LPAT is beginning to look like a pat on the head for some residents and then being asked to go away.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

February 12th, 2019



The business of making changes to the Official Plan that was adopted by city council on April 26, 2018 but not accepted by the Regional government has begun.

Changes to the Official Plan was a contentious election issue and resulted in a new Mayor and a decidedly different council. Five of the members are new.

Getting all the changes made is not going to be a simple one step process.

On Feb. 7, 2019, Burlington City Council voted to re-examine the policies in Burlington’s Official Plan, adopted in April 2018.  That plan was sent to Halton Region for approval. The Region sent the plan back with some questions without approving it.

Meed WardMayor Meed Ward has taken the position that “Once the Region identified areas of non-conformity, that stopped the clock on approving the new Official Plan and opened the plan up for any other matters of discussion. This allows our new City Council the time to define what areas we want to study, undertake that work, consult with the community, and send back a comprehensive plan. We expect that plan to truly reflect the needs, best interests and vision of the community and it’s elected Council.

The motion, approved by Council, directs Burlington’s Director of City Building to immediately commence a process to re-examine the policies of the Official Plan adopted April 26, 2018.

Proposed Amendment 1 to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2017

On January 15, 2019, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing released proposed amendments to the Growth Plan, 2017 which can be found here. The Province identified that the purpose of the proposed changes is to streamline growth management planning in the Greater Golden Horseshoe to achieve the following outcomes:

• More Streamlined Process: Provide greater flexibility so that municipalities will be able to move forward faster on the implementation of the Plan and meet the deadline to update Upper-tier and Single-tier official plans to conform with the Plan by July 1, 2022.

high profile 421

One of the development proposals that can resolve the housing availability. Nothing affordable about it.

• More Land for Housing: Respect the ability of local governments to make decisions about when and where to add new land for housing, to ensure that there is enough housing supply to meet demand.

• More Housing and Jobs near Transit: A more flexible framework for focusing investments around transit infrastructure will enable municipalities to plan to increase the supply of housing and jobs near transit faster and more effectively.

• Greater Local Autonomy and Flexibility for Municipalities: Ensuring that municipalities will have the ability to implement the Plan in a manner that better reflects their local context while protecting the Greenbelt.

A staff report regarding the proposed submission to the Province will be delivered to Planning and Development Committee on February 27th at 1 pm.

It is clear that there are going to be many stages in the re-writing of the plan that was approved in April of last year.  What we are seeing now is just the first step.  It will be interesting to see how Staff responds to the Direction.

The matter of streamlining the process has a number of Burlington residents who have been trying to take part in Tribunal hearings concerned.

One Gazette reader said in her opinion “the streamlining comes about because there is little or no resident participation.”

LPAT process graphicResidents are finding that they have no problem preparing comments – they are accepted and put in the file. But when they ask to be able to be a “participant” they are for the most part being denied.


Gary Scobie delegating at city hall.

Gary Scobie asked to be a participant on the Reserve development for the former Elizabeth Interiors property.  The developer didn’t have a problem with Scobie and the city lawyer didn’t have a problem – so there he was – a participant.  Now what – Scobie doesn’t know – he might have played his role – submitting a document.

A resident of the Dynes Community was told they would not be recognized as participants. To date that group has spent $17,000 to date on legal counsel.

Being a participant you have no liability.  If you have status as a Party you could be sued if the developer thinks you have simply tried to delay an application from being approved.

With the OMB – a resident could come to the hearing – and as a participant could basically delegate.  The lawyers from both sides then had the opportunity to “cross examine the witness”.

The residents we have talked to get the feeling that the process is going to be “streamlined” because it will consist of lawyers talking to lawyers and arguing fine points of provincial policy. The “local” element and response seems to be missing.

Not a healthy process.

Will the city planners push for better public participation?

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All City of Burlington facilities closed and programs cancelled due to winter storm

notices100x100By Staff

February 12th, 2019



Enough said the decision makers at city hall.

As of 4 p.m. today, the City of Burlington is closing all city facilities and cancelling all city-run programs and rentals for Tuesday, Feb. 12. The City will work with sport user groups and renters to reschedule times.
Residents are strongly encouraged to avoid travelling as the roads are unpredictable as the city’s snow-fighters plow, sand and salt the primary roads.

Snow fall - Joe Dogs Feb 2-15 001

Hospitality services taking a beating today.

All vehicles parked on the street must be removed and parking exemptions are void. Failure to remove vehicles from residential roads could result in being ticketed or possibly towed to allow snow plows and other heavy machinery to safely navigate the narrow streets.

If residents notice a vehicle on their street, they are encouraged to kindly ask the owner to remove the vehicle or call Parking Control during business hours at 905-335-7816 (Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) or after-hours, Halton Regional Police Service at 905-878-5511. (Ask for “dispatch” and police will send a parking officer).

Residents are also asked for their patience as clearing all 1,900 km of roads can take up to 24 hours and 850 km of sidewalks can take up to 72 hours to clear.

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City Planning and Development Committee meeting cancelled.

Newsflash 100By Staff

February 12th, 2019



The Planning and Development Committee scheduled for this evening – Tuesday February 12th has been CANCELLED. It will be rescheduled.

A Statutory meeting on the Lakeside Village Plaza was on that agenda.  There are many people wanting to delegate at that event.

Lakeside village plaza proposal

The proposed plan was just a little too much for most people in the neighborhood. Has the developer heard what the residents thought?

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If you park on the street - you might find a parking ticket on the vehicle. Snow day - no street parking.

notices100x100By Staff

February 12th, 2019



The city has a message for those who are able to or have to stay at home because of the weather: Don’t park your car on the street – give the snow plow operators a chance to do their job.

An accumulation of 15-20cm is expected The city will be concentrating on Primary and Secondary roads during the snowfall.

Please do not follow snow plows too closely or pass them when they are clearing the roads. Vehicles parked on-street during a snowfall and prior to clean up operations may be subject to ticketing or towing.

Snow plows - tandem on Fairview

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This city council has an opportunity to bring about the changes that are really needed at city hall.

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

February 11th, 2019




With power in her hands – Mayor Meed Ward has an opportunity to really lead.

When newly elected Burlington Mayor Marianne Meed Ward had the Chain of Office placed around her neck on December 3rd, she told the audience that she had some news she would release the following day.

The next day city hall announced the dismissal of city manager James Ridge.

Commisso alone

Interim city manager Tim Commisso.

While there was a Deputy City Manager, this new city council wanted an experienced city manager in place and entered into a short term agreement with Tim Commisso to serve as an Interim City Manager for a period of six months and announced that council would begin the process of finding the next full time city manager

Burlington has gone through four city managers in an eight year time frame.

Former Mayor Rick Goldring dismissed Roman Martiuk. The city then hired Jeff Fielding who left the city of London to come to Burlington.

City manager Jeff Fielding is about to significantly reorganize the senior levels at city hall. will Council let him do it?

Former City manager Jeff Fielding did his best to significantly reorganize the senior levels at city hall. When a better offer came along he left.

City staff needed time to get used to the energy and drive that Fielding brought to the city. After less than two years a head-hunter discovered Fielding and introduced him to Naheed Nenshi,  Mayor of Calgary – those two were a match made in heaven.

Fielding resigned and the city was once again looking for a city manager. They brought in Pat Moyle, who was a retired CAO for the Region of Halton to Burlington.

Moyle saw the city through the August 2014 flood and kept the city on track while the search for the next city manager took place.

Council settled on James Ridge who came to Burlington from British Columbia. Ridge was a good fit for the Goldring council; – he wasn’t a fit for then ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward.

Ridge 4

City manager |James Ridge defined his job as protecting his staff rather than holding them accountable. In one memorable memo he told staff that he “had their backs”.

Ridge is reported to have told a person he knew well at city hall that if Meed Ward won he would not be the city manager for long. That proved to be true.

There has been no word yet on if there have been any meetings on what the process of looking for a new city manager will be.

In a detailed book on the Premiership of John Robarts, who was Premier from 1961 to 1971, Steve Paikin reports that in 1968 Robarts “created one of the most important advisory bodies in his entire premiership.”

John Robarts - one of the best Premiers the province ever had: knew how to balance a budget.

John Robarts – one of the best Premiers the province ever had.

Robarts had been convinced that the province had grown to the point where it needed more qualified people in its senior ranks and created a Commission on Government Productivity that helped set the framework for an administration that has served the province exceptionally well.

The Commission wrote ten reports and lasted well beyond Robarts’ years as Premier. It submitted ten reports.

The Gazette is not suggesting that Meed Ward and her council create a commission that takes a decade and writes ten reports but she might want to give serious consideration to looking for outside advice on what the structure of a municipal government should – could look like in these changing times.

The last time any advice was given to Burlington’s city hall it didn’t get much in the way of a professional reception.

Shape Burlington logoThe Shape Burlington report set out what was wrong with city hall and what was needed in the way of change. Written by John Boich and former Mayor Walter Mulkewich who were served by a board of advisors, Senior city hall staff at the time didn’t want the report published – that wish wasn’t granted – they then wanted some changes in the wording.

Jogn Boich - co-chair of the Shape Burlington Committee died in 2011

John Boich – co-chair of the Shape Burlington Committee died in 2011

Asking the late John Boich to revise strongly held views was not a wise response. In terms of culture and the way city hall has chosen to serve the public that pays them – here hasn’t been much of a change. City managers have taken the view that their role is to protect their staff rather than consistently hold them accountable for the quality of the work they do.

It should be possible to find a consulting firm (not the one that foisted that 25 year Strategic Plan on the city), to do a comprehensive report in three months and then meet with council to expand on their views and recommendations.

city hall with flag poles

There is an opportunity to change the way city hall is currently organized – too many silos as well as significantly change the culture. Shape Burlington was the start.

If the city is  ever going to get to be run properly they might as well take the time to do it right. There are structural issues that need attention and there are cultural issues that need to be worked on.

Let us not make this a missed opportunity.

Salt with Pepper are the views,musings and opinions of the Gazette Publisher.

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TEC thinks they now have a true advocate for their cause.

News 100 greenBy Staff

February 11th, 2019



The Tyandaga Environmental Coalition (TEC) continues to focus on the issue of Meridian Brick’s planned development (clear cutting and quarrying the North Aldershot East Quarry in ward 1.

During the election they focused on getting their story in front of every candidate – a mammoth task with 11 people running for the ward 1 seat.

Graphic of TEC quarry

The quarry operation was part of a corporate amalgamation and was re-named – Meridian Brick.

“TEC was delighted” with the outcome at the Mayorality level – they needed some time to get a sensed as to where the new Council member for the ward stood on the quarry issue.

They are now reviewing/resetting their strategy as a result of the new leadership and senior staffing changes at city along with the change in policies and legislation.

In November, 2018 TEC members had an introductory meeting with MPP Jane Mckenna who is open to meeting again.

TEC stop quarry expansion Jul17

Tyandaga community organizes to prevent the clearing of an estimated 9000 trees behind their homes.

On February 6th, members of TEC met with Councillor Galbraith. It was an introductory meeting at which TEC requested that he and the City take the lead and determine a solution that would benefit all involved and stop the clear cutting.

Galbraith slight smile

Ward 1 city Councillor Kevlin Galbraith

“We were pleased to hear that this community matter is a priority for Galbraith.  We expect he will speak about this at his upcoming ward meeting which will take place on Wednesday February 13 from 7-9pm at NUVO Network, 1295 North Service Road, Burlington.”

Note that due to ongoing renovations, the front door at NUVO Network is not in use – parking and entrance are at the back of the building.

You can find his contact information on the Galbraith website: https://www.burlington.ca/en/your-city/councillor-kelvin-galbraith.asp

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Rivers: Universal pharma-care a no brainer - will save the country $8 billion as well.


Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

February 11th, 2019



We’ve seen the numbers. Canadians spend almost $30 billion a year on some 600 million prescriptions. And we know we could save as much as $8 billion by transitioning to a universal nation-wide single-payer system. It’s a no-brainer, right?

Tommy Douglas

Tommy Douglas – advocating for universal health care.

What would a universal program look like? It could be modeled on Canada’s universal health care system. In fact that would make it the perfect complement – administered by the provinces and funded jointly by both levels of government. The provinces already have a seniors’ drug program in place, and Ontario even had an OHIP+, covering those youth without a private health plan.

But to go that route, the provinces would have to agree among themselves on the universality and portability aspects. And they’d have to agree with the federal government on their joint responsibilities and cost sharing. That kind of deal might have been do-able back when the feds and most of the provinces shared a common political stripe, but with national partisan bickering increasing in the lead-up to the 2019 federal election, it won’t likely happen this year.

Ford at joseph-brant-hospital-doug-ford

Doug Ford at the Joseph Brant Hospital

For starters, Ontario, which is preoccupied with cutting or ending former Liberal programs has little interest in adding anything resembling a new or expanded social program, especially one which might lead to increased taxes. And cost-sharing discussions with a federal government currently being sued over carbon taxes is definitely a non-starter.

On the other hand there are good reasons for the federal government to implement a cross Canada program all on its own, given federal jurisdiction in the management of pharmaceuticals in this country.

One might expect the provinces to welcome a comprehensive program, funded at the federal level, saving them the costs of current provincial drug programs. But provinces are always wary about federal intrusion in what they see as their areas of responsibility, particularly in Quebec, so it’s not that easy.

How can we afford it? Well folks we are already paying the costs…and more. The existing patchwork of federal and provincial government subsidized programs is being funded through your tax dollars. On top of that, there is the cash we dole out at the pharmacy, the subscriptions to private drug plans, and the lower earnings accompanying a work place drug benefit. And that doesn’t count the costs to both the health system and work places for people who can’t afford to fill their prescriptions and end up just getting sicker.

It’s what we learned after moving to single-payer universal health care. We can’t afford not to have Pharma care. The four to eight billion dollar savings estimates may be speculative but it’s clear the savings won’t be zero. Efficiencies will be gained as competing pharmaceutical programs are reduced. Lower prices should be expected by negotiating for larger orders and buying in bulk. And then, of course, there is all that drug and drug insurance company profit.

Big pharma

Profits for the pharmaceutical industry are among the highest in the world.

Besides partisan politics at the provincial level, the other obstacle to implementation comes from lobbying by the Canadian patent drug industry and its international parents. They have become wary of efforts like Pharma care to compromise their profits in the nation with the highest drug prices on earth, after the USA. So they have offered to voluntarily hold the line on drug price increases over the next decade.

Their offer, which they estimate at $26 billion has been spurned by the federal government and for good reason. One has only to look at countries like New Zealand for inspiration. They manage to keep drug prices as low as one tenth of those here.

Pharma care was an integral part of Tommy Douglas’ vision for the nation’s first medicare program which he enacted In Saskatchewan. It was also a component of the original plan for universal national health coverage which the Pearson government introduced in 1964. The federal Liberals, in 1997, campaigned on a pledge to develop a plan for the implementation of universal Pharma care but failed to deliver.


Jack Layton won almost everything in Quebec in the 2011 election. That let Stephen Harper form a government with the NDP serving at the Opposition.

Only in 2004 had Paul Martin finally secured landmark inter-jurisdictional agreements for a number of social programs, including universal Pharma care. But dithering and being caught up managing fallout from the Liberal Sponsorship scandal took its toll. In 2006 Martin’s minority government fell thanks to Jack Layton’s NDP, and with it so did our hopes for universal Pharma care.

Stephen Harper wasted no time giving any more time to universal Pharma care. Tommy Douglas must have shuddered in his grave knowing that his own party had helped deprive Canadians of Pharma care for the next decade and a half. It was only last year that the Liberals announced setting up an advisory committee to plan for a national drug plan.

scheer mute

Scheer hasn’t had much to say on a universal health care plan.

And Trudeau’s own finance minister mused that it might require means testing for income, thus ending dreams of universality. He clearly needs a primer on what the term Pharma care really means. And so does opposition leader Scheer, who, like Harper before him, has been mute on the idea, except for partisan attacks on the person leading the advisory committee.

And if Scheer wins the next election… there may well be somebody else writing this column in fifteen years and she’ll be asking … It’s a no-brainer, right?

Rivers hand to faceRay Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.


Background links:
Global Pharmacare –     Pharmacare –    National Program

Drug Prices Deal –     Advisory Committee –     Scheer

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New Democrats to talk about poverty at Central arena on Wednesday.

eventsorange 100x100By Staff

February 10th, 2019



ostrich head in sandsee no evil monkeyPoverty is not a popular coffee shop conversation; we have it but we don’t talk about it. This social behavior on the part of Burlingtonians is a combination of “see no evil” and the ostrich with its head in the sand.

Talk Poverty NDPThe reality is that – there rare poor people in Burlington and the New Democrats talk about it. The Progressive |Conservatives talk about ensuring that everyone can get a job but keep the minimum wage so low that some people need two job to get by.

MPP Sandy Shaw (Hamilton West – Ancaster – Dundas) is going to be in Burlington on Tuesday, February 12th to give a talk on the Ontario NDP’s efforts to fight poverty.

Ted Hildebrandt (Director of Social Planning at Community Development Halton) will also be speaking about the face of poverty in our region, and particularly the hidden face of poverty in Burlington.
The evening will start off with a simple pasta dinner – no charge to attend and it is open to anyone interested in making Ontario a better place to live, regardless of political affiliation.

The event is from 6pm to 8pm February 12th at the auditorium in Central Arena.

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Ward 3 gets a two for one: Bentivegna joins Councillor Rory Nisan.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 9th, 2019



Now that they are elected and are well on their way to getting comfortable with the jobs they have the members of Council are getting out into the community to meet with their constituents.

Each member of council has their own style and approach. Residents of ward 5 have learned how to respond to Councillor Sharman and those in ward 2 know how Meed Ward handled issues – now that she is Mayor we are seeing a tendency to use photo ops much more than she did as a Councillor.

We will return to the change in Meed Ward.

Thursday evening ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan met with his constituents at the Conservation offices on Britannia Road. He had people in from the Finance department give a solid background piece on the budget that is before council. The tax levy put forward by the Finance department recommended an increase over the 2018 budget of 3.99%.

Mayor Meed Ward has said she would like to see that reduced to 2.99% – which might be a stretch given the new asks that are coming forward; but she does appear to have the support of her colleagues on a lower tax levy for 2019.

Nisan Lowville Feb 7 BEST

Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan listening to a budget presentation.

Councillor Nisan didn’t make any direct comment on where he stood on what the eventual tax levy should be during his constituency meeting. His meeting in Lowville was to deal with rural issues and he did something surprising – he had ward 6 councillor Angelo Bentivegna join him so that the two men could hear what was pressing and on the minds of the rural community. Life north of Dundas is a lot different than life south of the QEW,

The speed with which people drive their vehicles through the rural roads is a consistent concern. There was at one point a school crossing guard at the public school in Kilbride – he retired and the city has not found a replacement.

Lowville meet Feb 7

Cold night, roads all but fogged in – but 30 residents showed up to meet their ward Councillor.

Public safety was a prime issue – and the lack of a school crossing guard produced a lot of discussion.

“If there was a school in Burlington without a crossing guard” said one resident “there would be someone sent in to cover for a crossing guard that is not able to get to their job.”

The residents of Kilbride want the same level of service. They see themselves as the forgotten residents of the city. Someone suggested that the northern parts of wards 3 and ward 6 be merged and turned into a single ward with its own Councillor.

Bentivegna explained why he thought that was not a good idea. With the current system he explained you have three of the seven councillors who have rural constituents speaking for you. You will get a better response with the current ward set up.

Lowville Regulars - Rickli +

Lowville regulars – Walt Rickli on the left and John Timmins on the right.

Councillor Nisan appear to like the idea of a single rural ward.
Bentivegna proved to be much more outgoing and robust in this rural setting than we have seen him in the past; he was all over every issue and said on a number of occasions that he was in office to make changes. He has come up with a tag line: rethink, reinvent and retool that he touts every chance he gets.

He has kept the election signage on his vehicle as well. With a win of less than 50 votes over Blair Lancaster in the October election he might well be wise to stay in election mode.

While the meeting was not in his ward Bentivegna was taking down names and phone numbers and promising to follow up “first thing tomorrow”.

Part of the budget Q&A was on the addition of a sixth bylaw enforcement officer. People in ward 3 say they never see a bylaw enforcement officer unless it is a matter that relates to Conservation Halton.

The city currently has five bylaw control officers – a sixth will allow one for each ward and Bentivegna wants to see a ward bylaw officer handle every kind of complaint. Right now the animal control people don’t take on parking problems and the parking people don’t respond the bylaw infractions relating to property. He wants the silos between the departments taken down – every bylaw office would respond to anything and everything; there would be no more specialization.

Bentivegna wasn’t able to say just how many bylaw enforcement officers there are in the city; his comment was those that are in place are “run pretty ragged”

Bentevegna starinwith Nisan Feb 7 Lowville

Ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna joined forces with Ward 3 Councillor Rory Nisan to brief the residents on what the two of them were going to do for rural Burlington. Meeting took place in Lowville.

Road conditions are an ongoing concern. Finance department staffer Anne Marie explained that the city has an inventory of every road in the municipality that details when the road was last repaired or upgraded – that data drives a large part of the infrastructure budget.

The condition of the roads and the speed at which people drive their cars is regularly brought up at rural Councillor meetings.

Residents want speed bumps; however the installation of a speed bump requires research which the residents see as waste of time. A new sidewalk was put in in Kilbride – but it isn’t snow plowed forcing people to walk on the road on which vehicles move too quickly. One resident talked of having to jump into a ditch to avoid being hit by a pickup truck. “It’s a big issue up here” he said.

Public safety was the prime concern – that and a school bus driver who is said to be driving at 80 clicks in a 40 click zone.

“Kids don’t walk to school anymore – they get driven by their parents who then speed away to get to their jobs” explained one parent.

Taylor at LowvilleFeb 7

Former ward 3 Councilor John Taylor keeping an eye on what the new ward Councillor is doing.

The Kilbride fire station is run by 30 volunteers that most people are content with. Their beef is that there isn’t any water service – it has to be transported in when there is a fire. There is a tanker at the fire station but it apparently doesn’t have any water in it.

On a cold winter night with thick fog covering the roads some 30 people gathered to voice their concerns. Sitting in the audience listening quietly was John Taylor, the former, now retired Councillor for the ward.

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Skate lending program expanded to Appleby Ice Centre

News 100 redBy Staff

February 8th, 2019



The City’s skate lending program is expanding to Appleby Ice Centre. Residents of all ages can access a variety of skates and other equipment on a first come first serve basis, year-round.

The Skate Hub is located in the lobby of ice pads 1 and 2. There is no sign-out form required and there is no time limit on the equipment. The hours of operation are the same as facility hours.
The skate lending program is also available at the Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond on weekday evening, weekend and holidays.

figure skates

Put them on right and you can enjoy swirling around the ice.

Skate Lending Hours of Operation of the Burlington Rotary Centennial Pond.

• Weekday evenings: 5 to 10 p.m.
• Weekend and Holidays: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Both locations have a variety of sizes.

Skating rink Discovery Landing

Rotary Centennial Pond.

Donations Needed
Anyone with used skates, gloves, sticks or helmets in good condition can donate them to the lending program. Donations can be dropped off at any Burlington community centre, arena or pool, City Hall, as well as Emma’s Back Porch, Gator Ted’s and Wendel Clark’s Restaurants.

For more information on skating in Burlington, visit burlington.ca/skating.

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Is there a possibility that the $4 million the marina got for the build of a breakwater could be rescinded?

Budget 2018 ICONBy Pepper Parr

February 7th, 2019



Is the $4 million funding given to the LaSalle Park Marina by the last city council at risk?


Gary Scobie – prefers that the marina not get a dime but if the $4 is approved – make it a loan.

Mayor Meed Ward made mention of talk about rescinding the decision made by the previous council.

Gary Scobie who delegated on the use of the Hydro Reserve fund – something few people knew anything about.

Scobie argued that the city has no business giving that amount of money to a private organization that sits on land owned by the city of Hamilton when there are not much more than a couple of hundred members of the LaSalle Park Marina Association.

The option the LaSalle PArk MArina Association hopes is chosen through the Environmental Assessment due MArch 2013.

The option the LaSalle Park Marina Association hopes is chosen.

It was a messy debate when the $4 million was first put on the table.

What isn’t clear at this point is whether or not the $4 million is a loan or an outright gift.

Scobie said he didn’t want any money going to the Marina but if money did go to the organization it should be in the form of a loan.
The funds were needed for the installation of a breakwater – without an upgraded breakwater membership in the Marina will plummet – no one will want to tie up at a marina that insurance companies will not cover.

Rescind – it was a surprising word to hear.

More healthy debate on that one.

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Scobie once again serves the public interest - members of council don't do quite as well.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 7th, 2019



On track 101There has been a lot of confusion about just where Burlington is in terms of the provincial government Places to Grow policy. That is the program that sets out the longer term population growth plans.

The provincial government set the level to which population is expected to grow and determines where that growth should take place.

A population growth target is given to the Regional governments (they are called two tier set ups) and a number to the single tier government; Guelph and Toronto are single tier governments. Burlington. Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills are part of the Region – making us part of a two tier system.

Burlington’s Planning department has never offered anything firm on just what the city has in terms of population and what is expected in the short term future. The planners just kept saying we are guided by the Places to Grow policy. The developers would claim that their development was part of reaching the Places to Grow target.

Many thought the target had already been met. The then Councillor Marianne Meed Ward kept saying the target for 2031 was being met and that we were in fact ahead of the requirement.

The target for 2041 is known at the Regional level – Burlington doesn’t know what its share of that number is going to be.

Much of the development in the downtown core is being driven by that Places to Grow policy.

Gary Scobie, a retired Burlington resident and frequent effective delegator, did some homework and came up with some numbers that suggest Meed Ward was right – we have reached our 2031 target or are so close that with the developments in the pipeline the city will reach its target handily.

Here is what Scobie had to say in his Growth Targets 101 presentation.

The Urban Growth Centre is where the development is taking place.

The Urban Growth Centre is shown with a red dotted line that is sometimes a solid red line. It extends as far north as Prospect Street. Total area is 104.6 hectares (ha)

Urban growth centre

In 2016 there were 156 p&j (a combination of people and jobs) per hectare in the Urban Growth Centre.

The goal for our UGC is 200 p&j per hectare – thus in 2016 we had achieved 78% of the goal.

The 2031 target is 104.6 ha x 200 p&j for a total of 20,920 people and jobs in the Urban Growth Centre.

In order to meet the 2031 target the city needs to add 4,540 p&j in the next 12 years.

Is that possible? Scobie thinks so and he offers the following data to make his point

Approved projects
These developments will add 2824 p&j in the not too distant future which will make Burlington short 1626 of the target. Note that Scobie uses an estimate of 1.5 residents per housing unit.

There is more maintains Scobie and he points to projects that are “in the works”.
In the works

Pearl and Lakeshore

A development planned for the corner of Pearl and Lakeshore is to be 29 storeys – a record high for the city.

Scobie, who shares the view of Mayor Meed Ward, maintains the city does not need 20 storey towers to meet the Places to Grow population target.

He suggests that the projects in the works will add 1355 people and 180 jobs for a total of 1535 p&J and that permitting buildings that are between eight and 11 storeys will let the city reach the objective. No need for the 20 plus storey towers that will destroy the small town feel that residents want.

“We don’t need more 20+ storey buildings to reach the target. Mid-rise building can get the city to the point where it has met the growth requirement and allow a more human scale of development.”

Is Scobie right?

Gary Scobie

Gary Scobie: Are his numbers right?

Hard to tell – none of the Councillors who heard the Scobie delegation asked city staff if Scobie’s numbers were right.

The Gazette has fired off an information request to Mary Loy Tanner, the former Planning Director who oversaw much of the development that has residents upset enough to elect a significantly different council.

Our question to Tanner is:

On Tuesday, February 6th, Gary Scobie made a delegation to Council. A copy of the slides he presented is attached. Are the numbers Scobie presented correct?
If they are incorrect could you set out where his numbers are wrong.
Thank you  🙂

A question we have for the members of council who heard the delegation: Did the cat get your tongues or did you agree with Scobie? At the end of his delegation there wasn’t a single question asked. Not what they were elected to do or did we get that wrong?

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The cure for staff insubordination is a big broom in strong hands.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 6th, 2019



It may not be case of insubordination but it was a classic case of mis-understanding who calls the shots and how staff should be responding to members of council.

Tuesday evening Mayor Meed Ward asked for some critical information on when a time frame on a development will be reached.

Amica development rendering

Mayor was told to google if she wanted to know when the time line for making a decision on this development would be reached.

The North Shore Road proposed Amica development had just gone through a lengthy Statutory meeting and there was concern that the city would once again fail to get reports from staff in time to ensure that a decision could be made in time.

The Mayor asked planner Lisa Stern when the 210 allows would have been reached. Google it was the response.
The Gazette reporter wasn’t in the room – so can’t say if there was an audible gasp. We did get a response from a reader who commented: “it shows a total lack of respect for the Mayor. I certainly hope someone will speak to her about it.

Stern is due to take some maternity leave. “I have to wonder” said the Gazette reader, “ when she will go on maternity leave – my question is who will take over this file and will it affect the deadline in June for the North Shore Proposed Development?

Burlington’s Planning Department has a history of failing to get a response to a development proposal completed in time which has the developer making an appeal to the Local Planning Act Tribunal for a decision.

Mayor Meed Ward wasn’t going to let that type of thing happen again. She wanted the time line date included in every report that comes to council. Meed Ward wasn’t certain just how that date was determined. Was Sunday counted?

To ask for the information and be told by a staff planner, a junior one at that, to google for the information is insubordination and reflective of the attitude the department has taken when dealing with this new Council.

broomIs there cause for dismissal here? Will the Planning Director have words for the planner? Will there be the much needed cultural re-direction from within the department or will someone with a big broom start doing some sweeping.

The Interim City Manager might begin using that hard glare he is very capable of directing at those he is unhappy with.

Tomorrow would be soon enough for that to begin happening.

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Mayor gets a motion approved - Grow Bold is to be ditched - Planners experience some indigestion with that direction.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 6, 2019



In a report to a Council Standing Committee Tuesday evening the Mayor said that “Burlington residents have consistently raised concerns about over-intensification and development in our City. During the 2018 election, they made their voices heard and clearly indicated the need to review the scale and intensity of planned development.”

Tim - Tanner Finance

The Grow Bold, Grow Smart, Grow Beautiful tag line that then Planning Director Mary Lou Tanner (centre in this picture) has now been dumped. Interim city Manager Tim Commisso, on the left has the unenviable task of unwinding that branding. Will he be making staff changes as well?

That was the rationalization she used to bring forward a motion to re-examine the policies of the existing Official Plan that was adopted, though not officially approved, in April of 2018, and review matters of height and density.

The approved but not adopted Official Plan was sent to the Region who sent it back to the city noting that there were “identified areas of non-conformity”. City council, and the Planning department needed more in the way of clarity from the Region.

Staff from the Planning department, the legal department along with the interim city manager and the Mayor met at length with the Regional planners – Burlington does not yet appear to have the clarification they are seeking.

MMW arms out - thank you

She did win and she is going to do it her way.

The Mayor did say that “Once the region identified areas of non- conformity, that stopped the clock on approving the new Official Plan and opened the plan up for any other matters of discussion. This allows our council the time to define what areas we want to study, undertake that work, consult with the community, and send back a comprehensive plan. We expect that plan to truly reflect the needs, best interests and vision of the community and its elected council.”

Mayor Meed Ward presented a motion that she said would “provide absolute clarity to staff and to the community that the City of Burlington staff are not to use the adopted 2018 plan in evaluating current/new development applications. Multiple analyses by staff in assessing development applications, downtown in particular, have made it clear we do not need to over intensify in order to meet our obligations under the Places To Grow legislation.

Grow bold - front door

Will the Grow Bold “branding” be removed from the office door by the end of the week? The Mayor just might take it upon herself to do that ask by herself.

Meed Ward once again put out the word that the city “will immediately discontinue use of the “Grow Bold” term and related branding to ensure we are absolutely clear on our direction.”

The motion brought forward by the Mayor read:

1. Direct the Director of City Building to immediately commence a process to re-examine the policies of the Official Plan adopted April 26, 2018 in their entirety related to matters of height and intensity and conformity with provincial density targets.

2. Direct the Director of City Building to send a letter in respect of the Official Plan adopted by Council on April 26, 2018, to the Region of Halton acknowledging receipt of the
Region’s Notice of Statement of Opinion of Non-Conformity with the Regional Official Plan dated December 4, 2018 and requesting sufficient time to address the conformity issues identified.

3. Direct the Director of City Building that until such time as the modifications that result from the work being undertaken in (1) and (2) above are brought forward and adopted by Council and sent to the Region for approval, that the adopted OP policies not be given weight in evaluating development applications that may be processed in the interim period.

4. Direct the Director of City Building to report back to the Planning and Development Committee meeting in March to provide a progress update on the Official Plan work plan with key milestone dates, public engagement plan, budget and resource requirements.

5. Direct the City Manager to discontinue the use of the “Grow Bold” brand.

In presenting the Motion Meed Ward said she wanted a unanimous vote – she did get unanimity but not without some arm wrestling from Councillor Sharman.

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Rivers: Coming your way - The Nasty Political Ads Season

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

February 6th, 2019



“The most divisive and negative and nasty political campaign in Canada’s history”

That was Justin Trudeau’s prediction for the upcoming federal election as he addressed a Liberal fundraiser last October. And he only had to wait a couple of months to see his prophesy come true.

About a week ago federal Conservative leader Andrew Scheer posted an ad on his Facebook and Twitter accounts which can only be compared to the one PM, Kim Campbell, released on national TV during the 1993 federal election.


Politicians do what they think they have to do to either win public office or retain the office they hold. Kim Campbell didn’t hold the office of Prime Minister for very long.

Campbell’s ad asserted that Chretien would be an embarrassing PM for Canada because he had a facial birth deformity compromising how he appeared and spoke. Campbell, to her credit, apologized and cancelled the ad the following day.

She claimed she hadn’t actually seen the ad, having trusted her campaign team to save her harmless. That was a huge mis-judgement on her part and it helped cost her the election. In fact she presided over the biggest election loss in the history of the Progressive Conservative party – going down to two seats. But that didn’t stop the Tories from using nasty ads in their election campaigns.

Mr. Harper was a little subtler when he went after Liberal leader Stephane Dion, who suffered from what appeared to be panic attacks that spoiled his messaging in either official language. Harper’s ad focused on images of a man struggling for words and thereby depicting the otherwise polished and professional Dion as an inexperienced bumbler. And in this case it worked.

It should be no surprise then that Harper’s protege would follow his lead. But unlike Campbell who pleaded ignorance, Scheer’s hands are all over the recent attack ad. After all who but Scheer had posted them directly onto his personal social media pages.


Politicians can sometimes be just a little too cute. Andrew Scheer at his cutest?

Mimicking the popular Historica Canada produced ‘Heritage Minutes’ which appear regularly on CBC, his ad focused on Trudeau’s occasional stutter or shortness of breath. Whatever the cause, this is something we had all witnessed during the three leaders’ debates in the last federal election. Stutter or not, the voters who gave him a majority government would have to say Mr. Trudeau won those debates.

So what does it say about Scheer, the wannabe PM, that he doesn’t get it? It’s supposed to be about what you say and not how you say it. Canadian voters respect fair play. By all means attack Mr. Trudeau for what he stands for and what he has done, but don’t just expect voters to flock to you because you denigrate your opponent for a physical imperfection, or whatever a stutter is.

Historica ad

The Conservative Party created this attack ad parody of a popular TV segment called Heritage Minutes. Historica Canada requested it be deleted, and it subsequently was.

And talk about slow learning. After the non-partisan Historica Canada complained vigorously about this cheap stunt compromising their own integrity, Sheer took down the ad. Then he posted it almost immediately, minus any direct reference to the Heritage Minutes.

Then Scheer removed it again, finally concluding that it was inappropriate. Had the intent of this little caper been to showcase the competence of the new Tory leader, all it demonstrated was nastiness, poor judgement and indecisiveness.

Historica Canada is still waiting for a simple apology. And so is the Prime Minster as are the rest of us Canadians.

Rivers hand to faceRay Rivers writes regularly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was once a candidate for provincial office in Burlington.  He was the founder of the Burlington citizen committee on sustainability at a time when climate warming was a hotly debated subject.   Ray has a post graduate degree in economics that he earned at the University of Ottawa.  Tweet @rayzrivers



Background links:

Heritage Minutes –    Chretien Ad –     Dion Ad

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Black history a big part of Burlington's Heritage month.

News 100 redBy Staff

February 5th, 2019



February is Heritage Month in Burlington.


Empire Loyalist Union cemetery in Aldershot. The Ghent’s were a significant family when Burlington was known as Wellington Square.

The City of Burlington’s Heritage Committee has been busy planning another exciting Heritage Month, Topics and events will include Black history, First Nations, Freeman Station, Burlington architecture, movies, panel discussions, stories and more. The full calendar listing is at bpl.on.ca and burlington.ca/calendar.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward said: “Great cities aren’t made overnight. Our connections to the underground railroad, First Nations, the industrial revolution and, of course, our contributions to the great wars are well documented. Thanks to the efforts of the Burlington Heritage Month Committee and Heritage Burlington, they are also becoming well-told.”

Howard Bohan, Chair, Heritage Burlington had this to say:

“We are proud to offer such interesting and diverse historical and educational opportunities. Special thanks to the Burlington Heritage Month Committee and to Martha Hemphill of the United Empire Loyalists Association for her leadership.”

Black History Month is bringing the African and Caribbean immigrant experience to this city.

Ancilla Ho Young

Ancilla Ho Young takes part in an unveiling of noted Black citizens. She is with Mayor Meed Ward and an unidentified person.

Burlington Caribbean Connection, in partnership with the City of Burlington, Halton Regional Police Service, both Halton school boards and the Halton Multicultural Council, is staging its third annual Black History Month Celebrations with two events in February.

The play Once On This Island, is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 24 at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) at Nelson High School.

Once On This Island is a Caribbean version of Hans Christian Anderson’s tale of the Little Mermaid. It’s described as a colourful musical tale of love, loss and redemption performed by a group of Caribbean peasants as they wait out a violent storm.

The story tells of a young peasant girl who leaves her village in search of her love. It is the peasants’ version of what became of her, filtered through faith and imagination, music, drama, love and race.

Admission to the event is free but a donation box will be available to help fund events for next year. If you would like to attend but did not receive an invitation, call 905-332-9098 to reserve a seat, or send an e-mail to: thebcc2000@yahoo.ca.

The Halton District School Board celebrates Black History Month as a tremendous opportunity for our students to learn more about, and for our schools to highlight, the very significant contributions Black Canadians have made to the very fabric of Canada,” says Stuart Miller, Director of Education for the Halton District School Board.

Viola ten dollar bill

The $10 bill was released by the Mint to celebrate the contribution Viola Desmond made to progress for Black people in the Maritimes. The Halton District School Board named a school after the woman

“In addition to the teaching that takes place all year, the month of February provides students even greater exposure and deeper learning into the many achievements of African Canadians. As a Board, we are so proud to have two of our elementary schools named after individuals who courageously stood up for civil rights in Canada (Viola Desmond PS) and bravely brought freedom to thousands of people escaping slavery through the Underground Railroad (James W. Hill PS).”

Some of the events taking place at Halton schools to celebrate Black History Month include:

• Robert Bateman HS (Burlington): Dwayne Morgan, a spoken word artist and motivational speaker, will visit the school on Feb. 21. He will conduct a Black History Jeopardy workshop where students can answer a series of Black History questions.

• Anne J. MacArthur PS (Milton): Students and staff will be led through a lively assembly on Feb. 5 by the organization Stay Driven, in which students and staff will learn about Black Canadian history.

• James W. Hill PS (Oakville): On Feb. 6, Inspiration Republic will host three performances at the school featuring the life stories of historical African Canadians: James W. Hill, Viola Desmond, Mary Ann Shadd, and Elijah McCoy.

• Ethel Gardiner PS (Halton Hills): On Feb. 7, Babarinde Williams will lead Grade 3-8 students and staff through a presentation about Black Canadian heroes. Kindergarten to Grade 2 students will participate in a drumming workshop, led by Williams.

Celebrating Black History Month aligns with the Equity and Well-being goals contained in the Halton District School Board’s Multi-Year Plan. The goal is to ensure every student learns in a respectful culture of high expectations that values diversity, and that students will see themselves reflected in their learning.

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Hydro report kept in the dark; did all the Council members actually read the document ?

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 5th, 2019



The City’s 10-year Capital Financing Strategy is heavily dependent on both annual dividends and interest on the note receivable from Burlington Hydro – but the financial statements weren’t given even a wink at the Standing Committee Monday night. The report will get looked at again at a city council meeting on February 25, 2019.

Last night the best council could do was Receive and file finance department report F-04-19 regarding the 2019 Business Plan for Burlington Hydro.

Burlington Hydro is owned by the city – 100% of it.

Burlington Hydro Inc (BHI) and Burlington Electricity Services Inc (BESI) are affiliate companies both of which are 100% owned by Burlington Hydro Electric Inc (BHEI). BHEI is 100% owned by the Corporation of the City of Burlington.

BHI is a regulated company, regulated by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). It is a local distribution company (LDC) with a mandate to deliver electricity within the municipal boundaries of the City of Burlington. BHI applies for and receives approval from the regulator to charge for its services.

BESI is a non-regulated company and engages is those aspects of BHEI’s business which are not regulated. Under contract from BESI, BHI provides water/waste water billing services for the Region of Halton.

The core strategic objectives for 2019 are:

• Optimize revenue – guiding current and capital maintenance expenditures and preparing BHI for the next rate application.

• Survey and Consult Employees – regarding job engagement and develop actions to improve employee satisfaction and productivity.

• Refine and develop education tools for customers – to help with customer and staff education on prevailing issues and differentiate between issues BHI can and cannot control.

• Institute a culture of continuous improvement – identify areas where effectiveness of the organization can be improved.

• Pursue opportunities to grow revenues – through non-regulated activities

• Halton first preference – although none are currently underway this would be key to any merger discussions

There is a lot of corporate happy talk in those strategic objectives.

The strategic principles that support the objectives are:

• Does not impact negatively on the projected dividends to the City.

• Add value for the City, either through increased ownership in the short term or increased dividends in the longer term.
• Positions the utility strategically for the future.

• Retains control. Any transaction must allow the City to retain full control of the ownership of the utility.

In a report that sets out an overview of the 10-year business plan for the next ten fiscal years will xxxfive fiscal years during which time frame GET THE NUMBERS IN HERE one would have liked to know that a) all the council members have actually read the report and b) that they have something inteligent to say.

Forecasted net income for the next ten years is presented as follows:

Net income

Forecasted net income for the hydro operation.

The 2018 update presents a positive variance of $114k from budget of earnings before tax of $4.482M with the update showing $4.596M

Factors affecting the 2018 forecast are as follows:

• Distribution revenue is forecast to drop below budget by ($206k). This is primarily attributable to energy conservation programs which have been mandated over 14 years. The programs decrease the needs of the larger commercial/industrial customer base.

• Other revenue is forecast to exceed budget by $869k. Two sources of revenue were unbudgeted but are included in the update. These are $185k of revenue for Milton Hydro Control Room Services and $926k in CDM (conservation demand management) bonus’ for achieving target. An offset to these increases was the OEB mandated winter moratorium on collection fees.

• Operating expenses are forecast to be over budget by ($764k). Among the significant factors are:

• Control Room and overtime costs were adversely impacted ($270k) due to weather events that caused power outages.

• Overtime hours were needed for the implementation of the Milton Control Room services contracted. These costs are one-time in nature.

• The Distribution/Lines Department also incurred additional costs in labour and materials to restore power from the weather events. ($176k)

Paletta bldg on fire

The fire at the Paletta site left Burlington Hydro stuck with an unpaid electricity bill.

• Billing and Collecting will exceed budget by ($265k). A fire and resulting receivership of a commercial customer resulted in a ($248k) write off in 2018. Legal remedies are being pursued to recover the funds. The fire was the blaze that took place at the Paletta Tender Foods operation.

The 2019 budget shows a reduction in net income over the 2018 update. The most significant area contributing to this reduction is in miscellaneous revenues.

The 2018 update includes $926k of CDM mid-term bonus which was not included in the budget. Also, there is a reduction of ($350k) due to the OEB proposal to eliminate the utilities charges for collection notices. The last two years saw a moratorium on winter disconnects and collection charges.

The results achieved by BHI are of importance to the shareholder as the dividends flowing to the shareholder from BHEI are composed of earnings from BHI and BESI.

In keeping with BHI’s Asset Management strategy the capital budget and forecast identifies projects that are part of its sustaining capital budget as well as ensuring that Burlington has an adequate supply of electricity.

These include:

• Customer demand projects including connecting new customers, building new subdivisions and relocating system plant for roadway construction work.

• Renewal which focuses on replacement of assets that have reached end of useful life. New assets require less maintenance, deliver better reliability and reduce safety risks to the public.

• Security which could include adding switching devices or creating a backup feeder supply to reduce the risk to typical restoration times.

• Reliability which supports maintenance of or improvement to the Service Quality indices measured and submitted to the OEB each year.

• Substations which are invested in to improve or maintain reliability to large numbers of customers and to maintain security and safety at the substation sites.

The renewal or retirement of Burlington Hydro’s 4.16 kV substations is part of the annual review undertaken as part of the Asset Management strategy.

• Customer Connections and metering include meter installations, meter upgrades and the capital components of wholesale and retail meter verification activities.

There are also special projects which are outside the sustaining capital program. These are:

• Capacity improvements for new customer connections and increased demand of existing customers.

• Developer Buybacks which involves BHI purchasing new subdivision assets as they are put in place by developers.

• Regulatory Requirements which are system capital investments driven by regulatory requirements. These directions may come from the OEB, IESO, the Ministry of Energy or the Ministry of the Environment.

Forecasted capital expenditures from the Business Plan are presented in the following chart:

Capital expenditures
BHI Forecasted Capital Expenditures (2019-2028)

The 2019 capital budget has been developed using data from the asset management plan. The focus on maintaining the distribution system remains.

Some significant capital projects for the 2019 capital program are:
• Tremaine TS – $2.5 million
• Pole Replacements – $200k
• Underground primary projects – Burlington Hydro confers with the various Municipal authorities and local developers in planning the capital budget based on upcoming Municipal and Developer driven projects involving hydro relocations and infrastructure upgrades. The following has been identified for 2019:

-$900k to service the downtown core underground development.

Construction cost will be partially funded through capital contributions from developers of $500k.

Burlington GO south side

The electrification of the GO service will have a significant impact on the hydro operation.

• As part of the Metrolinx Corridor Electrification project, Burlington Hydro is required to bury all of its existing overhead crossings. The $5.1 million construction costs will be partially funded through a $5 million capital contribution from Metrolinx. BHI will be responsible for the balance which is the replacement of additional underground ductwork. There are other significant capital projects related to the Corridor Electrification such as construction of new overhead termination poles and temporary pole line relocation to facilitate construction of a new railway underpass at Burloak Drive. The capital costs for the additional work will be covered by Metrolinx.
Other projects in the budget are as a result of BHI’s annual electrical distribution system inspection.


Retained earningsDrop in retained earnings graphic
(i) Retained Earnings
BHI continues to forecast retained earnings growth that represents value of increased ownership in a larger company. The following chart illustrates retained earnings growth forecast in the first five years of the 2019 business plan:

Projected Retained Earnings

(ii) Long Term Debt
Funding has been in place with Infrastructure Ontario since 2010 for financing the Smart Meter program. This loan has a 15-year amortization period at a fixed rate of 4.51%. A second loan that assisted with financing the Hydro One Transformer Station capital contributions has a 25-year amortization period at a fixed rate of 4.02%.

The 2017 Budget included a new term loan of $7M with a 15-year amortization to provide a matching of long-term funds against BHI capital expenditures. The first draw down of the loan was December 15, 2018. Rate was to be set at draw down. The current fixed rate is expected to be 3.62%. Since the 2013 loan, the company has used working capital to finance capital expenditures. The additional long-term debt will ensure that both existing working capital and short-term operating credit is sufficient to cover working capital needs in 2019.

The forecast also includes the costs of maintaining a $10m operating line of credit for working capital needs and an $18M letter of credit facility to cover prudential requirements related to the monthly power bill with the IESO. The operating line includes an option to increase the amount to $25m.


BESI is the sister company to the distribution company BHI. Unlike BHI, which is closely regulated by the OEB, BESI operates as an unregulated business. Its divisions include:

Streetlights – In July 2017 BESI was successful in signing the Street light contract with the City of Burlington. The contract involves the supply and installation of LED Luminaries to replace existing high-pressure sodium street lights. The 2018 update includes revenues and costs for Phase 3 and 4 as well as additional revenues from miscellaneous maintenance work assigned by the City. As the project was expected to be complete by the end of 2018, only minimal profits have been incorporated in the 2019 plan.

The Downtown Business Association used to support this effort financially - they had to cut back - Burlington Hydro took up the slack. So what is is that BDBA does for their members?

Operating costs and depreciation of $80,000 for these lights in Spencer Smith Park: that’s a pretty penny – is their value for money in this ?

Festival of Lights Division – This division contains the annual costs of operating the Festival of Lights net of any sponsor donations. 2019 forecasts donations of $21k against operating costs/depreciation of $80k.

Region Billing Division – provides water billing services for the Region of Halton. The contract was renewed in June 2018 for a five-year period with renewal options. The contract is expected to contribute a net margin of $784k in 2019.

Solar Array Division – Its revenues are derived from a solar array which was connected in 2012 to the City’s Fire hall 8. General maintenance of the array is the division’s operating costs.

Vehicle Charging Station Division – The uptake for new EV charging stations has not materialized as had been budgeted. Operating costs are being incurred for marketing and promotion. The budget for 2019 includes 10 residential units, 25 Multi-unit residential units and 10 commercial chargers. A net loss of ($7k) is forecast.

Hydro Cogen Hydro Sept 29-15

The co-generation operation heats and cools some of the hydro operation offices.

Other operating divisions of BESI include the Co-Generation Division which holds the Mobile Turbine Co-Generator located at the Brant Street Office. This was initially set up as a Community Energy Plan demonstration project.

Hydro operations centre

The Hydro operations Centre – they also manage the Milton system.

The Control Room Division provides control room monitoring for Milton Hydro. The Suite Metering Division includes user fees generated from 85 gas and water suite meters acquired from Oakville Hydro in late 2018.

Overall net income after tax is forecast to have a positive variance of $40k. This is primarily the result of the street light lamp retrofit project.

Net income for 2019 is budgeted at $507k, a decline of ($66k) from the 2018 update which is primarily due to the completion of the retrofit project.

Annual dividends paid to the shareholder are composed of dividends from BHI operations, BHI working capital and BESI net income. The dividends forecast are consistent with those in the 2018 budget and 10-year forecast.

Dividend flow

The total dividends to be received by BHEI for the years 2021-2028 are $50k/year higher than the dividend being passed onto the City. The additional dividend is being retained by BHEI to provide working capital to cover administrative costs.

Dividends received from BHEI contribute to the City’s capital plan, in particular, for legacy projects such as the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.

Regulatory/Political Risk

Hydro mess with Ford at podium

Premier Doug Ford used what he called the hydro mess to get himself elected – then lost an opportunity for Hydro One to acquire a major hydro operation in the western United States. One never knows what the Premier will do next.

As a regulated business, BHI is subject to the direction of Government legislated boards and committees. With the change in provincial government in the 2018 election, changing energy policy introduces risk and uncertainty into the electricity industry. Initiatives, most recently the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan and the cancellation of the Cap and Trade program, can be introduced unpredictably and simultaneously put pressure on BHI’s resources and create pricing change for BHI’s customers. This in turn introduces shareholder risk due to the reliance the City has on dividends from the utility.

Cost of Service Review

The OEB has established a five-year cycle in which the local distribution companies must undergo a full “cost of service” review. BHI filed a cost of service application in 2014. As a result of the cost of service review, the City was impacted by having the interest rate on the promissory note dropped from 5.87% to 4.88%. The original interest rate on the note was 7.25%. City staff have taken a conservative approach in the cash flow forecast for the capital program. The next cost of service review is expected to occur for 2020 rates. The 2019 business plan forecasts the interest rate on the note to decline in 2021 from 4.88% to 4.16%.

The following outlines actual cash flow received by the City from BHEI:

Cash flow to the city


It is through BESI, the unregulated company, that the shareholder has opportunities for strategic initiatives. BESI has set out as part of its overall business strategy to pursue in-scope services and new business ventures. Services that might be pursued would be intended to minimize risk to the taxpayers while representing an opportunity to establish and/or enhance existing common or shared services.

Working strategically with Hydro management presents the City with an opportunity to find creative solutions that will ensure fiscal sustainability.

BESI has engaged in the sale of water and gas metering for a condo in Burlington. This could include thermal metering in the future. This can be used as the model to expand a full package of metering services to existing and future condo developments. It represents an exciting opportunity to expand and sustain a new business stream for the company.

Infrastructure Ontario Loan
The Infrastructure Ontario Loans require that the City sign a subordination agreement which subordinates the City’s position as a debt holder. The agreement also includes certain covenants and restrictions that could affect the City’s ability as shareholder to sell or otherwise dispose of the asset. However, the City has executed such agreements in the past as the risk is considered relatively low.

Financial Matters:
The dividend forecast to the City remains consistent with that of the 2018 budget and forecast.

The Hydro reserve fund, which receives funds from Hydro as dividends from BHEI and interest on the promissory note from BHI, is integral to the city’s capital program. It provides and on-going allocation of $2.1 million annually to the capital budget for infrastructure renewal and allows for the issuance of Special Circumstances debit (SCD).

Sims Square

Hydro money was used to pay for the purchases of the Sims Square building – which meant the city wasn’t going to be building a new city hall for at least a decade.

In recent years it has also been used to fund major unplanned capital initiatives in the city such as the purchase of Sims Square and the storm water flood mitigation projects. The Hydro reserve fund also provides $350,000 annually to the operating budget.

BHEI has identified areas in the City’s 25-year strategic plan where it has a role to play in aiding the City to realize the strategic vision. These are:

• Energy-efficient buildings and other onsite sustainable features are the norm, thereby improving Burlington’s environmental footprint. Existing buildings are being renovated to improve efficiency.

• Create employment lands vision to unite the community, developers and industry

• 15,000 new knowledge-based jobs by 2025 Environmental Leadership

• The city’s operations are net carbon neutral.

• The city achieves its major goals outlined in the Community Energy Plan

• Better environmental outcomes to improve quality of life, economic competitiveness and foster civic pride.

Some observations:
Hydro is critical to the economic health of the city.

Hydro is basically a closed operation; its meetings are not open to the public and the public relations people are pretty tight lipped unless they are patting themselves on the back for something they did with your money.

Hydro service throughout North America are undergoing a process of consolidation. A hydro operation north of Burlington is working through a process of considering various consolidation possibilities; they reached out to Burlington Hydro asking if they would be interested in participating in those conversations. The Gazette was told that Burlington didn’t even respond to the request.

The cost of cleaning up this kind of storm damage is more than the municipal tax base can bear. Municipalities look to province and federal government for financial support.

Miller Road during the 2013 ice storm. The hydro team delivered superb service during a tough period of time.

The change in the size of the hydro operations is underway – Burlington Hydro seems to want to take a pass – should they do that – it is Burlington that will get passed.

On the upside – those who experienced that ice storm in 2013 – few will forget the incredible job that hydro did to get service back up and running in pretty short order.

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Higher water levels and the flow rate in the 13 creeks that run through the city; Not a place for children.

News 100 greenBy Staff

February 5th, 2019



That rain will flow into creeks in the northern part of the city and works its way towards Lake Ontario – raising the water levels and the flow rate in the 13 creeks that run through the city.

Not a place for children.

Watershed conditions

Caution – and keep the kids away from creek edges.

Conservation Halton advises that areas of the watershed are forecast to receive up to 5 mm of precipitation. Air temperatures are expected to remain above freezing overnight and into early Tuesday. An additional weather system is forecast to bring further precipitation on Wednesday and Thursday of this week including freezing rain, ice pellets and snow.

Forecasted precipitation in addition to melting snow has resulted in increased water levels and flows within our rivers and streams which will continue over the next several days. The combination of slippery and unstable banks, unsafe ice and cold water temperature will create hazardous conditions close to any river, stream or other water bodies. In addition, ice breakup may result in blockages at bridges and culverts producing localized flooding concerns in low lying areas.

Water levels in watershed creeks will rise significantly during the weekend. Caution around the edges of creeks - especially with children.

Water levels in watershed creeks will rise significantly during the next few says.  Caution around the edges of creeks – especially with children.

Widespread flooding is not anticipated, however fast flowing water and flooding of low lying areas and natural floodplains may be expected.

Conservation Halton is asking all residents and children to stay off ice covered bodies of water and keep a safe distance from all watercourses and structures such as bridges, culverts and dams. Elevated water levels, fast flowing water, and slippery conditions along stream banks continue to make these locations extremely dangerous. Please alert children in your care of these imminent dangers.

Conservation Halton will continue to monitor stream and weather conditions and will issue an update to this Watershed Condition Statement –Water Safety message as conditions warrant.

This Watershed Condition Statement will be in effect through Friday February 8, 2018.

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Celebrate Valentine’s Day with legendary lovers Elizabeth Barret Browning and Robert Browning! On at the Performing Arts Centre February 14th.

eventsred 100x100By Staff

February 4th, 2019



Some competitive forces in the entertainment sector.

The Burlington Chorale Singers have an event on the 16th at St. Christopher’s United Church on Guelph Line. Link to that event is set out below.

The Performing Arts Centre is celebrating Valentine’s Day with legendary lovers Elizabeth Barret Browning and Robert Browning!

How do I love theeCanadian Rep Theatre is coming to The Burlington Performing Arts Centre on Valentine’s Day to explore one of the most famous literary romances of all time in a staged play reading. The legendary lovers Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning were “rock stars” of their era, passionate in their belief that poetry could change the world.

How Do I Love Thee? explores a web of passions and desire, inspirations and fear, addictions and anger, where love, despite or perhaps because of its myriad of contradictions, still endures.

Canadian Rep Theatre focuses on innovative approaches to established works from the contemporary Canadian canon, along with challenging new plays that resonate with the diverse face of Canada in the 21st century. BPAC is thrilled to have this amazing company as part of their 2018-19 season with Helen’s Necklace in the fall and now How Do I Love Thee?, which played to rave reviews in Toronto and was nominated for 5 DORA Awards including Outstanding New Play and Outstanding Direction.

How Do I Love Thee? is written by the award-winning playwright Florence Gibson MacDonald and directed by one of Canada’s most well-respected theatre icons, Ken Gass. The original cast returns from the Toronto production that was called “luminous,” “gut-wrenching,” and “magnificent” by The Toronto Star.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day at BPAC with two of the world’s most legendary lovers. Stay after the show for a talk-back with the cast and Director Ken Gass.

Browning - how do I

Elizabeth Barrett’s volume Poems (1844) brought her great success, attracting the admiration of the writer Robert Browning. Their correspondence, courtship and marriage were carried out in secret, for fear of her father’s disapproval. Following the wedding she was indeed disinherited by her father. The couple moved to Italy in 1846, where she would live for the rest of her life.

How Do I Love Thee?
Canadian Rep Theatre
Written by: Florence Gibson MacDonald
Directed by: Ken Gass
Featuring: Irene Pool, Matthew Edison, and David Schurmann

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 8:00pm
Approximate run time: 90 minutes
The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Community Studio Theatre
440 Locust Street, Burlington, ON, L7S 1T7
$29 Regular
$24 Member
Group pricing available
*All prices include tax and fees.

Another Valentine event.

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Trumpeter swans get attention during a council meeting to hear public concerns about the budgets.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

February 5th, 2019



It was a short meeting.  Scheduled as an occasion to take a deeper look at the budgets being developed for the 2019 tax year – there was just the one delegation – that from,James Sisson, a retired city hall employee who finally got to make a delegation directly to city council. As a city employee he didn’t make delegations.

Steve on budget

James Sisson

His concern was to urge Council not to pass a tax increase of more than 5% – Mayor Meed Ward told Sessions that the Finance department has put forward a budget with a 3.99% increase and that she was looking for a way to get that number down to 2.99%

Liz Benniean Trumpeters

Liz Benneian, spokesperson for the Trumpeter Swan coalition.

The meeting heard a delegation from Liz Benneian, spokesperson for the Trumpeter Swan coalition. She gave a brief review of the history of the swans and why they are here in Burlington. Benneian told council that there are about 1000 trumpeter swans and that they have been in Canada for the past 35 years. There was a time when the birds were basically extinct – a citizen retrieved some eggs and had them hatched – the beginning of the flock in Burlington. More on that when we can get a copy of the delegation – it’s quite a story.


City Council heard a detailed delegation on the Trumpeter Swans that hang out at LaSalle Park.

The delegation was significantly different than past delegations when a former council member would hammer delegations over the damage the swans did to LaSalle Park. It was a different story last night – even Councillor Sharman had kind words for the delegation.

Council meetings frequently place what are called “consent: items on the agenda; these are items that are passed without comment but can be pulled from the consent list and debated should a council member want to do so.

The Burlington Hydro financial statements were approved on consent. They will go to Council later in the month. Burlington Hydro is owned by the city – it produces a very healthy dividend each year and has a reserve fund that has been reported to be at $48 million.

More than $4 million was drawn from that reserve fund to pay for the improvements to the LaSalle Park Marina.

The Gazette will take a closer look at the financial report.

It was a quiet, short meeting – with one little gem of information. When Liz Benneian told council that there was a plaque elsewhere in the province celebrating the Trumpeter Swan that was the core of the flock in Burlington the Mayor asked why there wasn’t a plaque in Burlington. Benneian explained that the swan had been killed at Lake Simcoe. “We will have to fix that”, said the Mayor.

Trumpeter swans x3

Trumpeter swans – large flock call LaSalle Park home.

Expect to see an event at LaSalle Park where the Mayor will unveil a plaque celebrating “pig pen”; a Trumpeter Swan who apparently recognized and responded to his name when it was called out.

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