By Staff
March 9, 2016
Do you know of another city that closes down a road so a slimy little creature that tends to breed at night can cross that road?
It happens in Burlington every year in March.
King Road from the base of the Niagara Escarpment to Mountain Brow Road will be closed from March 15 to April 6 to allow the endangered Jefferson Salamander safe passage during its annual breeding migration.
 The Jefferson salamander – He isn’t exactly pretty but nevertheless plays an important role in the local environment. Comes in different colours as well.
The Jefferson Salamander is a nationally and provincially protected endangered species. Each year, since 2012, the City of Burlington has closed the same section of road for an approximate three-week period.
The city works closely with Conservation Halton to assist in the protection and recovery of this endangered species.
“Conservation Halton commends the City of Burlington for closing King Road once again to protect the Jefferson Salamander, this is a great example of the relationship we have with our community partners,” said Hassaan Basit, General Manager, Conservation Halton. “It can be challenging to determine when is the best time to close King Road as spring weather can be unpredictable, particularly this year, however we feel confident based on the advice of our ecology staff who make the call on the best science and information available.”
 One of these was enough for the people in rural Burlington. One of the reasons for not permitting an expansion of the quarry was the impact that would have on an engendered species.
The Jefferson Salamander is quite a bit more than an endangered species. A provincial tribunal made a decision a number of years ago to not allow the expansion of the Nelson quarry due in large part to the impact any expansion would have on the existence of the salamander.
In Canada, the Jefferson Salamander is found in Southern Ontario in select areas of deciduous forest, mostly along the Niagara Escarpment. Several forested areas in Burlington provide the necessary breeding, summer and overwintering habitats required by this species.
Jefferson Salamanders spend the majority of their lives underground. As the weather warms up and the spring rains begin, the salamanders emerge and migrate to breed in temporary ponds formed by run-off, laying their eggs in clumps attached to underwater vegetation. Adults leave the ponds after breeding. By late summer, the larvae lose their gills and become air-breathing (like the metamorphosis of tadpoles into frogs) and leave the pond to head into the surrounding forests.
Adult salamanders migrate to their breeding ponds in mid-March or early April during wet rainy nights. They show strong affinity for the pond in which they hatched and can be very determined to reach it, sometimes requiring them to cross busy roads.
By Staff
March 8, 2016
The City of Burlington Animal Shelter invites all cat and dog owners to attend its low-cost microchip clinic on Saturday, April 2 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Burlington Animal Shelter, 2424 Industrial St.
 City by law says cats have to have a microchip – did you know that?
“The last thing any pet owner wants to experience is the stress that comes with trying to find a missing animal,” said Dave Lake, the city’s supervisor of animal services. “In addition to a dog licence, a microchip is an easy, inexpensive way to ensure owners can be quickly reunited with their pet if they are ever separated.”
The cost for a microchip is $30 per pet and only cash will be accepted. Visitors to the clinic can expect a quick and minor procedure. Dogs attending the clinic should be brought on a leash and cats placed in a carrier. The City of Burlington’s bylaws require cats to be microchipped.
Appointments for the clinic can be reserved by calling 905-335-3030. Walk-ins are also welcomed. Pet owners are asked to bring proof of up-to-date vaccinations.
All proceeds from the event will go to the Paw Fund in support of stray animals.
How do they work?
Microchips can be implanted by a veterinarian or at a shelter. After checking that the animal does not already have a chip, the vet or technician injects the chip with a syringe and records the chip’s unique ID. No anesthetic is required. A test scan ensures correct operation.
 Microchip implanted in a cat – visible near the top of the photograph.
An enrollment form is completed with chip ID, owner contact information, pet name and description, shelter and/or veterinarian contact information, and an alternate emergency contact designated by the pet owner. Some shelters and vets designate themselves as the primary contact to remain informed about possible problems with the animals they place. The form is sent to a registry, who may be the chip manufacturer, distributor or an independent entity; some countries have a single official national database. For a fee, the registry typically provides 24-hour, toll-free telephone service for the life of the pet. Some veterinarians leave registration to the owner, usually done online, but a chip without current contact information is essentially useless.
The owner receives a registration certificate with the chip ID and recovery service contact information. The information can also be imprinted on a collar tag worn by the animal. Like an automobile title, the certificate serves as proof of ownership and is transferred with the animal when it is sold or traded; an animal without a certificate could be stolen.
Did you know?
That you must have a microchip put in your cat? In 2005 the city passed a bylaw:
Control and Registration of Cats
30. (1) No person, being the owner of any cat shall fail to have the cat implanted with a functioning subcutaneous microchip.
Walter Byj
February 5, 2016
It came near the end of the Wednesday Halt on District School Board meeting when Director Miller announced to the trustee that to date there are 2,000 students at the grade 11 and 12 levels who are not yet fully immunized.
The Halton Region Health Department that requires 100% mandatory immunization for grade 11 and 12 students within Halton. If those students do not get their immunization by the end of March they will be subject to a 20 day suspension beginning April 6th.
The Regional Health department has done everything possible to immunize students – going so far as to set up individual appointments for students to get the needle.
Miller stressed that that this is mandatory by Halton Public Health as they will be suspending the students, not the school board.
Related article:
Parents have to report.
By Staff
February 4th, 2016
Power Restored at Parking Garage on Locust Street
Power to the parking garage at 414 Locust St. has been restored.
By Staff
February 4m 2016
Power Outage at Parking Garage on Locust Street
The parking garage at 414 Locust St is temporarily closed due to a power outage.
Hydro crews are on site.
The estimated time for repairs is not known at this time.
By Pepper Parr
February 3rd, 2016
Whenever there is weather forecast that relates to rain –there are a lot of people in Burlington who pause – some even shudder.
Environment Canada is advising that our area will be experiencing rainfall amounts in the order of 15 to 25mm this evening and overnight. With partially frozen ground conditions and soils near saturation, water levels are expected rise.
Widespread flooding is not anticipated, however there is potential for minor flooding of low-lying areas. Water levels in our reservoirs are low and storage is available to manage potential runoff within regulated systems.
Conservation Halton is asking all residents and children to stay away from watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.
Conservation Halton will continue to monitor stream and weather conditions and will issue further messages as necessary.
Conservation Halton will issue an update to this Watershed Condition Statement – Water Safety Statement only if significant changes in the forecasts occur. This Watershed Condition Statement will be in effect through to Thursday February 4, 2016.
By Staff
January 25th, 2016
The residential tax rate for 2016 is going to be $17.10 per $100,000 of home assessment value.
City council approved the 2016 budget this evening which came in at an increase of 3.19% more than 2015.
Additional details will be published early Tuesday.
By Pepper Parr
JANUARY 19th, 2015
The report to council set out how the treasurer thought the surplus from the 2015 budget should be used. A cool $4,750,000 that was not spent in 2015 will not get returned to the taxpayers – it will get tucked into various reserve funds and saved for those rainy days.
 The surplus came from money budgeted but not spent on city services and significant improvements on revenue the city was able to pull in. We overspent on corporate expenditures. The numbers are in millions.
Where were the savings experienced?
The city treasurer reports that expenses were closely monitored in 2015 to find ways to reduce operating costs; she reports the 2015 retained savings as follows:
• Human Resource Savings
City human resource costs (excluding winter control) are projected to have a favourable variance of $1,555,230. (The treasurer uses the term favourable and unfavourable balances which most of us know as a surplus and deficit.)
The city experienced a large number of vacancies throughout the year, some of them for senior positions. The favourable variance is primarily attributed to the period of time from when the position became vacant to being filled after the competition was complete.
• Earnings on Investments
Investment income is projected to exceed expectations by $1,327,017. This positive variance is attributed to $2,287,375 of realized capital gains, of which $960,358 will be used to meet the budget of $5.1 million. The proposed budget for Earnings on Investments for 2016 has been increased by $100,000 to $5.2 million.
• Supplementary Taxes
Supplementary tax revenues exceeded budget by $1,885,369. This is due to one property with three high rise buildings assessed as multi-residential for 3 years of taxes (2013-2015) totaling just over $2.0M in city revenues in 2015.
 The city saved on the cost of fuel – but the projected bus ticket sales target was not reached. Transit is going to be an ongoing cost that the city does not seem to be really prepared for – where is the problem?
• Transit Fare Revenues
Transit fare revenue is projected to have an unfavourable variance of $719,870 as a result of the 2015 budget not being in line with actual receipts. The proposed 2016 budget has been decreased by approximately $592K to $5.1 million to better reflect the actual trend.
• Diesel Fuel Costs
Diesel fuel costs are projected to have a favourable variance of $643,572. The majority of the variance is found in Transit.This variance is mainly attributed to lower than anticipated fuel prices.The proposed budget has been decreased by approximately $110K for 2016 to $2.9 million.
The remaining difference in the retained savings is comprised of favourable and unfavourable variances spread across numerous programs within the city. The 2015 Operating Budget Performance Report will provide more details on these program variances.
Consistent with past practice and recognizing the one-time nature of the retained savings, this report recommends a transfer to provide flexibility for addressing future one-time expenditures.
The retained savings is not to be used to directly reduce the proposed 2016 tax increase. As this is a one-time funding source, it is important that there is no reliance on retained savings built into the budget process on an ongoing basis.
2015 Recommended Retained Savings Disposition
• $738,361 Provision to Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund
It is recommended that $738,361 be set aside to finance one-time expenditures included in the 2016 Proposed Operating Budget. This allows unique one-time needs to be addressed without affecting the tax rate and without being built into future budget years. These one-time expenditures will be addressed through the review of the 2016 Proposed Operating Budget.
• $750,000 Provision to Capital Purposes Reserve Fund
In order to meet future funding challenges and for the city to support its vision for implementing priority capital projects, staff recommend that $750,000 be allocated to the Capital Purposes reserve fund. This will provide funding for unforeseen requirements for approved projects, funding related to potential future federal/provincial programs and the accelerated road renewal program approved by Council. The 2015 balance for the Capital Purposes Reserve Fund is $9.5 million.
• $750,000 Provision to Strategic Land Acquisition Reserve Fund
The $750,000 provision will assist in replenishing the reserve fund for future strategic land needs. The 2015 uncommitted balance in the Strategic Land Acquisition Reserve Fund is $908K.
• $750,000 Provision to Information Technology Renewal Reserve Fund This provision will provide funding for life-cycle renewal of Information Technology infrastructure.
• $500,000 Provision to Insurance Reserve
In order to maintain a sufficient balance to cover both premium and deductible expenses, it is recommended that funding be allocated to this reserve. The 2015 balance is $663K.
• $500,000 Provision to Benefits Reserve Fund
It is recommended that $500,000 be transferred to the Benefits Reserve Fund to help replenish the balance which is currently $1.2 million.
• $500,000 Provision to Policy Initiatives Reserve Fund
In order to support resource requirements to finalize the Official Plan and other related studies.The balance is currently $100K.
• $250,000 Provision to Severe Weather Reserve Fund
This will help stabilize future budgets when major storms dramatically impact the operating budget.
The balance in the Severe Weather Reserve Fund is currently $2.8 million. It is recommended that the City target a one-year budget for the Winter Maintenance (which is approx. $4.6 million). .
• $11,639 Provision to Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund
The remaining amount of $11,639 to the Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund.
Prior to the calculation of the preliminary 2015 year-end retained savings, staff estimated any minor accounts payable, year-end accruals, and any year-end transfers for net zero activities that needed to be made as part of the year- end close process. The following are the estimated year end transfers for net zero activities.
DAAP Reserve Funds
In 2005, the Engineering Fee Stabilization Reserve Fund, the Building Permit Stabilization Reserve Fund and the Planning Fee Stabilization Reserve Fund were created to ease budget pressures should development revenues slow down due to economic and/or market conditions.
The table below shows the projected year-end transfers included in the the calculation of the 2015 preliminary year-end retained savings.
• Engineering Fee Stabilization Reserve Fund
The decrease in Subdivision Administration Fees has resulted in a draw of
$91,829 from the reserve fund. Residential development in Burlington has changed from large-scale Greenfield subdivision applications, to small-scale, infill and intensification sites requiring OPA, zoning, site plan and condominium approvals. The proposed 2016 Budget for Subdivision Administration revenues has been flatlined to $100,000 and will be gradually reduced to zero over time using the $275,000 in the Reserve Fund.
• Building Permit Stabilization Reserve Fund
The Building Permit revenues for 2015 are $3,479,851. These revenues are offset by expenditures (both direct and indirect as per the Bill 124 model), with the resulting draw from the reserve fund of $244,544.
The proposed 2016 Budget for building permit revenues have been increased by
$98,770 to be in line with the 3 year average 2012-2014.
• Planning Fee Stabilization Reserve Fund
Planning Fee revenues have a favourable variance of $566,144 mainly due to increases in official plan and rezoning revenues. A provision of $566,144 has been made to the Planning Fee Stabilization Reserve Fund.
The proposed 2016 Budget for planning revenues has been increased by $45,000 to $1,695,000 to be in line with the 3 year average 2012-2014.
Budgeting is part science and part dealing with the unknown. Set out below is what the city experienced between 2011 and 2015.
 Top portion of the report shows where the surpluses came from – bottom shows what city council decided to do with the surplus.
By Pepper Parr
January 19TH, 2016
There isn’t going to be a Lowville Winter Fair this year.
City hall has moved the funds that were used in the past today for the event and put them into the Love My Hood project which is a program that allows any neighbourhood to approach the Parks and recreation department with an idea and ideally get the support they need.
 If there is going to be any marshmallows and hot chocolate it will be at a local rink event. Not in Lowville.
 You can still toboggan at Lowville – but there will not be an organized Winter Fair this year.
Parks and Recreations has come to realize that most communities know what they want and don’t have to be spoon fed.
Love My Hood is a pilot project to build a healthier Burlington by engaging and empowering residents to come together and provide events celebrating their Burlington neighbourhoods.
Love My Hood helps residents bring events to all neighbourhoods throughout the city by supporting and encouraging Burlington residents to hold their own neighbourhood gatherings, activities or projects where neighbours can get to know each other. Love My Hood provides resources, support, guidance and eliminates some common barriers in event hosting.
There were 13 love My Hood events in 2015 – Parks and Recreation wasn’t prepared to say how many they hoped for in 2016 but they are aiming for 150 of them in 2017 – why 150? 2017 is Canada’s 150th anniversary of Canada.
Want to know more about creating an event for your neighbourhood? Contact Burlington Festivals and Events Office.
As for winter activities – the city now has 18 local skating rinks and they felt that Love My Hood programs could be developed around the rinks.
Lowville doesn’t have a local rink – thus – no Lowville Winter Fair. There was some talk about the Lowville community putting on an event – if they do it will be more local and not something that hundrds of people trooped up to Lowville to take part in.
Is this an opportunity lost? It will be interesting to hear what ward 3 Councillor John Taylor has to say on this.
Stay tuned for some comment from him.
In the meantime – if you want to do something for your community – fill in an application form at:
There is all kinds of information on this new approach the city has taken to empowering neighbourhoods and letting each community design programs it wants. Log into for more details.
Snow Update: January 19, 2016 9:00 a.m.
Primary, secondary and local road plowing has been completed.
Plowing of sidewalks is ongoing.
Road and weather conditions are being monitored.
By Pepper Parr
January 19th 2016
The budget city council is debating this week and will make law next week adheres to the Long Term Financial plan created in 2012 which contained the following key strategic objectives for the city:
1. Competitive Property Taxes
2. Responsible Debt Management
3. Improved Reserves and Reserve Funds
4. Predictable Infrastructure Investment
5. Recognized Value for Services
 City treasurer Joan Ford puts the numbers together – she does so at city council’s direction.
Staff have shown a realistic scenario where assessment growth is slowing; no new legacy projects are forecasted; and infrastructure renewal funding is addressed over the 20 year time horizon.
The budget being debated recognizes budget drivers and includes the following assumptions within each item:
Maintaining Current Service Levels – Base Budget
Inflationary Impacts and User Fees
With the exception of human resources and commodities (hydro, water, fuel etc.), 2.0% inflation per year has been applied to all other expense categories (materials and supplies, purchased services and contributions to local boards and committees)
• The increases to User Rates and Fees assumed a 2.0% increase per annum, which is dependent on the nature of the revenues and external market conditions
• An annual increase of 3% to the Vehicle Depreciation Reserve Fund to sustain the City’s fleet and equipment inventory
Corporate Expenditures/Revenues
• An annual increase to the provisions for Insurance and Contingency Reserves of
$300,000 and $100,000 respectively
• An increase in Investment Income of $100,000 per year in 2019 and beyond given the current low interest rate environment
 Long term tax increase projections – above current inflation every year.
Other Expenditures
Infrastructure Renewal Funding and Joseph Brant Hospital
• An annual increase of 1.25% for Dedicated Infrastructure Renewal Funding from 2016-2022, reduced to 1.0% for 2023-2033 and 0.5% for 2034 and 2035. This provides funding for capital renewal, as per the Asset Management Financing Plan (approved 20 year scenario)
• An annual increase of 0.2% (2016-2019) in order to finance the repayment of additional tax supported debt for roadways. This will be repositioned in 2020 to fund renewal needs for new infrastructure
• Includes the repositioning of the hospital levy to infrastructure renewal in 2019 ($1.3 million), 2026 ($900,000) and 2027 ($2.6 million)
As with all forecasts, it is imperative to recognize that there are a vast number of unknown factors that will likely occur in the future that could impact the model. In order to address these unpredictable factors, an amount of $300,000 has been included in the 2018 forecast, increasing by $50,000 per year.
 Assessment growth is stagnant – costs of running the city increasing – there is a crunch coming that is going to hit pocketbooks.
Assessment Growth
Assessment growth is estimated to be 0.9% in 2017 and decreasing by 0.1% per year to 0.6% in 2020 and beyond. Over the last 5 years, weighted assessment growth has ranged from a low of 0.5% to just over 1.0%. The five year average is 0.9%.
Financial Matters:
The single largest portion of City funding comes from property taxes. As outlined in the Long Term Financial Plan, strategic objective 1 is Competitive Property Taxes; whereby, “the city must respond to the demand for programs, services, and the continued maintenance of our existing infrastructure in an affordable manner.
The city must strike a balance between conflicting goals, such as minimizing tax increases, while maintaining existing programs, services and infrastructure, and providing new services in a climate of increasing costs.”
The report then comes to this astounding conclusion: The 2017 -2035 forecast meets recommendation 1, whereby, “Base budget tax rate changes align closely with inflation”.
Inflation currently hovers at the 2% level and is expected to remain at that level for the next few years. The simulation forecasts the city tax impact from 2017 to 2035 to begin at 3.89% reducing to 2.96%.
Do they do mathematics differently at city hall?
And if they repeat the statement: “Base budget tax rate changes align closely with inflation”. often enough does that make it true?
Snow Update: January 18, 2016, 11:00 p.m.
Plowing of Primary and Secondary roads is ongoing, and will continue overnight.
Sidewalk plowing will begin in the early morning and continue throughout the day.
 Roads clearing priorities.
By Staff
January 18th, 2016
The provincial Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA) outlines which immunizations students must have in order to attend school.
Local health departments are responsible for confirming the immunization records of students to ensure they have either the legally required immunizations or required exemption form on file.
 Students born in 1998 and 1999 who are not fully immunized can get their shots at school.
This year, students born in 1998 and 1999 who have not provided this information to the Health Department by February 24, 2016, are at risk of suspension starting in April.
Families with children born in 1998 and 1999 whose immunization records are incomplete, received notices from the Health Department in July and December of 2015.
 Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region’s Medical Officer of Health
“While the majority of families in Halton immunize their children to protect their health, many are unaware that they need to notify the Halton Region Health Department about any immunizations their children have or do not have,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region’s Medical Officer of Health. “We don’t want anyone to miss school, so as we enforce provincial immunization legislation, we’re making sure it’s easy for students to get updated immunizations by holding clinics in their school.”
If families do not want to wait for the February in-school clinics, they can also receive all required vaccines through their family doctor and report these immunizations back to the Halton Region Health Department.
In February 2016, the Halton Region Health Department will be offering in-school immunization clinics for students born in 1998 and 1999 with incomplete immunizations who are at risk of school suspension.
Although the Halton Region Health Department is taking steps to ensure the immunizations of students born in 1998 and 1999 are up-to-date, all families are encouraged to review their children’s immunization history and make sure the Health Department has updated records either online at, by dialing 311 or by dropping off a copy of their child’s immunization record to the Halton Region Health Department at 1151 Bronte Road in Oakville.
By Staff
January 12, 2016
Finally – the city made Vito Tolone the Director of Transportation; he has served as the acting director since May 2015 and is a long-time city employee.
Tolone has been with the city since 1990; has held various positions at the city, including transportation planner, project leader, supervisor of traffic signal systems and senior transportation planner.
“After an extensive competition with a strong slate of candidates, I am very pleased that Vito has agreed to lead the city’s transportation group,” said City Manager James Ridge.
“Vito is well regarded in the Ontario municipal sector and brings extensive experience to this role.”
Tolone is a graduate of the Mohawk College Transportation Planning Technology program and a member of the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists.
The transportation department at the City of Burlington oversees the delivery of various road-related services, including the traffic signal system, traffic services, transportation planning, parking, and school crossing guards.
If Burlington is going to function as a city people can move around in – Tolone is going to have to be right on top of how much in the way of financial resources are available to him to do the job. He knows the transportation field – will his advice and recommendations be heard?
By Staff
January 12, 2016
An information release from the office of MP Karina Gould announces that Not-for-profit organizations, public-sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees looking to hire full-time workers for summer 2016 can now apply for funding under the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program.
 Summer employment has been the beginning of a lot of careers.
CSJ creates summer job opportunities and valuable work experience specifically for youth aged 15 to 30 intending to return to their studies in the next school year. The program’s aim is also to help employers create summer job opportunities that focus on priorities important to their local communities, which could include special events such as sporting or cultural occasions.
In Burlington, the priorities focus on local special events and festivals, advanced manufacturing, tourism, and organizations that provide programs and services for seniors or disadvantaged community groups, but all eligible applicants are encouraged to apply. It is hoped that a number of employers will come forward with applications which will also complement a number of national priorities, including support for:
• employers who help welcome and settle Syrian refugees to Canada, as well as Syrian students;
• Indigenous people, who are among the fastest-growing segments of the Canadian population;
• small businesses working to become more innovative, competitive and successful, in recognition of their key contribution to the creation of new jobs; and
• cultural and creative industries looking to create jobs and to strengthen our rich Canadian identity. This latter priority will support the planning of Canada’s 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017.
The application period runs from January 4, 2016, to February 26, 2016. Applicants approved for funding will be able to hire students as early as May 2016.
 An education is part of getting a job – some experience helps.
For further information and to apply, please visit or visit a Service Canada Centre.
Canada Summer Jobs is part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy, which is its commitment to help young people, particularly those facing barriers to employment, get the information and gain the skills, work experience and abilities they need to make a successful transition into the labour market.
It happens.
Mistakes get made.
Some of the dates for the public meetings on the Strategic Plan were changed – and we missed updating our data base.
Earlier today we published a list of dates that were incorrect.
Sorry – the correct dates are set out below.
Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016
Robert Bateman High School
5151 New St.
7 – 9 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2016
Burlington Senior Centre
2285 New St.
Multi-purpose Room
7 – 9 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
LaSalle Park Pavilion
50 North Shore Blvd. E.
Main Hall (upper level)
7 – 9 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 18, 2016
Mountainside Recreation Centre
2205 Mount Forest Dr.
Community Room 2
7 – 9 p.m.
By Staff
January 5, 2016
The word levée a social event that now takes place on New Year’s Day goes back to this country’s colonial times.
The Lieutenant Governor’s |levee still takes place at Queen’s Park and a number of armed forces regiments hold the event.
Close to a hundred different Ontario municipalities in Ontario hold a levee but Burlington apparently has never held a levée.
The times they are a changing. On Sunday, January 10th, Burlington’s MPP Eleanor McMahon and Member of Parliament Karina Gould will officiate at a levee to be held at the Art Gallery of Burlington from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
 McMahon and Gould at the 2015 Remembrance Day ceremony.
No word yet on how the two women are going to style the vent. Will they have a receiving line, will they both wear long gowns?
Will McMahon sing – she has a pretty good voice.
Will there be a military presence?
Will members of the various youth military groups be on hand?
Will there be a piper?
Gould and McMahon have an opportunity to create an event that can be colourful, historical and not the usual “borington” event.
The two woman took part in the Remembrance Day event as a team bringing a quiet dignity to the role they each played.
“In the 18th century the levée in Great Britain and Ireland became a formal court reception given by the sovereign or his/her representative in the forenoon or early afternoon. In the New World colonies the levée was held by the governor acting on behalf of the monarch. Only men were received at these events.
It was in Canada that the levée became associated with New Year’s Day. The fur traders had the tradition of paying their respects to the master of the fort (their government representative) on New Year’s Day. This custom was adopted by the Governor General and Lieutenant Governors for their levées.
 MP Karina Gould
The first recorded levée in Canada was held on January 1, 1646, in the Chateau St. Louis by Charles Huault de Montmagny, Governor of New France from 1636 to 1648. In addition to wishing a happy new year to the citizens the governor informed guests of significant events in France as well as the state of affairs within the colony. In turn, the settlers were expected to renew their pledges of allegiance to the Crown.
The levée tradition was continued by British colonial governors in Canada and subsequently by both the governor general and lieutenant governors. It continues to the present day.
As mentioned, the levée was historically a male preserve but during World War II levées were attended by female officers of the armed forces. Since then levées have been open to both women and men.
Over the years the levée has become almost solely a Canadian observance.
 MPP Eleanor McMahon
Today the levée has evolved from the earlier, more boisterous party into a more sedate and informal one. It is an occasion to call upon representatives of the monarch, military and municipal governments and to exchange New Year’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year, to renew old acquaintances and to meet new friends. It is also an opportunity to reflect upon the events of the past year and to welcome the opportunities of the New Year.
It will be interesting to see how Gould and McMahon fashion this event – there is an opportunity to make it colourful with a historical tweek to it.
Keep the speeches short and ensure that the Tory’s are made to feel fully welcome – this isn’t to become a Liberal event.
By Staff
January 4th. 2016
The Halton District School Board is accepting registrations for Junior and Senior Kindergarten for September 2016.
You start the process by dropping by or calling your designated elementary school to find out which dates have been established for Kindergarten registration. Parents are asked to register their children by February 5, 2016. Access to the school library is provided after a student is registered.
Please bring the following original documents when registering:
Proof of address (any two of the following current documents): lease or deed, car registration, property tax bill, utility bill, residential telephone bill, moving bill, health card, bank statement, credit card statement, correspondence with a government agency
Proof of age: birth certificate, passport or baptismal/faith document for your child.
Proof of citizenship: birth certificate or passport or Record of Landing (IMM 1000) or Permanent Resident card.
Proof of immunization, or philosophical or religious exemption forms – (completed medical authorization where necessary).
If you are not the child’s parent, or if you have sole custody, please bring proof of custody (court order).
To register for Fall 2016, Junior Kindergarten children must be 4 years old by December 31, 2016, and Senior Kindergarten children must be 5 years old by December 31, 2016.
To determine your designated home school, access our website, and click the ‘Find A School’ button located on the right-hand side of the webpage.
If you require language assistance registering your student for school, please contact the Halton Multicultural Council at 905-842-2486. Parents should contact the
Principal/Vice-principal if they require accessibility accommodations in order to register their child for Kindergarten.
To learn more about the Halton District School Board’s Full Day Kindergarten program, visit or click here.
By Staff
January 4th, 2016
Every school in the Halton District School Board with Grade 1 classes will be running parent sessions in January to provide information about Grade 1 programming.
Parents of Senior Kindergarten students are encouraged to check with their child’s school for specific dates. These information sessions will enable parents to learn about the transitions from an early learning environment to a Grade 1 classroom.
During these information sessions, principals and teachers will share information about the classroom learning approaches used for reading, mathematics concepts and French language instruction in Grade 1.
Understanding the reading and writing learning expectations for Grade 1 students is important information for all parents as it supports them in helping their children at home. Parents will also learn more about the school activities and support systems available for students.
Information evenings are as follows:
On January 12, 13 or 14, 2016 English Program, Single Track Schools will run their information sessions (Parents are asked to check with their child’s school for dates).
On January 12, 13 or 14, 2016 English and French Immersion Dual Track schools will run their information sessions. (Parents are asked to check with their child’s school for dates).
On January 20 or 21, 2016, French Immersion Single Track schools will host an information session.
Grade 1 French Immersion registration begins on January 22. Forms are posted on arents must submit their registration forms to their home school no later than Friday, Feb. 5 2016.
By Pepper Parr
January 3rd, 2016
Christmas Day there were people in the city wearing shorts. Today the Region has issued an Extreme Cold Weather Alert starting the evening of Sunday, January 3, 2016.
Overnight temperatures are expected to remain in the extreme cold range until Tuesday, January 5. This alert is issued when temperatures are expected to fall below -15 degrees Celsius (without wind-chill), or when weather conditions are severe enough to warrant alerting the community to the risks involved with prolonged exposure.
The alert is intended to inform the general public and community agencies, while also recommending safety precautions. This alert is in effect until temperatures rise above -15 degrees Celsius (without wind-chill) or weather conditions improve and the risks involved with prolonged exposure are reduced.
Anyone can be affected by extreme cold-related weather conditions, depending on length of time of exposure to cold and exertion levels. Those especially at risk include: older adults (over the age of 65), infants and young children, outdoor workers, sport enthusiasts (hikers, skiers), homeless persons, and/or those lacking shelter, proper clothing or food. During extreme cold, call or visit friends and neighbours who may be at risk.
To keep yourself, your family and your home safe, you should know how to prevent cold-related health injuries, avoid frozen plumbing in your home when extreme cold temperatures hit and be prepared if there is a cold-weather emergency. You can avoid cold-related injuries by dressing appropriately and covering exposed skin. To protect your home, ensure good air circulation to all plumbing areas. Remember pipes can freeze when there is inadequate heat inside your home and the air temperature falls below zero. Open doorways to basement areas and crawl spaces enough to keep these areas warm.
Finally, it is also important, in preparation for winter driving conditions, that you keep a Car Survival Kit in your car at all times. This kit can include items such as: cell phone, blankets, booster cables, shovel, first aid supplies, flashlight and batteries, extra boots/socks, etc. A kit such as this can save your life or someone else’s. Plan ahead and listen to the weather forecast.
It is evident that we are all still in Canada. Now if the Canadian National Junior Hockey Team had managed to beat Finland instead of finding themselves on an airplane back to Canada, we would really know that this is Canada and we are enjoying the cold weather and our boys are winning at the game we own.
Hey, Montreal is still leading in the NHL so all is still well in the world. Right?