There is room for some decency in the way the city administration and the elected officials treat the taxpayers.

News 100 blackBy Pepper Parr

April 9th, 2018



This is getting just a little ridiculous.

City council approved a height of 23 storeys for a condominium opposite city hall.

421 BrantFinal, final approval was subject to a Section 37 agreement being put in place.

ECOB logoECoB – Engaged citizens of Burlington, were waiting for that Section 37 agreement to be put in place so they could appeal the decision to the OMB.

The city releases the Section 37 agreement – astounding is the best way to summarize what the citizens get for giving the developer an additional 11 storeys of height.

A citizen writes a stiff rebuke on just what the Planning department has apparently agreed to.

No date is given as to when this Section 37 agreement for the development known as 421 Brant is going to be put in front of city council.

On Tuesday evening there are two Statutory meetings scheduled for the Planning and Development Standing committee. Statutory public meetings are held to present planning applications in a public forum as required by the Planning Act.

There is no mention of anything else on the agenda for the Tuesday evening meeting.

421 James street rendering

Is the 421 Brant Street development too close to city hall? We are not talking distance here. –

The ECoB people learned that the Section 37 agreement for the 421 Brant development will be on the agenda.

They advised the Gazette that:

City P & D have sneaked the section 37 community benefit proposals for 421 Brant St on to tomorrow night’s agenda without announcing it on the agenda made public on the city website. We found it by digging around elsewhere after Tom Muir made us aware of it.

Penny Hersh, part of the ECoB leadership sent the following to media: it was addressed to ward 2 Councillor Marianne Meed Ward

“It has come to our attention that Section 37-Public Benefits for 421 Brant Street will be discussed at the Planning and Development Committee tomorrow evening.

“It is only by searching the City’s website does this appear. No change to the Official Agenda.

Added agenda item graphic

The item added to the Planning and Development meeting Tuesday evening doesn’t appear in the agenda – but it did appear elsewhere on the city web site. Citizens should not have to search for information.

When was this “additional item” placed on the website and why was the Agenda that most residents would check not updated?

“What is staff afraid of? What is the thought process, definitely not transparency? It certainly gives one the impression that they are trying to get this done under the radar. The hope that no one shows up to question this travesty of NON Community Benefits for increased height and density. This is yet another reason why residents have no trust in staff and Council.

“Staff seems to forget that they work for the residents and Council elected to protect the interests of the residents.

“I am asking that Council direct staff to defer discussion of the Section 37 Benefits for 421 Brant Street to the April 24th meeting.”

This situation is intolerable. Last week the city discussed the adoption of a Good Governance model for the members of council. They are going to need more than a model on how to govern to get past this mess.  The optics on this just stink.  It is going to take quite an explanation to convince anyone that this was not deliberate.

Both the city administration and the members of council are duty bound to ensure that the public is fully informed.  The city did put out a notice saying maintenance work was being done on the city web site:

While we are making changes, please note that some online services will not be available on Monday, April 9 from 9 to 10 p.m.:

• Online business license renewal
• Online Property information requests

There is room for some decency in the way the city administration and the elected officials treat the taxpayers.

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Citizen anger over draft Official Plan erupts at public meeting.

Newsflash 100By Staff

April 9th, 2018



A Burlington resident attending the public meeting taking place at the Haber Recreation Centre in the Alton Village reports that “there is a shouting match going on at Haber right now.”

The city Planning department was holding an information session on the most recent changes being made to draft of the new Official Plan.

growbold-847x254The Planners are expecting to bring the latest version of the Official Plan being prepared to a city council meeting April 24th and have set aside time on the 25th if needed to be able to take the document to a special meeting of city council where they expect the document to be approved and sent along to the Region where it will sit for a period of time before t is approved at that level.

Burlington’s Official Plan must comply with the Region’s plan.

The Burlington document has been the subject of a lot of delegating by residents who do not want the document approved until after the municipal election in October.

Tension between the elected council and citizens has been growing – it appears to have blown a gasket at this most recent public meeting.

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Two armed robberies at Burlington banks on Plains Road - police on the hunt.

Crime 100By Staff

April 9th, 2018



Two bank robberies on one day – just over five hours apart on Plains Road.

At 8:30 am the day the TD Bank was robbed; shortly after 2:00 PM, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) located at 15 Plans Rd East (near Waterdown Road) in Burlington was robbed by the same suspect that robbed the TD Canada Trust at 596 Plains Rd. earlier in the day.

The suspect again approached a teller and passed a noted that indicated he was armed with a gun and demanded money. The suspect fled the bank after being provided an undisclosed amount of cash.

Uniformed officers, police canine, members of the Tactical Rescue Unit (TRU) and members of the Criminal Investigations Bureau are actively searching the area for the suspect who has now been identified as the following:

Adam Patrick DELISE (36-yrs) of no fixed address (Formerly of Oakville) is wanted for two counts of robbery.

RBC plains road robbery April 2018

Image captured by Royal Bank security cameras at Plains Road branch

TD Bank robbery April 9 -2018

Image of bank robbery suspect captured by TD Bank security cameras.

If the suspect is observed, police are asking the public to call 911 immediately and to not approach him.
Anyone who may have any additional information that will assist police in locating DELISE is asked to contact the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2316.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

What is worth noting is the quality of the photographs – many commercial operations have old security cameras that produce poor quality images.

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If Spring is a little late do the frogs put their mating practices on hold? Answers at the Frogwatcher’s Hikes.

News 100 greenBy Staff

April 9th, 2018



The Conservation Authority is convinced Spring is close at hand and have announced programs that tie into the change in seasons.

There are others that are not as certain that the Conservation Authority has it right.

Frog mating“Spring fever is in the air right now”, announced the Conservation people “as male frogs are getting ready to sing in full chorus to attract mates. This annual nature phenomenon can be witnessed in the forests and wetlands of Mountsberg Conservation Area where you can join in our interesting and informative Frogwatcher’s Hikes.”

This year the hikes take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, April 20 and Saturday, April 21.

The songs or mating calls are so distinctive that various frog species can be identified without actually seeing them. There are several species which are active at this time. Again this year Mountsberg will have the ‘Native Species Encounter’ with some of Ontario’s species of snakes.

‘Herptiles’ is the term which refers to reptiles and amphibians and this is an excellent opportunity to search for some of these creatures, like salamanders, who are just emerging from their dormant winter.

There is a puppet shoe, visits to the pond and even a ‘Swamp Tromp’ at a Frogwatcher’s Hike. We will learn about the difference between reptiles and amphibians, between frogs and toads, and the amazing lives of salamanders.

Admission for either Frogwatcher’s Hike is by advance registration only online.

Call Mountsberg at (905) 854-2276 for more information on the program. The fees are Adults $18 (plus HST), Seniors (ages 65 and older) and Children ages 5 to 14 years are $13 (plus HST), while those four years and under are free.

About Mountsberg Conservation Area
Mountsberg Conservation Area is located on Milburough Line, five km west of Campbellville, ON, between Highway 6 South and Guelph Line. This 472 hectare park includes extensive wetlands, forests, fields, and a reservoir. Mountsberg hosts many family friendly events which are sure to become family traditions for many in the community. For more information please call Mountsberg at (905) 854-2276 or e-mail

The Mountsberg Raptor Centre is currently home to 16 different species of native birds of prey. Many of the resident birds of prey have permanent injuries that have left them incapable of surviving on their own in the wild. In many cases, these injuries were caused by human activity. With the help of these feathered ambassadors, the Mountsberg Raptor Centre teaches the community about the native birds of prey that share our environment and how to reduce the negative impact we can have on them.

Conservation Halton is the community based environmental agency that protects, restores and manages the natural resources in its watershed. The organization has staff that includes ecologists, land use planners, engineers, foresters and educators, along with a network of volunteers, who are guided by a Board of Directors comprised of municipally elected and appointed citizens. Conservation Halton is recognized for its stewardship of creeks, forests and Niagara Escarpment lands through science based programs and services.

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Who reads the Gazette; their gender, age and where they live.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 9th, 2018


Part 1 of a seven part series

The readership survey ran for 17 days.

There were 238 responses.

Some people did not answer all the questions.

The survey asked questions about how high buildings should be in different parts of Brant Street; it asked for views on the redevelopment of the museum that is now being transformed.

It had a question on transit and some questions on how often people read the Gazette and who those people are: their gender, age and where they live.

We also asked those who responded who their choice for Mayor might be in the October election. There were some surprises in the responses we got on that question.

Is 238 responses statistically relevant? We are not polling experts. We just asked questions and got responses from people in every ward. Did some people attempt to game the survey – we don’t think so – at least the data collected suggests that there was no sudden surge of responses for any one question – including who the responder favoured for Mayor in the forthcoming municipal election.

There is too much information to include it all in a single article. The results of the survey will be published during the week

MastheadWho are the readers?

gender 2


Readership by gender:

Male 57.87%: 136 responses

Female 42.13%: 99 responses.

Three people did not answer this question.

Age graphic




Age distribution:

20-39: 6.33% –   15 responses

40-55: 24.47% – 58 responses

56-6: 29.11% – 69 responses

66+: 40.08% – 95 responses.

One person chose not to reveal their age.





Reader interest

More sports: 4.85%  –  responders 11

More culture: 19.38%  – responders 44

More about what is happening in the city:  91.19%   responses 207

Less about city hall and the Regional government:  27.31% – 62 responders

Where do the responders to the survey live?

Readership by ward

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Some online city services will not available - Monday April 9, 9 pm to 10 p.m.

notices100x100By Staff

April 9th, 2018

They are making improvements

city hall with flag polesThe city will be doing some maintenance to add a new service for our Marriage License online applications.

While we are making changes, please note that some online services will not be available on Monday, April 9 from 9 to 10 p.m.:

• Online business license renewal
• Online Property information requests


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TD Canada Trust on Plains Road robbed early this morning.

Crime 100By Staff

April 9th, 2018



The TD Canada Trust bank located at 596 Plains Rd. E in Burlington was robbed early this morning.

Shortly before 8:30 AM, a lone male entered the bank and passed a note which indicated he was armed and demanded money.

The male was provided with an undisclosed amount of cash after which he ran from the bank.
An extensive search of the area was completed however the male suspect was not located.

The suspect is described as:

• White male
• Mid-30’s
• Approximately 5’5″ tall
• Small build
• light brown brush cut hair
• Clean shaven
• Acne scars on his cheeks
• Wearing a black jacket and blue jeans

Anyone who may have any additional information pertaining to this investigation is asked to contact the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2316.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

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What might be the last single family detached homes project in Burlington is underway.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 9th, 2018



They aren’t going to be building many more of these; detached single family homes.

Close to the last development project for detached homes is underway at the intersection of Dundas and

Walkers and Dundas housing

Single family detached homes under construction at the intersection of Walkers Line and Dundas is close to the last the city will see.

Walkers Line is underway.

Former Director of Planning, now Deputy city manager, Mary Lou Tanner said a number of months ago that the land available for single family homes will permit not more than 800 new homes.

What the city can expect to see next are townhouses, stacked townhouses and back to back townhouses with much less space and a lot less in amenities.

National Homes image

A graphic from a development proposed for 2100 Brant shows the change that Burlington is experiencing. The existing community, shown in blue has 736 homes: the planned community, which is much much smaller is projected to have 233 units. That is what intensification s all about – and the locals don’t like it.

A development planned for 2100 Brant has raised the ire of residents in that community – National Homes has an application for 233 units that will be some form of townhouses with no park proposed for those 233 families.

It is going to be a different Burlington when they are all done.


Related news stories:

Not everyone is buying what comes out of city hall

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Federal funding available for accessibility projects: applications close May 24th

News 100 redBy Staff

April 9th, 2018



Her goal is to make Oakville North-Burlington the most livable community in Canada. Member of Parliament for Oakville North Burlington Pam Damoff is pointing her constituents to a federal government program that is committed to reducing barriers for Canadians with disabilities and ensuring that everyone has equal access and opportunity to succeed.

The Enabling Accessibility Fund (EAF) supports organizations across Canada that improve accessibility and enables Canadians with disabilities to participate more fully in society.

Damoff with big wide open smiles

Pam Damoff MP for Oakville Burlington North

The goal, said Damoff, starts with ensuring our community is both inclusive and accessible for everyone who lives here. I would like to encourage not-for-profits, Indigenous organizations, and municipal governments to apply for funding for the retrofit, renovation or new construction of accessible facilities or venues through the 2018 EAF call for concepts (CFC) for mid-sized projects.

Eligible applicants have until May 24, 2018, to submit their project concept application. The federal contribution for such projects can be between $350,000 and $1 million, and are asked to be focused on retrofit, renovation, or new construction of projects that increase accessibility. Example projects can be found at the following link.

Eligible organizations must offer or plan to offer services and programs that support the social and labour market integration needs of people with disabilities.

EAF - federalSince the creation of the EAF in 2007, the Government of Canada has funded over 3,000 projects, helping Canadians gain access to their communities’ programs, services and workplaces. Starting in 2018–19, the EAF grants and contributions budget will grow to $20.65 million, as Budget 2017 provided $77 million over 10 years to expand the activities of the EAF and support more small and mid-sized projects, including youth driven proposals, aimed at improving accessibility in Canadian communities and workplaces.

Applicants are invited to submit their project concepts before May 24 and if the project concepts are successful, applicants will then be asked to submit a detailed proposal at a later date. You may submit a project concept application online, by mail or email.

Any questions about the application process? contact 905-847-4043 or


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Tom Muir wonders if 'city residents are completely stupid, and fools to be bilked'.

News 100 redBy Staff

April 9th, 2018



There were few people lining up to tell city council how much they liked the building that is to go up across the street from city hall and rise to 23 stories.  City council approved the Staff recommendation on a 5-2 vote; ECoB (Engaged Citizens of Burlington) almost immediately said they ddn’t like the idea and the Mayor nodded in agreement – his was one of the two votes against the project.

No word from ward 2 Councillor Meed Ward but expect her to have some choice words for the Section 37 agreement the city arrived at with Carriage Gate the developer of the building that has yet to be given a name.

ECoB at one point was standing at the counter in the Clerk’s office panting to file an OMB appeal but were told they couldn’t do so until the file was complete – meaning that the city had to agree on a Section 37 – which is a process whereby the citizens get some benefit for the extra height and density a development gets that is above and beyond whatever the site had in terms of zoning.

The site for Carriage Gate is comprised of a number of properties that were assembled, each having slightly different zoning.

No word yet on what, if anything, ECoB plans to do with that plan to appeal the decision the city made.

Tom Muir, let the city knows where he stands: ” unacceptable sweetening of an already sweet deal for the developer.”  Muir has delegated to city council and has provided the Gazette with a copy of the delegation that will get put into the record of the April 10th meeting.

To: Burlington Planning and Development Committee
From: Tom Muir, Resident
Subject: Written delegation to April 10/18 P&D meeting item of Section 37 staff report for 421 Brant St

Dear Councilors;
I am unable to delegate personally to this item, so I am sending this written delegation of my comments for the record of the proceedings.

To simplify my comments I will target them item by item by following a copy of the staff report text that is pertinent.

1. Regarding; “Specifically, the City “may encourage the use of community benefits provisions with regard to the following matters:””

The words of describing a total voluntary nature of the action by the City, and developer, i.e, “The City may encourage the use of …”,makes me wonder if the staff and Council thinks that city residents are completely stupid, and fools to be bilked.

421 Brant

Building without a name – just a street address.

“May encourage” is a double form of contingency that means the City doesn’t have to do anything at all to secure anything at all, but maybe just think about trying to get the developer to deliver something, and this can be enough.

Given the track record of this very same developer in refusing to deliver on a previous Section 37 agreement on the Carriage Gate development, why on earth would the City agree to such terms and a course of action?

Who benefits from this except the developer, and there is no representation of city residents that I can see.
It’s a ridiculous on its face insult to the residents of this City. This is not a Section 37 Community Benefits agreement, but a very bad for residents agreement, presented as such.  It is completely unacceptable.

2. Regarding, (i) “Provision of a wide range of housing types including special needs, assisted, or
other low-income housing.”

• To assist in the pursuit of long-term affordable housing, the Developer agree to a discount of $300,000 to be used against the purchase price of up to 10 dwelling units within the subject development, or in the event that a purchase(s) is/are not to occur within the subject development, the Developer agrees to provide the City with a cash contribution of $300,000 prior to condominium registration, to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building.

This idea is acceptable as long as there are tight provisions to ensure that the units are sold to those demonstrating as needing of affordable housing, and this should be overseen by public agencies involved in such activities.

Provisions must be made to ensure the units are not sold and then appear back in the free market for resale at market prices.

3.Regarding, (iv) “improved access to public transit or implementation of a Travel Demand
Management Plan.”

• The Developer agrees to provide one (1) publicly accessible car share parking space (indirect community benefit assessed at $50,000) and contribute to the City’s emerging car-share network by accommodating a carshare vehicle for a minimum of two years starting from the first occupancy (indirect community benefit assessed at $50,000), or equivalent, to the satisfaction of the Director of Transportation; and (v) “provision of public areas, crosswalks, and walkways, and connections to external walkways/trail systems.”

• The Developer agrees to provide a direct community benefit of a $50,000 contribution towards the future expansion of Civic Square, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Capital Works; and

• The Developer agrees to provide public access by way of an easement to be registered on title for lands located at the northeast corner of Brant Street and James Streets, the minimum dimensions of which are in the form of a triangle measured at 16m by 16m (128m2)(an indirect community benefit assessed at
$75,000), to the satisfaction of the Executive Director of Capital Works; and (vi) “provision of public parking.”

All of this is acceptable to me, although I fail to see how this is not part of the negotiated agreement for the added height and density permitted.

As well, I am not sure about the adequacy of the amounts provided, and I see no transparent explanation of how any of these terms were rationalized and arrived at. I would like to see this rationalization.

421 James street rendering

The structure will dwarf city hall.

4. Regarding, • The Developer agrees to provide eight (8) visitor parking spaces (indirect community benefit accessed at $400,000), to the satisfaction of the Director of Transportation;

This is an unacceptable sweetening of an already sweet deal for the developer. I can’t imagine how a negotiation for 23 stories in an 8 to 12 story existing permission (which is also in doubt of validity) can justify no or inadequate provision for visitor parking. And even more so, when parking was a top public concern expressed in the review process.

In my view, this is unjustified to provide this as a benefit to the public when it is really the developer that is benefiting.

5. Regarding, (ix) “protection or enhancement of significant views” • The Developer agrees, and it is enshrined within the amending zoning by-law, that increased building setbacks, including widened sidewalks on Brant Street, James Street, and John Street, and view corridors on Brant Street and Page 5 of Report PB-33-18 – James Street to City Hall and the Cenotaph (indirect community benefit accessed at $250,000), to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building; and (x) “provision of affordable housing, beyond the basic Provincial requirements;”  • See (i) above. (xi) “provision of public art”

• The Developer agrees to provide a direct community benefit of $150,000 towards the public art reserve fund to be used within the publicly accessibly privately owned easement area referred to in subsection (v) and/or in the future Civic Square expansion area, to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building; and (xii) “provision of green technology and sustainable architecture”

The Developer agrees to implement green technology and sustainable architecture elements into the subject property in accordance with either LEED certification standards and/or compliance with the City’s Sustainable Building and Development guidelines (indirect community benefit accessed at $300,000), to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building; and (xiii) “provision of streetscape improvements in accordance with Council approved design guidelines”

• The Developer agrees to implement City of Burlington Streetscape Guidelines Standards within the Brant Street, James Street, and John Street public realm areas, including the expanded building setback areas at-grade and the publicly accessible open space easement area outlined in (v) above (an indirect community benefit accessed at $150,000), to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building.

Before enacting the amending zoning by-law, the applicant will be required to execute an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the Director of City Building and the City Solicitor, and that such agreement be registered on title to the lands in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to secure said benefits.

The provisions for community benefits are also included in the zoning by-law.

These features are all acceptable to me, but I have no basis to see on how these were negotiated and agreed to. I also have no rationalization on the values of these, and/or the adequacy of them.

I also have no rationalization of why these features are considered for Section 37, and not a proper included part of the negotiated and Council approved development for the project.

6. Overall, my view is this, and I ask the planners and group that determined these Section 37 “Benefits” for the additional information describing how the “Benefits” are calculated, with transparency.

The fact is it’s cashing in on the City ability to create money with the OP and Zoning permissions.The Benefits should not all go to the developers. – there needs to be a fair share.

Don’t ever think only central banks can create money out of nothing but air (height and density rights written on paper).

This is a powerful wealth creation tool that most people don’t think about really until times like now when the overall “air parcel” bits and pieces, sprinkled all over the place, that is driving the money value, gets too big not to notice.

Just imagine – creating 26 floors of nominal residential space, by converting zero floors of empty space (one can imagine converting 2 or 4 floors) of commercial/retail space with half the unit value, is a mighty injection of wealth created out of practically or comparatively nothing.

The per unit land values, and associated rents, of course inflate in some multiple of proportion of the expected gross return of the build.

I think that the the city planners and someone who works for the City who is in in charge of keeping track of these values for City purposes, can do this, and should be directed to do by Council or the managers. it’s additional information that is needed for financially prudent financial decision-making by Council.

And of course, you have to add in all the negative costs and crap and inflation and lost existing business income that goes along with this set of tear-downs, that gets dumped on residents and businessmen, for them to bear.

So, the city ought to cash in on what it creates, since they control it and it is the city ownership of, and responsibility for, the Plan. It needs a very close look.

If Section 37 benefits are to be calculated, then these are the land value gains, and residents costs, that should determine what these are. I would suggest that the gains as described above be shared 50/50. Those referred to above can provide estimates of these values.

And this is another reason why the city must not give away all the heights to developers “by right”, where there are no Section 37 benefits allowed.

We now know where one citizen stands.

Muir with pen in handTom Muir is a retired federal civil servant who lives in Aldershot and delegates before city council frequently.

Related news stories:

Public involvement in determining Section 37 benefits.

Muir on the city manager’s approach to negotiating.


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Gazette readership survey closes - results to be published in segments during the week ahead.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 7th, 2018


This story was revised to correct the impression that a news story on the Mayor impacted the results of the survey.  We don’t know yet if that ride had an impact on those who chose the Rick Goldring – what we do know is that story resulted in a surge in responses

The Gazette readership survey and the choices made by those who completed the 17 questions is now closed.

survey hraphic


Now the task of analyzing the data and putting it in context.

We will tell you something about our readers and what they think of significant issues.

The questions related to the height of buildings in various parts of the city produced some interesting responses. Was it just the people in ward 2 who have responded or were there responses from wards 3 and 6 as well; and if there was a response – how significant was it.


The gender of our readers skews to the male side. When we have completed the analysis we will tell you where our readers live – by ward.

Did gender play a role in the responses?

Which of the three mayoralty race candidates led the responses and where did those people come from? And what was it that made people respond?

The Gazette published a short video done by James Burchill who interviewed the Mayor while driving around in his Smart Car.

The day after we ran that feature the responses shot up – way up? We now need to determine who those responders chose and where those responders lived.

We will be publishing the data in sections – one each day as we work our way into next week.

We are also looking for someone who can serve as an independent auditor who will look at the data and verify that the analysis was fair. This will all take time.

Mayor in Smart car with burchill

The Mayors Confidential Coffee drive with James Burchill may prove to be a critical point in his election campaign.

What we can say at this point is that the numbers, for the most part held, throughout the 17 days the survey was open – with the exception of the huge surge in responses we got the day after the Mayor went for that Coffee Confidential drive with James Burchill.

We know nothing about the people who responded other than where they live, their age approximations and the view the expressed with the answers they gave.

Those responders are completely anonymous to us.  So far we have not detected any gaming of the survey – a more detailed analysis is needed to determine if this has been a fair reflection of what people in Burlington think.

Related news story:

That ride the Mayor took with James Burchill.

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Director tells trustees a non-decision on the location of a new administration building is not an option.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 6th, 2018



Halton District school board Director of Education Stuart Miller told board trustees Wednesday evening that he was pulling his report on a new administration building from the agenda.

He has moved to a plan B – and he isn’t at all certain what that plan will be.

Miller pulls the report Apr 4-2018

Director of Education Stuart Miller telling the Halton District trustees that he is pulling his administration building report from the agenda.

Miller has explained to the trustees he is accountable to the trustees and has a duty to advise them on what is needed to deliver the program to students. A new administration building is one of the things he needs and for the most part the 11 trustees agree with him. What they don’t seem to be able to agree on is where that building should be located.

Trustees Danielli, Amos, Harvey Hope and Collard were prepared to ask that debate on a new building be deferred until there was more information available.

Harvey Hope talked of the traffic challenges in getting to the Board offices in Burlington. Others pointed out that the bulk of the student population is no longer in Burlington; it is north east of the city. They seemed to feel that the administration offices should be closer to the bulk of the student population.

Miller doesn’t disagree with that position but points to the hard realities he has to deal with. The Board owns the land the current site is located on along with a large piece of land immediately south of the current structure and east of M.M. Robinson high school.

street view of the site

Intersection of Upper Middle Road and Guelph Line – a suggested location for a new administration building. Land is owned by the school board.

Buying land for a new building would be prohibitively expensive and the board doesn’t’ have anywhere near enough in its reserve funds to buy new land and construct a new building.

In his initial report to the trustees Miller pointed out to them that a report from a real estate company made it clear that there really wasn’t anything available in the way of the kind of land needed anywhere in the Region.

The trustees have told Miller to look harder.

It is hard to imagine a real estate company passing up a chance to find an appropriate piece of property and then negotiate the purchase of the land. If it was out there – would they not have found it?

Miller is up against a second reality. The building the Board administration is in now has to be made AODA compliant by 2025 – and that will be very expensive. Added to that – the cost of making the space on New Street AODA compliant adds to his woes.

Miller points out that this issue has been before the trustees since 2005. More than 13 years. He told the trustees on Wednesday that a “non-decision is not an option” and added that at some point the board has to make a decision.

Miller said that he would bring the report back sometime in 2019 – in January or February. Milton trustee Danielli noted that Miller might be dealing with a significantly different board after the October municipal election.

Perhaps those trustees who have been sitting on their hands since 2005 and done nothing about this problem will choose to end their careers as trustees or have the public bring those careers to an end.

One of the critical jobs these trustees have is to be financially prudent; there is enough money in the reserve fund to pay for the construction of a new administration building on and the board owns in Burlington.

Miller also added that it will take three to five years to get all the permissions and permits in place before construction could begin and that AODA date of 2025 is not that far off.

aerial of site

A new board administration building could be located at the north west intersection of Upper Middle and Guelph Line.

Miller has said that he will “explore some other geographical areas, and be back at the Board probably early in the New Year and they will have to decide if they want a new building or renovating this one.”

Miller also pointed out that the public needs to know what the board of education is up against.

Time for the trustees to get on with the job they were elected to do.


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Three charged with drug offences

Crime 100By Staff

April 6th, 2018



On April 4th 2018, members of the Burlington Street Crime Unit concluded an investigation after arresting a male believed to be in possession of illegal drugs. A search of the male resulted in the seizure of 1 gram of cocaine, 28 grams of marihuana and a digital scale.

A search warrant was subsequently executed at a Burlington home on Spring Gardens Road where investigators seized cash, 4.4 grams of marihuana, 52 MDMA (Ecstasy) pills and a .380 calibre handgun.
The seized drugs and firearm have an estimated street value of $ 2,600.00

Drug seizure Apr 6-2018

Arrested and charged are:

Dylan Christopher Dean (20-yrs) of Burlington was released on a Promise to Appear in Milton Court on May 1st 2018 charged with the following:

• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking 0 S.5(2) CDSA

Kamaldip SINGHERA (34-yrs) of Burlington was released on a Promise to Appear in Milton Court on May 1st 2018 charged with the following:
• Possession of a controlled substance (marihuana) for the purpose of trafficking – S.5(2) CDSA
• Possession of a controlled substance (cocaine) – S.4(a) CDSA
• Trafficking in a controlled substance (marihuana) – S.5(1) CDSA

Brandon Michael STODDARD (30-yrs) of Burlington was held for bail charged with the following:

• Possession of a controlled substance (MDMA) for the purpose of trafficking – S.5(2) CDSA
• Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose – S.88(1) C.C
• Unauthorized possession of a firearm – S.91(1) C.C.
• Possession of a firearm knowing it’s unauthorized – S.92(1) C.C.
• Breach of firearms prohibition – S.117.01(1) C.C
• Careless use (storage) of firearm –S.86(1) C.C

Anyone who may have any additional information pertaining to this investigation is asked to contact D/Cst. Dave Griffiths of the Burlington Street Crime Unit at 905-825-4747 ext. 2345.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

People charged with a criminal offence are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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City gets $640,298 to upgrade a cycling path in the west end of the city.

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 6, 2018



Burlington MPP Eleanor McMahon, President of the Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for Digital Government, joined Burlington Mayor Rick Goldring yesterday to recognize an investment in the City of Burlington’s cycling infrastructure from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program.

The provincial program has approved $640,298 in annual funding to support up to 80 per cent of costs associated with the implementation of eligible commuter cycling projects in the city. The money will be used to assist with capital costs to build new commuter cycling infrastructure and enhance existing cycling infrastructure.

Bike funding photo op

From left to right – Danijel Ozimkovic, City of Burlington; Mayor Rick Goldring; Don Thorpe, Burlington Cycling Committee; The Honourable Eleanor McMahon; and Kendra Willard, Burlington Cycling Committee, at the announcement for the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program

A project to upgrade and extend Francis Road Bikeway from Warwick Drive to Plains Road East has been identified under the new funding. The extension is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

Mayor Rick Goldring pointed out that “ Burlington’s population continues to grow over the next 25 years, providing residents with more choices for getting around our city will be critical to ensure the success of our city’s transportation network. This funding will enhance existing cycling infrastructure like the Francis Road Bikeway and will provide cyclists in Burlington with safe and convenient options for commuting to their destination.”

MPP Eleanor McMahon, President of the Treasury Board and Minister Responsible for Digital Government said: “Cities across Canada and around the world are investing in cycling so that their citizens have access to safe routes to work, to school, for recreation…” The key word there is “safe”.

In 2016, the City of Burlington became a Bicycle-Friendly Community in 2016, receiving a silver rating by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition.


The survey ends at midnight. Takes two minutes to complete.

• Currently, the city offers the following cycling infrastructure:
• 48 km of bike lanes
• 47.3 km of bike route streets
• 6.4 km of bike lane/sharrow streets
• 11.7 km of paved shoulders
• 52.5 km of multi-use paths adjacent to the road
• 31.6 km of paved off-road, multi-use paths

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District school board appoints new Superintendent of Facility Services - where will she build the needed administration building?

News 100 yellowBy Staff

April 6th, 2018



The Halton District School Board has appointed Maia Puccetti as Superintendent of Facility Services. She replaces Gerry Cullen who retired recently.

Maia Puccetti 2018 - photo

Maia Puccetti appointed Superintendent of Facility Services for the Halton District School Board

Puccetti is expected to start her new role this spring. As Superintendent of Facility Services, Puccetti will lead capital projects, facilities, maintenance, rentals, environmental and sustainability projects and plant operations.

Puccetti is currently the Superintendent of Facilities Services for the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), a role she has held since March 2011, where she is responsible for capital, school renewal, maintenance, operations and security, sustainability, energy management and accessibility. She is also the Acting Associate Director of the TCDSB. Previously, Puccetti held the role of Senior Coordinator of Renewal and Energy and Senior Manager of Renewal with the TCDSB.

Puccetti holds a bachelor’s degree in History and Environmental Design and a master’s degree in Architecture. She has served as the Capital Planner for Toronto Community Housing Corporation and as an Architect with MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects.

Puccetti has some interesting challenges ahead of her: re-purposing what the Board does with Lester B. Pearson and Bateman high schools; making a new Bateman fit into Nelson high school and building a new Board administration office once the trustees decide where it should be located.

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Police have photographs of a suspected purse snatcher - do you know this person?

Crime 100By Staff

April 6th, 2018



Purse snatching has been increasing in the Region. The Regional Police have been putting out warnings and arrests are being made. There is a suspect the police would like to talk to.

A purse belonging to a senior was stolen from the back of a chair outside of the Starbucks Store at Mapleview Mall in Burlington.

Soon after the theft, the thieves began fraudulently using the seniors’ credit cards at several Burlington area stores.

After some investigation, police have identified one of the persons responsible.

On April 4th 2018 the Natasha HOADLEY (29 years old) from Hamilton was arrested and held for bail charged with the following offences:

• Theft under $5000
• Fraud Under $5000 (two counts)
• Unauthorized use of a credit card (two counts)
• Possession of property obtained by crime.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying the accomplice in this theft.

purse snatch 1purse snatch 2He is described as Male, black, 6’2, 170 lbs, thin build, long black hair in dreadlocks.

Anyone with information regarding these incidents or other purse thefts is asked to contact Detective Constable Derek Gray of the Burlington Criminal Investigations Bureau – Vulnerable Persons and Seniors Liaison Team at 905-825-4747 ext. 2344.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS)

Purse Theft Prevention Tips
Watch the Crime Stoppers Video of purse thefts (actual footage)

Halton Regional Police are reminding residents to keep a close eye on their purses and wallets.
Residents should be aware of their surroundings and be alert for distraction type thefts when shopping in the grocery stores, malls and other retail business.

Prevention Tip: Residents are reminded to only carry the necessary identification such as Driver’s Licence or Health Card, and should try to minimize this potential loss by leaving their SIN card, birth certificate and passports securely at home.

If you become a victim of a purse or wallet theft please contact your financial services providers, cancel you cards and then call the Halton Regional Police to file a report.

People charged with a criminal offence are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Related article:

Supermarket staff help capture purse snatcher

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Does a British accent increase the price of a presentation? Find out.


The readership survey will close Friday – at midnight. Takes two minutes to complete.

News 100 yellowBy Pepper Parr

April 6th, 2018



What happens when a couple of “toffs” who both have British accents talk to each other?

You have to watch these two and wonder what music can do to grown men.

Once they get past the music – Paul Copcutt, a personal brand consultant, has a really interesting conversation with James Burchill during one of those Coffee Confidential interviews that Burchill does while tootling about the city in his Smart Car.

Interesting to hear them talk about how they use their accent to leverage their presentations.

Copcutt talks about what a brand is and what it isn’t and Burchill is merciless when he describes how he evaluates the marketing efforts of some corporations. Withering – but very true.

Copcutt throws in a nice little discount for his service near the end of the interview.

Burchill has been doing these interviews for a number of months; worth tuning into.


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Inspire awards handed out to staff who support students and their achievements from Milton, Oakville and Burlington

News 100 yellowBy Staff

April 5th, 2018



Each month the Halton School Board Trustees recognize staff from the schools across the Region with an Inspire Award.

The Inspire Award is for people who go above and beyond to support students in the Halton District School Board.

Everyone in the Halton District School Board community can nominate or be nominated – families, neighbours, related organizations, staff, students and school volunteers.

The Inspire Award is given to an individual or group that is formally or informally associated with the Halton District School Board, who support our students and their achievements through exemplary caring, initiative, innovation and creativity.

Inspire Apr 4-2018

Inspire Award recipients: L -R Rachelle MacLeod, Jessica Goodwin, Jason Adams, Sarah Cronin. On the extreme left trustees Grebenc and Graves; on the right Director of Education Stuart Miller and trustee Danielli.

Sarah Cronin, Special Education at Milton District HS
Sarah is the Department Head of Special Education at Milton District HS. She demonstrates passion, commitment and a long-standing dedication to ensuring students have equitable learning opportunities. Through workshops and various assistive technologies, Sarah enables students’ self-discovery, perseverance and autonomy. She helps students build confidence and develop life skills to help them succeed in high school and beyond. Sarah promotes equitable learning by engaging students, encouraging self-advocacy for learning differences and by ensuring students can approach their learning in ways that make sense to them. Her ongoing support and advocacy for youths with special education needs inspires students and staff.

Jason Adams, teacher at Ryerson PS
Jason is a special education teacher to gifted students at Ryerson PS. He is a support to students with learning differences and assists them with social skills, attention and behaviour. Jason is committed to understanding individual student needs and learning differences to provide equitable and enhanced learning opportunities for students. He takes the time to go above and beyond to make students feel comfortable and supported and ensures parents are involved and updated with their children’s learning. His dedication has helped students with learning differences begin to love school.

Jessica Goodwin, volunteer at Lester B. Pearson HS
Jessica is a volunteer at Lester B. Pearson HS. She has put significant time and effort into working with a special needs student and has demonstrated unwavering support and patience. She has been flexible and understanding and has gone above and beyond to support the student’s success both in school and outside of school. Jessica’s commitment and dedication has provided consistency to a student with learning challenges.

Rachelle MacLeod, teacher at Irma Coulson PS
Rachelle is a teacher at Irma Coulson PS. Her leadership of the Breakfast Program at the school enables the program to run seamlessly for students and volunteers. Rachelle has put significant time and effort into ensuring all students at Irma Coulson have access to healthy food so they continue to learn, grow and succeed. Students, staff and volunteers are grateful for Rachelle’s continuous support.

The following Inspire Awards recipients will have their awards presented at a location of their choosing (school, workplace, etc.):

Sean Marks, principal at Glen Williams PS
When Sean became the Principal of Glen Williams Public School he quickly established a relationship with the students, parents and the community. His ability to connect with students allowed them to feel important, appreciated and successful. He creates an atmosphere in the school that enables children to succeed in their learning, parents to feel welcome and community members to feel valued. The lasting relationship he established with parents and community members strengthened the community and created an atmosphere where people feel welcome, valued and connected.

Cindy Jeffers, volunteer at Palermo PS
Cindy has been volunteering in the HDSB for more than 10 years. She has served as Secretary, Fundraiser, Treasurer, Co-Chair and Chair on Parent Council. She volunteers in the school library every week and helps with pizza days each Friday. Cindy is a constant and welcomed figure in the school. With her support, students experience many events throughout the year. Her continuous dedication to the school is appreciated by students and staff.

Torey Craig, teacher at Sir. E. MacMillan PS
Torey is a French Immersion teacher at Sir E. MacMillan Public School. She takes the time to provide each student with the encouragement and support they need to succeed. Her attention to detail and her commitment to making the curriculum engaging enables students to reach their potential and succeed. Torey’s commitment to supporting individual student needs and involving parents in their children’s learning builds student confidence and improves well-being.

Gloria Vivolo-Nerby, teacher at Gary Allan HS
Gloria is a teacher at Gary Allan HS who goes above and beyond to provide support to all students in the school. She provides ongoing and comprehensive academic and emotional support to all students. Gloria demonstrates professionalism and is an inspiration to her colleagues.

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‘Should We Unplug Our Kids?' - Statements on Screen Time for Children

eventsblue 100x100By Staff

April 6th, 2018



How much time should your children spend before a screen?

And how do you get them away from that screen when they have been in front of one for far too long?


The problem –

The Community & Parent Partners for Kids (C.A.P.P. for KIDS) is presenting the event that begns at 7:00 pm and runs to 8:30 p.m. at the New Street Education Centre (3250 New St., Burlington). There will be community displays from 6:45-7 p.m.

Parents are invited to attend the free evening presentation on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 aimed at addressing the appropriate amount of screen time for young people in a society increasingly dominated by technology.

Called ‘Should We Unplug Our Kids? Reflections on the revised Canadian Paediatric Society Position Statement on Screen Time for Children’, the presentation will highlight the current trends, research and recommendations related to screen time.

screen time asleep

How much screen time is appropriate – and how does a parent come up with rules that work?

Child experts Maria Ramos and Linda Bell will lead the presentation. Both are experienced Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologists with advanced skills in facilitating the development of language and emergent literacy in preschool children. Their role includes coaching parents and service providers as well as offering community presentations on a variety of related topics.

C.A.P.P. for KIDS is a partnership between Halton Region, Halton District School Board, Halton Catholic District School Board, Reach Out Centre for Kids (ROCK), Our Kids Network, Halton Regional Police Service, Ontario Early Years, Burlington Public Library, City of Burlington, and the Halton Multicultural Council.

For more information about this event, email

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Two Males Arrested for Distraction Thefts Throughout the Halton Region

Crime 100By Staff

April 5, 2018



On Tuesday April 3rd 2018, two males were in Food Basics stores in the towns of Georgetown, Milton and the city of Burlington.

At each location the two males, acting as a team, used distraction techniques to steal a purse from unsuspecting elderly females. One male engaged the elderly females in conversation asking for assistance. During this distraction, the other male stole the purses. Cash and credit cards were taken from the stolen purses and the purses were discarded.

The two males used the stolen credit cards at multiple stores close to the location of each theft. The cards were used immediately after the theft of each purse.

At 1:35pm on Wednesday April 4th 2018, the same males again attended the Food Basics in Georgetown. Alert employees recognized the suspects and quickly contacted police. The suspects left the scene in a motor vehicle. Witnesses obtained the licence plate information and police connected the vehicle to a Brampton address.

Detectives from the one district criminal investigations bureau were able to stop the motor vehicle and at 4:10pm arrested the occupants as they attempted to return to their residence.

One adult and one young offender, who cannot be named under the provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, are facing three counts of theft under.

Bogdan DYMITER, 20 years of Brampton and a 17 year old young offender were held pending a bail hearing.

The investigation is continuing into these offences and further charges are expected.

What you can do to protect your self: Click here

Halton Police wish to thank the alert Food Basics employees who quickly contacted police and obtained vital information necessary to bring this investigation to a successful conclusion.

Police would also like to remind members of the public to be cognizant of the techniques used in these types of thefts and be on guard keeping personal possessions safe, secure and away from view in public places.

Anyone who may have additional information concerning this investigation can contact Detective Derek Moyes of the One District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext: 2114.

Tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222- 477 (TIPS) or through the web at

Persons charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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