Transit is about to lose the best Director they ever had

By Pepper Parr

March 2nd, 2022



Director of Transit – Sue Connor – plans to retire – no date set yet.

She was the best Director of Transit the city ever had.

She was one of the best transit people in the province.

For a short period of time she took on one of the Executive Director roles for someone who wanted to spend less time at city hall.

Sue Connor decided to retire and has advised the city manager that her time has come

It is going to be a challenge to replace her.  She ran a good shop; staff loved her and she supported them consistently.

There was a city staffer who worked at city hall; smart guy but not all that happy with the job and the environment.

He got himself a transfer to transit.  A number of months later I bumped into him – huge smile on his face – clearly enjoying the new position.

Sue Connor was very good in public settings – she explained what was likely to happen – people trusted her.

I mention this to Sue – didn’t want to identify the person but after explaining what the man was doing Sue Connor smiled and said.  I know who you are talking about – yes he is happy at transit and I’m glad he is with us.

Sue Connor knew her people and her people knew her.  She showed the city that transit could be made to be effective and a good choice for getting around town.

She understood as well the challenge in moving from diesel to electricity – she just won’t be here to make it happen.

Our loss

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Library sets out its March Break program.

By Staff

March 2nd, 2022



March Break – begins on the 14th – and gathering restrictions are lighter.

The Burlington Public Library has an interesting program for the week.  Some require registration.

Mon Mar 14
Story Scientists | 10-11am (Registration required)
Coding Club: Scratch | 4-4.45pm or 5-5.45pm (Weekly program starts March 14. Registration required)

Tue Mar 15
Family Storytime | 10-10.20am
Story Scientists | 2-3pm (Registration required)
Coding Club: Python | 4-4.45pm or 5-5.45pm (Weekly program starts March 8. Registration required)

Wed Mar 16
Sciensational Sssnakes | 2-3pm (Registration required)
Relax & Listen Book Club | 4-5pm (Weekly program starts March 9. Registration required)

Thursday Mar 17
Family Storytime | 10-10.20am
Hip Hop Dance with Josh Court | 1-2pm (Registration required)
Coding Club: Python+ | 4.30-5.30pm (Weekly program starts March 10. Registration required)

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Government shuffling the deck; dealing themselves a better hand

By Pepper Parr

March 2, 2022



Three months from now we will be marking our ballots and choosing who we want to lead us in Ontario going forward.

The Ford government is sitting at Queen’s Park passing legislation.  Yesterday we learned that there was a section in a piece of legislation that forgave a significant fine the Premier was required to pay for not getting a budget before the public by a specific date.

The government has delayed publishing the budget which was due March 31st.  The new date is sometime in late April

We learn today that the government announced an advertising program that will focus on how well the economy is doing.

While important, critically important the province is slowly coming out of pandemic driven restrictions that has ticket sales of Raptors games at the Scotiabank Arena  close to sold out.

People need some relief.

World news is horrific; we are in the middle of something that doesn’t impact on most of us – but the news we read about what is happening in Ukraine is going to impact every one of us in the very near future.

Premier Ford in the Legislature

Inflation is beginning to play havoc on what happens to us daily.   Have you been to the supermarket; have you looked at the price of a good steak ?

Supply chain issues are still not resolved

With all this going on we have a provincial government shuffling the cards and dealing themselves a stronger hand.

Keep an eye on the rascals.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.


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Rivers steps away from the keyboard; Connor Fraser will write a column on what his demographic thinks

By Pepper Parr

March 2, 2022



We bid our Contributing Editor and long-time columnist Ray Rivers adieu and hope that he travels well.

Ray Rivers has been with the Gazette for at least eight years during which time he wrote an opinion column from a small L liberal perspective. He developed a following that kept him one his toes.  He also developed within the community, a better understanding on just what an opinion piece is.  There are some who still resent some of the stand Ray took.

Ray Rivers – who won the best that Trump would win`. I’ve been buying him good Scotch ever since.

It was my pleasure to stand behind him and support him every step he took.

He made a point of providing background links to support the positions he had taken.

In the years I have worked with Ray he became a friend, a colleague – someone who made my life bigger than it was before I met him at an event and knew before he knew that he would make a fine columnist.

We will hear from Ray again – right now he takes a break as he does his best to cope with the situation in Ukraine.  Ray covered a Canadian Army training camp while he was in  Ukraine and delivered a couple of hundred Canadian flag lapel pins made a number of friends as well.  Their safety is now top of mind for him.

Ray cannot be replaced; his time with us taught our readers that there is a place for opinions in a local on-line newspaper.

which brought me to Connor Fraser, a young man I met

A number of years ago I met Connor Fraser just before he left for the University of Toronto.  I fully expected the young man to do very well.

Set out below is some detail on just how well he has done.

Connor will write a column once a month, he wanted to be more frequent but it takes time to get into the habit of writing regularly – so once a week for now.

His first column will be on social media.

Connor was born in Hamilton in 1997, 1997 is a long-time resident of Aldershot.   He attended Waterdown Montessori School, Glenview Public School, Burlington Christian Academy and Aldershot High School, graduating in 2015. Passionate about the issues facing Burlington, Connor has volunteered for several local organizations and advocated to municipal leaders on building transit oriented, walkable communities. His career goal is to help Burlington – and Canada – navigate the challenges of transitioning towards a just and inclusive low-energy economy.

Connor Fraser

In 2020, Connor completed undergraduate studies at the University of Toronto, with a BASc. in Engineering Science and a major in Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Between 2018 and 2019, he worked as a member of the technology development team at Microchip Corporation (North San Jose, California) where he contributed to the design of computer memory for FPGA chips. While pursuing engineering studies, Connor volunteered for the U of T Human Powered Vehicles Design Team as a machinist and led the design of a rollover detection system for high-speed tricycles. During the summer of 2013, 2015 and 2017, Connor lived in Quebec thanks to support from the YMCA Student Work Summer Exchange, and the Explore Program and is decently proficient in spoken French.

Connor has returned to U of T to enrol in the dual Master of Global Affairs and Master of Business Administration program and is concurrently a Certified Financial Analyst Level 2 candidate.

He is a Senior Producer with “Beyond the Headlines”, a weekly public affairs radio show that airs on CIUT 89.5FM every Monday (October – April) between 11am and 12pm. CJUT is the student run radio station at the University of Toronto.

Connor describes himself as an integrative thinker who enjoys observing parallelisms within and between various subjects such as science & engineering, finance, psychology and international relations. In his free time, Connor enjoys throwing boomerangs, playing tennis, and hanging out with his amazing sister.

You’re going to like this guy.


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Joseph Brant announces Changes to Designated Essential Care Partner Policy

By Staff

March 1st, 2020



Joseph Brant Hospital recognizes the need to continue protecting the health and safety of its patients and healthcare workers as the province of Ontario enters into the next phase of its re-opening plan. While the opportunity to enter public spaces such as restaurants or sports venues is a welcome change, COVID-19 remains transmissible to vulnerable individuals receiving care in healthcare settings.

Effective March 1, Joseph Brant Hospital will be easing limits on Essential Care Partners (ECPs); however, the hospital’s COVID-19 vaccination requirement for ECPs will remain unchanged, with very limited exceptions.

We have made the following changes to the limits on ECPs in hospital, understanding the important role they play in a patient’s care, wellness and recovery:

  • Ambulatory care: One (1) ECP may attend with a patient.
  • Emergency care: The patient may identify up to two (2) ECPs. Only one (1) ECP can be at patient’s side at any time.
  • In-patient care: Two (2) ECPs are allowed at the bedside at the same time.
  • Person in labour: Two (2) ECPs are permitted including a Doula, if applicable.
  • In-patient end of life: Patients expected to pass within 72 hours are permitted up to four one-time, two-hour visits. Additional ECPs are permitted above those originally identified. Only two (2) ECPs may be at the bedside at a time.
  • Patients under 18 years of age: Two (2) parents/legal guardians are permitted to accompany the patient or attend the bedside at the same time.

All ECPs must complete a COVID-19 screening before coming to the hospital. Those who fail screening due to vaccination status will not be permitted entry with very limited exceptions. Existing personal protective equipment (PPE) policies, including masking, also remain in effect.

“As we gradually plan for the resumption of surgical care in the coming months, we will continue to place the highest priority on the safety of our patients and healthcare workers, who have worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic,” said Eric Vandewall, President and CEO. “We look forward to seeing a further downward trend in the numbers of COVID-19 cases in our community, and will continue to re-evaluate our policies accordingly, with input from our patients, their families and our staff. We appreciate the understanding of our community.”

Wherever possible, patients are encouraged to connect with their loved ones by email, telephone or by video. To help keep them connected, we are offering free in-room phone and Wi-Fi.

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They wish - two lawyers push an old old news story saying the Gazette no longer exists

By Pepper Parr

March 1st, 2020



This was news to me.

Came to us from Brian Heagle, a former Burlington resident who, we think, practices law in Burlington.

Heagle was once a Tory, then tried to become a Liberal, Was never able to get the Tory nomination.

Heagle wrote:

Brian Heagle

“Where do you go for local news, opinion and gossip? Pepper Parr’s online “Burlington Gazette” was often the go-to place. I say “was” because the Gazette “is” no more – according to its latest headline…. Regrettably, there’s no story beyond the terse message that “the Burlington Gazette is dead” – just readers speculating and […]”

The link Heagle passes along is valid.  What Heagle didn’t catch was that it was a story published in February of 2016.  Glad Heagle doesn’t do my legal work

Then there was an additional comment from Nick Leblovic, also a lawyer and understood to be deeply involved in Mayor Marianne Meed Ward’s re-election campaign.  Nick is the penultimate political junkie..  The Gazette knows Leblovic very well.  He once sued us for $1 million, which impressed my banker, he didn’t know I had that kind of money.

Leblovic comments:

Nick Leblovic, former Chair of the Waterfront Advisory Committee – it was sunset, much to Leblovic’s chagrin.

“Oh Pepper, Pepper, Pepper. Even though you don’t seem to have a “paper” any longer, you continue to shoot from the lip without doing the necessary fact checking. I suspect the reason that Brian did not reveal that his firm acted for Adi is because the Rules of Professional Conduct of the Law Society of Upper Canada specifically state the following:

“Generally, unless the nature of the matter requires such disclosure, a lawyer should not disclose having been retained by a person about a particular matter.”

Perhaps this shows why you always seem to be in trouble..”

Leblovic served us with a Notice of Libel but didn’t do anything else.  Those with vested interest who feel they aren’t getting the respect and attention the are due tend to issue libel notices hoping that the journalist will go away.

We are still hear Nick.

And to our loyal readers – we are very much alive and doing what newspaper are supposed to do: The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

In its early days – what you know as the Gazette was once known as Our Burlington

Related news stories:

Leblovic’s experience with the Waterfront Advisory Committee

Brian Heagle toyed at becoming a Liberal; really wanted the Tory provincial nomination

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Walter Mulkewich - deceased

By Pepper Parr

March 1st, 2022



Former Mayor Walter Mulkewich co-chaired the Advisory Committee that produced the Shape Burlington report.

Burlington lost one of its most outstanding citizens yesterday.

Walter Mulkewich, a former Burlington mayor,  passed away on Monday.

He served on city council from 1976 to 1997; as Mayor for the final six years.

The Gazette will report in more detail about the man, the manner in which he served and the mark he left on the community.



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Ford fine forgiven

By Pepper Parr

March 1sr, 2022



Was it as sneaky as Liberal Party leader Stephen Del Duca suggests?

Liberal leader Stephen Del Duca points to the fine Premier Ford will not have to pay.

The news was that “ Ontario Liberals were blowing the whistle on Doug Ford’s Conservatives for sneaking through a change that would save Ford and his Finance Minister $15,000 in combined financial penalties for failing to deliver Ontario’s 2022 Budget on time.

“Doug Ford has decided for purely political reasons to hide his budget until the last possible moment before the election. If he wants to play those political games, he should have to pay the fine, not change the law,” stated Ontario Liberal Leader, Steven Del Duca.

Premier Ford includes section to forgive a fine he would have had to pay in a piece of legislation.

The change of rules is part of his omnibus “red tape reduction” bill, allowing Ford to sneak the $15,000 in fine forgiveness through alongside a $120 rebate on license plate stickers. For every dollar he saves Ontarians, he has saved himself more than $75.

“Ontarians deserve a government that plays by the rules and doesn’t move the goalposts for their own gain,” added Del Duca. “Ontario Liberals will reinstate the March 31st deadline for a budget. Which is particularly important to allow time for the Auditor General’s pre-election report on Ontario’s finances.”


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Beautiful Things To Do And See In Burlington, Ontario

Jeannie Lojstrup
March 2nd, 2022

It’s safe to say that when people discuss tourism and Canada, they won’t mention the beautiful town of Burlington, Ontario. It’s simply not as spectacular as other destinations in Canada, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do or see there. As a matter of fact, Burlington is not supposed to be spectacular. At least not in a way most people are used to when it comes to spectacular things. If you didn’t know, Burlington is a quiet town located near the heart of the beautiful Lake Ontario. That means it has the unique ambiance and a soul of a lake town. If you’re planning a vacation in Burlington, you will experience a peaceful journey that will teach you to enjoy the little things. Here’s what to do and see in Burlington.

Spend A Wonderful Afternoon At Lowville Park

If you want to spend a peaceful day and enjoy the wonderful scenery Burlington has to offer, you should go to the Lowville Park and have a picnic with your loved one. There, you can enjoy fresh air, peace, and mild sounds of water. The beautiful nature at Lowville Park will heal your soul and you will feel like a new man or a woman at the end of the day.

The Royal Botanical Gardens – splendid any time of year.

Wander The Royal Botanical Gardens

For people who love flora, the Royal Botanical Gardens is definitely the best thing in Burlington. The wonderful site has both magical indoor and outdoor gardens and 27kms of nature trails you can explore. While you’re walking through the gardens you will have a chance to see 2,400 plant species. You have to admit, that’s a wonderful experience, especially for people who love plants. However, seeing many species of plants is not the only thing you can do at Royal Botanical Gardens. If you would like to try delicious local cuisine, you will be happy to know that there are two on-site restaurants with spectacular dishes made from vegetables and fruits from local farms. If you get tired on your walk, you should know that there is a teahouse where you can take a break and enjoy a cup of tea.

Eat Fresh And Delicious Food At Springridge Farm

If you’re looking for delicious local food, then you simply must visit the Springridge Farm. The heavenly farm is located just north of the city and it has a lot of fresh domestic produce to offer. The food is fresh because it’s seasonal. That means, if you want to eat fresh strawberries, you have to come during summer. The local men and women will tell you that the food is amazing, but that’s not the only thing this farm has. At the Springridge Farm, you can play games and experience the wonders of farm life.

A quaint little spot in the downtown core with a couple of fine restaurants and a great cigar store

Explore The Village Square

As we already said, Burlington is a small city and like most small towns, it has a beautiful and intimate village square. It’s safe to say that the square looks like it’s from another time. It’s like you strayed into a TV show that tells a story of an older and simpler life. If you want to have a peaceful afternoon you simply must go to the village square. Sit at one of the coffee shops, order a coffee, and simply breathe the wonderful ambient this town has. Admire the old buildings you won’t find anywhere else. The old houses will tell you the stories of the past life while you drink your delicious coffee.

Brant Street Pier

The Pier – pride of the city on the edge of one of the largest lakes in Canada

The most beautiful thing when it comes to Burlington has to be the Lake Ontario. The best way to experience the beautiful lake is to go to the Brant Street Pier. There, you can walk the peaceful beach and breathe the fresh air. The Brant Street Pier is beautiful any time of day, but if you want to see the spectacular beauty this town has to offer, you should go to the beach late in the afternoon. That will give you a chance to see the most beautiful sunset in your life. The best thing is, when the night comes, you don’t have to go home. There are a lot of events you can attend and a lot of fun things you can do at the beach at night.

Final Word

As we said, when people discuss Canada and tourism, they usually won’t mention Burlington town. That’s because Burlington is a small town and people simply don’t know what it has to offer. If you read the article, you saw that the town on the coast of Lake Ontario has a lot of beautiful things to offer people. If you plan on exploring Canada, make sure you go to Burlington and experience the wonders of a small lake town.

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City manager explains what he has been up to in his annual report to Council. He ticked off a lot of boxes.

By Pepper Parr

February 28th, 2022



City Council hires one person – the City Manager.

They direct the City Manager to hire people – just not who.

The City Manager sets the agenda for the administrative side of the corporation and in turn hires people for specific jobs.

Every City Manager brings a style and an approach to the job.  Tim Commisso had worked for Burlington back in the late 1900’s and left Burlington to return to his home town, Thunder Bay where he was City Manager for seven years – 2008-2015.

Delegates well – and has built a stronger leadership team – that job isn’t done yet.

One of the first things Marianne Meed Ward did once she had the Chain of Office around her neck was to fire the then City Manager James Ridge and bring Tim Commisso in to serve as Interim City Manager and eventually made it a full time job.

For Commisso it must have been nice to return to a city he worked in for 20 years serving as General Manager positions in Community Services and Development and Infrastructure, Director of Parks and Recreation and Deputy City Treasurer.

There isn’t a lot of detail on just how Meed Ward decided that Tim was to be her City Manager other than that she invited him for coffee.

Commisso had no idea what he had let himself in for.  It soon became evident that there were very serious Human Resources problems and that there were a number of senior positions that needed better qualified people.

The current Director of Human Resources delivered Commisso a whopper of a report in which she set out how deep and how serious the problems are in HR.

A big list of promises.

Two years later and Commisso reports that the HR issues are still his # 1 task.

A number of people have been brought in from other municipalities to head up departments: Planning got a re-org with Mark Simeoni being brought in from Oakville to get head up what is called Community Planning.

In the several news reports that will follow we want to focus on the problems that Commisso sets as serious:  HR is not his only concern.

The length of the contract Commisso signed was never revealed; they are usually for terms that run between five to sometimes seven years.

We will see a new Council in November – they aren’t all going to be re-elected.  Will Commisso stay on?  Is he happy?  How tired is he?  The pandemic has taken a lot out of him.

Human Resources – has Commisso got a grip on the critical changes he has to make?  And then where is he on delivering the V2F (Vision to Focus) part of the Strategic Plan ?

The 2023-2027 Council will be reviewing and revising the Strategic Plan – that 25 year document the city creates to set out where and how they are going to grow.  Given the huge influence the province has on growth decisions it is getting increasingly difficult to craft a Strategic Plan with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OTL) making most of the decisions.

In his report, it is on the Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability  agenda, Commisso said: “In addition to the existing City Manager led objectives that are embedded in V2F, (Vision to Focus) I am personally committed to the following overriding strategic objectives:

Improving Workplace Culture including Staff Engagement and Positive Attitudes

Achieving Job Market Wage and Salary Competitiveness

Improving Employee Retention and Attraction

Advancing Employee Health and Safety Program

Implementing an updated Performance Management Framework

NEW – Ongoing refinement and execution of Council’s 2040 Strategic Plan and 2018-2022 Vision to Focus Strategic Action Plan (V2F)

That is a lot of boxes with tick marks.

Tim Commisso on the streets of Itabasi in Japan. Following the Mayor’s lead

The concept of risk in a municipal setting is one that Commisso focused on almost from the day he started working.

He is well on his way to developing a top line management team.  There are still a few senior positions that need new blood.

Right now the focus is on creating a different working environment at city hall and ensuring that the people needed are in place to handle the onslaught of development applications that have overtaken the Planning department.

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Football referees needed

By Staff

February 28th, 2022



The Lakeshore Football Officials Association is continuing its campaign to recruit individuals who have a passion for the game of football and are eager to stay engaged with the game.

“We are reaching out to everyone, teens and adults who may be interested and have a passion for football. If you bring that passion, you will be mentored by some of the best football officials in the country,” commented Referee-in- Chief Murray Drinkwalter.

There are many reasons to Get Off the Sidelines and Into the Action – Be a Ref!

 For the love of the Game

Maybe you want to stay engaged and be a part of the game you loved to play, or maybe you are looking to get more engaged in the game your kids are playing. Either way, being an official will give you access to, and an appreciation for, the rules and strategies of the games you officiate like nothing else can.

Earn extra money

There is no better part-time job or hobby for you to make a little extra money doing something you enjoy. It’s the perfect extra gig for anyone from a high school student, to a parent, to a retiree.

Give Back

Many officials like to pay it forward to football for what it has given them. Officiating is also a way to guide and enrich the lives of the athletes who are playing by teaching the value of sportsmanship and fair play.

Stay Active

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by engaging with a sport you love. Also, who does not like getting paid to exercise?

It was raining, the ground was wet, slippery and football was hard to hang onto – but the game went on. High school football.

Sense of Community

The fellowship and humour officials share with one another are incomparable. You will quickly realize there is no community like officials. Many of them will become your closest friends — lifelong friends.

Life skills

Officiating teaches independent thinking and the ability to see the big picture — a skill that translates outside of officiating. It also requires dedication, togetherness, and ability to work as a team that is important everywhere.


Football officials are often identified and associated with the sport and are known outside of officiating by coaches, players and fans. Even if people do not know you specifically, many people associate officiating with trustworthiness, impartiality, dedication and integrity – all qualities that can open doors for you in other areas of life.

Drinkwalter also pointed out; “The pandemic took a toll on our organization and a number of our members have retired from officiating for various reasons, and with the formation of the Ontario Community Football League, youth football in our areas will be very active this summer. Our organization is making a concerted effort to recruit individuals who have the availability during the summer weekends and also in the fall to officiate high school football from September to November, the busiest time for our organization.” High school football games are normally played Tuesday-Friday with most doubleheaders kicking off at noon, 1p.m. or 2:30 pm.

All new officials must complete a one-day Level 1 Football Canada Officials’ Certification Program. The first program of 2022 will be held locally, hopefully in April.

If you are looking to get involved with football officiating, make some extra money, enjoy some camaraderie, and get some exercise, then please visit to learn more and see the links to social media.

Have more questions? E-mail and someone will contact you.


About the Lakeshore Football Officials Association

 The Lakeshore Football Officials’ Association, (LFOA) established in 1963, is responsible for officiating all community and high school tackle football in the regions of Halton, Peel, and Niagara. The organization offers Football Canada Certification Programs, rules and positioning clinics, and a personal mentoring program to assist in the development of all officials. Many of the organization’s officials are former or current members of the Canadian Football Lea

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What did we pay our City Councillors last year - they earned every penny of it.

By Staff

February 28th, 2022



We pay them reasonably well.

Few people understand just how hard the job of being a City Councillor is, unfortunately some don’t deliver what is required.

The seven people who lead the city have two jobs for which they are paid.  The city pays them a salary and benefits and the Region pays a salary.

They are all provided with cell phone and iPads.  The Mayor is provided with a car.

The graph below sets out what the city paid.  The Regional stipend is in the $50,000 annually range.

The General Expenses for the Mayor look high – especially given that there was no travel due to the pandemic. The members of Council are certainly not overpaid

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Burlington welterweight Mike Malott to make UFC debut in April

By Keith Sundaram

February 28th, 2020



Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Mike Malott is a 24-year-old Featherweight contender.

Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Boxing, and finally MMA were all a part of Malott’s fighting experience that began in 2007. Dalhousie College in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia attracted Malott. In 2010, Malott began learning Muay Thai and Boxing at Titans Gym Academy, his personal gym.

Since being active in combat sports, Malott has competed in Ufc, Grappling, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and Judo, both as an enthusiast and a professional. As a result, he has an extremely diverse fighting style.

In May 2012, he made his professional MMA debut by submitting James Saunders in the first round. To pay for his opponent’s flight from Toronto to Trenton, Nova Scotia, Mike Imperato (3-0) forfeited his prize 6 weeks later. Mallot, competing for free, submitted Imperato by armbar in the second round. Malott stated this in an interview following the bout: “This fight was a freebie for me. This isn’t a job for me; it’s a hobby that I enjoy. I’d gladly pay for this experience, and I’ve already done so as an amateur.”

How Malott joining the competition will affect Canada’s UFC betting industry

UFC betting is gaining a lot of popularity in Canada thanks to a massive rise in viewership, having all these Canadian fighters join such a major global competition, Sports lovers from all across Canada are supporting their fellow local athletes as much as they can in an attempt to bring their nationality to the top of the leaderboards. Mike Malott is an incredible fighter and since he will debut in the UFC this April, we are sure to be seeing an upsurge in Canadian views on the UFC, as well as Canadians betting on the sport, since he will be deemed as the underdog by the oddsmakers, there will be a good chance for people who bet on him to make a significant profit.>

How to join in on the UFC betting action in Canada

For long-term success, it’s frequently more than simply fortune that is required. This is also true in the Octagon, where competitors rise to the challenge when the chips are down. Betting on the UFC, like other professional sports, might be challenging, particularly for those who are just casually interested in MMA. However, this does not rule out the possibility of profiting from UFC wagering. To learn more about the different MMA betting markets, get exclusive UFC betting tips, and how to earn a profit while betting on the world’s most intense contact sport, it’s ideal that players looking to have some wagering fun to turn to trustworthy sources of reliable information to learn all there is to know about the top trustworthy online sportsbooks for UFC events providing UFC betting odds, MMA betting odds for other mixed martial arts leagues, including Bellator fights.

Is it possible to profit from UFC betting?

You’ll have to put in some effort if you want to profit from any sports gambling possibility. Everybody would do it if it were simple, there would be no winners.

To be a good UFC bettor, you’ll need a variety of skills and information in addition to a basic understanding of the sport. Even the most ardent UFC fans might not have been the best bettors in the business.

An individual admires too much the favorite combatant. To put it another way, if you’re a big fan of Connor McGregor, you probably love seeing him compete.

However, you must be realistic and accept the possibility that he will lose. Even more so if the opponent he faces is well-matched against him.

There are five defeats on McGregor’s record as an example. A superb submission artist might put him in serious jeopardy, as four of his victories have come by submission thus far.

Another approach to profit from UFC gambling is to select the sort of bet you want to put down. The most popular types of wagering include money lines, over/under round totals, and means of winning.

The Moneyline is a prediction of the winner of the bout. The number of rounds the fight will last before it is declared a draw is known as the “over/under” or “tallies” wager. After that comes a forecast of how you think the winner will be victorious, whether by knockout or submission.

In order to have a long-term winning streak and to place the greatest wagers, you must be able to decipher odds. So, let’s take a closer look at the UFC betting odds.

What formula is used to determine the UFC’s odds?

When a duel is scheduled, the gambling industry adjusts the worth of the boxers in the matchup.

A money line choice is the most typical type of line you’ll come across.The odds will shift somewhat in favor of specific combatants as more bets are placed on them. A sportsbook will modify the odds if too many people bet on one boxer, making it more enticing to gamble on the other.

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The world opens up for us on Tuesday - do we fully understand what we have to deal with day in and day out?

By Staff

February 27th, 2022



Ontario is reporting 842 people hospitalized with COVID-19, 281 in ICU on Sunday. We have broken that 1000 hospitalizations barrier – which is a good sign.

Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns – isolating

Burlington Member of Parliament Karina Gould – isolating.

At the same time Burlington’s ward 2 Councillor reported that she had COVID19 and was isolating. There is a report that MP Karina Gould has COVID19.

The province notes that not all hospitals report on weekends. There are also at least 2,001 new cases of COVID-19.

So it is out there and it is being transferred from people to people.

Gould and Kearns are committed mask wearers and are also in the public sphere.

On Tuesday March 1st, the province opens things up.

Another really important concern is the number of people who still believe this is all hokum and there is nothing to worry about.

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Marsden learns to fiddle with numbers to create an impression that she can win when she runs for Mayor in October.

By Pepper Parr

February 27th, 2022



Some facts:

Municipal election results for Mayor of Burlington

Rick Goldring won with 21,797 votes. Goldring defeated Cam Jackson and Marianne Meed Ward ran and  as a Councillor and won in ward 2.  Anne Marsden was not a candidate in the 2010 election.

In 2014 Rick Goldring ran for re-election and won with 23,360 votes.

Anne Marsden delegating at Burlington city council with her husband David

Anne Marsden ran and got 3,043 votes.

In 2018 Marianne Meed Ward ran for Mayor and defeated Rick Goldring.

Meed Ward – 23,360 votes

Goldring – 16,781 votes

Anne Marsden ran against Gary Carr for Regional  Chair

Gary Carr – 79,775 votes

Anne Marsden – 41,136 votes

The data above is all a matter of public record on either the city of Burlington web site or the Region of Halton web site.

On February 24th, Anne Marsden released the information set out below.

Marsden does not provide dates for the votes she lists.  The amounts spent are a matter of public record.

The Goldring data is for the 2018 municipal election as is the data for Meed Ward.

The Marsden number represent the number of votes she got from the voters of Burlington who chose her as Regional Chair in 2018.

The data Marsden provides appears to be intended to convince people that Marsden is a credible candidate and can pull in a lot of votes without spending very much money.

We believe the numbers are misleading and were intended to mislead.

Anne Marsden has positioned herself as a person who hews to the truth and argues vociferously that she has the facts and that she is right.

She has on occasion done a good job of digging out facts – especially with the C. difficile outbreak at the Joseph Brant Hospital in 2009.

The virus overran the hospital from May 2006 to December 2007- the information was not released until 2009.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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Brant Plaza Canada Post outlet to close April 6th - grassroots effort in place to change the decision

By Pepper Parr

February 26th, 2022



We have learned that the Brant Plaza Postal Outlet located inside the Pharmasave in the No Frills plaza is closing.

Pharmacy stays – post outlet due to close April 6th

This was not a store decision.  Canada Post issued the order effective April 6th.

A resident described it as a “Very sad as it’s a very busy outlet.  An integral part of the downtown core. “

A grassroots campaign to save the outlet has started by with people texting 55555 with the words SURVEY or by going to

You have to use the outlets number 105314  when inputting the survey data.  At the end they can put in a comment

A Canada Post outlet on Brant closed a number of months ago – that operation was shifted to the Bridgewater development.  It is inside the tower on the east side – very small sign.

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Shortest survey in the history of the city

By Pepper Parr

February 26th, 2022


The resumption of the paused Waterfront Hotel site study began on the 15th.

On balance is was a good first step – even though it was hobbled by the fact that there is an active development application before the city’s Planning department while the city studies what should be done long term with the property.

One of the things the public learned was that the city has the right to take a certain amount of land as park land dedication.  Burlington, in the past, had accepted cash in lieu of land so often that the development community felt that it was the common practice.

The two red X marks are parkland the city might take from the developer. The Planning Act permits a municipality to acquire a portion of the property as parkland.

It is evident the city will be asking for what it is entitled to in the way of parkland dedication.

At this point the land the city appears to be going after is a 20 metre strip of land on the west side of the hotel running from the property boundary on Lakeshore Road and the southern boundary.

During the meeting city staff announced they had put together a survey that they wanted people to answer.

The Gazette look at the survey questions and found it very limited.  There were two questions, along the lines of:  ‘What do you think’ and ‘what is your postal code’.

We thought we might have gotten it wrong and we asked city staff the following:

I am doing a piece on the survey that came out of the most recent Waterfront Study meeting – finding that all they appear to want is your view on the site development and your postal code

Is that the extent of the survey?

The response was brief:

  • Yes

If the survey responses are going to guide where the Waterfront Site Study is going the answer may well be – not very far.

The survey closes Tuesday March 1st – link to the survey is HERE

Related news story”

Resumption of the Waterfront Hotel site study


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Proof of vaccination requirement ends March 1.

By Staff

February 25th, 2020



The City of Burlington will follow the direction from the Provincial government and will no longer require visitors to City recreational facilities to show proof of vaccination as of March 1.

Masks, physical distancing and active screening are still required until further notice.

More information will be shared if there are additional impacts to recreation facilities or programs once the full regulations are released by the province.

Chris Glenn, Director of Recreation, Community and Culture said: “Regardless of any changes, our staff will always work to providing the safest and highest quality programming we can offer. Please be patient with staff as we work through implementing any change and as we take cautious steps on the journey to fully reopening our facilities and programs.”

I wouldn’t throw out the card yet or delete it from my cell phone.  Wait until the pandemic gets renamed to an endemic.

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Councillor Kearns advised her colleagues on February 22nd, that she tested positive for Covid 19 - a video glitch kept the news away from the public.

By Pepper Parr

February 25th, 2022



Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns is recovering from Covid19.

There was a bit of a glitch in the web cast of the February 22nd, Standing Committee meeting at which there was a meeting on the resumption of the Waterfront Study.

What was available to the public did not include the first six to eight minutes of the meeting during which ward 2 Councillor Kearns announced she had contracted Covid 19 and was isolating at home.

She stayed on the web cast during which we did hear a bit from Councillor Kearns but not the usual robust on top of an issue Lisa.

A polite mention from the Mayor at the end of the web cast wishing Kearns a speedy recovery would have been nice.

Kearns advises us that the first few days were difficult but she is on her way to a full recovery.

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Parts of city web site to be down March 3rd for scheduled maintenance

By Staff

February 25th, 2022



Some City web applications and online forms temporarily unavailable for scheduled maintenance March 3

On Thursday, March 3, 2022, the following applications and forms will not be available starting at 10 p.m. until Friday, March 4 at 2 a.m.:

  • Burlington calendar
  • Application to search for City parks and facilities
  • The City’s online job application platform

This maintenance work has been scheduled in the evening hours to limit the disruption.

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