Molinaro Group announces plans for a four structure development on Plains Road East at Fairview

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 16th, 2020



This one will come as a bit of a shock.

Earlier today Mayor Marianne Meed Ward and Ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith are reported to have taken part in or just announced that there was to be a Pre-Application public meeting on October 1st at 7 pm related to a new development at 1134-1167 Plains Road planned by the Molinaro Group.

The city approved a new protocol for the announcement and public engagement in new developments.

Plains Rd rendering

Four structures with heights of 37 and 25 storeys.

While yet to be approved by Council – that comes later in the month – this development proposal is an example of what city council wants to see in the way developments are presented to the public.

At this stage the development is an idea – nothing has been taken to the Planning department.

It’s a big development. Will it result in a supermarket in the west end?

Molinaro Plains Rd - aerial site

Site location.

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Scam that had been reported is back - amazing that automotive dealerships get taken

Crime 100By Staff

September 16th, 2020



The auto theft scam is back.  They go after high end used vehicles.

This one is really dumb – the automotive sector have only themselves to blame for this kind of thing happening.

The Gazette reported on this a number of weeks ago. Do the people in the automotive sector not talk to each other?

The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) is asking for the public’s help in identifying a suspect in a recent string of vehicle thefts from dealerships in Oakville and Georgetown.


The police have pictures of a suspect this time.

Suspect 1 mercedesPolice are investigating four similar style thefts with the same suspect involved. The first theft took place on September 8, 2020, and the most recent took place today (September 16) in Oakville (three of the thefts have taken place in Oakville and one in Georgetown).

Typically, the suspect will visit a dealership and state that they would like to purchase a vehicle and request a test drive. Due to COVID-19 policies, on three occasions the suspect has been allowed to test drive the vehicle alone, and leaves the dealership without returning.

On one occasion when the suspect was accompanied on the test drive by an employee, a secondary vehicle became involved and police believe a collision was intentionally initiated. Once the employee exited the vehicle to inspect the damage, both vehicles fled the scene.
Investigation has shown the phone number and identification provided to dealerships to be fraudulent.

All the dealerships targeted sell used Mercedes vehicles.

Surveillance photos of a suspect in these thefts is attached to this release.

He is described as male, brown skin, approximately 5’10”, 160 lbs with a thin build, short black hair. He has been seen wearing a white face mask.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Omar Nadim of the 2 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2278.

Crime stoppers logoTips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

What You Can Do

We are actively encouraging dealerships to remain vigilant and to report suspicious activity in/around their facilities to police. If you witness a crime in progress, or if the above-referenced suspect attends your dealership, you are asked to call 911.

      If an individual requests a test drive, charge a security deposit to their credit card before they leave the lot; and

      If an individual provides you with a contact phone number, call it before they leave the lot to verify that it is valid;

       If an individual requests a test drive, charge a security deposit to their credit card before they leave the lot.

Related news story:

Brazen indeed.

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Government puts out an interactive self-assessment application - will it make a difference?

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 16th, 2020



The province is doing everything they can to get people to use the preventative measure they know work to slow down the spread of the Covid19.

Doug Ford MAr 17

Premier does a media event almost daily – begging – beseeching the public to observe the social distancing rules. But the number of new infections is climbing – daily.

The Premier is his now almost daily web cast where he brings people up to data on what is happening; what they province is doing and putting critical data into the public realm.

He often beseeches, beg the public to be careful and cautious.

A significant part of the public isn’t listening all that well.

Today the province announced a new interactive self-screening tool. It is direct and the province wants people to use it every day.

CLICK HERE to access the app.

That isn’t likely to happen – the questions asked are pretty fundamental and we suspect that after a few days the people that need to hear the message and pay attention will be the first to get bored and stop doing the self-assessment.

Go to school


At the risk of being a cynic this Premier might have to announce on a Thursday morning that come Friday at noon all bars and places where people gather for non-essential purposes are closed until the following Monday.

Or perhaps a curfew to make the point. British Columbia put a curfew in place.

The number of new infections are still climbing. At some point these infections will work their way into the school system.

The public reaction will not be pretty.

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Craig Gardner - from water boy to Chair of the annual Terry Fox Run to find a Cure for Cancer

News 100 yellowBy Burlington Terry Fox Run Committee

September 16th. 2020



Back in February 2020, when Corona was just a beer and a virus in a faraway land, I had a face-to-face coffee with Craig Gardner to discuss a special project for the 40th Anniversary of the Terry Fox Run here in Burlington. The plan was to invite as many past Chairs to the run on September 20 as we could track down, and profile their stories in a book of some sort.

Obviously, none of that happened – at least not in the format we’d imagined back in early 2020. When the foundation officially announced that the event would be virtual, we knew we had to do something to keep the 40th anniversary top of mind in our community. This blog was born.

Flag raise Goldring and Craig +

Rick Goldring as Mayor hoisted the Terry Fox flag – Crag Gardner and Greg Costa help out.

I recently sat down with Craig again, only this time via Zoom, and chatted about his involvement over the years, his role as chair, the 2020 dilemma and what he hopes for the future.

From Volunteer to Chair

Before joining the Burlington Terry Fox Committee, Craig was a volunteer.

He worked at a water station on run day, hydrating thirsty runners and walkers. His good friend, Donald Carmichael took over as chair from Duncan Alexander, and recruited Craig to join the committee in an official capacity.

Craig’s involvement came about at a time when his father had recently passed away from colon cancer. Though he’d known people with cancer before, the cause became more personal to him through this experience.

On the committee, Craig was in charge of the route layout and setup. This was back when the Burlington Terry Fox Run started and finished at Beachway Park on Lakeshore Road.

Craig CArmichael +

Craig Gardner, Ben Farias and Don Carmichael

When Don decided to step back as chair, Craig said he was willing to take over the role if everyone on the committee approved. We of course did, and he’s been doing the job since 2016.

The first year we ran from Spencer Smith Park, near the Brant Street Pier, coincided with Craig’s first year as chair. Though the decision was not his, as there was construction on our previous route, it was decided after that this new start/finish would become the norm.


Every chair brings something new and different to the event, and for Craig that’s what he’s most proud of.

“Every year we try something different,” he said.

He believes this has contributed to our event’s growth – that we’ve been able to offer unique experiences for our participants year after year. “The variety of activities we’ve had resulted in more people and more money (for the cause).”

Craig really wanted to make The Terry Fox Run stand out, as we compete with many other road races and events. “My goal, since I took over, was to differentiate us from real runs” said Craig. “We’ll always have a run…but we’re looking for families to come out and do stuff with us.”

If you look back to the 1981 Terry Fox Run, chaired by Greg Pace, the focus was more on running than it is today. While it will forever and always be the Terry Fox Run, the family-friendly aspect of the event is what keeps it going, allowing generations of people to participate together. You can walk, run and do what you can.

Best Laid Plans

We knew in 2019 that the 40th Anniversary would be big for us, as all major anniversary years have been. Like I said, Craig had big ideas for this year to try to make it our most successful run yet in Burlington.

picture frame

It was more effective as a fund raising tool than rattling a tin cup: Craig Gardner, Don Carmichael and John Alma.

“This year, because it’s the 40th and because last year we came so close to breaking our record for money raised, we were pulling out all the stops,” said Craig.

One of those initiatives involved a sub-committee focused solely on marketing and events outside of run-day activities. But with many businesses closed for months and others adhering to strict physical distancing rules, many of our promotional events had to be cancelled or re-imagined.

While the Foundation made the decision to go virtual in April with the slogan “One Day, Your Way,” Craig didn’t want to just focus on September 20th. Though many people are participating on the day, he wanted to get people going throughout the summer. The Burlington take on it was that it would be “Any Day, Any Way.”

Craig with committee

Craig (Orange Shirt) with committee members Kirsten and Ben, and long-time volunteer, Liz.

Members of the committee were given lists of Team Captains from last year’s run to reach out to to let them know about the virtual event. The plan was to provide teams, families and individuals with a Terry Fox in a Box kit. This would include signs, posters, temporary tattoos, bubbles, colouring pages and shirts if they wanted to purchase them. This was our version of curbside delivery. Teams were encouraged to host small, physically distanced events in their backyards or do something active in their own communities while raising money for Terry Fox.

“I think our strategy was really successful,” said Craig. “Because, here we are, less than four weeks to the run, and as far as donations raised, we’re still the third largest of all of Canada.” (Note: I interviewed Craig on August 28, 2020)

Having Hope

While Craig is happy with our results so far in 2020, he is hoping to get back to Spencer Smith Park for September 2021.

But for now, we focus on making this year the best possible!

Thank you Craig, for guiding us all through this strange time. Your leadership and out-of-the-box thinking have helped us stay motivated to raise money for cancer research.

Not signed up yet? Register today and raise money for Terry!


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Hospitals in the wider region coordinate their plans for increased COVID infections and more hospital stays

News 100 redBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



The comments made in the video that accompanied the report from the Joseph Brant hospital on how they expected to use the Pandemic Response Unit – another phrase for what is a “field hospital” – were a little on the jarring side.

field hospital - long look

Totally self contained with very high air exchange features. No television, virtual visits.

The words “expected surge” are now used commonly.  Newspaper headlines make mention of the “surge” in reported COVID-19 virus infections.  Public Health people are always asked – will there be a second wave while others answer that we are now in a second wave.

A number of months ago Eric Vandewall approved the purchase and installation of what amounted to a small hospital – a little like the convalescent hospitals we had when tuberculosis was rampant.

It didn’t get used and some thought it was a waste of money.  Vandewall knew what he was doing – being proactive in the best possible way.

The hospital produced a short video explaining how the unit – called a PRU – will be used. Worth listening to – CLICK here.

The hospitals are not as clear as they can be in explaining how the PRU – Pandemic response unit will be used.

Basically it is in place to handle COVID-19 patients that a hospital cannot accommodate.

Field hospital

It’s a short term facility. People will be there to recuperate. The structure probably has a life cycle of less than ten years – more like five.

Hospitals in Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant and Burlington (HNHNBB Region) are working together to create a regional COVID-19 model of care for COVID-19 positive patients requiring hospital care.

Together, their goal is to be ready to support the increases in COVID-19 care needs, while minimizing any potential disruption of scheduled, regional, and community care across our region.

The hope is that transmission rates in our region remain low, any increases in COVID-19 care will be managed within each of our hospitals, and that the regional COVID-19 model of care will not need to be activated.

However, creating this regional approach is critical to our pandemic response planning and ensures we are prepared for any potential surge in COVID-19 cases.

Regional COVID-19 Model of Care Strategy

Joseph Brant Hospital (JBH), and all HNHNBB’s hospital emergency departments, will care for persons under investigation for COVID-19. Patients who present to JBH, testing positive and requiring hospitalization, will be cared for at our hospital.

Four designated hospitals will be providing acute COVID-19 care:

Hamilton Health Sciences (Hamilton General Hospital)
Joseph Brant Hospital
Niagara Health (St. Catharines Site)
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Norfolk General Hospital and Brant Community Healthcare System will continue to provide local COVID-19 care, and may transfer COVID-19 positive patients as needed to designated hospitals.

field hospital - installed AprilPandemic Response Unit

Joseph Brant Hospital’s Pandemic Response Unit (PRU) will be the HNHNBB’s regional resource to provide care for COVID-19 patients.

The PRU is an external all-season structure designed specifically to care for stable COVID-19 positive patients who have mild to moderate symptoms.

Patients admitted to the PRU require care and support that cannot be provided at home, including oxygen therapy, medication management, monitoring of symptoms and some personal support. Support for virtual visits and engagement of family/caregivers will be provided while in the PRU.

As admitted patients who are transferred to another hospital recover from COVID-19, they will either be discharged home with community supports as needed, or they will be transferred back to their community hospital for ongoing care as soon as possible.

We are told that there are going to be more COVID infection reports – the numbers are already well above where they were in June and after the lock down.

The solution for everyone is to continue to protect yourself and others by following public health advice including  keeping the required social distance, washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask when appropriate and getting a flu shot when available.

The solution is in our hands – how serious this probable second wave turns out to be will be determined by how responsible we each are.

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Quarry operating looking for partners on turning the property into public space once the aggregate extraction has been completed.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



While the reviews of the many technical documents related to the application for an extraction license to expand the existing quarry and create a new one across #2 Side Road take place, the quarry operators are moving forward on their long term plans to turn all the land over to a public authority and create one of the largest parks the Region has ever seen.

Nelson Aggregates has put out a Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI) seeking a partner to help with the detailed design, construction and operation of a nearly 1,000-acre park in North Burlington.

This RFEI is intended to gauge market interest before determining whether to proceed to a competitive bidding process.

16 Rendering of bowl Golf club or main quarry

Tonnes of aggregate were taken out of the quarry and used to build much of the Burlington we know today. In the future that hole in the ground could become a magnificent park.

“This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to assemble a large piece of land in prime real estate for a public park,” said Nelson President Quinn Moyer. “We are inviting applications from any interested and qualified parties, be it a government, government agency, not-for-profit, conservation or other organization committed to public recreation.”

Interested parties have been invited to respond to this RFEI by October 15 by submitting a letter to Nelson that includes a brief statement of the nature of their interest in the park and any qualifications.

Organizations that submit will be notified in the event of an RFP to determine the winning candidate.

CORE graphic of quarry site

The shaded area to the left and to the south are the properties that are the xx of an extraction license. The large gray area in the middle is the current quarry that is reaching the end of its life cycle. Combined the plan is to turn all of it over to the public to be used as parkland.

“This park is a truly exciting project,” said Moyer, “one that will help Burlington and Halton grow sustainably over the next generation, and then give future generations the environmental and health benefits of a large urban park.”

The proposed park would be 5.7 times larger than Burlington’s City View Park, and would be donated to the public in stages following approval of an application to extend Nelson’s Burlington Quarry. The size and scale of the park would allow for abundant recreational opportunities, from biking and swimming to rock climbing and soccer.

Interested parties are asked to review the RFEI at

MERX is Canada’s leading electronic tendering service

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Terry LIVES here - the flag says so

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



It happened yesterday in Burlington.

Fox flag - city hall backdrop

Mayor makes a fashion statement. A photo op well worth the time it took.

The Terry Fox Lives Here flag was raised by the Mayor and a small group of those that fight the good fight every year. We’ve been doing it for forty years.

Latest news on the fund raising front is:

We are now in all five Denningers for Terry Fox.

Selling image of Terry’s adidas orion shoe folks sign and is posted in windows or jars at cash Twooneys for Terry.

T Shirt sales going okay over ½ of original 120 sold and new order in certain sizes to arrive soon.

We have passed $52K in donations online with 30 teams and over 230 individuals registered online.

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Council likes the idea of a Deep Energy Retrofit Program for the city - approved $182,000 for year 1

News 100 greenBy Pepper Parr

September 15th, 2020


This is a long article.  If the Deep Energy Retrofit pilot project is a success – the results will be houses that are retrofitted and become low carbon generators which will add significant value to the property.

The recommendation to the Standing Committee was to approve a budget of $182,000 for year one of a project that has the potential to have 80% of the residential homes in the city retrofit by 2051.

The report presented was pretty dry – the conversation and debate was anything but dry – but it didn’t get unanimous support.

If the project gets approved at Council at the end of the month it will mean another raid on a Reserve Fund – this time it would be the Tax Rate Stabilization account.

What the Standing Committee on Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services Committee (EICS) was doing was delivering on one of the election campaign promises.

Climate emergency graphicEarly in their term of office the Mayor led her council to declaring a Climate Change Emergency.

There was no stopping them once that declaration was cast in stone.

Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman said, after more than an hour of debate that this is “exactly the right approach. We need a guide – approve this plan – we will find the dollars.

“We will solve the Covid problem – climate change is what is going to kill us all.”

The City of Burlington has set a target for the community to be net carbon zero by 2050. The development and implementation of a deep energy efficiency retrofit program for homes is necessary to achieve the low carbon scenario described in the Climate Action Plan for Burlington.
On July 6th, 2020, staff reported to the EI&CS Committee with background information and options to deliver a residential deep energy retrofit program in Burlington.

The initial implementation of the Deep Energy Retrofit Program including but not limited to a scale-able home owner pilot project, research on resident take up and commitment, homeowner technical support to energy retrofit including the involvement of Burlington Enterprises Corp, and that staff report back with any financial implications of the pilot project.

Scale-able Pilot Project:
Staff recommend engaging the Centre for Climate Change Management (CCCM) at Mohawk College and the Bay Area Climate Change Council (BACCC) to develop and implement a scale-able home owner pilot project.

The City has an existing partnership with the City of Hamilton and Mohawk College to accelerate action on climate change through the CCCM and BACCC. Both cities recently contributed financially to support the administration of BACCC.

The CCCM is embarking on the development of a business plan for a Low-Rise Home Energy Retrofit Delivery Program for the region of Hamilton-Burlington on behalf of BACCC, with the following objectives:

• identify the Centre’s core services to provide to homeowners
• develop a financially feasible business model for the program
• recommend a governance structure to promote transparency and accountability
• define program eligibility criteria, as well as monitoring and evaluations frameworks
• identify opportunities to scale and transfer solutions (e.g. integration with Brant or other adjacent regions, supporting multi-unit residential retrofits)
• investigate whether outreach and education services should be part of the Centre’s core mandate.

As city staff reviewed the CCCM’s proposal and objectives, it became clear that there is an opportunity and benefit to join forces with the CCCM to expand the scope of this work.

The CCCM can act as the project manager with financial investment from Burlington to develop and deliver a scale-able pilot program for a home energy efficiency retrofit project. The additional work to be managed for the City of Burlington will include:

Deep energy house graphic

What makes a home energy efficient?

additional home energy efficiency audits
market research
an initial survey of a scientific random sample of homeowners in Burlington to determine market readiness, barriers and demand for incentives
focus groups following the process to complete more in-depth analysis of homeowners’ experience following completion of a home energy audit and implementation of measures
education – engage organizations such as Humber College and the Clean Air Partnership to deliver workshops and online sessions to residents on deep home energy efficiency retrofits
marketing – promoting current opportunities and benefits to homeowners interested in completing home energy efficiency retrofits.

What can the city expect to get in a year for $182,000?

Kate Flynn, Acting Director, Centre for Climate Change Management at Mohawk pitched the concept to Council.

The Centre for Climate Change Management (CCCM) is an applied research arm of Mohawk College.  Their role is to help the Hamilton-Burlington transition to a thriving low-carbon economy.

They do this by catalyzing multi-sector collaborations with industry, community and government.

They bring collaborators together to work on designing and implementing solutions that are often multi-faceted and require industry, community, and government support.

Their approach is to co-design human centered solutions that actually address the systemic issues of why something isn’t currently working.

In 2018 the Cities of Hamilton and Burlington commissioned a comprehensive greenhouse gas inventory. One of the main conclusions of that greenhouse gas inventory was that a home energy retrofit program would be one of the best opportunities for Hamilton and Burlington to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change.

Essentially, a HERO – Home Energy Renovation Opportunity is one the most important tools to help Burlington meet its 2050 goals to be a thriving carbon neutral community.

Deep Energy - Supporting graphicThe CCCC works as an applied research arm, and as an incubator is that provides additional flexibility, capacity and expertise.

They want to co-design a project that meets Burlington residents’ needs.  Through focus groups and home energy audits, we’d engage Burlington homeowners, providing them with the audit report, then asking them what works for them and their needs.

They conclude that given the number and diversity of homes in Burlington, one size will not fill all – the need is to design a program that supports a diversity of implementable solutions.

The hope is that one day, we could develop “turn key” solutions – package deals for certain kinds of homes that are cost effective and minimize disruption.

And finally, we know the battle will not be on establishing a program – the battle will be uptake.

Right now, doing a home energy retrofit is a very difficult thing for homeowners to navigate. We need to make it easy and accessible through the creation of a Home Delivery Retrofit Centre.

The goal at the CCCM is to create programs that effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support the local economy, so we keep residents’ interests at the heart of what we do.

We also want to flow resources and support for community organizations that are already DOING some of this work like educating homeowners, talking to people in the streets, and engaging people – we know that’s an essential piece of this and we want to activate current networks and amplify the great work local organizations are doing to do that outreach and engagement.

Deep Energy report coverWe also want to design a truly scalable solution – so one that can support the growing market and changing consumer needs, but also can expand to support access, equity and heritage homes.

As part of our partnership with the Cities, we act as the administrative and physical home of the Council but they are an independent group.

Not everyone was onside for a program that would make major changes in the city’s carbon footprint and run by a community college in Hamilton.

Councillor Stolte was more interested in a “made in Burlington” solution and Councillor Bentivegna wanted more detail and what this pilot project was going to cost in its second year.

Councillor Nisan pointed out that “we all supported climate change – and now we are fussed about $300,000. There will be a reward.

The CCCM views this as an opportunity to expand the scope, where the experience and results of the partnership with Burlington will provide additional data and information to support the business plan for a Home Energy Retrofit Delivery Centre.

Project Deliverables
The CCCM proposes the following work to be completed within a year:

• Business plan for a Hamilton-Burlington Retrofits Delivery Centre for Hamilton- Burlington region
• Report on implementation plan
• Results on a study of home energy audits in Hamilton and Burlington, in which the project team identifies common consumer needs to verify delivery centre’s core services (additional energy audits will be completed in Burlington)
• Market research for Burlington – survey of homeowners and focus groups
• Outreach & education initiatives for Burlington residents

The goal is to incubate the Delivery Centre so that it can eventually grow to become its own organization or partner with another organization where synergies exist. The Centre will provide the support and knowledge needed by homeowners, ensuring the energy retrofit process can be convenient, easy to access and effective.

Project Management
The project will be managed by the CCCM, an applied research division of the College, aimed at supporting the Hamilton-Burlington Region’s transition to a low carbon economy.

Project Advisory Committee
For 2020-22, the Bay Area Climate Change Council has identified the acceleration of a home energy efficiency retrofit program as one of its priority areas of focus. As such, the Bay Area Climate Change Council’s Implementation Team on Home Energy Retrofits will act as a project advisory committee. The Implementation Team will meet monthly to provide project feedback and guidance. This group will comprise of 8-10 stakeholders from across the home energy retrofit ecosystem in Hamilton-Burlington.

Municipal Consortium in Ontario
The Clean Air Partnership is continuing discussions with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to develop a municipal consortium in Ontario to support home energy efficiency retrofits.

There is talk about a loan program that would be financed by the municipalities.
The collaboration could take many forms from assignment of project leadership for a set of tools or in other cases it may be advantageous to have group development. Common platform pieces could include:

Deep energy - windows

Window upgrades are critical to achieving a low carbon foot print.

• One stop web site
• Program marketing materials
• Program outreach materials to key stakeholders (homeowners, realtors, contractors)
• Applications forms
• Client management system
• Client supports/resources
• Contractor supports/resources
• Better understanding how to handle and what are the differences in needs/capacity across municipalities with regards to these common platform pieces.

Staff will continue to monitor progress on this collaborative initiative and engage in discussions to determine the best approach for Burlington.

Options Considered
Staff assessed creating a scale-able home energy efficiency retrofit pilot program with in-house resources, however, the benefits of working with an external community-based organization outweighed that option. The CCCM can be flexible in managing the development of this program, has access to expertise within the college, has the ability to reach the community through its networks and, will receive additional guidance and support from the Bay Area Climate Change Council and

Implementation Team.
Mohawk College has a positive reputation for being a leader in applied research and skills training, an important element of scaling up the trades, skills and knowledge to support energy efficient building retrofits in the Burlington and Hamilton communities.

Total Financial Impact
Burlington’s total budget share for year one is $182,000 and year two $103,500. Year one includes one-time funding to develop the business plan and complete market research, including a survey and focus group.

The CCCM has applied to The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) for its share of funding of $32,800 for year one.

Source of Funding
Staff recommend the use of the city’s Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund (TRSRF) for the one-time funding of $182,000 to partner with CCCM for development of a business plan, pilot project and associated market research costs.

As of June 30, 2020 the balance in the city’s tax rate $4.72 million net of commitments. It is important to note, that the city is projecting a year end shortfall as a result of Covid-19. Therefore, the TRSRF will not be replenished at year end with any retained savings, and furthermore, it is possible that the balance may be further drawn upon based on the year end forecasted shortfall.

Background links:

Burlington’s Climate Change Emergency declaration.

Green house gas emissions report


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Public Health reports first case of West Nile virus in Burlington

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



While Covid-19 issues keep the Public Health Unit very very busy, it also has to deal with other significant health issues.

A Burlington resident has tested positive for West Nile virus.

Halton Region Public Health has confirmed that a Burlington resident has tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV). This is Halton’s third human case of WNV this year; the first two positive test results were residents of Oakville.

“Halton Region Public Health continues to reduce the risk of West Nile virus in our community through education and preventative programs, such as larviciding. Until the fall frost, residents should keep using bug spray, remove standing water and avoid areas where mosquitoes are present,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region Medical Officer of Health.

“While 80 per cent of people infected with West Nile virus will have no symptoms, others will have symptoms consisting of fever, headache, muscle ache and a rash. These symptoms are very similar to illnesses such as COVID-19, so it is important for residents seek medical assessment.”

Residents are encouraged to take the following steps to protect themselves and their families from mosquitoes:

WestNileVirus_transmission• Urban areas are more likely to have mosquitoes that carry WNV. Reduce mosquito breeding sites around your home at least once a week by getting rid of water in containers and objects such as wheelbarrows, tires, plant pots, old toys, plastic pails and wading pools.
• Avoid areas where mosquitoes are known to be present such as wooded areas, golf courses or gardens, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
• If you are going to areas where mosquitoes are active, cover up by wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants with tightly woven fabric.
• Use a mosquito repellent (bug spray) containing DEET or Icaridin.
• Make sure your window and door screens are tight and without holes, cuts or other openings.
• Change the water in bird baths at least once per week.

If residents see standing water on public property for longer than a week, they can report it to Halton Region by emailing or calling 311.

As part of its ongoing West Nile virus surveillance and larviciding program, Halton Region Public Health staff continue to monitor areas of standing water, eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites and apply larvicide when mosquito larvae is found during Regional monitoring and surveillance. For more information on Halton Region’s West Nile virus program, visit


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With a clear focus and limited resources Robin Bailey makes the Burlington Food Bank work

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

September 15th, 2020


Part 2 of a series

Robin Bailey has been running the Burlington Food Bank for three years.

When he got there it was known as Partnership West – an organization that struggled a bit with its role.

Food Banks have become a part of life in every community and university campus.

Sorting food 1

Volunteers are the life line that keeps the food bank running day in – day out.

Domenique - over boxes

During the interview with Robin Bailey a truck arrived with boxes of frozen chicken. Did we mind if the space we were in was used to get the meat into the freezer asked Dominique? She’s in there behind the boxes she emptied. They she cut up the cartons so they could be recycled,

In Burlington they became a life line for many when the 2008 recession hit the world.

Middle income households are now finding that they need to turn to food banks. The lock-down brought on by the Covid pandemic changed once again the role that food banks had to fill.

Bailey points out that now there are dozens of food banks popping up.

At the same time the larger food banks are creating an infrastructure through which they can share ideas and resources and act as a collective to bring pressure to bear on the various levels of government.

Food Ontario connects most of the food banks in the province and has a seat on Food Banks Canada.  Bailey is the Ontario representative on that organization.

The Burlington Food Bank doesn’t get a nickel from the City of Burlington; doesn’t get a nickel from the Regional government even though that level of government handles social welfare issues.

There is no money from the province nor is there any money from the federal government.

It takes $330,000 a year to run the Burlington Food Bank.  Much of that money is used to buy food when donations fall short.

While Bailey would like something in the way of financial support he has been around long enough to know that there are always strings attached to what comes from any level of government.  They are very good at the grant game.

“We can be much more nimble and turn on a dime if we have to when we rely on the resources we create for ourselves.” said Bailey.

Like the commercial world there is some consolidation taking place in the food bank industry. Burlington’s Open Doors now has most of its food bank operation in the hands of the people at the Burlington Food Bank.

Industry prefers to work with the one organization and not have to work with half a dozen organizations who would like to access the food that supermarkets, commercial farm operations and produce organizations that are able to donate large amounts of food.

The Milk Marketing Board and the Egg Marketing Board people are two prime examples.

While there is a lot of consolidation taking place there are all kinds of small local groups that want to collect food from their membership. It gets a little confusing at times.

Bailey is one of those people who has solid experience, an attitude and set of values that are needed to do this kind of work.

It isn’t easy.

Scot and Bailey - film shoot

Scott Cameron getting ready to record the daily podcast Robin Bailey does each day of the week.

Bailey usually does a podcast each day of the week – telling people what his organization has been able to do and what he sees as the really high-need areas.

He has realized that food scarcity is just one part of the picture. Homelessness is another.

And then there are those situations that come out of nowhere – Covid was one of them.

The Food Bank found that they were getting calls from people who were quarantined and not able to get out and shop for food and didn’t have anyone within their circle who could do this job for them.

The Food Bank was suddenly serving groups of people that would not in their wildest imaginations see themselves as needing  to go to a food bank. Actually they didn’t go to the food bank; Bailey’s team delivered the food to the doors of households that were not permitted to leave their homes.

The base on which the Burlington Food Bank operates is a team of volunteers that show up regularly to prepare the food they have on hand into packages that get delivered or are ready to be picked up.  Add to that the drivers that deliver.

Bailey has grown an organization that is well run, seen as a leader in its field realizing that the need for food banks is going to be with us for sometime.

Part 1 of a series

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Media gets it wrong - school board provides report that was incorrect.

News 100 blueBy Staff

September 15th, 2020



Media yesterday, including the Gazette, reported that two students were found to have been infected by the Covid-19 virus.

The two people who were infected were students but they didn’t contract the virus in a classroom.

Neither had yet started school.

They were declared infected by the Public Health Unit on the weekend.

Halton District School Board Director of Education Stuart Miller found himself with a piece of bad news on his hands before the school doors even opened.

So far there has not been an infected student or teacher identified in the school board population.

Media got their information from the school board web site.

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MP with a large part of Burlington in his riding reaches out with telephone calls - you can book one

News 100 redBy Staff

September 14th, 2020



The moment a politician is sworn in they begin work on the next campaign.

That means meeting people, listening to their problems and their concerns.

Doing that with the whole world dealing with a pandemic is a challenge under the best of circumstances.

AVK on a call

Known as AVK – Adam vankoeverden books telephone call appointments with is constituents.

Adam van Koeverden has come up with an interesting way of covering that constituency base: he books appointments for telephone calls.

On his Facebook page Adam van Koeverden explains: “Yesterday was a great little innovation for the way we proactively engage with our constituency.

“I took 11 calls in two hours for a quick touch-base, catch up and chat with Miltonians on issues from tree planting to local jobs, from CERB and EI changes to traffic, travel and rural high-speed broadband access.

“COVID-19 has changed the way we now meet up with one another, but it won’t stop me from interacting with our community, or with our neighbours one on one.

“If you have ideas, feedback or enquiries, feel free to register for a phone call with me.”

To book a call – Click HERE

You can also always send an email

Seen as the Member of Parliament for Milton his office overlooks the part of northern Burlington that is in the Milton riding.

Milton map

A significant part of Burlington is in the Milton constituency.

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Police pull a car over and find that there was $100,000 worth of fentanyl in the vehicle.

Crime 100By Staff

September 14th, 2020



It was just after 7:00 pm yesterday when a police officer spotted a car moving a little too quickly in the of Billings Court and South Service Road in Burlington.

police cruiser secondA traffic stop was conducted and grounds were formed for a lawful search of the vehicle. Search of the vehicle led to the discovery and seizure of approximately 300 grams of fentanyl, valued at over $100,000, as well as $15,000 in cash.
That is a very significant drug inventory.

Parteek Ghuman (19) of Stoney Creek has been charged with:

-Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking – Fentanyl
-Obstruct Peace Officer

Ghuman has been held in custody pending a bail hearing.

This is an example of excellent police work.

Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to contact D/Sgt Jared McLeod of the 3 District Criminal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747 ext. 2385.

Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at

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Voices of the city - part of the citizen history that is seldom heard.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 14th, 2020



How do the seniors in the city tell their personal stories about the city they live in and their experiences?

Most are not “news-makers” – these are people who live lives and have a story to tell and something they want to leave with their family.

Nikki Rottenberg, a retired social worker who went on to re-make herself into an award winning writer, learned of the City’s Matching Fund; applied and was given a grant.

The grant from the city was to put together a collection of creative works of older adults living in the city.

Voices of the city coverVoices of the City published in August 2020, is an anthology of their fiction and non-fiction stories, poetry, artwork and photography. The youngest contributor is fifty-five years old; the oldest ninety-five.

Most had never been published before. One woman expressed how much it meant to her to be part of the project. “You’ve given me purpose again.”

There are thirty-seven contributors in all including Melodie Campbell, dubbed Queen of Comedy by the Toronto Sun, who wrote two funny pieces, and Benjamin Gleisser, an award winning journalist who submitted a short story. Others include, Margo Jamieson, a professional musician, pianist, singer, photographer Rolly Astrom, a retired Dofasco worker, Mr. Guiling Pan emigrated from Wuhan, China who enjoys drawing and poetry, and Jane Pilling-Cormick, a retired researcher and teacher.

And there are more, many more. Too many to list but all equally skilled in their craft. Some of the works are uplifting, others moving, and inspiring.

The project was supposed to close in May but due to Covid-19 it had to be extended to August. And there could be no celebration as planned. Instead, contributors had to pick up their books in a parking lot, wearing masks and keeping a distance from each other.

Some of the books will be distributed throughout the city at libraries, MP’s offices, City Hall and various community centres for residents of Burlington to enjoy. Copies can also be purchased through The Halton Chapter of CARP. All money from the selling of the books will be going towards advocating for better conditions for those living in long-term care homes.

Rottenberg teamed up with the Halton Chapter of CARP (Canadian Association of Retired People). Anyone interested in purchasing a copy of the book ($12) can be in touch with CARP. Send Tom Carrothers a note at:
or give him a call at 905-319-7345

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HDSB reports two school related covid infections - meanwhile things at Charles Best run very smoothly.

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

September 14th, 2020


The report that two students were found to be infected was incorrect.  Two people were found to be infected – they were not in classroom at the time – they had yet to start school.

Student with parent - getting saniitized and checked iin Sept 14

Parents walks her son up to the entrance at Charles Best

It was not an auspicious start.

First day back at school and the Halton District School Board reports a student at Brant Hills with a COVID infection.

In a brief statement on the Board’s COVID-19 Advisory Committee page they report that a positive test was recorded at the Brant public school in Burlington and the Garth Webb Secondary School in Oakville.

The COVID-19 Advisory Committee provides the number of positive COVID-19 cases that are connected to schools. For all confirmed cases, families and staff at the school will be notified by letter. Halton Region Public Health will contact any close contacts directly.

The web site page does point out that: “ A positive case at a school does not mean the individual was exposed to COVID-19 at the school.

They may have been exposed somewhere else in the community. The identity of the individual is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.

Neither school will be closing nor will any classrooms/cohorts be closed.

This morning students at Charles Best Public School arrived by car, by bus and some walked.

Best kjids off bus Sept 14

Students get off school bus and head for their classrooms – all wearing masks.

The start of the day was orderly with every student sanitized and let into the school.

Security was tight with principal Paul Thomson walking the perimeter of the school property in a safety vest and a walky-talky on his hip.

School buses arrived, students hopped out while small groups of parents, not wearing masks, chatted with each other.

It was a nice fall day and while things were a little edgy – the day got off to a good start.

Best Sept 14 - 2

Children on the right are keeping their social distance from people walking along the pathway.

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Schools throughout the Region ready for students to return - 20% have decided not to do so

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 12th, 2020



All the angst, all the concern and even the worry on the part of parents gets faced Monday morning as those who have decided to have their children attend school send them out the door Monday morning – and hope that they are safe.

The educators – all the way from the Director of Education and the classroom teachers – even the custodial people – are anxious.

What happens when someone becomes infected?

There are rules and protocols galore out there to deal with the child that has a temperature or a runnier than usual nose.

Charles Best sign

The challenge is to stay positive.

There will be situations where someone will over react. And there will be situations where a situation should have gotten a closer look.

Everyone is on pins and needles.

Tonnes of money has been thrown at this problem. Schools have enough PPE to last them through to Christmas.

There are all kinds of “what if” questions.

Basically if there is a child that is not well – the child gets sent home.

The Regional Public Health Unit is all over this issue. If a child Is sent home – does the class get shut down?

What has to happen for a school to be closed?

Hand sanitizer replaces reception

Hand sanitizer and a sign in sheet at the only entrance to the school.

This will fall to the principal along with the Superintendent who oversees health issues and the Public Health Unit.  Every school has to post a notice on the school web site reporting that someone at the school has been diagnosed as infected.

The province has a reporting system that will detail where the infections were found and how many.

The communications lines will be wide open.

One should feel sorry for the students who sneezes twice in a row – they will be all over the kid.

Everyone at a responsible level is saying “there will be infected people who are identified as infected people. Some of them will be teachers – we have already heard of infected teachers and how the class they were teaching was closed.

Expect the number of infected people to rise. The big question is – how high might it rise and at what point does the province decide that schools have to be closed and everyone gets taught online.

Last week Paul Thomson, principal at Charles Best Public School, met with parents in an outdoor session with everyone six feet apart. “They asked questions” he said “and I gave them the information I had.”

No visitors sign

Entrance to all the schools will be strictly controlled. Parents will not be permitted to take a child into the school. They get left at the door where teachers greet them.

Thomson is a believer in keeping people informed and being open, direct and honest.

Monday morning the kids troop into the school. The hand sanitizer is just inside the the front door; teachers in full PPE will be there to greet the children.

Everyone will be trying to focus on the educating of the children in their care.

Whatever in the way of the covid virus gets into a school we know that someone brought it into the school.  The person who brought it into the school picked it up from someone else.  We are the people who pass this virus on to others.  If we keep a safe distance, wear our face masks and wash our hands regularly we will be safer.

The understanding at this point is that the virus needs to replicate itself in people.  By staying apart that virus can’t replicate.

Everyone believes that there will be a virus and that that will save us all.  Hope does spring eternal doesn’t it.

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More than $65,000 in funding for seniors project handed out by MP Karina Gould last week.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

September 12th, 2020



Burlington Member of Parliament Karina Gould had a busy week. Everywhere she went federal money was being handed out – all for needed community based interests – but it did have just a hint of – is there an election on the horizon to it.

Earlier in the week there was $5 million for transit over a three year time frame.

Minister Gould announcing funding

Karina Gould, Burlington MP and a member of the Liberal Cabinet, announcing federal finding for seniors.

Last Friday Gould, who is a Cabinet Minister, announced an investment of $65,600 in Burlington. These funds will support projects delivered by community organizations to help seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Support for these projects is being provided by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP), which fosters social inclusion and engagement of seniors by encouraging them to share their knowledge, skills and experience to stay active and engaged.

Gould with Michelle Murray of HIEC

Michelle Murry. on the left, with Minister Gould at the funding announcement at the Halton Industry Educational Council.

The Halton Industry Education Council is receiving $21,000 for their project expanding online safety and technological literacy for seniors.

With this funding, HIEC will be able to expand their program to include more seniors in Canada and allow seniors to stay connected with their families, feel confident in accessing online supports and information, reduce social isolation and positively impact their mental well being.

Halton Food for Life is receiving $20,000 for their Supporting Seniors Through Accessible Food Provision. Food for Life delivers fresh food bags each week along with accessible meals for seniors who are in self isolation at home, ensuring access to healthy food to seniors across Halton during this difficult time.

The Centre for Skills Development is receiving $24,600 for their Better Together program which is designed to improve the quality of life of seniors during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. Seniors will be able to attend workshops on how to navigate social media to stay connected, participate in home exercises and engage in conversations regarding mental health, nutrition and exploring wellness.

These projects announced today are funded through an additional investment of $20 million in funding through the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

Organizations will receive up to $25,000 in funding to offer immediate COVID-19 relief or recovery activities to seniors. The projects will include activities such as:

promoting computer literacy and virtual activities, such as exercise classes, among seniors;
• supporting the delivery of food and medication or personalized monitoring of seniors by phone or by videoconference;
• assisting seniors with essential activities, such as visits to the doctor;
• hiring staff to replace a loss of volunteerism capacity due to the outbreak;
• providing information to seniors regarding how to care for themselves in light of experiences relating to the pandemic; and
• providing training on disease prevention, use of personal protective equipment.

Projects were selected based on equitable distribution of funding across the country, after consideration of active projects taking place in communities. Projects focusing on vulnerable populations or serving rural and remote communities were prioritized.

These additional projects will help ensure as many communities as possible across Canada have projects aiming to reduce seniors’ isolation within the community, improve their quality of life and help them maintain a social support network during the pandemic.

The New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) is a federal grants and contributions program that supports projects that empower seniors in their communities and contribute to improving their health and well-being. NHSP funding supports community-based projects and pan-Canadian projects. The projects are led or inspired by seniors who are making a difference in the lives of others and their communities.

Through the NHSP, the Government of Canada encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experience to the benefit of others. The objectives of the NHSP are:

New Horizond for Seniors logopromoting volunteerism among seniors;
engaging seniors in the community through mentoring of others;
expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse;
supporting social participation and inclusion of seniors; and
providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors.

Since the NHSP was launched in 2004, more than 23,600 projects have been funded across Canada. Further to the Budget 2019 investment of an additional $100 million over five years, and $20 million per year ongoing, the Government of Canada will be supporting even more projects.

Community-based projects

Community-based project funding supports activities where seniors are engaged, connected and actively involved in their communities. Organizations are eligible to receive up to $25,000 in grant funding, and small grants of up to $5,000 are available to organizations that have not received funding within the last five years.

Transit - seniors with Gould

Burlington seniors at a Transit workshop discussing their specific needs. Burlington MP Karina Gould looks on.


As part of the 2019-20 NHSP community-based call for proposals, organizations were invited to apply for funding under the NHSP’s three national priorities:

preventing elder abuse and fraud, including measures to reduce crimes and harms against seniors;
supporting healthy aging in community, addressing dementia, including community supports and intergenerational housing; and
counteracting ageism in the workplace to promote labour market retention of seniors.

Burlington has, on a per capita basis,  one of the largest senior populations in the province.


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Executive Director of the Food Bank - listening and serving the needs of people who need help.

background graphic redBy Pepper Parr

September 12th, 2020


Part 1 of a series

I met an interesting man last week.

In his mid-twenties he was a youth pastor and then moved on to become a church planter.

Church planting is work that is driven by faith. The objective is to plant a new church in a new community.

They start out meeting in private homes with just a few people and over time build that group to the point where they need space and rent a school gymnasium or a store front.

The men (there are some women who are church planters) do not get a salary – they have to find people who will sponsor them in the work they are doing. The denomination he was working with had provided the sponsors.

For people of faith this is indeed a calling.

Bailey H&S with logo

For Robin Bailey getting to the job he has now tested his resolve and his faith.

The man I was sitting across a table from was in a different job now. Getting to the job he has now was tested his resolve and his faith.

At one point in his church planting career, in early 2008, before the recession took hold, he took some time off to travel to Ethiopia to pick up the three year old boy he and his wife adopted. Judah was another expression of their faith.

Upon his return from Ethiopia the church planter was told that there was no longer a job for him, the sponsorship money had dried up.

Optimistic by nature the young man went looking for work. This was 2008 -09; not a time to go looking for work – there wasn’t much to be had. Bailey came out of the prairies where hard luck and hard times were just part of what life is.

There was a job offer – but that fell through. The little money they had was running out.

There was still no work. Food Banks and Employment Insurance were the resources he had to turn to. His application for Employment Insurance was turned down.

He was told he could appeal – which he did.

“I sat in my chair at the appeal and watched while one of the men being paid to listen to the appeal fell asleep.

Bailey quizical look

Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank during one of his daily podcasts.

“I sat in my car after the appeal hearing, feeling like a failure. I could not get work, I could not provide for my family. There just didn’t seem to be a way out.

“That was the day” said Robin Bailey “that I learned what human dignity really meant –“mine was taken away from me that morning”.

Shortly after Robin got a job with the Salvation Army where he spent seven and a half years.

For a short period of time after that he tried his hand at sales and customer relations – it wasn’t work that was feeding his soul.

A friend told him about the Food Bank – he applied just over three years ago and has been there ever since: listening and serving the needs of people who need help.

He has walked in those shoes.

Related news story

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Tim Hortons SMILE Cookies - every nickel you spend gets to the Food Bank

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 12, 2020



Buy a Smile Cookie, help support the Burlington Food Bank.

100% of proceeds from each #SmileCookie help support local charities.

Grab yours from September 14-20.

This is a simple, direct approach.

I think they expect you to buy a cup of coffee as well.Tim Hortons Smile cookie

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August residential real estate sales went through the roof.

News 100 yellowBy Staff

September 11th, 2020



The data and the insights are courtesy of the Rocca Team – a leading Burlington real estate company.

During the month of August, we saw sale prices rise over 20% as compared to August 2019. Remarkably, sales were also up, over 39% and of course days on market were down, by just over 43%. During the month of August 2020, almost ⅔’s of the sales were for the asking price or more. Considerably more!

Just under 20 properties sold for more than 10% over the asking price. Inventory levels remain very low but only because demand is so strong. In August 2016, one of the strongest August’s on record, we saw 131 sales as compared to 219 in August 2020 – that’s a 67% increase!

At the end of August 2016 we had fewer active listings – 163 as compared to 185 in 2020 or, a 13% increase. In short, we would need at least 50% more active listings then we had at the end of August to be on even footing with one of the strongest fall markets ever experienced in the Burlington market!.

What Does This Mean?
August has historically been the second-slowest month of the year, second only to December but in 2020, it turned out to be more like our May – felt more like a spring market than a dead heat summer market. Things have not changed much since July – still extremely overheated in all of our trading areas and no end in sight.

The Federal government continues to support those that have been adversely affected by the pandemic – renters – both commercial and residential, mortgagees, by allowing deferrals and by providing a continuous income stream to individuals that have lost their jobs. Once all of this assistance comes to an end we are certain there will be an impact on the housing market. We do not, however, believe it will be significant enough to erode property values significantly. We expect that the market will cool in late fall or early 2021 but we don’t expect it to freeze!

Rocca Burlington residential

Condominium market
Sale prices in August slipped slightly, by 2.5% as compared to August 2019. The more important number, however, is price per square foot and in August of 2020 it was $540.00, up just over 7% from August 2019.

Sales were up in August, by 25% and days on market were down by 25% to 24 as compared to August 2019. Inventory levels at the end of August suggested a tight market, favouring the seller but demand was definitely nowhere nearly as strong as we saw in the freehold market.

During the month of August 2020, condo apartments sold for 99.87% of the asking price, on average.

Rocca condo - August

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