By Roman Melton
August 29, 2022
Having gone live earlier this year, Casino Zeus is still a recent addition to the online gambling house review scene.
Nonetheless, it has swiftly proven itself a source of trustworthy and reliable information regarding gaming regulations in Canada.
The website also features a Canadian online casinos list, with some of the most trustworthy and entertaining online gambling houses, according to resident gambling expert Olexiy Ivanov. By weighing up several key factors in what results in the most enjoyable online gambling experience, Ivanov has ranked numerous leading online casinos in Canada for the convenience of gamers throughout the country.
We’ll begin with a brief explanation of the legality of online casinos in Canada. After that, we’ll guide you on a whistle-stop tour of five of the best Canadian casino sites, according to Casino Zeus.
Legalization and Regulation of Online Casinos in Canada
Canadian regulations surrounding online casinos initially seem complex but are actually fairly simple. Basically, even though it’s illegal to operate online casinos out of Canada, it is one hundred percent safe and legal to play at offshore gaming sites instead.
Not only is it entirely legal to play at offshore net casinos, but it’s also highly popular.
Almost twenty million people play at a casino online. Net casinos operating offshore earned a gross turnover of over C$610 million in 2021.
It can be fun, and you can play with friends.
So, if you live in Canada and are interested in doing a little online gambling, there’s no need to worry; you’re not breaking any laws when using offshore casinos! The pastime is entirely legitimate. Nevertheless, you should ensure that you’re absolutely scrupulous when your security is concerned. That’s where Casino Zeus’ list of trusted online casinos in Canada might help.
Grading the Best Online Casinos in Canada 2022
Here is a list of the best online gambling sites in Canada. This list has been taken from Casino Zeus’ ranking of the top ten Canadian casino clubs on the internet.
When searching for a net casino to play at, you should ensure you remain aware both of how fun and rewarding the site is and of your security. While compiling their Canada online casinos list, Casino Zeus was careful to take all these things into account.
# of games
Kosmonaut Online Casino
200% up to C$2,000
More than 500
Curacao eGaming
Kaiser Slots
200% deposit bonus up to C$110
More than 700
UK Gambling Commission
Spin Casino
200% deposit bonus up to C$110
More than 700
Malta Gaming Authority and UK Gambling Commission
Royal Vegas
More than 1,500
Malta Gaming Authority
GamingClub Casino
More than 1,500
Malta Gaming Authority
When researching what casino you should try, it’s important that you do your own rigorous research. Read up on what those with expertise in online gambling have to say on the subject; taking advice from trustworthy professionals in the area will very rarely lead you astray! That’s why we recommend having a look at Casino Zeus’ website for more information.
The Main Criteria for Ranking Online Casinos in Canada
Having now presented you with a short list of five of the most trusted casinos online Canada has to offer, we’ll talk a little bit about the criteria behind this ranking. After all, if you’re to do your own research into online casinos, you’d best know what it is you’re looking for.
Here is a list of criteria used when reviewing online casinos:
Does the site have good user ratings? If so, then it is likely very trustworthy, secure, and fun.
Is the casino properly licensed by recognized regulatory bodies? A quick way to check this for yourself is to scan the site footer for a recognizable gaming authority logo.
Does the casino use reliable data protection methods to guarantee you and your money are safe?
Is help readily available through their website—i.e. for technical difficulties, inquiries ?
All of these issues, and more, are taken into account when ranking online casinos.
When compiling their list, Casino Zeus used these very criteria to rate each and every site.
By Staff
August 27th, 2022
Councillor Paul Sharman of Ward 5 is reported to be running a public education session on hazing techniques on Sunday, August 28
The event will begin at 9 a.m. at Pineland School on Meadowhill Road; Burlington
Animal Control staff will also be in attendance.
Councillor Sharman commented that “The city is committed to eliminate animals that attack people and draw blood. My best wishes to the people who were bitten for a speedy recovery.”
By Pepper Parr
August 26th, 2022
When the Interim Control Bylaw was put in place in a number of years ago, close to 40 development applications were taken to what was then called the Local Planning Authority Tribunal (LPAT)
That organization is now called the Ontario Land Tribunal
With 40+ appeals the Tribunal needed to get a handle on just what it is the each appeal was about – the specifics.
It took some time – but the Tribunal has now put each appeal into a category where the specifics of the appeals are similar.
There are nine categories that are being called phases. some phases have several categories
Phase 1: Rural
Phase 1A: Agriculture
Phase 1B: Natural Heritage
Phase 1C: Aggregates
Phase 2: Implementation / Development Approvals Process Phase 3: Growth Framework/Urban Structure/Land Use Phase 4: Downtown Urban Centre & Urban Design
There might be a book to be written on the impact this rinky dinky bus terminal has had on the high rise development in the downtown core
Phase 5: Major Transit Station Areas
Phase 6: Supporting Growth
Phase 6A: Parkland
Phase 6B: Public Service Facilities, Infrastructure & Utilities
Phase 7: Housing
Phase 8: Employment
Phase 9: Site-Specific
Dates for each of these Phases are still being worked out – it is clear that the process is going to require years – perhaps longer than the term of Council citizens are going to elect in October.
So – what is it that gets litigated during these hearings? This details are mind boggling – the details take up 60 pages.
We will follow up with those before the end of the month.
This is a Friday – there is nice weekend weather ahead of us – so the Gazette might be a little quiet.
Update on Waterfront Hotel redevelopment plans:
One interesting bit of news. The first Case Management Conference on the Waterfront Hotel appeal took place this morning.
The city appears to have decent legal counsel in place.
They will be back at it on October 7th, 2 to argue a motion on the applicability of the decision to move the Urban Growth Centre boundaries north – which would impact the density levels for the Waterfront Hotel property redevelopment
By Pepper Parr
August 26th, 2022
We learned yesterday that the city has had a report, put together by citizens from Oakville and Burlington, on how to better manage the coyote problem and the risk they present to the public.
We learned that the report sat on a shelf, it was apparently not even acknowledged. The group did everything they could – shown clearly in the time line they provided.
To say that the people on both the administrative and the elected sides should be ashamed is about all the average Burlington can do.
Stephen White
When Stephen White met with Mayor Meed Ward to talk to her about a neighbour’s cat that was mauled to death (all there was left was a paw”) she asked White why he didn’t delegate.
White made clear to the Mayor that delegating is one of the most useless things a Burlington citizen can do – “you people don’t know how to listen” he said
Burlington staff spend hour upon hour discussing risk management and risk mitigation. Workshop sessions have been devoted to the subject.
White told the Gazette that the group deliberately did not go to the media. “We didn’t want to make a lot of noise – we just wanted to put some information in front of the people who make the decisions.”
However, said White “when we saw the story in the Gazette yesterday, Julie and I had a talk and decided that we would give the report to the media and be available to answer questions.”
Councillor Sharman has kept on top of the coyote file – but he made no reference that we are aware of that a citizens committee had put forward some strong recommendations.
White did say that Councillor Sharman was very good – he listened, he was attentive as well.” But that appears to be all that was done.
White points out that coyotes are more aggressive in the fall and the spring.
Learning that there were three serious incidents in the past couple of weeks is disturbing – it doesn’t fit the pattern.
The pattern that does fit is city hall’s inability to hear what the public has to say.
Is it arrogance, hubris or an inability to understand that their job is to take care of the public’s welfare?
Should some child be hurt in the weeks ahead, perhaps maimed – imagine the law suit – we are talking tens of millions in a case in which the BOCM report and the article in the Gazette would be major pieces of evidence.
We believe that every member of Council was aware of the report. If the Mayor did not share what she knew or if the City Manager did not share what he knew – one might ask “Why are they there”
Indeed – why are they there ?
Related news stories:
The BOCM report with the time line
Report recommendations
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.
By Staff
August 26th, 2022
The Gazette published a report yesterday on recommendations a citizens committee gave to Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward and City Manager Tim Commisso.
Within the report were a number of recommendations that we think were important enough to be made public. They are set out below; they amount to a consultants report that didn’t cost the city a dime.
Those recommendations are set out below
1. Conduct an impact analysis by neighbourhoods to identify various controls that should be implemented to safeguard residents, children and pets from coyote attacks.
BOCM has identified several “hot spot” neighbourhoods in both Oakville and Burlington which have shown an unusually high number of coyote sightings and incidents. These neighbourhoods are as follows:
- Samuel Curtis Estates in West Oakville;
- Wilmot Creek Park in West Oakville/East Burlington;
- Lakeshore Woods in West Oakville;
- Sheldon Creek Trail system bordering Samuel Curtis Estates & Lakeshore Woods in West Oakville;
- Shell Park in West Oakville;
- South Shel Park & Beach Trails in West Oakville;
- Burloak Waterfront Park in West Oakville/East Burlington;
- Mohawk Gardens/St. Patrick’s R.C. School in East Burlington;
- Bromley Park in East Burlington;
- Sherwood Forest Park in East Burlington;
- Pineland Public School in East Burlington;
- Paletta Estates in Burlington;
- Nelson Park in Burlington (including Shoreacres Road);
- John Tuck Public School in
Many of these areas are adjacent to woodlots. The proximity of playgrounds to woodlots which is where coyotes den is particularly problematic. Many young children play in these areas, and the potential for interactions between coyotes and young people is extremely high. In all of West Oakville there are no coyote warning signs whatsoever.
2. Improve both the quantity and quality of signage relating to coyotes, and ensure it offers meaningful information on what to do in the event of sightings.
There are absolutely no coyote warning signs in Bronte and West Oakville, and the level of coyote signage currently in use in Burlington is vague and offers little in the way of useful information. BOCM believes that much more comprehensive and detailed signage is required that includes the following:
- Warning signs on the prevalence of coyotes;
- Encourage park visitors to call 911 in cases of emergencies or attacks;
- Clear prohibitions aimed at discouraging the feeding wildlife;
- Specific directions on what to do if a coyote stalks someone;
- Advice on how to properly haze
Suffice to say that a picture of a coyote may provide a warning but it offers no viable information as to what to do when one is sighted or attacks. Oakville/Burlington need to follow the lead of Mississauga and install billboards, or at the least temporary mobile signs warning people of coyotes in hotspots and what to do.
Appendix A includes a cross-section of different pictures taken recently throughout Oakville and Burlington that clearly demonstrates either the lack of proper signage or a lack of relevant information.
3. Current municipal by-laws should be amended to permit the laying of charges and assessment of fines for persons who feed coyotes.
Current direction from civic officials places an onus upon residents not to feed wildlife. Unfortunately, this advice is not reinforced with appropriate fines that act as a significant deterrent.
It is our understanding that the City of Burlington By-Law 083-2015 enacted September 28th,2015 provides for a fine of $100 for any resident found feeding wildlife. In the case of the Town of Oakville we examined By-Law 2018-006 and were unable to find any fine for feeding wildlife. The fine in the City of Toronto is $365.
BOCM maintains that a $500 fine should be imposed upon any resident or person who is identified feeding wildlife. We believe that a similar fine should be assessed in cases where residents carelessly discard food waste and scraps that become a food source for coyotes, raccoons, etc.
4. Provide appropriate coyote management education in schools and parks that border creeks.
We believe that more prescriptive and defined education messages should be used to communicate the potential threat caused by coyotes. We believe that By- Law Officers should be routinely tasked with visiting schools in “hot spot” neighbourhoods to educate teachers, students and administrators about the threats posed by coyotes.
As coyotes are no longer afraid of us hazing must be taught to residents and children. Furthermore, flyers must be sent to every household in high density coyote areas instructing what to do, how to haze, and what to carry as a deterrent.
5. Change municipal by-laws to permit residents to increase fence heights in order to deter coyotes from entering residents’ properties.
Our review indicates that in the City of Burlington the maximum fence height is 2 metres. In the case of the Town of Oakville there is a similar provision, although in certain circumstances it can extend to 2.2 metres.
BOCM believes the current height restriction on fences is inadequate to protect residents from coyotes entering the backyards. We have several reports where residents’ pets in fenced backyards have been attacked by coyotes that have scaled wooden and wire fences.
We believe that in cases where properties are adjacent to “hot spot” areas an exception should be made, and that fence heights should be changed to 3 metres. This would provide a strong deterrent to coyotes from entering properties adjacent to parks while providing protection to homeowners whose pets are in enclosed areas.
6. Permit residents’ whose properties back onto wooded areas to place an awning structure at the top of their fence to prevent coyote jumps.
As was noted in point #5 above, coyotes have the ability to scale fences up to nine feet high. We believe residents whose properties are adjacent to “hot spot” locations should have the ability to erect awnings at the top of their fences to prevent coyote jumps.
7. Request more frequent and nightly bylaw officer visits to wooded areas known to have coyote dens.
BOCM maintains that Animal Control By-Law Officers have a low visibility and profile in the community. We believe that greater efforts should be made to provide nightly patrols in “hot spot” areas where coyotes pose a significant hazard and risk. Increased visibility will reinforce public safety and demonstrate concern for the needs of residents. In particular, better training for animal control and bylaw officers on how to be more empathetic and understanding when dealing with distraught pet owners reporting attacks and killing of their pets would be helpful.
As well, it is important to clearly articulate to residents who to contact in the event of an attack, kill or sighting. Residents are currently confused.
Several schools in Oakville and Burlington have woods that are adjacent to known coyote dens. Below are pictures taken at St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic School on Kenwood Drive, and Pineland Public School on Meadowhill Drive. In these photographs you can clearly see that playgrounds and soccer fields are within close proximity to wooded areas and ravines.
8. Scientifically measure the size of the coyote population in West Oakville, Bronte and Burlington.
Much has been made about the fact that the coyote population is threatened by urbanization. While this may be true, at no time has scientific data been adduced to confirm the actual size of the coyote population in this area.
Until the 1800’s coyotes lived only in the southern prairies of North America, and the southern United States to Mexico. By the late 1800’s they expanded west to the Pacific Ocean, and by the 1900s they had advanced to the Maritimes, the eastern seaboard in the United States, and north to Alaska. Their rapid population growth is a testament to their hardiness and adaptability.
BOCM believes that making unsubstantiated claims that a species is at risk without corroborating evidence to substantiate it is both misleading and untrue. The natural predator of coyotes are humans, but if there are controls on hunting and trapping then the species reproduces unimpeded. Empirically, the number of sightings and interactions with coyotes would infer that the coyote population has migrated south towards the Lake Ontario shoreline and along adjacent creeks. This would suggest that a larger number of them are living in a confined area and in closer proximity to residents.
We believe that a scientific count of the coyote population would be helpful in identifying dens and imposing reasonable controls that would restrict the number of negative interactions with residents and their pets. Recently, attempts have been made in the City of Chicago using radio tracking to determine the size of the coyote population. Estimates suggest that the population in that City is somewhere between 2,000 to 4,000 animals.
BOCM believes that similar activities should be undertaken by bylaw officers using radio control technology. Scientific evidence, not assumptions, are needed in order to develop proactive evidence-based solutions to the coyote population.
9. Institute a program of coyote contraception to limit the size of the coyote population.
Once an assessment has been made of the size of the coyote population BOCM believes that measures should be instituted to control the size of this species.
It should be noted that in addition to the obvious threat presented by bites and attacks coyotes are also known carriers of parasites including mange and, in some instances, rabies. Sarcoptic mange is highly contagious to both dogs and humans, and there are cases where it can be passed from human to human. Rabies is a deadly virus that spreads from the saliva of infected animals. Treatment involves a series of painful shots that eliminate the infection.
Wildlife contraception is not new. It has been applied successfully in various jurisdictions in the United States to control wildlife including deer:
10. Initiate a program of aggressive hazing to instill fear in coyotes.
The concept of aversive conditioning has been pioneered by Collen Cassady St. Clair at the University of Alberta who has been working with the Edmonton Coyote Urban Project. This program is based on the concept of teaching wild animals to mistrust humans and fear people in order to lessen interactions that may result in adverse close contacts or attacks. Certain areas of that City, particularly playgrounds, are considered “no-go” zones, and coyotes seen in these areas are aggressively hazed. One approach that is being utilized involves deploying service dogs to find coyotes, then shooting them with chalk balls fired from paintball guns. Residents are also encouraged to haze coyotes by throwing tennis balls at them.
Because coyotes are no longer afraid of people, we need to teach residents aversive conditioning, and providing this information both on the website and in flyers distributed to households.
- Institute a program of regular pesticide spraying of rats and other vermin consumed by Coyotes in our trail areas and known den areas.
If the food sources for coyotes disappears, so will the coyotes. They will move to other more food abundant areas.
This will become increasingly necessary as urban development to the north of Burlington and Oakville proceeds quickly over the next few years. We will need to have plans in place well in advance to control and manage the coyote population. We all know that the coyotes will move south from Milton and Halton Hills to south Oakville and Burlington so they can be close to Lake Ontario where there is an abundance of shoreline and trail system wildlife.
BOCM maintains that previous coyote management efforts by civic officials have been both inadequate and a substantive public policy failure. Too much onus has been placed on local residents to manage this problem through appeals to refrain from feeding wildlife. While BOCM supports this measure in principle, it is our contention that this measure alone is inadequate. We strongly contend that the time has come for much more proactive control initiatives.
Related news story:
Report om controlling coyote problem gets the brush off from city hall
By Bob Ankrett
August 26th, 2022
My name is Bob Ankrett and I am the City Liaison and Museum Curator for the Royal Canadian Legion in Burlington Ontario. We have all read about and watched the terrible images of shocked civilians as they run for their lives to hopeful safety with only the items they can carry. Too often we see the blank faces of small children caught in this horror and wonder if they will ever laugh again.
What would you carry at such a time? Photos, clothing, food, a favourite toy for your child or something else?
Part of the soft knitted dolls
Burlington Legion member Deirdre thought the same thing. What could she do half a world away for these children? By the way, she likes to be called Dee as Tony her husband will tell you. They needed something to carry, small, colourful, soft with no sharp edges and easy to clean. There it was, a small colourful doll made of soft yarn about eight inches high. She began to knit. It took almost three days to make one doll. She made sure everyone was different. When it was time to load the plane to the Ukraine, she had knitted just over ninety dolls.
What would you have done?
I had trouble getting the dolls to the Ukraine as most people did not see them as a priority. Olena Beshley who works as a volunteer at the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Church saw the benefit to her people. By the time you read this, the dolls should be in the hands of mothers and children in Lviv Ukraine.
That in part is due to Olena packing and addressing them with other needed items. These items go to hospitals, refugees and soldiers.
The plane was arranged by Stephan Taras Sobolewski. I should mention this is the eighth plane load sent from Hamilton Airport. His company is called Taras Bulba Ukraine.
When I asked how the average person could help, she sent me a list which I will now share with you.
Items can be dropped off at the Holy Spirit Ukrainian Church at 15 St. Olga Street in Hamilton.
Their hours are Saturday 11am to 3pm, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 4pm. Olena Beshley also gave me their website
Now her list.
Energy bars, canned tuna or salmon meat, instant oatmeal, dry fruits, dry baby food, new men’s socks 9-13, New men’s T shirts sm-2XL, male female hygiene products, batteries, sleeping bags, Ibuprofen 400mg, allergy medicine, Polysporin, first aid kits, pain relieving medicine (liquid or pills) and alcohol wipes.
This is only a partial list.
Deirdre, likes to be called Dee with a friend
You have heard my story of how a Burlington grandmother heard the call of children half a world away. The question is what can you do ?
By Staff
August 26th, 2022
Investigators with the Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau have made two arrests and laid more than 50 charges in connection to an investigation that began after an auto theft in Burlington.
On June 5, 2022, police were contacted regarding the theft of a vehicle parked at a gym on Brant Street. The victim’s keys along with other personal items were taken from the locker room of the gym and the car was stolen. This began a lengthy investigation that has lead to the identification of a pair of suspects and more than 50 charges.
On August 16, 2022, Taylor Gillard (23) of no fixed address and Michael Salverda (36) of Brampton were arrested in Cambridge.
Gillard has been charged with the following:
• Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon (3 counts)
• Possession of a Controlled Substance (Fentanyl)
• Possession of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine)
• Fail to Comply being on Release Order (2 counts)
• Theft of Motor Vehicle (6 counts)
• Possession of Break & Enter Instruments (2 counts)
• Fraudulent Use of Credit Card (3 counts)
• Theft Under $5,000 (6 counts)
• Possession of Automobile Master Key
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000 (3 counts)
Salverda has been charged with the following:
• Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon (3 counts)
• Possession of a Controlled Substance Methamphetamine (3 counts)
• Fail to Comply with Probation
• Fail to Comply with Undertaking
• Possession of Break & Enter Instruments (2 counts)
• Fraudulent Use of Credit Card
• Theft Under $5,000
• Possession of Automobile Master Key
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000 (3 counts)
Both accused were held in custody pending a bail hearing.
During the investigation police recovered a large quantity of stolen property including cell phones, laptops, wallets and credit cards. Efforts are being made to return the items to the rightful owners however if you had property stolen from a gym in Burlington or Milton in the past number or weeks you are encouraged to contact Detective Constable Lanaya Greco of the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4777 ext. 2316.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Pepper Parr
August 25th, 2022
The following are some very direct questions.
They relate to a report that was produced and provided earlier this year on the coyote problem that both Burlington and Oakville have been experiencing.
1) Why does BOCM have to wait over six months for City of Burlington officials to read BOCM’s Report and provide comments and feedback on our recommendations?
2) Why did Nick Anastasopoulos say that our Report had not been sent to Coyote Watch, but Rosemary Fitzpatrick advised us in mid-May that is what had occurred?
City Manager Tim Commisso
3) Why did Tim Commisso say in a June 2nd meeting that he would get back to us with a response shortly, but we are still waiting? How long are we expected to wait?
4) Why did Nick Anastasopoulos feel it was all right to forward a Report created by an outside advocacy group to another third party advocacy group without our prior knowledge or approval?
5) Why does City Hall not have a formal, established process for reviewing Reports and recommendations from outside entities and organizations?
To put the questions in context let me share an email I received from Stephen White, a frequent delegator before City Council
A colleague of mine, Julie Martin, lives in Oakville. Back in 2020 she launched an online petition asking the Town of Oakville and the City of Burlington to adopt a more proactive approach in dealing with coyote management. Julie lives in West Oakville, and she and her neighbours had many threatening encounters with coyotes. In some cases pets have been attacked, and coyotes have managed to scale fences and get into residents backyards. Julie lives very close to Wilmot Park in the Samuel Curtis Estates section of West Oakville.
In March of 2021 a teleconference was held with a number of Oakville and Burlington officials including Councillors O’Meara and Sharman. There were dozens of residents in attendance. Suffice to say the response was “status quo”. Following that teleconference Julie and I connected, and we formed an organization called “Burlington and Oakville Coyote Management”. In conjunction with several other residents we developed a series of recommendations and ideas on how Oakville and Burlington could better manage the coyote problem.. This culminated in a Report that was prepared in December 2021.
Julie and I met virtually with Councillors O’Meara and Robertson from Oakville, as well as Councillor Sharman, in late January 2022. Our Report has since been shared with officials at the Town of Oakville and the City of Burlington. The Town of Oakville sent us a reply on August 9th which Julie and I found disappointing.
Julie and I had a meeting with Councillor Sharman in mid-May at which we expressed our dismay with the City of Burlington’s response. We also had a teleconference on June 2nd with Councillor Sharman and several City of Burlington officials. We were told by the City Manager, Tim Commisso, who was on the call, that we could expect a response to our Report the end of June. It was never forthcoming.
On July 15th I met with Mayor Marianne Meed Ward. I provided her with a copy of our Report. She committed to following up on it. On July 21st the Mayor sent me a detailed e-mail expressing support in principle with the idea of better coyote management. She asked the City Manager to follow up. In a July 22nd e-mail Tim Commisso committed to getting back to us by the end of August with a detailed response. Julie and I are still waiting.
Both Julie and I are extremely disillusioned with the response to our Report by City and Town officials. When residents come together and proactively advance a set of recommendations to address a problem the least we should expect is proper due diligence and a detailed examination of our proposals. While we fully acknowledge the support offered by Councillor Sharman and Mayor Meed Ward the fact remains that civic officials have “dropped the ball” on this issue, and have failed to implement any kind of proactive measures to protect residents, children and their pets.
By Pepper Parr
August 25th, 2022
Summer is far from over and the Beachway with is long long stretches of sandy beach are a welcome destination for many families.
During the harder days of our COVID19 experience there were few places people could congregate; the Beachway was one of them
That resulted in close to hundreds of cars and pickup trucks would arrive and park where ever there was an empty space.
It’s a perfect spot when it looks like this – but it is a resource that has to be shared.
Many people don’t realize that there is a gas pipeline running through the roadway – parking on top of it is not a good idea.
The city found that they had to introduce some restrictions and chose to use a PAID parking approach. It seems to have worked reasonably well.
The Beachway Park is actually a Regional Park operated and maintained by the city.
To ensure that Regional resident would be able to park the city introduced a parking pass procedure which ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith explans:
We would like to take this opportunity to clarify that Halton Region residents are allowed up to 10 free days of parking in the Beachway parking lots from May to September each year. Once you have used your 10 days of parking exemptions, you must pay for parking. For more information, please visit: Paid Parking and Reservations – City of Burlington
Weekends in Burlington means hundreds of people head for the Beachway – one of the best beaches in the province.
Sunny weather increases the traffic – and the traffic looks for parking spaces.
Prior to the pandemic the situation got out of hand and the city had to come up with a way to control the parking.
Did he get a ticket or was he towed. Was he even caught ?
There was a point where with no rules in place vehicles, often pick up trucks parked wherever they could find a spot.
The city came up with a set of rules that resulted in paid parking and they found a way to protect people in the Region from having to pay.
Fees will be charged from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends – until the last weekend in September: Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022.
Parking fees can be paid through the HONK mobile app. Users do not have to download the app – they scan the QR code on parking lot signage to pay for parking.
The solution the city came up with seems to have worked.
The hourly rate of $2.50 or a daily flat rate of $20. Users can scan the QR Code or download the HonkMobile app. There is a transaction fee of $0.35 for each payment. Dashboard tickets are not needed as every payment is linked to a license plate number. Parking ambassadors are onsite to assist visitors with this process.
You get ticketed when you do this – some of them got towed.
Illegally parked vehicles will be issued tickets and/or towed. Drivers are reminded not to park illegally, especially on Lakeshore Road shoulders and the grass boulevard over the pipeline as they will be towed.
Parking is free in Downtown Burlington on weekends and holidays. Beachway visitors are encouraged to extend their walk or use the drop-off zone, park for free in the downtown and meet their household members at the beach. For parking downtown, visit
Visitors are also encouraged to consider taking Burlington Transit, cycling, walking or rolling to the beach and leaving their cars at home.
On May 21, Halton residents were able to take advantage of 10 free days of parking per year at Beachway Park. It is recommended that residents wait to fill out the parking exemption form once they’ve arrived at the beach and parked in a legal parking spot. The exemption doesn’t guarantee a spot, but it does give residents free parking for the day.
The Beachway is a very popular destination – people from the area love the place.
By Pepper Parr
August 25th, 2022
During a lunch with a number of people on Wednesday I was sitting beside former ward 3 Councillor John Taylor.
The lunch was a gathering of people who meet regularly and talk politics. With the city in the midst of an election the current candidates took up much of the conversation.
Ward 3 incumbent Rory Nisan was the focus of quite a bit of the conversation.
I thought I heard John say that he was not supporting Rory this election and that he was supporting Jennifer Hounslow. Taylor was sitting on my immediate left.
John Taylor endorsing Gareth Williams during the 2018 election campaign
Several of the people at that lunch supported Rory Nisan in 2018, including the Gazette; there were high hopes that he would serve the ward as well as John Taylor had in the four + terms that he served.
By the end of the first year of the current term of office it began to become clear that Nisan was going to disappoint.
He continued doing just that.
I have been advised that Taylor did not support Nisan and have been sent a short video clip showing Taylor standing with Gareth Williams– we apologize for the error.
The video clip of Taylor endorsing Williams is HERE‘ it is certainly a very fulsome endorsement
We have removed the article that includes the error.
By Staff
August 24th, 2022
Ward 4 Councillor Shawna Stolte sent the following to her constituents:
The City of Burlington, with the expertise of a Certified Wildlife Control Professional, have eliminated the coyote identified by its victims in recent unprovoked attacks on humans in south central Burlington.
A third recent unprovoked coyote attack on a human was reported to the City yesterday evening. Animal Services staff played a key role in tracking the coyote identified as being responsible for all three attacks.
The Councillor misnamed the location – it isn’t a lookout – it is one of the many windows on the lake that adjacent property owners used to discourage the public from using. Great place to just while away some time
During the evening, an 18-year-old girl was lying in the grass at the municipal lookout at the end of Market Street, south of Lakeshore Road, when she felt a tug on her hair. She turned to see a coyote which then bit and scratched her leg as she stood up. The girl was taken for medical attention and was released.
The two other recent attacks were also unprovoked but during the day.
The first unprovoked attack was on a female adult on the Centennial Multiuse Trail at Seneca Avenue in the morning. The coyote jumped and bit her from behind.
The second unprovoked attack was on a 2 ½ year-old toddler seated on a deck in his fenced backyard less than two kilometres east of the first attack.
There was no food, small animals or any other activity to attract the coyote. The toddler was also bitten on the back of the neck. Both victims were treated at Joseph Brant Hospital and released.
The attacks are uncharacteristic of coyotes and are the first reported attacks on humans in Burlington.
Centennial Trail at Seneca Avenue
Municipalities are responsible for taking appropriate actions to manage resident encounters with coyotes and take appropriate action on municipal property. On the rare occasion that a coyote attacks a person, the City has a Council approved protocol in place that is currently being followed to prioritize and deal with the one coyote in question.
Anyone who sees a coyote is encouraged to let the City know by submitting an online report or calling 905-335-3030. Reporting coyote sightings, or potential problems related to overgrown building sites, garbage or someone intentionally or accidentally feeding a coyote, helps the City monitor the location and activity of coyotes in the community.
The coyote problem has taken on a new dimension; while the behaviour of this particular coyote is uncharacteristic – it is at the same time very serious.
There is some serious work to be done – hopefully City Manager Tim Commisso will pull together all the people who are involved in public safety and animal control and push the edge of that envelope to determine if there is something we are not doing that we should be doing and if there is new information that has not yet reached our people.
The incident involving a 2 ½ year-old toddler seated on a deck in his fenced backyard is more than a red flag.
By Pepper Parr
August 24th, 2022
More on that Circus.
The Gazette called their always reliable General Manager Heidi McGaw to get more back ground on the event.
Circus workers are putting up the tents
She wasn’t available – word is that Heidi has run away and joined the circus.
Circuses have that effect on people
The schedule is as follow:
First show Thursday night 7 pm. You can get in half an hour before hand.
Friday: a show at 4 pm and a show at 7 30 pm
Saturday three shows
4 pm
7:30 pm
Sunday two shows: 1:0 pm and 5 pm.
You can get into the big tent half an hour before the show starts but you have to have your tickets first
They have a number of different ticketing programs.
General admission is $40 got two people. Candy floss is not included.
By Pepper Parr
August 24th, 2022
The Big Top is in town
It runs from Thursday through to Sunday.
The BIG tent can hold 3000 people.
Two big tents – circus is in town – runs from Thursday to Sunday.
No animals but there will be clowns, trapeze artists, acrobats and people running all over the place; don’t know if it is a three ring circus – they are the most exciting.
The event is to take place in the Burlington Central parking lot – you can’t miss it.
Nothing yet on ticket process.
There will be line ups at the ticket station.
By Pepper Parr
August 23rd, 2022
The Roseland Community Organization (RCO) is hosting a debate that will involve the ward 4 candidates and the people running for the office f Mayor.
And good on them for taking this on.
In 2010 the Gazette sponsored a debate for the ward six candidates – there were eight or nine of them. It went well but it required a lot of work and ate up time we just didn’t have.
In 2018 ECOB – Engaged Citizens of Burlington sponsored debates in all six wards during which the city saw some of the biggest turnouts for a political event in several decades.
ECOB filled the Baptist Church on New Street during the 2018 election debates.
ECOB’s Penny Hersh did the bulk of the work to make those happen.
Other than the Roseland Group – who else is going to step up and arrange for debates in their wards ?
Are there service clubs that could take this on ? Sponsoring a debate is not a political activity – it is a civic decision to put in motion an event that gives people a chance to inform themselves.
Ward 2 and 3 both badly need a debate as does ward 5 now that Paul Sharman has to run for office instead of being acclaimed.
There were some interesting comments made by Gazette readers on the story we ran of the RCO announcement
One reader wrote: Roseland Community Group is a group of homeowners, who show interest and take pride in their community. There is no reason why other communities cannot form the same type of organizations.
Another wrote: The problem I have is, who is the Roseland Community Organization? Who are the members? Are any candidates” a member or affiliate with them? Did any of the members of the ROC help or donate to any of the candidates’ campaigns? If so, isn’t that a conflict of interest? and how do we know it will be fair and impartial. Even the venue is suspect, do any of the candidates belong to the church? Who is going to moderate the debate and come up with the questions? Hopefully it’s not Mr. Parr because we know he mentions Shawna in every article he writes. What experience does the ROC have in running a political debate?
All this reader had to do was spend five minutes on the RCO web site and his concerns would disappear. Suggesting that using a church would be a conflict – Really?
By Pepper Parr
August 23rd, 2022
School boards used to be the first step that people who were concerned about the political health of their community took.
Now, there are times when trustees are acclaimed. This time around there are no acclamations for the Burlington trustee seats which is healthy.
What confuses many people are the number of school boards we have. There are the public and the Catholic Boards which everyone with children understand.
The Conseil scolaire Viamonde and the Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir are probably new to most people. They are both French language based.
The Conseil scolaire Viamonde is a public-secular French first language school board, and manages elementary and secondary schools in the Ontario Peninsula and the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The school board operates 41 elementary schools and 15 secondary schools within that area.
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir is a Roman Catholic French first language public-separate school board that manages elementary and secondary schools in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. The school board operates 46 elementary schools, 11 secondary schools, and two combined institutions within that area.
Both Board trustees for Burlington were acclaimed
Here are the candidates standing for seats as trustees in Burlington
Halton District School Board Trustee – Wards 1 and 2
Matthew Diodati
Sebastian Dumitrescu-Georgescu
Omar Kayed
Halton District School Board Trustee – Wards 3 and 6
Nathaniel Arfin
Chris Goff
Stephen Green
Alison Hodd
Anna Sophia Jodhi
Dan Smith
Xin Yi Zhang
Halton District School Board Trustee – Ward 4
Roxanne Anderson
Michael Beauchemin
Varun Bhardwaj
Michael Duhacek
Margo Shuttleworth
Halton District School Board Trustee – Ward 5
David Biagioni
Amy Collard
Halton Catholic District School Board Trustee –
Wards 1 and 2
Vincent Enzo Iantomasi
Kirsten Kelly
Halton Catholic District School Board Trustee –
Wards 3 and 6
David Cherry
Trish Nicholls-Powell
Halton Catholic District School Board Trustee – Wards 4 and 5
Brenda Agnew
Rick Giuliani
Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Pierre Gregory (acclaimed)
Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir
Dominique Janssens (acclaimed)
By Staff
August 23rd, 2022
Applefest Fall Fair at Ireland House Museum
When: Saturday, October 1, 2022, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Where: Ireland House Museum
Cost: $10/adult, $8/child (3 – 12 years), under 2 are free
Celebrate the changing of the seasons at Ireland House Museum’s Applefest Fall Fair. The day will feature main stage entertainment, vendors, Museum tours, farm animals, historic demonstrations and a mini local food market. Treat yourself to a serving of our signature house-baked apple crisp!
Capacity is limited, please pre-register for the event and note your selected arrival time. Reservations are available on the hour. Walk-in guests will be accommodated space permitting.
New this year! Treat yourself to a serving of our signature house-baked apple crisp.
Registration link:
By Pepper Parr
August 23rd, 2022
With nominations closed and the official list of candidates running for positions certified by the City Clerk, Burlington moves into a 62 days to go campaign that will elect seven people who will guide the city through a complex period of time during which critical long term decisions are going to have to be made.
The Gazette will do its best to interview each of the 23 candidates, several of whom feel they can ignore media, put out their own story and assume the public will buy it without any questions.
Democracy doesn’t work that way.
There are 23 candidates to interview. Some candidates ask if this can be done by telephone. An in depth interview is a one on one event that takes at least an hour.
The Gazette has brought in Denis Gibbons, a former editor of another Burlington based newspaper, to do some of the interviewing.
Tim O’Brien: His move to municipal politics, not unusual, was brought about by his dissatisfaction with the way the HDCSB operated and his interest in city wide issues.
Yesterday we interviewed Tim O’Brien, a current Halton District Catholic School Board (HCSB) trustee who is not running for trustee re-election.
O’Brien spoke reluctantly about his HDCSB experience explaining that the protocols in place were such that he was not permitted to speak.
He does however talk about some of the changes that trustees were able to make, the most important one from Tim O’Brien’s point of view was input on the hiring of Superintendents.
Burlington city council does not have any formal input on the decisions City Manager Tim Commisso makes on his hiring decisions. The decision Council makes is who they want as City Manager. That manager does the staff hiring or delegates it to Executive Directors.
Tim O’Brien was born in Sarnia, moved to Burlington in 1990. He was a music teacher with the HDCSB; retired in 2018 when he was elected a trustee.
His move to municipal politics, not unusual, was brought about by his dissatisfaction with the way the HDCSB operated and his interest in city wide issues.
These days he is knocking on doors and hearing what the issues are.
O’Brien does not live I ward 2 – he does live across the street on the other side of the ward 2 boundary.
During his door knocking O’Brien found that intensification is the number one issue for the people he is talking to on their doorsteps.
“Every third household I talked to said their concern was with the level of intensification” he said.
Quality of life was the next big issue for people followed by dissatisfaction and concerns with the services provided by Parks and Recreation. O’Brien wants to see more park space and points out that if you drive along Guelph Line from Dundas to Lakeshore Road – note how little open green space exists.
He wants to see more and soon before the developers build on the land that could be available.
He said that people don’t understand why all these high rises have to be built.
O’Brien has deep concerns over life in a condo. It might be Ok for empty nesters but he doesn’t think it is the kind of place where your raise children. Site plan of a development that is planned for FAirview just west of Guelph Line.
O’Brien met with people in Oakville where they appear to have managed to keep the high rise development out of their downtown core.
Some think that is because Oakville hires better legal talent to represent the city at Ontario Land Tribunal hearings and ask aloud if Burlington has the right person leading the legal department.
Some clarification: The appeal level for anyone who differs with a municipality on the decisions it makes on planning matters used to be the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) that got renamed to the Local Planning Authority Tribunal (LPAT) and was recently changed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)
Post war bungalows on large lots were the norm in the Queensway community. Developers bought up half a dozen properties, consolidated and put up rows of town houses.
While door knocking in the Queensway (west of Guelph Line, south of the QEW) O’Brien learned about what residents in the area called “needle park” – the vacant lot on the south west corner of Harvester and Guelph Line. “The bushes in the park give the drug users a place to do what they do without being seen” said O’Brien adding that the community doesn’t have a park.
It is in a quiet part of the city that has undergone significant development. Where there were once quarter acre lots with small bungalows that were created for veterans just after WWII; developers did some consolidation and the area now has some significant intensification – but no high rise – yet.
O’Brien found that taxes were not the number one issue – it was third on his list based on what he heard at the door. “People were telling me that if higher taxes were needed to maintain the quality of life they want then they are Ok with that.
Townhouse developments have replaced bungalows on large spacious lots.
What people don’t want to lose said O’Brien was the almost small town feel of the city. They don’t like the sense that the city is becoming a place for “rich strangers that we don’t know.”
O’Brien has deep concerns over life in a condo. It might be Ok for empty nesters but he doesn’t think it is the kind of place where your raise children.
Tim O’Brien has figured it out: Knocking on doors beats the photo op every time.
He would want to see a lot in the way of amenities where kids could play and learn – he wants libraries, swimming pools, gymnasiums and playing fields. Outdoor ice rinks that are maintained by the community is what he wants to work for.
Dogs and off leash parks – a big problem now that is only going to get bigger. The one planned for Drury and New Street is too small said O’Brien.
He likes the idea of creating time for people to use the dog park as unleashed space for two hours or so in the morning and another two hours late in the day – maybe early evening.
It will have to be monitored but O’Brien thinks it is worth a pilot effort to see if people can learn to share space.
Can he beat the incumbent and win the council seat we asked. “I can if I work hard enough.
And with that Tim O’Brien was on the phone setting up a meeting and getting ready to knock on more doors in the evening
By Staff
August 22, 2022
The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) – 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau arrested two suspects in relation to a series of gym locker thefts which began in June 2022.
The suspects would break into the lockers, steal the contents within, attend the parking lot where they would steal motor vehicles and attend nearby stores to fraudulently use the (stolen) credit cards.
The suspects have also been identified as being responsible for additional offences across the region and neighboring jurisdictions.
On August 16, 2022, the suspects were located and arrested by HRPS officers at a hotel in Cambridge. During the arrest the suspects were jointly in possession of a stolen Kia motor vehicle. Each suspect also possessed a quantity of methamphetamine and fentanyl.
Taylor Gillard (23) of No Fixed Address has been charged with:
• Theft of Motor Vehicle (6 counts)
• Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon (3 counts)
• Theft Under $5000 (6 counts)
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000 (3 counts)
• Fraudulent Use of Credit Card (3 counts)
• Possession of Break and Enter Tools (2 counts)
• Possession of Automobile Master Key
• Possession of a Controlled Substance (2 counts)
• Fail to Comply being on Release Order (2 counts)
Michael Salverda (36) of No Fixed Address has been charged with:
• Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon (3 counts)
• Theft Under $5000
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000
• Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5000 (3 counts)
• Fraudulent Use of Credit Card
• Possession of Break and Enter Tools (2 counts)
• Possession of Automobile Master Key
• Possession of a Controlled Substance (3 counts)
• Fail to Comply with Probation
• Fail to Comply with Undertaking
Both accused have been held in custody pending a bail hearing.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to contact the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4777 ext. 2316.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Pepper Parr
August 21st, 2022
The list of candidates for wards 1,2 and 3 has been published – there is a link at the bottom. The list of candidates has also been published
Marianne Meed Ward wearing the Chain of Office – real clout with that piece of regalia
While a Mayor is just one of seven Council votes, the person wearing the Chain of Office has clout which, used wisely, can guide and shepherd a council to creating and delivering on a vision that is commonly accepted.
There are five people in the race.
Some have not been heard from before, others don’t appear to fully understand what the job is – noe of the four have any municipal council level experience.
Marianne Meed Ward, the incumbent has served as a Councillor for eight years and one four year term as Mayor
James Kerr
Phone: 905-466-1438
We have yet to hear from James Kerr
Anne Marsden
Phone: 905-467-2860
Anne Marsden, Mayoralty candidate, with her husband delegating at a Council meeting
Anne Marsden has been running for public office since 1984. She has never been elected but in 2018 she received a stunning 40,000 + votes when she ran against Gary Carr for the Office of Regional Chair.
And is a stubborn woman – when she believes she is right she is very difficult to move.
Compromise does not come easily to her; however one of her strengths is an ability to dig out information and stick to her guns when confronted.
Marsden reported raising $732. and spending$715
Marsden was one of the people behind digging out the facts behind the c-dificile related death at the Joseph Brant Hospital a decade ago.
The results at the Regional level in the 2018 election deserve detailed attention.
These numbers from the 2018 election when Marsden ran against Gary Carr for Regional Chair have to be looked at carefully. Marsden took 17,407 votes out of Burlington. We have no idea where the support came from BUT if she were to repeat that number in 2022 the race for Mayor takes on a different hue.
Marianne Meed Ward
Phone: 905-802-3114
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward – running for re-election.
There is a charisma to Marianne that hides a number of traits that do not serve her well.
Disappointment is a sentiment that many who worked hard to elect her Mayor in 2018 hold. Her brutal attempt to force a Councillor to read an apology when the Mayor wanted it read has to be taken for what it was and not shrugged off. It deserves all the attention it can get. Watch it again – this is your Mayor
Steve Rieck
It is difficult to take someone with the web site name Mr. Rieck chose.
Review his web site – and if that is what you want – the name will be on the ballot
Our conversation with him was a downer. The word, much less the concept leadership is not something the man appears to understand.
William Tuck
All we have about William Tuck is his name. No phone number, or an email address.
He may have been a very last minute nomination and didn’t have much more to give the City Clerk.
It appears that all you have to do is give the city $100 and prove that you are a Canadian citizen and that you either live in Burlington or do business in the city and you can get your name on the ballot.
Candidates in wards 1,2 and 3
Candidates in wards 4,5 and 6
By Pepper Parr
August 21st, 2022
This review of the candidates who filed nomination papers is being done in three parts. Those running in wards 1, 2 and 3 have been published. This article covers wards 4, 5 and 6. The third will cover the candidate running for Mayor.
Ward 4
Tony Brecknock candidate for the ward 3 council seat. OUNCIL SEAT
Tony Brecknock
Phone: 905-334-8118
The Gazette has yet to interview Tony Brecknock. Basically due to scheduling issues. He was active in the decision the Halton District School Board made to close two of the city’s seven high schools.
Olivia Duke candidate for the ward 4 Council seat.
Olivia Duke
Phone: 416-320-8843
Our attempts at meeting with Olivia Duke have not gotten us very far. She has been actively campaigning.
Shawna Stolte, ward 4 incumbent
Shawna Stolte
Shawna is the ward 4 incumbent. She has had her issues with the Integrity Commissioner and had her run ins with the Mayor as well. During what can only be called a ‘sparring’ match during a Council meeting Stolte made it very clear she knew how to stick to a principled position while the Mayor made it equally clear that she could use and abuse the power the Mayor has to amend an agenda to suit her personal agenda. That sorry spectacle is HERE for viewing, if you haven’t already seen it.
Stolte has served the interests of her constituents very well and brought about changes in the way council processes and proceeds with its business. Some were small, other quite significant.
Eden Wood
Phone: 905-630-4949
We have yet to meet Ms Wood. Most of the first time candidates needed additional time to get their web sites operational.
Ward 5
The number of candidates that came out of the blue on the second to last day that nominations were open flooded ward 5 And probably stunned the incumbent who most people thought was going to be acclaimed. Paul Sharman is now in a race.
We have no detail on any of the candidates listed below. We will reach out to each of them and learn what wee can. The first question that pops into our minds is this: Was it pure coincidence that three people with very little in the way of a public profile all filed their papers on the same day? Journalists don’t believe in coincidences
Guy D’Alesio
Phone: 905-483-5093
Andrew Hall
Phone: 289-962-2862
Denny Pirzas
Phone: 905-484-0105
Paul Sharman, ward 5 incumbent
Paul Sharman
Phone: 905-320-7467
Paul Sharman burst on the political scene in the 2010 election when he filed nomination papers for the Office of Mayor. Shortly after that Rick Goldring, who was the Council member for ward 5 also filed papers to run for the Office of Mayor.
Sharman almost immediately withdrew his nomination for Mayor and filed to run as the ward Councillor.
Both Sharman and Goldring won the race they ran in.
Sharman was a member of the Group that put together the Shape Burlington report that set out what people were unhappy about with city hall. One might ask Sharman if what he was a part in 2020 has had an impact on the way city hall works with its citizens.
Sharman went on to become a very different member of Council. He brought significant private sector experience to the job and a mind that could never get enough data.
He was described by Goldring as one of the best strategic minds that Gold rind had seen.
Many thought Sharman would run for Mayor this time. It was never really something he wanted to be. He chose not to and while he didn’t assume he was going to be acclaimed we don’t think he expected three people the public knew very little about to run against him.
He has been a useful member of Council forcing his colleagues to look at significant financial issues in a different light.
.Ward 6
Angelo Bentivegna, ward 6 incumbent
Angelo Bentivegna
Phone: 905-973-6923
Angelo Bentivegna is the incumbent. He defeated Councillor Blair Lancaster by less the 50 votes in 2018 and has worked hard to gain a stronger foothold in the ward. His command and grasp of many of the issues that come before council is at times limited. He has positioned himself as the Councillor who cares about what taxpayers have to deal with.
He is very strong when working a room – a lot of bonhomie to the man.
Rick Greenspoon
Phone: 905-466-4449
Rick Greenspoon has up until this point in his working life been the man behind the scenes making things work better and getting the job done.
He has a clear idea of what he thinks can be done and is out on the streets doing the door to door work that is essential
Many ward 6 residents in the Millcroft area have a significant issue with the plans Argo Developments have for the the changes it would make with the golf course the community was built around.
Greenspoon appears to have made some deep inroads and been able to capitalize on the disappointment those people have with the incumbent.
Renato Velocci
Phone: 905-802-8808
We do know that Renato Velocci once ran against Linda Pugley for a council seat many years ago.
List of candidates for wards 1,2 and 3
The same reader went on to say that RCO “hasn’t truly thought this out and don’t have a lot of experience with a political debate. I mean the can’t even figure out how candidates answer questions and alphabetical order is not that fair i mean 1 person always has the first word and 1 person always has the last word.. I would suggest that they have a predetermined order to answer each question determined buy random draw now isn’t that fair.
The level of political naivety and sophistication is so disappointingly low in Burlington.
One can only wish that each community had organizations like the Roseland Community Organization.
Until that happens – would the people in each ward look for a way to hold a debate in their community.