington, which are good food truck festival goers and they’ll find it wherever it’s located. So I don’t I don’t share your concern. And I do believe that what we heard from the festival organizer prior to a vote wanting to say that he’ll withdraw it to get us to vote a particular way.

So now that we’re going to say no, no to this part, but yes to somewhere else, I think that will provide some clarity to the organizer to work their magic, which they can and if they wish to stay in Burlington and have access to our facilities and our audience of good Burlington, paying residents who will go to a food truck festival, so I’m not going to sell our community short and I’m not going to sell our stuff short, they can find solutions and this vote will help to encourage that. Seeing no further.

There’s no single point of order. Go ahead.

Nisan: I just don’t think it’s fair your worship to ascribe motivation to the delegates that that he was attempting to force our hands so I just want to raise that point. I don’t think that’s fair.

Nisan: I just don’t think it’s fair your worship to ascribe motivation to the delegates that that he was attempting to force our hands so I just want to raise that point. I don’t think that’s fair.

Mayor – Thank you. Your opinions been noted? I don’t share it, but thank you.

A recorded vote was taken. 4-1 with Councillor Nisan voting against.

Kearns, Nisan, Stolte, Bentivegna and the Mayor voting.

Councillor Sharman had sent his regrets, we didn’t see or hear Councillor Galbraith.

We have never seen a spat like that between the Mayor and Councillor Nisan who has been described by a number of people as the ‘Mayor’s lap dog’  – who on this occasion bit her.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.


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Marit Stiles deserves immense amounts of credit for the way she sunk her teeth into Doug Ford's ankle and refused to let go.

By Pepper Parr

October 17th, 2023



Marit Stiles, the NDP Leader of the Opposition

Marit Stiles, the NDP Leader of the Opposition is not backing down in her persistent goal of bringing down the Doug Ford government.

On Wednesday she will announce her next steps in investigating former Conservative minister and shine light on former Conservative minister Kaleed Rasheed’s connections with land speculators who benefited from Ford’s Greenbelt grab.

Stiles has been doing all the heavy lifting on this issue.

Former Auditor General Bonnie Lysak

It was her letter the the Auditor General that resulted in the report that set out much of what had taken place with the properties that were moved out of the Greenbelt allowing developers to reap huge financial benefits.

Former Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clarke

And it was her letter to the Provincial Integrity Commissioner that led to the resignation of then Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

The chances of Stiles ever forming a government are slim – but she deserves immense amounts of credit for the way she sunk her teeth into Doug Ford’s ankle and refused to let go.

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Public School Board reports HDSB Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 9 and Grade 10 students performed above the provincial average

By Staff

October 17th, 2023



Results released from the Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) show Halton District School Board (HDSB) Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 9 and Grade 10 students performed above the provincial average based on assessments completed in the 2022-2023 school year.

These EQAO (hdsb.ca) results demonstrate that HDSB students are well above the provincial standard (Level 3 & 4, or a B grade or above) in Grade 3 and Grade 6 Reading and Writing, as well as Grade 9 Mathematics and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test.

Grade 3 Math, the HDSB outperforms the province by 9.3 percentage points, with 69 per cent students meeting or exceeding the provincial standards in Math. 


  • In Grade 3 Math, the HDSB outperforms the province by 9.3 percentage points, with 69 per cent students meeting or exceeding the provincial standards in Math. 
  • In Grade 6 Math, the HDSB exceeds the provincial average by 13.2 percentage points with 62.7 per cent meeting the provincial standard in Math. 
  • In Grade 9 Mathematics, the HDSB outperforms the provincial average by 15.7 percentage points, with 69.4 per cent of students meeting or exceeding the provincial standards in Math.


  • In Grade 3 Reading, 80.5% of HDSB Grade 3 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading, exceeding the provincial average by 7.9 per cent. 
  • In Grade 6 Reading, 89.9% of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading, exceeding the provincial average by 6.2 per cent. 

Grade 6 Writing, 89.5% of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards.


  • In Grade 3 Writing, 74% of HDSB Grade 3 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading, exceeding the provincial average by 8.5 per cent. 
  • In Grade 6 Writing, 89.5% of HDSB Grade 6 students met or exceeded the provincial standards in reading, exceeding the provincial average by 5.9 per cent. 

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT)

  • In the Grade 10 OSSLT, 92.2% of HDSB students met or exceeded the requirements of the OSSLT, exceeding the provincial average by 7.5 per cent.

EQAO assessment results expand upon the current knowledge about student learning, and serve as an important tool for improvement at the individual, school, school board and provincial levels. The Board uses this data at the school and Board level, along with a variety of other student assessment data, to focus efforts toward continuously improving student achievement.

While students in the HDSB perform well above the provincial average, the Board continues to prioritize Mathematics as an area of focus. Board-wide learning continues to focus on professional development that aligns with the Ontario Math Curriculum, the HDSB Elementary Math Plan and High-Impact Instructional Practices in Mathematics, which support high-quality teaching and learning in math.

Curtis Ennis, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board.

“We are very proud of the HDSB’s EQAO results as the Board continues to exceed the provincial average on all assessments,” says Curtis Ennis, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board. “This success is attributed to the hard work, flexibility and dedication of our staff, students and families. This, coupled with the support of our Board of Trustees and our community partners ensures that we remain focused on fulfilling our commitments as outlined in the Multi-Year Plan (2020-2024). This support and encouragement is crucial as these partnerships are key in ensuring all students have the tools to be successful and can learn in a supportive and respectful environment. These results demonstrate the impact of our commitment to student well-being and success in all areas of education.”


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1Win Casino: Canada's Favourite for Unmatched Gaming Experience

By  Laurie  Dumont

October 18th, 2023



1Win Casino has rapidly gained popularity in Canada due to its extensive offerings of both casino games and sports betting. As an all-in-one entertainment platform, 1Win Casino provides a wide array of gaming options for Canadian players. From a vast selection of slots and table games to live dealer experiences, 1Win ensures its players are never bored. Additionally, their advanced sportsbook allows seamless transitions between gaming and sports betting, catering to the diverse preferences of their user base.

In recent years, the online gambling landscape in Canada has become increasingly competitive, with players seeking the best options for their entertainment needs. 1Win Casino has emerged as a go-to destination by consistently delivering a user-friendly platform, lucrative bonus offers, and a top-notch gaming experience. In addition, the casino’s dedication to catering to the unique preferences of Canadian players has been instrumental in earning its position in the industry.

Key Takeaways

  • 1Win Casino offers a comprehensive gaming experience, including both casino games and sports betting
  • The platform’s user-friendly interface and varied selection cater to the preferences of Canadian players
  • 1Win’s competitive bonus offers and exceptional customer support help distinguish it from other online casinos in Canada

1Win Casino: An Overview

1Win Casino has quickly become a popular choice among online casino enthusiasts in Canada. Established in recent years, this online casino boasts a wide variety of games and options to cater to the preferences of diverse players. With an official license from Curacao (license no. 8048/JAZ2018-040), 1Win ensures a safe and secure gaming environment for its users.

The 1Win Casino platform stands out primarily for its extensive range of offerings. Players can enjoy thousands of games, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and more. In addition, the casino features a comprehensive sportsbook to accommodate those who prefer sports betting.

Navigation on the website is seamless, making it easy for users to switch between the casino games and sportsbook sections. This user-friendly interface adds to the enjoyable experience players can expect at 1Win Casino.

In terms of bonuses and promotions, 1Win Casino offers an attractive welcome bonus, which comprises a 200% match on players’ first deposit, up to $700. Users can also benefit from free spins and other promotions available on the site. Adding to the casino’s appeal is its dedicated customer support, available to assist players with any concerns or queries.

To sum up, the growing popularity of 1Win Casino in Canada is primarily attributed to the casino’s wide game selection, user-friendly navigation, attractive promotions, and a solid licensing foundation. As a result, players can confidently enjoy their gaming experience at 1Win Casino while benefiting from the platform’s quality offerings.

Betting on Sports and Virtual Games

At 1Win Casino, players have the opportunity to explore a vast array of betting options. Covering various sporting events, the platform offers an exciting selection of pre-match and live betting opportunities. Sports enthusiasts can place wagers on popular games like tennis, football, cricket, volleyball, horseracing, and golf. Additionally, 1Win Casino supports less common sports for those seeking something different.

Not only does 1Win offer betting options for real sports, but they also extend their services to virtual sports and esports. Virtual sports bring together the excitement of traditional sports with innovative technology, providing simulated events that players can bet on at any time. Esports, on the other hand, caters to the growing community of competitive video gaming enthusiasts.

The variety of betting markets at 1Win Casino ensures that players can find options tailored to their preferences. From standard markets like Moneyline and Over/Under to unique prop bets, 1Win caters to both casual bettors and seasoned experts. The platform offers a clear and user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate through various events and markets.

In summary, 1Win Casino has established itself as a popular online betting destination for Canadians by offering a multitude of sports, virtual games, and betting markets. With its user-friendly design and diverse selection of options, users can confidently place wagers on their favourite events while enjoying a seamless betting experience.

1Win’s Gaming Experience

The Live Gaming Experience

1Win Casino is rapidly becoming a favourite destination for Canadian players, thanks to its extensive range of games and its focus on providing an engaging live gaming experience. With over 10,000+ games available, including slots, live dealer and table games, 1Win aims to cater to various players’ interests.

The live gaming experience at 1Win stands out for its immersive and interactive nature. Featuring real dealers for a variety of table games, players can enjoy the thrill of a land-based casino from the comfort of their own home. Live dealer games include popular options such as blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, allowing players to feel like they’re on the casino floor.

In addition to the live dealer games, 1Win offers an array of online slots, showcasing a diverse selection of themes and styles to keep players entertained. The variety ensures that there is a game suitable for every type of jugador, from classic and simple three-reel slots to modern and visually striking video slots.

1Win’s range of table games is equally impressive, presenting players with the opportunity to enjoy classic casino games like poker, blackjack, and roulette. The online platform ensures users have easy access to these games, bringing entertainment to those who may not have access to traditional casinos.

To further enhance the gaming experience, 1Win offers numerous promotional bonuses, such as the casino welcome bonus, free spins, and cashback offers. Players can take advantage of these promotions to extend their gameplay and increase their chances of success.

In summary, 1Win’s gaming experience is popular among Canadian players due to its extensive game variety, engaging live dealer options, and enticing promotions. The platform’s commitment to offering a high-quality and immersive gaming experience keeps players coming back for more and sets it apart from competitors in the online casino industry.

Bonus and Promotional Offers

At 1Win Casino, players can significantly boost their bankrolls with a variety of bonus and promotional offers. As a renowned Canadian betting house, 1Win caters to both new and existing players, making its casino platform even more exciting and rewarding.

New players are welcomed with a generous welcome bonus package worth up to 500% on their initial deposits. This bonus is split across the first four deposits, allowing players to benefit from an incremental increase in bonus value. The first deposit offers a 200% match, followed by a 150% match on the second deposit, 100% on the third, and finally, a 50% match on the fourth deposit.

In addition to the welcome bonus, 1Win Casino also provides a range of promotional codes that can be used to access exclusive offers and promotions. These codes can grant players benefits like free spins, cashback, and other lucrative deals designed to enhance their casino experience.

For avid Poker players, 1Win Casino offers a 50% rakeback deal, allowing them to earn back part of the money they contribute to the house through their gameplay. This can be an attractive offer for those who frequently play poker and want to maximise their returns.

To ensure players stay engaged, 1Win Casino regularly introduces new promotions and offers, including seasonal and event-specific deals. These can include free spins, deposit bonuses, and cashback offers tailored to players’ preferences.

In summary, 1Win Casino maintains its popularity in the Canadian online gambling market by providing a variety of bonus and promotional offers that cater to different player preferences. From generous welcome bonuses to ongoing promotions and exclusive deals, there is always something for everyone at 1Win Casino .

Registration and Operation

1Win Casino has gained popularity in Canada for several reasons, one of which is its user-friendly registration process. To get started, simply go to the 1Win global website, click on ‘Registration’, and follow the prompts. Upon successful registration, a unique username and password will be generated for you. Be sure to enter the 1Win promo code BETMORE during the process to take advantage of a 500% deposit bonus worth up to $1,025.

The platform’s website and mobile application further contribute to its popularity. With an easy-to-navigate interface on both the website and app, users can quickly access and efficiently browse an extensive selection of casino games and sports betting options. The mobile application can be downloaded on various devices, making it convenient for players to enjoy games on the go.

When it comes to making a deposit, the casino offers a variety of methods that cater to the diverse preferences of their Canadian players. Although the minimum deposit amount may vary depending on the chosen method, it ensures that players can easily begin their gaming experience without making a large investment.

Moreover, the process of logging in to your account is straightforward. Simply enter your unique username and password to access your account. In case one forgets their login credentials, the platform provides a secure process for recovering them.

Finally, for a safe and fair gaming experience, 1Win Casino requires users to verify their accounts. The verification process is essential to ensure that all players are of legal age and abide by the platform’s terms and conditions. This verification is conducted securely, with the user’s information remaining confidential.

In conclusion, 1Win Casino’s popularity in Canada can be attributed to its seamless registration process, user-friendly website and app interfaces, accessible minimum deposits, and secure account verification, all contributing to a positive gaming experience for users.

Payment Options

1Win Casino offers a variety of payment options for its Canadian users, making it easy and secure to deposit and withdraw funds. They accept multiple currencies, including Canadian dollars (CAD), and provide a range of methods to suit your preferences.

Popular payment methods such as Visa and Mastercard are supported, ensuring that most users can conveniently deposit and withdraw funds using their preferred credit or debit cards. Additionally, users can also opt for Perfect Money, an e-wallet that allows for fast and secure transactions.

For those more tech-savvy users, 1Win Casino accepts various cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. This provides an additional layer of security and anonymity for those who prefer using digital coins for their casino transactions.

Another valuable payment option available at 1Win Casino is Airtm, a versatile online payment platform that allows users to convert local currency into international digital currencies easily. This can be especially useful for Canadian users looking to manage their casino balance in multiple currencies.

The casino’s minimum withdrawal limits are designed to cater to players with varying budgets and playing styles. This ensures that whether you are a high roller or a casual player, you can enjoy gaming at 1Win Casino without worrying about burdensome withdrawal restrictions.

In summary, 1Win Casino’s payment options cater to a broad range of preferences for Canadian users. With multiple currencies and methods available, along with popular options like Visa, Mastercard, Perfect Money, cryptocurrencies, and Airtm, users can enjoy seamless transactions at this popular online casino platform.

Platform Availability

1Win Casino has ensured that their platform is easily accessible and compatible with various devices to cater to the diverse preferences of their Canadian players. Whether you prefer using Android, iOS, or Windows devices, 1Win Casino has got you covered.

For those who enjoy gaming on the go, 1Win offers a seamless mobile version of their website, as well as a dedicated mobile app. Using these options, players can access their favorite casino games and place sports bets from the convenience of their mobile devices.

The 1Win app is specifically designed to enhance the gaming experience for mobile users. With a user-friendly interface and easy navigation, the app supports both Android and iOS devices. This ensures that players can enjoy the same functional and entertaining gaming experience, regardless of the type of smartphone or tablet they prefer.

In summary, 1Win Casino’s popularity in Canada can be attributed to its platform availability across various devices and operating systems. By providing a mobile version of their website, as well as a dedicated app for Android and iOS, they have made it convenient for players to access their services and enjoy a seamless gaming experience no matter where they are.

Accessible and Supported Languages

1Win Casino is popular in Canada for many reasons, one of which is its accessibility. Offering a seamless experience for players, 1Win Casino provides support for multiple languages. This inclusiveness allows for a broader audience, catering to the diverse linguistic needs of Canadian players.

The platform’s primary language is English, making it easily navigable for the majority of Canadians. However, 1Win Casino also demonstrates its commitment to inclusivity by offering a user-friendly interface in other languages, such as Spanish. This helps to cater to the growing number of Spanish-speaking residents in Canada and ensures a welcoming gaming environment for all.

In addition to English and Spanish, the casino is continuously working on expanding its language offerings to further accommodate its diverse clientele. This versatility shows the dedication of the platform to staying in tune with the needs of players and providing an accessible gaming space for everyone.

By offering a casino experience tailored to a variety of language preferences, 1Win Casino fosters an inclusive atmosphere for its players. The supportive language options and clear, concise content found on the platform demonstrates its understanding of its customers and adds to its growing appeal among Canadian online casino enthusiasts.

Customer Support and Services

1Win Casino offers its customers an excellent support experience, allowing them to feel confident and secure in their gaming journey. Numerous support channels are available to ensure quick and efficient assistance when needed.

To start with, the casino provides live chat support, enabling players to reach out for assistance in real-time. The live chat option is easily accessible on the website, and it connects users to a knowledgeable and friendly support representative promptly. This way, players can have their concerns addressed and resolved without any significant delays.

In addition to live chat, 1Win Casino also offers support through email. Players who prefer using email can easily send their queries or issues to the casino’s dedicated support email address, and expect a timely response from the support team. Email support, although not as immediate as live chat, still provides an effective method of communication, allowing for more in-depth queries to be resolved.

One of the key aspects that makes 1Win Casino a popular choice among Canadian players is its commitment to providing a comprehensive support experience. The casino ensures that the support team has a firm understanding of the platform, games, and any challenges that may arise. This understanding allows them to assist players in a knowledgeable and efficient manner.

The utilization of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques helps the support team communicate with players effectively, ensuring they feel understood and valued. This approach to customer support is instrumental in maintaining the casino’s positive reputation among its user base.

In summary, 1Win Casino’s customer support and services play a significant role in the platform’s popularity in Canada. The availability of live chat, email, and knowledgeable support staff ensures that players’ needs are met in a timely and efficient manner, fostering a sense of trust and loyalty among its users.

1Win and International Players

1Win Casino has become increasingly popular among Canadian and international players, partly due to its extensive selection of games and prizes. Their offerings cater to a vast range of preferences, engaging players from around the world, including those from Latin America and Mexico.

The casino boasts a wide array of games, such as table games, slot machines and live casino action, to provide a rich and varied gaming experience. 1Win’s casino draws in players from all over, including those from Chile, Mexico and other Latin American countries. These players appreciate the diverse gaming options and the opportunity to earn impressive prizes, which contribute to 1Win’s overall popularity in Canada.

1Win also supports an advanced sportsbook, covering an extensive range of sports, including fantasy sports and eSports. This feature allows players to bet on various events, such as tennis, football, cricket, volleyball, horseracing, golf and more. Furthermore, the platform enables pre-match and live betting, appealing to sports fans and offering them a convenient and user-friendly experience.

The appeal of 1Win Casino doesn’t stop at its selection of games and sports betting options. The platform also provides a smooth user experience, with an efficient and accessible layout. This quality attracts international players, including those from Mexico, and helps 1Win maintain its reputation as a top online casino choice in Canada.

In conclusion, 1Win Casino’s popularity in Canada can be attributed to its extensive variety of games and prizes, advanced sportsbook, and user-friendly platform. The casino’s ability to cater to the preferences and needs of international players, particularly those from Latin America, demonstrates its commitment to providing an exceptional gaming experience for all.

Security Measures at 1Win

At 1Win Casino, the safety and security of their customers are top priorities. They have implemented various measures to ensure all transactions, personal information, and gaming experiences remain secure and enjoyable. In this section, we will discuss some of the key security measures 1Win Casino has put in place.

Firstly, 1Win uses advanced encryption technologies to protect all sensitive data transmitted over the internet. Whenever you make a deposit, request a withdrawal, or submit personal information, your data is encrypted using state-of-the-art SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. This means your information is safe from potential hackers and unauthorized access.

In addition, 1Win has a strict privacy policy that explains how they collect, use, and protect your personal information. The casino respects your privacy and is committed to maintaining the highest level of confidentiality when handling your data. They will not share or sell your information to third parties without obtaining your consent, ensuring your details remain private and secure.

Moreover, 1Win complies with all relevant data protection regulations, including any local regulations in Canada. As a result, you can trust that the casino utilizes best practices to ensure the security of your personal information and financial transactions.

Lastly, 1Win Casino is licensed and regulated by the government of Curacao, which means they must adhere to strict guidelines and procedures designed to protect players and maintain fair gaming practices. The casino is regularly audited to ensure compliance with these standards, resulting in a safe and reliable gaming environment for all players.

In conclusion, 1Win Casino takes security very seriously, employing state-of-the-art technologies and strict regulations to protect your personal and financial information. As a player, you can enjoy the casino’s wide range of games and betting options with confidence, knowing that your safety and security are well taken care of.

Currencies Accepted at 1Win

At 1Win Casino, players have the convenience of using various currencies for their transactions. This popular Canadian casino caters to a diverse clientele, ensuring that they can seamlessly deposit and withdraw funds. Among the currencies accepted at 1Win are the Euro (EUR), United States Dollar (USD), and Mexican Peso (MXN).

In addition to these primary currencies, 1Win also supports a variety of other popular and regional currencies. By offering multiple currency options, the casino makes it simpler for players from different countries to participate without having to go through the hassle of currency conversion.

Depositing funds at 1Win is quick and straightforward, enabling players to begin enjoying their favourite casino games in no time. With various payment methods available, such as credit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers, players can choose the most suitable option for their needs and preferences. By offering such payment flexibility, the casino can cater to its diverse user base and provide a superior gaming experience.

In conclusion, 1Win Casino’s popularity in Canada is due in part to its support for multiple currencies, including EUR, USD, and MXN. This convenience, paired with the wide variety of games and features available, makes 1Win an attractive destination for players seeking a seamless online casino experience. With the continuous expansion of the online gambling industry, casinos that cater to diverse players’ needs will undoubtedly continue to thrive.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 1Win Casino a legitimate platform?

Yes, 1Win Casino is a legitimate online gambling platform. It holds a license and authorization issued by Curacao, ensuring that it complies with international standards and norms. Playing at 1Win Casino is safe and secure, making it a popular choice among Canadian players.

What are common withdrawal issues at 1Win Casino?

While 1Win Casino generally provides a smooth withdrawal process, some common issues might include delays in processing withdrawals, identity verification requirements, or issues related to preferred payment methods. To minimize these issues, make sure you have completed the necessary verification procedures and choose a reliable payment method that works for you.

How do I use the 1Win Casino app?

Using the 1Win Casino app is quite simple. First, download the app from the official website or your device’s app store. Once installed, sign in to your account or create a new one if you’re a first-time user. Browse through the vast selection of games, including slots, table games, and live dealer options. Select your preferred game and start playing for real money or in demo mode to get a feel for the platform.

What are some popular 1Win Casino promo codes?

1Win Casino offers various promotions and bonuses to enhance your gaming experience. These promotions may include welcome bonuses, free spins, and deposit match bonuses. To stay updated on the latest promo codes and offers, check the casino’s promotions page regularly or sign up for their newsletter to receive notifications.

How does 1Win Casino compare to other Canadian casinos?

1Win Casino stands out among other Canadian casinos due to its diverse selection of over 10,000 games, user-friendly interface, exceptional customer support, and competitive promotions. With a focus on providing the best gaming experience to Canadian players, 1Win Casino is quickly becoming a top choice for many.

What are the best strategies to win at 1Win Casino?

To increase your chances of winning at 1Win Casino, consider employing various strategies, including choosing games with high RTPs (return to player), managing your bankroll wisely, and learning game rules and strategies before playing. Additionally, take advantage of bonuses and promotions, practice in demo mode, and remember to gamble responsibly.

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There are City Councils that chose not to go the Strong Mayor powers route - Burlington wasn't one of them

By Staff

October 17th, 2023



Published in the Hamilton Spectator:

With the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing’s Oct. 15 deadline just days away, Haldimand council decided it will not condone a course of action that will lead to strong-mayor powers in the county.

That decision may have put the county in the minority in Ontario.

The province gave about 50 municipalities — including Haldimand — targets for new housing units over the next nine years. These units can range from a detached home to individual apartments.

Municipalities that agree to the housing targets can start accessing infrastructure funding from the province’s $1.2-billion Building Faster Fund after they hit 80 per cent of their annual target; more units mean more money. The funding has been guaranteed for three years.

Agreeing to the housing targets also requires the municipality to accept strong-mayor powers, which enable the mayor to hire and fire key senior staff, table a budget and override council decisions on matters of provincial priority — such as housing.

“I can’t even imagine what the workplace must be around those municipalities that have the strong-mayor powers; they’ve got to be walking around on eggshells the whole time,” Coun. Dan Lawrence said in council chambers on Oct. 10.

Later in the day, when discussing the matter again, he said, “This thing is just rotten to the core.”

At the Sept. 25 council meeting, Coun. Rob Shirton’s motion that council defer its decision to Oct. 10 so staff could reach out to other municipalities to find out if they were also opposed to the idea of strong-mayor powers was passed.

Editors note: 

Burlington City Council didn’t have this kind of debate

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Council members decide not to talk about spending they might do as Deputy Mayors

By Pepper Parr

October 17th, 2023



Approve the proposed amendment to the Council Member Expense Manual as referenced in finance department report.

No surprise here.

Easier to ignore the subject and hope that the public isn’t aware.

Related news story

How much does a Deputy Mayor get to spend?

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