The new city council will have to debate whether or not to permit the opening of commercial cannabis shops in the city.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 29th, 2018



The federal government has made it legal to sell cannabis to the public on October 17th.

You will be able to purchase up to 30 grams (close to one ounce) of dried recreational cannabis at one time for personal use.

The province gets to decide where the product is to be sold.

Cannabis smokers

Think Sound of Music – 2019 Heavy public use of cannabis could kill the event.

As of October 17, 2018, the Ontario Cannabis Store website will be the only legal option for purchasing recreational cannabis. It will follow strict rules set by the federal government.

The Ford government has said it will launch a private retail store system for selling legal recreational marijuana on April 1, 2019, and it will give Ontario municipalities a one-time chance to opt out of having those physical shops within their boundaries.

Meed Ward H&S profile

On cannabis – Meed Ward says sell it, regulate it and get some of the proceeds.

Burlington Mayoralty candidate Marianne Meed Ward has said she “supports cannabis shops in Burlington, under strict location and distribution regulations. This is a legal, in some cases medically necessary, product and we have to make room for it. I do not support taking the easy way out with an opt-out. Many of our residents suffering from pain and other medical ailments deserve the opportunity to buy medical marijuana at convenient locations.

“A priority for the new council”, said Meed Ward, “ will be establishing rules for locations, licensing, zoning. Stores should not be near schools or in mixed-use residential buildings. They should be accessible by transit. These stores would be in plazas or stand-alone buildings that don’t conflict with nearby businesses.

“We need stronger bylaws on smoking in public spaces, to prevent residents from being exposed to second-hand cannabis, as well as tobacco (we don’t currently enforce the bylaw restricting tobacco use in parks).

Smoking cannabis shouldn’t be permitted near cannabis stores, especially those located in plazas with nearby businesses. I’m open to further input from residents on locations/ licensing rules.

“We need to ensure cannabis cannot be obtained by children or teenagers. I’ll approach the province for a share of revenue for enforcement costs.”

The Gazette knows of at least one ward level candidate who would prefer that the city wait.

Premier Ford has said municipalities will have until Jan. 22 to decide if they want to ban dispensaries from their territories. Cannabis shops will be allowed, once they are licensed, to open April 1st.

Goldring - Christmas picture

Goldring – cautious on public sale of cannabis in Burlington

Wallace at council meeting

Mike Wallace – wants the public to have time to think about the public sale of cannabis.

Mayor Goldring is reported to have said “the city should opt out and examine how other municipalities sort through the still-hazy provincial regulations.”

Mike Wallace also favours the opt out approach “but only temporarily.”

Greg Woodruff asks, with a wink of his eye, if the stuff isn’t already being sold in the city. Police reports on drug raids suggest there is a healthy market in Burlington. The hope is that making the sale public will drive the underground trade to the convenience stores.

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Terry Fox run posts impressive numbers for its annual event.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 28th, 2018



Fox monument with Brant Inn

The Terry Fox marker in Spencer Smith Park.

The early numbers on the Terry Fox Run are in.

There were 941 runners, 115 volunteers, so far funds raised are about $75K

We consumed like 150 lbs of bananas and about 1000 litres of water. It was a hot day reports Craig Gardner, who drew our attention to the super heroes.

Final accounting for the event doesn’t get worked out until sometime next year.

Terry Fox send off 2018

From the left: Craig Gardner, Regional Chair Gary Carr, Burlington MP Karina Gould and Mayor Goldring. There are a couple of super heroes tucked in there as well

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Ward 3 debate turn out the largest audience so far - every candidate showed up.

council 100x100By Staff

September 28th, 2018



It was the smoothest ECoB debate so far.

It had the largest turn out so far and for once the incumbent was in the room – even though he wasn’t running for re-election.

All candidates at table

The ward 3 candidates!

A link to the ward 3 debate is HERE.

Ward 3 had five candidates on the stage – Peter Rusin, Gareth Williams, Lisa Cooper, Darcy Hutzel and Rory Nisan.

Mark and Penny

Moderator Mark Carr with Penny Hersh whose energy, perseverance and refusal to give up made the seven debates possible.

The event brought to the public candidates they knew very little about – there were some impressive performances.

The moderator mixed things up a little as well.

For the first time questions were put to a single candidate with responses from another candidate permitted.

The questions put to the candidates came from two sources: those sent in by email and those written out by people in the audience.

Several people attending brought questions typed out which they handed in

The questions from the audience were sorted into groups of similar contents – the question actually asked was chosen from a blind draw.

All the debate audiences so far have been exceptionally well behaved; what little disruption there was came from people representing candidates (the incumbents) who chose not to show up personally for a variety of reasons.

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Turns out there was nothing crooked about the provincial government deficit - other than it was far too big.

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

September 28th, 2018



There is a 2004 provincial law on the books which mandates that the provincial auditor general (AG), an independent officer of the legislature, conduct a detailed audit prior to a provincial election in order that any incoming government should not have to do what Premier Ford has just done – commission his own financial review.

Ford with documents

Premier Ford with the budget.

As it turns out Ford’s team, headed by former B.C. premier Gordon Campbell conceded that the AG’s audit was correct. There had been a $5 billion dollar dispute over deficit numbers between former premier Wynne and the provincial auditor. And Campbell determined that this was due to a change in accounting practices being demanded by the AG. The dispute centered on the AG wanting to change how pension surplus and costs borne by a crown corporation are accounted.

But there was no payola by the Libs to their friends. There was no sign of corruption committed by Liberal politicians with their sticky fingers in the public cookie jar. There was only one set of books and they hadn’t been cooked by the Premier’s folks. In short there was no wrongdoing. If there was any conspicuous money wasted it would have been by Ford conducting his own unnecessary review at public expense – but that is another story.

Auditor General - Ontario

Bonnie Lysyk, provincial auditor general.

Of course, Kathleen Wynne was wrong. She should have listened to the AG, despite her own counsel and her obvious desire to minimize the deficit numbers for political advantage. It was the AG’s job to prepare the official audit and her results should have been the final ones. But as a consequence of the dispute the amount of the deficit became a distraction and allowed Wynne’s opponents to cast doubt and throw false aspersions on her and the entire Liberal financial record.

That turned out to be unfortunate for her and all those Liberal candidates who must have had doors slammed in their faces on the campaign trail. No question, that controversy helped propel Mr. Ford into office on a totally unjustified claim that the Liberals were dirty and crooked. Though he was on the road to winning anyway. And there was a huge deficit number to deal with for which none of the political leaders had a plan. So the NDP stuck with Wynne’s smaller numbers and Ford didn’t even bother developing a financial platform, his expensive promises were so obscene.


$3 billion for thee 99 year lease on the 407 toll road

Some folks would argue that Ontario has a spending problem, the conclusion of another study completed for Mr. Ford by consulting firm Ernst and Young. The solution, most likely dictated by Mr. Ford, himself, is the beginning of a season of fire-sales, selling off crown assets like the LCBO and maybe other infrastructure. That is an historical Tory practice. To balance his 1999 budget Mike Harris gave a 99 year lease for $3 billion on the 407 highway.

Others say we have an income problem. We don’t charge people enough for all the services we provide. And of course getting rid of the cap and trade carbon tax has just made it worse. Ernst and Young suggested that we need to drop universality of public programs – make those who can afford the services pay. But we already have a progressive income tax which means that those with an ability to pay do so in higher taxes.

For example our provincial health tax already addresses people’s fair contribution to the health care system. Perhaps we need to augment the progressivity to help pay for OHIP plus rather than just adding to debt, though. The Ernst and Young report notes that the biggest rise in costs over the last fifteen years has been in education and health services. These are ongoing and systemic variable costs. It is not clear how the one-time income from selling capital assets like the LCBO will secure future finding for these areas.

The one thing Ford’s studies and even the AG’s report confirmed is that there was no wrongdoing by the Liberals in their fifteen years of governance. That doesn’t mean there weren’t mistakes like the gas plant fiasco, but there was nothing criminal. That means that Doug Ford was wrong to accuse the Liberals of criminal wrong doing, as he seemed to do when he accused them of giving contracts to their Liberal friends.

And for all of that misinformation during the campaign and even afterwards, Ford owes the former premier and the people of Ontario an apology. Though instead of being contrite for his outrageous behaviour, Mr. Ford appears to be taking a page out of the US president’s playbook. Much like Trump, Ford is holding rallies, presumably to prolong his victory celebration and build his following. He won the election, Wynne lost, isn’t it time he moved on. Wynne is being a good loser, why can’t he be a good winner?

Ford Fest 2018

Ford Fest – held in Vaughan this year.

At his last rally, the so-called Ford-fest or Ford-stock, last weekend, with five thousand cheering fans on hand, rockstar Doug couldn’t help himself from going way over the top. He over-spoke that the previous government had committed the “largest financial cover-up in history”. And the response to that piece of hatred was predictable – his flash mob couldn’t restrain themselves from chanting an enthusiastic Trumpian “Lock her up”.

Seriously? What has happened to civility in this country, fair play and sense of justice? Didn’t Premier Ford just make a public statement on hate speech. Do the bullies in that Ford flash mob, and their leader, really think the former premier should get jail time for using an arguably inappropriate set of budgetary statistics in her campaign for re-election. It’s not like she was a drug dealer, crack cocaine addict or drunk driver.

Rivers hand to faceRay Rivers writes regularly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking. Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington. He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject. Ray has a post graduate degree in economics that he earned at the University of Ottawa. Tweet @rayzrivers



Background links:

Ernst and Young –     Auditor General –     Pre-election Report

Ford-Fest –     Hate Speech

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Cartoonist Mike Allen on how Councillor got to the ward 4 debate - and why he was late.

Mike Allen has come aboard as the house cartoonist.
He draws what he wants, when he wants – his only instructions from the Editor that the cartoons be in good taste.

There are no taboos, no sacred cows, the higher up you are on the totem pole you are the more likely Mike is going to take a shot at you.

Mike plays guitar, teaches music and is liking the look of the new commercial establishments that are going to pop up around the province with edible and puffables.


Sept 28-18a

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A pivotal report on transportation is somewhere in city hall. Is it being sat on until after the election?

News 100 redBy Staff

September 28th, 2018



It can be confusing to keep up with everything the city’s Planning department is doing.

Everything comes under the GROW Bold initiative; something many people are not all that keen on.

Earlier in September the Gazette asked the Director of Transportation, Vito Tolone a number of questions:

When was Transpiration given Directions to conduct a study of the longer term transportation needs of the city?

If there was a budget amount attached to the Staff Direction what was that amount.

Have there been studies commissioned with consultants?

Are you able to say who the consultants are and what they have been asked to study or investigate?

Do you have a date for the next Transportation department report to a Standing Committee?

There has not been a response to date.

The report is pivotal for the city.  With massive numbers of people expected to live in the city some way has to be found to let everyone move around.   City hall talks about buses and bicycles.

Most people want to continue to use their cars and have city hall do something about grid lock.

A new official plan was pushed through city council and sent on to the Regional government where it waits for approval – no one is able to say just when that approval will take place.

A new Council will be elected late in October; it is certain that it will be a significantly different Council.  Each of those Council members will also be a Regional Council.  What appears to be a majority of the candidates want that Official Plan sent back to the city where changes can get made before the Region puts their stamp of approval on it.

City hall is telling citizens that over the next 25 years, Burlington is going to grow in its urban areas.

“With 193,000 people expected to live in Burlington by 2031, the city is planning for future population growth including how people will move through the city.

“Over the last 30 years, Burlington’s transportation network has accommodated growth by building more roadways. This strategy is no longer sustainable. The city does not have the space to build new roadways and the financial cost to maintain a larger network of roads is significant.

“A 21st century city is built around a different transportation model, one designed to provide people of all ages and abilities with more travel choices for things like walking, cycling and transit.

“Go Bold is Burlington’s Transportation Plan. The plan is built around eight new directions for the City of Burlington. When implemented, these directions will result in a new era of transportation.

In a Transportation study that seems to be talking ages to make it to a city council Sanding Committee the department explains that eight New Directions are being worked on.

The study will provide a wide range of options for getting around regardless of age, means or ability, including walking, cycling, public transit and automobiles.

Uses compact modes of travel like buses, bicycles and walking to efficiently move larger number of people

Is well connected to transportation systems in surrounding regions

Offers fast, reliable and more frequent transit

Features improved facilities and safety for cyclists and pedestrians


Traffic barriers in place on LAkeshore for the Car Free Sunday last year were expensive and not really used. The event was poorly attended.

Fully Align Land Use and Transportation

Ensure all land use and transportation decisions made at City Hall, from policy-making to budgeting, are integrated and support walking, biking, transit.




Re-think streets

There was a time when LAkeshore was known as Water Street and traffic was a little slower. But Burlington isn't a sleepy little town anymore - traffic has toi be controlled.

There was a time when Lakeshore was known as Water Street and traffic was a little slower. But Burlington isn’t a sleepy little town anymore – traffic has to be controlled.

Rethink Streets

Creating more travel options for the community means thinking differently about how our city streets look and function. One of the ways to allow for more travel choice is to create complete streets. These are streets that are designed to be safe, comfortable and efficient for people of every age and ability including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users and drivers. They also easily connect people to the places they live, work and play.

In rural areas we, envision the potential for rural roads to serve more than just automobiles, but instead as key pieces of infrastructure that improve community interconnectivity and social interaction.


Prioritize choices

Lot of traffic lights at big pole

Reprioritize Mobility Choices

Reprioritize decision making at City Hall to support the creation of new facilities for walking, biking, transit that can compete with the automobile.





New street - being rebuilt

New Street when the Road Diet was thought to be a good idea.

No new street capacityNo New Street Capacity

Land use intensification with further auto-oriented design will only result in continued auto-dependency, expensive infrastructure and overall traffic failure.

Understanding that as the city grows, expanded mobility will be achieved by investing in walking, biking, and transit instead of building new roadways.


Walking more enjoyableSnow on street - lady - walkerMake Walking More Enjoyable

Walking is the foundation of the transportation system. Design streets that are safe, vibrant, active and easy to navigate.






Biking more enjoyableCycling in BurlingtonMake Biking More Enjoyable

Design streets with biking infrastructure that provides a safe, well connected system throughout the city. In the rural areas, encourage development of biking opportunities over time with infrastructure where strategically appropriate.




Public transit more enjoyableBfast poster with BG logoMake Public Transit Enjoyable

Implement significant and strategic improvements to transit in order to improve experience and increase ridership. The result is a transit network that offers quick, reliable and more frequent transit service.





Transit - Vito Tolone

Vito Tolone – Director of Transportation

Walk the talk folow thru“Walk the Talk” in the Follow Through

Dedicate energy and attention to ensuring the actions identified in GoBold are implemented. Align decision making and budgeting to support the new mobility hierarchy.





This is all “Phony baloney” according to ward 2 city council candidate Lisa Kearns. She explained to a small audience recently that the problem with all these studies is that they are never related to each other.

Another problem is that the results seem to have a time line that has a life of its own.

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Ward level debates are the best source of information on the people running for office. These are the people who want to set the tax rates and determine what kind of service you get for those taxes.

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

September 28th, 2018



It has been a very full week politically.

The world laughed at the President of the United States when he was addressing the United Nations; a nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States faced accusations from what appeared to me to be a credible witness who claimed he had been sexually assaulted when they were both teenagers.

New Brunswickers are now trying to determine who will lead the government with the Liberals desperately trying to hang on to power.

And in Burlington we have debates taking place in every ward, something Burlington has never experienced before, while all three incumbents at the ward level refuse to take part – a desperate attempt to hold power.

Candidates att table on stage

Ward 5 candidates: From the left: Xin Yi Zhang, Daniel Roukema, Wendy Moraghan and Mary Alice St. James

Sharman seat at ward 5

Ward 5 incumbent Councillor Paul Sharman chose not to take part in the ward debate.

Last week the ward debates in wards 5 and 6 took place: ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman said he did not trust the group that organized the debate.

The next day the ward 6 debate took place. Ward 6 Councillor Blair Lancaster refused to take part because she believed the group that organized the event was biased and unfair to her. She also blamed the Gazette for a story it had published about her reasons for not taking part.

This week we watched the candidate in ward 4 sit on a stage by herself because the incumbent had not shown up on time – there was never any certainty that Councillor Jack Dennison was going to arrive. He did and used his 20+ years of experience to bob and weave his way through the questions put to him.

All candidates at table

The five candidates running in ward 3: From the left Peter Rusin, Gareth Williams, Lisa Cooper, Darcy xxx and Rory Nisan


Retiring ward 3 Councillor John Taylor

In ward 3 we listened to five candidates who consistently thanked the incumbent John Taylor for his more than thirty years of public service – he got close to a standing ovation while the candidates for the ward seat agreed, for the most part, that term limits should be in place.

In ward 6, the four candidates took part in a debate arranged by a local church. The ward Councillor Blair Lancaster was comfortable participating in this debate.

It also included a debate between the Mayoralty candidates.

Citizens have the kind of opportunity they have never had before – they can sit at home and watch the debates and decide for themselves who they want to be members of city council.

This election is pivotal for Burlington. There are some major issues on the table.

Be informed and vote.

It is your city, your home, the place you chose to live and raise your children. The government you elect is the government that will determine the kind of services available to you and the taxes you will pay,

high profile 421

This 24 story tower that will rise across the street from city hall has been approved by city Council. A second tower south of this one has been approved at 17 storeys – the developer has appealed asking for 24 stories.

There is a lot at stake.

The ward 5 debate link is here.

The ward 6 ECoB debate is here.

The ward 6 debate at St. Georges Anglican Church is here.

The ward 4 debate is here.

The ward 3 debate will be available later today.

Next week there will be debates in wards 1 and 2 – the video of those debates will be made available.

There is also a debate on October 9th for all the Mayoralty candidates that will take place at Central high school.

Locations dates and times are set in the advertisements, which are on the right side of every page of this on line newspaper.

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Halton Regional police officers recognized for their life saving measures.

News 100 redBy Staff

September 27th, 2018



In those situations where every second counts we are grateful that there are first responders who have been properly trained and able to take action that saves lives.

Earlier this month the St. John Ambulance recognized Halton Police Officers for Life-saving Measures.

On September 26, 2018, a total of 11 Halton Regional Police Service officers were recognized by St. John Ambulance for their heroic efforts to save the lives of six citizens.

The officers were presented with Life Saving Certificates by St. John Ambulance Burlington Branch Manager Lou Taddeo in a ceremony held at 3 District, Burlington, on Wednesday evening.

St John Ambul awardAward recipients:

Constable Eric Asmuth
Constable Ryan Dupuis
Constable Scott French
Constable Victoria Frosh
Constable Tyrone Garner
Constable Lanaya Greco
Constable Kyle Morris
Constable Dwain Newham
Constable Cole Richards
Constable Malcolm Vincent
Constable Kristine Wishart

The rescues in which these officers played a critical role are highlighted here:

On October 24, 2017 Constables Garner and Greco were deployed to respond to a person in crisis on the Burlington Skyway Bridge. The two officers were able to pull a 34-yr-old male to safety who intended to jump off the bridge.

On December 25, 2017 Constables Dupuis, Asmuth, and Richards responded to reports of a residential fire in which a resident had re-entered the home to save his dog and was trapped. The officers removed the 58-yr-old male through a window. The male suffered smoke inhalation and was treated by EMS.

On March 7, 2018 Constables Vincent, Morris and Frosh attended a residence for a 1-yr-old infant who was not breathing. Officers administered CPR, back blows and mouth sweeps until the child began breathing on his own.

On April 16, 2018 Constable French responded to reports of a 67-yr-old male who had collapsed while shovelling. Constable French administered chest compressions until EMS and Fire arrived with a defibrillator.

On April 28, 2018 Constable Wishart responded to reports of a stabbing at a local nightclub. Constable Wishart administered first aid to the 30-yr-old stabbing victim until EMS arrived. Her efforts to stem the loss of blood are credited with saving the victim’s life.

On June 21, 2018 Constable Newham administered Narcan to a 31-yr-old male who was suffering from an apparent opioid overdose. The male was revived and received medical attention.

“The quick actions of the officers are credited with saving the lives of six citizens,” said Superintendent Al Albano. “These situations exemplify the dedication and willingness of the officers to go above and beyond the call of duty.”

St John crestLou Taddeo, St. John Ambulance branch manager. Said: “It is with extreme honour that St. John Ambulance Burlington Branch presents to these deserving police officers these Life Saving Certificates.

“These officers’ actions support the mission of St. John Ambulance Canada by enabling Canadians to improve their health, safety and quality of life by utilizing their first aid skills. Their actions mirror one of our centuries old motto for St. John Ambulance which is “Pro Utilitate Hominum” – In the service of Humanity.”

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Cowboy Junkies will be in town October 13 - at the Performing Arts Centre

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

September 26th, 2018



Cowboy Junkies released a string of fall dates; one of them is Burlington. The Cowboy Junkies are bringing their distinctive style to The Burlington Performing Arts Centre Saturday, October 13 at 8pm.

Whether commenting on the fragile state of the world or on personal relationships, this new collection of songs encourages the listener to take notice. It also may be the most powerful album Cowboy Junkies have yet recorded.

Cowboy Junkies Courtesy of BPAC

In no particular order: Alan Anton (bassist), Michael Timmins (songwriter, guitarist), Peter Timmins (drummer) and Margo Timmins (vocalist).[1] The three Timmins are siblings

In the late 80’s, Cowboy Junkies proved that there was an audience waiting for something quiet, beautiful and reflective. Their now classic album, The Trinity Session (celebrating 30 years), was like a whisper that cut through the noise and sold more than a million copies.

Cowboy Junkies have always remained true to their unique vision, creating a critically acclaimed body of work that has endeared them to an audience unwavering in its loyalty.

In addition to The Trinity Session, albums like Pale Sun, Crescent Moon (1993), Lay It Down (1996) and more recently, Open (2001), and At the End of Paths Taken (2007) chronicle a creative journey reflecting the independent road the band has elected to travel.

Tickets at the Performing Arts Centre box office.

Tickets can be purchased by telephone, online or in person: 905-681-6000,.


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Province to focus on safer sports opportunities for kids - attention will be on concussions. Better late than never – this should have been done year’s ago.

sportsred 100x100By Staff

September 26th, 2018



The province of Ontario is taking action to keep Ontario’s kids safe and demonstrating its commitment to making sports safer by marking Rowan’s Concussion Law Day. The province is developing a multimedia campaign that will raise awareness about concussion safety.

concussion helmet

It’s graphic – but the point gets made. Is this what we want to do to our kids in the name of sports.

The campaign will get concussion safety information in front of the Ontarians who need it most.

“Reducing the risk of concussions is always the goal. But concussions happen and knowing what to do – whether you’re an athlete, a parent, a coach or a teacher – can save lives,” said Sylvia Jones, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport. “We’ll honour Rowan Stringer’s memory by launching a province-wide multimedia campaign to raise awareness about concussion safety.”

Concussion- skull image

A concussion is a head injury caused by moving forces such as a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, that results in a variety of symptoms and temporary changes in mental status, coordination, and balance. Definitions are constantly updated based upon new research, but a concussion is a form of a traumatic brain injury. In fact, it’s the most common traumatic brain injury. After a concussion, the symptoms that occur differ from patient to patient. These include headaches, dizziness, vision problems, trouble concentrating, feeling slowed down, repeated vomiting, sleep problems, and even irritability and sadness. Symptoms may not even appear for days or weeks after the injury.

Concussions represent nearly a quarter of Ontario student injuries treated by a doctor or nurse. Ontario students who report a head injury are more than twice as likely to report very high emotional distress and to report less success in academics.

Lisa MacLeod, Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services, sponsored Rowan’s Concussion Law in the Legislative Assembly, where it was adopted in March, 2018.

Better late than never – this should have been done year’s ago.

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Transit detours on Sunday - due to the Run for the Cure race.

notices100x100By Staff

September 26th, 2018



Route 3, 4 & 10 Detours on September . 30, 2018: Detour due to Run for the Cure road race

Detour Area: New St. between Drury Ln and Woodview Rd; Lakeshore Rd. from Elizabeth to Guelph Line, Guelph Line from Lakeshore Rd. to Woodward Rd.

Detour Dates: Sunday, Sept. 30 from approximately 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Proceed to stops on:
• New Street west of Drury Lane
• New Street east of Woodview Rd.
• Guelph Line north of Woodview Rd.
Detour Routes:

• Route 3 will travel along New St., turn left onto Drury Lane, right onto Woodward Ave., left onto Guelph Line and continue its regular route. Route 3 will not service Lakeshore Road and Guelph line south of Woodward Ave.

• Route 4 eastbound will travel along New St., turn left onto Drury Lane, right onto Prospect St., right onto Cumberland Ave., left onto Rexway Dr., right onto Woodview Rd. and continue its regular route.

• Route 4 westbound will travel along New St., turn right onto Woodview Rd., left onto Rexway Dr., right onto Cumberland Ave., left onto Prospect St., left onto Drury Lane, left onto New St. and continue its regular route

• Route 10 eastbound will travel along New St., turn left onto Drury Lane, right onto Prospect St., right onto Cumberland Ave., left onto Rexway Dr., right onto Woodview Rd. and continue its regular route.

• Route 10 westbound will travel along New St., turn right onto Woodview Rd., left onto Rexway Dr., right onto Cumberland Ave., left onto Prospect St., left onto Drury Lane, left onto New St. and continue its regular route.

Sept 30 transit detours

Stops not in service:
• Stops on Lakeshore between Elizabeth St. and Guelph Line
• Stops on New St. between Drury Lane and Woodview Rd.
• Stops on Guelph Line between Lakeshore Rd and Woodward Ave.

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Gould reports to constituents then heads for a re-nomination meeting on Sunday.

News 100 redBy Staff

September 26th, 2018



Burlington Member of Parliament and Minister of Democratic Institutions reports to her constituents.  On Sunday she faces a re- nomination meeting

Gould reports:

The House has been back in session for a week now and we`ve picked up right where we left off!
This week we will be debating Canada`s first ever Federal Accessibility legislation as well as important legislation on amendments to the Divorce Act. One of the first items of business upon our return was the ratification of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) – an important piece of legislation that will help us diversify our trade markets abroad.

Gould In the House while Obama speaks

Gould In the House while Obama speaks

As we enter the fall, the negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) continue in earnest. Our Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, have been adamant: we will continue to negotiate in good faith but we will not sign a deal that is bad for Canada. I had the honour at the end of June to stand shoulder to shoulder with Minister Freeland and our Steel workers at the Stelco plant in Hamilton as we announced our counter tariffs to the United States trade action on Steel and Aluminum. We will continue to stand up for Canadians and Canadian industry.

Over the summer I also had the privilege of holding my second annual Seniors Symposium. Thanks to everyone who came out to hear Dr. Parminder Raina discuss optimal aging and share your thoughts on how we can develop a healthy aging strategy across Canada. I was also delighted to welcome my colleague, the Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos to Burlington to announce that the Canada Child Benefit was increased to match the cost of living. In Burlington, over 17,850 children benefit from the CCB. If you or someone you know is eligible for government benefits and not receiving them, please contact my office for more information. My team would be happy to help you.

Gould with trash

Over two dozen volunteers braved the wind and cleaned up Burlington Beach. This was part of a Canada-wide effort to clean up our shorelines.

September has been full of great community events. I want to thank everyone who came out to our Community Clean Up on September 8th. Over two dozen volunteers braved the wind and cleaned up Burlington Beach. This was part of a Canada-wide effort to clean up our shorelines.

As the host of this year`s G7, the Government of Canada is leading world efforts to end plastic pollution and clean up our waterways. Six garbage bags and 2 bags of recycling were collected from our beach. I was proud to announce on September 10th, $525,000 to the Royal Botanical Gardens for their wetlands rehabilitation program. Our government is committed to protecting our natural environment here in Burlington and across Canada.

We have a full agenda here in Ottawa this fall, but I will look forward to seeing you around the community when I`m back in town.

Enjoy the crisp weather and have a wonderful autumn!

There are some, the Gazette included, that had hoped the government would bring about some of the changes in the way our elections are run that the Liberals campaigned. First past the post is proving to be problematic – look at election results in British Columbia, Ontario and New Brunswick.

There is a better way; it does however call for political courage.

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Despite being in considerable physical pain - ward 4 candidate hangs in while the ward 4 incumbent arrives half an hour late.

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

September 26th, 2018



It wasn’t as pleasant a debate as you might have thought.

Shawna 1

Shawna Stolte answering questions during the ward 4 “debate”.

Shawna Stolte was in considerable physical pain during the more than an hour and a half debate.
She had been hospitalized earlier in the month with a kidney stone problem. She thought it was completely passed. It wasn’t.

The night of the debate she was heavily medicated and had brought a small plastic bucket she thought she might have to use if her stomach got the best of her.

Even though medicated, the ward 4 candidate hung in and went through the event.

The evening for Stolte started with her not know if she was going to debate the incumbent or just have a conversation with moderator Mark Carr.

Jack Dennison showed up at the 30 minute point and the conversation turned into questions being asked and answers given.

Mark Carr as moderator 3

Mark Carr moderating.]

Carr did make one difference with this debate. He allowed a candidate to question a candidate if they had been mentioned in a response.
Prior to this decision there was no room for direct debate between the two candidates. There was no opportunity for one candidate to put a question directly to the other candidate.

Dennison didn’t say he was going to take part in the debate – he said he might. The organizers were never able to say for certain that Dennison was going to take part.

There were something in the order of 125 people in the Nelson high school auditorium. Some observers felt the turn out was as low as it was because they assumed Dennison wasn’t going to show up.

His difficulty in getting to the debate was due to a Council meeting taking place the same evening.

Jack D 1

Councillor Jack Dennison – late for the start of the debate – and without an apology to his opponent.

Dennison had been given the option of having the debate take place on a different date. He had six days to inform the organizers. When the noon deadline came and went without a response the organizers stayed with the date on which the Council meeting was taking place.

Dennison said he “might” be able to make it.

The result was to leave the only other candidate running against Dennison in some doubt as to whether or not she was actually going to see the incumbent on the stage.

Given all this Shawna Stolte acquitted herself very well.

Few people know that when she decided to run for the ward 4 seat Stolte made an appointment to meet with Dennison in his city hall office.  He may have thought she was there to measure the place for new drapes.  She was there to introduce herself; that level of decency has been part of Stolte’s approach throughout this election.

The full debate is available as a video HERE

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50% of car seats inspections - fail.

News 100 redBy Staff

September 26th, 2018



Members of the Halton Partners for Car Seat Safety recently conducted a Car Seat Inspection Clinic at the Wellspring Church on New Street in Burlington. This group is a collaboration of the Halton Regional Police Service, the Halton Region Health Department, the OPP, the four municipal Fire Services and a number of community volunteers.

In the course of the clinic, police officers interacted with all drivers performing cursory checks of car seats and identifying those requiring further inspection.

carseat inspection

Learning how to set up the car seat correctly.

Officers conduct these inspections under the authority of the Highway Traffic. Occupied car seats form part of a vehicle’s equipment.

Police conducted 90 inspections (the 5-point ‘quick’ inspection).


car seat test results




Link to Ministry of Transportation web site – detailed instructions.

Some noteworthy observations:
• Children showing up in a booster when they should still be in a 5-point harness
• Many untethered or loosely tethered forward-facing car seats were identified.
• A number of boosters were inspected where it was determined that parents had not installed supplied screws in the armrests.

The Halton Partners for Car Seat Safety recommend parents and guardians to read and follow all manufacturers’ instructions when installing a car seat. For car seat resources in your area, dial 311 for information.

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Wow! Resplendent! Vigorous! Glorious!

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 26th, 2018


While summer has slipped away on us – and we are into fall and pumpkins and leaves that will be changing their colour and falling to the ground – we might want to take a look at the plants in a tiny garden on Elgin  Street.

Appeldoor park resplendentIt is referred to as the Apeldoorn Garden – put in place to recognize and remember our sister city in Holland.

Wow! Resplendent! Vigorous! Glorious!

Nature at its finest.

Kudo’s to the gardeners who put those plants in place.

Imagine what it must be like for those people fortunate enough to walk past these plants on their way to work or downtown to meet friends.

Appeldoorn park

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Councillor Jack Dennison in yet another performance before his constituents - they keep returning him to office.

council 100x100By Staff

September 26th, 2018



For those who want to see the ECoB debate that Councillor Dennison showed up for part way through – the link is here.

Ward 4 residents have returned the man year after year. Should we thank them for that?

Dennison arrives for the debate at the 30.0 point.

Jack D 1

Councillor Jack Dennison at the ward 4 debate

Shawna 1

Candidate Shawna Stolte at the ward 4 debate

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Third party advertiser believed to be linked to Bateman parents and ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman has registered with the city. Where is the money coming from?

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

September 26th, 2018



The Election Returning officer ensures tat the rules to be followed during an election are clear.

A third party advertisement is an advertisement in any broadcast, print, electronic or other medium that has the purpose of promoting, supporting or opposing a candidate in the election, or a “yes” or “no” answer to a question on the ballot.

A third party advertiser is any individual, corporation or trade union that causes an election campaign advertisement to appear.

The city recently released the name of a third party advertiser: Jennifer Beleck.

The Gazette reached out to Ms Beleck – there has been no response to date.

We made inquiries – Ms Beleck is believed to be associated with the parents at Bateman high school who oppose the closing of the school in 2020.

Ward 5 Councillor Sharman works closely with the Bateman parents.

The question posed by the people the Gazette talked to is – who is Beleck representing and what kind of election advertising are we likely to see?

And where will the money for the advertising come from?

Who has the most to lose if any of the incumbents are not reelected?

All questions to ask when you see advertising in local media.

Be vigilant. Follow the dots and follow the money.

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Brant Museum transformation on time - official opening summer of 2019.

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 25th, 2018



The transformation of the Joseph Brant museum is coming along just fine. The construction work is on time and the target of an opening in 2019 should be met.

Site Sept 24-18

Construction of the transformed Brant Museum well underway.

The replica of the original house has been shifted around the site several times.  It is now where it will eventually rest – just a little positioning to get the front of the house facing in the direction that has it overlooking the lake.

Site house Sept 24-18

The house will sit on top of the new museum that is being built underground.


Architectural rendering of what the completed transformation of the Brant museum is expected to look like.

The house will not be a part of the museum the public will be able to visit.  It will be used for museum staff and administrative purposes.

Few people know that the building of a replica of the original house that was destroyed by fire was slipped into a fund that was in place for the construction of the original Queen Elizabeth Way. T.B. McQueston was a Liberal Minister at the time who believed that gardens and good art should be a part of every public work.

The Museum will have a permanent exhibit of Joseph Brant lightnings and artifacts.

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Polite, close to timid debate between Councillor Dennison and challenger Shawna Stolte for the ward 4 council seat.

council 100x100By Pepper Parr

September 25th, 2018



He did show up.

Jack Dennison left the city Council meeting that was taking place Monday evening and drove to Nelson  high school to be a late in arriving candidate to take part in a debate with ward 4 candidate for the council seat Dennison holds.

Shawna with Jack at debate

Councillor Jack Dennison ‘debating” ward 4 candidate Shawna Stolte.

Prior to Dennison’s arrival Shawna Stolte sat in a chair and had a conversation with moderator Mark Carr.

It was a very typical polite Burlington conversation. There were no points scored by either candidate. There was actually more agreement between the two than differences with “ditto” being the response more than once.

The two candidates reached over and shook hands several times during the ‘debate’.

You don’t remove a 20 year plus incumbent with that kind of a performance.

There was a respectful audience but the high school auditorium was certainly not full.

The Gazette will comment at length on the “debate’ when the video of the event is available.

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17 year old boy and 15 year old girl arrested in a stolen SUV in Headon Forest.

Crime 100By Staff

September 25th, 2018



We expect a 15 year old girl and a 17 year old boy to be in school completing an education.

HRPS crestTwo young people who cannot be identified because of their age were arrested yesterday when police apprehended them driving an SUV that had been stolen in Guelph earlier and was noticed by Headon Forest residents who noticed it driving erratically with a flat tire.

Just before 9:00 am yesterday Halton police arrest two youths in the stolen vehicle.

Citizen observed several youths driving this vehicle with one flat tire.

Police quickly located the Nissan SUV in the area. As police investigated the stopped vehicle, the male driver accelerated away as an officer approached the vehicle causing the officer to jump to the side. The officer did not suffer any injuries. Police attempted to pull over the Nissan SUV which led police on a low speed pursuit over a very short distance while driving on flat tire. Police quickly arrested two youths after the Nissan SUV stopped after hitting a curb.

A 17-year-old male young person from the City of Hamilton who cannot be identified due to his age was held for a bail hearing and will appear next in Milton Youth Court on September 25th 2018, and will be charged with the following:

• Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
• Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle
• Flight while pursued by peace officer
• Failure to comply with probation order (four counts).

A 15-year-old female young person from the City of Hamilton who cannot be identified due to her age was held for a bail hearing and will appear next in Milton Youth Court on September 25th 2018, and will be charged with the following:

• Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
• Failure to comply with recognizance (two counts).

The prognosis for these two is not very promising.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Mark Urie of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 Ext. 2338.
ips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), or through the web at .

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