By Staff
August 12th, 2020
The Halton Regional Police Service – Drug and Human Trafficking Unit has concluded an investigation into an incident that occurred at a Burlington hotel in July, 2020.
Two females (ages 16 and 18) were identified as victims of human trafficking as a result of the investigation. The Halton Regional Police Service, with assistance from the Barrie Police Service, has since arrested two males in relation to the incident.
Charged are:
Kevaun Orlando Parkes (22) of Brampton
• Trafficking in Persons – Child
• Material Benefit – Trafficking in Persons – Child
• Material Benefit – Purchasing Offence – Child
• Knowingly Advertise for Sexual Services x2
• Trafficking in Persons – Adult
• Material Benefit – Trafficking in Persons – Adult
• Material Benefit – Purchasing Offence – Adult
• Withhold or Destroy Identity Document – Adult
• Assault
• Procuring – Child
A youth offender (male) from Brampton has been charged with:
• Trafficking in Persons – Child
• Material Benefit – Trafficking in Persons – Child
• Material Benefit – Purchasing Offence – Child
• Knowingly Advertise for Sexual Services x2
• Trafficking in Persons – Adult
• Material Benefit – Trafficking in Persons – Adult
• Material Benefit – Purchasing Offence – Adult
• Procuring – Child
Both parties were held in custody pending a bail hearing.
Police believe there may be further victims. Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Dan Ciardullo of the Drug and Human Trafficking Unit at 905-825-4747 ext 4973.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
The Halton Regional Police Service is a member of the Halton Collaborative Against Human Trafficking along with several other stakeholders and agencies. This Collaborative is dedicated towards providing services and support to those who have experienced Human Trafficking in Halton and surrounding regions. Local organizations such as “SAVIS” ( are able to provide first response care and support to victims of human trafficking.
By Pepper Parr
August 12th, 2020
It was pathetic.
The media release was from the Office of the Mayor. She was exited about the change in the name of a committee that is part of AMO – Association of Municipalities in Ontario,
Mayor Marianne Meed Ward was acclaimed recently as a member of LUMCO – Large Urban Mayors’ Caucus of Ontario
They recently changed their named to Ontario’s Big City Mayors and that was important enough to put out a media release.
“LUMCO is excited to announce its new name: Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM). While the name has changed, our mission remains the same: to represent the interests of Ontario’s 29 biggest cities, and almost 70% of Ontarians, through public policy development, advocacy and discussion.
“Ontario’s Big City Mayors (OBCM) is comprised of mayors of Ontario cities with populations of 100,000 or more.
“OBCM provides a voice for big city mayors in policy debates that impact Ontario cities. Through policy development, advocacy, discussion and partnerships, Ontario’s Big City Mayors support strong and effective cities.”
The Mayor and two of her Council members did themselves proud earlier this week last week when they “took a knee” at the Black Lives Matter graphic painted on the sidewalk outside city hall.
 Thousands of young people marched on city hall to show their support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
 The Mayor and two Councillors did the “taking a knee” gesture beside the Black Lives Matter outside city hall.
The graphic had relevance – especially after the march of several thousand people who demonstrated outside city hall a number of months ago.
But “taking a knee”? That is a gesture we see at sports events in the United States where people of colour in the sports sector have been poorly treated for decades.
“Taking a knee” in that venue makes sense and has an impact.
In Burlington a passer-by might well ask: ‘What are they doing’?
By Staff
August 12th, 2020
The wearing of face coverings/masks is known to pose a significant barrier to the Deaf community, as masks make it harder to lip read and understand sign language.
To better serve the demographics of our community, while continuing to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, Halton Regional Police Service officers are now equipped with ClearMasks™.
“Our ability to communicate with the members of our community is absolutely essential,” says Halton Regional Police Service Deputy Chief Roger Wilkie. “With guidance and input from the Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf, we have now removed a significant communications barrier.”
“By introducing ClearMasksTM within Halton Regional Police Service, anyone from the Deaf community can now have more accessible dialogue with police officers,” says Jayne Leang, Director of Business Relations at the Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf.
“In an emergency situation, allowing a person who is Deaf or hard-of-hearing the opportunity to see the officer’s facial expression or attempt to read their lips, helps in the exchange of potentially life-saving information.”
These Health Canada-approved masks feature a transparent window, allowing the mouth to be fully protected, while fully visible, for those who use speech reading, lip reading or who are profoundly deaf and use American Sign Language, which is heavily dependent on facial expressions
By Staff
August 12th, 2020
They are at it again – cars being towed from the No Frills Plaza on Brant Street.
 They lie in wait at the entrance to the parking lot.
They lie in wait – watching people drive in, do some shopping and then leave the parking lot on Brant to do other errands.
The moment the tow truck driver sees the person leave the parking lot they swoop in and put the hook on the vehicle and take it off to the pound. $300 will get it back.
A Burlington resident who lives in a unit that has a clear line of site to the parking lot wrote the Mayor.
Good day Ms Mayor,
I live above the No Frills parking lot on Brant Street. I sit on my deck and watch cars being towed every day out of the No Frills lot.
I do understand that there is signage but it’s not very visible. I watch families park and go to the Dollar store, then No Frills and then walk off the lot and they’re towed instantly.
My concern is that the signs are not big enough, not prominent enough.
I believe in this climate when people are broke and desperate enough to shop at the Dollar store that we shouldn’t apply parking penalties that are over 300 dollars.
The parking lot is empty these days, it’s not about space, it’s about greed and it really breaks my heart. Please help.
I saw 8 cars towed between 4:30pm and 730pm today Tuesday August 11th.
 The signs are clear – and they are not small.
The signs are very clear in the parking lot. And there is public parking yards away. And there is a lot of space in the parking lot.
The towing company that has the contract acts on instructions from the owners of the property.
Greed could well be the driving force. Getting tired of people not bothering to read the No Parking Signs and taking advantage of the available space could have made the owners decide it is time to crack down.
Will a call from the Mayor do any good? Not really – the parking offenders have to be more careful and the property owners might think in terms of being a little charitable.
Times are tough for a lot of people – except for the tow truck drivers who take great delight in hooking up a truck. I’ve watched them.
Delegating before city council is both a tradition and an important part of citizens getting their views before those elected to guide the city and direct the administration on what they want done.
Burlington has some fine delegators; people who do their homework and believe their role is to hold city council accountable. Yesterday Hunter Lawson delegated on the plans the Region of Halton has for the updating of its Official Plan.
Lawson delegated several hours before Curt Benson, Planner for the Region, talked about the five Discussion papers the Region has prepared. Benson referred to the Lawson delegation several times during the long explanation he gave members of Council. Hunter Lawson had been heard and Curt Benson had listened.
Lawson now gives his opinion on what public engagement is all about.
By Lawson Hunter
August 12th, 2020
Halton Regional Council held a workshop on July 8th and a Council Meeting on July 15th to deal with the Region’s upcoming Official Plan Review (ROPR) and how it relates to Planning changes recently made by the Province through the Greenbelt Plan, the Growth Plan and the Provincial Policy Statement.
A City’s Official Plan must conform to the Region’s Official Plan which must conform to several Provincial Bills and Regulations. Over the past two years, the Provincial government has been busy making drastic amendments to Provincial Plans and the Provincial Policy Statement. This is why the citizens of Burlington must be informed and engaged.

Five Discussion Papers were drawn up that form the key themes of the Regional Official Plan Review:
Climate Change;
Natural Heritage;
Rural and Agricultural System;
Regional Urban Structure; and
North Aldershot Planning Area.
I delegated to Council to urge them to go beyond what the Region has planned for Public Engagement. From what I can gather, it is limited to the an online survey and one or two Public Information Centres, which will be difficult given our challenges with social distancing due to coronavirus. I propose that the City of Burlington hold its own Public Engagement strategy to inform the public of the importance of the Regional Official Plan as it relates not only to Land Use but to the Climate Emergency that this Council has declared. We need a ‘made in Burlington’ engagement plan. (Note: Curt Benson, Director of Planning Services at the Region, later told Council that there would be 4 PICs)
Though the Regional Official Plan is not slated to be finalized until Q4 2021, and the Region has hinted that Public Engagement will be undertaken – my concern centres on the fact that public engagement was slated to run from July 15th to Sept. 28th. Summer months are well known to be a slow time to engage the public. The time between July 15th, the day that Regional Council accepted the Discussion Papers, and July 29th, the day that public notice was sent of a request for comments, is a concern. The next Regional Council meeting will be Sept. 16th, when it’s expected Council will discuss public feedback, which is twelve days before the public engagement period ends. Neither inspires confidence that public engagement will be full and effective. (Note: Benson later told Council that Regional Staff would require considerable time to evaluate and prepare a report for Council’s review)
Public engagement is also noted for Phase 3 of the process but by that time Regional staff will have prepared ‘preferred options’ which will limit public discussion, as we have seen over and over again – a public display of an either/or choice or worse, “adopt this or nothing”.
In comparison, the City of Burlington has held extensive public engagement regarding the City’s ‘Adopted Official Plan’ and specifically the ‘Taking a Closer Look at Downtown’. Surveys (online and paper); 7 Citizen Action Labs; 17 pop-up events; outreach to 130 students and the Burlington Youth Council and the Halton Multicultural Council; walking tours; 3 drop-in sessions; and an upcoming online Town Hall on Aug. 18th. An unprecedented amount of effort.
 Scoped Review of the Downtown portion of the affirmed but not yet adopted Official Plan
So I must ask, “Is Downtown Burlington more important than North Aldershot, the Rural and Agricultural System, Climate Change?” Each of the five topics that the Region is seeking public comment on is important in its own right. How much emphasis does the Region and the City place on these planning issues?
The timing of public engagement needs to be pushed back into the Fall to allow for a comprehensive process and full disclosure so that residents can digest, and discuss among themselves, the various reports, some of which are longer than 100 pages.
If the Region is not prepared to do this, then the City of Burlington must insist on these changes so that at least Burlington is prepared to look into the future and make its own Official Plan the best that it can be.
A municipal Official Plan does not inspire most residents to take notice. Despite the endless discussions this Council has had on its ‘Adopted Official Plan’, most Burlington citizens, outside of a few committed downtown residents, have only a vague notion of the significance an Official Plan has on how this city will look and operate for decades to come.
We need the Province to hear more than just a nice letter stating that the Region is discussing Climate Change and Natural Heritage and the rest. Each deserves comprehensive public engagement not only with ‘stakeholders’ but with the public that will be affected by those issues and by the Province’s changes to Plans such as the Growth Plan and the Greenbelt Plan, to specific topics such as lessening Environmental Assessments and removing restrictions that protect Endangered Species and eliminating zoning designations.
This is, perhaps, our best chance to let the Provincial government know exactly how we feel about those changes and how we want our city and region to look, feel, and develop for our children and future generations.
 Appleby GO station – one of the hubs (now called MTSA’s) – Major Transit Service Area – where the city wants intensive development to take place. Think in terms of concentrations of apartments
I’m sure someone will note that it is the traditional practice of the Province to allow public feedback through letters, online postings or the Environmental Registry. But, you also have to admit that several of these changes were made under the cover of the COVID crisis, behind a wall of secrecy or hidden within some omnibus bill.
This is our chance to be heard. Public Engagement needs to reach the highest level we have ever known in this community. We need to pull out all the stops, educate, explain and underscore that changes to legislation and the Official Plan will have a major impact on our community for the next 30 years.
The Official Plan is the most significant tool that a city has to influence how neighbourhoods will look. How and where parks and amenities are located. What mixture of high, low and mid-level housing will be allowed. What transit and transportation methods will have priority. Where and what kind of development will be permitted – rural or urban, greenfield or intensification. Will we have walkable, complete streets or continue to bow to the car culture? Where and what kind of industry and business will be located in appropriate areas?
 Lawson Hunter
All of these things, and more, affect our promise to reduce GHG emissions over that same 30 years. The Land Use policies ‘we’ decide to enshrine will ensure that our air is clean, our neighbourhoods are livable, that we can accept the influx of new residents that we know are coming, 1.1 million residents in Halton by 2051, depending on whose forecasts you choose to accept.
Public Engagement, if done right, represents an unparalleled opportunity to discover what the public really wants our city, region and planet to look like – now and in the future.
Does that not require an extensive, well-funded and timely occasion to inform and listen to what the majority of citizens want?
By Pepper Parr
August 11th, 2020
It was the end of a long week – with the week ahead not looking all that much better.
 Director of Education Stuart Miller is being pressed on all sides – the situation he faces is far more challenging that the closure of two high schools.
Stuart Miller and his team are bushed. They have been given their marching orders by the province; they now have to make it happen with what they have.
Every elementary student will be in their home classroom – teachers will come to them; the students will take recess and lunch together and not mix or mingle with other students. In some grades they will be asked to wear masks.
There are likely to be some classes that will have in excess of 25 students – some report that there will be classes with 30 students – when you add the teacher and the EA that is a pretty full room making it difficult to stick to the six foot apart rule.
It is going to be a challenge to keep the different classes apart come recess and lunch – a scheduling nightmare.
The secondary students will do a day in a classroom – just 15 in the class, the following day they will work from hone on-line where they will be taught synchronously by their teacher.
Parents who are concerned about the safety of their children, teachers who are apprehensive and an HR department that needs to make sure they have access to supply teachers who may have to replace classroom teachers who decide they do not want to be in classrooms.
 The clean ups at every school will be very through and very frequent.
Custodial people have to be hired as well.
The teachers were sent a 79 page document setting out the way the school board administration expects things to work in a situation that is both dynamic and fluid.
Parents will be getting a document with much of the same information on Monday and are asked to let the Board of Education know what they plan to do with their children.
“Some parents won’t get back to us” said Miller. “We will have principals at the schools calling those parents to find out what they want to do.
“We also have number of households who have more than one student going to high school. That will mean each student having access to a laptop computer which for some families may not be in their budget.
The Board will ensure that everyone has what they need to be able to take part on those half days when high school students are being taught synchronously as a class on-line.
There will also be some students who will attend a class within the school due to limitations they have with on-line learning.
The teachers doing the online teaching will do so from the schools – perhaps not from the actual classroom but their base will be the school.
 The upgrade at Nelson high school meant to accommodate the students transferring out of Bateman has been delayed – keeping students in their old school.
Delays at Nelson high school where additions are underway to accommodate the transfer of students from Bateman high school to Nelson – with Bateman to be closed at some future date – will be delayed due to construction issues that resulted from the shutdown of the site when a worker was tested positive.
The province has budgeted for some 500 nurses who will be available to schools. With 105 schools in the Region and 44 School Districts in the province those nurses are going to be stretched pretty thin.
Exactly what the nurses are going to do is not clear. What is clear to Miller is that he has an excellent working relationship with the Medical Officer of Health, (MOH) Dr Hamid Megani. All the bases will be covered.
The overriding concern is having a procedure in place for those schools where a hot spot turns up. The Board wants to be able to move quickly and isolate any outbreak and ensure that if there is one it is limited to a classroom and not school.
Everyone is working full out on ensuring that they get it right the first time.
Miller, who has been an educator for more than 35 years, said that what he is going through now “is not something they taught us in principal school.”
 How many students in each bus – are there enough buses?
Getting the students to school is another challenge that is being worked on. How many children will be permitted on each bus – will there be enough bus drivers. And how will the bus routes and schedules be worked out. The service is operated by an arm’s length operation that serves both the Separate and Public Boards.
In the past few weeks the number of new infections in the Region have been low – 0 in some days and the MOH has been able to move very quickly tracing who the infected person has met with. That same dexterity will be used to track the students.
 Director of Education Stuart Miller facing the biggest challenge of his career – making sure the students he is responsible for educating are safe.
There are dozens of pinch points – the school board administrators believe they have identified all of them but the words “fluid” and “dynamic” are used to describe everything they have to deal with.
There are a lot of “not sure” statements being made. A lot of trepidation on the part of parents, teachers and board administrators.
The public isn’t hearing a word from the trustees.
If the infections in each municipality can be kept low that should be reflected in the school environment.
What happens when parents who have worked from home begin returning to their offices and the colder weather becomes part of everyday life?
We are going to have to cross that bridge when we come to it.
By Staff
August 9th, 2020
Burlington Fine Arts Association has some exciting news.
 Janet Jardine – in her spiffy 5th Avenue look.
Janet Jardine, along with artists Victoria Pearce and Anne More, will be featuring art inspired by scenes along the Bruce Trail at The HUB in Burlington Centre, (formerly the Burlington Mall) from September 19 to 25.
The group got the go-ahead to use the venue for their fundraiser show benefiting the Bruce Trail Conservancy.
Jardine is learning online methods to offer a virtual presentation of the art show as well (date[s] to be confirmed) for those who are not comfortable or able to attend in person.
30% of the proceeds from the show will go to the Conservancy. 10% to Burlington Fine Arts Association.
 Mind Your Step! Buffalo Crag Lookout, Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area by Janet Jardine.
Stay tuned for more details on how it will all work, and sneak peeks.
Jardine saw it as: “… such a beautiful winter walk and view, though I was happy to have spikes on my boots that day!
“The Bruce Trail brought us out to this icy patch at the Buffalo Crag Lookout at Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area. Good spot for a railing.
“In the distance, a portion of the Niagara Escarpment arises, a view toward Mount Nemo Conservation Area.
“I love winter hikes. How about you?”
Prints will be made available, starting at the same time as the September show.
By Staff
August 9th, 2020
The Pride Crosswalk went in about a month ago – this month the Black Lives Matter iconography has been painted on the sidewalk in front of City Hall.
There was an informal presentation with the Mayor and two Councillors (Nisan and Galbraith) today at 11:30 am.
Surprisingly, there were no people of colour on hand to take part.
 The artist took the statement a little beyond just words.
 The Mayor, properly masked, speaking to residents and giving the Black Lives Matter iconography a little official touch.
The artist was present at the time; she wishes to remain anonymous.
The names written on the large white letters are the names of Canadian and American people.
The painting is acrylic base and will remain until mid September 2020.
Another Burlington inclusivity statement. When the city take the steps to ensure that affordable housing is built in the city we will have moved beyond statements.
By Staff
August 9th, 2020
A Halton resident has tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV).
This is the first human case for Halton this year.
 This is how the West Nile virus is transmitted..
“Halton Region Public Health works diligently to reduce the risk of West Nile virus in our community through both education and preventative programs such as larviciding.
Until the fall frost, Halton residents should continue to protect themselves against mosquito bites and remove mosquito breeding sites,” said Dr. Hamidah Meghani, Halton Region Medical Officer of Health.
“While 80 per cent of people infected with West Nile virus will have no symptoms, others will have West Nile fever consisting of fever, headache, muscle ache and a rash. These symptoms are very similar to illnesses such as COVID-19, so it is important for residents who are concerned or experiencing symptoms, to seek medical assessment.”
Residents are encouraged to take the following steps to protect themselves and their families from mosquitoes:
• Urban areas are more likely to have mosquitoes that carry WNV. Reduce mosquito breeding sites around your home at least once a week by getting rid of water in containers and objects such as wheelbarrows, tires, plant pots, old toys, plastic pails and wading pools.
• Avoid areas where mosquitoes are known to be present such as wooded areas, golf courses or gardens, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.
• If you are going to areas where mosquitoes are active, cover up by wearing light-coloured, long-sleeved shirts and pants with tightly woven fabric.
• Use a mosquito repellent (bug spray) containing DEET or Icaridin.
• Make sure your window and door screens are tight and without holes, cuts or other openings.
• Change the water in bird baths at least once per week.
If residents see standing water on public property for longer than a week, they can report it to Halton Region by emailing or calling 311.
As part of its ongoing West Nile virus surveillance and larviciding program, Halton Region Public Health staff continue to monitor areas of standing water, eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites and apply larvicide when mosquito larvae is found during Regional monitoring and surveillance.
By Pepper Parr
August 9th, 2020
The citizens at CORE Burlington are relieved to hear Premier Doug Ford state emphatically (regarding the proposed Campbellville quarry) that: “no one wants it. I don’t want it. We’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen.”
The CORE Burlington people hope the Premier might be as generous with his comments when the time comes for a decision on the license application Nelson Aggregates has before a JART (Joint Administrative Review Tribunal) that has now deemed the Nelson application complete.
 The graphic sets out what the license application is all about. The quarry operator wants to turn the site over to the public to be turned into a public park
The time line for that Administrative Review is set out below.
The schedule now looks something like this:
JART will now retain peer reviewers for independent assessment of technical studies. As those reviews take place, there will be technical questions asked of the proponent and technical responses sent back
Once this dialogue winds down, JART prepares a report that summarizes their technical reviews and anything outstanding – this is expected to take about a year
The governments and agencies then use the JART report as the basis for a study of how the project conforms to their own policies.
These reports are then brought to councils for consideration. The agency and city review is about a six month process.
There is another timeline that CORE wants to bring to the attention of people – the closing date for “official letters” from the public regarding Nelson’s application.
The citizen-volunteers at CORE Burlington are asking you to PLEASE send an email to the City of Burlington, before Aug 21 to make sure your voice is counted in this “approval” (or more accurately stated, disapproval!) process.
Written comments from the public will play an important role in the City’s decision to approve or refuse this application.
Email your opposition to Brynn Nheiley, Burlington City Planner at:
CORE is asking people who do write to cc so they can thank you and retain a copy of your letter in their community database.
Your letter does not have to be professionally crafted or long. It can be short and to the point.
Related news story
Turning a quarry into a public park.
By Staff
August 9th, 2020
There is a public meeting that will take place virtually that could well be the best opportunity citizens will have to provide input on the downtown portion of the Official Plan.
All the protesting, all the delegations, and the letter writing were important – the event on the 18th is critical – there are different views of what should, could and can be done with the downtown core.
The meeting on the 18th is going to finalize what gets written into the Official Plan.
The virtual information event is on Tuesday, August 18; you will learn more, be able to provide feedback and ask questions about the staff recommended modifications to the downtown policies.

In June, the City of Burlington “Taking a Closer Look” project team released recommended modifications to the downtown policies in the adopted Official Plan, along with related reports.
 Planners along with the consultants the city hired to develop two concepts on how the downtown could be further developed.
The virtual information meeting takes place at 7:00 pm; the project team will present the recommendations and then answer questions.
Information on how to participate in the virtual information will be posted on the project webpage on Get Involved Burlington closer to the meeting date.
The Gazette will make that information available as soon as it is public; we are wondering why it can’t be released now – technical reasons no doubt.
 Allison Enns listening carefully to what the few people who took art in the tours staff arranged.
If people have have feedback, the city would like to receive it back by August 28th, ten days after listening to the virtual presentation.
A final report will be heard at the September 30th Standing Committee meeting.
Questions and comments can also be directed to the project team at:
Planning Staff worked hard and diligently to involve the public. The several events the Gazette took part in were poorly attended, which was unfortunate; staff really did want to listen.
By Staff
August 8th, 2020
“Why” asks a retired insurance broker with decades of commercial insurance experience ” is no one questioning if an insurance payment has been made or is likely to be made. These types of insurance claims (those made under what in the industry are referred to as “crime” policies) are generally settled very, very quickly.”
“I’m guessing” said the insurance expert, “that the City did not purchase “social engineering fraud” (SEF) coverage as part of its crime policy. That in itself is a “crime”.
“As an insurance broker for 47 years dealing only with business/commercial clients, I would never have allowed a client to firstly, not buy a crime insurance policy and, secondly, not to have the SEF extension included.”
Members of Burlington city council know what the city’s insurance coverage was and they know what the city has been able to recover, if anything.
Council will have been briefed by Nancy Shea Nicol, the City Solicitor, or a member of her staff. This Council has picked up some of the unfortunate habits that many city councils take on – they say as little as possible.
We will have to wait for the trial to learn the full story.
Related news stories:
$500,000n found to be missing from the city coffers
Police make arrests
By Pepper Parr
August 7th, 2020
If you find yourself driving up or down Guelph Line in the Lowville area you will see the sign: No Quarry. In the battle to preserve the integrity of rural Burlington and to live up to the requirements of being a United Nations Biosphere Reserve a new group has been formed to do battle with Nelson Aggregates, the quarry operator who has an application to expand the existing quarry to the west and to open a new quarry to the south of the existing quarry.
CORE – Conserving our Rural Ecosystems – is fighting Nelson Aggregate’s application to expand the quarry on the north side of Second Line and a property on the south side of the road which they see as an unacceptable use of our Niagara Escarpment lands.
Gord Pinard is the spokesperson for CORE – the not for profit corporation is opposed to the application for new licenses from the provincial government.
 The portion of the biosphere that would be mined is minuscule when one gets a sense as to just how huge the area is.
That application marks the beginning of another battle to save what the area residents refer to as the United Nations Biosphere which 725 km from Lake Ontario (near Niagara Falls) to the tip of the Bruce Peninsula (between Georgian Bay and Lake Huron). The Escarpment corridor crosses two major biomes: boreal needle leaf forests in the north and temperate broadleaf forest in the south.
The designation was given in 1990. The Administrative authorities include Canada, Province of Ontario: eight regions/cities and 21 local municipalities.
Biosphere reserves are ‘learning places for sustainable development’. They are sites for testing interdisciplinary approaches to understanding and managing changes and interactions between social and ecological systems, including conflict prevention and management of biodiversity. They are places that provide local solutions to global challenges. Biosphere reserves include terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems. Each site promotes solutions reconciling the conservation of biodiversity with its sustainable use.
The CORE people place great store in the designation and point out that there are 22 licensed quarries in Halton Region alone, covering an area of 3810 acres, producing an average of 7.1 million metric tonnes of aggregate per year. The Region is one of the highest aggregate producers in Ontario.
Pinard points to the eight objectives set out on their web site. They are
1. Oppose new aggregate mineral extraction, and processing of off-site aggregates, and asphalt reprocessing on Burlington escarpment lands.
 Floor of the quarry – the expectation is that over time water that is currently pumped out will fill the quarry and create a lake.
2. STOP the importation of any fill into Nelson Aggregate’s below-the-water-table Mt. Nemo open-pit quarry mine.
3. Protect the environmentally sensitive biodiversity of the Burlington escarpment woodlands, wetlands, water courses and prime agricultural lands, consistent with our UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve designation.
4. Advocate on behalf of all living organisms, particularly species-at-risk
5. Protect and improve the quality of our air, and the quality and supply of our water.
6. Address concerns associated with HEAVY truck traffic including noise, vibration, pollution, community safety, and road infrastructure
7. Advocate for a comprehensive, science-based assessment of all potential negative impacts, including cumulative impacts, of more aggregate extraction on the Burlington escarpment.
8. Champion our rural community’s quality-of-life, and the safe and peaceful enjoyment of our homes for our families and future generations.
CORE sent a letter to the Joint Administrative Review Tribunal (JART) setting out the why of their opposition to the application which amount to 5000 pages of documentation.
“CORE defines its mission as preserving the ecological integrity of Rural Burlington, and to advocate for healthier communities by protecting our land, air and water. We are concerned that the plans that Nelson Aggregate has to open two new open pit mines are a serious threat to Rural Burlington.
“Our team has reviewed the application documents, submitted to JART by Nelson Aggregate, and we believe the application to be incomplete.
 The Jefferson salamander – the deciding factor in the first quarry expansion application.
Species at Risk
“We believe that the Species at Risk studies and assessment are “incomplete”. Many of the threatened, endangered, and of-concern species are known to inhabit the area … Redheaded Woodpecker, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Eastern Fox-snake, Allegheny Mountain Dusky Salamander, Unisexual Ambystoma salamander, and special concern Eastern Milk-snake, Eastern Newt.
“Curiously, well documented and designated Jefferson Salamanders were not found. Puzzling that terrestrial “pitfall traps” were not used in nearby woodlands (primary salamander habitat) to capture salamanders. Jefferson Salamanders return to their hatching sites, traversing wide terrestrial features from their woodland habitats to get there.
Savanta used only aquatic “minnow traps” in the watercourses. The MNR 2005 salamander study of the south lands used both terrestrial and minnow traps, which captured a number of Jefferson Salamanders, and many more Unisexual Ambystoma salamanders (Jefferson Salamander dependant for breeding).
“Another curiosity is that no amphibian egg masses were found, yet significant amphibian presence was recorded. Only one snake species found? We also find the cavalier attitude on removal of bat habitat disturbing.
“The Species at Risk are designated ‘at risk’ because their numbers have been reduced by development. Finding them requires more time and effort than that taken by Nelson Aggregate’s consultant, Savanta. Concluding that a species is “unlikely present” does not necessarily make it so. They are there. Nelson Aggregate has had eight years to do comprehensive studies.
Hydrogeology and Hydrology
“We believe the Hydrogeology and Hydrology study is “incomplete”. The baseline scenario is compiled from data spanning 2010 to 2019 and various simulations were run, but many did not compare data for all years. There are a number of gaps in the analysis (eg – Baseline Conditions Analysis, Wetland Water Budgets and Drawdowns and Surface Water Flows) where simulations only covered years (2010-2014) which do not include drought years and would likely underestimate the impact of the two new open pit mines.
 Much of the Escarpment is unspoiled land – surrounded by water
“There is no attempt to project what the modelling would produce in a worst-case scenario, as may be anticipated with the effects of climate change. Rather, Nelson Aggregate appears to be treating climate change trends as anomalies rather than part of the base data.
“We question the assertion that the groundwaters are isolated from the surface waters. This connectivity would change the water balance significantly. During the last Joint Board Hearing, expert testimony showed groundwater and surface water connectivity.
“Nelson Aggregate’s operation over 75 years has created an ecological offsite dependency that they should have an obligation to deal with. The report gives no timeline for the refilling of the current excavation and how water levels and flows are affected by the returning of water into the excavation. It would be expected that the surrounding area will be deprived of water, because it will now be allowed to refill the hole.
Surface Water
“We have concerns about the surface water quantity and quality that has not been adequately addressed in the Tatham Report and therefore consider this report to be “incomplete”. The background studies have only gone to 2012 with references dating back to 1996, but there is no data of analysis between 2012 and the present.
 This is part of what a biosphere looks like.
“It is our position that the water entering the watershed should, at the very least meet Ontario EPA standards, as these waterways support not only plant and animal life, but indirectly area wells. We would expect that a “complete” report would properly assess and characterize the discharge water from the site, including the silt in the settling ponds, which may be in the discharge water (as suspended solids). We ask that the discharge waters from the quarry be analyzed for full spectrum chemical content, which must meet Ontario Water Resources Act clean water standards
“Finally, surface water impact from the asphalt plant has not been addressed in the report, which can potentially leach hydrocarbon runoff to the settling ponds, which in turn feed the pumps sustaining the existing watershed.
Air Quality
“We believe that the Air Quality report is “incomplete”. The study is based exclusively on modelling to predict the cumulative impact against air quality standards. The models are fed by emission factors from the EPA (some of which are over 30 years old), background data (which is not available locally for all data requirements) and manufacturers data (which represents a best case and may not be reflective of actual operation). Unfortunately, there is no reported actual air sampling programs to validate the accuracy of the input data and predicted results.
“Although, this is not an exhaustive list of study work that we would consider to be incomplete, we believe it demonstrates significant gaps in application documents submitted that would warrant the JART to deem the application “not complete” as submitted and request Nelson Aggregate to do the necessary work required to complete these very critical studies.”
 This is the area that will be the subject of a couple of years of debate and argument. The outcome could change the way rural Burlington is eventually used: small farms, some produce and a quiet way of life or part of the land opened up for recreational use by a growing population.
JART recently determined that the Nelson Aggregate application was complete.
The schedule now looks something like this:
Now all studies get circulated for agency and public review
JART will now retain peer reviewers for independent assessment of technical studies. As those reviews take place, there will be technical questions asked of the proponent and technical responses sent back
Once this dialogue winds down, JART prepares a report that summarizes their technical reviews and anything outstanding – this is expected to take about a year
The governments and agencies then use the JART report as the basis for a study of how the project conforms to their own policies
These reports are then brought to councils for consideration. The agency and city review is about a six month process.
In other words – years
The Tribunal that will hear the arguments will work from the documentation each side submits and the expert witnesses that testify.
It is all hard slugging and will take years for decision.
In the meantime the CORE people do the things that have to be done to raise the funds they need. They have an On-line yard sale on the go.
The complete CORE letter to JART can be found HERE.
By Staff
August 6th, 2020
While not quite at the half way point for this term office – council wants to look at what might be better next time you decide who you want to lead the city
 Will this scene be repeated in October of 2022
Burlington really took to on-line voting and the Mayor was very keen on ranked balloting.
At next Thursday’s Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability (CSSRA) Committee meeting, staff from the clerks department will be bringing forward a report on voting options for the 2022 municipal election and ranked ballots.
This report is looking to get direction from Council to inform the RFP process to obtain a vote tabulation system for the 2022 municipal election.
In November 2016, staff committed to provide an overview of ranked ballot activities that occurred during the 2018 Ontario municipal election, the summary contained in the report is said to satisfy that commitment. Staff will also be seeking direction on ranked ballots, as there is a legislated public consultation process with a deadline of May 1, 2021.
The Staff recommendation is to:
Direct the City Clerk to prepare and issue a request for proposals for a vote tabulation system for the 2022 municipal election, and any by-elections leading up to 2026, with an option to extend for the 2026 municipal election accordingly, with the following vote options:
a) optical scan tabulators for in person advance voting and on election day;
b) internet voting for advance voting opportunities only; and
Direct the City Clerk to consult with members of Council, and the public with respect to the municipal elections and any potential policies or enhancements to be considered when preparing for the 2022 City of Burlington election and report back to a future Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk & Accountability Committee meeting with a summary and potential policy options.
One can only wonder how many of the seven members of Council will run again and if they choose to will there be new candidates seeking their seat ?
By Pepper Parr, Publisher
August 7th, 2020
Welcome back!
Yesterday and the day before getting to the Gazette was – shall we say awkward.
Readers kept getting time out messages and it seemed to take forever for files to load.
We were unable to post news stories to the web site. We are not at all certain that the site is stable and have made the decision to transfer to a new hosting site.
We have every reason to believe that the new location will result in better and consistent service.
There may be a couple of bumps along the way.
Stay tuned and please stay with us.
By Staff
August 6th, 2020
The City is going virtual and is calling for local artists, cultural professionals and creative organizations to host free, interactive online events and activities during the 11th annual Culture Days.
 Scarecrows from the Burlington Student Theatre were on hand to see the Burlington Performing Arts Centre handed over to the community. Might we see them on our computer screens?
Culture Days is extending beyond the traditional Culture Days weekend to a more inclusive and interactive four-week schedule of activities. Kicking off Sept. 25 and running until Oct. 25, Culture Days invites everyone to participate in and show appreciation for arts and culture in their own community and nationwide.
This year’s theme is Unexpected Intersections – encouraging creative and outside-the-box thinking to reveal new avenues of discovery, learning, and expression. In light of the current situation with COVID-19, Culture Days recommends digital presentations, do-it-yourself activities and self-guided programs.
The Culture Days website encourages creators of every kind to showcase thousands of virtual and in-person activities. Visitors can find small-gathering or self-guided events near them, while going digital allows participants to virtually cross the country and discover live-streamed performances and other online presentations.
Culture Days encourages organizers to plan digital presentations. For in-person events, organizers should take a self-guided or pre-registered, limited capacity approach. Organizers must make sure they are following municipal, regional, provincial and public health guidelines in their jurisdiction. Ontario Culture Days has created resource pages for organizers and ways to discover Ontario arts and culture from home for audiences.
Event organizers may be eligible for funding through the Community Support Fund. The Community Support Fund combines existing grant programs to provide financial support to residents and community groups who want to enrich and connect the Burlington community through sport, recreation, art and cultural experiences. This is a one-time per year funding program designed to recognize the importance of supporting Burlington’s communities during these challenging times. By providing access to funding, the City is looking for innovative ideas to connect and enhance our community through events and activities that offer meaningful opportunities to strengthen and nourish community spirit.
If you would like to host a Culture Days event, register your event online with Culture Days at For more information about participating in Culture Days, assistance on finding a location for your activity, and possible partnership opportunities with the cultural boards, contact Adam Belovari at 905-335-7600, ext. 7335 or by Aug. 31.
About Culture Days
Culture Days has become the largest cultural event in Canada, attracting an estimated 2.5 million annual attendees to thousands of free activities and performances hosted by artists, cultural organizations and municipalities in hundreds of communities across Canada. Burlington has been a little slow in getting on the Culture Days bandwagon – perhaps the virtual approach will be the nudge people need to take part.
 Councillor Sharma in conversation with Angela Paparizo
Angela Paparizo, Manager, Arts and Culture urges residents to think about taking part: “As we plan for Burlington’s Culture Days in the midst of COVID-19, this is an opportunity for Burlington artists and cultural organizations to showcase their talents and engage our community. While Culture Days this year will look different, we have a rare chance to share Burlington’s arts and cultural community beyond our city. I encourage and look forward to once again working with the Burlington arts and culture community to present another successful Culture Days this year.”
Links and Resources
Community Support Fund
By Staff
August 6th, 2020
Here is a good news story.
That $500,000 that was lifted from the city’s bank account in April of 2019 – Regional Police have arrested three – let them out on bail.
In April of 2019, Burlington was the target and victim of a sophisticated email fraud scam. During this offence, approximately $500, 000 was stolen from the city.
A yearlong investigation by the HRPS Fraud Bureau led to the arrest of three males. Search warrants were also executed at two homes.
Arrested and charged:
• Abayomi Musa (38) of Toronto
• Adnan Nawaz (39) of Brampton
• Hardness Oppong (37) of Toronto
All three have jointly been charged with Fraud over $5000. The accused have been released pending a court appearance on October 6, 2020 at the Ontario Court of Justice in Milton.
Anyone with information with regards to this incident is asked to contact Detective Constable Ed Spence of the Regional Fraud Bureau at (905) 465-8742.
Tips can also be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers. “See something? Hear something? Know something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at
By Pepper Parr
August 6th, 2020
Hospitals – vital and expensive.
Burlington has had an, at times, awkward relationship to the Joseph Brant Hospital.
It took a long time to get the provincial funding for the upgrade of the older parts of the building and the construction of the new wing.
Former Mayor Rick Goldring got a bit of a shock when he was told by the province that the city was going to have to come up with a large part of the construction cost.
 A special tax levy was required to pay for the city’s portion of the hospital – which taxpayers willingly paid.
The amount was so big that the city had to impose a special tax levy to raise the funds – and the public willingly paid that additional tax levy.
The city then found a way to roll that tax levy over into a source of funds for other needed service. The public wasn’t as happy with that little tax trick.
One would have thought the city council at the time would have at least asked – truth be told they really didn’t even come out and tell the taxpayers what they were doing – they just did it.
The Gazette was also the news source that dug out many of the facts relating to the c-dificile tragedy at the hospital that resulted in the deaths of at least 80 people.
Yesterday we published a piece on the experience of two people at different area hospitals: The Joseph Brant, where a woman had an appointment and how she was treated. Then in the same piece, about a male who had an appointment at the St. Joseph’s Hospital in Hamilton.
Two very different experiences.
We expect a strong reaction to that article and be accused of picking on the Joseph Brant Hospital. What we were doing was pointing out the different cultural base from which each hospital works.
St. Joseph’s was formed by the Sisters of St. Joseph: nuns who brought a different touch to patient needs.
Burlington’s Joseph Brant doesn’t have that deep historical cultural commitment that is needed. That culture can be grown – the leadership at the hospital has to show by example how patient care can be done differently.
 Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital CEO Eric Vandewall.
The Joseph Brant has done some very fine medicine. Eric Vandewall ensured that the renovation and new build was done close to perfect.
 It was a high end field hospital that went up very quickly – hasn’t been used – yet.
He made the brave decision to spend $2 million on a facility that could be used for any over flow of COVID-19 patients.
The space has not had to be used – yet.
Some will suggest that was $2 million wasted. It wasn’t wasted. Vandewall did what he believed was a prudent decision and we don’t think he was wrong.
 Telling us how they feel about their hospital.
Burlington has thousands of people who willingly put up a sign on their lawn declaring how much they love their hospital. Nothing wrong with solid civic pride.
What we would like to see is the evolution of a different culture that has people experiencing the care and concern that one person experienced at St. Joseph’s in Hamilton and not the experience a woman had at Joseph Brant.
It can be done but it won’t be done until someone at a very senior level makes the change a personal mission.
Related news stories:
The cute tax trick with the hospital tax levy.
Two different patient experiences
By Pepper Parr
August 6th, 2020
The Mayor and the ward 4 Councilor issued a joint statement this afternoon setting out their take on the LPAT decision to permit the application to build 213 homes on a .90 hectare lot.
 Mayor Meed Ward
Mayor Meed Ward and Councillor Galbraith appeared to want to get their side of the story out, particularly after there were some scathing comments earlier about how some residents felt the Mayor had misled them and that the city’s legal department was less than candid or forthright.
 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith
The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) has approved the National Homes 2100 Brant Street development after the local neighbourhood group Vision 2100 Brant withdrew as an opposing party to the hearing. Two residents with participant status at the hearing also withdrew.
In advance of the hearing on July 28, Vision 2100 advised the Tribunal that it had settled with National Homes, with no further changes to the proposed development. Vision 2100 did not present any evidence nor make any submission at the hearing.
Based on the uncontested opinion evidence from planners for National Homes and the City of Burlington in support of a revised proposal, and the submissions of the remaining Parties (including the Region of Halton), the Tribunal issued an oral decision approving the settlement and the proposed planning instruments and plan of subdivision.
The written decision states: “At a Case Management Conference held on June 4, 2020, the Appellant informed the Tribunal that it had reached a settlement agreement with the City and the Regional Municipality of Halton (“Region”). On July 7, 2020, the Vision 2100 Brant Neighbours Association, which was an Added Party, withdrew from the proceedings. On July 8, 2020, Jim Young withdrew as a Participant from the proceedings and on July 15, 2020, Tom Muir withdrew as a Participant from the proceedings. No opposing Parties or Participants remain.”
 The property, owned for years by the Catholic church, grew hay.
The LPAT’s approval of the 2100 Brant St. development brings this appeal to a close, except for a ruling from the LPAT on a motion from National Homes for costs for preparing to appear in support of the previous settlement approved by the former city council. In November 2018, the previous city council approved a settlement with National Homes after the municipal election when 5 of the 7 members at the time knew they were not returning, but prior to the new Council being sworn in.
The new Council rescinded that settlement in order to work with residents, the applicant and planning staff to make additional modifications that resulted in further revisions and the settlement the LPAT approved.
The Tribunal also gave authority to the City for final approval for the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision, subject to a long list of conditions from various parties, including:
• dedicating the natural heritage system and neighbourhood park to the City free of charge;
• submitting an On-Street Parking Plan to ensure sufficient area is provided for on-street parking;
• implementing the approved Tree Inventory and Preservation Plans, including cash-in-lieu compensation for removal of any City trees;
• submitting a Landscape Plan that incorporates a two-year post-planting monitoring program to ensure the success of the proposed native plantings;
• providing a cash deposit to be used by the City for contracted or in-house expenses for dealing with non-compliance with City requirements for control of mud, dust and debris removal;
• hiring a contractor on retainer to deal with after-hours problems related to unsafe situations in active subdivisions and provide the City with the contractor’s 24-hour/7-days a week emergency contact phone number; and
• a warning clause on all offers of purchase and sale that the current unsignalized entrance/exit onto Brant Street may be restricted to right in/right out by a centre median, at some point in the future.
A phasing schedule for construction must also be provided identifying proposed house construction (start dates/occupation dates), tentative grading, sodding and tree-planting schedules in accordance with the City’s grading and sodding policy and schedule.
 Rendering of some of the units in the development
At some point in the future, National Homes will need to obtain site plan approval for the development of the townhouse component of the plan.
 Why did the Mayor and the Councillor for the ward feel they had to issue a statement on an LPAT decision?
We will continue to update residents as this application moves into its construction phase.
While this development may not be what some residents or council members were hoping for, it was improved upon multiple times throughout the planning process over what was initially submitted. That was the direct result of the input received from our community.
The revised proposal includes more green space than the original application, including a new park, fewer units, less height and density, more variety and senior-friendly options, increased setbacks and better transition to the neighbourhoods to the north and south.
We thank the public for their involvement in the process and for continually providing their feedback and input.
We would also like to thank the resident group Vision 2100 for their hard work and cooperation in achieving an improved development plan. They spent countless hours and finances over the past few years, working with city staff, council and the developer to make changes to the development that we are sure future residents of this new neighbourhood will appreciate.
In accepting the revised proposal, council considered a number of factors, including public input, the improvements made that addressed some of the concerns raised, the planning justification provided by staff, and advice from legal counsel.
Our decision also factored in some practical realities, including the inability to secure a planning witness that was of the opinion that the November 2018 proposal did not overall represent good planning, the likelihood that a hearing would not produce a different result, and the possibility that city taxpayers could be required to pay the entire costs of the applicant at a lengthy hearing. In addition, city staff who supported the November proposal would likely have been required to testify on behalf of the applicant, at city taxpayers expense.
This application was in its third year of review.
The decision to settle with National Homes on the 2100 Brant development was the responsible decision for all parties involved. We achieved the best plan possible for the community. This development brings townhouse, semi-detached and senior-friendly housing, along with a new neighbourhood park and protection of natural heritage features.
A saddened planner
What betrayal looks like
By Staff
August 5th, 2020
Two people about a decade apart in age – both were on the other side of the 60 line, had very different experiences at area hospitals
Both had experienced significant medical procedures.
One, the female, was a patient at the Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington.
The other, male, was a patient at the St. Hospital in Hamilton.
Both had gone to their hospitals a day apart this week.
We are not releasing the names – that isn’t the important part of this story. It is about how people are treated and the integrity of the service being given at the two hospitals.
 The Joseph Brant Hospital, recently underwent a major overhaul with the addition of a new wing that is clean, and a pleasant place to be if you have to be in a hospital. What needs work now is a change in the culture where the patient is the focus.
The female scheduled an appointment at Joseph Brant Hospital.
She was wearing a mask when she entered the front door.
She was met by a young man who asked the following questions.
– did I have an appointment or was I visiting a patient?
– He asked for my name and if I had travelled out of the country.
– He asked if I had fallen in the last 3 months.
He gave her the form he had completed and told her to give it to the nurse at the appointment.
She then went on her own to the elevators and up to her appointment.
She was not asked for the completed sheet. She asked the nurse at her appointment if she wanted the sheet and her answer was “oh yes”.
After my appointment I left the hospital
The male at St. Joseph’s in Hamilton was quite different.
 The complex of buildings that makes up St. Joseph’s in Hamilton is big, very big – easy to get confused. Patient service though was very good.
He was stopped as he entered the hospital by a young lady holding a clip board.
“Where do you want to go”, she asked.
The male said he was going to the urology unit for an appointment.
He was asked if he had travelled outside the province; asked if he had been in contact with people who were later advised that they had been infected in the last 14 days.
He was asked if he had a high temperature in the past three days.
He was asked if the face mask he was wearing had been washed before he put it on that morning.
The male said it was not clean that morning – but it was clean the afternoon of the day before.
The attendant said take the mask off and wear this and handed the male a new mask.
The male was asked for a telephone number he where he could be reached and then asked if he was comfortable giving the attendant an email address.
With that done the attendant put a green sticker on the shoulder of the shirt he was wearing and was told not take it off and to follow the attendant to the floor of the hospital the appointment was on.
He was told to pay attention to the path that was taken and, when leaving, to take that same path and leave by the hospital entrance he had used coming in.
When the male completed the appointment he returned to the main floor where the attendant approached him, took the green sticker off his shoulder and suggested he sanitize his hands and bid him a “good day” but not before advising the male that he should put on a washed mask in the morning of each day and to replace it with a clean one in the afternoon – and to wash his hands frequently.
Was one hospital “better” than the other? That’s not the issue – how people are treated is a reflection of the culture of the institution.
Cultural change comes from the leadership. There is some work to be done.
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