By Jason Octavo
May 12th 2022
My task for the day was to interview Kyle Hutton, candidate for the Green Party in the upcoming election.
Kyle went to high school at M.M Robinson. He was there until Grade 10 before he dropped out due to circumstances as a teenager. However, he did complete a GED at Gary Allan High School. Afterwards, he went to Sheridan College at Oakville for the GAS program. He has lived in Brant Hills for about 20 years.
Kyle believes the key to a better economy is to lower taxes and gas prices. “Get down those costs, so that the next time we’re faced with a situation where our gas is going up to $2 a litre,” said Hutton. He also believes the amount of rental and housing laws that we’re facing is absurd. “For somebody just coming out of the pandemic, they can’t afford to live here,” said Hutton.
This is the first time that Kyle is being nominated as a leader of a party. So he may not have the experience as a candidate. However, as a full-time worker, he believes he can use his struggles in affording to live in this city to bring attention to these issues. And to finally have somebody in office who’s going to really talk about them and provide solutions.
Kyle believes the key to a better Ontario is by tackling the climate crisis. “Climate change is the crisis of the century,” said Hutton. “It’s killing our planet and its killing people. Kyle is worried that people are expecting future generations to deal with climate change; the time to deal with climate change is now.
“I love meeting people at their door, even if they’re just saying something like, oh, thank you very much and they just take the election literature.
said Hutton. “I think the interactions are good – people in Burlington are extremely polite”.
The Greens are focused on building a sustainable and renewable economy. “This economy that we’re living in right now, we have polluters continuing on their merry way, and we have a gas economy in the country that’s focused on propping up lots of new roads while everybody’s trying to get off to them,” said Hutton.
The Green Party is the only one right now that’s admitting ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program) is actually in poverty. “The only solution we can do to lift people out of poverty is to double ODSP,” said Hutton. “They have laws around ODSP, if you make more than $200 for a job, ODSP gets clawed back.”
Kyle says that public transit is worked around poorly. “When I was going to college at Sheridan, I would have to get on the bus. Go down to the GO Station probably waited 15 minutes for the train to arrive. And then I’d go to Oakville, wait for the buses there to go to Sheridan College. Overall, that took me 45 minutes to an hour to get from Brant & Upper Middle to Trafalgar,” said Hutton.
Kyle is tired of receiving decades of empty promises from governments. He has been living long enough to be around all three parties in power in this province. He is confident that not much has changed.
Kyle is hoping to aim for between 15 and 20 percent of the votes. If his party begins to really catch fire, he’ll go as far as intending to win.
We’ll see if the Green Party can make deeper inroads as the election moves forward.
By Staff
May 12, 2022
The Burlington Chamber of Commerce will be holding an all candidates event on May 19th, 2022.
It starts at 7:30 am – will take place at the Holiday Inn.
The Chamber has sponsored this event for all the federal and provincial elections for decades.
It isn’t an actual debate – those attending can write out a question which gets screened – the objective is to merge similar questions.
The Gazette learned late yesterday that the New Blue Conservative party had asked to take part in the event and were turned away.
Progressive Conservatives, Liberals, New Democrats and the Green Party are understood to be taking part.
The political party that didn’t get invited
It was too late in the day to ask questions of the Chamber.
Our question is: Why?
By Staff
May 12, 2022
The City of Burlington announced the hiring of Brynn Nheiley as the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility.
Nheiley has nearly seven years of public sector experience, including three years at the City of Burlington as the Manager of Development & Design in the Community Planning Department.
Brynn Nheiley
As the Manager of Development & Design, Nheiley led a number of initiatives that has led to improvements in development planning that support better outcomes for Council, residents and staff; these include:
Establishing a two-stage reporting strategy in order to provide Council with the opportunity to make a decision on an application within the legislated timeline, while also enabling the flexibility for staff to work with applicants to create the best planning outcome for development applications.
Bringing together staff from key departments to collaboratively build a development review process that gives applicants a single point of contact, and single application to satisfy multiple pre-approvals, from multiple departments, which are required before a building permit can be applied for.>
Bringing together a management team that included staff from building, planning, forestry, site engineering and Information Technology Services departments in order to launch an entirely digital review process for all forms of development applications. The result was that the City’s development review process was delayed by less than two months from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Prior to working at the City of Burlington, Brynn worked for the City of Hamilton as a Senior Planner and as the Acting Director of Planning and Building Services for the Town of Antigonish in Nova Scotia.
Brynn has a Masters of Planning from Dalhousie University and a Bachelor of Architectural Science from Ryerson University.
By Staff
May 11th, 2022
Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith – wearing a smile seldom seen.
Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith is holding a hybrid ward meeting this evening – starts at 6:30
The event is to take place at St. Matthews on Plains Road.
May 11, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
In – Person: St. Matthews on Plains, Lower Level, 126 Plains Rd. E,
Virtual – on Zoom
Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 827 1660 2776
Passcode: 63JvEs
The potential for a boisterous meeting is certainly there: the Maria issue, development at Eagle Heights and concerns from Aldershot resident about how unavailable they feel Galbraith has been.
It will be interesting to see how he handles him.
By Staff
May 11th, 2022
This is your Burlington!
Jason Octavo is doing some election coverage for the Gazette.
He is new to Burlington. He did a short interview at a restaurant and then headed for Spencer Smith Park – he’d never seen the place before.
The size of the open grounds, the Naval memorial and the Pier was not what he expected to see.
The Cherry Blossom trees were in full bloom.. The proper name for the trees is – Sakura trees. He took a number of pictures which we are sharing with you.
I wonder if the man who donated the cherry blossom trees ever knew how much they are enjoyed.
In 1989, a twinning agreement was signed between Burlington and Itabashi, Japan the two cities and the relationship has since developed through regular citizen visits, official delegations and anniversary celebrations.
Mayor Goldring recognized Mr. Enomoto, the man who donated the trees many years ago, for his unwavering spirit of generosity and commented on the long-standing friendship between Burlington and Itabashi.
Every year they blossom for a very short period of time, then the blooms fall away.
When the blossoms are blooming Spencer Smith Park is a destination
This is your Burlington.
By Pepper Parr
May 11th, 2022
WHERE While much of the recent attention has been on the ongoing saga related to the Waterfront Hotel site, under the radar there has been a lot happening at the Ontario Land Tribunal.
The Lakeshore (Burlington) Inc.(referred to as a Carnicelli development) that would be built on the east end of the football.
Within two hours of city council announcing publicly that it intends to oppose the Lakeshore (Burlington) Inc. application for a high-rise building at the easterly tip of the Old Lakeshore Planning Precinct (“the Football”), the Ontario Land Tribunal issued its decision for the 27-storey high rise development proposed by CORE Development applications, immediately next door. We find it odd that the public was not advised by city council that a hearing was being held for the Core applications yet now makes public statements about another appeal.
How did this one get away?
The city went to some lengths last week to explain how and why they were appealing the Ontario Land Tribunal decision on the Carnicelli (Lakeshore (Burlington) Inc.) development on the eastern side of where Lakeshore Road and Old Lakeshore Road meet.
There are a lot of questions to be asked about how the opportunity got away.
There was the hope as far back as the 2010 election that something unique would be built in this space. Instead developers bought up the properties and sought to develop high rise towers. This was the second lost opportunity in this part of town.
Later in the day while Council was debating a decision from the OLT on the Carniceli development the OLT released their decision on the CORE development.
The two are side by side in the football. That brings to an end any opportunity to do something smart and spectacular with the space between the Old and the current Lakeshore Road.
In its decision, the Tribunal states:
This isn’t what citizens were expecting. It appears to be what they are going to get.
“The Tribunal finds that the proposed instruments [applications] constitute good planning. It finds that they facilitate development that is compatible with the existing and planned context and will make a positive contribution to the area in terms of improvement to the public realm, access to the waterfront, and built form, while optimizing the use of under-utilized lands through appropriate intensification for the area. Taking these factors into account, the Tribunal finds that the proposed instruments are in the public interest.”
In addition, the tribunal was not convinced by the testimony of the special planning consultant hired by the city to oppose the development or the city’s urban designer.
A Gazette reader described the decision: “The failures at the Ontario Land Tribunal keep adding up for Mayor Meed Ward. We are not aware of a single hearing the city has won since she became mayor. What has become clear through several decisions from the tribunal is that the new Official Plan that the mayor boasts about has no legal status at appeal hearings because it has been appealed. Consequently, the evidence put forward by the city is based on the old Official Plan — the same one that has been confirmed to be out of date and non-compliant with existing provincial policies. In other words, the city’s witnesses have no real defence and are left blowing in the wind without approved policies to support them.”
How is that idea going at this point.
“How will the city fare at the Lakeshore (Burlington) Inc. hearing? Only time will tell, but it will certainly be a rough ride.
While Meed Ward ran on a populist, anti-development platform promising the world to the public, her ability to deliver on her promises is nothing more than a dismal and complete failure.
Related news stories:
The development on the eastern end.
The idea that CORE development brought to the table
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2022
The squeeze is on – everywhere.
Gas prices are sucking up more of the budget than usual and it doesn’t sound as if they is going to change for a while.
Food prices are higher – you see that every week when the cashier ask if that is debit, credit or cash?
Households that usually picked up an extra jar of peanut butter or cans of salmon, peas or corn don’t do that as frequently
This crew just showed up one day with a vehicle full of food asking – where do we put it?
The drop offs at the Food Bank are not as frequent.
What hasn’t changed is the need from those less fortunate or those whose employers are still coping with Covid19 restrictions.
Things were approaching the normal we all wanted – then food and gas prices reached new highs.
The war in Ukraine has something to do with it – most people don’t understand just what the link is.
The Ukrainian community is out fund raising as well – and if anyone needs some help – the Ukrainians certainly do. That war is one we cannot lose
All the food that comes in has to be put through COVID19 procedures – then onto shelves where it gets picked to be put in hampers that go to households. It runs pretty smoothly by volunteers who have everything down pretty pat.
All this cascades on to Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank, who has to find that balance between what comes in as food donations and what he has to buy with his very limited resources.
Bailey thinks there might be an opportunity to involve students in the drive to get food into the shelves at the food bank ready for distribution.
Giving is natural, people just give – Bailey hopes there is an opportunity to involve students who may donate as little as a can of peaches – it has to start somewhere.
Let’s see how that idea pans out. It certainly has merit.
By Staff
May 10th, 2022
The Rocca Sisters have been on the front line of residential property sales for at least a decade.
They monitor and analyze each market in Burlington and present updated data every month.
Their Market Insight Report for residential properties documents what has taken place – it has been a wild ride.
During April 2022 for Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, and Greater Hamilton, the market has continued to change.
Understanding how to navigate this transition to get the best results whether selling or buying is crucial.
The Rocca Sisters have the real estate market transitioning from an overheated market to currently a Sellers market and what is a balanced market on the horizon.
Inflation continues to be high, interest rates continue to rise, our province has moved into a new world of “normal”, people are living, travelling and rethinking their plans. The unrest of what will happen in the world with Russia and Ukraine is still looming over us, which puts most people in a questionable state. What we know is that there are still great opportunities for Sellers and finally options and opportunities for buyers.
During the month of April, we have continued to see a shift in the market. The average price for a freehold property in Burlington was $1,510,482 last month and was $1,476,711 at the end of April, however still 18% higher than April 2021 when we saw the average price at $1,248,805 and year over year average sale price is still up 23%. During the month of April, properties sold for 106% of the listed price down from 116% last month and in 8 days, on average, up slightly from 6 days last month, but down year over year from 10days in 2021. Inventory has increased 53% from March to April, which of course plays a role in this adjusting market, regardless, we are still ahead year over year.
During the month of April, the average price for a condo apartment in Burlington was $739,000, down from $797,000 last month, however up 21% from $609,000 the same month last year. The price per square foot was down in April at $770, compared to $791 last month, however up almost 22% from the same month last year. In April, properties sold for 105% of the listed price, down from 111% last month. Days on market are up slightly from 8 to 11 days but down from 14days year over year. Like the Freehold market, the condo market has begun to shift. Although, like all markets, inventory levels still lend to a Sellers market, the condition and results show we continue to transition into a balanced market, but are still in a strong Sellers market.
What Does All of This Mean
This month we have witnessed bigger changes in the marketplace, however when we put it all into perspective and analyze it as a whole, we are still in a very strong market. One where Sellers can still capitalize on values we would have never seen 2 years ago, let alone 12 months ago.
Buyers are finally getting a break with inventory options – and although we have 4x more inventory then we did a couple of months ago, the inventory levels still dictate a Sellers market. What is happening and what is going to happen you ask? Well, we all knew our overheated market was not sustainable, this was to be expected.
The market is transitioning and of course there are several factors playing a hand in this as well; interest rate increases, the unrest of the looming War, high inflation, and of course the media which has made some people pause and question what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. We are reaching new levels of “normality”, people are being called back to the workplace, and of course with the market changes, some buyers are reconsidering where they are going or what they are doing for the interim.
What we must all keep in mind is that Sellers still are farther ahead today then a year ago, they are still in a great Sellers market, and one that will definitely continue to transition with time so capturing that now is key. For Buyers, well I don’t know any Buyer that tried to time the market and was successful, if it happens organically great, but the reality is that Buyers are in a way better position with more options, less competition and possibly a bit of negotiating power than they were a couple months ago. Why wait — one thing we know for sure is that historically, when our marketplace shifts, it is typically 60days on average before it begins to upswing. We may see some ironing out between now and mid-late summer, but the opportunities for buyers are now.
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2022
The 2022-23 Performing Arts season will be announced on May 31st. The demand for tickets hits a peak the week after – everone knows will be on stage and they want tickets.
The stage curtains will open May 31 and the season will begin.
The Performing Arts Centre in Burlington has a unique ticket sales plan.
You can buy a ticket for an event anytime you want – the unique part of their approach is that once a year they hold an event at which they announce their program for the coming season.
In order to attend that event you have to be a member. An opportunity to buy a membership is set out below.
Immediately after the Season announcement people take their programs and head to the ticket booths to place their orders.
It is an approach that works.
On May 31st, they will be holding their Season Launch. A new season of concerts, theatre, dance, comedy, variety, illusion, and family programming will be promoted and explained – you might even get a taste of what is scheduled.
. There is only one way to be invited to the 22/23 season launch May 31 – be a BPAC member. Click HERE
A dark theatre is not what Tammy Fox had in mind – at the end of the month she will announce what we can all look forward to.
BPAC Executive Director Tammy Fox explains what she has planned. “After not being able to host a full, in-person season launch in three years, it is such a thrill to be back hosting our members again in our space.
“Next Season’s lineup has something for everyone, from famous faces to exciting concerts, to one-of-a-kind spectacles and intimate performances.”
“This is the best time to become a member or renew your membership, so you can be here for all the excitement on Season Launch night, May 31.”
“Burlington’s hottest ticket of the season will be hosted by none other than award-winning comedian and BPAC favourite Seán Cullen.
To unveil its newest Season of entertainment.
Sean Cullen – he will take the Season announcements through a lively night of its all about show business.
Having Cullen on the stage will be an improvement over some of the really dismal and disappointing season launch events in the past. None of the Tammy Fox events were bummers – her decision to call in Cullen was a smart move.
Membership Benefits
Only BPAC Members are invited to our amazing 22/23 Season Launch. Members also enjoy other benefits such as advance notice and front-of-line ticket access, discounts on all ‘BPAC Presents’ tickets, exclusive access to our Members’ Lounge, free ticket offers to select performances, recognition in our playbill, discounts from local business partners in downtown Burlington, and more!
Two Performing Arts members going through the catalogue for a season and deciding what they want to attend. Sales are brisk Announcement night.
With four membership levels to choose from, there is a BPAC membership for every budget.
Become a BPAC Member or renew your Membership today to receive an invitation to the 22/23 Season Launch and exclusive front-of-the-line ticketing access to the 22/23 Season!
Join as a Platinum or Gold Member and reserve your preferred tickets before the Launch to ensure you are enjoying each show from your favourite seat in the House!
By Staff
May 10th, 2022
Frank Meyers took to photography a number of years ago. He happened to have a good eye and taught himself how to fram what he was looking through his view finder. There were some surprising results.
This year he decided he would enter some of his work in major exhibitions. Frank had grown beyond the Burlington market
He has four prints in the Forms, Faces and Spaces juried exhibition. It’s an official venue of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival.
A production of Studio by Design, the show is located in the parish hall, 16 Adamson St. S., Norval, Ontario.
Hours are Thursday to Sunday from noon to 4:30pm until May 29.
If you’re looking for one of those nice drives in the country – this will be one of them.
Part of a juried juried exhibition. It’s an official venue of the Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival.
By Pepper Parr
May 10th, 2022
We wrote about the Windows on the Lake last week as the result of an inquiry from an area resident.
Link to that story is HERE.
Ward 2 Councillor Lisa Kearns dropped us a note bringing us up to date.
From the Councillor to a resident:
Thank you for reaching out to the City to inquire about the status of the Green Street Window-to-the-Lake. The City is in the process of awarding the shoreline construction contract for execution this summer. This contract includes the rehabilitation of both the water’s edge at Green Street and Port Nelson Park. Work is anticipated to start in early July. As you can appreciate, the shoreline must be complete to provide stable conditions for park/window development. Construction of each park will follow in 2023.
A saw mill operated at the Port Area. Burlington used to ship tonnes of lumber to Europe. Some may have arrived at the Port as logs that were cut and loaded aboard what would have been sailing ships.
Something has always struck me about the waterfront and that area between St. Paul and Port Nelson Park a spot that was once the location of the largest port for what is now Burlington.
When I look at the property and the drop to the water level I can’t figure out just where the wharf or jetty would have been.
Anyone out there that knows? Might make some time to mosey along to the Historical Society and look through their archives.
By Staff
May 9th, 2022
Service Burlington, currently located at 426 Brant St., will temporarily move to a new location on the third floor of 390 Brant St. beginning Wednesday, May 11.
390 Brant, better known as the Sims building; the city bought it a number of years ago. It is right across the street from the Queen’s Head – a spot where an Adult Beverage can be enjoyed.
The new location at 390 Brant St. is directly beside City Hall (to the south) and can be accessed by customers from the entrance off of Elgin Street. (See map attached).
The relocation of Service Burlington is being made to limit the disruption experienced by customers visiting the Service Burlington counter during the construction currently underway at City Hall. Service Burlington is closed to walk-in customers on Monday, May 9 and Tuesday, May 10 in order to complete the move, with the exception of marriage license and commissioning appointments.
During the move, it is still easy to connect with the City by calling 905-335-7777 or emailing to receive service. Many City service payments are also available online at
Additional services and meeting updates
Individuals wishing to submit nomination papers for Burlington’s 2022 municipal election can do so by appointment only. Appointments can be made by contacting the Office of the City Clerk at 905-335-7777 or The location of appointments to file nomination papers will temporarily move to the third floor of 390 Brant St. More details will be shared by the Office of the City Clerk when appointments are confirmed.
Council Chambers on the second floor of City Hall at 426 Brant St remains open to the public for Committee and Council meetings.
Burlington City Council has implemented hybrid Council meetings and members of the public have the option to participate in or observe Council meetings in person at Council Chambers or remotely. For more information, please visit
Angela Morgan, Strategic Lead – Customer Experience
Angela Morgan, Strategic Lead – Customer Experience is the person having an experience of how own striving to get a new approach to serving the people of the city and at the same time be in a location where everything doesn’t have to be dusted every day and staff don’t have to wear ear muffs.
“Moving the Service Burlington counter to the building beside City Hall will ensure that we can continue to offer customers a positive experience when they come to visit us. We sincerely apologize for the disruption and look forward to seeing our customers soon at our new temporary location on the third floor of 390 Brant St.
We will continue to update the public about when Service Burlington will move back to City Hall.”
By Pepper Parr
May 9th, 2022
Every reporter strives for accuracy – they listen hard to what people are saying – waiting for that quote that just makes the story.
Accuracy matters – not as easy to get as people think.
Technology has made a big difference; it allows a reporter to capture what a person said and then transcribe it and use it in the copy being written.
As everyone knows – the technology can bite your bum.
The people best at getting what is said down perfectly are the Court reporters – they have a device that lets them capture what is said and instantly read it back
A number of years ago the City employed what would be the equivalent of a court reporter to capture what was said at Council meetings.
A Court Reporter with the transcribing equipment
The transcript produced was something the Gazette was very interested in getting a copy of.
We asked if we could have a copy.
We were told we couldn’t have the document which we thought was a public document.
We asked if we could buy a copy of the transcripts.
No the city wasn’t interested in doing that either.
We asked for the name of the company doing the work. We thought we could buy the transcripts directly from them.
No – the city was not prepared to give us the name of the company that was doing the transcribing.
Kwab Ako-Ajei.,Director of Communications
All this back and forth was done by email with the Director of Communications Kwab Ako-Ajei. Director of Communications for the city. Kwab reports directly to the City Manager.
Someone somewhere at city hall made the decision that the Gazette, a credentialed online newspaper, operating for more than ten years (longer than the people who have their fingers on the flow of news information to media have held their jobs), that the Gazette was not to be given access to the data they need to do their job effectively.
Council talks about the importance of media in the process of engaging the public. At one point the Mayor of the city publicly praised the Gazette for the job it was doing.
We may have done the job a little too well for some.
What to do?
Folks, Burlington is your city, your home. You elect the government you get and they appoint the administrative leadership.
We push for better transparency – your job is to demand it.
Part 1 of the series
Part 2 of the series
By Staff
May 9th, 2022
Part 2: Caregivers.
This Community Lens, the second in a two-part series on caregiving, will draw from the findings of a 2021 survey on the impacts of COVID-19 on caregivers.
The survey was carried out by the Ontario Caregiver Organization (OCO) deep into the second year of the pandemic, between September 24th and October 12th, 2021.
Released in November 2021, entitled, ‘Spotlight Report, The Impact of COVID-19 on Caregivers: Year Two’ , it is the second pandemic caregiver survey undertaken by the organization. Its first pandemic survey, ‘Spotlight on Ontario’s Caregivers COVID-19 Edition’, was released in December 2020.
Former Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon speaking with seniors at a meeting in the Library.
The OCO defines caregivers as “ordinary people who provide physical and/or emotional support to a family member, partner, friend, or neighbour”. Funded by the Government of Ontario, the OCO is a nonprofit that was created in 2018 “to support Ontario’s estimated 3.3 million caregivers”.
In publishing this Community Lens, CDH intends to raise awareness of the experiences of caregivers, in our view, an increasingly important, but often overlooked, area of life for many people and families across Halton.
COVID-19 Impacts on Caregivers
Since the OCO’s first pandemic survey in December 2020, the findings from the 2021 survey indicate that many of the negative and difficult personal caregiver experiences deteriorated further. There were 801 “self-reported caregivers” aged 16 years and older who participated in the online survey between September 24 and October 12, 2021. As part of its research, the OCO also conducted a series of ten in- depth interviews alongside the online survey.
In the second year of the pandemic, caregivers reported increases in “feeling tired, anxious, overwhelmed, trapped, frustrated and unappreciated”. In fact, according to the 2021 survey findings, caregiver burnout was at record high levels.
While one in three caregivers in the 2021 survey reported that they had “no one to ask for help” if they needed a rest or if they became sick.
The climate of heightened anxiety around COVID-19 transmission, among other factors, impacted caregivers and care recipients, with 56% of caregivers reported worrying about “managing care recipient’s anxiety due to Covid-19”.
COVID-19 caused significant service and care support disruptions, which would have been felt disproportionately by caregivers who were already overstretched, such as those with smaller family and friend networks.
Mary Alice St. James talking to seniors during an election campaign.
The increased pressure on the healthcare system during the pandemic impacted 75% of caregivers who were required to take on “responsibilities that would otherwise go to a personal support worker or nurse”. Overall, caregivers reported that more time was spent caregiving during the pandemic, “61% say the hours they spend providing care has increased”. According to the 2021 survey, almost one in five carers (18%) were “caring for more than one person”. The pandemic not only created additional complexity for that group, but for many caregivers, 59% of whom said their responsibilities were more difficult in 2021 “than before the pandemic”.
The top three reasons that caregivers gave were:
“Being at home all the time, the care recipient is unable to get important social interaction (38%) Difficulty accessing the doctors and/or other healthcare professionals (36%)
Delayed/cancelled appointments require more time and effort in rescheduling (33%)”.
Enhanced health and safety protocols in hospitals and long-term care facilities, introduced to keep the most vulnerable safe from COVID-19 transmission, were nonetheless difficult experiences for many caregivers and recipients, particularly those that were already isolated and lonely pre-pandemic. Due to enhanced COVID-19 health and safety rules, “26% [of caregivers in the 2021 survey] had to send the care recipient to the hospital alone”.
Canadian caregivers also reported worse personal pandemic impacts than their global counterparts. A survey by Embracing Carers, released in 2021, found that, “70% of Canadian carers say that the pandemic has worsened their emotional/mental health, compared to 61% of the 12-country average” and “61% of Canadian carers say that the pandemic has worsened their physical health, compared to 46% of the 12- country average”.
Burlington has a very strong network of seniors who have clout that spreads throughout the Region of Halton. This crowd was focused on transit while the MP, Karina Gould and then ward 2 Councillor, now Mayor Burlington, Marianne Meed Ward look on.
Post-Covid Financial Pressures: Rising Living Costs to Impact Caregivers
Financial hardship exists among caregivers, just as it is experienced by individuals and families across our communities. The OCO 2021 survey reported that, “20% of caregivers took out a loan or a line of credit to help pay for the expense [of caregiving], up from 17%” in the 2020 survey. 9 It found that 45% “experienced financial hardships [in 2021], compared to 41% in 2020”, an increase of 4% during the two pandemic surveys. Perhaps a more concerning trend was that the 45% of caregivers experiencing financial hardship in 2021 was up 13% (from 32% in 2019). Moreover, the 2021 level of self-reported financial hardship (45%) is more than double the 22% reported in the 2018 survey.
The current rise in living costs being witnessed across the country will only serve to increase the financial hardship of many caregivers. In “January 2022, Canadian inflation surpassed 5% for the first time since September 1991”. 10 In February 2022, national average prices climbed further. Canada’s inflation level for February 2022 sat at 5.7% (12-month average, compared with February 2021).
Staple food items are increasing faster than the 5.7% inflation level. In February 2022 (compared with February 2021), fresh or frozen beef prices were up 16.8%, chicken was up 10.4%, and “dairy products and eggs were up 6.9%”. These macro economic price trends support the personal reflections of caregivers in the OCO 2021 survey: 47% of whom said that “there have been more costs related to providing care” during COVID-19.
Councillor Sharman has held two public sessions with Senior’s as part of his effort to understand their needs and develop policy that Council can put in place to serve this vital community.
Caregivers fortunate enough to have access to a motor vehicle are experiencing much higher price increases than the 5.7% inflation level. In February 2022, Canadians “paid 32.3% more at the pump compared with February 2021”. 14 Such fuel price increases are likely to put caregivers under increasing financial pressure, disproportionality impacting more rural and isolated caregivers and those with inadequate access to public transport. The associated tasks around providing caregiver support, some of which are heavily reliant on transport, such as attending doctors’ appointments, prescription runs, buying medical and care supplies, are now more expensive post-Covid.
This Community Lens showed that the negative experiences of caregiving during COVID-19 were exacerbated by a pandemic that affected service provisions, contributed to increased anxiety and burnout, impeded crucial social interactions, and increased financial pressures on caregivers.
Unfortunately, the post-COVID economic climate is unlikely to offer much respite for struggling caregivers in the months ahead. Gas and essential food item prices are fast outpacing Canada’s 31-year inflation high of 5.7%, which was announced for February 2022. 15 These post-COVID price increases, caused in part by higher “input prices and heightened transportation costs,” come on top of already increased costs that were associated with caregiving, as reported in the 2021 OCO survey.
If there is to be a positive takeaway from the pandemic it may be, as the CEO and board chair of the OCO put it in their opening remarks to the 2021 survey, “the expanded understanding of what caregivers do and why they are essential partners in care”. We hope this Community Lens series has contributed, in a small way, to this understanding, and helps shine a light on the role that an “estimated 131,624 Halton caregivers” play in supporting families, friends, and the wider healthcare and social system.
Further Resources for Caregivers
If you are a caregiver, or know someone who is, and would like further information around resources and support, we recommend visiting the Ontario Caregiver Organization website:
As always, if you have any feedback about this Community Lens or about any of our other social policy and planning work, please reach out to
Community Lens is prepared by Community Development Halton to disseminate and interpret important community data as it becomes available. For more information please contact us at or 905-632-1975
Community Development Halton 3350 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7N 3M6
Caregivers: Part 1
By Pepper Parr
May 9th, 2022
On the surface there isn’t all that much in the way of news about the October municipal election.
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman filed his papers – he likes the job and is having fun.
Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman – waiting for the voters to come to him
Don’t be at all surprised if you see him doing the reverse of what he did in 2010 when he first ran for public office.
At that time he first filed nomination papers for the office of Mayor. When Rick Gold also filed papers for the job of Mayor, Sharman withdrew the papers for the job of Mayor and filed for the ward five seat – which he won and seems to be saying he would like to hang on to for an additional four years.
Paul Sharman would like to be Mayor but he needs to be certain that he has the support to defeat Marianne Meed Ward, the current Mayor.
Sharman is the best long term thinker this Council has; he has the best numbers mind – Kearns comes close but doesn’t have the depth or experience Sharman has.
Sharman has a clear vision for the city and knows how to get there.
The abrasiveness we saw during his first term of office does not appear to exist in the man’s makeup anymore. What changed – hard to tell but what we saw regularly six to eight years ago we just don’t see anymore.
Stop digging!
Meed Ward is already in a bit of a hole – Sharman just wants to let that hole get deeper – so deep that she can’t climb out of it.
Events at city council this past week suggest she is doing a fine job of digging a deeper hole. A marine term might be apt here; Meed Ward is being ‘deep sixed’.
There is that well known phrase when you find yourself in a hole – Stop digging.
Paul Sharman with his eye on the prize.
That one doesn’t appear to be one that our Mayor has read about.
For Sharman it is a waiting game. In the event that he decides he can’t beat Meed Ward – he is a shoe in for ward 5.
Keep a close eye on what he does in the next couple of months
We do.
By Staff
May 9th, 2022
Community Development Halton and the Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton are hosting a web cast on the 18th starting at 6:30 pm
Link to registration page is HERE
The panel consists of subject experts that will guide a conversation on income security issues in advance of the election in Ontario on June 2. Minimum wage, social assistance, basic income, employment precarity, and childcare, are all on the docket for this important discussion.
This stuff matters – this is the time to get informed.
Tom Cooper, Director, Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction
Carolyn Ferns, Public Policy Coordinator, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
Pam Frache, Organizer, Workers’ Action Centre, and Coordinator, Justice for Workers campaign
By Ray Rivers
May 9th, 2022
When the results are all tabulated sometime after June 2nd, Doug Ford will be back in power as Premier according to today’s poll numbers.
The 2022 election has just begun but already the consensus is that it’s Ford’s to lose. Mr. Ford has travelled a long and rocky road since he first became premier. Still while things look good now for his reelection, as others have found, in politics anything can happen.
Poll positions the day the election started.
Ford’s popularity dropped like a stone almost right after his 2018 election victory. His personal vendetta against Toronto city council, arbitrarily slashing their representation was petty and abusive. His cancellation of renewable energy and other environmental initiatives were irrational and costly. His war against teachers was mean and retrogressive. And his failed campaign against the revenue-neutral carbon tax was a complete waste of energy and tax payers’ money.
Ford took the limelight in briefing Ontario about what needed to be done during the pandemic,
The arrival of COVID saved Ford’s premiership. He took the limelight in briefing Ontario about what needed to be done during the pandemic, though he misplayed his hand on at least a couple occasions. Other premiers, like Alberta’s Jason Kenny, made Ford look good. And the pandemic forced Ford to work cooperatively with the federal government which ended up serving both of their interests. After all, the feds did the heavy lifting – provided the vaccines and massive subsidies to just about everyone. That federal support was largely responsible for keeping the province from falling into a huge deficit which would have made today’s economic recovery difficult.
Ontario’s jobless rate has fallen to 5.3%, even below what it was pre-pandemic. Strong economic growth is a good thing for a governing party at election time. And further driving that growth is the massive near $20 billion provincial deficit forecast for this year. It seems that Ford’s earlier preoccupation with deficit has been put on hold, or forgotten, these days. Still, with a bit of luck and good management he’ll be able to claim that the province in on track to balance its budget in a only a couple years from now.
Incumbency, particularly during the pandemic has been working for governments facing re-election. And the pandemic is not yet over. Besides voters tend to reward first term governments with a second term, unless they have been really bad to them. And you can’t be all bad when you’re handing out gifts, even if that means bribing people by giving them back their own money – cutting gas taxes and eliminating license plate fees. What’s not to like about getting back two year’s worth of licence fees?
Andrea Horwath: the fourth and probably the last time,
As for Ford’s opponents. Andrea Horwath is leading her party for the fourth and probably the last time, and it’s not apparent that she’s learned much from her previous losing campaigns. Her most recent attack ads, especially at her Liberal opponent, appear desperate. Clearly she’s just trying to hang on to those Liberal voters who supported her last time. But attack ads are more likely to turn them away.
And attack ads don’t replace a solid policy platform. In fact her policy cupboard is pretty scant and so yesterday, implementing two of her main planks, universal dental and pharmacare, will be redundant and probably a waste of money since the federal government is planning its own nation-wide programs before long. And her performance as opposition leader was barely noticed. She may be the most trusted political leader in Canada but she has been one of the least vocal opposition leaders over the last four years.
Stephen Del Duca; a relative unknown with a swimming pool problem
Stephen Del Duca is a relative unknown for most people. Having held a couple of ministerial posts under the Wynne government he lost his own seat in the last election and now leads a party which doesn’t even hold party status in the legislature – leading it from outside of the legislature. And he did himself no favour when he got into hot water with local authorities over building his backyard swimming pool. But unlike Horwath he has been taking political risks with his ongoing stream of policy pronouncements – though some, like re-introducing Grade 13, do not appear to have been well vetted.
Del Duca is a fighter In the game of politics, and he is willing to take risks which might get the public’s attention, for better or worse. Still, for an aspiring politician any news is good news. He provides a sharp contrast to the more cautious Horwath, something his rising poll numbers are beginning to reflect. Whatever he’s doing seems to be working.
Green Party leader Mike Schreiner has been an effective and rational voice at Queen’s Park but nobody will put money on the Green Party winning anything but Mr. Schreiner’s own seat after the dust settles for June 2nd. The Green’s mainstay is protecting the environment, including climate change mitigation, but the other two opposition parties also claim that as one of their priorities. And that provides an alternative to Doug Ford’s conservatives, who have shown little regard for things environmental, climate change in particular.
The opposition parties all support carbon taxation of some sort, and Horwath has even mused about bringing back the emissions cap and trade program which Ford killed almost immediately after winning last time. They support subsidies for electric vehicles to make them more price competitive, so new car buyers will make the shift away from gas guzzlers. And for some reason education and health care have also become right/left issues, with the opposition parties wanting to see smaller class sizes in schools and the end of private, for-profit, long term care.
The highway Doug Ford will build if he wins – because the Progressive Conservatives don’t think climate change is not a winning issue.
Everybody is promising more affordable housing. But only Ford’s plan has some detail and that involves ramping up urban sprawl into the rural landscape in the GTA. Ford clearly sees the Greenbelt as a land reserve just waiting for new development, rather than a natural endowment for future generations. Consequently it should be no surprise that his proposed new highways projects would run through a good part of the Greenbelt.
As the campaign kicks off, the PCs with 35-40% of Ontario voters backing them, are almost 10 percentage points ahead of the second place Liberals. And when translated to seats that should produce a solid majority for Mr. Ford.
That means that the three main opposition parties will be competing for almost 60% of decided voters. Should the Tories stumble enough to lose that majority seat count, either the Liberals or NDP might be asked to form a minority government. But none of the opposition parties are interested in supporting a Ford minority.
Although there is always someone saying it’s time to unite the left, personalities and tribal party loyalty never allows that to happen. Horwath hopes that her attack ads against Del Duca might give her the edge. But this could backfire since attack ads often say more about the attacker than the victim. Besides all the NDP supporters I know would prefer to win by promoting what they stand for, and not just attacking the the other candidate. More more like Gandhi and less like Putin.
And if Del Duca were to respond to those ads in kind, the anti-Ford crowd might well decide that neither party deserves their support, and just stay home on voting day. And that would ensure another four years for Mr. Ford and his Progressive Conservatives.
Ray Rivers will be with us every Monday until May 30th.
By Pepper Parr
May 8th, 2022
Today is the kind of day the boaters would have been out washing down the decks of their boats and preparing for the launch. Will there be a launch this year – not something anyone can be really certain about.
The LaSalle Park Marina with a rendering of the wave break in place.
Jim Thomson delegated before a Standing Committee and gave Councillors some background on the problems with insurance coverage for the LaSalle Park Marina.
Jim Thomson – asks a lot of questions
Thomson is not a boater, he is not a member of any of the associated clubs.
His only involvement with the marina was a complaint he made back in 2016 when he had a complaint about smells coming from the docks which in those days were hauled out of the water every year. The shellfish had accumulated – he called the city – got nothing and decided to call the health department – guess what – the city responded.
Jim was just as direct with Council. Thomson knew that the law suit that was impacting the renewal of an insurance policy was something the city knew about the day the claim was made – the city was originally a party to the claim.
Somehow the city got themselves removed from the claim but that doesn’t detract from the fact that they knew..
Slip and falls tend to be in the $10,000 to $40,000 range – how do you spend $97,000 on legal fees and still not have a settlement?
Thomson believes that the claim – a slip and fall event, has eaten up $97,000 in legal fees.
The only people who know who filed the claim is the LPMA Board and of course city hall.
Thomson said that slip and fall claims tend to be between $10,000 and $40,000 with few being at the high end.
The slip and fall claim was served early in 2019 – the most recent operating agreement with the city was signed later in the year.
Thomson wonders was the matter of the insurance was not brought up at that time – where is the proper due diligence Thomson asks.
If the city was able to get itself off the claim that would suggest the accident took place on one of the links between the rows of boat slips.
Is this a pace city hall can work at?
A lot of questions – not many answers at this point.
City manager Tim Commisso – commenting during the Marina delegations.
Thomson has an interview being set up with City Manager Tim Commisso – no date yet. It will be a telephone interview; tough to present an argument that way.
Thomson had an issue with an item being on the agenda with no report that people could read before taking part in the meeting. Burlington is at a point in its pandemic evolution where people can delegate in person. Thomson was very much in person.
He told Council it needed to “act instantly or boaters will lose their season.
He told Council that “Staff doesn’t know what’s to be done” and that “Staff has no idea of the problems”.
Thomson also said: It’s hard to delegate on a report that arrives late on the agenda adding that “a verbal update” doesn’t leave any room for community comment at the committee stage.
Where, Thomson wanted to know is where was ” the transparency we’ve all been hearing so much
Thomson filled in some of the information holes:
LPMA Claims history has caused current insurer to cancel.
Rick Craven, a former ward 1 Councillor identified two outstanding claims as slip-and-fall lawsuits.
Are there other claims that have been settled? Has the City reviewed the claims history?
Is this where the slip and fall took place?
Are the docks un-safe?
Do they need modification to reduce slips/falls?
Thomson quoting the the Burlington Boating and Sailing Club Commodore Scott Lowell: “It is now imperative that the City of Burlington assume direct management of what in the end is their marina (they own the wave- break and the docks) and move quickly to open the marina,”
Thomson doesn’t buy the imperative argument. “There is significant cost to the city running the marina; Not something the City should be rushing into
He added that the the City is in possession of a report on running the marina that would result in an operating loss of $196,750 for the year 2022
The data in the 2019 report assumed the city would already have been operating the marina for two years. It also assumed that the city would have about 9 month to plan the take-over.
Thomson left City Council with these thoughts”
Is all the data, background information and history coming together to form a perfect storm?
The lease on LaSalle Park is up at the end of the year.
What happens next year?
The City needs a Master Plan for LaSalle
If the City wants a Marina do it right
Council and staff need to stop improvising
A lot more to come on this file.
Stay tuned.
By Pepper Parr
May 8th, 2022
Burlington could be on the verge of losing the Marina it has had since the early 80’s
Note that I said “could”
Sunsets and sailors – they are a culture unto themselves.
What might bring it to an end is a clash of cultures – the tightly regulated city hall and the independent minded men and woman who take to the water in their boats.
Lorn Newton, who told Council last week that he has been the President of the LaSalle Park Marina Association for longer than he every expected.
He said:
The LaSalle Park Marina and related LaSalle Park Marina Association (LPMA) were established in 1981, by a group of local boaters. Since its inception the marina has been operated and managed by the LPMA. The current operational and management terms between the City of Burlington and the LPMA are dictated by way of a License and Operating Agreement signed by both parties.
LPMA is a not-for-profit organization consisting of a volunteer board of directors, an on-site manager, and seasonal labor. The marina provides 219 deep water berths for recreational boat owners. We have 165 paid owners,(75% occupancy), awaiting the outcome of this presentation.
We are the home for the Burlington Sailing and Boating Club and the Able Sail Organization. LPMA operates from an office in a trailer located within LaSalle Park opposite the public boat-launch ramp. LPMA is responsible for all dockage of boats and the marina infrastructure.
The LaSalle Park Community Marina, newly improved by the Kropf Marine Wave-break, is in the water and ready to open. However, Our LPMA Commercial Liability Insurance expired at noon on April 30.
This policy is one of four mandated by our “License and Operating Agreement” with the City of Burlington. We have the others in place.
We were advised on March 22, 2022 that the policy would not be renewed. Since receiving the notice of non-renewal, our board has exhausted all avenues to obtain coverage. We met numerous times with the City, council members, our insurance broker. other insurance brokers, our lawyer, and BS&BC.
The proposal of BS&BC that they would assume the Marina operation under an expanded Club policy was not possible as the underwriting was not approved.
We have been advised by all brokerages contacted that they are unable to offer renewal terms due to claims history and changing market conditions.”
The claims history is for two ongoing lawsuits that have been brought against the LPMA and the City of Burlington in 2019, and a claim for motor theft in 2020.
The City of Burlington is the owner of the Wave-break, the Docks and the Wheel-Chair Accessible Entry Ramp.
Our previous “Joint Venture Agreement” and our present “Licence and Operating Agreement” define our responsibilities for maintenance and replacement of the marina structure.
The LaSalle Park Marina with the wave break in place.
We believe there are two possibilities that will allow opening
- the City appoints an Overwatch Manager for the existing Marina operation while extending their existing liability coverage to the marina The Marina Board continues to function, pays the City for the insurance coverage and pays, to the extent we can, for the city employee’s salary.
- the Volunteer Board resigns and the City takes on the operation and management of the Marina.
We offer our whole hearted support and co-operation for any viable option for opening.
Chris Glenn, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture
During the Standing Committee meeting Chris Glenn, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture told Council that it was going to require some time to get a process and procedures in place for any kind of management change and added that the volunteers would have to be trained in the city’s processes, procedures and protocols.
That statement could be the kiss of death for the marina. Those sailors don’t take to processes, procedures and protocols all that well.
By Pepper Parr
May 7th, 2022
Social media is one of the communication channels that gets a bad wrap.
The politicians will complain loud and publicly that social media is misused and abused and then do just that – exploit what can be done with Twitter and a Facebook account.
These boats will stay where they are until the 17th – while the city scrambles to find a way to put insurance coverage in place.
Former American president Donald Trump was an artist with the way he manipulated messages and created a following of millions until he was banned from Twitter.
Last week the city was presented with a really messy situation at the LaSalle Park Marina. Boats could not be put into the water because required insurance could not be put in place.
Burlington’s Mayor is heavily invested in the marina issue. She chose to support the installation of a needed wave break and convinced the rest of council to go along with pulling $4 million out of the Hydro Reserve Fund to pay for the wave break.
The insurance problem was something someone should have been on top of – but that is spilled milk
The boaters need a fast response which may not be something the city bureaucracy can deliver – municipal government just doesn’t work that way.
Mayor Meed Ward put out a note on social media saying:
Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith needs all the help he can get in his re-election bid. The Mayor will support him – returning the favours he has done for her.
That Tweet didn’t quite square with the recommendation that was debated at Council. Someone at city hall has put out a more moderate message.
A more moderate message was posted about an hour later.
What the public doesn’t need is politicians exploiting a serious problem.
Director of Parks Recreation and Culture Chris Glenn did a good job of managing the issue during the debate.
Staff from Legal set out what the insurance problem is and what will have to be done to get insurance coverage in place.
There is a very real chance that the boaters may lose their boating season.
There are reports that some members of the LPMA have pulled out and are looking for a place to locate their boat. The problem with that is – there isn’t that much capacity in the immediate area.
There are a lot of view points out there.