By Staff
May 6th, 2021
The level of service delivered by Staff is determined by city council.
With the day to day operation of the city in the hands of the Emergency Control Group who, from time to time, make a change in a service level due to the pandemic. The changes are brought to Council where they are approved or modified.
On Wednesday two services were revised. The acquiring and paying for a business license and the use of portable signs.
The Enforcement Focus priorities at this time are:
Typical portable sign – the fish and chip shop went out of business
• COVID (Masks, Physical, ROA)
• Swimming Pool Enclosure
• Property Standards (safety only)
• Vital Services
• Taxi
• Firearms
• Fireworks (sales & storage)
• Fortification
The Licensing team administers new licenses/renewals and the By-law team ensures compliance. Late fees can be added to a license renewal fee if payment is not paid/received on or before the expiry date.
Business licensing is not an enforcement priority due to the current pandemic. This has impacted our service response to the customer, as well as the overall budget. Renewal notices have been sent to all businesses but due to the pandemic the majority of businesses have not responded. Businesses have been struggling due to the pandemic and the Provincial Orders over the last year.
Financial Implications:
• Below highlights the revenues and their impact on the budget. These figures represent Business License (new applications and renewals) and exclude other related licenses i.e. lottery.
There are typically 1100 licenses (new applications and renewals) on a yearly basis.
• We are seeing additional requests to cancel portable sign permits due businesses having to close due to the Provincial lockdown orders.
• To support these requests we have allowed the cancellation of the permits but do not provide a refund, as per the sign by-law.
• As an alternative we allow the client to apply the credit to a later session.
• This is a temporary process put in place at the beginning of COVID.
• Portable Sign revenue:
There are typically 600 portable signs on a yearly basis
The current Rates and Fees By-law 92-2020 under section 7 states:
“The fees and charges imposed by the City, as outlined in Schedule “A” to this by-law may be increased, decreased or waived completely by the Director to whose department the fee or charge relates, subject to any approved corporate policy.”
The practice of waving late fees and crediting portable sign permits is seen as reasonable as per the Rates and Fees by-law.
Provide the Director of Building and By-Law and/or their designate, the delegated authority to make business decisions, such as deferring renewal licenses. This will assist the business community during the pandemic and post recovery.
Direct the Director of Building and By-Law and/or their designate, to continue to report the financial implications through the Chief Financial Officer as part of the ongoing financial COVID-19 impacts.
By Pepper Parr
May 4th, 2021
If you thought the private tree bylaw was a hoot – wait till you get the full story on the plans and some council member thoughts on the speed limits for Burlington Streets.
A Staff Direction was tabled, debated and sent along to Council – every ember of Council voted for it. It reads:
Direct the Director of Transportation Services to prepare for the approval of Council, the necessary by-laws amending Traffic By-law 86-2007 to include provisions for Designated Speed Limit Areas; and Approve a 40km/h speed limit for all streets within the area bordered by Lakeshore Road, Brant Street, Baldwin Street and Maple Avenue
This goes to council on the 18th
Among the reasons for this are: Improve integrated city mobility.
Map of the area that will limit speed to 40 kph
While the Staff Direction focuses on ward 2, the intention of several members of council was to eventually make it city wide with consideration being given to a 30 kp/h rule.
Speed limits within Ontario municipalities are regulated by the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). Included amongst the many things prescribed within the HTA is a default speed limit of 50 km/h on roadways without the presence of speed limit signs. Roads with a speed limit other than 50 km/h require a Council approved by-law and for signs to be posted to reflect that speed.
Traffic By-law 86-2007 contains a Rate of Speed Schedule listing all Burlington roads with a speed limit other than 50 km/h. Changes to the Rate of Speed Schedule are occasionally required. These changes are typically based on the recommendations of staff and are accompanied by an amending by-law for the consideration of Council.
How does a community get a speed reduction for their streets? Just ask said Jeff Black, Manager of Traffic Operations and Signals.
Speed Limit Policy
Burlington’s Speed Limit Policy is a corporate policy intended to guide the review and establishment of speed limits on Burlington roads. The current version of the policy was approved in 2012 and includes a methodology based on the Canadian Guidelines for Establishing Posted Speed Limits developed by the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC).
The use of these guidelines when reviewing existing speed limits has created consistency and has ultimately led to the reduction of speed limits on hundreds of roadways throughout the city since it was adopted. Further, these guidelines support the concept of integrated mobility as it takes into consideration the safety and risk of all road users.
Designated Speed Limit Areas
Recent amendments to the HTA allow municipalities to set a speed limit other than 50 km/h on roadways within a designated area, often a neighbourhood with defined boundaries. Once designated and assigned a speed limit (such as 40 km/h), all roadways within that area will have the speed limit specified. Speed limit signs are then only required at entry/exit points to the defined area.
The benefits of this method of establishing reduced speed limits include a reduction of the number of signs required to post a speed limit as well as creating consistency throughout a given neighbourhood with a goal to increase compliance by drivers.
The introduction of an ‘area-wide’ method of setting speed limits aligns well with the City’s approach to reviewing speed limits and the ever-increasing number of roadways in residential areas with a 40 km/h speed limit.
Recognizing that Designated Speed Limit Areas may be applicable to other neighbourhoods throughout the city as a method of reducing speed limits, staff have incorporated it into the updated Speed Limit Policy that is being recommended for approval by Council. The policy is appended to the end of the article; more on that below.
Proposed Designated Speed Limit Area
Transportation Services staff have received a request to investigate the speed limits on roads within Ward 2 between Caroline Street and Birch Avenue, west of Brant Street with a view to create consistency with existing sections of road in the neighbourhood posted at 40 km/h.
In light of the recent HTA amendments and the authority now given to municipalities to designate areas for a reduced speed limit, staff broadened the study area to include roads north of Lakeshore Road, west of Brant Street, south of Baldwin Street and east of Maple Avenue/hydro corridor. Attachment 1 illustrates the study area and the streets with an existing 40 km/h speed limit.
Vito Tolone, Director of Transportation Services is going to have to stick handle this one. He’s done it before.
A further review of speed limits on the 50 km/h roads was conducted by staff using the speed limit review methodology identified within the current Speed Limit Policy. The results revealed most roads met the criteria for a 40 km/h speed limit, based primarily on the short block length, spacing of existing stop signs, presence of on-street parking and the high number of driveway accesses.
Given these results and taking into consideration the number of roads currently posted at 40 km/h, staff recommend the implementation of the city’s first designated speed limit area.
Imagine signs like this with a 30 km/h wording – everywhere in the city.
If approved by Council, staff will provide an amending by-law for the approval of Council that incorporates designated speed limit areas and includes the above described area in Ward 2.
Implementation will also include installing signs at entry and exit points to the designated neighbourhood.
Speed Limit Policy Update
The inclusion of Designated Speed Limit Areas into the city’s Speed Limit Policy has provided staff with the opportunity to update the overall policy.
In general, staff are not recommending any significant changes to the policy that would lead to speed limit modifications in the field. Council might not go along with the staff position. If the comments made by Councillor Stolte get any traction a 30 km/h rule might get put in place.
To put something this controversial on the table a year before council members can begin their re-election campaigns suggest there are some tin ears on this council
The updates to the policy have been made to align it with corporate policy authoring guidelines, remove references to technical or procedural elements, strengthen policy statements related to where speed limits are to be reduced throughout the city (i.e. schools and parks) and to update references to applicable legislation.
Options Considered
Given the prescriptive nature of the Highway Traffic Act, there are not many options available with respect to establishing speed limits. The Designated Speed Limit Areas recommended in this report is an alternative to the traditional street-by-street method of setting speed limits.
“As part of the process of implementing a speed limit change, staff routinely provide notification to residents affected by the change.”
Can you imagine the blow back from those notices?
Assuming Council approves the plans for ward 2 on the 18th, it was approved unanimously at Standing Committee, hear is what the policy change will look like. It would get reviewed on May 1, 2026
“This policy provides guidance in the review and implementation of speed limits on roadways under City of Burlington jurisdiction.
Policy Statement:
“The City of Burlington recognizes the importance of reviewing and establishing speed limits on roadways that are safe, appropriate and consistent. In doing so, the following citywide speed limit policies shall be in effect:
Slower in school locations
Speed Limit on Roads with School Frontage
“Local and collector roads containing school frontage will have a speed limit of 40 km/h
“Arterial roads with school frontage will have reduced speed limit during school times identified by signs and/or flashing beacons
Speed Limit on Roads with Parks
“Roads containing parks with playgrounds, play fields or other equipment utilized primarily by children will have a speed limit of 40 km/h
Reduced Speed Limit Areas
“Specific areas may be designated for a reduced speed limit through a by-law approved by Council.
Speed Limit Review Methodology
“City staff will use the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) guidelines, attached as Appendix A when reviewing speed limits on roads.
Speed Limit Signage
“Signs will adhere to the regulations of the Highway Traffic Act and the guidelines provided in the Ontario Traffic Manual.
“Speed limits will be set in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act The Rates of Speed schedule of the city’s Traffic By-law will contain a consolidation of roads and their speed limit and may be amended periodically through a by-law passed by Council.
“This policy applies to the review of speed limits on roadways under the City’s jurisdiction by staff within the Transportation Services Department.
“The objectives of this policy are to formalize and document citywide speed limit practices and to establish a methodology for the review and implementation of speed limits that is consistent and representative of the function of a particular roadway.”
Pretty clear policy – now change that 40 km/h to 30 km/h and tell us what you think about that idea ? If this comes about it will make the private tree bylaw look like very small potatoes.
Stand by.
By Pepper Parr
May 4th, 2021
Have the people at Parks and Recreation taken dancing lessons?
We should know by next weekend if the signs are going to make a difference
They have had to pivot on almost every project they have on the go.
The sign is certainly in the right place.
When the Gazette reported that there were large numbers of people gathering inappropriately we mentioned that there were no signs in place.
We reported that story on Monday (it did great things for our readership) – this afternoon we got a response from Chris Glenn who sent us three pictures of signs that are in place in the park.
Chris Glenn reported: “The signage is in place at SSP and other locations. Included a couple examples below.
The park ambassadors and other compliance monitoring / enforcement options are being discussed with council this week, primarily at the EICS meeting under the COVID verbal update. Will know more after this discussion.”
They are scrambling but they are on top of it. Realize that much of the communication between staff members is by cell phone from their homes.
The message is certainly clear enough. Add a couple of bylaw control officer ans the small crowds will disappear.
By Pepper Parr
May 4th, 2021
It was a last minute motion put on the agenda by Councillors Stolte and Kearns. The wanted it know that it was a joint motion in response to the number of people who were outside walking the streets and getting needed exercise and fresh air.
The motion read:
Direct the Executive Director of Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility and the Director of Transportation Services to explore options to increase the ability for physical distancing and safe passage in response to Covid-19 for the area of Brant Street (Caroline Street to Lakeshore Road) for Saturdays and Sundays, from July 3 – September 5, 2021 with a recommendation and report back to the June 8, 2021 Community Planning Regulation and Mobility Committee.
The two of them cooked up their motion; asking council to waive the rules and have it heard immediately.
Community feedback has been significant in response to overcrowding on Brant Street downtown sidewalks south of Caroline Street to Lakeshore Road due to increased local resident use, outdoor retail/curbside queueing, and flow through of Spencer Smith Park users.
Options should be an interim response to public health concerns directly related to the ongoing relevance of Covid-19 community transmissions. Options are intended to manage physical distancing requirements in response to observed increases of non-vehicular usage of the City’s municipal assets. Under no circumstances should any modified use be an invitation to congregate in the expanded space. For further clarity, there will be no advertisement, event coordination, sponsorship opportunities or promotional efforts made to draw crowds.
Whatever Staff have to say will be heard at Council on My 18th.
Related news story:
By Pepper Parr
May 4th, 2021
Signs appear everywhere in the supermarket. The private sector gets the message – why isn’t city hall getting the message?
When I walk into the Fortinos on Guelph Line I am met with a small cluster of signs telling me that I need to keep a six foot distance between other people in the store.
When I walk into the Fortinos in Hamilton at McNabb and Main, there is a young man asking me if I have experienced any Covid19 symptoms – when I say no – he directs me to the hand sanitizer to get a squirt.
For the hundreds of people who were in Spencer Smith Park on the weekend – there apparently wasn’t a single sign nor were there any visible bylaw enforcement people on hand.
What happened to the Parks and Recreation plan to have Ambassadors on hand, they would be traveling in pairs, to explain the rules and to “educate” people, for, if the signs we are seeing on people’s lawns is any indication, there is a lot of educating to be done.
City council will be meeting today – and if they stay true to past practices there will be comments from the Mayor on how necessary it is for people to Stay at Home.
People don’t want to stay at home and it would appear that they don’t want to listen anymore either.
Would it be a stretch to suggest that they no longer trust the Public Health Units or the elected officials either.
Nothing telling these people hat congregating like this is not permitted.
That would suggest we are experiencing a breakdown in the trust the elected must have if they are to effectively lead. While this is a stretch: this is the kind of situation that leads to anarchy.
There is a plan, or rather there was a plan to have city staff on the ground as it were to observe and explain to people.
Will those young men and woman who chose the municipal sector to create careers that involved public service feel safe approaching people and asking them to respect the rules?
What if one of the visitors to our city strikes a city employee? Of course they will be charged if we can find and identify them. The immediate result will have either the police or one of the ten bylaw enforcement officers escorting the Ambassadors.
This is not a pretty picture.
Why are we in this situation? What clues did we miss? Do the people with the signs on their lawns not talk to their Councillors?
We have not heard a word from the ward 2 Councillor. Why?
“When the going gets tough; the tough get going” Time for the Mayor to get tough.
If there was ever an occasion for the Mayor to go into a closed session with her Councillors, all the members of the city’s leadership team as well as the Executive Directors to have so hard discussions – this would be one of them.
Some kind of a statement from the Emergency Control Group is also called for.
We are heading into a season that will include a lot of hot summer weather which will attract thousands.
By Pepper Parr
May 3rd, 2021
If we were wondering how deeply felt the opposition to the current Stay at Home order is – the signs appearing on Burlington lawns might be a hint.
Sign on a Burlington lawn
The Gazette published pictures of the way people chose t gather at Spencer Smith Park on the weekend.
Then we heard about the signs – there are two that we are aware of in the city.
The organization behind the signs has a web site – this is a cute one.
It is going to take a significantly different approach to change the way people behave – Council will have its hands full with this one.
Asked for comment earlier today, the Parks and Recreation department has yet to respond; they handle park related issues.
By Pepper Parr
May3rd, 2021
A very solid look at what the citizens of Burlington get for the money they pay Councillor Paul Sharman to serve as a city councilor is on the Council agenda this week.
Paul is a bean counter – an accountant with years of experience managing some tricky corporate budget issues. He was once on the payroll at Nortel, a once thriving Canadian corporation in the communications equipment sector.
When it comes to numbers and process he knows whereof he speaks – and this week he is going to speak quite bluntly to his colleagues about some serious problems related to the way budgets are prepared by staff and handled by council members when they are submitted for debate and discussion.
Joan Ford, the city’s Treasurer knows where every dollar comes from and where every dollar gets spent.
Finance is and has been for some time the best run department in the city. This past 15 months have pushed them beyond the limit – but they never faltered. Joan Ford, the treasurer, has been with the city for more than 30 years (33 I think) and has a cottage that she is said to want to spend more time. She has a fine staff – but it will be very hard to replace Joan Ford. That is not to suggest that she is leaving – we have no idea what her personal plans are.
Councilor Sharman has put forward a Staff Direction to:
Direct the Chief Financial Officer to report back in July 2021 as part of the budget framework report on process changes reflecting a coordinated corporate integrated business planning, measurement, budget and performance management process.
“Based on my experience and observations, as a Councillor,” said Sharman, “I believe we are experiencing increasingly difficult challenges with the alignment of the City’s annual budget process with strategic decision making.
Sharman has spent a lot of time explaining the finer points of budget matters to Councillor Bentivegna.
“In addition, Council has very limited routine knowledge about how well City operations are performing other than when we receive complaints from citizens. Key performance measurement indicators are not routinely provided to Council. Overall, I very much appreciate and value the efforts of staff, including the Finance Budget team, however a discussion on this matter by Council, is both timely and critically important to reduce performance risks of the type Burlington has experienced in recent years.
One year the finance staff gave members of Council the complete budget on a memory stick with a feature that allowed them to make changes in the budget and see instantly the impact on the tax rate. That memory stick was never made available to the public.
“While we have enhanced our efforts related to multi-year strategic planning, service planning/resource needs and operational risk management, the unrealistic expectations placed on the budget process is increasingly apparent. A few key considerations:
the culture of requiring Council to provide budget directions in July, inclusive of a staff recommended city tax rate change target, without in depth and disciplined understanding of the business performance issues contribute to our service and operating risks.
“After the “budget direction report” is approved, staff undertakes significant work to prepare a budget in which the majority of the Council discussion revolves around department cost centers and services where all recommendations are developed relative to the prior year’s budget (or base case), which is adjusted for inflation, employee compensation increases and other known increases.
“Following the Chief Financial Officer’s line by line review where base case adjustments are completed, staff assess what other additions might be acceptable based on Council sensitivity to a perceived tax increase target rather than a complete understanding of the business needs of the City. All of this leads to the completion of a proposed budget prepared by staff and presented to Council for review, modification, and approval in the absence of adequate understanding of current operational performance measures, issues, and risk.
“Formal Council Budget review and approval is accomplished through a “horse trading” process that revolves around a form called “Budget Action Request” (BAR), which is a list of items to be amended and tabled by each member of Council based on their review of the draft budget. Each item is discussed by Councilors and then voted on. Items that are approved have the effect of modifying the budget and lead to budget approval. The BAR form process is essentially short term focused and not suitable for dealing with longer term operational or strategic goals of the organization. Meanwhile, history tells us that departments are often struggling because there has been no continuous dialogue with Council about the extent to which operational needs exist in the City.
‘Some recent examples where Council had inadequate or no prior awareness of critical incidents that might have been avoided had what is being proposed been in effect, include:
Laura Boyd once produced a report that set out all to clearly where the problems were in making the best use of the staff compliment.
• Transit staff working extended hours beyond legislative limits and service goals not being met due to inadequate budget.
• Incidents in Recreation Community and Culture related to facility preventative maintenance standards.
• Community Planning department seriously under-resourced to address existing and forecasted workload i.e., development applications.
• Roads Parks and Forestry seriously under-resourced to meet Council approved service standards and community expectations.
• By-Law Enforcement/Animal Control under resourced
• Human resources stretched particularly given the unprecedented impact on staff workload.
“Strategy formulation is the most important mechanism for prioritizing resource allocation for the long term, sustainable, benefit of the community we serve. That allows us to consider critical long term funding requirements, as was accomplished in previous terms of Council for a) JB Hospital expansion, b) Infrastructure renewal including new annual dedicated levy.
“With regard to strategy alignment with the budget process, the following should be in place recognizing it will not all happen in one year. There should be distinct business plans for each key strategic direction embedded in our 25 yr Strategic Plan and V2F 4yr Action Plan, even if only rudimentary, initially.
Councillor Sharman has always been very direct with his comments – he can be withering at times.
“These plans should be reviewed in depth every 5 years and consulted every year as part of a rolling 5-year Operating Plan. The first year of the Operating Plan would be approved as the budget for the subsequent year. The operating plan/1st year budget should be based on real, unvarnished, in depth reviews of a 5-year business plan for each service. The service business plans should be brought to Council for review before “budget directions” are provided.
“Council’s Strategic Plan and approved Operating Plan/Budget need to transcend elections and provide useful guidance to future Councils as part of the preparation of both documents (not a commitment). These plans will be subject to change, as all plans are. The premise of this suggested model is to place a focus on long term planning with short term adjustments. The approach is designed to shift the organization focus to the future rather than on the past, and to the business of the organization rather than vague and poorly informed assessments of community sentiment.
“Here is what I propose, recognizing that staff will need to report back:
1) Staff report back in July 2021 with a framework and proposed timing for the budget process enhancements related to alignment with strategic planning and ongoing service planning. Please note staff were already planning to come to Council in July, comments/guidance from council today will be helpful.
Sharman: Waiting for the wisdom he has just sprinkled on council to settle in?
2) In September, real, unvarnished, in depth reviews of 5-year business plans for each service be held with Council in preparation for budget with short, midterm key metrics. Integrated into this reporting, the City Manager should include an update on multi-year resource needs in keeping with the recent Designing and Evolving the Organization (DEOO) initiative.
3) Staff to prepare summary report of service reviews to identify issues raised, risks, opportunities, priorities and recommendations. Service priority directions to be sought from Council.
4) A distinct business plan be prepared for each strategic direction for the full planning horizon that estimates key activity milestones and resource requirements complete with short-, mid- and long-term key metrics.
5) A 5-year business plan be brought to council that reflects the combination of items 2,3&4 above. This represents the basis for budget decision making.
6) The consequent 1st year of the budget is to be presented in both perspectives of
a) Service budget, operational measures, and performance targets b) Department budgets reflecting the service budgets, multi-year resource needs, KPI measures, and targets.
7) Covid-19 verbal updates to be replaced in future by a City Service Operations Review Update “Ops Review.”
“What is proposed represents a huge change culturally and work wise. It is possible that all aspects mentioned exist already to some degree, but refinement is required. They require time to be accomplished. Burlington staff and Council have worked to implement all of the pieces over the last ten years. Now it is time to integrate and align them…it is now time to complete the work.
Ever the advocate – Sharman during the 2018 election – there was a period of time when his seat was at risk
“Doing so should simplify and massively improve Council knowledge, planning, budget preparation and approval. That said, I recognize that to introduce it all in one year is not feasible. Aspects can be implemented for the 2022 budget process, and that we consider doing what is possible, without creating massive disruption. The rest can be phased over the next year and perhaps beyond.”
Council is going to spend a lot of time on this one. The subject is as dry as toast and as important as whatever you have in your wallet.
By Staff
May 3rd, 2021
The Halton Regional Public Health Office has announced new vaccination schedules.
Eligible Halton Residents can (dependent on supply) now book appointments starting
50+ who cannot work from home Monday, May 3 (as previously announced)
40+ who cannot work from home Wednesday, May 5
30+ who cannot work from home Friday, May 7
16+ who cannot work from home – (attending school in-person does not qualify) Monday, May 10
To learn more about Halton Region’s COVID-19 Vaccine Program, including who is currently eligible and how to book an appointment, please visit
By Staff
May 3, 2021
What would we do without informed readers with cameras.
A Gazette reader sent us the following.
Her comments:
“So much for the “stay at home” order. These were taken Saturday. It was not even the busiest time. There is zero enforcement happening. Sunday was worse.
The blossoms are beautiful – but where were the park Ambassadors the city was going to have in place to “educate” people and explain what the rules were and why they needed to be adhered to?
The new version of the Gazebo proved to be a popular gathering spot. There wasn’t as much as a sign to tell people what the Stay at Home order meant.
By Staff
May 2, 2021
A group of Canadian doctors in a letter to the government published in Macleans magazine said over the weekend that the country needs a two week circuit breaker to prevent to spread of Covid19 and its numerous variants.
Dr Annand Kumar, Winnipeg Critical Care doctor talking to Rosemary Barton on CBC. Dr. Kumar was one of the doctors who signed the letter.
The letter said “… a maximum COVID-19 infection suppression strategy with the goal of reducing infections to very low levels, and halting new outbreaks with aggressive contact tracing and local measures” are needed. “We can initiate this strategy right now by starting with an intense circuit-breaker shutdown until case counts fall sufficiently to allow individual contact tracing, testing and isolation.
“Occasional limited local shutdowns, together with more rapid rollout of COVID-19 immunizations, can be utilized to control the epidemic.”
In Ontario the Public Health Units have identified 114 hot spots where vaccinations are available to anyone over the age of 18.
Hot spots are locations where there are corporations or clusters of places where people work and where there has been a sudden rise in infections. They are identified by postal code.
The Public Health Units send in teams of people to do on the spot vaccinations
The list below doesn’t mean much to the average reader but it does point out the number of locations where the virus is out of control.
Intensive Care Units are close to the breaking point in terms of capacity.
Once the virus is in a community, even something as small as a postal code, it gets transmitted.
Durham Region Health Department L1S, L1T, L1V, L1X, L1Z
Halton Region Public Health L9E
City of Hamilton Public Health Services L8W, L9C
Niagara Region Public Health L2G
Ottawa Public Health K1T, K1V, K2V
Peel Public Health L4T, L4W, L4X, L4Z, L5A, L5B, L5C, L5K, L5L, L5M, L5N, L5R, L5V, L5W, L6P, L6R, L6S, L6T, L6V, L6W, L6X, L6Y, L6Z, L7A, L7C
Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit L3Z
Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency ServicesN2C
Wellington-Dufferin Guelph Public HealthN1K
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit N8H, N8X, N8Y, N9A, N9B, N9C, N9YYork Region Public HealthL0J, L3S, L3T, L4B, L4E, L4H, L4J, L4K, L4L, L6A, L6B, L6C, L6E
Toronto Public Health M1B, M1C, M1E, M1G, M1H, M1J, M1K, M1L, M1M, M1P, M1R, M1S, M1T, M1V, M1W, M1X, M2J, M2M, M2R, M3A, M3C, M3H, M3J, M3K, M3L, M3M, M3N, M4A, M4H, M4X, M5A, M5B, M5N, M5V, M6A, M6B, M6E, M6H, M6K, M6L, M6M, M6N, M8V, M9A, M9B, M9C, M9L, M9M, M9N, M9P, M9R, M9V, M9W
Southwestern Public Health N5H
Is this the beginning of a 4th wave?
Dr. Kumar said “every time we think we have gotten ahead of the virus we have been proved to be wrong.”
By Staff
May 2nd, 2021
When and where can you get the vaccine?
Ontario has a three-phase plan that prioritizes vaccines for those at greatest risk of severe illness and those who care for them. As vaccine supply is delivered across the province, public health units may have different vaccine administration rates based on local context.
Ontario is using different channels to administer the vaccines and reach most of the population. Implementation will vary as each channel, priority population and vaccine has specific criteria that require flexibility.
All of this depends on the reliable delivery of the vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine is now being delivered in volume regularly.
Vaccines arriving regularly –
Premier Doug Ford getting his receives first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine. .
By Pepper Parr
May 1st, 2021
This comes as no surprise to us.
Lisa Kearns has announced a virtual event to tell us all why she should be the Liberal candidate whenever the next provincial is held.
This is a Lisa Kearns event – nothing to do with the Liberal Party.
There has not yet been an announcement from the Burlington Liberal Party Association on when a nomination meeting is to take place.
Kearns is in the process of scarring away anyone else who might want to go after the nomination.
When Lisa wants something she goes all out to get it. Jane McKenna, the current member of the Legislature for Burlington, has the same character traits; It should be a heck of a race whenever it takes place.
In announcing her virtual event on May 7th Kearns said:
Lisa Kearns staking out the territory as a candidate for the Provincial Liberal nomination.
“Burlington is the best place to live, raise a family, start a business or age in place. I’ve learned that local government needs aligned provincial partners to deliver on what you value most. Quite simply, we need better representation that puts you first and prioritizes the health & well-being of our families and loved ones.
“We are a city that’s rich in community, possibility & inspiration. We’re also a city that simply deserves better. Changes are critical at the provincial level to serve you in the way you have asked. Let me continue to be ahead of the issues and make a space for your voice to be heard. Join the upcoming Town Hall to hear how I’ll leverage my professional experience and time in elected office to serve you better at the Provincial level where changes are critical.”
By Staff
April 30th, 2021
The City of Burlington is inviting residents, business-owners and landowners to a virtual information session to learn more about urban forestry initiatives in the city, including the Street Tree Planting program and the annual Gypsy Moth Control program.
There were five apple trees on Guelph Line – the drive way leads to a church. The trees were cut down because the geese, who ate the apples, were pooping on the driveway. The promised replacements were never planted.
The open house will take place on Wednesday, May 12, from 7 to 8 p.m. on Microsoft Teams. Registration is not required and there is no cost to attend.
Link to join the meeting will be available on
During the meeting, City of Burlington forestry staff will share information about:
• 2021 Gypsy Moth control program – As part of a multi-year pest management program, the City will be using a low-flying helicopter to aerial spray a bio-pesticide over four parks and wooded trail areas (City View Park, Killbride Park, LaSalle Park, Zimmerman Park) to control gypsy moth populations and protect city forests from heavy defoliation. More information about this year’s program, including locations and timing will be discussed at the open house.
• 2021 street tree planting program – Staff will provide insight about the goals for the future of Burlington’s canopy; plant healthcare challenges with growing trees on a street side; and plans to protect the city against future invasive species.
Cut down for a development
Quick Facts
• In total, Burlington plants approximately 1,000 trees annually as replacements, through capital projects, development and in response to resident requests for street trees. Trees are typically planted in boulevard settings but are also planted in parks.
• The trees within Burlington’s urban forest provide a wide range of environmental, economic and social benefits, including improved air quality, reduced storm-water runoff, energy savings, noise reduction, natural bird and wildlife habitats, higher property values and overall beautification of city streets and parks.
• The city’s Urban Forestry section is responsible for the city’s ongoing operations and maintenance of municipally-owned trees, forest planning and health, and forest protection. Key programs include: preventative maintenance through grid pruning, tree planting and stumping programs, and the administration of public and private tree protection bylaws.
Burlington struggles with the tree issue. Everyone loves them but far too many people want to ignore the need for a solid sustainable tree canopy when it gets in the way of what they want to do with their property.
The bureaucrats at city hall understand what the urban part of the city needs but are out of touch with what the rural property owners have to deal with.
Old trees in Roseland – not nearly enough new trees being planted.
Roseland – many many really good trees but far too many tress that do not have much time left – there hasn’t been an intelligent planting program – something that should have started years ago.
The most contentious public meetings in the past ten years have been about trees and the private tree bylaw the city has in place.
Burlington really isn’t walking the talk.
Pity – when you pause at the New Street – Gooderam intersection and look south you see what the city has – there is no certainty that this is going to be the same in 25 years.
What a beautiful street to walk or drive down. The properties on this street sell for a premium because of the trees. But even on this street some homeowners have demanded that they be given permission to cut down a tree.
By Staff
April 29th 2021
The Ontario government has appointed Norm Sterling as Chair of the Greenbelt Council. The former minister of environment, and founding member of the Niagara Escarpment Commission, will help guide the province as it undertakes what could result in the largest expansion of the Greenbelt since its creation in 2005.
Norm Sterling, former Minister of Environment named as Chair of the Greenbelt Council.
“Mr. Sterling brings important experience to the Greenbelt Council, and I am confident that under his leadership there will be incredible work done to support growing the Greenbelt,” said Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “As a fellow grandparent, we understand the importance of leaving all of our grandchildren, and great grandchildren, with an enhanced version of the gem that is the Greater Golden Horseshoe.”
The Greenbelt Council was created to provide advice to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing on land use matters related to the Greenbelt, including education and outreach to promote the goals of the Greenbelt Plan.
In December, six members of Ontario’s Greenbelt Council stepped down — joining David Crombie, the council’s chair — to protest proposed government rules they say would gut environmental protections in the province.
David Crombie, served as the Chair of the Greenbelt Council – resigned in protest.
Crombie, a former Progressive Conservative federal cabinet minister and Toronto mayor, says his resignation, which takes effect immediately, comes in response to measures contained in an omnibus budget bill tabled last month by the provincial government.
Sterling, doing his best to fill the Crombie shoes said: “It is an honour to serve as Chair of the Council as we work towards growing the Greenbelt. I will leverage my experience to work collaboratively with our council to ensure that we are working toward protecting and growing the Greenbelt.”
Ontario’s Greenbelt protects farmland, communities, forests, wetlands and watersheds. It also preserves cultural heritage and supports recreation and tourism in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe.
• Established under the Greenbelt Act, 2005, the Greenbelt is a broad band of protected land that currently includes over 800,000 hectares of land in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
• The Greenbelt currently contains 21 urban river valleys and associated wetlands. These are the valleys of rivers that pass-through cities or towns and act as urban gateways to the Greenbelt.
• The term of Mr. Sterling’s appointment is for three years.
• All Greenbelt Council Members receive a per diem for attending meetings.
By Eric Vandewall
April 29th, 2021
Since March 12, 2021, in response to the urgent need to vaccinate as many people in our community and protect high-risk individuals from the COVID-19 virus, Joseph Brant Hospital began operating a Halton Region Vaccination Clinic in the Pandemic Response Unit PRU. The PRU’s flexibility in design allowed us to quickly mobilize the PRU to serve this purpose, using our skilled staff onsite to administer the vaccines. To date, we have vaccinated over 16,000 individuals in our community and will continue to immunize prioritized groups established by Halton Region.
At the same time, daily news reports convey the troublingly high number of new COVID-19 cases across the country. It is important to remember the heartbreaking stories behind those numbers. At JBH, we feel every single loss. With each loss, we know that there are so many families, friends and colleagues in immense grief.
Beds can be moved and a vaccination booth set up in a very short period of time
In Halton, we continue to see high numbers of new COVID-19 cases and it is too soon to determine if we have reached the peak of this third wave. In terms of our hospital’s capacity, today JBH is at 91% capacity. We are currently caring for 28 patients with COVID-19 – 16 of these patients are in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). In recent weeks, the total number of patients (COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) in our ICU units has ranged on average from the low 20s to as high as 29. We have the capacity to surge to 32 patients in ICU if needed.
Understandably, given the dire situation, we have been asked why we continue to use our PRU as a vaccination clinic and why it is not being used for COVID-19 care to help manage patient overflow in regional hospitals dealing with record numbers of COIVD 19 patients.
I hear you and I understand your concerns. While I do not wish to minimize the seriousness of the situation, I would like to provide further context and explain where we are today.
Vaccination is a critical step to reducing the spread of COVID-19 as well as to keep people healthy, safe and well. We stand ready to mobilize the PRU back to providing patient care within 24 hours if additional bed capacity is required. That decision cannot be made solely by JBH. The decision to open the PRU to care for patients is a decision made at the regional level – at the HNHBB (Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant and Burlington) Regional Incident Management System (IMS) table. The PRU was intended to be used when all conventional space in hospitals was exhausted across the region, as a “safety valve”, to relieve pressure on conventional hospital beds and to ensure there is sufficient capacity to care for COVID-19 mild to moderate patients who are on their way to recovery and to return home. Hospitals continue to respond internally to the growing demand for ICU care and we are seeing more mobile response units constructed to help expand capacity. The point of requiring the PRU for patient care has not yet been reached.
Everyone who has been vaccinated at JBH and comments said it was “just great”.
The PRU structure is between the hospital expansion and the parking lot. It was set up in a very very short period of time – albeit at considerable expense.
Since the beginning of 2021, JBH has accepted 50 inter-regional patient transfers, including patients from the greater Toronto Area (GTA). All of these were serious cases placed in available ICU and acute care beds on designated units in our hospital. The most appropriate place for these individuals was to be located in conventional hospital space. Many of these individuals required ventilation and constant monitoring for a deterioration in their condition. In addition to using all the available space in our hospital to care for these patients, we have been able to increase the number of ICU beds up to 32. This has been done by reviewing our health human resources and placing all available healthcare staff in roles to support staffing these additional ICU beds, as a result of our surgical ramp down. I am incredibly proud of all of our team members, including those who have been redeployed to support the provision of comprehensive and compassionate care to our patients.
In conclusion, please understand that while our PRU is a well-equipped and robust temporary short stay field hospital space, it does not replace conventional inpatient beds in the hospital. The PRU was designed for individuals who are medically stable, presenting mild to moderate COVID-19 symptoms, who require additional supports before they are ready to return home.
If the decision is made to mobilize the PRU back to providing medical care, we can make that happen in short order, relocating the vaccination clinic to an alternate space onsite. Every day we are working closely with our regional and provincial health partners to monitor the evolving situation, assess risk and determine the need for PRU capacity.
Eric Vandewall, at what was supposed to be a celebratory event at which the Minister of Health at the time was to announce a large provincial contribution to the building of the extension to the hospital. The Minister got stuck in QEW traffic so we all went home. The cheque did arrive.
Finally, please continue to follow the guidance of medical experts and public health officials. If you are eligible to get vaccinated, doing so keeps you and your loved ones safe, and brings us one step closer to making our communities safer. If you have vaccine concerns, talk to your doctor or please seek out credible sources of information like Halton Region and the Province of Ontario. I also encourage you to follow JBH on our social media channels to stay up-to-date on the latest news and information from our hospital.
Thank you again for your continued support and understanding during these challenging times.
By Staff
April 29th, 2021
Today, Halton Region Police Chief Stephen Tanner becomes the longest serving police chief in the country – 20 years.
His annual report to the Board is, according to the current chair Jeff Knowles, very impressive. The Gazette will report on that when it is made public.
Halton Regional Police Services Chief Stephen Tanner now the longest serving police chief in Canada.
Police Service Board meetings are not on the top of the list for very many reporters; unless there is something that has caught the public’s attention.
When Chief Tanner went out of the country around Christmas time many were upset and asking – why?
Turned out the Chief had permission to leave his post – that was given to him by the then Chair of the Police Services Board Oakville Mayor Rob Burton.
That decision cost Burton his job as Chair – he resigned.
Chief Tanner was one of many Chiefs who quickly told the province earlier this month, that Halton would not be using the additional authority the province had given them to stop people and ask where they were going and where they lived when the province was under a Stay at Home order.
Stephen The Regional Police have State of Emergency authority that they have not used and do not expect to use. The City of Burlington Mayor declared a State of Emergency that immediately set the day to day operations of the city in the hands of an Emergency Control Group that makes decisions regularly at its meetings which often take place more than once a week.
By Staff
April 29th, 2021
Starting Monday, May 3, Halton residents who are 50 years of age and older (born in or before 1971) and cannot work from home can book an appointment to receive their COVID-19 vaccine at a Halton Region COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic.
“We are pleased to be able to offer more appointments to priority populations,” said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “We continue to follow the Province’s direction on prioritization and our ability to keep opening appointments to more residents is reliant on ongoing and dependable vaccine supply from the Provincial and Federal Governments. Our clinics are ready for more supply – we have the capacity to double the amount of people we vaccinate each day.”
Halton Region continues to follow Provincial direction on prioritization and does not have the authority to grant exceptions. Residents who are 40 years of age and older are also encouraged to book an appointment at multiple participating pharmacies in Halton for the AstraZeneca vaccine. This vaccine is safe and effective, and another way to gain protection from severe illness and complications from COVID-19.
“The more people we vaccinate each and every day, the closer we get to returning to normal,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region Medical Officer of Health. “We have six clinics operating 7 days a week and participating pharmacies continue to offer appointments to those 40 and older. Please get the vaccine when it is your turn – the best vaccine option is the first one available to you.”
Important information & instructions:
- On Monday, May 3, Halton residents 50 years of age and older (born in or before 1971) who cannot work from home can book a COVID-19 vaccination appointment through Halton’s online booking system.
- While booking online is the fastest way to schedule an appointment, residents can also call 311 if they require booking support. Residents who are not currently eligible to receive the vaccine are asked not to call 311 or visit the online booking system to ensure eligible residents have access.
- Vaccinations at Halton’s clinics are by appointment only (no walk-ins) and must be booked through Halton Region’s online system or through 311. Please do not contact clinics directly. Bookings for Halton residents are not available through the Provincial booking system; residents who access the Provincial booking system will be guided back to Halton’s system.
- Vaccinations at a participating pharmacy are by appointment only (no walk-ins) and must be booked directly through the pharmacy. Please do not call 311 for pharmacy appointments. If you are 40 or older, please visit to find a location and information on how to book.
- Eligible residents can book appointments at any one of Halton’s six COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics located in Burlington (including Joseph Brant Hospital), Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville (including Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital). Residents are reminded that parking is free at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Joseph Brant Hospital for those with scheduled appointments at these clinics.
- Residents who have already scheduled an appointment for vaccination through Halton Region can verify/check their appointment details or reschedule first dose appointments.
- Halton Region is reminding residents that have booked appointments at a Halton Vaccination Clinic and have been able to find earlier first and second dose appointments (for example, through a pharmacy) to please remember to cancel their appointments by calling 311 at least 24 hours in advance, so that someone else who is eligible can get the vaccine.
- Please note that cancelling appointments is only for those who have not received their first dose yet and changing second dose appointments cannot be easily accommodated. Residents who have had their first dose are strongly encouraged to keep their second dose appointment, unless for extraordinary circumstances (for example, work schedules that cannot be rearranged, conflicting specialist appointments). Rescheduling second doses remains dependent on vaccine supply and appointment availability.
All appointments are contingent on the availability of vaccine supply.
By Pepper Parr
April 29th, 2021
In terms of communicating with the public it went exceptionally well. The latest in a series of Telephone Town Hall events ran for an hour last evening ran out of time before they ran out of questions.
Dr. Dale Kalina, Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Joseph Brant Hospital
Moderated by the Mayor, the strongest theme was information on the different vaccines being used by the Public Health units and the pharmacies.
Dr. Dale Kalina, Medical Director, Infection Prevention and Control, Joseph Brant Hospital pressed the point that the vaccine used was not a concern – what was important was that people get vaccinated.
Close to a majority of the questions asked related to the vaccines available.
Throughout the evening there were mini-surveys that asked what people thought about allowing public participation in public events suggesting that consideration is being given to opening things up a little.
There was just the one question on recreational issues; many of the people taking part in the call weren’t required to say a word.
The public was well served.
A transcript of the event will e published.
We will ask the Mayor what there are in the way of plans to open up events to the public – it will depend on what the response to the mini survey reveals.
By Staff
April 29th, 2021
So much for the Stay at Home order.
The Halton Regional Police Service – Burlington Street Crime Unit has completed a drug trafficking investigation with a pair of arrests and a number of charges.
On Tuesday April 27, 2021 investigators arrested Nicklauss Ancion (26) of Brampton and Megan Noble (29) of No Fixed Address in Burlington.
Ancion has been charged with:
- Trafficking – Fentanyl
- Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Fentanyl
- Obstruct With Intent to Resist Arrest
- Weapons Dangerous
Noble has been charged with:
- Possession of a Controlled Substance – Fentanyl
- Breach Probation
At the time of arrest, Ancion was in possession of a knife (which was seized by officers).
The evidence
Search warrants were also executed at a residence in Burlington and a second home in Brampton. As a result of the investigation, officers also seized approximately 5 grams of fentanyl, and a small amount of cash (see attached photo).
There were no physical injuries sustained during the arrests.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to contact Detective Scott Heyerman of the 3 District Street Crime Unit at 905-825-4777 ext. 2342.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Staff
April 29th, 2021
Halton Region is investing $3.5 million in programs and services that support the health, safety and well-being of residents through the Halton Region Community Investment Fund (HRCIF) in 2021. This investment also supports the needs of vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic and addresses needs identified through the Halton Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) planning initiative.
Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr.
“By investing in community-based non-profit organizations, we can help ensure that essential services are available to those who need them most,” said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “This funding is one of the ways we are supporting our community during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Thank you to everyone who is helping us move forward together.”
Region of Halton administrative offices in Oakville
Programs that have received funding through the HRCIF continue to address a broad range of human service needs and priorities, including initiatives that strengthen the health, safety and well-being of our community. A total of 31 new grants have been approved to date in 2021. Some of the investments include:
• $30,000 to the Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf to support active living, education and inclusion among older adults who are deaf;
• $80,480 to the Oak Park Neighbourhood Centre to provide hub based supports for residents in an at-risk community in Oakville;
• $30,000 to Halton Women’s Place to upgrade the security system at its shelter locations;
• $26,690 to Christian Horizons to provide workshops that support internet safety for individuals with a developmental disability;
• $30,000 to the Syrian Canadian Foundation to provide online education and social connection sessions for Arabic speaking newcomer women;
• $139,895 to the Housing Help Centre for Hamilton-Wentworth (operating in Halton) to support clients with complex needs to have long-term housing success; and
• $107,540 to support the Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable to implement initiatives to strengthen equity and inclusion.
Applications for funding through the HRCIF will continue to be accepted on an ongoing basis in 2021 to respond to emergent needs and address the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizations that meet eligibility criteria may submit their application through the application form on Applications will be reviewed regularly until all available funding has been allocated.
For more information on the HRCIF and a full list of the programs and services that received funding, visit the HRCIF webpage on or call 311.