Leaves getting a lot of attention from the female Councillors

News 100 greenBy Staff

December 3rd, 2020



The leaves are getting a lot of attention

Having fallen to the ground they expected to get picked up.

When that didn’t happen the locals got a little agitated which meant the Council members with streets that are well endowed with trees had to get on the phone and learn what was and wasn’t happening and then get the word out to their constituents.

Stolte and Kearns - budget book

Working for their constituents; best tag team the city has seen since the demise of the Craven/Sharman duo.

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns was first out of the gate with Ward 4 Councillor close behind. Not a peep from the others.

Kearns declared that: Leaf Collection has resumed. And went on to say “Thank you to everyone who has shown patience over the last few days regarding leaf collection. Doing nothing with your leaves was the right thing as city crews have returned to continue with the scheduled pick up. These crews will work into next week with an eye to watch for any more weather events.

“My last communication kicked off a great amount of feedback on the program – some calling to cancel it entirely, some to get it right, and some who are completely indifferent. I want you to know that we do review this program yearly, and I will always use your feedback to inform how we deliver your services.

“When and if you do see our crews out working to remove your leaves, please be kind to them. There are many reports in the news where public employees are being faced with hurtful behaviour – let’s not allow that in our great city.

“I recognize that the last two years have been challenging for the Leaf Collection Program, we will keep working harder to and continue to do our best in meeting your expectations.”

Now there is an election promise for you.

Leaf collection via Kearns

The ward 3 leaf collection status map

Following is a map outlining Leaf Collection in Ward 2:
• Red – Roads/ streets which still require Leaf Pickup
• Blue – Leaf Pick-up complete


Stole ward 4 leaf map

The ward 4 leaf collection status map

Councillor Stolte provided a map of what was taking place in ward 4

Bagged Leaf and Yard Waste Collection – Halton Region provides collection of bagged leaves and yard waste on the same day as your garbage pick up. This program is a separate program from Burlington’s Leaf Collection and ends on Dec. 20. For more information, visit Halton Region’s Waste Recycling Sorting Guide or dial 311.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact my office at Lisa.Kearns@Burlington.ca.

Keep well, stay calm, show kindness.

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Meal Kits: HelloFresh vs Chefs Plate vs MissFresh


News 100 redBy Steve Marks

December 2, 2020



Canadian Meal Kit Standoff: HelloFresh Vs Chefs Plate vs MissFresh

It’s been a good few years since meal kits first hit the Canadian market. In the beginning, when companies like HelloFresh arrived fresh off success in Germany, they made a concerted effort to become household names. Chances are you have seen popular YouTubers reviewing various meal kits, doing their best to sell you on the concept.

If you are new to the idea, meal kits are an alternative to both cooking dinner from scratch and getting takeout. Instead, the provider sends you a box of prepared ingredients, including a simple recipe for you to follow. You get to cook healthy and fresh meals without spending ages chopping vegetables.

These companies have evolved over the years to suit a wide range of diets as well as price ranges. Since COVID-19 hit, they have been a great option for people who got tired of the few options available from restaurants and fast food chains.

But which Canadian meal kit is the best? Three of the most popular are HelloFresh, Chefs Plate, and MissFresh.

Let’s compare the features of HelloFresh vs Chefs Plate vs MissFresh.

HelloFresh vs Chefs Plate vs MissFresh

These three companies all offer specific features. As they each have subscription boxes, in which you can get three or four meals a week, it is possible to compare them fairly directly.

Let’s start with HelloFresh vs Chefs Plate. As a disclaimer, it is important to note that HelloFresh acquired Chefs Plate in 2018. While the two divisions still offer very different products, you will be dealing with the same company. Therefore, if you have an issue with one division’s customer service or company ethics, you will likely have the same issues with the other.

HelloFresh is the most comprehensive, wide-ranging meal kit solution. With HelloFresh, you can choose from 22 meals every week. These meals are somewhat more time-consuming than Chefs Plate meals, taking about thirty minutes each to prepare and cook. While this is still minimal compared to cooking from scratch, it might not suit those with a busier schedule.

HelloFresh offers excellent quality and range but it comes at a price. A weekly meal kit, that serves two people, will cost you close to $80. That amounts to $11.49 per serving.

chefs plate logo

Chefs Plate has become the budget option – same corporate commitment, same dedication

Chefs Plate has become the budget option within the parent company. While still offering quality in terms of healthy eating and delicious food, their range is smaller and individual meals are simpler. This will suit some in terms of time – their recipes take approximately fifteen minutes to cook, which nearly everyone can manage.

They have fifteen meals to choose from each week. A weekly box of three meals for two people will cost you just $30. That is only $5 per serving.

Let’s talk about MissFresh. MissFresh meal kits are on the more expensive side, which makes HelloFresh vs MissFresh the most appropriate comparison.

Montreal-based MissFresh is owned by the Metro grocery chain, and sources food from the same farms and vendors. If you love the grocery chain, you might appreciate the fact that MissFresh offers the option to add breakfast foods and snacks, although these are basic, packaged products rather than kits of their own.

MissFresh is only available if you live in Quebec or Ontario. While they have a decent range, especially for picky eaters and people with specific dietary needs, they still do not quite match the range and quality of HelloFresh.

Their meals are similarly priced, with each serving coming to between $8.75 and $11.17.

Therefore, as MissFresh still has some catching up to do on the big names, the competition comes down to Chefs Plate vs HelloFresh.

Chefs Plate vs HelloFresh: Suit Your Own Lifestyle

When choosing between Chefs Plate and HelloFresh, you are not deciding on quality. Both offer great tasting, healthy meals. Rather, you are choosing which one best suits your own lifestyle.

Hello fresh pic

HelloFresh provides more options every week and their food is more complex.

If you have the budget and time available, go with HelloFresh. They provide more options every week and their food is more complex.

However, if you are trying to save money or barely have a minute in the day, Chefs Plate offers the ideal alternative. Considering you are not going to be eating their meals every day of the week, and can always take a week off, there is no risk of getting tired of their range.

Both companies constantly update their range, providing new meals to match customers’ tastes. They are both convenient, with deliveries available throughout Canada. Because their boxes are well insulated, you do not even have to be home when they are delivered.

Give HelloFresh or Chefs Plate a try. Even if you tend to do your own cooking multiple days a week, you might find that meal kits offer meals not in your repertoire, and that the time it saves you is well worth it.

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Eight year old boy doing a bake sale to support Halton Women's Place - let's keep him busy

News 100 redBy Staff

November 30th, 2020



Liddy Stem at some point taught her eight year old son how to bake.

The boy not only picked up that skill but he also picked up a Burlington tradition of helping other people.

Emmet the baker

The bake sale that Emmet has underway this year will support Halton Woman’s Place.

Emmet apparently put together the flyer that he has passed out to his neighbours.

Let’s see how busy we can keep this eight year old.

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Webinar on the quarry expansion next week; sponsored by environmental group

News 100 greenBy Staff

November 26th, 2020



Lots of squabbling over the amount of pure public engagement over the application that has been made for a license to expand the Nelson Aggregate quarry in rural Burlington.

Quarry aerial

Red lines indicate the area the quarry wants to expand into.

Spend your lunch hour munching (on mute ) and learning everything you ever wanted to know about Nelson Aggregate’s two-pit plan for Burlington’s Mt. Nemo.

It’s being hosted by the Halton Environmental Network as part of their famous “Lunch & Learn” series.

There will be a Q&A after the presentation, so if you have any questions you can ask them then.

RSVP below. It’s free, too.

Register for the Webinar

Related news story:

Region blasts Ministry over failure to hold meetings.



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How is Burlington taking to on-line gambling ?

sportsgold 100x100By Cosmin Mesenschi

November 26th, 2020



Betting games have always been a piece of Canada since the beginning of her history.

The Great White North is on the top ten list of countries with the most gamblers, and the province of Ontario is a globally known casino destination for land-based clubs.

Ontario is the area with the most local gamblers in the country and has the highest revenue. Today, the internet betting framework in Canada is seen by many as the casino and gambling industry’s future.

PAID Cosmin

Online Canadian gambling services offer many benefits for the residents of Burlington in today’s social and political climate.

Internet betting amongst Burlington residents has become popular because of its convenience. These online Canadian gambling services offer many benefits for the residents of Burlington in today’s social and political climate. You can check out some of the available and reputable Canadian casinos here.

The Locals are Logging On
More and more Burlington residents turn to online gambling as a simple way to have fun at home.

Demographic research of online gambling in Canada states that four out of five gamblers are male. Still, more female users are logging onto online gambling services on their smartphones. The people most likely to gamble or those enrolled in full-time education and under 35.

Of all the online games and services, slot and blackjack games get the most visits. Three-quarters of these players are playing virtualized versions of classic fruit slot machines; some of them are winning big prizes.

Now that land-based casino games are transitioning to online availability, it’s never been more comfortable to gamble. Especially with the relaxed online regulations, more Burlington locals can now access this pastime.

A Safe Way to Have Fun

In Burlington, players love to engage in online games in a safe, secure way to relax and play. In the past year, revenue for online casinos in Canada has skyrocketed to upwards to $31 million a year.

The advancements in mobile, virtual, and augmented reality create a real casino-like experience. It showcases modern ways to play casino classics, pushing for online gambling’s projected growth in Canada.

This new technology entices veteran players and attracts those new to the gambling world. Some of the most popular casino software providers in this country are Microgaming, NetEnt, Playtech, and Real Time Gaming.

Potential Income in Uncertain Times

There have been life-changing amounts of money that have been won by Canadian online casino players. A Burlington resident won the $250,000 Lottario jackpot in September of this year. An even bigger win of $20 million was on the MegaMoolah progressive slot in 2019, and a similar success on that same Canadian slot occurred only one year earlier.
Canada’s Soft Gambling Regulations

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is the public authority that manages all lottery, gambling, and circuit activities in Ontario. The OLGC has created more relaxed laws towards the online casino industry than others, even the United States. In 2015, they dispatched their casino website. It is the leading site of the area, but the only one that is regulated.

Many foreign online casinos are accessible in Burlington. All local betting game play is legal through these unregulated sites. Canadians can access these because the OLGC has not created a licensing structure for these outside businesses to register and become licensed in Canada.

Many Reasons to Play

There are many legitimate reasons why Burlington residents are logging on to casino sites, and it isn’t just because of the Canadian ancestry or the adrenaline pumping allure. The available technology, abundant opportunities to win big, and relaxed local casino laws make way for a vast online gambling presence in Burlington that shows no signs of slowing down.

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Neighbourhood rink program revised - applications close December 2nd

sportsgold 100x100By Pepper Parr

November 25th, 2020



There was ice on the pond this morning – not thick enough to hold anyone up – but winter is here and that means skating and shinny hockey.

outdoor rink - flooding

City is providing boards and tarps this year

The city has a program to support outdoor neighbourhood ice rinks available now; Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond to open in December.

The City of Burlington is launching the annual Neighbourhood Rink Program where neighbourhoods maintain outdoor community ice rinks at their local park this winter. Applications for the Neighbourhood Rink program due by Dec. 2, 2020.

Modifications have been made to the program to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

The City of Burlington will work with your group to support your neighbourhood rink by:

* Providing, installing and leveling of 15 cm high rink boards (approximate size of the rink is 11x24m)
* Providing a tarp and hoses
* Providing a training manual including tips on ice maintenance

Applicants who apply will be responsible for:

* Organizing a working group of at least six community champions to help maintain the rink
* Providing water and filling and maintaining the rink
* Arranging to have shovels available so that snow can be cleared from the rink
* Ensuring that physical distancing is maintained at three metres unless the other skater(s) are from your household, and City of Burlington signage stays intact

Neighbourhood rinks are open to all community members to skate for free. Anyone using the rinks must ensure proper physical distancing, follow the limit on gatherings to ensure three-meter distancing from those not within your household, keep the number of skaters to 25 or less and avoid overcrowding the rink.

For more information, visit 



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There is a Magic Trail that winds its way through the city - Santa is said to be travelling that trail early in December

News 100 redBy Staff

November 25th, 2020



To bring happiness and joy to the neighbourhoods of Burlington this holiday season, the City of Burlington is launching Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail (SHMT) and asking you to join virtually for Story Time with Santa.

Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail
Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail is an innovative alternative to the traditional Santa Claus Parade. Due to COVID-19, the traditional Santa Claus Parade will not happen this year as the City continues to follow public health direction and the need to maintain physical distancing and avoid crowding.

Ho Ho man himself Santa

No reindeer this year – an antique fire truck and with the Ho, Ho, Ho man ringing a bell

Santa’s Holiday Magic Trail will feature Santa Claus riding on an antique fire truck with a police escort through different Burlington neighbourhoods each weekend in December. To keep residents safe, the truck will not make stops and residents are asked to view Santa from within their own household or if outdoors, follow public health direction and maintain two metres physical distancing from anyone not from your household.

Each day, Santa will be moving throughout the neighbourhoods from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting.

Dec. 5: Rural Burlington, Tyandaga, Brant Hills and Mountainside

Dec. 6: Headon Forest, Palmer, Tansley and Millcroft

Dec. 12: Alton Village, the Orchard, Corporate, Pinedale and Elizabeth Gardens

Dec. 13: Longmoor, Shoreacres, Roseland and Dynes

Dec. 19: Aldershot, Central and Plains

Dec. 20: Make-up inclement weather date, if needed

For resident safety, the exact route of the SHMT cannot be posted in order to avoid potential gatherings along sidewalks awaiting his arrival. Santa will safely move through neighbourhoods and residents are asked to avoid gathering. The fire truck and police escort will sound their sirens occasionally.

Anyone who sees Santa can use the hashtag #SpotSantaBurlON to notify neighbours of his location and spread the magic.
Santa will not be stopping to accept letters, milk or cookies or posing for photos. Please use caution and stay safe when near the road.

Information is also posted on burlington.ca/parade.

Story Time with Santa
Beginning Dec. 19, at 6 p.m., Santa will bring greetings to Burlington residents and read “’Twas the Night Before Christmas” as well as tell stories of the north pole, his reindeer and the nice list. The video will be posted on burlington.ca/parade and will be available for viewing anytime until Dec. 31.

Our Mayor sees a “silver lining” in the pandemic we are under.   “The silver lining throughout this year has been finding new and creative ways to do things and celebrate holidays from how we’ve traditionally done it before. I want to thank our Recreation Services staff for coming up with Holiday Magic Trail and Storytime with Santa, and putting it together to help our community usher in the Christmas spirit to our Burlington.”

www.burlington.ca/parade is the link you want to catch all this fun.

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2020 Miracle on Main Street and Cram-a-Cruiser Events are on - dates and times set out below

News 100 yellowBy Staff

November 25th, 2020



When the circumstances change you pivot and go in whatever direction you have to go to get to where you want to be.

The Halton Regional Police have done just that and tell us that “it’s that time of year again when families begin to think about the upcoming holiday season. There are many families within the Halton Region that are less fortunate and struggle to provide their children with an enjoyable Christmas, and some who are simply not able to buy their children a toy. This year we believe the struggle could be even greater for more families.”

Miracle onmainThe Halton Regional Police Service and the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation are commencing the annual Miracle on Main Street (formerly Toys for Tots) Christmas donation drive. This is the third year of the merger between the two entities to collect and distribute funds and toys to families in need throughout the Halton Region. The merger has allowed the organizations to enhance the annual donation drives and to work collaboratively to help more families in need than ever before. Since 1999 the Halton Regional Police Service have supported families through Toys for Tots and Miracle on Main Street campaigns. All donations collected are distributed to Halton schools, community agencies and families!

The Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation is a Milton-based charity started by wrestling legends, humanitarians and philanthropists; Tiger Jeet Singh and his son Tiger Ali Singh. For the last eleven years, the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation has organized their “Miracle on Main Street” event which has raised millions of dollars through donations and sponsorships for children and families in need who live in our Region.

Cram a cruiser

Cramming that Cruiser will be a little different this year.

To keep everyone safe, we have had to modify our efforts this year. We will not be accepting toy donations at our Halton Regional Police Service facilities. We are encouraging everyone to donate gift cards and cash in lieu of the usual unwrapped new toys.

Donations can be made online through www.MiracleOnMain.ca , or by visiting one of our scheduled events detailed below. 100% of the donations go back into the Halton community!

Our annual “Cram-a-Cruiser” donation events will proceed, Pandemic restrictions permitting, and following safe protocols.

Dates/times and locations below:

November 28, 10am-2pm at JR Toy Company – 2-4265 Fairview St, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 777 Guelph Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 2070 Appleby Line, Burlington
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1100 Kerr St, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 251 Hyde Park Gate, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 400 Dundas St East, Oakville
December 5, 10am-2pm at Canadian Tire – 1210 Steeles Ave East, Milton

We’ll also be hosting a weekly, one day, donation drop off at the Halton Children’s Safety Village, located at 1151 Bronte Rd Oakville. Cash and toy donations are welcome! Look for the holiday lights. We ask that anyone attending to please follow the direction of officers on sight and to remain in your vehicles. Drop off dates and times are:

Thursday November 26, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 2, 5pm-9pm
Wednesday December 9, 5pm-9pm

For further information, or if you are interested in partnering with us to collect or donate gift cards, you can contact us by emailing MiracleonMain@haltonpolice.ca. You can also contact the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation at info@tigerjeetsinghfoundation.com, or visit their website at www.tigerjeetsinghfoundation.com for further information.

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Gift of Giving Back finds a way to do what is needed - they learned to pivot and innovate

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

November 24th, 2020



The Gift of Giving Back – remember those people – the ones who worked with high school students and families to gather tonnes of foods – they filled school gymnasiums year after year – then COVID knocked the wheels off the work they do.

Gift of Giving back logo - 10thWell – COVID wasn’t going to stop this crowd – they announced today a Help Us Feed Kids: Holiday Food Drive that will run from December 3rd to December 20th.

Giving back 2018

The Barracudas – check in and making sure the weight of the food is put on the scoreboard.

They are excited about how they figured out a way to meet what is these days a very different situation.

They are inviting our young Community Champions to help them safely collect non-perishable food items and bring them to the Burlington Centre where they will host a Food Drive Headquarters located by the Food Court.

They are also providing an opportunity for high school students to collect volunteer hours. There is more to this 2020 COVID initiative – additional announcements in the coming days.

Giving back - boys with cans

The van was packed – can they do this in 2020?

The Gift of Giving Back Website

This page provides detailed information about the Holiday Food Drive as well as how high school students can collect volunteer hours.

While this pandemic has closed the Gift of Giving Back doors it has not prevented them from hosting their usual “November High School Gym Extravaganza”, it will not prevent them from continuing to empower our youth to compassionately give back. “We truly appreciate your support.”


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Amateur radio is something those looking for a something to keep them occupied might consider

News 100 yellowBy Staff

November 24th, 2020



Figuring out what to do with the time we have on our hands is going to be a bit of a challenge for some people.

The Burlington Amateur Radio Club sent us a note saying – Hello – we’re here!

They report that there is a surging interest in Amateur Radio all over the world.


Yathiraj Chintagunta

Today’s Amateur Radio is not what their grandfather’s ham radio was all about. The Burlington Amateur Radio Club (BARC) offers an on-line course which became particularly interesting to Yathiraj Chintagunta who was stranded in Dubai unable to return to his home in Mississauga. His “handle” is now VE3GYP.

Amateur radio is a fascinating hobby that frequently becomes essential for people in some parts of the world when there is a disaster and normal forms of communication are not available.

If you’re at all interested get in touch with Rod Clifton, ve3iso@gmail.com • 905-335-0267 or Hugh McCully, Education Director.

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Winter snow illuminated with bright Festive Season lights.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

November 23rd, 2020



That almost balmy weather we all enjoyed has been replaced by the winter that is part of our DNA.

At the same time parts of the city are lit up to help celebrate a Festive Season that will soon be upon us.


Locomotive at Freeman station – waiting for a caboose to be attached. Photo by Allan Harrington

Freeman Station has a Lit Loco on display at their site on Fairview. This creation has about 4,000 lamps with chasers to give it a sense of movement.

Grand Trunk is spelled out in letters for the Grand Trunk Railway who built the Burlington Junction Station in 1906.
Friends of Freeman Station is run by volunteers and relies on donations.

If the group can capture a total of $500 in donations on line by November 27 2020, a lit up red caboose will be installed along with the existing Locomotive and Coal Car.

SS sentry

BTTB sentries standing guard at Spencer Smith Park.

Lakeshore Road at Brant now has the Burlington Teen Tour Band back on duty as sentries at Spencer Smith Park. Great for an early evening get out for some fresh air event. This is the 25th Festival of Lights.

Running now through to January 8, 2021 – it’s FREE and visitors can walk among the displays.

The Freeman lights and those at Spencer Smith are all the result of volunteer efforts.

Royal Botanical Gardens opened up their winter wonderland with the Hendrie Garden bursting with lights.

The Royal Botanical Gardens colourful outdoor stroll along the the pathway tells us how plants like mistletoe and ivy are part of the yule season, along with cinnamon and mint giving us festive flavours.

Not just plants, but local winter animals are part of the whole nature package.

Hendrie Grdens

Hendrie Garden at the RBG – a winter wonderland.

RBG indoors

It isn’t all outdoors at the RBG.

A big TV projection screen TV outside shows a short movie with a “Mouse” but it’s NOT Mickey.

Wednesdays to Sundays, Nov 18 to Dec 23.  Additional Dates: Dec 27-30, Jan 2, 3 5 to 10 p.m

Admission fee for non-members, and everyone must wear a mask and maintain social distancing

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The lights are out at the Performing Arts Centre - in the red applies to more than the Covid19 status

theartsBy Staff

November 18th, 2020



The Port Nelson United Church had to cancel their Mirth and Music event; the Burlington Performing Arts Centre has had to close for the 28 days they are going to be in the Red zone of the provinces colour coded behaviour chart.

Tiered Regional approachTammy Fox, Executive Director explains: “We’ve been forced to cancel all live performances while we are in this 28 day ‘red zone’.

“It’s disappointing, but fortunately we’ve been here before this time around we are much better prepared to cope.”

All isn’t lost for the Performing Arts people.  The huge wreaths that go up each year in the windows will be up next week, the huge tree on the plaza area will go up and the Festival of Trees will take place – limited however to just ten sponsored trees.

They will be up on the 25th

“We will get through this!” said Fox.

Related news story:

Festival of the Trees

Festival of Trees courtesy of BPAC

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Mirth and Music put on Hold Until Normalcy Returns

eventsred 100x100By Staff

November 17th, 2020



Robert Missen announced yesterday that the November 21st Mirth and Music concert until has been postponed.   Halton County is now under a red alert.

Missen, the man who put the show together and was going to perform as well, said “As soon as we can reschedule it we will do so, patrons will of course have first refusal for future tickets.

Related news story:

Mirth and Music to be heard at Port Nelson United Church



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Covid19 and Mother NAture - there is a connection and Burlington Green wants to hear from you and your experiences

News 100 greenBy Staff

November 17th, 2020



We sometimes wonder how money moves around in this city.

Burlington is a very wealthy city with small pockets of poverty and people who struggle to meet their basic needs.

Rents are very high.

The plus side of wealth is the people that have it in Burlington are very good about sharing it.

The Burlington Foundation handles many of the endowments that families have created. The Foundation is good at spotting where needs are and going back to those who can donate and asking for funds.

One of the recent asks resulted in a Pandemic Response Fund that handed out the second phase of their planned program.

Burl Green nature artBurlington Green was the recipient of one of the grants. They have used the funds they were given to put together a program: Nature Friendly Burlington initiative that will connect more of the community to local green space.

The Nature Friendly Burlington initiative will connect more of the community to stewardship opportunities and to a multitude of benefits nature experiences provide.

With the program structure in place the folks at Burlington Green want to hear from you

They want to know how you’ve been connecting with nature during COVID.

These are stressful time – there are more questions than answers on the minds of most people.

We are moving into a significant festive season – and it is going to be very different.

How do we cope- what supports are there out there for every demographic.

Burlington Green likes using a contest approach to draw responses from the community. There is a chance to win an eco-prize – you are automatically entered into a draw when you let them know how you’ve been connecting with nature during COVID.
Their core question is: For many of us, 2020 has been a difficult year. And many of us have turned to nature for solace, escape, refuge, and fun too! How have you enjoyed nature during COVID?

You get to the question and the opportunity to tell them what you do by CLICKING here.



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City looking for citizens to serve on Advisory Committees - there are 18 of them

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

November 17th, 2020



Burlington is looking for community members to volunteer on a city committee or board and play a key role in providing advice and feedback to City Council and staff on a variety of city issues. Applications are now being accepted online at burlington.ca/committees until Friday, Nov 27.

Table work Action plans Thomas

An Action Lab – one of the events that took place when the city was determining the role that Advisory Committees would play in bringing you new ideas to the table.

Residents over 18 years of age, representing the diverse backgrounds of our community are encouraged to apply. Participating on a city committee provides a unique opportunity to:

• Lend your voice and expertise to help shape decisions and services that impact our community
• Expand your network and meet new people
• Gain a broader understanding of how municipal government works.

There have been Advisory Committees that have served the city very well in the past.  The Heritage Advisory is one.

Attend a Virtual Information Session
A virtual information session to share more details about the openings and application process will be held on Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Individuals who would like to attend can register in advance by emailing clerks@burlington.ca.

A recording of the Nov. 17 virtual information session will be posted to burlington.ca/committees following the event.

Kevin Arjoon, City Clerk who oversees the administration side of the Advisory Committees will tell you that: “Sitting on a local board or committee provides a unique opportunity to directly impact the future of our city. We are looking for volunteers who represent the diversity in our community to lend us their expertise and ideas to help make a difference in our community.”

Quick Facts
• The City of Burlington has more than 18 boards and committees that play a key role in providing advice and feedback to City Council and staff on a variety of issues, including heritage, accessibility, diversity and the environment.

Here is where the problem exists:

Many people who have served on Advisory Committees have come away disappointed and unsatisfied with what they were able to achieve.  They didn’t feel that they were really listened to and that members of council play too big a role in how the Advisory Committee operates.

Many would like to see the Council members left outside the room.  Many more feel that the members of Council play far to large a role in determining who sits on the Advisory Committees.

Until these issues are worked out – the problems of the past few years are not going to go away.  Which is unfortunate because in events this reporter has taken part in there have been some very smart, dedicated people who want to see and are committed to citizen participation.

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Christmas decoration is Gardner's next project after stunning Terry Fox results

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

November 15th, 2020



The guy who was tasked with running the 2020 Terry Fox Run felt he was in great shape at the beginning of the year.

Come the end of March he thought he was looking at a disaster.

But Craig Gardner pulled the rabbit out of the hat and raised more in the year of the pandemic than ever before.

He gave the Gazette a call and said he had an idea.

“Things are going to be slow around Christmas – there won’t be many places we can go and there might not be all that much for people to do?, he suggested

Craig Gardner Terry Fox

Craig Garner delegating to city council. wants to give people a way to drive around the city to take in the Christmas decorations.

“What do you think of the idea of encouraging people to put up imaginative Christmas decorations outside their homes and then create a map showing where the homes are so that people can drive by with the kids in the car and at least get a sense that there is still a Christmas?”

With the city now in a red zone and the possibility of a lock down facing us, Gardner may have come up with a good idea.

How to make it happen was our question.

“Won’t that result in dozens upon dozens of people showing up in the cars?” I asked.

“I don’t think so” said Craig. “ I think people will be out for a drive and will want to move from location to location.”

We thought the idea had merit – anything Craig Gardner takes on usually works out.

The plan is to create an email address that people can use to say “I’m in” and send us their address.

rees dec St Catharine

St. Catharines, ON has parts of that city that go all out on decorating.

The Gazette will put the address locations on a map and people can decide where they want to drive around.  It was suggested that people who are long term care facilities would love to be driven around to see all the trees and decorations..

The map will be published in the Gazette.

Because we expect a significant number of locations the city broken out by ward. You click on your ward and you get a map with all the locations in that ward.

You can tour as many wards as you like. We felt there might be far too many locations to place on a city wide map.

Gardner will be posting the idea on the Burlington Together Facebook page as well as the Burlington Dad’s Facebook page.

Craig and I are getting ready to visit a large retailer with an idea and an interesting way to promote the event and serve the community as well.

We will let you know how that works out.

Meanwhile, if you’re interested and want to be part of the tours just send us an email to:


Provide your street address and the ward you live in (if you happen to know it).

We hope to have the maps in place before the end of the week.  Note that “hope” is underlined.

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Winter time fire pits in public parks - get your marshmallows before they sell out

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 12th, 2020



Fire pits in some of the public parks?

It was on the agenda and the city is taking a very serious look at them for the winter months

outdoor fire pits

A skin of mulled wine will make this a real winter event.

Corporate Service, Strategy and Accountability Standing Committee Chair Rory Nisan suggested people invest in marshmallow companies – there will be a run on them if and when the fire pits are actually put in place.

The Parks and Recreation took a bunch of ideas and ran them by council – budget be damned – the Councillors liked what they heard and wanted more information.

The free skating time that was sponsored by Tim Hortons isn’t on this year. They advised the city back in March that they would not be sponsors this year.

The city is looking seriously at 17 free skate event and six Sticks and Pucks event without a sponsor.

The home grown hockey rinks are on again – the city will supply the wood and this year they will provide tarps as well.

They are also looking at some artificial ice making machines..

Council is determined to do everything they can to give people places to go outdoors and plenty of things to do.

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There won't be a Santa Claus parade but Santa will be seen on the streets of the city.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

November 12th, 2020



Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa and he will be in your neighbourhood.

Ho Ho man himself Santa

The traditional Santa parade route will not take place this year but Santa is going to be seen around the city.

While the Santa Claus parade has been another COVID-19 fatality Parks and Recreation have gone above and beyond and come up with a really smart idea.

Santa will be cruising through the city for five different days.

He will be in different parts of the city using a fire truck to get around.  The intention is to have Santa in each of the wards – five days – six wards?  They’ll figure it out.

The Santa tour will take place between 11 am and 4 pm on five different days – Parks and Recreation isn’t saying which parts of the city and so far have not given out the dates.

They don’t want to see large congregations of people standing waiting for Santa to pass by.

But he will be there.

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Air Force doing fly pasts across the province

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 11th, 2020



It is almost as if the Canadian Air Force is putting up everything they have that can get off the ground as part of their contribution to remembering all that was lost in a terrible war.

flypast ottawa

An Air Force fly past over Parliament Hill

The tributes are taking place in every province. The following are the Ontario locations and the aircraft that will take part.


130H Hercules


CF-18 Hornet


CH-147F Chinook


CH-146 Griffon

Bancroft (CC-130H Hercules);
Barrie (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Belleville (four CF-18 Hornets and one CC-150T Polaris);
Canadian Forces Base Borden (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Campbellford (two CH-146 Griffons);
Clinton (CC-130J Hercules);
Deep River (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Foxboro (two CH-146 Griffons);
Frankford (two CH-146 Griffons);
Hamilton (CC-130H Hercules and CC-130J Hercules);
Havelock (two CH-146 Griffons);
Highway of Heroes (three CC-130J Hercules);
Kitchener-Waterloo (CC-130J Hercules);
London (CC-130J Hercules);
Madoc (CC-130H Hercules);
Marmora (two CH-146 Griffons);
Oshawa (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Ottawa (four CF-18 Hornets);
Pembroke (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Pickering (two CC-130J Hercules);
Renfrew (three CH-147F Chinooks);
Stirling (two CH-146 Griffons);
St. Catharines (CC-130J Hercules);
Strathroy (CC-130J Hercules);
Toronto (three CH-147F Chinooks and a CC-130H Hercules);
Trenton (two CH-146 Griffons, two CC-130J Hercules, four CF-18 Hornets and CC-150T Polaris) Wooler (two CH-146 Griffons).

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Remembrance ceremony will be virtual this year

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 11th, 2020

Burlington, ON


It won’t be the same.

Brant Street filled with people who have gathered at the Cenotaph to remember.

The pandemic has changed almost everything – so this year the Remembrance Day ceremony will take place virtually. People are being asked not to attend at the Cenotaph but instead to watch on-line through a live stream arranged by the Legion.

Legion event

Remembrance - crowd

Past Remembrance Day ceremonies have drawn crowds that filled Brant Street


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