All we are saying is Give Peace a Chance

Sailor over Pier 2018

Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
C’mon, ev’rybody’s talking about
Ministers, sinisters, banisters and canisters
Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Popeyes and bye-bye, bye-byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Let me tell you now
Ev’rybody’s talking ’bout
Revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations
Meditations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono in the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Room 1742, Montreal, 1969

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Gift of Giving Back sets new food donation record.

News 100 redBy Staff

November 10th, 2018



Ann-Marie Burton (Gift of Giving Back and Burlington Food Bank) was very busy at Robert Bateman HS Wednesday Nov 7 as they announced donations amounting to 601,639 lbs.

Giving back 2018

Shown here with Ann-Marie are some of the helpers including Brooke Ellsworth-Hewson, Megan Burton, Tess Gates and Scarlett Staszkiel (members of the Barracudas Novice A team)

Shown here with Ann-Marie are some of the helpers including Brooke Ellsworth-Hewson, Megan Burton, Tess Gates and Scarlett Staszkiel (members of the Barracudas Novice A team)

This new national record for Food donations in Canada was acknowledged by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Giving back by year

Founded in Burlington, Ontario in 2005, The Gift of Giving Back is now the largest food drive of its kind in Canada that supports, educates and empowers thousands of young hockey athletes, baseball athletes and high school students to compassionately give back to their community. Summer and late Fall annual initiatives are launched to Help our Kids Feed Kids in their community.

Giving back logoOriginally launched by the Burlington Eagles, the campaign has grown to include more than 85 male and female youth hockey teams from: The Burlington Girls Hockey Club (Barracudas), Burlington Cougars and the Burlington Eagles. In 2017 we were pleased to announce that baseball teams from BOMBA have joined us in our cause.

Together with their parents and community leaders, amount to more than 3,500 volunteers who make this all possible. An exciting addition in 2018 was our partnership with the Burlington Gymnastics Club.

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Remembrances Day services and bus route changes.

eventsred 100x100By Staff

November 11th, 2018



Names on cenotaphA number of Remembrance Day services will be taking place in downtown Burlington on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018.  Several bus routes will be altered.

The following road closures will be in place:

• Brant Street will be closed from Elgin Street to Victoria Avenue between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

• James Street will be closed from John Street to Brant Street between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

• Ontario Street will be closed from Locust Street to Brant Street between 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
• Baldwin Street will be closed from Brant Street between 9:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.

A number of Remembrance Day services are taking place in downtown Burlington.

9 a.m.
Sunrise Remembrance Day Service
This 30-minute ceremony takes place at the Naval Ships Memorial Monument in Spencer Smith Park.
Spencer Smith Park

10:30 a.m.
Remembrance Day Parade
The parade starts at Central Public School.
Brant to Elgin Street, Elgin to Locus Street, Locust to Ontario Street

11 a.m.
Remembrance Day Service
This 45 to 60 minute ceremony is held at the Cenotaph, on the north side of City Hall.

Remembrance - crowd

Burlingtonians fill Brant Street during the Cenotaph ceremonies on Remembrance Day.

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Does a ward Councillor have to live in the ward they represent? Legally no - but most people will tell you they should.

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 10th, 2018


This article has been revised.

Does the Councillor for a city ward have to actually live in the ward they want to represent?

Legally they don’t have to but it became pretty clear that most people thought they should live in the ward and wanted them to live in the ward.

Burlington has one Councillor who doesn’t live in the ward she was elected to represent and another who rents in the ward and spend much of his time in a condominium he owns outside the ward.

Both explained their situations during the campaign – but questions are being asked – where do you live and when do you plan to move into the ward.

Shawna listening to Dennison

Councillor Elect Shawna Stolte

Ward four Councillor Elect Shawna Stolte, writing from the lobby of a hotel in Cuba where she is on a short vacation said: “I believe my Ward 4 constituents would want me to focus on the budget and learning the job over this first year and worrying less about my real estate search.

“My situation hasn’t changed. Now that the campaign is over, looking forward to finishing my renovation and looking at selling and moving likely sometime in 2019.”

Likely and sometime in 2019 is a large stretch of time. In a recent Rocca Sisters real estate report they said that Burlington is currently a “seller’s market”. Smart people normally make hay while the sun is shining.

Rory - glancing

Councillor Elect Rory Nisan

Ward 3 Councillor Elect Rory Nisan has a slightly different situation. He has an address in ward 3 and his driver’s license has that address on it. He also has a condominium in ward 6 that he bought well before he had decided to become a candidate. That was to be his home for him and his girl-friend.

Nisan did consider running in ward 6 but his heart was in ward 3 where he was raised and grew up. He believed he could win in ward 6 but his heart was in ward 3 where he ran and won handily.

Nisan expects to make a statement soon soon – he too is planning a ten day vacation in Ireland before he gets sworn in as a city Councillor and begins work on getting the budget for the city in place.

Nisan provided the following statement:

“In fact, I live in Ward 3 and moved there from Ward 6 earlier this year.

“When I decided to run, I knew that living in the ward is important. But I bought near the peak of the market so a quick purchase wasn’t feasible financially. As a result, and for some personal reasons, I found a place to rent in rural Ward 3. I have a lease and have paid thousands of dollars in rent. That’s why my driver’s licence states that I live in Ward 3 — where else could it say?

My girlfriend lives in Ward 6. We are now happily searching for a suitable place for both of us — in Ward 3 of course.”

A candidate in the ward 3 race isn’t too happy with what she thinks she sees taking place.

Lisa Cooper 2

Lisa Cooper

Lisa Cooper, a close to perennial candidate in ward 3, said in a comment in the Gazette that it: “Would have been nice if Rory Nisan had let us all know in Ward 3 that he didn’t actually live in our Ward.”

She added that this may be “Sour grapes on my part, maybe but I can hold my head up knowing I ran a fair and by the rules campaign, and the only money funding my effort was from my own pocket. The financials should be interesting especially the compliance audit.”

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Clock Tower bells will be rung at sunset on November 11th.

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

November 10th, 2018



Clock tower - full lengthAt sunset on Sunday, November 11, the City of Burlington will join other local organizations, including veteran groups and churches, to mark 100 years since the World War I armistice with the ringing of 100 bells.

At 4:59 p.m. on Nov. 11, the city’s clock tower will play bells 100 times at five-second intervals – one to mark each year.

One hundred years ago, on Nov. 11, 1918, news of the end of fighting in the First World War travelled through Europe with the chime of church bells ringing out in celebration.

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Alan Harrington wants to see something done with the city's brand and the fire damaged property south of the QEW in the first 100 days of the new municipal government.

100 daysWith a new municipal government getting ready to assume power the question is – what will they do first?

What are the big issues?

We asked the readers of the Gazette what they thought the new council should attempt to get done in its first hundred days.

Here are some of their thoughts.

By Alan Harrington
November 9th, 2018

One Burlington issue that irks me and the community is the horrid “Welcome to Burlington” sign that greets a million drivers heading into the city on the QEW westbound.

It looks like a town that hasn’t put any effort into its brand for 30+ years.

The “O” is shaped like a sliced egg with a sulfur smell.

Paletta from hwy

The severely damaged Paletta property on the south side of the QEW at Appleby Line.

And speaking of stink… what is our Councillor doing about the burned out meat factory sitting on QEW and Appleby? This neglected piece of property looks like an abandoned third-world-country war zone. It’s sat like this for a year now as of December 6th.

Does the city like the image of a city that doesn’t care how it looks to the millions of drivers that pass through each day?

Alan Harrington feels like a resident tortured in the Orchard.


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Fred Crockett wants to ensure that Council doesn't try to micromanage everything during the first 100 days.

100 daysWith a new municipal government getting ready to assume power the question is – what will they do first?

What are the big issues?

We asked the readers of the Gazette what they thought the new council should attempt to get done in its first hundred days.

Here are some of their thoughts.

By Fred Crockett
November 9th, 2018

Residents want their municipal authority to take care of day to day services on a responsible budget, prudently set aside reserve funds for major capital works, handle emergency services, establish a reasonable planning structure, and to do so in a manner that is respectful to those residents, staff, fellow Councillors, and the broader public.

They do not want a Council that seeks to micromanage everything, and views activities as ego-boosting shenanigans so as to foster perpetual re-election. This past vote showed that some 60% of the electorate was jaundiced by the previous structure, and the rest chose to bounce most of the incumbents.

City hall - older picCouncil is not measured by the individual accomplishments or goals of its members, but rather by the quality of its collective judgement. Competent and properly paid staff exist to perform the necessary tasks, to provide advice to Council, and to support the policy decisions made by elected representatives.

Within its first 100 days, the new council should reinforce a meaningful code of conduct, pass a responsible budget, support a functional transit system, and revise the pending planning conundrum, all in the interests of the residents.

Fred Crockett is a Burlington based real estate broker.

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Real estate inventories levels suggest we are in a sellers’ market - Rocca Sisters.

News 100 blueBy Staff

November 9th, 2019



The real estate picture and sales during the month of October from the research desk of the Rocca Sisters.

Inventory levels reduced since September and were considerably lower than the previous 5 year average, by about 20%. Year to date, Burlington sale prices were down just over 3% and sales were down 12% as compared to the same period last year.

The month of October saw very positive results with sale prices up almost 11% and sales up 3% when compared to the month of October 2017. Year to date, days on market are up by 49% when compared to 2017 but in the month of October it took a lot less time to sell a property with DOM at an all time low for the year of 30 days.

During the month of October, properties sold on average for 97.71% of the listed price. An interesting phenomenon that we saw in Burlington was properties that were listed and on the market for several weeks and then selling for full asking price or even slightly more. Of the 66 properties that sold for 99% or more of the asking price in October, 24 had been on the market for over 20 days.

Clearly we are in a much more balanced market where buyers are under no pressure to make quick decisions notwithstanding the fact that inventory levels suggest we are in a sellers’ market.

Rocco sisters OCt 2018

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Time to Choose leaves audiences understanding not only what is wrong, but what can be done to fix this global threat.

eventsgreen 100x100By Staff

November 9th, 2018



On Wednesday, November 21, Burlington Green will be holding the fifth and LAST screening of our 2018 Eco-Film Festival, “Time to Choose”.

Takes place at the Central Library -2331 New Street, Burlington.

BG Eco folm graphic Time to chooseCharles Ferguson explores the comprehensive scope of the climate change crisis and examine the power of solutions already available. Featuring narration by award-winning actor Oscar Issac, “Time to Choose” leaves audiences understanding not only what is wrong, but what can be done to fix this global threat.

Click here to learn more, check out the trailer and to RSVP for the film event.

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The Federation Strikes Back: This was seen as a shot across the bow of the good ship Ford.

News 100 redBy Ray Rivers

November 8th, 2018


The Gazette sent columnist Ray Rivers out on a news assignment to cover a subject dear to his heart – climate change.  He did Ok.

Ontario fired the first shot. Doug Ford was clear that as soon as he became premier of all the people, all of Ontario’s climate change programs would be history. He’s not a climate change denier, though he has yet to develop an alternate plan. And killing Ontario’s cap and trade carbon pricing regime put the province in the gun sights of the federal government and its promise/threat to implement a carbon tax-and-rebate program if the provinces didn’t have one of their own by 2019.

Ford also drew first, announcing on day one that he would be taking the feds to court. They were not going to levy any kind of carbon tax-and-rebate on all his people if he could help it.

But Ford’s not the only lawman in town. So come the new year Mr. Trudeau will be implementing a carbon tax of $20 a ton on Ontario residents. That works out to a mind-boggling nickel a litre at the pumps and 3 cents or so for your gas furnace.

And we’ll all be getting something like $300 per family back through the income tax system. The idea is to gradually seduce folks into reducing their carbon footprint. Drive less, lower your thermostat or switch to Ontario’s still mostly fossil-free electricity for heating and driving, and wham bang – that $300 is mostly pure profit. That is unless Mr. Ford and his family compact of Tory premiers and federal Conservative leader Scheer can stop the feds in the courts.

But that’s not the only story. The feds have this $1.4 billion Low Carbon Leadership Fund, $400 million or so which was destined for Ontario’s government. But since Ford has cancelled everything which might qualify he’s not getting a penny. Instead the money will be given directly to various institutions in Ontario; hospitals, universities and school boards; which lost out when the Ontario Climate Change fund was burned to the ground.

McKinnon in Milton cropped

Minister McKinnon setting out what the federal government is going to do when it comes to climate change at a presentation in Milton.

Federal Minster of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna came to Rockwool’s insulation manufacturing operation in Milton to announce her department’s intent on this matter. There were almost no details so it was much of a nothing announcement otherwise – announcing an intent to do something.

This was likely only meant as a shot across the bow of the good ship Ford anyway, to show them what they are missing out on by not playing nice. Ford’s finance and accounting office has already determined that killing cap and trade will cost all of his people some $3 billion. So what is another $400 million for a government which claims to be facing a $15 billion deficit?

The minister didn’t offer any hope of grants to individuals though. Something, for example, like the axed GreenON program or the formerly hugely popular electric vehicle grant (EV) program is not in the cards apparently. But who knows? She might be back with a promise to waive the HST on EVs, as we get closer to an election.

The minister said it plain: the environment should not be a partisan issue. But Mr. Ford and his fellow conservative leaders in Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and now New Brunswick are making it that. And Mr. Ford is now their ringleader, thumbing his nose and giving the middle finger to our Mr. Trudeau. And then there is this lawsuit thing. Does anyone seriously expect the feds to give a grant to someone who is suing them?

McKinnon speaking

Federal Minster of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna

Minister McKenna made clear that Ottawa will step in if a province is shedding its responsibility to all of its people. It’s called law and order and good government. Climate change is a very serious and dangerous global matter.

It is also a national priority since our federal government and nine provinces agreed to sign onto an international agreement only a few years ago. Mr. Ford and his like-minded fellows opposing carbon taxes may not have been at the table then, but that won’t erase the consent given by the federation to action on climate change.

We are still only seeing the early effects of global warming on this planet and Canada. As the consequences become more severe, it will be harder to pretend that ‘we’re all right jack’. Mr. Ford may think it’s good politics to hit-out at the Liberal government because it’s Liberal.

But as he’s finding out, the Federation can and will strike back.

Ray Rivers is a Gazette columnist who normally cover Queen’s Park and some federal issues related to the environment

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Jim Barnett wants to tighten things up at city hall during the first 100 days of a new municipal government.

100 daysWith a new municipal government getting ready to assume power the question is – what will they do first?

What are the big issues?

In an exclusive interview with Mayor Elect Marianne Meed Ward before the election she said that her goals were set out in her campaign platform which we pointed out was just a piece of paper.
Governing is far more fluid; one never knows what is going to crop up on any given day.

We asked the readers of the Gazette what they thought the new council should attempt to get done in its first hundred days.

Here are some of their thoughts.

By Jim Barnett
November 8th, 2018

1. Put very tight controls on the city manager.

2. Instruct the planning department to only submit projects for consideration that meet the conditions in the current official plan.

3. Remove all references to the notion of a downtown mobility hub.

Parking lot 3 BEST

More parking suggests Jim Barnett – where?

4. Prevent any reduction in downtown parking and increase the provisions for new construction to 25% more that is in current planning documents.

5. Before any building permits are issued in the downtown area a comprehensives transit plan with numbers be presented to and accepted by council.

6. A review of staff salaries and perks with the purpose of bring them in line with other jurisdictions.

7. Limit tax increases for the city to less than inflation.

8 integrate school land usage into the cities requirement.

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Burlington gets a $10,000 donation from Union Gas to purchase and plant trees in the area of Upper Middle and Havendale Roads.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

November 9th, 2018



Burlington has received a generous donation of $10,000 from Union Gas to purchase and plant trees in the area of Upper Middle and Havendale Roads.

Union gas cheque

Mark Egbedeyi-Emmanuel, Hamilton-Halton District Manager, Union Gas; Mayor-Elect Marianne Meed Ward; Barbara Rabicki, Manager of Forestry, City of Burlington.

The donation will go towards a variety of trees to ensure biodiversity in the area.

The question we had was: why?

The trees within Burlington’s urban forest provide a wide range of environmental, economic and social benefits, including improved air quality, reduced storm-water runoff, energy savings, noise reduction, natural bird and wildlife habitats, higher property values and overall beautification of city streets and parks.

We know that. We also know that Burlington’s tree canopy is far below the generally accepted 30% coverage level.

In a news feature being developed by the Gazette we will report on some disturbing numbers that have been gathered by environmentalist Jim Feilders.

National homes site on Brant.

The site that National Homes wants to develop. Havendale is the northern boundary – the planned location for the Union Gas tree donation.

The Brant Street Havendale part of the city is the site of a large residential development that is stalled at this point.

National homes on Brant

National Homes has proposed a development that would have 233 townhouses built on the site.

The city’s forestry operations includes the oversight of tree protection and preservation initiatives, tree protection standards, pests and disease control and tree planting. City staff also offer tree care tips for the public on this website.

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Burlington resident Eric Brandon a finalist in the 2018 Walk of Fame competition.

theartsBy Staff

November 8th, 2018



Eric Brandon, a Burlington resident has been chosen as a finalist in the Canada’s Walk of Fame competition.

He is one of five chosen by a selection committee of music industry experts

Eric Brandon Walk of Fame finalist

Eric Brandon, a finalist in the 2018 Canada Walk of Fame competition.

Canada’s Walk of Fame announced today that LU, of Ajax, ON is the Grand Prize winner of its 6th annual RBC Emerging Musician Program, as part of Canada’s Walk of Fame Emerging Artists Programs and Scholarships. The program, valued at more than $100,000, provides musicians with the opportunity to grow and develop their skills and industry connections, and take their budding music careers to the next level.

Five talented artists were selected from more than 800 hopefuls from coast-to-coast who submitted applications that ranged across all genres of music. Submissions to the program more than doubled in 2018.

The winners and finalists of this year’s RBC Emerging Musician Program are:

Grand Prize Winner: LU – Ajax, ON
Second Prize Winner: Bones & Bridges – Etobicoke, ON
Finalist: Alexandria Maillot – Courtenay, BC
Finalist: Eric Brandon – Burlington, ON
Finalist: What If Elephants – Montreal, QC

Cherry and Maclean CWOF

Don Cherry and Ron MacLean share a star on the Walk of Fame

“Our country has had such an impact on the global music stage, and it’s exciting to see the next generation of musicians who are eager to prove themselves on that stage. The RBC Emerging Musician Program is the perfect vehicle for artists ready to take the next step in their careers,” said Jeffrey Latimer, CEO, Canada’s Walk of Fame.

“We’re thrilled with the growth of the program in 2018, and we’re looking forward to working with the winners in the coming months. Thank you to everyone who submitted this year.”

LU will receive $20,000, private studio recording time, introductions to industry executives and album art cover design. She will attend the Canada’s Walk of Fame Awards Show on December 1 at the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts and will perform at the 20th Anniversary Gala at the Fairmont Royal York.

Brandon will receive a cash prizes of $4,000 and will take part in industry mentorship sessions and perform during the RBC Emerging Musician Showcase that took place in Toronto at the Great Hall on November 7th.

Walk of Fame

Walk of Fame in Toronto’s Entertainment District

RBC’s continued support of the RBC Emerging Musician Program is part of their focus on helping artists in the early stages of their careers through the RBC Emerging Artists Project. “For many hopeful musicians, catching a break in the music industry is challenging, and that’s why we’re thrilled that through the RBC Emerging Artist program we are able to support young Canadian artists as they advance on their career journey,” said Valerie Chort, Vice President, Corporate Citizenship, RBC. “This year, RBC and Canada’s Walk of Fame are celebrating six successful years of working together to shape the future of Canadian artists.”

In addition, Canada’s Walk of Fame announced the two recipients of the Canada’s Walk of Fame Emerging Musician/ Metalworks Institute Scholarship this year. Asmahan Smelt and Abhishek Venkatachalam will both receive $10,000 tuition scholarships towards any full-time diploma program or online certificate course bundle at Metalworks Institute of Sound & Music Production.

Now celebrating its 20th anniversary, Canada’s Walk of Fame is a national platform that celebrates Canadian achievement at the highest level in many fields, fueling our sense of Canadian pride and inspiring the next generation to follow in their footsteps. Canada’s Walk of Fame is the foremost honour for cultural, entrepreneurial, athletic, philanthropic and science/technology excellence in Canada.

Ackroyd CWOFCurrent programs include the RBC Emerging Musician Program; Canada’s Walk of Fame Hometown Stars, presented by Cineplex; and the nationally televised broadcast designated by the CRTC as a program of national interest. Founded in 1998 by Peter Soumalias, Bill Ballard, Dusty Cohl and Gary Slaight, CWOF has inducted 173 Canadians to date, with their stars having a permanent place of tribute on the streets of Toronto’s Entertainment District.

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Elections matter - the provincial election took $1750 out of the pockets of those earning a minimum wage.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

November 6th, 2018



For the 60% of the people in Burlington who didn’t vote – a message. Elections matter!

For the 60% that didn’t vote in the provincial election – a message. Elections matter!

What difference would it have made to me some will ask?

For those people who have to work at the minimum wage level here is how it matters.


The Liberal government that was in office (By the way they deserved to lose) had a program that increased that minimum wage to $14 an hour last January and had planned on an increase to $15 an hour this January.

The government you elected four months ago cancelled that program.

Assume that the person being paid the minimum wage was working 35 hours a week and assume that they worked for 50 weeks in the year they would have received $1750 more in 2019.

That’s not an in-substantial amount for people who earn a minimum wage.

When Doug Ford was running for Premier of the province he didn’t tell anyone he planned on scaling back that planned increase. We suspect that very few minimum wage people thought anything about it.

The point is – who governs us as a society matters.

Parents might want to mention that to the children that are still living at home because they can’t afford to rent a place they can afford. For many of them they will never be able to buy a home.

Things were different for their grandparents – they probably voted.

The drive in the United States today will be to get people out to vote in what is going to be one of the most important elections to take place in the United States in decades.

What does that mean for Canada, Ontario or Burlington? We won’t know until the election results are in. If nothing changes – you can be assured of one thing – none of it will be good for us.

Elections matter!

How we got to this point as a society is troubling – the answer to that question is you just didn’t give a damn.

Pepper - Gazette shirt - no smileSalt with Pepper are the opinions, reflections, observations and musings of the publisher of the Gazette, an on-line newspaper that is in its 8th year of as a news source in Burlington and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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Parks and recreation has all kinds of things for you to do - check it out.

News 100 redBy Staff

November 6th, 2018



Living and playing in Burlington.

The Parks and Recreation people have announced that Winter registration for Adult programs begins Saturday, November 17th  at 9 a.m.

Live play graphicThe online Live & Play Guide allows you to view and share program information as well as register directly from any computer or mobile device. Click for the catalogue.

When December arrives that means the Santa Claus Parade. The 53rd Santa Claus parade on Sunday, December 2nd from 2-4 p.m. The parade rolls down Guelph Line then along New Street on to James and winds around city hall.

The Santa Claus parade has taken place for more than 45 years in Burlington. Organized by a citizens group that works out of the city's Festivals and Events office it is the premier holiday event in the city. The elves have got a spot of trouble to manage with onme of their benefactors this time around.

The Santa Claus parade has taken place for more than 52 years in Burlington. Organized by a citizens group that works out of the city’s Festivals and Events office it is the premier holiday event in the city.

The day after the parade a new city council will be sworn at the Performing Arts Centre. Is the new council Santa’s gift to the city?

We have all kinds of fun floats and best of all you will see Santa on his sleigh at the end. Remember he is always watching to see if you are naughty or nice. Learn more:

Recreation Fee Assistance
Fee assistanceIf you need assistance in paying some of the event fees funding can be made available to individuals or families who need help paying for City of Burlington recreational programs. Fee Assistance can be applied towards registered and drop-in programs, passes and memberships. Learn more:


Looking for a place to hold an event?

If you are looking for a place to hold a party or get together you might want to consider using one of the city facilities. 35% Off Ice, Gyms, Auditoriums and Community Rooms from December 1st to January 6th 2019. Terms and Conditions apply. Learn more:

Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund – up to $10,000 in funding available.

An opportunity you might want to look into is the Neighbourhood Community Matching Fund that was created to inspire Burlington residents to actively champion for small projects in their neighbourhoods. Up to $10,000 in funding is available to support community projects when matched with an equivalent contribution. Deadline for application is Feb. 28, 2019. Learn more:


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ADI development group can now begin construction of the 26 story tower in the downtown core.

Newsflash 100By Staff

November 5th, 2018



This is not good news – at least not for the city.

nautique-elevation-from-city-july-2016The ADI Development Group can now proceed with the construction of the 26 floor tower they want to put up at the corner of Martha and Lakeshore Road.

The Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) dismissed the city’s request to review decision the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) made on 374 and 380 Martha St.

The OMB released a decision on Feb. 13, 2018, regarding the development application that allows 26 storeys. The city filed a Section 43 review request to the Executive Chair of the OMB in March 2018.

The city requested the review on the assertion that there were four errors made by the OMB: Incorrect Application of the Growth Plan, Improper Regard for Council Decisions and Materials, Improper Exclusion of Evidence and Unreasonable Findings with Respect to Tower Separation.

In making its decision, the LPAT member, Paul Muldoon concluded that the city failed to raise a “convincing and compelling” case that any one of the listed errors or grounds cited in its Rules to grant a review was applicable.

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What will the Mayor Elect have on her desk when she assumes office on December 3rd?

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

November 5th, 2018



The bigger picture.

Mayor Elect Marianne Meed Ward has been meeting with the newly elected Council members to hear what they would like to achieve in the next four years and at the same time organizing her own agenda and figuring out what has to be done and when.

She will have to decide who is going to work with her when she becomes Mayor, she has that figured out; then she has to get the council ready to tackle the budget and help her colleagues make city council work.

Those are the local issues.

She has to then think through what she wants to have in the way of a relationship with the provincial government that she doesn’t share a political philosophy with nor does she have the same political temperament.

Click to view report

Getting some changes in the Places to Grow program and a strong relationship with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and reaching out to other municipal Mayors are just the beginning.

A much bigger issue is: Will there be a Burlington come 2022 when this council will return to the electors for a second mandate? Burlington was incorporated as a village in 1872, and erected into a town in 1915 and became a city in 1974.

When current Mayor Rick Goldring met with the Ministry during the municipal election, along with several other Mayors wanting to begin a discussion about Places to Grow, Goldring went rogue and mentioned to the Minister that he had his eye on Waterdown and wanted to talk about an annexation.

Goldring didn’t inform Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger what he had in mind.

Eisenberger, who did get himself re-elected, was pretty direct when he said he thought the idea was a flyer crafted on the back of a napkin.

doug-ford-1The province has changed the make-up of several Regional governments. In that announcement Doug Ford said:

“For too long (Toronto) city council has failed to act on the key issues facing Toronto. Less Councillors will mean a more efficient government, and more action on key issues like transit, housing and infrastructure,” Ford said in his statement released earlier.

“I promised to reduce the size and cost of government, and end the culture of waste and mismanagement. More politicians are not the answer. These changes will dramatically improve the decision making process, and help restore accountability and trust in local governments.”

“The Better Local Government Act introduces a number of changes, such as:

“Changes to the Municipal Elections Act to have elections for regional chairs in York, Peek, Niagara, and Muskoka Regions are reversed back to the system they were prior to 2016: when they were appointed by sitting councillors. Regional elections in Halton, Durham and Waterloo remain.”

It had become clear to those who followed these things that there is more in the way of change coming for municipal governments – look what Ford did to Toronto.

Map Region HaltonLooking at municipal government from a Halton perspective one could wonder what might be in the works for Halton; will the province use a shotgun approach that could blow apart local government as we know it today?

The Region of Halton was created in January of 1974, prior to that it was Halton County, one of the oldest in the province was created in 1816.

Creating the Region of Halton was controversial at the time. Local politicians at the time had to fight to keep Burlington out of Hamilton.

Dis-membering Halton and adding Oakville and Burlington to Hamilton and adding Milton and Halton Hills to Peel would fit in with the kind of thinking we are seeing coming out of Queen’s Park these days.

Dundas foreverWhen Dundas was rolled into Hamilton the locals came up with a defence strategy that didn’t work but there are still these small signs placed in some local windows with T- shorts bearing the words on sale in stores on Kings Street.

What would Burlington do?

Burlington has always been a bedroom community for Hamilton; Oakville has been the place for the moneyed set who didn’t want to live in Forest Hill or Rosedale.

City Hall - high frontal viewWhat would any of these changes mean to the average Burlingtonian – we would still be called Burlington but the shots would no longer be called from a city hall on Brant Street. Would there even be a city hall on Brant Street?

Something to think about. The Mayor elect has a lot more than local issues on the desk she will sit behind on the 8th floor of city hall.

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Tales of Peace,Hope and Kindness at the Different Drummer November 11th.

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

November 4th, 2018



Nov 11 Drummer 2


Suzanne Burchell, Brenda Byers, Marina Lloyd, Sue Ramsay, Bob Tadman and Michael Williams members of the Burlington Storytellers’ Guild will be presenting;

Tales of Peace, Hope and Kindness

At A Different Drummer Books on Sunday November 11 at 2pm

Admission is $15 with all proceeds donated to The Compassion Society of Halton

Nov 11 Drummer 1

Burlington’s Storytellers return to the bookshop with their poignant and inspiring tales in a moving Remembrance Day event.

To reserve a seat, please contact us at (905) 639 0925 or

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A week to focus on crime prevention; a program that works.

Crime 100By Staff

November 3rd, 2018



The Halton Regional Police Service Set to Launch 2018 Crime Prevention Week – Help Us Help You

The Halton Regional Police Service will be kicking off Ontario’s annual Crime Prevention Week, which runs between November 4 and 10, 2018. The week-long promotion of crime prevention is supported by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP), the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, and all police services across Ontario.

Police senior command at HQ

Halton Regional Police Senior Command cutting a celebratory cake during the opening of the new police HQ. From the left are: Roger Wilkie and Deputy Chief of District Operations Nishan Duraiappah, Deputy Chief Regional operations and Chief Stephen Tanner.

Police Chief Stephen Tanner said: “We know from experience that crime prevention works. When police partner with community agencies and engage with their residents to stop crime in its tracks, everyone wins.

“We are proud that Halton Region has maintained the lowest crime severity index in Canada for 13 straight years. But the bolstering of community safety and well-being takes hard work and collaboration.

“That’s why the Halton Regional Police Service is proud to partner with government, community leaders, young people, and businesses to prevent crime throughout our community.”

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Turning five citizens into productive Council members - a steep learning curve.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

November 3rd, 2018




Of the five new members of Council perhaps one has attended a Regional Council meeting.

The process of installing a new city council is taking place. The five newcomers to council will be at the Regional government offices learning more about what their role is at that level.

In the week ahead they will be introduced to city staff- meeting the city manager, deputy manager, the clerks and department Directors.

They will probably park their cars in the Lotus street garage and cast a covetous eye on the parking spaces right outside city hall that will be theirs on December 3rd.

Budget book covers

The 2019 budget will be a challenge for the new members of the incoming council.

According to one source they have yet to be given copies of the budget they are going to have to review and make decisions on – the decision they make will give the citizens of the city some sense as to what this council is going to be able to do.

Everyone says the 4% tax increase every year for the past seven years can’t continue – but continue it has. The only time the 2010 and 2014 council ever brought in a budget well below that close to 4% number was in 2011 when it was a 0% increase over the previous year. So it can be done.

As these new members of council learn their jobs the process of healing the rifts with the people that lost in the election has t begin. Traditionally the losers make a courtesy call on the winner, shake their hand, wish them well and head home to lick their wounds.

Wallace and Gould

Mike Wallace congratulating Karina Gould on winning the 2014 federal election.

Mike Wallace had the graciousness to pay a courtesy call on Karina Gould when she took the federal seat from him in 2014.

Neither Wallace nor Rick Goldring visited the Polish hall where Mayor Elect Meed Ward was celebrating with her supporters.

Really poor form – both men were capable of better.

The hard feelings have to be set aside. Ideally, both men, when called upon, can provide some counsel.

The job of setting policy for the city gets debated at the Standing Committee level and then decided by council.

Committee structure:
The city currently has five formal committees of council. They are:

Audit Committee
Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole – Budget
Committee of the Whole – Workshop
Planning and Development Committee

A member of Council is going to have to chair each committee, manage the agenda and keep the meeting moving smoothly.

Of the people just elected there are three that have some capacity to do this kind of job. Rory Nisan, Lisa Kearns and to some degree Kelvin Galbraith. The others are going to have to watch carefully and learn quickly.

Kelvin Galbraith headshot_Super_Portrait

Kelvin Galbraith, Ward 1

Lisa Kearns Election Photo

Lisa Kearns, ward 2

Rory Nisan

Rory Nisan, ward 3

Angelo Bentivegna, and Shawna Stolte have a lot of growing to do.

Marianne Meed Ward and Paul Sharman are going to have to carry a lot of the freight during the next 18 months.

Sharman will have to handle the budget and Meed Ward will carry Planning and Development and hope that Lisa Kearns and Rory Nisan are up to doing some of the Committee of the Whole work.


Returning council member for ward 5 Paul Sharman will have to head up the Budget committee. He will also have to work on how he wants to relate to the new Mayor.

Meed Ward H&S

Mayor Elect Meed Ward has her work cut out for her. She has wanted the job for more than a decade – now that she has it – can she make it work? A lot of people are depending on her.

Nisan certainly has the background; his experience as a federal government bureaucrat where he served as part of Canada’s diplomatic corps, should serve him well. However, the world of managing and trying to meet competing interests is far different than dealing with bureaucrats from other countries.

Kearns is said to have solid experience in the commercial world; many are waiting to see that experience in action.

Mistakes will be made – and the public will have to cut them some slack.

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