Stolte: ' the virus doesn’t move on its own; it needs people to move it.'

News 100 yellowBy Staff

May 7th, 2020



Come Saturday we can go to a hardware store.

That’s progress.

One of the biggest reasons the provincial government is able to begin the process of opening things us is because of how, for the most part, people have listened and followed the rules.

Shawna and daughter

Councillor Stolte, on the right, with daughter Danielle wearing masks made by volunteer community sewers.

Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte, put what we do in perspective when she said: “The COVID-19 virus doesn’t move on its own; it needs people to move it.”

Physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most important steps everyone needs to take. To discourage people from gathering and to help reduce the transmission of the virus, the City of Burlington has closed all vehicular access to our parks.

Only walking, jogging, riding a bike or scooter/wheelchair through a park or trail is permitted, except for Spencer Smith Park, where only walking is allowed.

Remember to:

  • Keep two metres away from others – about the length of a hockey stick
  • Move to the right on pathways to make room for others to pass safely
Youth on Beachway - balls

Six feet ? Maybe.

The younger set – 18-25 roughly have a bit of a problem with the distancing thing.  That demographic has been spared for the most part.  The day there is a death due to an infection they might begin to listen.

The province has shown strong, consistent leadership and they have shown that when they don’t get it right they know how to change quite quickly.  The decision to drop a license plate that didn’t work is a solid example.

When this is all over, and it will be all over at some point there will be an investigation where we will learn how wrong we have been with the way we regulate retirement, nursing and long term care homes.  We heard one leading medical practitioner insist that there be criminal investigations.  Some of the people in the care business may have already “lawyered up”.

It is interesting to note where the deaths took place and where they didn’t.  Some people were doing the job.

Hardware stores and golf courses – opening up.  Hair salons and nail parlours opening up.

When the restaurants and the patios come back on line summer might actually arrive.

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Conservation area closed - so who feeds the 60 some animals they have?

News 100 greenBy Staff

May 6th, 2020



Parks are closed.

The Conservation areas are closed.

People don’t like the closures – but they are part of coping with the COVID19 disease that has brought about the death of thousands.

So we put up with.


One of the lambs – it has to be fed.

Kestrel_ bird

American Kestrel at the Mountsberg Raptor Centre

However, there is a problem, Mountsberg is home to more than 60 animals, from hawks, owls and eagles to horses, goats and sheep, a whole bunch of bees and even a couple snakes, to name just a few. Conservation Halton has a dedicated team of staff members who care for the animals, and in return, the animals help to teach school children, summer camp participants and park visitors about conservation and agriculture.

It costs about $200,000 per year to feed and care for the animals at Mountsberg, and because the Conservation Halton Parks do not receive support from municipal, provincial or federal taxes, they depend on entrance fees, membership purchases and other donations to fund these expenses. With the parks closed, due to COVID-19, Conservation Halton does not currently have this revenue, but they do still have mouths to feed.

The Conservation Foundation launched the Mountsberg Animal Food Fund to help feed the animals; they would like you to consider donating on their website:  The campaign went live on #GivingTuesdayNow and will remain active through the spring to ensure the animals get the care and support they need.

The full donate web site address is:

Conservation Halton is the community based environmental agency that protects, restores and manages the natural resources in its watershed. The organization has staff that includes ecologists, land use planners, engineers, foresters and educators, along with a network of volunteers, who are guided by a Board of Directors comprised of municipally elected and appointed citizens. Conservation Halton is recognized for its stewardship of creeks, forests and Niagara Escarpment lands through science-based programs and services.

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Kids are kept in the loop; aware of what is taking place - we try to focus on the happy times and not the stress

The Gazette has put together a team of parents who are at home taking care of their children while the province goes through school closures and the shut down of everything other than essential services.

Ashley Worobec  and Nicki St. George will write regularly on how they are coping.  We invite parents to take part in this initiative by adding comments to each Coping with COVID19 & the kids article.

graphic coping greenBy Ashley Worobec

May 6th, 2020



We have been managing pretty well over the past few weeks. The initial shock and disbelief has eased, and we’re settling in to a new normal. However, with the Covid numbers trending as they are lately, I’ve been closely watching the Premier’s announcements and I’m anticipating that I’ll be back to work by the end of May. Of course that’s just speculation, but four other Provinces have now returned their chiropractors to work so I’m hopeful that Ontario won’t be far behind.

My focus has been at the clinic lately, as we’ve been gathering the necessary PPE, and we’re installing a plexiglass barrier at the front desk to minimize contact for our reception staff. When we are given the go-ahead to return, we will be ready to do so safely.

Ashley family yard table

Backyard update

As far as what this confinement is doing to the family unit, I’d say it’s been really good for us. As soon as this situation unfolded, my main goal became to create a good environment for my kids. I read an opinion piece online that talked about how children will remember this time in history, and it became my goal to ensure that they remember it positively. They won’t remember the stress, the financial implications, the worry; they will remember the time we spent together, the games we played, the bike rides we went on.

I check in with them regularly, to see what some of their highlights are, and we try to add more of those things into our days- we’ve biked to my in-laws for a driveway visit a handful of times (a 9km round-trip), something we had never done in the past. We’ve played board games in the sunshine in our backyard, we’ve put up a “silly walking sign” on our front sidewalk and laughed at passers-by, and I’ve thrown more football passes than I can count.

daughter on guitar BEST

Learning the guitar

My daughter has been saving her money for many months to purchase a guitar, and it arrived the other day, so she’s been learning to play via online apps and YouTube videos. We’ve painted both kid’s bedroom walls, in colours of their choosing. THESE are the memories we are making. And while my stress is still there, I’m using the lens of my children to guide our days. They understand what’s happening- we’ve been very honest with them and we watch the news together, but we’ve kept the focus on the positive and away from fear.

As far as schoolwork goes, it’s been a manageable amount for us. With me not working, I’m the main teacher, and we spend 1-2 hours in the morning completing their school tasks. Most often, we start our days with a 5km run (myself and the dog running, my husband and kids on bikes or rollerblades), and then we get into schoolwork when we return, which is usually around 9:30 or 10am- that means we’re wrapped up before lunchtime.

Kids you have now entered BEST

Keeping the intruders away

They are missing their friends and their teachers though, and most days they FaceTime their friends as well as my extended family in Alberta. On Monday evenings, we have a group Zoom call with all of my husband’s side of the family, and that’s become a real highlight of the week. We are hopeful that school will resume by September, but we’ve talked to the kids about the possibility that the Fall may look different than usual, so that they’re prepared with that in the back of their minds. As we’ve done all along, it’s one day at a time. Because my husband is a teacher, we’re in a great situation logistically, as he’ll be home with them if schools are still closed, so we don’t have the childcare piece to worry about that many parents do.

In regards to my running, I’m getting in that 5km loop every morning, and while it’s doing nothing to improve my fitness (there are lots of stops/breaks involved!), it’s really helping me to cope mentally. I truly enjoy that time, and when I look back on Covid, those morning family runs will be at the forefront of my memories.

On Sunday mornings, I’ve been getting out for a longer run on my own (usually around 12-15km); in the “normal” world, I would typically run with my training group on Sunday mornings, but these days it’s a solo run, starting around 9:00am rather than 7:00am.

Ashley Worobec - footwear

Worobec starts her day with a run. Rain doesn’t change the schedule; snow didn’t either.

I am currently registered for the Chicago marathon in October (I qualified for this race with my marathon time in New York City last November), but I’m anticipating that it will be cancelled, as has been the case with most other races this year. The Chicago organizers have not yet made that decision, but I’m mentally prepared for the email to arrive any day. I always love having a challenge though, so on Saturday, May 9th, I am participating in the virtual Brooklyn Half marathon- essentially it’s just an online way for the running community to come together. It’s a free registration, and the idea is that you complete 21.1km in your neighbourhood, and then upload your results to their website. It’s being organized by the New York Road Runners, the same running club that puts on the NYC marathon, so I was happy to see this come across their e-newsletter.

If anyone else is interested in getting involved, I encourage them to visit the website at


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Face masks being distributed to community groups

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 6th, 2020



Some State Governors in the United States are thinking of making the wearing of face masks mandatory. Ontario hasn’t taken to that idea yet.

A major Burlington supermarket announced that it requires patrons to wear a face mask when they are in the store.

Galbraith couple

Ward 1 Councillor Kelven Galbraith and his wife Angie Blignaut

Shawna and daughter

Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte and her daughter Danielle

One of the problems is that face masks are in short supply.

The Gazette undertook to provide the material and the ties for face masks that are being sewn together by volunteers from across the city – there are ten sewers in place now and they have one person cutting cloth from bolts and running the cloth ties through a surging machine.

A couple of members of council are wearing masks and distributing them to people in their wards.  Those masks are fashion statements.

The Food Bank plans to include a mask with every food hamper they deliver.  Arrangements are being worked on to collaborate with other community organizations.

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Number of infections are down; social distancing is working - keep it working.

News 100 redBy Staff

May 5th, 2020



The Halton Regional Public Health Unit report on the number of cases of the COVID virus show some decline. Curve is not as flat as it needs to be, but there has been some progress.

Cases over time

541 – COVID-19 cases among Halton residents to date (478 confirmed + 63 probable)

May 3 Fig 1

Figure 1: COVID-19 cases, by episode date, Halton Region, Mar. 1-May 3, 2020

May 3 Fig 2

Figure 2: Cumulative COVID-19 cases, by episode date, Halton Region, Mar. 1-May 3, 2020

Figures 1 and 2 show the 541 COVID-19 cases among Halton residents reported by end of the day on May 3. All cases have been graphed according to their episode date, which is used to estimate the date that symptoms began. Figure 1 shows the number of new cases per day, while Figure 2 shows how cases have accumulated over time. Counts for the past 14 days should be interpreted with caution, since there is a delay between when a person becomes infected and when they develop symptoms, get tested, and are reported as a case. Please note the large increase on April 11 is due to expanded testing and identification of COVID-19 among asymptomatic individuals at Mountainview Residence.

Individuals who are lab-confirmed cases are shown in green. Individuals who are probable cases are shown in orange. Probable cases are epi-linked cases, which means they are presumed to have COVID-19 because they are symptomatic close contacts of cases or returning travelers who have COVID-19 symptoms.

Case demographics

73  cases were residents or patients of an institution experiencing an outbreak (13% of all cases)

86  cases work in health care (16% of all cases)

May 3 fig 3

Figure 3: COVID-19 cases, by age and sex, Halton Region, 2020

Figure 3 shows that by end of the day on May 3, the most COVID-19 cases were among Halton residents aged 40-59 (with 200 cases, or 37%). 317 cases (59%) were female.

May 3 fig 4

Figure 4: COVID-19 cases, by municipality of residence, Halton Region, 2020

Figure 4 shows that by end of the day on May 4, the greatest number of COVID-19 cases were among residents of Oakville (with 184 cases, or 34%). Please note this figure shows counts, and therefore does not take into account the different population sizes or age structures of the four municipalities. Counts in municipalities can also be inflated by outbreaks that have occurred within institutions in their boundaries. The figure excludes one case with municipality information pending.

Case exposure source

May 3 fig 5

Figure 5: Percentage of COVID-19 cases, by exposure source, Halton Region, 2020

Figure 5 shows that by end of the day on May 3, 225 of Halton’s COVID-19 cases (42%) had no known travel or contact history, and therefore were believed to have acquired the virus within Ontario, making them community cases. 206 cases (38%) had contact with a confirmed case that was believed to be the source of their infection. 98 cases (18%) had a history of travel that was believed to have been the source of their infection. Information on exposure source was pending for the remaining 12 cases (2%).

Case outcomes

75  cases who have ever been hospitalized to date (24 listed as currently in hospital)

395  cases who have recovered to date

22  cases who have died to date (11 of the deceased were residents or patients of an institution experiencing an outbreak)

Institutional outbreaks

12  confirmed institutional outbreaks of COVID-19 reported to Halton Region Public Health to date (4 are ongoing)


May 3 fig 6

Figure 6: COVID-19 institutional outbreaks, by date outbreak was declared, Halton Region, Mar. 1-May 3, 2020

Figure 6 shows the 12 confirmed outbreaks of COVID-19 in Halton institutions reported by end of the day on May 3. Institutions are defined as long-term care homes, retirement homes, and hospitals. Eight of the outbreaks have resolved, while four remain ongoing. Among the 12 confirmed institutional outbreaks reported to date, seven (58%) have been in retirement homes, four (33%) have been in long-term care homes, and one has been in a hospital (8%).

Lab testing

>7,500  Halton residents are known to have been tested for COVID-19 to date

Comparison to Ontario

17,923  total confirmed COVID-19 cases reported in Ontario to date


May 3 fig 7

Figure 7: Age-specific rates of COVID-19 (per 10,000 population), Halton Region and Ontario, 2020

Figure 7 shows age-specific rates of COVID-19 for Halton and Ontario. Rates take into account the population size of each age group to make it possible to compare between different areas. Halton’s age-specific rates are currently significantly different from the provincial rates for all age groups except youth aged 0-19. For example, Halton has 32.5 cases per 10,000 residents aged 80+, which is statistically significantly lower than the 58.7 cases per 10,000 residents aged 80+ in Ontario overall. It is important to note that these rates will fluctuate as numbers increase throughout the pandemic, and that differences between age groups may reflect differences in the likelihood of developing symptoms and being tested.

Data limitations and data sources
Halton case data: integrated Public Health Information System (iPHIS), extracted at 7:00 AM on May 4, 2020, to reflect data entered by the end of the day on May 3, 2020

Halton lab data: COVID Data Information System, extracted on May 4, 2020.

Ontario case data: Public Health Ontario, Epidemiologic Summary, COVID-19 in Ontario: January 15, 2020 to May 3, 2020, posted on May 4, 2020 to

Denominators for Halton and Ontario age-specific rates: Population projections [2020], IntelliHEALTH Ontario, extracted on April 8, 2020.

Data notes
All cases of diseases of public health significance diagnosed in Ontario are entered into iPHIS by local public health units. iPHIS is the Integrated Public Health Information System. It is a dynamic disease reporting system which allows ongoing updates to data previously entered. As a result, data extracted from iPHIS represent a snapshot at the time of extraction and may differ from previous or subsequent reports as data are updated.

The data only represent cases reported to public health and recorded in iPHIS. As a result, all counts will be subject to varying degrees of underreporting due to a variety of factors, such as disease awareness and medical care seeking behaviours, which may depend on severity of illness, clinical practice, changes in laboratory testing, and reporting behaviours.

Cases are included if their “diagnosing health unit” in iPHIS is Halton Region, which means counts include only individuals whose primary residence is in Halton Region. The case may not necessarily have been managed by Halton Region, if they were temporarily residing elsewhere during their case management period. Cases managed by Halton Region who normally live elsewhere but who were managed by Halton Region staff because they were temporarily residing in Halton during their case management period have not been included.

Cases for which the Disposition Status in iPHIS was reported as ENTERED IN ERROR, DOES NOT MEET DEFINITION, DUPLICATE-DO NOT USE, or any variation on these values have been excluded.

Figure 1 distinguishes between lab-confirmed and probable cases. Since April 7, probable cases are defined as epi-linked cases, meaning they are symptomatic close contacts of cases or returning travelers who have COVID-19 symptoms and therefore are presumed to have COVID-19. All other figures and numbers include both confirmed and probable cases combined.

Figures 1 and 2 use episode date, which is a field that is intended to approximate the symptom onset date for each case. It is calculated hierarchically, using symptom onset date if available; when it is not available, specimen collection date is used; if neither symptom onset nor specimen collection date are available, the lab test date is used; and finally, if none of these other dates are available, the date the case was reported to Public Health is used.

In subsequent reports, counts in Figures 1 and 2 may increase as cases are added from past dates as individuals become symptomatic, get tested, and their results are reported to Halton Region Public Health, as well as any past results are added due to delayed data entry or new arrival of lab results.

Cases are considered to be patients or residents of an institution experiencing an outbreak if they are linked to a confirmed Halton institutional outbreak in iPHIS, and they are not known to be a staff person at the institution.

Cases are considered to work in health care if they are known to have an occupation that involves caring for patients, e.g. physician, nurse, occupational therapist, recreational therapist, chiropractor, paramedic, midwife, orderly, etc. Individuals who work in health care settings but do not provide direct care to patients (e.g. managers, cleaning staff) have not been included.

Exposure type is determined by examining the exposure and risk factor fields from iPHIS to determine whether a case travelled, was a contact of a case or neither. A hierarchy has been applied as follows: Travel-related > Close contact of a confirmed case > Neither (indicating community acquisition) > Information pending.

Case outcomes (hospitalizations, recovery, deaths) reflect the latest available information reported to Halton Region Public Health and recorded in iPHIS by the extraction time.

Institutional outbreaks include outbreaks of COVID-19 in settings such as long-term care homes, retirement homes, hospitals, and prisons.

Lab testing data reflects only lab tests that have been reported to Halton Region Public Health and entered into CDIS. There may be more residents who have been tested but not reported to Public Health.

For daily Halton case tables and up-to-date information about how to protect yourself and others, please visit

For daily provincial epidemiologic summaries and more information on COVID-19 in Ontario, please visit

For national information on COVID-19 in Canada, please visit

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Building Resiliency: City launches Emergency Preparedness Week and National Youth Week

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 5th, 2020



Timely – very timely.

With the province locked down while we deal with a pandemic that has infected tens of thousands and been the cause of death for tens of hundreds the city is offering advice and direction on how to better prepare for what we are going through.

depressed girlThe focus is on the young people, partly because this is National Youth Week.

The theme  for the Emergency Preparedness initiative is  “Putting on your resiliency backpack” and being prepared.

The best thing residents can do to protect themselves and the community is stay home, practice physical distancing and use online tools for social connectedness.

In an emergency, protecting yourself from mental stress and harm is just as important as protecting yourself from physical harm.

Within the web site page, there are several organizations offering mental health supports and resources across the City. Many workplaces also offer similar resources and supports through workplace employee assistance programs.

One of the largest law firms in the country is sponsoring a Mental health in the age of dramatic change and uncertainty event.

Tips for protecting your mental health

  • Mental health graphicBe aware of your thoughts and feelings. It is normal to feel anxious
  • Limit the news you are watching or reading and ensure it is from a reliable news source
  • Reach out to friends and family through phone calls, video chats, texts
  • See resources and supports offered through
  • Keep healthy habits: eat healthy foods, stay active, get a good night’s sleep, drink water
  • Limit, reduce or avoid alcohol, drugs and caffeine
  • Take advantage of your employer’s employee assistance programs for mental health

Stress and anxiety can be high for youth during emergency situations, too. Many youths are working the front lines at grocery stores, restaurants and delivery.  They are at risk and they feel at risk – and many of them wonder – does anyone care?

There are organizations, resources and supports to support youth mental health in Burlington such as the Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK).

ROCK has put together resources and suggestions to help support children, youth, and families at this time of uncertainty. They are committed to live answering phone calls from the hours of 9 – 5 p.m. each business day. Families will have the ability to speak directly to a ROCK staff person. They have also created the opportunity to connect families to a pathway coordinator staff who will assess and support connection to brief virtual consultation services.

REach them in a number of ways:

Main Line: 289-266-0036

Crisis Line: 905-878-9785 – 24/7

Youth falling apartYouth are also invited to participate in the No Socks for Ivan daily challenges, which can be found on No Socks for Ivan’s Instagram page at burl_youthvoice. Daily challenges include posting about binge-worthy shows, books, shout-outs to essential and front-line workers, dance moves, athletic feats and more.

The Mayoris certainly onside pointing out that “There’s no better time than now to explore the issues around emergency preparedness and mental well-being. The City’s new webpage provides a wealth of information on supports and resources, and I am so impressed at how dozens of organizations from across our community collaborated to put this information together in such a short time. We are all facing resiliency challenges right now and we need these amazing local supports more than ever. I am thankful for the great work they continue to do to help our residents in these trying times.”

Amber Rushton, now the Community Emergency Management Coordinator, a who happens to have a lot of experience organizing communities and projects that take place in those communities saiid: “As we reflect this week on the importance of emergency preparedness and mental health and wellness, I ask that individuals, family members and friends of all ages across our community reflect on one vision: Putting on your resiliency backpack. What could you put in yours? How could you fill your neighbours? How could you fill your family members or your friends?

“These are unprecedented times and it’s still important to be prepared and take care of ourselves, which includes physical distancing, healthy habits and reaching out for health and mental health resources. Remember: in community we persevere, taking the right steps each day toward a more resilient tomorrow.  Stay healthy and be kind to one another. You are not alone.”


  • Youth Week:
  • Mental Health Week:
  • Emergency Preparedness Week:

COVID-19 Links and Resources

  • For further COVID-19 information, including where to get tested, please visit Halton Region Public Health
  • COVID-19 Resources:
  • Residents can stay informed at as well as on our social media channels: @cityburlington on twitter and
  • Questions about the cancellation of Recreation programs can be directed to or or 905-335-7738
  • Government of Ontario:
  • Government of Canada:
  • World Health Organization:
  • Joseph Brant Hospital:


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This is the week we celebrate education with all the schools closed - ironic isn't it

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

May 4th, 2020



The Halton District School Board joins school boards across Ontario in celebrating Education Week from May 4-8, 2020. This year, the HDSB will celebrate Education Week through a different lens each day to focus on the importance of schools, staff, families and the community working together to support the well-being and success of students.

FIRE table 3 - student strong look

Students at Bateman high school in a cooking competition with fire fighters – the kids won.

“While we may be learning differently right now, Education Week provides an opportunity for us to demonstrate how we are working together and doing our best to keep the continuity of learning in supporting students at the Halton District School Board,” says Stuart Miller, Director of Education for the HDSB.

“Without question, student success and well-being is a partnership among schools, parents/guardians and the community. The current COVID-19 situation exemplifies it more than ever. During Education Week, we celebrate students and staff, and we also want to take the opportunity to acknowledge the support our HDSB families have been providing their children during these many weeks of teacher-led distance learning,” adds Miller.

Monday, May 4 – Emphasizing the #HDSBstillconnected social media campaign to foster support among Halton District School Board staff, students and families during the Ontario school closure. The campaign demonstrates that although we cannot be together right now, we are still connected.

Tuesday, May 5 – Engagement & Achievement: The HDSB will highlight how students engage in their learning, school, and community, and how staff contribute to a collaborative learning environment.

Wednesday, May 6 – Stewardship & Resources: The ways in which students are provided with innovative and creative opportunities and supported through technology and resources within accessible and equitable environments will be explored.

Thursday, May 7 – Equity & Well-Being: Examples will be shared of how the HDSB strives to provide an inclusive and caring learning environment while advancing a culture of respect that supports the
well-being of all students and reflects the changing needs of school communities.

Friday, May 8 – Celebrating Excellence: On the final day of Education Week, the HDSB is celebrating the accomplishments and successes of HDSB students and staff.

The Board is proud to recognize the success of students through its annual Celebration of Student Excellence event on Thursday, May 14. Given the current school closure, this will be a ‘virtual’ event that will start at 7 p.m. Each year, one student per school is honoured for their excellence in academics, athletics, self-improvement, community work, citizenship or student leadership. A link to the ‘livestream’ of the ceremony will be on the homepage of the HDSB website (

This is what the Halton District School Board has to say about the week during the year that we look at what we have managed to do in educating the students that are going to be tomorrow’s leaders.

Is that all that is going to come out of the world facing the biggest pandemic we have every experienced – and the experience isn’t over yet.

What will we be doing differently this time next year?

Students doing survey

Students answering survey questions about school closings while their parents debate with school board officials in the same room.

What will the students take away from this experience?

What will the parents take away from it – along with a deep appreciation for what those teachers do day in and day out?

What will teachers know in a year that they do not know now?

While we struggle to meet the educational needs for a situation we did not see coming our way – there is more to our reaction to the disease than appreciating the students that are being recognized by their schools.




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Analytics, silver plate and the Nixon tapes - is there a connection? When you're cooped up and have had enough of Netflix you get creative.

background graphic greenBy Pepper Parr

May 4th, 2020



When I look at the analytics for the Burlington Gazette some amazing information bubbles to the surface.

We have about 20 – maybe 25 people who each day who read news stories that are three, four, sometimes five years old.

I am constantly amazed when I get a note asking me to follow up on a story that someone read that we had published a number of years ago.

We are working on a really neat story about on a full place setting of sterling silver dinner ware that is  in close to mint condition.

We are looking for a way to have a presentation case made and then create an occasion when they can be used.

I was reading a book review on Henry Kissinger and wondered what it would be like to listen to the Nixon tapes – the ones that brought down the Richard Nixon presidency.

The tapes are public and are in the Nixon Library.  Just Google Nix tapes

If you’re looking for something really interesting to do – you will never get another chance to hear those tapes – when the COVID19 disease has been beaten we will all go back to earning money and dealing with a different world.

In one of the tapes Nixon tells one of his staff that “we have to slip some money to Illinois on the sly” and then later says we will do that and then later “screw him”.

Jody-Wilson-RaybouldThis is the way the big boys play the game – now let your mind go to the problem Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had with then Minister of Justice Jodie Wilson Raybould and the SNC Lavalin business.

This is what politicians do on a day to day basis – at every level. Think local.

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Local local local gets you re-elected - international moves you up the Cabinet level ladder

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

May 4th, 2020



Gould in the Legion kitchen

She gets right into the trenches with her constituents – this time it was a Legion kitchen.

Karina Gould is a Mother, a Burlingtonian, a graduate of McGill University and Oxford University. She is a Member of Parliament and a member of the Justin Trudeau Cabinet.

When she writes to her constituents she talks to her people. In her most recent missive she had this to say:  “Let’s get through the local stuff.” Karina has been doing BIG stuff at the world level as well.

“This is mental health week, I encourage you to check in on someone new every day. Whether it is a family member who you have talked to this week, or a colleague who you have not seen since social isolation began, I am sure they would really appreciate to hear from you.

“I know many members of our community might be struggling in other ways as well. COVID-19 has caused many to become food insecure and they may not be sure how to access the supports that are available here in Burlington. To assist those in need, the City of Burlington has compiled an extensive list of resources that residents can access to get the help they need or offer supports to the community. To access this page, please consult the link found here.

WHO director general

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization had a conversation with Minister of International Development  Karina Gould that he isn’t likely to forget. He won’t be looking forward to the follow up call he will be getting either.

“I know that accessing supports for the first time can be nerve racking but I can assure you the teams at the Burlington Food Bank, Food for Life, and the United Way are some of the most compassionate people out there. They understand the situation that you’re in and they don’t care about your income, they just care that you have access to food. Should you have any questions about accessing supports in Burlington, please do not hesitate to contact my office.

“I have some good news. In many parts of the country, the curve has flattened. This means that we are seeing some progress because of the commitment and determination shown by Canadians to stay home and practice physical distancing is paying off.
“To continue to improve on our results and ensure that we beat COVID-19 we must continue to stay home, wash our hands, and when we go out, stay two meters away from one another.”

Karina Gould - fingers apart

Karina Gould – punches well above her weight.

Local matters, especially when you want to get re-elected. During the month of April Gould had conversations with the people at the World Health Organization (WHO). Right now the world is struggling to control COVID-19 disease but there are a lot of people who wonder and are concerned that the WHO did not do the job that could and should have been done to warn the world what was likely to be coming our way.

The perky, always smiling mother of one child, can also be very firm and persistent at making her point. She advised WHO that they have been put on notice by the government of Canada.

This is a woman who punches well above her weight.

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On balance the public behaved reasonably well - there were exceptions but the message has certainly gotten through.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

May 3rd, 2020



It was the first really nice sunny warm day since the decision was made to lock down the province with the Mayor telling anyone with ears to stay home – and when they do go out for some exercise to walk and not stop to talk.

The only way, the public has been told, to put an end to the pandemic is to ensure that the virus is not spread from person to person.

The Regional Public Health unit produces daily reports showing that infections in the Region are rising every day – not by a huge number – but they are rising.

That curve we have been told about is not flattening.

But – sunshine, good weather – what do people do?

Playground beachway

Playground was vacant – surrounded by yellow tape.

I drove around the city in the northern part and then down into the waterfront and along the Beachway.

A couple of things were immediately evident. There were more police vehicles on the street; there were a lot of bikers roaring along and hundreds of young people on their bikes.

The vehicular traffic was not really heavy. On the residential streets most driveways had several cars parked.
I didn’t see very much in the way of sidewalk crowding.

Wore mask

Some people wore masks – which they slipped away from their faces once they were outside the supermarket.

Some people wore masks, some didn’t. Did see one couple – she wore nothing – he wore a mask and a shield.

There were children out and about but there weren’t hundreds of them.

People were respecting that six foot rule – for the most part.


Each of the major supermarket chains has taken their own approach to staking out how they choose to respond to the public concern. Business for this sector is great.

Brant and Lakeshore is definitely the pinch point the Mayor has mentioned several times.
Supermarket parking lots, as well as Costco weren’t packed solid but there was a steady flow of traffic in and out.

Lowvillw Park

Lowville Park – CLOSED

Mt Nemo


Parks were all closed. Saw a couple of coffee shops that were opened but you couldn’t sit down.

Queen's Head patio

A hard sight for those who enjoy a cold one while sitting out on a patio.

The Queen’s Head patio was barren – a terrible sight for a drinking man.

Promenade well spaced

People were reasonable spaced, most people respected the pedestrians only rule.

Pedestrian traffic on the Promenade was steady and for the most part well-spaced out.

The message has certainly been heard and there didn’t appear to be a lot of worry from the people we spoke to – tough to have much in the way of a conversation six feet away from someone.

Two weeks from now we will see new numbers from the Public Health Unit and get some idea if our individual behavior is working.

I stood and watch small groups, 10 to 15 people, gather at intersections; some wearing masks other less than a foot away from people who were not wearing a mask.

Brant - Lkshore crossing

This is probably the location that bothers the public health people the most – Brant and Lakeshore – where people cross to get into Spencer Smith Park.

City manager Tim Commisso said last week that he shudders when he thinks about what could be going on amongst those small groups of 10 to 15 people.

We will know soon enough.

The Provincial government wants to open things up – give people some breathing room and let some business operations open up.

It is going to be tricky; these are perilous times.

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Food Banks get a much needed financial boost from Lexus dealerships - $5000 each

News 100 blueBy Staff

May 3rd, 2020



When the need is there the commercial sector inevitably comes through.

Last week the Oakville and Burlington Lexus dealerships came together and wrote a cheque for $10,000 with $5000 going to the Food Banks in each city.

Those were badly needed dollars.

_Lexus dollars to Food BAnk

From the left: Peter Wolfraim, President of the Fare Share Food Bank in Oakville, Frank Apa, the man who signed that cheque on behalf of the Lexus dealerships and Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank.

Burlington Food Bank Robin Bailey was at the Lexus dealership to take part in the photo op – he was standing beside a shiny new Lexus, which he will tell you is about as close as he is ever going to get to owning one of those vehicles.

The donation was very timely; food donations have dropped off during the crisis forcing our Food Banks to purchase their own food for deliveries to families.

For Bailey this was a great way to kick off Spring!

The Burlington Food Bank is now giving out 100% cotton Face Mask to any of their clients who need one.  The masks are a Gazette initiative that involved the Burlington Community Seniors and ECoB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington.

The Gazette donated the cloth and did some of the sewing.  There are currently ten community volunteers sewing masks from cloth provided by the Gazette.

Robin Bailey’s update.

The canned goods and toiletries collection is still on every Monday and Wednesday at St. Matthews Anglican Church on Plains Road – open from noon to 3:00. You can pick up a mask there as well.


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The curve is still not flat - and warmer weather is upon us - time to be even more vigilant.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

May 1st, 2020



For those who are having difficulty with the need to Stay at Home and not mingle with people you don’t live with when they are out – some  graphics from the Regional Health Unit should give you caution.

515 COVID-19 cases among Halton residents to date (456 confirmed + 59 probable)

The curve: It has to stop rising – until then we are going to have to Stay Home – and the province will not be able to even begin to lift the restrictions.

Episode date
cases were residents or patients of an institution experiencing an outbreak (14% of all cases)

cases work in health care (15% of all cases)

The number of people infected by municipality.

Muni differences

Burlington’s numbers have always been the lowest – that is not a reason to think we can let up.

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Talk about cheek - the Mayor makes no apology for breaking the rules on public processions.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 30th, 2020


In a Statement from City Hall we are told that:

“Communities all over the world are finding new and unique ways amid the social distancing requirements of COVID19 to celebrate significant milestones, including birthdays, retirements, weddings, health progress and more.

“One of these ways is “drive-by” processions. Family and friends drive by the location of their loved ones to wave and offer some cheer from a safe, social distance.

“These drive-by celebrations have a small but powerful, positive influence on the participants, the recipients as well as the surrounding neighbourhoods and we need to find a way to support them in a controlled and legal manner.

“Some of these have grown significantly in size, duration and frequency.

“Upon review of provincial emergency orders, any parade larger than five vehicles at one time would be prohibited. Halton Region Public Health discourages parades but has provided some guidelines below that allow for limited ability for small scale, local processions.

MMW on procession toJB

A segment lifted from the YouTube film on the drive by to the hospital – events that the province has pointed out are not permitted.

Wow! Talk about cheek – a few weeks ago the Mayor was at the front of a procession to the hospital where she hopped out of her car – megaphone in hand to tell the hospital staff how much they were appreciated.

We learn today that Provincial emergency orders prohibit any organized public events of more than five people, including a parade.

As such an organized public event in the form of vehicle parades for birthdays or other celebrations of more than five people who not members of a single household are prohibited by O.Reg. 52/20.

Region of Halton Public Health has guidelines for parades. These events would first have to comply with the provincial emergency orders in size.

These drive-by parades are becoming more common and can be a way to celebrate an event. However, it is important that public health measures continue to be followed during these types of events.

Mayor hospital clap

Mayor Meed Ward on her first drive by with a good dozen public vehicles behind the car she was in – sirens blaring – lights flashing. She just loves a parade.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward explains: “The drive-by parades have given a lot of joy to people in a creative way, amid the physical distancing restrictions of COVID-19 and at a time when we’ve been unable to socially connect like we used to.

I was honoured to participate in one recently. These parades have been an awesome idea when they’ve been kept to a certain scale — unfortunately, the larger they get, the harder it is to maintain physical distancing and keep health and safety protocols in place. We need to follow the provincial emergency orders and public health advice and keep the size and frequency of these events to a reasonable scale. Our focus is keeping everyone safe and healthy, and I’m very proud of our residents who are thinking of creative ways to socially connect while doing so.”

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Good motion gets trashed by Mayor - the need recognized by Councillor Stolte is very real.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 30th, 2020



When the motion you put forward to create more sidewalk space for people to use when they are out for a walk is followed by an amendment from the Mayor with seven points to it – you know your motion is in trouble.

Such was the fate of a motion put forward by ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte.

Direct the Director of Transportation Services to assess, create and implement as soon as possible, and with input from other city departments and members of the Cycling and ITAC Committees, a “Shared Streets Burlington” Pilot Project with the goal of temporarily closing portions of roadways to allow for safer physical distancing for pedestrians and cyclists for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Background Discussion:

The residents of Burlington, along with City Council and City Staff, are all committed to the goal of stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Our role, as City Council and staff, is to amplify the message of medical experts in regard to adhering to physical distancing requirements while also considering a longer-term plan that acknowledges residents need for physical exercise and fresh air in order to effectively manage their mental health and well being.

Stolte had reliable statistical data on how people were handling the isolation. She pointed out that sidewalks are simply not wide enough to ensure the physical distancing requirements recommended by medical experts and the informal use of grass boulevards does not provide a safe nor viable alternative for wheelchairs, strollers or bicycles.

Stolte and Kearns - budget book

These two women work well together; very different personalities but when the strength are combined that are very effective.

Roadways are underutilized due to reduced traffic volumes and represent a clear and simple alternative to “expand the sidewalk”. There are many resources already available, as well as an established work group comprised of dedicated residents from the ITAC and Cycling Committee who have been meeting to research strategies and suggestions for implementation.

Stolte wanted to begin with a Pilot Project to measure, monitor and learn as well as to assess the willingness of the community to participate in a safe manner.  She was strongly supported by ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns.

Her hope was that council would consider a phased approach that can adapt/expand as needed at multiple, local, widespread, “very ordinary” locations to avoid gathering crowds gathering. Her hope was that street networks would be coordinated with park locations

•to ensure strong signage and communication

•to consider a variety of options such as closing off curb lanes on thoroughfares (ex. Maple, Palladium Way, Prospect -east of Guelph) or installing strong “Shared Streets” signage on key neighbourhood streets (ex. Spruce, Townsend, Palmer, Millcroft Park)

This motion is intended to encourage a realistic, longer-term plan that will ensure safe “physical distancing” as well as strive for the balance that is needed to support physical exercise and mental health initiatives, by literally creating more space for people to get outside and breathe.

Burlin Vt road share sign

Public education is key – it doesn’t always take in Burlington.

Stolte encouraged Council to join the 60+ other cities around the world including Brampton, Calgary, Edmonton, Kitchener, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria and Winnipeg who have already implemented or are actively exploring this creative alternative as a means of supporting the well-being of their residents.

Debate on this one was vigorous.

Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna came out of the gate asking that it be deferred – “we have bigger fish to fry – and this will be expensive” he said. “If we open up part of a roadway we are going to have to put pylons out and then take them in.”

Angelo B

Councilor Bentivegna was solidly against the motion – too expensive and the city has bigger fish to fry.

Bentivegna, like most of the other Councillors said they just weren’t seeing all that much pedestrian traffic on the streets.

The Mayor who lives in ward 2 didn’t agree with Lisa Kearns, councillor for the ward. The Mayor said you could fire a cannon up the streets she walked along. She said she was out walking every day.

Councillor Nisan said he felt that this was a Staff matter and that they were the people who should be driving it; implying that Councillor Stolte might be offside. Odd that Nisan would take that position; when he wanted some traffic moderating in Kilbride and he could hardly get the time of day out of the department.

Nisan wanted the issue of changing the way roads get used during the State of Emergency referred back to transportation – problem with that is the motion didn’t come from Transportation – it came from Stolte, a member of council.

Ward 6 councillor Bentivegna said: “Transportation experts should make the decision because it is an operational matter – maybe it should be handled at the ECG.”  It was discussed at the ECG.

Nisan moved a motion to refer it to staff – Galbraith seconded it. He too didn’t see the need, at least not in Aldershot. Didn’t think this was on for Burlington – “we are not a big city like Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver.

Stolte had taken the idea to Staff and found she wasn’t getting anywhere and withdrew the motion she had planned on putting forward earlier in the month.

Meed Ward style

Mayor Med Ward basically manhandled the Stolte motion.

Meed Ward’s amendment, it had seven parts, did add valuable points to the motion. She was concerned about the purpose of the amendment and what the criteria would be for closing down part of a public road.

In getting into her seven point amendment the Mayor seemed to be defining what the motion was really about – it is usually the mover of a motion who does that and the record shows that Stolte had done her home work.

There wasn’t much in the way of appetite for the idea from the Transportation department when it first came to them. The ECG people were swamped with other more pressing issues. City Manager Tim Commisso was comfortable with where things were – people were thinking about a possible problem. Stolte had discussed the idea with them earlier.

Galbraith, Councillor for ward 1 couldn’t see a need. No heavy pedestrian traffic in his part of the world.

Councillor Sharman was non-plussed – he didn’t see any pedestrian traffic to speak of on Spruce or any other part of his ward.

After lengthy, robust debate, the motion carried 4-3 and will come back to Council during the May meeting.

Earlier in the debate Councillor Nisan had put forward a motion to defer  the motion back to Transportation; it really should have been a referral – a motion that will come to be seen in a much different light when the warm weather arrives and people don’t want to stay cooped up.

Lisa Kearns had it right: “This is a public health and a mental health issue, she said.  Covid-19 is a serious public health issue, “but we also have to let people move around and we need to be proactive now and not react to a serious problem later” said Kearns.

Vito 2 Sept 2019

The matter is in the hands of the Director of Transportation Vito Tolone

Bentivegna, Sharman and Galbraith weren’t seeing that.

Nisan wanted staff to run the show.

The City manager, with help from City Solicitor Nancy Shea Nicol, that the closing of a public road is not something that has been delegated to municipalities – that is going to require some explaining. explained something

The Mayor scooped a good motion right off the plate of a Councillor who understood the need and was taking steps now to handle a situation she is certain will come back to bite us.

Stolte wanted to know why her motion wasn’t acceptable.  The Mayor said that the Nisan motion prevailed.

The Mayor said that Stolte’s motion didn’t do what Nisan’s did.

Hopefully staff will understand and work with the nuance that came out of the meeting.

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Kearns forgot to share the microphone and left her sense of fun and at times cutting humour at home.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

May 1st, 2020



She isn’t ready for the big stage – not yet

And she needs to let the microphone slide into other hands.

Lisa Kearns Election Photo

For her first Zoom solo – she did Ok.

On the positive side – Lisa Kearns deserves credit for taking a shot at using Zoom to talk to her people,

She drew 35 people – nice to see Jackie Isada again. I think Paddy Torsney should have been less blatant with the wine glass.

Kearns chose to cover the complete waterfront – her audience was well plugged in – they didn’t need be told to wash their hands.

Kearns likes the new TelePlus program the city Parks and Recreation has rolled out. Few fully understand what the city has gotten itself into. Time will reveal where the problems are.

Two parts of the presentation were disturbing – before questions were permitted Jenn Morrison from CLV development that is going to put up seven structures that range from 29 – 37 floors, got to make comments. There was no opportunity to discuss that development in more detail.

The rules appear to be a bit different for this development.

We did learn that those sites that are permitted to continue construction can work from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm used to be 7 to 7.

If a development site has risen above grade it is deemed essential and can continue building.

Bridgewater April 2020

Section on the right is residential – construction can continue – section on the left is a hotel – not essential – continued construction not permitted.

Bridgewater site that looks as if it is going to be under construction for some time. The residential parts can continue with construction – but the hotel which is on the west side cannot – hotels were not deemed essential.

Cyclists are causing a lot of people considerable grief. They are on pathways that were not meant for bikes and they “just fly by” as one commentator said.

There was a “hint” that a way might have to be found to limit the number of people who access the park – where you are expected to walk with no dilly dallying or sitting on a bench for a break.

It was a good effort – do it again – but listen more and talk less.

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We have unaccountable local decision-making being done by the Emergency Coordinating Group - time for some accountability and some transparency.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

April 29th, 2020



In normal times the administration of the city is in the hands of the City Manager who works at the will of council.

Council also issues Staff Directions which set out some very specific tasks they expect the City Manager to ensure gets done on time and within the budget.

But these are not normal times.

On March 21st, Mayor Marianne Meed Ward declared a State of Emergency and the role city council played going forward was severely diminished. When the province declared a State of Emergency that meant many of the instructions as to what a city had to do came from the province.

The City manager was, to a large degree bound by what the province was calling for.

So – what was a mere city councillor to do?

In Burlington several of the Councillors began to chafe a bit and worked on the city manager to get more in the way of information as to just what was happening day to day.

Commisso stare

City manager Tim Commisso: With most of the power over local decision making – there might be some reluctance to give it back to council.

As Chair of what is known as the Emergency Coordinating Group (ECG) the city manager takes the steps he thinks are necessary to ensure the safe operation of the city and while city hall is closed to the public there are some people working on tasks that can only be done from within city hall.

The ECG is made up of a large number of people. They meet twice a day on-line and make sure that what needs doing is done.

My understanding is that the City Manager is now giving the city Councillors an update once a week as to what was done and why.

That information however is not being shared.

If the Councillors do have a weekly report they aren’t sharing that information with their constituents. One wonders why.

One could also ask why the City Manager doesn’t share those reports with the public.

An opinion piece in the Toronto Star on April 27th raised some serious questions under the headline: “Use of municipal emergency powers has gone too far.”

Anneke Smit and Alexandra Flynn argue that “meaningful, participatory governance has been thrust aside” in the name of keeping people safe while a virus kills hundreds across the province.

“Municipalities have very weak powers in Canada’s constitutional framework, cities are subject to provincial whims when it comes to both stable funding and political structures. Local governments are overlooked in conversations about democracy and governance, yet they are responsible for many of the decisions that most directly affect our daily lives.

“Canadian municipalities have made big decisions from the start of the crisis, such as enforcing physical distancing; dealing with the functioning — or not — of public transit; access to parks; and deciding whether to dedicate extra space for pedestrians and cyclists to name a few.

“Canada’s municipalities are not governed by a “strong mayor” system. This means that city council as a whole makes decisions, not just mayors. Provincial state of emergency legislation changes this. In most provinces, municipalities have the power to declare their own state of emergency. In its survey of 65 of the largest Canadian municipalities, the Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) counts 56 that have done so, in some cases for the first time in history, leaving mayors able to bypass city council votes and act unilaterally.

“While B.C.’s emergency legislation requires a mayor to consult the rest of council before they act, this is not the case in most Canadian provinces. CUI counts 10 of the surveyed cities having cancelled city council meetings during COVID-19 (including Toronto, Halifax, Windsor, Winnipeg and Edmonton). The cancellation or diminishment of council meetings means residents won’t know who made what decisions, which questions were asked, or hear staff advice, and decisions on many key issues not immediately related to the pandemic are simply being postponed.

“What is more, 28 of the municipalities have also cancelled committee meetings, and 34 have cancelled public consultations. These meetings are the backbone of local democracy. They give the public a chance to directly weigh in on issues that matter to them in their communities.

“In the early stages of the pandemic, decisions had to be made quickly. A single, authoritative voice on behalf of a government was arguably necessary. Five weeks later, much of the dust has settled, and we are left with unaccountable local decision-making in many communities and no immediate end in sight to states of emergency.”

That pretty well sets out what is taking place in Burlington.

It doesn’t have to be this way – the elected members of council can agitate and advocate for a more open process – and those with the courage to do so might better serve their constituents by being more vocal.

All seven were elected and they speak as the will of council.

The Gazette for one would like to hear that will expressed verbally.

Council ALL 2018

Elected less than two years ago – they have now let someone else make the decisions.

Related news stories:

Mayor declares State of Emergency

What does a State of Emergency mean?

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Craft brewers want federal funding support - claim that if there was ever a time for a local brew it would be right now

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

April 29th, 2020



A ray of sunshine when the Canada’s Craft Breweries said: “If there was ever a time for beer lovers across the country to support their local craft breweries, it would be right now.”

The comment was part of a plea to the federal government for financial support.

A survey of the craft breweries on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the brewing industry in Canada. There was sufficient response from across the country to achieve a 95% confidence level with 5% margin of error.

brewery photo

Let the suds flow.

“Similar to many other industry sectors, craft breweries across Canada have been dramatically impacted by the current health and economic situation.” began Rick Dalmazzi, Executive Director of the CCBA. “For example, 44% of breweries reported a year over year revenue drop of over 50% in March, while another 25% were down over 25%. Over 77% of breweries anticipate that April will be the same or worse.”

There are over 1,100 craft breweries in every province and territory in Canada, with over 90% of them opening in the last decade. Many have helped to rejuvenate local economies and bring new employment to communities that have otherwise lost jobs. In provinces where it is legal, many breweries have added a home delivery service to help replace lost revenue. But it doesn’t come close to making up for their own restaurants and taprooms being closed, and keg sales to bars eliminated. The 317 survey respondents reported having to lay off 4,180 of their 6,409 employees, or 65%.

brewery logo“Cashflow is the biggest problem”, continued Dalmazzi. “Many of our member breweries are still in their investment growth phase, and therefore marginally profitable if at all. Everyone’s doing whatever it takes to weather the storm as best they can. Fortunately, we’ve seen very few permanent closures, but that will change if current conditions extend into the summer.” continued Dalmazzi.

The survey also found that craft breweries are stepping up to support the fight against COVID-19. Over 15% of respondents said that they are either making hand sanitizer or that their beer is being used to make it elsewhere. Most of the hand sanitizer being produced by breweries is for use within their local community.

“We are appreciative of the federal government’s wage subsidy and other programs. Ottawa has been very responsive to the financial needs of small businesses. However, our industry will need further support if it is to survive in its present form.” concluded Dalmazzi. “And if there was ever a time for beer lovers across the country to support their local craft breweries, it would be right now.”

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Kearns want her constituents to know that she is still with them - holding an online event to talk to her tribe.

eventsblue 100x100By Pepper Parr

April 28th, 2020



This could be fun – and goodness knows we need something other than black humour.

Lisa Kearns taking questions

Never quite sure what Lisa Kearns is going to say when she has a microphone in her hands.

Lisa Kearns, Councillor for Ward 2, has announced that she is going to hold a virtual constituency meeting.

In a message to everyone on her mailing list she said:

You’re invited to a Ward 2 Virtual Community Update Meeting on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The best place for you is at home, please join me through Zoom technology (video and/or audio) to connect with the community.

Hear about what’s happening at City Hall and in your City. Engage on what matters to you.

CoVID-19 Response
• City Hall News
• Planning & Development
• Construction & Projects
• Healthy Living
• Environment
• Q&A Session

As always, everyone welcome.

Kearns is what we journalists call “good copy” – you’re never sure what she is going to say or how the words are going to flow from her mouth.

The best I ever got from covering her events was that “Phoney baloney” line.

So tune in on Thursday – it might be better than the movies – and given that the theatres are closed, Lisa Kearns is all you have going for you Thursday night.

Kearns virtual

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Arrests made in Organized Fraud Ring Investigation “Project Outbound”


Crime 100By Staff

April 28th, 2020



Some people are not staying at home.

The Halton Regional Police Fraud Unit has made arrests related to an investigation into an organized automotive fraud ring. To date, police have arrested and charged two individuals, and seized 17 vehicles valued at approximately $1.35 million dollars.


Obtained through fraud – driven to Montreal, loaded into a container and taken to the Middle East – but not this time

Officers began the investigation in January 2020 after two pickup trucks were fraudulently obtained from a dealership in Oakville. Through further investigation, officers learned multiple vehicles were being fraudulently obtained by the suspects, who then attempted to ship them out of Canada via the Port of Montreal to the Middle East and Eastern Europe. With the assistance of the CBSA the vehicles were seized prior to leaving Canada.


A brand new Dodge Ram – headed for the Middle East – obtained fraudulently

The vehicles were purchased from various dealerships in the GTA, including a local dealership in Halton (Oakville).

Search warrants have been executed at three separate locations in Mississauga. During the course of the investigation police have seized the previously mentioned vehicles , electronics, and $4700 in Canadian currency.


Arrested and charged:

Muhammed Khoshnaw (59) of Mississauga
o Fraud over $5,000 (x2)
o Possession of property obtained by crime

Mohammed Hussein (29) of Mississauga
o Possession of property obtained by crime (x4)

This investigation is ongoing and more arrests and charges are expected.

“The detection and disruption of organized crime groups such as this one is an ongoing priority of the Halton Regional Police Service. The negative impact on the community from fraudulent criminal activity is significant and takes the form of increased insurance and retail costs,” says Deputy Chief Jeff Hill. “I would like to commend our Regional Fraud Unit and the Canada Border Security Agency on the success of this investigation.”

Anybody who may have additional information pertaining to this incident is asked to contact the Regional Fraud Unit at 905-825-4747 ext. 8738.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

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Mayor buys into the Premier's Road map. She wants to be crystal clear and transparent about the plans and specific behaviours being asked of the public

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 28th, 2020



Yesterday morning Premier Doug Ford set out what he called a Roadmap to get the Ontario economy back to how it traditionally operates.

This morning Mayor Meed Ward had the following comments on the position the Premier took.

Meed Ward H&S profile

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward

Yesterday Premier Ford and his team announced a road map to begin reopening Ontario with a focus on protection, reopening, and recovery. This is welcomed news for all Ontarians and a direct result of the hard work and sacrifices everyone has made to help successfully flatten the curve of COVID-19.

The City of Burlington is looking forward to implementing a similarly phased approach that aligns with the framework and guidelines being followed at the provincial level. This roadmap is about the how more than the when.

Ontario’s Chief Officer of Health has outlined three stages for opening workplaces and public spaces and permitting gatherings as time progresses. The criteria the Province will be using in their decision-making include:

• A consistent two-to-four week sustained decrease in the number of new daily COVID-19 cases;

• Sufficient acute and critical care capacity, including access to ventilators and ongoing availability of personal protective equipment (PPE);

• Approximately 90 per cent of new COVID-19 contacts are being reached by local public health officials within one day, with guidance and direction to contain community spread; and

• Ongoing testing of suspected COVID-19 cases, especially of vulnerable populations, to detect new outbreaks quickly

The federal government also indicated yesterday that reopening guidelines should include the capacity for testing, an adequate supply of PPE in place, and the continued medical capacity in place to handle a surge.

Mayor Meed Ward and Premier - Dec 2018

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward meets with Premier Doug Ford at a Joseph Brant hospital event

While no specific dates have yet been announced by the Province in their detailed framework, we know that with the closure of schools and provincial parks being extended to May 31st we have a slow and steady timeline ahead of us. City Hall and city facilities will remain closed through the end of June as previously announced. Burlington’s local businesses launched a campaign yesterday encouraging our community to continue to “Stay home so Burlington can get back to business”. In alignment with the Province and their future decisions related to lifting restrictions on essential services impacting the City, we will not rush this recovery at the expense of the progress we have made thus far.

Our number one priority in Burlington continues to be the health and well-being of our people, especially those who are most vulnerable.

As we formalize our plan with input from city leadership teams and council in May, we will partner closely with Halton Region Public Health so we can continue to closely monitor the level of risk being posed by COVID-19 throughout every stage of our plan.

Halton Region’s mayors, including Mayor Rick Bonnette, Mayor Gordon Krantz, Mayor Rob Burton and myself, have formed a partnership to work together on our respective plans. All four mayors have come together as the Halton Mayors Recovery Coordination Group and made the commitment to keep each other and Halton Region Chair Gary Carr apprised of decisions being considered in each municipality, share best practices, and coordinate our plans and timing.

In the weeks and months ahead, our commitment as a City is to be crystal clear and transparent about the plans and specific behaviours we are asking of the public, keep the community informed of evolving risks, and work diligently with our healthcare partners to track infection and continue to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

We have all made many sacrifices to flatten the curve here in Burlington and we must ensure they were not made in vain. For now, we must continue to stay home and follow the advice of health experts while we navigate this virus and plan the way forward. We will be cautious and careful in each step we take so that we can safely reopen our economy, manage risk, and keep our community healthy.

Fig 2

The curve for the Region of Halton is far from flattening.

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