By Staff
July 18th, 2019
 Doors on this side of city hall will be open.
Locust Street, between Elgin Street and the entrance to City Hall, will be closed on Friday, July 19 and Monday July 22, 2019 for crane activity.
The closure will be in place from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Local traffic will be detoured along Elgin Street and Ontario Street and access to the City Hall Locust Street entrance will be maintained from Ontario Street.
By Staff
July 16th, 2019
 Locust Street parking lot to be closed while paving is done.
Temporary Closure of Locust Street Parking Lot, between Caroline Street and Ontario Street, starting July 16.
The municipal parking lot on Locust Street in downtown Burlington (Lot 7), will be closed for paving beginning Tuesday, July 16, 2019.
The parking lot is expected to re-open by Friday, July 19.
By Staff
June 20th, 2019
Traffic on Brant might be a little slower on Friday, the city will be working to seal roadway cracks on Brant Street, between Lakeshore Road and Fairview Street.
Weather permitting, the work will begin at 9 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.
During this work, on-street parking will be temporarily unavailable and minor traffic interruptions are anticipated.
Parking spots will re-open as the work is completed along each section of the roadway.
By Staff
June 6th, 2019
A low-flying helicopter will be applying the final application a bio-pesticide over four wooded areas to control gypsy moth populations. This pest causes significant defoliation and potential long-term impact to the City’s urban forest. The first spray date was May 31.
The final application of the pesticide on June 8 will be completed between 5 and 7:30 a.m. and is expected to take 5-10 minutes for each park.
 Mountainside Park trees to get final spray.
The areas include:
• Forestvale/Kerncliff Park
• LaSalle Park
• Lowville Park
• Mountainside Park
An interactive map is available on that allows residents to enter an address so they can see where the address is in relation to the spray areas.
Updates will be posted on the City’s Twitter and Facebook accounts @CityBurlington and online at
 Rob Peachey, on the left, Manager Parks and Open Spaces for the city, talks through some solutions to managing the very large weekend crowds at Lowville Park..
The City’s contractor will be applying a Class 11 biopesticide, Foray 48B, REGISTRATION NO. 24977 PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT, with active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis ‘kurstaki’.
Steve Robinson, Manager of Urban Forestry advises that: “The first application went very well. This second spray is standard practice and will help ensure we protect our trees from this pest in these areas for many years to come. Strong trees with a healthy leaf canopy help reduce temperatures, act as wind-breaks, provide homes for animals and help prevent flooding and erosion. They’re simply good for everything which is why we do everything we can to protect and promote them.”
By Staff
May 28th, 2019
First – the bad news – the paid on-street parking on Ghent become unavailable May 29th.
The good news – on Wednesday, July 31st on street parking becomes available again – and there will be more of it.
The construction work is creating more parking in this area.
The city thanks you for your patience and cooperation.
By Staff
May 17th, 2019
A number of months ago the provincial government announced a review of how municipalities are providing vital services to residents and local businesses.
The announcement came as a surprise – it hadn’t been mentioned during the provincial election that made Doug Ford Premier of the province.
However it did send shivers down the spines of municipalities across the province – was the Premier about to do to them what he did to Toronto – cut the size of city council in half.
The provincial Review was established to review eight regional governments (Durham, Halton, Muskoka District, Niagara, Oxford County, Peel, Waterloo, York), Simcoe County and their lower-tier municipalities. In total, 82 municipalities are included in the review.
The objective of this review is to ensure that these municipalities are providing the vital services that residents and local businesses depend on.
The province appointed Ken Seiling and Michael Fenn as special advisors to assist with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing with the Review. Michael Fenn was once a member of the management team in Burlington.
The province asked the public to “share your thoughts on the municipalities where you live, work or spend time.
“We want to hear your views on the way your elected municipal representatives make their decisions and represent your community. We also want your thoughts and observations on the efficiency, effectiveness and cost of the various municipal services that your municipalities provide.
“In particular, we are looking for your feedback on:
regional governance
service delivery
“We will work with this feedback to ensure that our regional government system provides accountability, service delivery and governance that is best for the people of Ontario.
“We will report back on what we heard during this consultation in fall 2019.”
Seiling and Fenn will be listening to delegations at the Regional offices on Friday.
Here is what a Burlington grass roots delegation said:
Good Afternoon Mr. Fenn; Mr. Seiling
We are the We Love Burlington Advocacy Group. We are distinctly ‘grass roots’ and non partisan. We advocate on a broad range of issues that affect the City of Burlington and its citizens.
- We mobilized as a very small action group about 6 weeks ago around the regional government review with a primary mission of raising public awareness that the review existed and what its implications could be. We believe that we have been extremely successful within the very limited time frame available to us.
- We recognize that the regional government review’s aim is to find efficiencies for the municipalities involved, to improve services and to address governance issues if they are found to exist. We support these objectives generally.
- We oppose any suggestion of amalgamation of the City of Burlington into a broader Halton Region organizational structure because we know, as reported in the 2015 Fraser Institute Report, that such actions are seldom fiscally prudent or operationally effective. We are concerned with a potential:
- loss of direct access to local decision-makers and a loss of sensitivity to local needs
- Loss of Burlington’s distinct and proud heritage
- Increased bureaucracy and increased government, though potentially fewer politicians which is good
- Reduced or lost services, and
- Higher costs resulting in a higher tax burden and larger municipal debt.
- At present, Burlington has the highest ratio of councillors to citizens of any municipality in the region and we believe, the province (1:30,500 for Ward Councillors and 1:26,143 for Council as a whole). We believe therefore that we have an “efficient governance structure” which also has the requisite sensitivity to local issues not possible in a larger, less directly accountable and more distant governance model.
 Burlington city council they day they were sworn in: Said to be the best bargain around when it comes to civic government.
We understand that similar concerns have been put forward in detail by other delegations and in other jurisdictions. However, we would like to offer some additional cautions arising from challenges in the recent Provincial budget and other initiatives which have been implemented since the announcement of this review in January or which are on the government’s current policy agenda.
- In particular, the context of local municipal program delivery has changed dramatically in the last few months as a result of the:
- Opening of private cannabis stores which are now the subject of municipal regulation and enforcement.
- Reductions in transfers and support to public health entities and the potential for further consolidation of such services
- Reductions in transfers and support for child care, legal aid and a number of other social assistance programs
- Elimination of the LHINs and CCACs, with unclear catchment areas and successor organizations, which at the very least creates uncertainty and confusion around any local responsibilities for health care delivery.
- The proposed availability of wine and beer in corner stores which will create an additional regulatory burden on municipalities and, as in the case of cannabis, require a local focus in such areas as proximity to schools.
- Proposed changes to planning approvals through Bill 108 which appear to suggest a return to the substance (if not the fact) of the OMB model creating further uncertainty for local and regional planning directions.
- Potential changes to the Development Charges Act, again through Bill 108, that would download a number of additional costs to municipalities.
- Proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, Environmental Assessment Act and 11 other pieces of legislation – all with downstream but unclear impacts on municipalities.
- In light of these considerations, we would submit that a better immediate focus for your review would be a “who does what exercise” prior to any consideration regarding governance and/or the redistribution of program delivery responsibilities.
- In particular, such a review would provide valuable insight into the optimal organization of service delivery at the local level in what has become a very dynamic policy context. It should also include an analysis of the net impact to taxpayers when all of the above initiatives are fully implemented.
- Indeed, how can we identify the overall cost/benefit of anything coming from the regional government review when the impact of provincial downloading to the municipalities is still unknown? We’re not saying that benefits won’t be derived but what will be the net result?
- In addition, there are processes and process improvements to the existing environment that could be mandated by the review; such things as a commitment to a defined exercise of self analysis by the municipalities in the region or common targets for further efficiencies in the current structure; a process of continuous improvement.
- There are also possible specific efficiency opportunities within the existing governance model.
- For example, consider optimizing/rebalancing procurement responsibilities.
- Could the region execute contracts and procurement deals with broader scope of application, hence greater potential savings?
- Are regional vendors of record a viable option?
- Are provincial vendors of record available to the region with even greater potential scope for application and savings?
- Is regional fleet management a possibility since, historically, discreet organizations often over buy and under utilize?
- Are the information technology platforms common across the region and truly interoperable? Is full advantage being taken of a common data resource/catalogue across all municipalities?
- We believe that before significant change is made to our existing governance and service delivery environment, available but non-disruptive improvements should be made first. Our overriding concern is that that there is a limited capacity for the quantum of change to municipalities that is anticipated over the coming months. And the system is in danger of being overloaded and becoming dysfunctional.
- Large business transformation and restructuring projects often fail not because they are ill-conceived but because too many projects at once, no matter how worthwhile, result in overloading what is essentially a ‘closed system’. Each project is critical on its own merits but the final tally of impact can be devastating. Cultural and organizational change is not inherently ‘open-ended’.
- We believe that it is prudent that you, as the Reviewers, help the government take the time to understand the complexity of the various organizational, governance and service delivery models that are being reviewed.
- We also believe that it is equally critical for you to identify where the true problems lie and the distinctive and varied nature of the opportunities for improvement. We support recent announcements that suggest that distinct and varied solutions are being sought; that there is no “cookie cutter” approach contemplated.
- We understand that change is both necessary and positive as long as it is thoughtfully done with better service to the citizen and better stewardship of public resources as the goal.
- However, even necessary changes imposed without a solid, well-understood environment for service delivery and decision-making can lead to system-wide confusion if not failure.
- We know that you are searching for “good ideas” but even the best ideas can be injurious to a system that is overtaxed with unclear outcomes and dwindling, uncertain resources. Today there are simply too many undecided elements in the policy and funding framework that municipalities have been handed by the province.
- We welcome examination of services that could possibly be more effectively planned, funded, delivered and/or co-ordinated at the regional rather than City/town level; that would benefit through broadening the scope of operation. However, we have not conducted a detailed analysis and will not offer candidates carelessly.
- We are opposed to any direction that would further distance the citizens of Burlington from those whom they elected.
- Although we may not always agree with the decisions of our chosen officials we support the decision-making process and would argue that the citizen’s voice is both heard and respected in Burlington and in Halton generally.
- In closing, we understand the objectives of the review and support them.
We believe that Halton Region is well run with a governance model that works and a service delivery model that is continually reviewed with necessary adjustments and improvements made.
- It has even been referenced by one of our provincial representatives as a “poster child” for regional excellence.
 They took an appeal to the Burlington MPP at Queen’s Park – and came away basically empty handed. From left to right: Deborah Ruse Lynn Crosby, Blair Smith and Josie Wagstaff
We are concerned, however, that the review may impose change on a structure that has already experienced multiple shocks and can no longer absorb their impact. We caution you to proceed slowly and with a view to the cumulative financial and operational impacts of recent provincial policy directions.
- Finally, we firmly believe that the citizens of the affected communities should have a decisive and deciding voice in any proposed changes.
- We understand that the review and its consequences are entirely within the powers and prerogatives of the provincial government. We do not challenge that. But not one individual voted for them a year ago when they were unannounced and perhaps not even contemplated. As Blues guitarist Joe Bonamassa opined – “Just Cos You Can, Don’t Mean You Should”.
By Staff
May 14th, 2019
It was on again off again for a week – then they just gave up and said Closed until further notice.
The weather is playing havoc with the folks over at the Parks and Recreation department.
Grass sports fields are closed due to unsafe conditions. Public safety trumps everything.
 No ball playing on this diamond. This is basically the situation across the city – except where there is artificial turf.
In a media release the city said: “Due to the amount of rain the City has had over the past few weeks, all natural turf-grass playing fields will be closed until further notice.
Between April 1 and May 13, 226 mm of rain has fallen in Burlington. The average monthly rainfall for April and May combined is 150.3 mm.
The soggy conditions of the fields are a threat to player safety and use of the fields will cause damage to the turf resulting in significant repairs and lengthy field closures. Not all grass fields have been mowed because site conditions are too soft. Mowers have become stuck resulting in the need for costly repairs of the tracks left behind which also pose a risk to player safety.
 The field conditions are terrible – a lot of damage done.
Murray Cameron, Manager of Park Operations explains it this way: “We’ve had much more rain than normal this spring, so our fields just haven’t had a chance to drain. They will need several days of drying conditions for the ground to become firm enough to support a mower and dozens of people using the area, so please stay off the fields until further notice, even if we get one or two warm sunny days.
“Repairs of fields are costly and time-consuming and injuries are not how anyone wants to start the season.”
By Staff
May 13th, 2019
M.M Robinson High School will be cancelled today (Monday May 13) due to a water main break on Upper Middle Road in Burlington.
There is no water available at the school. We have been advised by Halton Region that the repairs will take more than 6 hours.
School bus transportation has been cancelled.
The J.W. Singleton Education Centre (Halton District School Board office), located on the same property as the school, will also be closed today.
Further updates will be provided as information is received.
By Staff
May 10th, 2019
Transit Route 4 – Detour in place from May 21 to December 2019
Detour Area: Rexway Drive and Walkers Line
 Road rebuild begins May 21st – end in December – this year.
Detour Routes:
• Route 4 will travel along Cumberland Ave. and New St.
Stops not in Service:
• 151 & 152 – Rexway Dr. at Cumberland Ave.
• 178 & 180 – Rexway Dr. at Woodview Rd.
• 189 – Rexway Dr. and Rexway Crt.
• 194 – 3461 Rexway Dr.
• 202 & 805 – 3486 Rexway Dr.
• 212 & 209 – Rexway Dr. at Walkers Line
• 201 – 514 Walkers Line
• 203 – 515 Walkers Line
• 193 – 476 Walkers Line
• 190 – Walkers Line at New St.
Detour due to construction on Rexway Dr.
 Rexway from Walkers Line
By Staff
May 6th, 2019
On March 27, 2019, the Halton Region Health Department reported the majority of Halton is a risk area for ticks carrying the bacteria which causes Lyme disease. This is a result of active tick surveillance (tick dragging) conducted by the Health Department in 2018 and Halton has been included in Public Health Ontario’s updated estimated risk area map.
 Nothing cute about this creature. The black laegs are what xxx
“Halton Region supports the health and well-being of all residents,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region’s Medical Officer of Health. “Like many municipalities throughout Ontario, most of Halton is considered a risk area for ticks and Lyme disease.
While the risk remains low, residents should be aware of areas where ticks may be present and how to protect themselves and their families from tick bites.”
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, which are usually present in wooded, brushy or tall grass areas.
Residents throughout the region should continue to take precautions to prevent tick bites when enjoying the outdoors. Here are some steps to protect your health:
• If possible, avoid known tick areas (such as wooded, brushy or tall grass areas) and stay on trails when outdoors.
• Cover up by wearing long sleeved, light coloured shirts and pants with tightly woven fabric.
• Tuck your shirt into your pants and your pant legs into your socks to keep ticks away from your bare skin.
• Wear shoes that cover your entire foot, avoiding sandals or open shoes.
• Spray clothing and exposed skin with an insect repellent containing DEET or Icaridin.
• Check your clothing and body for any ticks after spending time outdoors, especially around the groin, armpits and hairline. Carefully remove any ticks from yourself or a family member.
• Check your pets regularly for ticks as they could carry ticks inside your home.
 The southern part of Halton is where the infestation appears to be highest..
The Halton Region Health Department conducts tick surveillance in the spring and fall. Residents should continue to submit ticks to the Health Department for identification.
By Staff
May 1st, 2019
The whole country is taking part in Emergency Preparedness Week, this happens during the first full week of May each year. The provincial theme this year is “Be Emergency Ready”. EPW promotes emergency preparedness and encourages Canadians to take action.
Burlington Fire is hosting events and activities about disasters Burlington residents may encounter and encourage everyone to take steps to be prepared.
One of the potential hazards in Burlington includes rail and motor vehicle emergencies. Two heavily used rail lines run through the city and a number of heavily travelled highways intersect in the city.
 Thousands of rail cars with flammable material pass through Burlington daily. Should one catch fire – training is needed to contain and then suppress the blaze.
The Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TransCAER) is coming to Burlington for a Flammable Liquids Fire Suppression Training training event exclusively for Halton Region Emergency Responders. Burlington Fire Department will host a the TransCAER First Responder Awareness Workshop on Friday, May 3, 2019 at Fire Headquarters.
This Flammable Liquids Fire Suppression Training at approximately 2 p.m. will produce black smoke that will be visible from the highway. They ask that you please do NOT call 911.
By Staff
April 12th, 2019
The GO won’t be quite as go go this weekend – and for three additional weekends.
Trains on the Lakeshore West GO line will be reduced to hourly service this weekend, Metrolinx says, due to necessary track replacement work at Exhibition GO Station.
Hourly service will begin late on Friday, April 12 starting with the 9:43 p.m. train departing from Union GO. The first hourly train from Aldershot GO leaves at 9:01 p.m., Metrolinx said.
The reduced service will run through the weekend until the end of Sunday’s schedule.
Slowdowns in and around Exhibition GO Station, in both directions, are expected to cause delays of up to 10 minutes.
The service changes and potential delays should be taken into consideration when making travel plans, especially for residents heading to and from the Toronto Raptors game on Saturday evening.
This is the first of four weekends — spread out from April to June — that will see the Lakeshore West line reduce its train service to hourly from half-hourly.
By Staff
April 10th, 2019
On Friday, April 12, Timber Lane will be closed for crane activity between Pinedale Avenue and the driveway that provides access to Appleby Mall. The closure will be in place from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Local access will be maintained and through traffic will be detoured along New Street and Pinedale Avenue.

By Staff
March 9th, 2019
It was usually a reason for skipping church – forgot to change the clock and didn’t get up in time.
There was a time when we had to manually change the time on our computers to allow for the seasonal time changes. That now happens automatically.
For those of you who weren’t aware – the clock go forward one hour on Sunday, March 10th.
We remembered it as Spring forward – Fall back.
For those who got out of town on Friday for the Spring Break – they will have to work it out somehow.
By Staff
February 28th, 2019
 Crossing the finish line: Easy when there is no snow. It is going to be a challenge this Sunday.
That time of year again – when hundreds of runner take to the pavement and tun the Chilly Half Marathon. This time it is really going to be chilly.
There will be transit route disruptions.
Routes 3, 10 & 20 Detour – March 3
Detour Area: Brant St. south of Caroline St. and Lakeshore Rd. from Brant St. to Burloak Dr.
Detour Dates: March 3, 2019 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Detour Routes:
• Route 3 Northbound will leave the Terminal and travel along New St. turning left onto Guelph Line and continue regular routing
• Route 3 to Burlington GO will leave the Terminal and travel along John St. and Caroline St. then turn onto Brant Street and continue regular routing
• Route 10 will leave the Terminal and travel along John St., Caroline St, Locust St., and Ontario St. then turn onto Maple Ave. and continue regular routing
• Route 10 from the Burlington GO will travel along Maple Ave. then turn onto Ontario street and travel along Locust St., Caroline St. and John St. to the Terminal
• Route 20 will travel along Appleby Line turn left onto Spruce Ave. and travel along Hampton Heath Rd., Stratton Rd., Boxley Rd. and Winston Rd. then turn left onto Burloak Dr. and continue regular routing
Stops not in Service:
• Lakeshore Rd. between Brant St. and Guelph Line and between Appleby St. and Burloak Dr.
• Burloak Dr. between Winston Rd. and Lakeshore Rd.
• Appleby Line between New St. and Lakeshore Rd.
 Transit route changes – Sunday March 3rd, 2019
By Staff
February 13th, 2019
If they had waited a day it could be seen as a Valentine from the province saying they really did love us.
The Region announced this afternoon that the provincial government is funding new infrastructure to relieve traffic in Burlington and Oakville
The provincial commitment is to fund the Wyecroft Road Extension and Bridge Project.
In July 2018, Regional Council approved this critical infrastructure project as the candidate to utilize the remaining funding of $57.6 million from the Move Ontario Quick Wins Fund.
 Wyecroft Road will extend past Bronte and cross the Bronte Creek to lead on into Burlington.
Wyecroft Road currently ends at Bronte Creek and local traffic is diverted north to the QEW or south through residential neighbourhoods. The road extension and bridge crossing will now connect Burlington and Oakville over Bronte Creek and provide much needed traffic relief for the area.
“The Wyecroft Road Extension and Bridge Project will provide critical east-west connectivity over Bronte Creek between the City of Burlington and the Town of Oakville,” said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “I would like to thank the Provincial Government for this investment in infrastructure that will allow residents, businesses, cyclists, transit users, pedestrians, first responders and motorists to experience an immediate benefit from a multi-modal connective corridor.”
The funding of the Wyecroft Road bridge does mean that the grade separation for Mainway east of Walkers Line will be on hold for a little longer – unless of course the province wants to lay just a little more love on us.
Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward “ welcomes the announcement of the much needed project that will bridge Oakville and Burlington, providing greater access and transportation options for residents, and help reduce congestion on the QEW by providing additional east-west connections.”
By Staff
February 12th, 2019
The city has a message for those who are able to or have to stay at home because of the weather: Don’t park your car on the street – give the snow plow operators a chance to do their job.
An accumulation of 15-20cm is expected The city will be concentrating on Primary and Secondary roads during the snowfall.
Please do not follow snow plows too closely or pass them when they are clearing the roads. Vehicles parked on-street during a snowfall and prior to clean up operations may be subject to ticketing or towing.

By Staff
December 21st, 2018
A number of City of Burlington administrative services will be closed for the holidays on Monday, December 24, 2018, reopening Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019.
Activities and customer service hours at city pools, arenas and community centres vary over the holidays. Please visit for a complete listing of program times and for hours at customer service locations.

Burlington Transit and Handi-Van
The Downtown Transit Terminal is open Dec. 24, 27 to 31. It will be closed December 25 and 26, 2018, as well as Jan. 1, 2019. Handi-Van live phone booking is available December 24, 27 and 28.
The Downtown Terminal and Handi-Van live phone booking will be closed December. 25 and 26, 2018 and Jan. 1, 2019.
Handi-Van booking online is always available at
For holiday and real-time schedule information, visit
Date Transit service schedule/hours
December 24 Weekday schedule ending at approximately 8 p.m.
December 25 Holiday schedule
December 26 Saturday schedule
December 27 to 30 Regular schedules
December 31 Weekday schedule with the last Route 50, 51 and 52 buses leaving the Burlington GO station at 12:55 a.m.
January 1 Transit Holiday schedule
The Burlington Transit administration offices will be closed on December 24, 2018 and will reopen on Jan. 2, 2019. Call 905-639-0550 or visit for more information.
Animal Shelter and Control
The Animal Shelter will be closed from December 24 to 26 and 30, 2018 and Jan. 1, 2019. On December 31, the shelter will be open from 8:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
For more information or to report an animal control-related emergency, call 905-335-3030 or visit
Roads, Parks and Forestry
The administrative office will be closed on Monday, December 24, 2018, reopening on Wednesday, January 2, 2019. Only small removal of snow? and urgent services will be provided.
Halton Court Services
Provincial Offences Courts in Milton and Burlington will be closed from December 24 to27, 2018 and January 1, 2019.
PLEASE NOTE: The Milton POA Court will close on Thursday, January 17 and the Burlington POA Court will close on Thursday, January 31 to move to the new Halton POA Courthouse opening on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.
Free parking is available in the downtown core in municipal lots, on-street and the parking garage during the month of December and on Jan. 1, 2019. There is a maximum of three hours for on-street parking spaces.
NOTE: The Waterfront parking lots (east and west) do not provide free parking during December or on statutory holidays.
Do you have family and friends visiting for the holidays? A reminder that there is no parking on city streets overnight between 1 and 6 a.m. Exemptions to allow overnight parking on city streets may be obtained by calling 905-335-7844 or visiting
By Staff
November 20th,2018
The City of Burlington’s online forms are scheduled for maintenance on Friday, Nov. 23, 2018, starting at 9 p.m.
The following online forms will not be available during the maintenance:
• Business License Renewal
• Property Information Requests
• Marriage Licenses
• Senior Rebates application
• Dog Licenses
• Tax Assessment Lookup
These forms will be available again starting on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018 at 9 a.m.
By Staff
November 2nd, 2018
The Halton Regional Police Service provides Police Record Checks to all residents of the Region of Halton, for volunteer or employment purposes. This service is most efficiently obtained ONLINE or you may attend one of our five police facilities.
On November 1, 2018, the Police Record Checks Reform Act will come into force, ensuring a clear, consistent and comprehensive set of standards to govern how police record checks are conducted and disclosed in Ontario.
The Halton Regional Police Service offers three types of Police Record Checks for the members of the public who reside in the Halton Region. If you are unsure as to which Record Check you need to complete, please see our website.
• Criminal Record Check – Learn more or apply online now.
• Criminal Record and Judicial Matters Check – Learn more or apply online now.
• Vulnerable Sector Check – Learn more or apply online now.
The Impact on Youth Record Checks
These standards also include how police services release Police Record Checks containing youth records to applicants. Up until now, police services have released a Police Record Check containing youth records directly to the applicant who then provides the Police Record Check to the organization or volunteer agency. The federal and provincial government has found this approach to be contrary to the Federal Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA).
As of November 1, 2018, youth can only apply for a Police Record Check if:
A. The youth is applying for purposes of employment or volunteering directly with:
• the Government of Canada;
• the Government of a province; or
• a Municipality;
B. The youth requires their own youth records for their own personal information (Privacy Request).
The Halton Regional Police Service will only provide Police Record Checks to applicants under the age of 18 for government positions.
What does this mean for Non-Government Agencies and Youth Seeking to work or volunteer at these organizations?
Effective November 1, 2018, non-government agencies are not authorized to receive any youth Police Record Check results. Similarly, youth are no longer required to undertake a Police Record Check for volunteer or paid employment with these agencies. To require applicants to apply and pay for a Police Record Check when no results will be released is not in the best interest of the applicants, the police service or the community.
Non-government agencies will now have to proceed with alternative application steps, such as interviews and references for youths, and not rely on, either in part or solely, a Police Record Check, as they may have in the past.
For more information about Police Record Checks, please visit our website:
You are also invited to contact our office directly with your inquiries:
Information and Records Services
2485 North Service Road West
Oakville, ON L6M 0Y3
P: 905-825-4777 ext. 4712