A baseball game with $1 ice cream on what might turn out to be a sunny afternoon. Definitely a family event.

sportsgold 100x100By Staff

June 1, 2017



Like Ice Cream? Who doesn’t!

The Herd, Burlington’s InterCounty Baseball League member will be playing the Toronto Maple Leafs this Saturday at the Nelson ball park.

Herd ice creamThere is a special treat – $1 ice cream day presented by Murphy’s Ice Cream Parlour.

If the Herd win the game it will be their first win of the season.

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Walk Off the Earth added to the FREE Sound of Music June 11th concert.

eventsred 100x100By Staff

June 1st, 2017



They are thrilled – you might be delighted.

The Sound of Music Festival, in partnership with the City of Burlington, announced this morning that there is going to be an additional day of FREE concerts on Sunday, June 11.

Spoons - female lead

Sandy Horne –

Canada 150 Day Celebrations will take place on Burlington’s Waterfront from 1 pm to 9 pm. Sunday’s shows feature a full roster of Burlington performers including Valley, White Pine Dancers, The Killin’ Time Band, The Spoons, Tebey and Walk Off The Earth.

A Citizenship and Reaffirmation Ceremony will take place at TD Stage at 2 pm. In attendance will be Hon. Karina Gould, MP, Hon Eleanor McMahon, MPP and Mayor Rick Goldring as Master of Ceremonies.

Newcomers to Canada will partake in The Oath of Citizenship, accepting the responsibilities and privileges of becoming a Canadian Citizen.

This is a public event that family, friends, residents and visitors are welcome to attend. Everyone is encouraged to re-affirm their Canadian citizenship by taking the Oath with our newly appointed Canadians.


You Tube just might have given Walk off the Earth the boost they needed to really make a mark on the musical scene. Are we looking at another spoons in the making?

Walk Off the Earth – added to the free day of great music on the waterfront.

1:00 Valley
1:45 White Pine Dancers
2:00 Greetings, Citizenship & Reaffirmation Ceremonies
3:15 The Killin’ Time Band
4:30 The Spoons
6:00 Tebey
7:30 Walk Off The Earth

Many people see the Terry Fox run as a unique thing that happened in Canada and was the result of one Canadian's supreme effort. The Canadian flag just seems to be a part of the event - and there were plenty of them handed out.

This is about as Canadian as you can get – how many people who are already Canadian citizens will show up to re-affirm their Canadian citizenship by taking the Oath with the newly appointed Canadians.

This day is a celebration of our values, and our country, along with an unbelievable roster of local performers.

“This is a bit of a dream come true as a music lover and resident of Burlington, there couldn’t be a greater expression of hometown pride”, says Rian Malloch, the Festival’s Programming Chair.

The shows are FREE, VIP upgrades to Sweet Seats and FrontRow are available for $29, limited quantity. Visit soundofmusic.ca for full line-up, schedule and show times.

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I was wondering - she asked: would you promote the Save Our School Walk?

eventspink 100x100By Pepper Parr

May 31st, 2017



“Hope all is well” she said and added “hope you are enjoying today’s beautiful weather.”

The she added: “ I was wondering if you would be so kind as to promote the Save Our School Walk which is this Saturday, June 3rd at 11 am .

Delegation May 8 HDSB

Some of the Pearson high school parents during delegation night at the Board of Education.

The Walk is a last minute effort by the parents whose children attend the Lester B. Pearson high school that has been recommended for closure in 2018.

It is a high school that has been hornswoggled by the Board when the feeder schools they once had got attached to Hayden high school – which was a death sentence for Pearson – but they are going to do whatever they can between now and June 7th when the eleven Board of Education trustees decide what to do.

Join the walk!LBP JUNE 3RD WALK FINAL VERSION - (1) (1)

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National Ride your Bike to work day: Where are those plans for bike lanes on New Street?

backgrounder 100By Staff

May 29, 2017


Revised 12:50 pm May 29th, 2017

Today is Bike to Work day.

Did Burlington celebrate the event?

They did – in an event at Civic Square but there wasn’t a line of bikes along New Street.

Not this year – that road is in the process of being rebuilt between Guelph Line and Appleby.

Where are things with the cycle lane for New Street?

Not much recent information on the city’s web site. The original plans to do a pilot exercise in 2016 didn’t work out all that well.

In his blog the Mayor said in 2016 that …

Goldring selfy - the

Goldring selfy – the day he took the bus to work. Provided by the Mayor’s office.

City Council supported a staff recommendation for a one-year pilot for bicycle lanes on New Street between Walker’s Line and Guelph Line.

A majority of council (6-1) supported this decision. It was our team of transportation experts that recommended what is being called a ‘road diet’. Simply put, that means taking New Street from four lanes to three lanes (two travel lanes and a centre left turn lane), with bike lanes separated by painted buffered lines on each side.

There are a few key things to note as we measure data and carefully listen to residents during the bicycle lane pilot project on the two-kilometre stretch of New Street:

This is a pilot project scheduled to last one year. Our staff will be tracking detailed data and we invite feedback from everyone using that stretch of the road.

The pilot is a litmus test to see if the painted lanes result in a positive experience for people who want to ride their bicycles, while causing a minimal impact for drivers who also need to get where they are going in a timely manner.

This is an ideal time for the pilot to be done as this section of road is scheduled for resurfacing in 2017. This means there will be no cost to revert the lanes if the pilot is determined to be unsuccessful by staff and ultimately, council, or keep the new lane configuration when the road is resurfaced.

I live by New Street and as such, take it every day, at different times. I will experience first-hand the traffic delays, if indeed there are any.

The key measurement for me will be the impact on the automobile driver. If there are significant traffic issues as a result of this new configuration, we can simply repaint the road. This one-year test allows us to see if New Street is the right place for bike lanes.

The multi-purpose pathway from Burloak Drive to Martha Street is good for recreational cycling. However, it is a busy mixed use pathway that includes not only cyclists but walkers, skateboarders, walkers with dogs and young children. A friend of mine broke his wrist after a young child darted in front of him causing him to slam on the brakes and fall. This means it is not ideal for people cycling along the pathway for transportation, especially when travelling at higher speeds.

The pathway is also not useable when it is dark as the average light from a bicycle is not bright enough and does not shine far enough to create a safe ride. The pathway is not lit at night. There are also numerous crossings where vehicles have the right-of-way.

New street - being rebuilt

New sewer pipes and a resurfacing of New Street put the new bike lane plans on hold.

Furthermore, the pathway does not provide meaningful connections to the many amenities right along New Street.


Bike lanes on Fairview

Data presented to a city Standing Committee by the Cycling Advisory Committee in 2016

The cycling enthusiasts explain that bike lanes on New Street by themselves will not have much of an impact – a fully developed cycling master plan with bike lanes throughout the city are what is needed and that is going to take some time.

Bike lanes - New Street - Guelph Line to Burloak

Data provided by the Cycling Advisory Committee in 2016. Not much, if anything has happened since then.

Changing public opinion on bike lanes would seem to be the biggest obstacle.

The idea had support from a limited number of people; it was then so poorly executed that what little support got pummeled badly – can it be revived?

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The issue: Which is more important, mining shale to make bricks or the 6000 – 9000 trees that will have to be cut down to mine that shale. Think climate change while you muse on the question.

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

May 23rd, 2017


In 1972

Paul Henderson scores the “goal of the century”
The World Hockey Association begins
Global Television begins broadcasting in Ontario
Heritage Canada is established
Lester B. Pearson dies.
Average Cost of new house $27,550.00
Average Income per year $11,800.00
Average Monthly Rent $165.00
Cost of a gallon of Gas 55 cents
Richard Nixon announces he will resign

In 1972 the province of Ontario issued a license to remove shale for brick making from lands in the western part of the city

The Tyandaga Environmental Coalition Inc. (TEC) is a group of concerned residents opposed to a planned expansion of that quarry for the purpose of shale extraction.

The scene - quarry

The Tyendaga community and its neighbour – three quarry sites.

The TEC has been slugging this one out for a number of years. They incorporated as a not for profit, created a web site, put up an on-line petition – 1,850 to date and now they get ready for another community meeting at which the brick making company will explain what they plan to do next.

That next is expected to be the cutting down of something between 6,000 and 10,000 trees on the 34 acre property.

While TEC does its best to prevent the mining of shale for brick making – which will require the cutting down of at least 6000 tress Ward 1 Councillor Rick Craven Congratulates and thanks IKEA and “Tree Canada” for their recent initiative in Kerns Park where over 60 IKEA volunteers planted about 300 new trees in the park.

The irony is painful.

TEC made the comment that: “In the light of your support for the “Tree Canada” project we would also respectfully point out that just as important as the planting of saplings (for the future generation) is the saving of those trees that have already been planted and have survived all the elements both man-made and natural – trees that are now enormous contributors to our clean air, healthy lifestyle (for the current generation), and our overall well-being.

The TEC people say the “… need, at a minimum, to have the MNRF decision (to issue the original quarry license) to be re-evaluated in the light of the ‘HERE and NOW – 2016’. We appreciate that the MNRF does not have a history of reviewing their decisions but in this case we believe that the area under question has undergone such a dramatic change in the last FORTY-FOUR YEARS with the enormous growth in industry, schools, residences, traffic, etc. that it would warrant an exception to their rule.

They add that “There is also reason to believe that there are endangered species that were not identified in the original quarry request. Essentially, Forterra has become an urban quarry in a pristine area of Burlington.


As many as 9000 tress will be cut down so that the shale can be mined for brick making.

Meridian Brick (formerly Forterra Brick) plans to clear-cut approximately 40 acres of prime forest to expand its commercial shale quarrying operations (the east cell) beside the residential Tyandaga neighbourhood in Burlington, Ontario.

TEC urges the Honourable Kathryn McGarry (Ontario Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry), and, the Honourable Glen Murray (Ontario Minister of the Environment and Climate Change), to revoke Meridian Brick’s permission to quarry their east cell.

By revoking the permission to quarry this land, the government would demonstrate strong leadership in correcting planning oversights that were made decades ago, long before an understanding of fair and just environmental principles emerged in Ontario law and before the possible health hazards associated with quarry operations were fully appreciated.

Cancelling the 44-year old “sleeper” permission to quarry land held by Meridian Brick would save an important and healthy forest, protect habitat for all species, flora and fauna – including those that are at-risk and endangered and help protect Ontario’s watershed and residents’ health.

TEC is fighting an uphill battle.

In an Information document made prepared for members of council and made available to the public the city’s view point is set out. Brick making is a big industry in Burlington.

The Information document explains that: “There is considerable background relating to the quarry including but not limited to the relationship to the nearby Tyandaga subdivision, land use planning matters and details regarding the quarry licence and operation. To this end, this document will serve as a background paper that offers a summary of the key facts.”

Three areas in North Aldershot are licenced for shale extraction under the Aggregates Resource Act (ARA) – West, Centre and East. The Aldershot Quarry has been in operation since the 1920’s and was first licenced under the Pits and Quarries Control Act in 1972 and then subsequently under the ARA in June, 1990.

Under the Aggregate Resources Act, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry:

Oversees the rules governing aggregate management
Inspects aggregate operations and responds to complaints
Enforces compliance
Ensures rehabilitation is carried out on sites

Extraction operations are governed by a site plan approved as part of a licence that was finalized in 2010 under the Aggregates Resources Act.

The quarries are designated as Mineral Resource Extraction in the Burlington Official Plan and zoned MRNA (Mineral Resource North Aldershot).

Licenced extraction areas are protected by the Provincial Policy Statement and are permitted to continue without the need for an Official Plan or Zoning By-law amendment or development permit.

Forterra Brick owns and operates the three clay brick plants and four shale quarries within the City. Forterra Brick (under various previous names and ownership) has owned and operated brick plants and quarries in Burlington since 1956.

Forterra Brick manufactures an estimated 55% of the clay brick produced in Canada and 45% of that is made in Burlington.

Currently the Aldershot plant uses shale from the west quarry and the Burlington plant (Dundas Street) uses shale from the centre quarry. The west quarry is reported to have approximately 3-5 years of shale reserves while the centre quarry has approximately 6-8 years of reserves. Times depend on demand for brick.

Both the west quarry and centre quarry were mined by National Sewer Pipe dating back to 1929. Hanson Brick has operated in both quarries since the late 1990’s. Until 2005, operations in the centre quarry were periodic and since then, the operations have been continuous. There has also been limited excavation in the east quarry. The West quarry is still operational, but with limited life.

Three quarry sites

Three quarry sites

This is a shale quarry site which produces Queenston shale for brick making. Queenston shale is the only type of shale used for brick making in Ontario today. Much of Ontario’s remaining Queenston shale is no longer accessible due to urban development in southern Ontario.

Shale extraction does not involve explosives. It’s a mechanical process where the topsoil and vegetation is stripped away (using bulldozers and tree chippers) and the underlying clay is left to weather. As the quarry deepens, piles of weathered shale are excavated by front end loaders and trucked away.

The excavated material from the Aldershot quarries is trucked away to the Aldershot brick plant south of the west quarry and to the Burlington quarry located on Dundas Street, east of Appleby Line.
The material is transported using the North Service Road with approximately 110 truckloads per week. The quarry does not operate on weekends.

The site plans for the approved licence show three operational cells (quarries). In the near future, operations at the site will open a new cell within the existing approved licence area – known as the east cell (quarry). This is not a new licence area or a licence expansion. The remainder of the quarry is active and quarry operations were found to be in compliance when inspected by the Ministry in 2015.

East Quarry: In 2015, the City was notified by Forterra of its intention to start preparing the east quarry for extraction.

The east quarry is 16.4 hectares in size and approximately 10.8 hectares will be disturbed.

Clearing the land is the first step in preparing for shale extraction. Tree clearing was scheduled for the winter of 2016-2017 for the east quarry; however, a mitigation plan for endangered species is required which may delay the timing of the tree clearing.

Quarry Rehabilitation: The entire east quarry will be rehabilitated in accordance with the Greenbelt Plan to 100% forest cover. The rehabilitation requirements of the Greenbelt Plan were incorporated into the site plan finalized in 2010 under the Aggregates Resources Act.

Westhaven Drive Subdivision: Houses on Westhaven Drive were constructed well after the quarry property had been licenced for aggregate extraction.

On May 12, 1997, City Council approved the Westhaven Drive subdivision, adjacent to the east quarry.
The application was appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board by residents on Forestvale Drive and it was approved with some minor amendments on May 25, 1998.

At the time the subdivision application was made in 1995, Dust Assessment and Noise Control studies were submitted to the city for the future east quarry to demonstrate compatibility.

These studies were reviewed and approved by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy who stated in a letter dated, October 24, 1996 that it “is satisfied that the land use compatibility issues raised earlier have been addressed.”

All purchasers are informed of the following warning clause registered on title:

“The purchaser acknowledges the presence of a future extractive industrial land use to the west and that extraction may take place during the daytime only.”

The Tyandaga Environmental Coalition Inc. (“TEC”) has been formed to represent a number of families residing adjacent to the proposed quarry. The TEC did contact the city to request confirmation that certain OMB Minutes of Settlement conditions were fulfilled relating to a site plan, noise and dust matters. The city confirmed that the conditions had been cleared by staff.

Neighbourhood Meeting: On September 22, 2015, at the request of Councillor Craven, Forterra held an information session with local residents to explain their plans and to answer questions. At the meeting, the neighbours were invited to form a committee that could meet with Forterra Brick to discuss the concerns of the neighbourhood. The September 22nd meeting was attended by Councillor Craven, approximately 50 members of the public and planning staff. An optional tour of the west quarry took place prior to the meeting and was attended by approximately 9 residents.

Ministerial Review: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry was asked to comment on a request for a ministerial review of the licence granted to Forterra Brick and we are advised by Eleanor McMahon, MPP that there is no process under the ARA for a ministerial review of an approved licence.

Regular inspections of an operating quarry are conducted by the Ministry and the Forterra quarry operations were found to be in compliance when inspected by the Ministry in 2015.

Forterra Brick is holding a meeting for anyone who wants to talk to them Thursday evening at the Crossroads Centre on the 1259 North Service Road just west of Kerns Road.

The overriding question for the community and city hall is this; which is more important mining shale to make bricks or the 6000 – 9000 trees that will have to be cut down to mine that shale.

Think climate change as you muse about this one.

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The burst of excitement and pride for our 150th birthday has yet to show itself.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

May 15th, 2017


The full throated celebration of our 150th birthday has yet to be revealed by the city – traditionally there has been a Strawberry social at the museum – with that place shut down – no longer open for business – the public doesn’t know what the plans are for July 1st.

Love my hood - Canada

Are the citizens of this city going to hold 150 different neighbourhood events to celebrate the Sesquicentennial?

The Mayor has high hopes – he is looking for 150 Love My Hood events – the city is putting some cash on the table to make those events happen. Love My Hood provides resources, support, funding up to $300 and eliminates some common barriers in event hosting. Click here for details on that opportunity.

Library tour - stand of books

Recognizing 71 Burlington authors past and present.

The Library has an interesting series of events a display of books written by Burlington authors past and present.

Freeman Junction sign BEST

THE best citizen initiative during the past five years. They kept it alive.

Freeman Station has grabbed a spot in the events that will take place on Canada Day – the Sesquicentennial version. The Mayor is going to be on hand for that event – we hope that Councillors Lancaster and Meed Ward will set aside the differences they have and be recognized for stepping forward and doing what it took to keep the station away from the wrecking ball until citizens began to do what the city wasn’t able to do.

There is a member of city council who we hope has the decency not to show up – he did almost everything he could to convince the citizens who kept the Freeman Station alive to give up. Citizens got it to the point where it is now close to the best piece of history the city has – exceeded only by Ireland House.

The council member might manage to find it within himself to apologize and make a donation to redeem himself.

CF 18 - with 150 colours

An Air Force CG18 jet – decked out in Sesquicentennial colours – will take off from the Munro Airport in Hamilton and do a cross country tour.

Hamilton has got an interesting event taking place – it really isn’t their event – the federal government is the force behind this one – but the CF18 jet decorated with Canadian colours will set out on its Canadian tour from the airport in Hamilton.

Burlington might get lucky and convince someone somewhere to have that jet do a couple of barrel roles over Burlington Bay as it flies out of the Munro International airport.

The city might be holding the Canada Day cards close to their chest until we have Victoria Day behind us.
A number of administrative services will be closed for the Victoria Day weekend on Monday, May 22, 2017, reopening on Tuesday, May 23, 2017.

City Hall: Will be closed on Monday, May 22, reopening on Tuesday, May 23.

Parks and Recreation Programs and Facilities: Activities and customer service hours at city pools, arenas and community centres will vary over the holiday weekend. Please visit burlington.ca/play for a complete listing of program times and burlington.ca/service hours for hours at customer service locations.

Burlington Transit and Handi-Van: On Monday, May 22, Burlington Transit will operate a holiday service and the administration offices including the downtown Transit Terminal and Handi-Van dispatch will be closed. Regular service resumes Tuesday, May 23. Call 905-639-0550 or visit burlingtontransit.ca for more information.

Roads and Parks Maintenance: The administrative office will be closed on Monday, May 22, reopening on Tuesday, May 23. Only emergency service will be provided.

Halton Court Services: Provincial Offences Courts in Milton and Burlington will be closed on Monday, May 22, reopening on Tuesday, May 23.

Parking: Free parking is available in the downtown core at all pay machines located on the street, municipal lots and the parking garage on weekends and holidays.

The gardeners will beat a path to the nurseries in the city as they plan to get their gardens in.

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Library celebrating the 71 authors who are part of the history of the city. Display of their books will be shown at each library.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

May 15th, 2017



The Burlington Public Library has come up with an interesting way to celebrate and recognize the role that literature has played in the growth of this country.

They have put together a traveling book display that will move from library branch to library branch during the balance of the year.

The schedule is:

May 12 to June 5 – New Appleby branch
June 6 to July 3 – Tansley Woods branch
July 4 to Aug 7 – Kilbride branch
Aug 8 to Sep 4 – Alton branch
Sep 5 to Oct 9 – Brant Hills branch
Oct 10 to Nov 6 – Central branch
Nov 7 to Dec 4 – Aldershot branch

The display will include copies of 71 books written by authors who live or once lived in Burlington. It is the library’s way of celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday

Library tour - stand of books

Part of the traveling display – 71 authors from a city the size of Burlington is something to celebrate.

The book display will feature books from a variety of both children’s and adult’s authors and illustrators. Special edition Canada 150 bookmarks will be handed out.

Maureen Barry, CEO, Burlington Public Library adds that “Canada has a long and proud literary arts heritage and an exceptional reputation for storytelling worldwide. Here in Burlington, we are privileged to have a wealth of talent connected to our city. That’s something worth celebrating.”

The commemorative book display project was initiated and inspired by Burlington author, Sylvia McNicoll. Ian Elliot, owner of A Different Drummer Books, assisted with the selection of authors and books featured in the exhibit.

Children’s Authors
Rebecca Bender

Giraffe and Bird
Don’t Laugh at Giraffe

Pamela Duncan Edwards

Oliver Has Something to Say!

Lana Button

Willow’s Whispers
Willow Finds a Way
Willow’s Smile

Marilyn Helmer

Fog Cat
That’s What Bears Are For!

Heather Rath

Ode to a Flattened Toad

Jennifer Maruno

When The Cherry Blossoms Fell
Cherry Blossom Winter
Cherry Blossom Baseball

Cathy Miyata

Starring Me

Sharon E. McKay

Charlie Wilcox
War Brothers

Sylvia McNicoll

Best Friends Through Eternity
The Best Mistake Mystery

Jennifer Mook-Sang


Patricia Storms

Never Let You Go
The Ghosts Go Spooking

Children’s Book Illustrators

Lorenzo Del Bianco

Hockey Science
Dirty Science

Wendy Whittingham

Miss Wondergerm’s Dreadfully Dreadful Pie

Patricia (Patty) Gallinger

My Mannequins
Yesterday’s Santa and the Chanukah Miracle

Adult Authors

Elizabeth Crocket

Extra Candles

Jen J. Danna

Dead, Without a Stone to Tell It
Lone Wolf (as Sara Driscoll)

Lorene DiCorpo

Worth Travelling Miles to See

A. E. Eddenden

A Good Year for Murder
Murder at the Movies

Jennifer Filipowicz


Ian Hamilton

The Water Rat of Wanchai
The Courturier of Milan

Emerson Lavender

The Evaders

Denise McKay

Old Lady Sweetly Is Twenty

John Lawrence Reynolds

Free Rider
Beach Strip

Lee Lamb

Oak Island Obsession

Alexandra Oliver

Meeting The Tormentors in Safeway
Let The Empire Down

Lynda Simmons

Getting Rid of Rosie
Island Girl

Janet Turpin Myers

The Last Year of Confusion

Dee Wilson

A Keeper’s Truth

Mark Zelinski

Heart of Turtle Island: The Niagara Escarpment
Canada’s Royal Garden

Gary Evans

Images of Burlington
Vanished Burlington

Jane Irwin

Old Canadian Cemeteries

Former Resident Authors

Robert Bateman

Life Sketches

Linwood Barclay

Broken Promise
Far From True
The Twenty-Three

Melodie Campbell

The Goddaughter
The Bootlegger’s Goddaughter

Jill Downie

Daggers and Men’s Smiles
A Grave Waiting
Blood Will Out

Kim Echlin

The Disappeared
Under The Visible Life

Lawrence Hill

The Book of Negroes
The Illegal

Miranda Hill

Sleeping Funny

Marni Jackson

The Mother Zone
Don’t I Know You?

Christopher Moore

The Story of Canada

Anitha Robinson

Broken Worlds

Gisela Sherman

The Farmerettes

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Slow start for the Herd as they struggle to get out of the barn - lose the first two games of the season.

sportsgreen 100x100By Staff

May 14th, 2017



The London Majors rolled to a season-opening 17-4 win over the Burlington Herd Friday night at Labatt Park.

Byron Reichstein and Cleveland Brownlee combined to drive in 14 runs.

Reichstein had five hits, including a double and home run, and finished with nine RBI. He also scored three times. Brownlee went deep twice and had five RBI and two runs.

Burlington scored three of its runs in the top of the first inning before the offence dried up.


Herd hasn’t made it out of the barn yet.

Carlos Villoria drove in two of the runs, while Andrew Leggo and Matt McCue had the other RBI.

Justin Gideon doubled once and scored twice, and Nolan Pettipiece singled and doubled.

Ryan Beckett took the loss, giving up seven runs (two earned) on five hits over two innings.

Burlington made five errors.

The home opener for the Herd didn’t go much better on Saturday.  The Kitchener Panthers won a 4-2.

John Whaley and Canice Ejoh each had a pair of hits for the Herd.  Ejoh and Justin Gideon scored Burlington’s runs.

Derek Zwolinski took the loss, allowing five runs on three hits over three innings, striking out three and walking three.

Schedule for the season:

May 12
Burlington at London –  4-16 Burlington (0-1)

May 13
Kitchener at Burlington – 4-2 Burlington (0-2)

May 18
7:15 PM Barrie at Burlington

May 20
1:05 PM Toronto at Burlington

May 21
2:00 PM Burlington at Hamilton

May 25
7:15 PM Hamilton at Burlington

May 26
7:35 PM Burlington at London

May 27
1:05 PM Brantford at Burlington

Jun 3
1:05 PM Toronto at Burlington

Jun 4
2:00 PM Burlington at Kitchener

Jun 8
7:15 PM Guelph at Burlington

Jun 9
8:00 PM Burlington at Brantford

Jun 10
1:05 PM Brantford at Burlington

Jun 11
7:00 PM Burlington at Barrie

Jun 16
7:30 PM Burlington at Hamilton

Jun 17
1:05 PM London at Burlington

Jun 18
2:00 PM Burlington at Toronto

Jun 20
7:30 PM Burlington at Barrie

Jun 21
7:15 PM Barrie at Burlington

Jun 24
1:05 PM Hamilton at Burlington

Jun 25
2:00 PM Burlington at Kitchener

Jun 27
7:30 PM Burlington at Guelph

Jun 29
7:15 PM Guelph at Burlington

Jun 30
8:00 PM Burlington at Brantford

Jul 4
7:30 PM Burlington at Barrie

Jul 7
8:00 PM Burlington at Brantford

Jul 8
1:05 PM Hamilton at Burlington

Jul 13
7:15 PM Guelph at Burlington

Jul 14
7:30 PM Burlington at Hamilton

Jul 15
1:05 PM Kitchener at Burlington

Jul 20
7:15 PM London at Burlington

Jul 22
1:05 PM Kitchener at Burlington

Jul 23
2:00 PM Burlington at Toronto

Jul 27
7:15 PM Toronto at  Burlington


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Annual Police Day - Saturday May 13th at police HQ in Oakville - a fine family event.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

May 8th, 2017



It’s an annual event – the 18th and an occasion when the police pull out all the stops and show the public what they do and how they do it.

With robot device

Mini robots will be on display.

Much of the equipment the police have to serve and protect a community is on display. There will be demonstrations where police officers work with a member of the K9 unit.

police dog running

K9 unit on patrol

Takes place Saturday May 13th between 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m at HRPS Headquarters 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville.

Rain or Shine: No Pets Please.

There will be HMC Connections volunteer interpreters (Arabic, Urdu, Chinese, Spanish, Polish, Punjabi, Russian, Korean, Portuguese and French) available through the Information booth

Armed officers

Police officers going through a training exercise.

ASL interpreter services available through the Information booth and ASL interpreting for all stage presentations

Live Demonstrations and Interactive Displays, Family-Friendly Entertainment and Rides are part of the day.

The HRPS Pipes & Drums and Chorus will be on hand – all the celebrate what the police do and to celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Children’s Safety Village

Saluting with police

Chief Tanner takes the salute

A BBQ provided by Troy’s Diner ($)

FREE Admission & On-Site Parking

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The GO BOLD mobility team is rolling into Aldershot on Saturday May 13th.

News 100 redBy Staff

May 1, 2017



Next stop on the Mobility Hub train is in Aldershot.

Saturday May 13th: 10:30 to 12:30, East Plains United Church, 375 Plains Road East

The City is developing detailed plans for the “mobility hubs” around the Go Stations and they want to hear what the good people of Aldershot think about the idea

The public are invited to share ideas on a long-term vision the city is creating for the area around the Aldershot GO station.

Centre ice - fully engaged audience

It was a very engaged crowd with hundreds of questions.

The workshop will be led by City staff and external planning consultants.

The audience that attended the Burlington  GO station event was close to capacity.

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New Medical Wellness Center opens - gala launch.

eventspink 100x100By Pepper Parr

April 28th, 2017



It is going to be a whole new product line.

Media were invited to check out – a new truly comprehensive Medical Wellness Center.

Dr. Ira Price, internationally renowned for expertise in cannabinoid medicine is announcing a new Synergy Health Services clinic to serve Burlington area patients. An exciting new concept, the new clinic truly is a comprehensive Medical Wellness Center, adding vape yoga, massage, acupuncture, exercise therapy and a ground-breaking Cannabis Exploration Center to the Synergy model.

Marijuana educationWe were invited to join them for a gala to celebrate! We were to be treated to kombucha samples (including a special Kombucha Martini made by a guest mixologist!), wine and beer tasting, and tasty organic treats by Green Bar, Hamilton’s vegan cafe.

Catering was to be provided by JONNY BLONDE, a celebrated local eatery known for its chef inspired, locally farmed, anti-biotic-free ethical eats.

Members of the local business community who donated many great prizes for the exciting raffles that were to take place throughout the evening were going to be on hand.

This had the look of a great evening; something to talk about for weeks.


It is going to be a whole new product line.

Dr. Price seems to have come to term with the three-month suspension for misconduct given to him by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, for altering a medical record and misleading a college investigator.

Synergy Health Services’ website lists Price as an assistant clinical professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, at McMaster University.

We weren’t able to “celebrate this innovative new addition to the Burlington health landscape” – we had to work the next day.

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They do things like this in Lowville - Somnium

eventspink 100x100By Pepper Parr

April 24, 2017



To make sense of this article you have to understand Walt Rickli. He lives in Lowville, he is an artist, he works with stone. He is passionate about everything he does.

He told us earlier today that…”Many years ago some of the original founding families of Lowville decided there needed to be a park for kids to play in. Land was severed and the community got together and built what is now Lowville Park.

“I am sure they never imagined the positive impact it would have on people some 50 years later. It’s this type of visionary dreaming that I believe makes the world a better place.

“Fast forward to 2017… I discovered that the River Ruin property is for sale….the real estate agent Don Robertson is a friend of mine. This property has been our communities best kept secret, the walk to past the ruins (a side trail to the Bruce Trail) is magnificent… the old Cleaver house ruins are a testament to the stone masons of the time and is an important part of our heritage.

Rickli property idea 1

The property is listed at $699,950.

Rickli property idea 2Ready…here it is… What if… we were to purchase this property…as a community…just like the original Lowville families did… What a crazy idea. I thought about it for a while…the question was, would I regret it if I didn’t try.

Rickli property idea 3

Known locally as the River Ruins

So… This Thursday April 27th, 8:00 to 9:00 ish, at the Lowville Schoolhouse there will be a gathering of people do discuss this idea. It will be an informal meeting where we can openly discuss the concept and see if there is a spirit to continue. My thought is that at the very least our community would get together for a night and dream…how cool is that.

This concept of community is not limited to imposed city boundaries…what I am saying is…it doesn’t matter if you don’t live in Lowville. If the vision excites you, you are welcome to join in.

If you are not able to attend and would like to be part of this please let me know. I will send out a note after the meeting to inform interested and excited people as to what the outcome of the meeting was… Also if there is anyone who you know might be interested please pass along an invitation.”

Rickli closes with the word: Somnium  – Dreaming in Latin

You can reach Walt at: walt@waltrickli.com>

They do things like this in Lowville.


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Director of Education recommends that Bateman and Pearson be closed; trustees have final word June 7.

Newsflash 100By Pepper Parr

April 21st, 2017



The following  is a portion of the report of the Director of Education to the Halton District School Board trustees:

Robert Bateman High School to be closed June 2019 and students re-directed to Nelson High School and M.M. Robinson High School.

The International Baccalaureate Program to transfer from Robert Bateman High School to Burlington Central High School, effective September 2019.

Lester B. Pearson High School to be closed June 2018 and the students re-directed to M.M.
Robinson High School commencing September 2018.

French Immersion program to be moved from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School as of
September 2018, beginning with the Grade 9 program.

Students from the “Evergreen” community (currently undeveloped) will be directed to M.M.
Robinson High School.

Aldershot High School will be explored as a site for a magnet program or themed school.

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The city and the way it uses its flag poles - sending important messages.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 11th, 2017



There are six flag poles outside city hall. We aware of them, especially when they are at half-staff – we wonder who died.

The city frequently uses the lead pole – the one closest to city hall, when it wants to raise a “special Interest” flag. The Rainbow flag is an example.

city hall with flag poles

City hall with its six flag poles.

Last week the Mayor raised the autism flag. People tend to either shrug or think “that’s nice” and move on if they happen to see a special interest flag.

For the families that have children whose health is somewhere on the autism spectrum the raising of that flag is much more than a passing event.

It is the community’s acceptance that an acknowledgement has been made and that there is some level of acceptance and understanding.

autism flag raisingCoincidentally, last week – maybe a little longer than that – Sesame Street introduce “Julia” a child with autism to the program. The creation of this character and her introduction to the program was five years in the making.
But there she is – very real in the minds of young children. It is hard to explain how the parents of autistic children feel about this change in a social norm.

A year or so ago, a group of parents with older – more than 18 years of age – family members met in a day long workshop at ThinkSpot in Lowville to think through an approach they wanted to make to the provincial government about the care and welfare of their children.

For these parents there is a terrible, dreadful fear over who will care for their autistic children. They worry about who will take care of their children when they are no longer able to do so. They have special needs that are not provided once they are past the age of 18.

“They just get dumped” was the way one parent put it. Out of that workshop came an application for a Trillium grant that allowed the creation of a plan for a different approach to the care of older autistic people.

That flag going up a pole at city hall in Burlington was more than a simple flag raising occasion – it was a sign and an acceptance that change was needed and that change was taking place.

Who would have thought that Julia, an autistic child, would become a main character on a hugely popular children’s television program.

Raise more than a flag to that step forward.

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Mobility hubs the latest buzz word to come out of city hall - might replace intensification which seems to have become a non issue.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 10th, 2017



City council has decided that growth and development is, to a large degree, going to be centered around Mobility hubs and they want you to help them do that work.

Mobility hubs

Four mobility hubs – expected to be the preferred locations for future commercial growth and development.

There are two meetings taking place.

The city has invited the public into their new Locust Street Grow Bold offices on April 12th. “Individuals interested in learning more about the Mobility Hubs studies are welcome to drop by to meet the city staff working on the Mobility Hubs studies and to ask questions. Refreshments will be provided along with fun activities and games.”

Takes place on Wednesday, April 12 – 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Mobility Hubs Office, 1455 Lakeshore Rd., Unit 7 (across the street from the ESSO gas station)


Mary Lou Tanner, Director of Planning and Building for the city.

Mary Lou Tanner, Chief Planner and Director of Planning and Building explains the purpose of the meeting: “The city needs to hear from the entire community about what they love and value in their downtown so that we can create a long-term vision that continues to make downtown Burlington a great place to live, work, shop and play.

“There is a lot of interest in our downtown from developers. As our city grows, we will receive more and more requests for new buildings of all sizes. With input from the community, the land-use policies created through the Downtown Mobility Hub study will help ensure we have the type of growth in our downtown that we want.”

Once approved, the policies created through Burlington’s Downtown Mobility Hub study will be adopted as part of the city’s new Official Plan.

The offices on Locust Street are not that large – if the weather is good the overflow can spill out onto the side walk cafes on Lakeshore.

Grow bold - front door

Home to the people who are going to focus on our growth.

On April 20th, city Councillor Marianne Meed Ward will return to her Downtown Visioning project and focus on mobility hubs and the role they play. This meeting takes place at Burlington Lions Club Hall, 471 Pearl St., from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Halton Region is anticipated to grow from 530,000 to one million people by 2041. The Province of Ontario’s provincial growth plan, Places to Grow, mandates the City of Burlington plan for a population of 193,000 by 2031.

Just what are mobility hubs? There is a general idea but specifics and details are far from being worked out. The prime objective will be to find ways to move all these people around efficiently.

To get this worked out in the next 18 months is a challenge and include it in the Official Plan

A number of years ago Burlington Transit decided they would shut down the small terminal office on John Street where people were able to buy bus tickets and update their Presto cards. That idea didn’t last very long – what was stunning to many who know something about transit was that the idea actually got to a city council meeting.


John Street transit station was at one point thought to be past its Best Before date. Clearer minds looked at the property again and decided it could get an upgrade to the status of a mobility hub.

What the city has done is set out where the mobility hubs are to be located and have produced a draft Official Plan that focuses on the four locations.

Mobility Hubs locations are around the city’s three GO stations, Aldershot, Appleby and Burlington, and the downtown bus terminal; this is where new growth and development over the next 20 years is to take place.

The city plans to hoist a number of engagement opportunities over the next 18 months to gather input from residents and businesses about how they’d like to see these areas grow and change in the future.

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Tyandaga Golf Course opening postponed to April 14 due to weather

sportsgold 100x100By Staff

April 7th, 2017



golfers in the rain

It wouldn’t have been quite this bad. Just not all that nice.

The opening of Tyandaga Golf Course for the 2017 season has been postponed until Friday, April 14 due to this week’s wet weather.

With climate change we may well have to get used to a much different kind of seasonal weather.

For more information, please call 905-336-0005 or visit www.tyandagagolf.com.

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City wide Clean Up takes place April 22nd - register now and show up for the celebration BBQ.

eventspink 100x100By Staff

April 8th, 2017



Just two weeks away – citywide community litter Clean Up 2017 – taking place on Earth Day, April 22.

The event has grown to include 11,000 – 13,000 participants annually. BurlingtonGreen wants to reach a goal of 15,000 registrants for this year’s event.

BG Clean up

Last year these two worked in their neighbourhood. Where will you decide to work?

The organization has partnered with the City since 2011 to co-ordinate an annual event to keep our city clean. A total of 63,000 Burlington residents have participated in the six events led by BG since 2011.

It’s easy to participate:

1) form a group, big or small;

2) choose a clean-up area in Burlington (eg. field, park, creek, woodland, your schoolyard, etc.);

3) register your group on our website (link ), and reserve supplies if needed (bags, gloves);

4) do your clean up on April 22nd (schools and businesses may participate April 17-21).

BG proud grandparent - Sharman

The weather often determines how many people show up for the celebration after all the work is done. Last year Councillor Paul Sharman, on the left and BG board member Carol Gottlob selling raffle tickets attended.

With the work done everyone is invited to take part in the Eco-fair Celebration at Central Park/Library for a BBQ, eco-exhibitors, kids’ activities and live music.

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School calendar dates released - 7 professional development dates.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 6, 2017



The school calendar for 2017-18 has been set out – just needs provincial approval.

Here it is:
School calendar

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Just show up, schmooze with hundreds of other business people. See how you get on

News 100 yellowBy Staff

March 31, 2017



Every sector of the community looks for a place where it can share its viewpoint and get its message out.

This community is not the Chamber of Commerce set – they are men and women with expertise and experience that is not “on staff” at many organizations but that is needed from time to time.

Quite a business card isn't it? James Burchill, the guiding force and the energy behind the Burlington Social Fusion Network is all business.

April 6th – from 4:00 to 8:00 pm., at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

It is a simple easy way to meet people who ply their trade – you never know who you are going to meet. And you usually come away knowing someone with a skill set that you will want to remember.

It's all about networking.

It’s all about networking.

James Burchill has been doing this for those independent practitioners who meet the needs of larger and medium sized businesses.

He calls it a Social Fusion Networking event that he holds at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre. The event this year is April 6th – from 4:00 to 8:00 pm.

If you’re interested in free b2b networking [with hundreds of businesses] then you should check out next week’s [April 6] Social Fusion Networking event at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre from 4-8pm.

Burchill described his event in the easy folksy manner he brings to what he does: “Just show up, schmooze with hundreds of other business people. See how you get on.”

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Child behavourial experts doing a free parent presentation titled: Looking Beyond the Behaviour,

eventspink 100x100By Staff

March 28th, 2017



Two child behavourial experts will be providing a free parent presentation titled, Looking Beyond the Behaviour, on Tuesday, April 4, 2017 in Burlington to teach parents/guardians strategies to help children develop emotional strength.

The event is being presented by Community & Parent Partners for Kids (C.A.P.P. for KIDS), and will run from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. at New St. Education Centre (3250 New St., Burlington). There will be community displays from 6:45-7 p.m.

Sonia Holden and Charmaine Williams will be the presenters.

Holden has more than 19 years of experience working with children of all ages and developmental abilities; she coaches and teaches strategies to support emotional development in children.

Williams has more than more than 17 years of experience in social services as a consultant and parenting coach. She has worked with children of all ages and teaches best practices in child development and emotional regulation.
Admission is free but donations toward future speakers will be gratefully appreciated.

C.A.P.P. for Kids is a partnership between Halton Region, Halton District School Board, Halton Catholic District School Board, Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK), Our Kids Network, Halton Regional Police Service, Ontario Early Years, Burlington Public Library, City of Burlington, and the Halton Multicultural Council.

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