By Staff
September 20th, 2018
Today the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) released results showing Halton District School Board (HDSB) students perform above the province in Grade 9 Academic and Applied Mathematics, and on the Grade 10 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT).
The successful completion of the OSSLT is a requirement for graduation. These results are based on assessments completed in the 2017-2018 school year and show that HDSB students are well above the provincial standard (Level 3 & 4, or a B grade or above).
For Grade 9 Math, there are different assessments for students in the academic and applied courses. The Grade 9 Academic Math assessment results decreased by one percentage point to 91% – they remain above the provincial average of 84%.
There were 3,597 students enrolled in the Academic Math course in 2017-2018.
For the 616 students in Grade 9 Applied Math, results increased from 52% to 54% this year. This is nine percentage points above the provincial average of 45%.
The OSSLT results for 2017-2018 were also released today.
The HDSB’s success rate for students writing the test for the first time decreased by two percentage points from last year to 85%. This is similar to the drop in the provincial average from 81% to 79%. The overall results for the OSSLT demonstrate that students in the Halton District School Board continue to have strong literacy skills.
David Boag, Associate Director for the Halton District School Board said: “Last year, the Halton District School Board implemented a new Math strategy and this strategy is bearing positive results. We will continue to ensure math and literacy remain core areas of interest and focus as we continue to support all of our students.”
By Staff
September 20th, 2018
Police report a serious motor vehicle collision in the area of Brant St. and Dundas St. at approximately 3:30 in the morning.
Initial reports indicate three vehicles were involved.
Two vehicles possibly collided head on. One driver is trapped inside the vehicle. Police, Fire and Ambulance are on scene. Fire is working on extracting the driver while ambulance is treating injuries.
The Collision Reconstruction Unit has been called out to investigate.
Dundas St is completely closed in both directions. It is anticipated this closure will remain for some time.
Updates to follow when available.
The Gazette has its own editorial cartoonist.
Mike Allen, a Burlington resident who draws, teaches guitar and works in the music equipment business will be providing a visual look at events in the city of Burlington.
By Staff
September 20, 2018
The Amazing Bed Race drew hundreds of observers when it took place on Brant Street. It will take place on Appleby Line this year.
Appleby Line Street Festival and the Amazing Bed Race have joined forces and will be part of what happens on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2018 – 1 to 5 p.m.
Road closures:
• Appleby Line, between New Street and Fairview Street, will be closed to traffic between 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
• Traffic on New Street will be detoured to Walkers Line or Burloak Drive.
Appleby Line was closed to traffic for a street festival that needed a couple of years to find its footing. Adding the Amazing Bed Race which is usually held downtown should make a difference to the number of people who show up.
• Traffic on Fairview Street will be detoured to Walkers Line.
Parking restrictions posted:
• Do not park in restricted areas.
• Parking is available at the Appleby Line GO Station lot.
Resident access:
Emergency Services access will be maintained at all times in the event area.
Road closures will be managed under the supervision of the Halton Regional Police Service.
By Pepper Parr
September 20th, 2018
Two things happened in Burlington last night at the Bateman high school. Both are relevant to the direction the city is taking in the way it elected officials will communicate with the people who do the electing.
Despite the significant efforts to derail the debates by several of the members of council the event organized by a nascent citizen’s organization took place – it was the first of the seven debates that have been organized.
It was well attended, there were no glitches and the candidates gave a very good accounting of themselves.
As residents poured into the room more and more chairs had to be added.
ECoB has proven to be relevant, important and a much needed part of the process where dialogue can take place. It was a significant step forward for the city.
The creation of this organization was done by citizens, It would have been nice if the candidates had acknowledged the part that ECoB played in the event that allowed them to tell their story.
The second event was the view the several hundred people in the room got of the sitting member of city council for the ward.
Paul Sharman campaign workers preparing literature for distribution at a debate he did not participate in because he did not have any confidence in the organization that organized the event.
Paul Sharman chose not to attend or take part in the debate – but he did have people in the room distributing his literature.
In a statement Sharman made available to Mark Carr the event moderator, which he read out, Sharman said:
I apologize for not joining you at this evening’s debate.
The seat ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman didn’t fill at the community debate.
“Politicians always get to choose who they will or not work with when asked to participate in such an event.
In this case I chose not to because I am only willing to work with a well-established, community organizer, and I was not satisfied with ECOB in that regard. Please check out my website for answers to the questions that ward 5 citizens are asking me. Also, please send me an email with any questions you have.
“Thank you and enjoy your evening.”
Hard to add anything to a statement like that.
By Lisa Bull
September 18th, 2018
Hello All – As the “accused” in the article that is linked below (and another PAR “expert” and Committee member) I thought it only fair that I have a chance to respond. Not that I expect to change any minds that have been made up about what “really” happened but to share my perspective. As most intelligent adults know, there are always multiple sides to every story and there is no such thing as a “true” account. Accounts can only represent the perspective of the person sharing them. So – here’s mine.
Ward 5 trustee Amy Collard giving Director of Education Stuart Miller the evil eye.
As anyone who followed the PAR process knows it was wrought with conflict, misinformation and confusion from the start. And, this continued right until the night of the final vote to determine which, if any schools in Burlington would be closed. The tension of the night was palpable – it was clearly felt by the Trustees and all of us who attended in the gallery. I came to the evening hopeful. I knew that our Trustee – Amy Collard – was planning on bringing forward a motion to introduce some alternate solutions to closing Robert Bateman (the full motion is posted on the Save Bateman Facebook site) I – like many of the community members were hopeful that the other Trustees might be willing to give this motion a chance. Ms Collard had shared her planned motion with her colleagues in advance of the meeting so they knew it was coming.
I thought her brave, innovative and courageous for wanting to try AGAIN to look at another option other than closing a school. However, it became clear very quickly that none of the other Trustees were interested in this. Much confusion began to take place as ms Collard tried to introduce her motion. The Chair was incredibly rude to Ms Collard during this process and other Trustees – including Leah Reynolds appeared to be working hard to vote against Ms Collard’s right to be even being able to introduce the motion. All of this can be seen on the video tape of the evening. As I sat with a friend and fellow Bateman parent – in awe of what was going on in front of us – we noticed that Councillor Meed Ward was furiously typing away on her I-Pad in front of us. She was making no attempt to shield her notes and we weren’t standing our our chairs or peering over her shoulder to read.
What she was writing was clear as day and right in front of us. Was she saying “CLOSE BATEMAN?”. Of course not.
But, what she appeared to be doing was providing very directive advice to Ms Reynold on how to stop Amy Collard’s ability to make a motion and then to stop the motion itself. At first, my friend and I couldn’t believe what we were reading.
While the photos posted on social media were a bit blurry, the messages we read Councillor Meed Ward typing were perfectly clear. They included:
Was trustee Leah Reynolds getting instructions from PARC member and ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward. The evidence suggest that might have been the case.
” DON’T VOTE IN FAVOR! “(caps on in original) Let it go – done your job”
“Do not support (uphold) the Chair’s ruling to allow the amendment”
“Okay – you have done your job”
I still have the photos and am happy to share if someone wants to invest time in having them enhanced.
Maybe I’ll be proven wrong?
However, from our perspective, it appeared very clear that Councillor Meed Ward was a/ telling Ms Reynolds how to act, vote and speak and b/ that she was attempting to influence the outcome of a critical Board vote.
In my experience as a member of the PAR Committee I’d tried at least once to collaborate on an effort to stop all school closures. I’d tried to bring the whole Committee together to write a letter to the Provincial government as a group and while most all of the other school reps agreed to this, Ms Ward and the other rep from Central waited until the last minute and then decided not to work together with the Committee.
This lead me to believe that Councillor Meed Ward was focused solely on keeping Central open and had no interest in working with others to keep all schools open.
Marianne Meed Ward at her iPad.
I add this only to explain that I had every reason to believe that Ms Meed Ward was working with Ms Reynolds to shut down any attempt to save Bateman from closure.
Was I right in my assessment on the night of the vote? Councillor Meed Ward argues that I was not, She argues that she was merely trying to help Ms Reynold navigate Robert’s Rules. I can tell you that from what I saw, her notes appeared to go far beyond this. I suspect that the full “truth” will never be known.
I made the decision to share this information publically because I was shocked by what I saw. As someone who lives in Ward Two I was already incredibly disappointed in Ms Reynolds decision to go back on her campaign promise of “Close No Schools” and felt that the communication between her and Councillor Meed Ward was unacceptable.
I know that Councillor Meed Ward has a small but strong core of avid supporters who will defend her and her conduct until the end. And, in our democratic society they will soon have their right to show that support by voting for her. I, on the other hand, will show my support for leaders who I believe have demonstrated a commitment and a willingness to support to ALL citizens of Burlington.
Lisa Bull in the purple scarf – Steve Cussons is to her left – short grey hair at a packed public meeting on the closing of two of the city’s two high schools.
One final thought for you all. I’m currently dealing with a serious health issue. And, while all of the activity around PAR and the election seemed so important and so critical months ago and inspired so much passion, rage and anger I am learning – unfortunately the hard way – that these issues, while are important, are certainly not the most important things in life.
So I leave this discussion by genuinely wishing everyone all the best.
Related opinion piece:
The opinion piece Lisa Bull is responding to.
Editor’s note: The Gazette did ask Meed Ward for a copy of all the notes that were sent from her to trustee Leah Reynolds. There was no response. We are in the process of getting all the photographs taken and having them enhanced so that what was photographed can be seen by the public.
By Pepper Parr
September 19th, 2018
There is another way of looking at the idea the Mayor has of annexing parts of Waterdown.
There is a real drive to keep Brant Street the way it was in the 60’s and 70’s; small, quiet, slightly quaint.
The picture got over-developed (pun intended) when the city approved a 24 storey structure opposite city hall. ‘There goes the neighbourhood’ would certainly apply in this situation.
The Burlington the city is going to get …
The Burlington many had hoped the city would be. We couldn’t keep what we have – so we are going after parts of Waterdown.
In a Scott Radley radio broadcast – the link to that is HERE, made it pretty clear that Mayor Goldring had not really thought this one through.
To not even advise Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger beforehand is an insult and just plain bad politics.
Goldring’s rationale appeared to be that annexing Waterdown would “help alleviate the growth pressure on Burlington” Goldring sees a natural affinity between Burlington and Waterdown and thought that this was an idea to at least consider.
Eisenberger didn’t see it that way. Hamilton has invested more than $50 million in Waterdown and didn’t take kindly to the Mayor of Burlington grabbing the tax revenue and development charges that are generated by developers and tax payers in Waterdown.
In the Scott Radley radio program, on which the interviews took place, Goldring said that no one at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs thought it was an outrageous idea.
Eisenberger, trying to be polite, thought that he was owed an apology for the way Goldring “completely blind-sided” him.
“This sounds like an idea that Goldring just threw up in the air without thinking it through. I don’t know where this is coming from.” Said Eisenberger.
Hamilton just might take the property back when the lease expires.
It probably puts the kibosh on Burlington’s efforts to buy the water lots that are part of the LaSalle Park and owned by Hamilton. They just may have a very nasty surprise for us..
Eisenberger pointed out that he saw Goldring as a huge supporter of intensification and that what Burlington was doing amounted to the tail wagging the dog – he could have added that the dog just might decide to bite.
Hamilton has 165 hectares of land that it is ready to develop; and there are 5000 residential properties currently in various stages of development.
Eisenberger thought that at a minimum there should have been some analysis and research done before putting an idea like this on the table.
Messy messy. To get back to that quaint feeling that many in Burlington want to keep – it seems to be something that is now gone putting the Emerald and St Luke communities at considerable risk.
The quaintness that Burlington wants will be in Waterdown where the streets are a lot more vibrant than anything Burlington has.
Look at the Waterdown street scrapes.
Salt with Pepper are the opinions, reflections, observations and musings of the Gazette publisher.
By Staff
September 19th, 2018
The next P.A. Day Camp being put on by the Museums of Burlington is on October 5
The theme is a “Spy School”
Space is limited.
Reserve your spot online or call 905.332.9888 and ask to speak with one of our Educators.
By Staff
September 19th, 2018
Burlington READS is an author & book talk series that runs in the fall and spring. The library features three celebrated and thought-provoking Canadian books and invite local readers to come together to meet the authors and discuss the titles. Presented in partnership with A Different Drummer Books and Art Gallery of Burlington
Meet the Author: Tim Cook, Vimy: The Battle and the Legend – SOLD OUT
We mention this event to give you a sense of the quality of the programs being put on by the library.
Date: Wed September 19
Time: 7-8.30pm
Place: Art Gallery of Burlington, Shoreline Room, 1333 Lakeshore Road
Tim Cook talks about Vimy: The Battle and the Legend, and his 10th and newest book released on Sep 18, The Secret History of Soldiers: How Canadians Survived the Great War.
A bold new telling of the defining battle of the Great War, and how it came to signify and solidify Canada’s national identity. Tim Cook, Canada’s foremost military historian and a Charles Taylor Prize winner, explores why the battle continues to resonate with Canadians a century later. Vimy is a fitting tribute to those who fought the country’s defining battle. It is also a stirring account of Canadian identity and memory, told by a masterful storyteller. (excerpted from
Meet the Author: Plum Johnson, They Left Us Everything
Date: Tue October 23
Time: 7-8.30pm
Place: Art Gallery of Burlington, Shoreline Room, 1333 Lakeshore Road
About the book
After almost twenty years of caring for elderly parents, author Plum Johnson and her three brothers have finally fallen to their middle-aged knees with conflicted feelings of grief and relief. Now they must empty and sell the beloved family home. Plum thought: How tough will that be? I know how to buy garbage bags. But the task turns out to be much harder and more rewarding than she ever imagined. They Left Us Everything is a funny, touching memoir about the importance of preserving family history to make sense of the past, and nurturing family bonds to safeguard the future. (excerpted from
Meet the Author: Tom Wilson, Beautiful Scars: Steeltown Secrets, Mohawk Skywalkers, and the Road Home
Date: Sun December 9
Time: 2-4pm
Place: Art Gallery of Burlington, Shoreline Room, 1333 Lakeshore Road
About the book
Raised in the rough-and-tumble world of Hamilton, for decades Tom Wilson carved out a life for himself in shadows. He built an international music career and became a father, he battled demons and addiction, and he waited, hoping for family secrets and lies to cease and the truth to emerge. It would. And when it did, it would sweep up the St. Lawrence River to the Mohawk reserves of Quebec, on to the heights of the Manhattan skyline. Tom writes with unflinching honesty and extraordinary compassion about his search for the truth. It’s a story about scars, about the ones that hurt us, and the ones that make us who we are.
By Staff
September 119th, 2018
Burlington Green asks you to mark the date for the Municipal Election All-Candidates Event on October 3, 2018
They will be hosting an All-Candidates Event and Mayoral Candidates Debate in partnership with Nuvo Network ahead of the Municipal Election. The event will be held on Event Wednesday, October 3, 2018 from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm at Nuvo Network, located at 1295 North Service Road, Burlington – at the Intersection of Kerns Road.
BurlingtonGreen Executive Director Amy Schnurr will moderate the Burlington Green Mayoralty debate.
The format of the event is a Mayoral Candidates Debate that will be moderated by Amy Schnurr
There will also be an opportunity for the ward candidates to engage and interact with the crowd before the debate Mayoralty debate takes place.
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman, who has said he will not take place in the debate to be held in his ward this evening but that he would take place in the Burlington Green debate.
Problem with that is there is no debate for the ward level candidates – which Councillor Sharman knew.
Burlington Green asks that: “If there is a local environmental issue that concerns you that requires immediate attention, please let us know. Or, if you are someone with an interest in environmental issues who likes to follow local politics, we can use your help and invite you to learn more about our volunteer Advocacy Team.
The Mayoralty debate is part of Burlington Green’s Advocacy initiative. Working under the tag line Our Voice the environmental group sets out subjects they have focused on.
Protect Burlington’s Trees
Plan Effective Transit
Preserve Greenspace
Conserve Natural Habitat
Trumpeter Swans
Save Farmland
By Pepper Parr
September 19th, 2019
It is called connecting the dots.
Mayor Goldring determines that he is in trouble with his election campaign.
What has he done?
Mayor Goldring is Chair of an AMO committee (Association of Municipalities of Ontario)
He gets together with other Mayors, most of whom are east and north of Burlington.
He comes up with the idea of meeting with the Minister of Municipal Affairs asking him to ease up on the Places to Grow legislation which requires municipalities to create more housing and jobs.
The Mayor meets with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and some of his staff who, according to Mayor Goldring, had no objections to his suggestion that Burlington be permitted to annex parts of Waterdown.
Goldring doesn’t say how much of Waterdown he wants to annex.
Goldring doesn’t inform Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger
Fred Eisenberger – thinks the idea was a flyer crafted on the back of a napkin.
Eisenberger is not impressed. He calls the idea a flyer that was written on the back of a napkin.
While all this local nonsense is going on the Premier of the Province has made it very clear that he wants less local government and is ramming legislation through to get a bill passed that would let him reduce Toronto city council from 47 members to 25.
Holding a session of the Legislature at mid-night would qualify as ramming.
Premier Doug Ford has said he will use a section of the Constitution to impose his will on municipalities.
What will Doug Ford do with the idea of Burlington annexing part of Waterdown.
The province can order a municipal level of government to do anything he wishes
Watch for what Doug Ford does with the subject that Rick Goldring put on the table.
Doug Ford will order Burlington and Hamilton to merge and become one municipality.
Premier Harris forced the amalgamation of the Toronto suburbs into the mega city that is now Toronto.
The end of Burlington as you know it will have been brought about by Rick Goldring.
The sign might get an upgrade.
By Staff
September 18th, 2018
Earlier in the day the Office of the Mayor released a news media that said the Mayor had taken part in a meeting at Queen’s Park with the Mayor of Aurora to ask that the provincial government take another look at the Place to Grow legislation. Goldring said that he wanted to see part of Waterdown annexed by Burlington.
Mayoralty candidate Mike Wallace said later in the day that: “An amalgamation debate occurred while I was on council, and at the time, I supported Waterdown becoming part of Burlington.
Mike Wallace – candidate for Mayor
“However, that was a much different time. Now, Waterdown is experiencing much of the same density issues as Burlington, and has dealt with them from a Hamilton perspective. While the idea may still have some merit, Burlington may end up taking on more problems than any boundary expansion may solve. I believe there are more urgent concerns regarding the provincial planning requirements of Burlington – such as congestion and changes to the Places to Grow Act.
“As Mayor, this is where I will focus my political capital with the Ontario government.
Ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward – a candidate for the Office of Mayor.
Marianne Meed Ward sees the idea of annexing Waterdown, which is now a part of Hamilton quite a bit differently and has quite a bit more to say about the idea which was put forward by Mayor Goldring today during a meeting with the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs.
“The idea of annexing Waterdown to Burlington is a diversion from the central concern of residents this election, which is over-development of Burlington, due to the decisions by the current mayor and council.
“Before annexing another community, that hasn’t asked for this, we need to clean up our own back yard by amending the Official Plan, advocating reasonable growth not over-development, and respecting residents enough to include them in decision-making before the fact.
“Burlington residents have not been consulted on annexing Waterdown, nor have they asked for this. The people of Waterdown and Hamilton have not been consulted. Burlington city council, Halton Regional council and Hamilton city council have not been consulted. So much for collaboration.
Meed Ward with Mayor Goldring
“Enough of “Hail Mary” ideas cobbled together in a political back room and launched on an unsuspecting public for political gain, upending the democratic process in the middle of an election.
“Residents deserve better from their elected officials.
“Regarding amending the Places to Grow Act, the province has already given Burlington city council the tools to control growth – but this council isn’t using the tools we already have.
“Over development in Burlington is the direct result of decisions by the current mayor and council to go beyond provincial growth requirements and approve developments at 2, 3 or 4 times Official Plan provisions.
“Burlington’s share of growth from the province is 185,000 by 2031; as of the 2016 Census we were at 183,00. We have met or surpassed our growth – 13 years early. And yet, the current mayor and majority of council approved a new Official Plan that takes Burlington well beyond provincial targets, including adding up to 30 more downtown high-rises.
A 24 story structure opposite city hall on the north east corner of James and Brant has been approved.
“I’m the only Councillor who voted against this new plan.
“I’m the only candidate who is committed to amending the Official Plan, which this mayor supported.
“I’m the only candidate committed to working with the province to remove the Urban Growth Centre and Mobility Hub designations from downtown which would have relieved growth pressure. The current mayor did not support those motions, leaving the downtown at risk.
“I’m the only candidate committed to taking only as much growth as Burlington infrastructure will allow, when new growth targets are assigned by Halton Region to 2041.
“We need a strong voice and advocate in the mayor’s office to take action using the tools we already have for reasonable growth, not over development.
That’s why I’m running for mayor of Burlington: to listen to residents before announcing decisions, and take action on their concerns – over development, not annexing neighbouring communities.
We have an unprecedented opportunity for change this election to forge a new direction for Burlington and regain control of growth, with at least three new members of council to be elected (Ward 1 and 3 retiring, my Ward 2 seat open)
The public won’t be fooled by 11th hour declarations and promises, when the current mayor had 12 years to act – 4 as a Councillor and 8 as mayor.
“The time for talk is over. It’s time for action on the issues that matter to Burlington residents.”
Related news story:
Where is the justification:
Mike Wallace website
Meed Ward website
By Staff
September 18th, 2018
Are we ever going to learn?
The Regional Police have an ongoing program of focuisg on apprehenading people who drive while they are impaired.
Right now most of the charges are related to alcohol.
With cannabis about to become legal the job the police face is much bigger.
A report on those driving with over 80 mgs is set out below.
Will there ever be a day when no one is apprehended?
Writing up an offense report and issuing a ticket.
Impaired Driving Offences Within Halton Region
On September 14, 2018 just before 11:00 pm, Halton Police officers initiated a traffic stop near the intersection of Trafalgar Road and Marlborough Court in Oakville. As a result of an investigation, Sundip Patel (36), of Oakville was charged with driving while ability impaired and driving over 80 mgs.
On September 15, 2018 just before 10:00 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a collision in the area of Bridge Road and Third Line in Oakville. As a result of an investigation, Laura Lategan (27), of Oakville was charged with driving while ability impaired and driving over 80 mgs.
On September 15, 2018 shortly after 10:00 pm, Halton Police officers responded to a citizen initiated complaint in the area of Guelph Line and Prospect Street in Burlington. As a result of an investigation, Jamie Sutherland (45), of Burlington was charged with driving while ability impaired and driving over 80 mgs.
On September 17, 2018 shortly after 8:00 pm, Halton Police officers initiated a traffic stop near the intersection of Steeles Avenue and Eighth Line North in Halton Hills. As a result of an investigation, Gary Boulton (63), of Lakeside was charged with driving over 80 mgs.
The Halton Regional Police Service remains committed to road safety through prevention, education and enforcement initiatives.
Members of the public are reminded that driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is a crime in progress and to call 9-1-1 immediately to report a suspected impaired driver.
By Staff
September 18th, 2018
Mayor Rick Goldring has taken part in a trip to Queen’s Park with Aurora Mayor Geoffrey Dawe of Aurora asking the province to put a hold on the Places to Grow legislation
Goldring added his own wish to the requests being made. He would like to see Waterdown added to the city of Burlington.
Just how much of Waterdown does Burlington want to annex? Has the Mayor called his friends in Hamilton about this? Maybe those LaSalle Park water-lots the city want to buy from Hamilton could be part of the package?
In a media release Goldring said: “Mayors of Aurora, Brantford, Burlington and Whitby have significant concerns on how the province’s growth, density and intensification targets have forced our cities to grow.”
“The top-down approach of the past 13 years has resulted in forced growth on our cities that often doesn’t reflect the values of our community”
Goldring along with Geoffrey Dawe said: “We are asking the province to:
• Fix Ontario’s ‘Places to Grow’ Plan, beginning with putting a freeze on the density requirements demanded by the province while a comprehensive review takes place.
• Give local Councils the ability to control the speed of development in their communities, instead of the full-speed ahead approach demanded over the past decade.
The objective was to address issues specific to Burlington. Mayor Goldring is “asking the province to help alleviate growth pressures on downtown Burlington and provides fairness for Burlington taxpayers who, for years, have been directly impacted by growth in Waterdown that has created new demands on Burlington’s infrastructure.”
Goldring and Dawe met with the Minister of Municipal Affairs and MPPs on the government side.
About ‘Places to Grow’:
The Ontario government passed the ‘Places to Grow’ Act in 2005. The amended version of the Act is available at:
By Staff
September 18th, 2018
Mayor Rick Goldring is asking the provincial government to consider adding Waterdown to the city of Burlington.
Mayor Rick Goldring
In a media release he said: “This will help alleviate growth pressures on downtown Burlington and provides fairness for Burlington taxpayers who, for years, have been directly impacted by growth in Waterdown that has created new demands on Burlington’s.”
More to follow.
By Pepper Parr
September 17th, 2018
The following are the opinions, reflections, observations and musings of Pepper Parr, publisher of the Burlington Gazette.
There are five candidates in ward five running for the city council seat.
The incumbent, Paul Sharman, who has served two terms as a city Councillor finds that he is unable to attend a public meeting at which he would debate with the other four candidates.
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman is usually very direct, tends to want to see data that is verifiable and expects to get his way.
Councillor Sharman just doesn’t like community organizations he does not control; never has never will. A community organization has mobilized itself to organize the debates but the Councillor does not think they are legitimate enough for his liking.
During his decision to run for office in 2010 Sharman first filed nomination papers for the role of Mayor. He had not lived in Burlington all that long, had not done all that much as a person active in his community. Sharman was a member of the committee that produced the Shape Burlington report, he was also a member of the city council that endorsed the report which he then forgot about.
During his first term of office Sharman was a fire cracker. One more than one occasion he has put a senior staff member in their place.
He was the driving force behind the 0% tax increase for 2011.
He was the driving force behind getting something done with the Lakeshore Village Plaza that was close to a dump; shabby and to a considerable degree unoccupied.
Sharman worked hard to get something done. He managed to help craft a Staff Direction that got the Economic Development Corporation involved. That resulted in hugely successful community engagement event where all kids of ideas were brought to the surface and city hall got a better idea as to what the residents were looking for.
The owner of the proper was persuaded to attend the public meeting. His firm had hired planners, architects and specialists to do the studies city hall needs before they accept a development application.
That’s when the proverbial hit the fan. What the property owner’s planner put before a public meeting was close to outrageous.
The proposed Lakeshore Village Plaza development. The city planners have yet to issue their report on the proposal.
It was never very clear just how in sync Sharman was with his constituents. At the two public meetings we watched him he seemed more defensive about the project and said it was now in the hands of the planning department staff who would prepare a report for city council.
The Gazette did learn that the city planners want much more in the way of park space and they want to see the skating pad and the park to the north of the site included in the development.
Sharman is on record as saying the development is too expansive. Many residents wanted to hear Sharman say that it was far far too large and that he would not be supporting what he had seen.
Sharman gets no brownie points for his early position on the work a community group did to save the Freeman Station. His comments to the late Jane Irwin when she was pleading for the time they needed to find a location for the structure were dismissive, embarrassing and shameful.
He argued against a pilot program that would have made transit free for seniors one day of each week. Oakville did a pilot that proved to be very successful and resulted in increased transit use overall. Sharman argued that the data wasn’t conclusive.
Sharman is an account by profession – what matters most to him is ensuring the right data is at hand to make a sound decision. It took the Gazette a couple of years to realize that the longer Sharman kept asking for data the longer it meant he didn’t have to make a decision.
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman
The one tool missing in the Sharman toolkit is an executive capacity to make a decision.
His relationships with people are awkward. His treatment of a former Director of Transit deserved to be investigated; his relationship with a member of the planning department was well outside the limits of a member of council and a city employee. There are rules that set out what is acceptable.
There are two women running for the ward 5 council seat: Mary Alice St. James and Wendy Moraghan.
St. James is a retired elementary school principal who is known, liked and respected within the community.
She has been a tireless community activist on the Blue Water development; that was turned down by staff.
The developer appealed the staff decision to the LPAT. The appeal was lost.
A slid campaigner – appreciated by the seniors.
St. James knows the issues. She is tireless when it comes to connecting with residents; the senior’s love her. She offers to play card games with the seniors, go for walks with those who want to lose some weight.
She can talk – she can talk – to the point that on occasion she loses her listener.
She was an active participant in the Shoreacres character study. She has attended Ontario Municipal Board hearings.
Mary Alice St. James attending the anniversary of a school she served as principal.
Ms St. James does not live in the ward she wants to represent. She is about two football field length west if the ward boundary. This is not material. While it is preferable that a candidate live in a riding, what matters is the quality of the candidate. Insisting that your candidate of choice live in the ward is pretty provincial. The current Mayor did not live in ward 5 when he was the council member for that ward.
St. James maintains a web site, an email address and she tweets.
Web site:
Facebook: Mary-Alice St. James – Ward 5 councillor
Twitter: @14marocks
Wendy Moraghan is a former police officer with 30+ years’ experience. Her career was focused for the most part on community relations tasks.
Detective Constable Wendy Moraghan with some of her friends at a meeting of seniors who were learning how to detect counterfeit money.
Our first interaction with Detective Constable was on an occasion when she was running a meeting for seniors that had several Bank of Canada staffers explaining how to detect counterfeit currency.
Events like this are a way for people that need to use walkers to get out of the house.
The men taking part in the event were quite taken with the attractive blonde police officer who was kind and attentive. One commented that if he was looking for girlfriend she would be his choice. We wrote up the meeting to reflect the mood of the room. The Detective Constable took exception and proclaimed that she was a married woman.
It was suggested to us by senior levels of the police service that it was important to maintain good relationships and would we consider removing the article. There was no threat – a decent woman didn’t appreciate the article – it wasn’t important enough to insist that it remain.
When we learned that Ms Moraghan was running for public office – she called us – and asked if there was going to be a problem with the past. None whatsoever. Ms Moraghan will have to get used to a different level of involvement with her constituent should she win.
Councillor Sharman defending a point of view while being peppered with questions from candidate Wendy Moraghan.
So far she has been very much ‘in your face’ with Mr. Sharman. She is strongly opposed to the proposed Lakeshore Village Plaza. She presses him for answers and doesn’t tolerate his practice of skirting around an issue (No pun intended.)
While police officers are in place to serve the public they don’t often actually engage with the public outside of police duties. That’s the nature of police work.
Wendy Moraghan is a candidate for the ward 5 seat on city council.
Unfortunately that leaves people like Moraghan out of the loop on local matters. That is not so suggest the Ms Moraghan doesn’t know all that much about what is going on in the city.
She is an avid environmentalist. To the best of our knowledge we have never seen or heard of Moraghan making a delegation at city hall.
Moraghan is the Chair of the Willow Foundation. Established in 2002, The Willow Foundation is a non-profit registered charitable organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. The Foundation enhances the lives of seniors and adults with disabilities living in Halton Region’s three long-term care homes through a variety of programs and activities. From weekly ‘Artist Corner’ to Zumba classes, from our annual Strawberry Social to Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony we bring our residents a variety of social, arts and physical fitness programs.
Moraghan is about as local as a girl can get. Attended Pineland public school, Nelson high school, worked at Canadian Tire in the summers, was a member of the Burlington Teen tour band.
Web site:
Daniel Roukema and Xin Yi Zhang are fringe candidates. Mr. Roukema has said elsewhere that he is not certain he will take part in the debate.
Daniel Roukema works in the Immigration sector and is a candidate for the ward 5 seat on city council.
Mr. Roukema was in touch with the Gazette yesterday demanding to know why we had published his home address. We explained that we took our information from the city’s web site. We find it difficult to understand why a candidate running for public office would not want the public to know that they lived in the ward.
Roukema maintains a web site that sets out his campaign. It can be found at:
Xin Yi Zhang is an Information Technology specialist and a candidate for the ward 5 city council seat.
Mr. Xin Yi Zhang is also a fringe candidate. We were unable to find the time to talk to him – our fault not his. This candidate has a web site: He can bee reached by email at:
While the subject of what is going to happen to the high school the debate is taking place in will not be part of the ward level debate – it will be the 800 lb. elephant in the room. Given the plans that are in place now, Bateman will be closed by the time the election after this one takes places.
Bateman parents are desperate for a solution – moving the programs and the students from Bateman to Nelson high school is not seen as a solution; they see it as disruption and expense that isn’t necessary. They are not necessarily wrong – but that train left the station without them when the debate was really intense and the Bateman parents assumed Central was going to be closed and they were safe.
The ward 5 debate that is taking place is your opportunity to ask questions and decide for yourself which of the five you want to represent you at city hall.
ECoB – the Engaged Citizens of Burlington has gone to considerable length to make this debate happen despite the efforts of the current city Councillor to shut it down.
Councillor Sharman has said he will not attend the ECoB debate but will take part in the candidate Meet and Greet Burlington Green is sponsoring. That event is at a location that doesn’t have any public transit. The debate that will take place is between the candidates for Mayor.
By Shannon Gillies
September 18th, 2018
Shannon Gillies was a candidate in the 2010 municipal election. She was new to political theatre – all she had was some ideas and a conviction that the Burlington she cared about was undergoing a change which she didn’t think all that many people wanted.
Little did Gillies know than that the change she sensed in 2010 would mushroom and result in a 24 story structure opposite city hall – and that was just a starting point.
Gillies write the Gazette with these comments:
“We’re at that point in the municipal election season where things start to get nasty and the gloves come off. Suggestions are made about candidates being in it for themselves, or for developers, and not for residents. Nasty comments from anonymous accounts are made on Twitter. Facebook posts are shared about how our city is being ruined which riles up the others and they all tsk tsk about it over their lattes without really knowing the facts.
“What people tend to forget at this heated point in the process is that candidates are human beings and they’re rarely up to anything nefarious. Every single one of them is a human being. It doesn’t make someone a bad person just because he or she has a different opinions and views and approaches than you. No one runs for office because they want to ruin their city.
“I’ve been there. Eight years ago, I was a total rookie and had no idea what I was doing. What I did know, is that I wanted to make my community better. I thought our downtown was dull and frankly, quite crappy and I wanted to make it better, so I decided to run for council. Unfortunately, no one knew who I was, I didn’t have much community experience, I was too shy to knock on every door, voters didn’t agree with my views, and I lost. That’s fine. I deserved to lose. That’s how elections should work.
“What people should know is that running a campaign is hard. There is an unimaginable amount of learning in a short amount of time. Campaigns are also emotionally draining, physically exhausting, and can take a real toll on a marriage. I’m always fascinated that so many people think that taking contributions from developers is a huge sin. I would’ve gladly taken anyone’s money! Anyone who thinks someone would work his or her butt off and sacrifice their family for months only to sell their integrity for $750 or $1000 dollars over a four year period is a fool. But I digress. Instead, I spent over $10,000 of my own money, which my husband still hasn’t quite forgiven me for.
“The absolute worst part of running for council, and what I wasn’t prepared for, was the condescension and the cruelty. I was told on numerous occasions that my campaign was “a good experience” for me or told with a patronizing smile that maybe I should try running for school trustee instead. Someone said I shouldn’t have worn a pink suit for my campaign photo. I was told I didn’t exactly look like a Councillor and was asked on numerous occasions why I didn’t have children. Lack of experience aside, I was employed, nearly forty years old, university-educated, knew my stuff, and was adequately articulate. These comments were unwarranted. But alas, that’s politics.
During the campaign there was a personal family matter that kept me away from the city. I considered dropping out of the race but decided to stick it out. I tried my best to complete the endless number of questionnaires that candidates receive from various community groups but was completely overwhelmed. I couldn’t get to the doors. I didn’t have a team and was doing everything myself.
I had to be at a hospital feeling very distressed – someone close to me was big health challenge. It was an awful time. One day, while I was in a waiting room at the hospital, trying to catch up on campaign matters on my laptop, I got an email suggesting I was in bed with developers (I think because I had written something that was pro-intensification), and that I hated trees.
What?! Have you seen my yard? I love trees!
“The angry email ended with a wish that I have a miserable life and not ever enjoy a successful career in politics. In retrospect, it was a dumb comment I should have ignored, but at the time, under the circumstances, it caused me to run to my car in an underground lot and break into tears. I couldn’t understand how people could be so awful. I know better now.
“My point is that we’re all stuck on this earth together and we need to be kind. It’s fine to have political disagreements and we should absolutely have political disagreements. But let’s just remember that all candidates are human beings, with lives separate from election campaigns, and are made out of flesh and blood, not steel.”
Shannon Gillies is a frequent contributor to the Gazette. We welcome he insight and candidness. Besides the trees on her property Shannon has a couple of rabbits about the house. She looks just fine in a pink suit.
By Staff
September 17th,2018
Angelo Bentivegna
3219 Renton Road, Burlington, ON, L7M 3C6
Blair Lancaster
3210 Hazelwood Ave., Burlington, ON, L7M 2V4
Kinsey Schurm
4163 Millcroft Park Dr., Burlington
Ken White
Deb Tymstra will moderate the ECoB ward 6 debate
Always an artist at heart, Deb Tymstra worked tirelessly on behalf of the arts in Burlington. Rotarian Award richly deserved.
Deb Tymstra, a co-host of Your TVs, The Issue. She has been involved in the Burlington community since moving here in 1976. She is the owner of DWA Business Services, a past president of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce, a driver, along with many others, in convincing council to approve the development and creation of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre, and a recipient of Rotary’s Paul Harris Award.
A community producer and host of several shows with Cogeco, including Neighbour to Neighbour and most recently At Home, Deb introduced viewers to issues, organizations and individuals who believe in the value of contributing in a positive way to the communities in which we live. Deb is married to Gerry, the mother of three daughters and grandmother to three grandchildren.
ECoB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington was formed in December of 2017 when a number of residents became concerned about the rate of and scope of development that was taking place in the downtown core.
Citizen engagement was a key issue. Residents felt that Council was not listening to their concerns regarding their vision of what they would like their Burlington to look like.
ECoB set out to educate and inform residents. They held an event for anyone wanting to run in the October 2018 municipal election and built a to scale Lego based model of what the city would look like with developments that were approved and planned. The city administration said there wasn’t time to have this 3D model built – so ECoB did it.
They then set out to hold debates in each of the wards in the city, something that had not been done before as well as a debate for those running for the office of Mayor.
The organization is funded by donations from people who attend meetings.
Pure grass roots organization.
The ward 6 debate takes place in the theatre at Hayden high school on September 20th. Doors open at 6:30 – debate runs from 7:00 to 9:00 pm
By Steve Cussons
September 17th, 2018
With the Municipal Election looming and the volume of untruths in this election I find myself compelled to present my expert opinion on this issue. I say expert as I was a very active member of the PARC representing Aldershot HS and community and attended every single meeting including those at the Board after the vote was made.
The first untruth is that Marianne Meed Ward had an unfair influence during the par process because of her position as Councillor. I can emphatically state the she had no more influence than myself and the other 12 community members of the PARC. In fact her professionalism added important value to an otherwise difficult process. More importantly the committee as a whole had no real power in the whole process other than to provide recommendations to Board.
Members of the Halton District School Board PARC committee meeting in a formal session.
Unlike some committee members Marianne always kept her composure even when being attacked by fellow committee members. She was elected by the school council where her children attend just like six other members that were put on the committee. Marianne disclosed up front to the Board of her role as Councillor in the city and was told she was still quite welcome to join the committee. The other seven community members like myself were randomly chosen by the Board as we had put our names in the hat to be part of the PARC. Our mandate was to represent our respective communities and to bring forward to the committee ideas comments and concerns of our respective communities. I know each of us did exactly that, no more no less and this included reasons for not closing schools and reasons for closing various schools.
Many members put forth recommendations to close schools other than their own based on feedback from their community. So to suggest that Marianne had any more ability to move a certain objective forward than any of the other members is just plain false.
PARC member Marianne Meed Ward typing on her computer.
The other major untruth being circulated for months and I believe will be ramped us as the election draws closer is that on June 07 the night of the final vote to close Bateman &Lester B Pearson Marianne Meed Ward and Trustee Leah Reynolds colluded to help close Bateman. This is an outright lie and I am an expert as I sat beside Marianne that evening and was in discussion with her about the motion on floor which had nothing to do with the vote to close Bateman but a different motion all together.
The rules were so uncertain that not only did the board require some guidance from legal counsel and then actually had to go in. private session to try and sort out the protocol.
Marianne provided Trustee Reynolds with her interpretation of the ruling as she saw it as Trustee Reynolds was an active participant in the motion. What bothers me more is that Lisa Bull the PARC Representative sitting right behind Marianne and myself took the totally unethical first step of capturing images of Marianne’s private laptop screen she was using to capture the texting.
Leah Reynolds being observed by HDSB vice chair Kim
Then to take it one step further posts it on social media suggesting the conversation was about how to vote to close Bateman and plying Trustee Reynolds with direction. I am appalled the a fellow member would stoop to such low and yet the media has never question the ethics of this. I have a timestamp of the moment the images were snapped and they were at least an hour before the vote to close Bateman.
It was confirmed that all the Trustees that evening were receiving mobile communications from constituents and others for various reasons and I input and this was a normal practice allowed at these meetings. The fact they needed very specific lawyers experts in procedural matters to assist in deciphering what the was the correct process and then have to go into private session should be obvious why someone like Marianne with years of this type of process being City Council would be stepping in to assist Trustee Leah as she happened to be the Trustee in the ward she represents on City Council and the Trustee of the school where her children attended.
Lisa Bull
There was no collusion but there was certainly unethical behaviour by Lisa Bull a fellow PARC member and then to be exaggerated and pushed as truth in social media by many others in the community unhappy with the decisions.
In summary it is sad that we have had to close to schools but to defame individuals that continually put out an earnest effort to help our communities in so many ways is so wrong. I am not running for any office, my school did not close but I pride myself in ethical behaviour and will stand up when I factually know untruths are being made to hurt others I respect.
I am ready to debate any one on the facts of the PARC process and the specific night of the vote to close two schools.
Steve Cussons is an Aldershot resident and a business man who operates a modern printing company..
By Staff
September 16th, 2018
ECoB – the Engaged Citizens of Burlington are hosting a series of debates at both the ward level and for the four candidates that are running for the office of Mayor.
ECoB is a non-profit corporation. It does not have charitable status.
Its funds come from donations made by citizens who have attended ECoB events and from other community groups in the city that have made donations.
The debate for the Mayoralty candidates is to take place at Central high school on October 9th. The moderator of that debate is a well-known, highly respected woman who has served as the lead for a different non-profit corporation.
Her name will be announced on September 20th. There are a few ECoB people the proposed moderator has yet to meet.
The four candidates for the office of Mayor are: Rick Goldring, Marianne Meed Ward, Mike Wallace and Greg Woodruff.
Rick Goldring
Marianne Meed Ward
Mike Wallace
Greg Woodruff
Rick Goldring, the incumbent.
has served as a member of Council for more than 12 years. and has been Mayor for eight years. A web site detailing his platform and his achievements is set out below.
Mike Wallace, a former city Councillor and former Member of Parliament for Mayor.
His web site is at
Marianne Meed Ward, is a two term member of city council for ward 2. She is a professional journalist and a panel member on several radio and television talk shows. Her web site is at
Greg Woodruff, an Aldershot resident who ran for the Office of Regional Chair in 2014. A web site setting out his platform and achievements is at:
Central high school
Doors to the Central high school auditorium will open at 6:30 pm. Signs promoting any candidate will not be permitted inside the auditorium.
Signs or visual material promoting a candidate or an issue will not be permitted inside the auditorium.
Questions you would like asked by the moderator can be sent electronically to info@
Those attending the debate will be given a card and a pencil on which questions they would like put to the candidates can be written.
The moderator will go through the questions and determine which questions are to be asked. Her role will be to sort through the questions that are similar and put that question to the candidates.
There will be two timers at the front of the auditorium letting the candidates know when there time is up using red and yellow cards to do so.