City-wide burn ban effective April 13th

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 7th, 2020



The Burlington Fire Department has issued a City-wide burn ban and suspending all Open-Air Burning Permits until further notice. The ban is effective April 13th, 2020

brush fire

Brush fires can easily get out of control – not what the fire department wants to have to deal with at this time.

As part of the COVID-19 response, a burn ban is being implemented as a preventative measure to ensure that Fire Department resources are available when and where needed most. Additionally, the Fire Department is trying to limit non-emergency interactions with residents and respect physical distancing requirements at this time.

Fire works

Fire department is discouraging the use of fire works this year.

Firework displays for the Victoria Day weekend are also being discouraged due to the potential fire hazard and concerns around social gathering.

Emergency orders currently in place to address the COVID-19 outbreak include the prohibiting of organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people. Failing to comply with any of the emergency orders is an offence under the Emergency Management and Civil Protections Act and may result in fines.

Park Closures
All amenities in City parks are closed, including parking lots. Please continue to respect the caution tape and keep off playgrounds, sports fields, skateboard areas, tennis and basketball courts.

Only walking, jogging, riding a bike or scooter/wheelchair through a park or trail is permitted. Remember to keep two metres away from others – about the length of a hockey stick.

The best thing residents can do to protect themselves and the community, is stay home.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward “supports the decision to ban open fires and fireworks for the time being as we manage the COVID-19 response throughout our city. Removing additional risk helps us ensure our emergency responders are better able to focus on the urgent work ahead of us in this unprecedented global health challenge.”

Lazenby David

Dave Lazenby, Fire Chief

Dave Lazenby, Fire Chief and Operations Section explains: “The open-air burning ban is a temporary measure to assist with the strategies put in place during this time of COVID-19, including physical distancing to help “flatten the curve”. It will also allow fire crews and fire inspectors to focus only on essential services without the need to deal with the issues and workload created by open-air burns. We anticipate lifting the ban as soon as it is safe to do so.”

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Proximity bylaw now has massive fines if people do not stay at least six feet apart. Error in the first version

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 7th, 2020


In an early version of this article we featured a picture of the Mayor and her family on the veranda of their home and suggested they were not adhering to the six foot requirement. They weren’t – what was neglected was that the six foot rule does not apply to family members living in the same house.

Our apologies to the Mayor and her family for our error.

Yesterday at a special meeting of council, city council unanimously approved a new physical distancing by-law to support efforts in minimizing the spread of COVID-19.

Council considers the protection of health and safety of the public to be of paramount concern, and the direction for the proposed by-law comes from the City’s Emergency Control Group.

The Medical Officer of Health has recommended physical distancing measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including maintaining a distance of at least 2 metres from other individuals who are not members of the same household.

The City of Burlington’s by-law states that while on public property, no person shall stand less than a 2 metre distance to any other person that does not reside with them in a single household or permit a child under the age of 16 to stand less than a 2 metre distance from any other person that does not reside with them in a single household.

Upon conviction of an offence under this by-law, a person would be liable for a minimum fine of $500 and a maximum fine of $100,000.

The by-law is expected to be in effect through the duration of Burlington’s State of Emergency. More information can be found on the city’s website.

“We must all act responsibly to ensure the health and well-being of everyone in our city. It is my sincere hope that residents in our community will respect the repeated advice of healthcare experts and voluntarily maintain physical distancing so that no tickets need to be issued under this by-law.

“The longer we stay apart now, the sooner we can come together again.”

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Mayor hands out a tax relief goody - you still have to pay those property taxes - just not right now

News 100 redBy Staff

April 7th, 2020



The wheels are still turning at city hall.

Other than the Chair of the meeting and people from the Clerk’s Office, the Council Chamber is empty. Everyone else is “on-line” waiting for their opportunity to speak.

The day started out at 9:30 with a meeting of the Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services Standing Committee.

When they had finished their business the Mayor took the Chair and convened a special meeting of council to hand out a goody – relief of penalty and interest for property taxes in the months of April and May 2020 and relief of the administration charge for any returned payments during that time.

In her Statement the Mayor said:

The City has received numerous concerns from both the business community and homeowners in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic impact. The City currently has one property tax installment date remaining for interim billing on April 21. The temporary property tax relief will allow businesses and homeowners to make their April 21 installment by June 30 without incurring late payment charges.

Financial supports from the federal and provincial governments are also being introduced to support individuals and businesses. The temporary changes being recommended would mean that for the months of April and May 2020:

• No penalty will be charged for the April 21 installment for all property owners
• No month-end interest will be charged for all property owners in April and May
• No returned payment admin fee will be charged by the City for any returned tax payments (i.e. insufficient funds, stop payment)
• The next tax payment is not due until June 30

Pre-Authorized tax payments will continue to be withdrawn. Individuals on a preauthorized payment plan that are unable to make payment can temporarily suspend their withdrawals from their account by emailing The City requires notification at least three business days prior to the withdrawal date.

Taxpayers who sent a postdated cheque to the City for their April 21 tax installment and can no longer make payment have been asked to put a stop payment on the cheque at their bank.

Property taxes are the most important revenue source for the city to ensure we continue to provide essential services for residents of the City of Burlington during these challenging circumstances. Taxpayers are encouraged to make payments where possible during these unique times. This temporary relief will be reviewed by staff and council on an ongoing basis until the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 is lifted.

 Nice gesture – what will it do to the city coffers?  The public will get to learn just how deep in the hole the city will be when this is all over.

Remember the Mayor’s comment:  “Property taxes are the most important revenue source for the city”    When they run short of cash they turn to the property tax rate.

We are getting Statements from the Mayor on a regular basis – two so far this week

We aren’t seeing any Statements from the members of Council.  Maybe they aren’t allowed to speak; that must be particularly difficult for a couple of them – they always have something to say.

During a State of Emergency the deal is that the Mayor is the mouthpiece – they want the message to be consistent – makes sense.  But this council isn’t made up of high school drop outs.  They are innovate, committed and focused.  They were elected and they need to be heard.  And the public needs to hear from them.  The administration is in place to carry out the will of council.

Other than Statements from the Mayor this city has no clear idea what the will of Council is.  We did manage to get a sense as to what Councillor Sharman thinks – he is not a happy camper.


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City to hold a second Town Hall call-in on April 14th

eventsorange 100x100By Staff

April 7th, 2020



The City is going to host a second town hall – April 14 from 7 to 9 p.m. to provide updates about what the City is doing to protect the health and safety of our community and to address concerns from the public related to COVID-19.

The objective is to answer the questions the public has about the COVID-19 virus – the town hall has been extended to two hours and will take place between 7 and 9 p.m.

The two-hour town hall will be hosted by Mayor Marianne Meed Ward and provide the public with an opportunity to hear from a panel of leaders confirmed to date including:

Commisso stare

City Manager Tim Commisso didn’t have much to say first time around

• Members of City Council
• City Manager Tim Commisso and senior staff
• MP for Burlington, the Honourable Karina Gould
• MP for Oakville-North Burlington, Pam Damoff
• MPP for Burlington, Jane McKenna
• MPP for Oakville-North Burlington, Effie Triantafilopoulos
• President and CEO of Joseph Brant Hospital, Eric Vandewall
• Fire Chief, Dave Lazenby

How to Participate
Residents who would like to participate in the town hall can do so in the following ways:

Register in advance: Burlington residential phone numbers will be randomly selected to be part of the telephone town hall. Residents who would like to be added to the telephone call list can email by the end of day April 13.

Please note: if you registered for the previous town hall (held on March 26), you are not required to register your phone number a second time.

Join by telephone: Anyone who does not receive a telephone invitation can call 1-800-231-0276 at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14 to join the town hall. For those individuals calling in, please be advised more than one attempt may be required due to the high volume of traffic on the phone lines. If the first call does not connect, please hang up and dial the 1-800 number again.

Once the call begins, a moderator will provide participants with instructions for how to submit their questions to the leadership panel.

Any questions not answered within the two-hour call will be posted, with answers, to the City’s website at, along with an audio file and full transcript of the call.

The first Town Hall call-in – on March 26, 2020, drew a reported 4200 people.

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Regional Health unit assures public nursing homes are being tightly monitored

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 6th, 2020



When the number of COVID-19 related deaths were reported at a single nursing home in Bobcaygeon exceeded ten there was concern about what was being done for people who are part of the very at risk.

The Gazette wanted to know what the Regional Health unit was doing to ensure that the same kind of outbreak did not occur locally.

We asked some questions:
What is being done to protect residents and staff at long-term care facilities in Halton (geographic area) from the spread of COVID-19?


The Allendale Long Term care facility in Milton.

• Halton Region Public Health runs three accredited, non-profit long-term care homes: Allendale in Milton, Creek Way Village in Burlington and Post Inn Village in Oakville.

• To provide a safe and secure environment for all residents, Halton Region long-term care homes currently restrict entry of non-essential visitors.

• The Region follows all Ministry of Health directives for COVID-19 and is ensuring infection prevention best practices to reduce the risk of infection in our homes.

• Halton Region’s long-term care homes take a number of other measures to protect residents and staff, such as:

o enhanced cleaning and disinfecting;
o active screening of anyone who enters the home (including staff, new admissions, etc.);
o using personal protective equipment when necessary;
o maintaining physical distancing (social distancing) between staff; and
o ensuring proper hand hygiene.

• If a resident starts to show symptoms of COVID-19, he/she will be isolated immediately.

• Halton Region has also been communicating with families of residents and all staff members about the current COVID-19 situation.

Have there been any COVID-19 positive cases at Halton Region-owned long-term care homes?
• One staff member at Allendale in Milton and one staff member at Post Inn Village in Oakville have tested positive for COVID-19.

• Halton Region Public Health is working with the long-term care and retirement homes to take important precautionary measures to protect the health and safety of other residents and staff in the home:

o Any symptomatic residents or staff will be tested and isolated appropriately. All infection prevention and control measures are in place.

o Halton Region Public Health is helping to facilitate testing and identifying infection prevention and control measures the home needs to take.

• Families of residents in these facilities have also been notified and are receiving regular updates about the outbreaks.

Is testing being done for residents and their care providers?
• Long-term care homes must consult with Public Health and the resident’s primary care provider if the resident:

o exhibits symptoms of COVID-19;
o has been exposed to the virus; or
o if there has been confirmation of transmission of COVID-19.

• Public Health or your primary care provider will determine if any additional health and safety and clinical actions are required.

• As of March 9, 2020, when homes submit specimens for standard respiratory testing, these specimens are also tested for COVID-19 automatically. There is no change to the usual practices for submitting respiratory outbreak specimens.

• At this time, LTC residents and healthcare workers who exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 are being tested.

Post Inn Oakville

Post Inn long term care facility in Oakville

Are visitors allowed?
• To provide a safe and secure environment for all residents, the Ministry of Health directed all long-term care homes to restrict entry of non-essential visitors until further notice.

• Only essential visitors with a family member who is critically ill will be permitted to visit the home. Our long-term care staff will notify families directly if this exception applies to them.

Does Public Health monitor the Halton Region-owned long-term care homes to ensure the care is at least adequate and that frontline workers are given what they need?

• Yes, Halton Region ensures our staff have the resources and training they need to support residents. At Halton Regional Long-Term Care homes, our primary focus is the health and well-being of our residents. We are committed to using evidence-based resources to support and sustain best practices that ensure the best possible resident care. For example, Public Health provides guidance and support for infection prevention and control; assists in managing outbreaks; and provides regular updates and communication to ensure that residents and staff are protected and safe.

Does Halton Region know how many private long-term care homes, nursing homes and retirement homes there are in Halton?

• There are three regional homes (Post Inn, Creek Way Village and Allendale), 15 private long-term care homes and 30 retirement homes in Halton.


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If you're self isolating and need food - Call the Food Bank - they will deliver

News 100 yellowBy Staff

April 6th, 2020

Robin Bailey, Executive Director of the Burlington Food Bank asks if his Team is ready for another week of Stay Home.

Stay home so that his Team can deliver.

Thank you to the Burlington community that filled the Food Bank donation bucket at Freshco this weekend with 500lbs of food! That really helps as its difficult finding places to purchase food right now.

We really want people to know that we are well prepared for this – we have the food and thanks to you – the cash to purchase and build the hampers for our home deliveries.

If you are in need or know of someone who could use our help have them email us at or call 905-637-2273 to make arrangements to have food dropped at the door.

The Gazette wondered if the Food Bank service was limited to the Aldershot community – no – it is available to anyone in the city – especially to those who are self-isolating.

Today’s update

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Mayor turns to the 'grass roots' for help and direction in meeting the COVID crisis

News 100 redBy Staff

April 6th, 2020



Mayor Marianne Meed Ward today announced the launch of a Task force that will share information and mobilize community and agency resources to support our hospital and healthcare workers.

Today I launched the Burlington COVID-19 Task Force with the goal of further supporting our community through this unprecedented health crisis.

The Task Force will share information and mobilize community and agency resources to support our hospital and healthcare workers as we prepare for the anticipated surge of patients in the coming weeks and the recovery period to follow, as well as coordinate our broader community efforts on COVID-19. Members will bring information and/or requests for assistance back to each of their own organizations and emergency response tables.

While this information-sharing and collaboration is already happening, the Task Force will formalize and add structure to this effort as we collectively serve our community over the coming weeks and months.

Membership includes community leaders and decision-makers representing various organizations and agencies involved in the COVID-19 response. New members may be added as needs evolve. Each participant is likely to be a member of their own organization’s COVID-19 response group, with an ability to bring information from that table to the Task Force, and vice versa.

Invitees began with and grew from the panelists on the City’s recent public telephone town hall on March 26th. Community response to that event was overwhelmingly positive, with residents specifically mentioning that they appreciated the assembled panel of cross-functional experts and leaders, and seeing the evidence of collaboration, sharing of information and coordinating of efforts to serve them.

Organizations invited at this time include representatives from the City of Burlington and our Emergency Control Group, City Council, the Burlington Fire Department, Halton Regional Police Service, Joseph Brant Hospital, our local MPs and MPPs, school boards, Halton Region, Burlington Hydro, TEAM Burlington and business support groups, as well as military, spiritual and philanthropic groups. The full list can be found on our website.

Our first meeting will take place tomorrow afternoon. Future meetings are expected to take place weekly, or more often as necessary, by teleconference chaired by the Mayor. A summary of action and information will be provided to all members after each call, with highlights posted for the public on the City’s and Mayor’s websites.

I look forward to the continued collaboration between these valued organizations and leaders in our community as we work through the challenge that we now know is ahead of us for the next 18-24 months.

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The kids are back in school - just not in classrooms - it is going to be an interesting and revealing week for everyone

News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 6th, 2020



Child getting off school bus

Students will not be on school buses for the next couple of months.

Classrooms won’t have students in them this morning – but there will be thousands of students sitting in front of computers communicating with teachers at the other end of an internet connection.

Every restaurant in town will be empty – except for those who have decided to offer a take-out service.

Just about all of them are not certain they will ever be able to open again.

The schools will, at some point, re-open.
The Gazette will report on the hospitality industry later in the week. The federal government loan program has been announced – it will take a few days for the hospitality people to get a clear sense as to what this will mean for them. A $40,000 loan doesn’t really go all that far.

Sagar behind screen

Kerry Sagar didn’t know that she would be teaching from a computer screen several months ago.

This morning Kerry Sager will begin her classroom session with the iStem students at Aldershot high school. Sager

Julia Hunt Gibbons is a Superintendent with the Halton District School Board. When the schools were closed by the province her work load increased as she, along with all the other Superintendents who had to reflect, refine, and plan roll outs of continuity of learning/distance learning.

Hunt Gibbons

Superintendent Julie Hunt Gibbons will be doing a lot more explaining and advising for the next few months – by telephone and online.

Hunt Gibbons won’t be doing any direct teaching to students, although she does spend a lot of time “answering their questions on the Board FAQ.”

Her primary role is “more of a supporter of teachers, a writer — along with Secondary Program Department members offering lesson suggestions, assessment and evaluation, IT on-boarding, problem-solving and Ministry/board messaging.”
What Superintendents really have to do will become much clearer in the next few days as both parents and students adjust to how an education is going to be delivered.
One of the ironies with how students are going to be taught now (electronically) is that this was one of the issues teachers were fighting the Ministry of education over. Teachers wanted limits on just how much education would be delivered electronically – now that is all they a have to work with.
The biggest job now for everyone is facilitating the sharing that has to take place between teachers across the system, largely through Google Hangouts these days.

graphic coping redThe Gazette has created a small team of parents who have children in elementary classes. They are as concerned as the teachers who have to make the best of what they have. We will report on what the parents have to say. You can follow their views and comments in the Coping series.

As for Kerry Sagar, she is organizing her day getting ready to teach.

Related news story

How parents are coping with having the kids at home.

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The rate at which the virus is spreading is staggering. The worst for North America has yet to be recorded

News 100 blueBy Staff

April 4th, 2020



The numbers just keep climbing with New York State death toll from coronavirus on Saturday surpassed 3,500 as confirmed cases rose to 113,704, bringing the U.S. total to more than 7,700 fatalities and 287,000 cases.

Canadians now settle in for the onslaught and the surge that has been predicted and is now being experienced.

The Canadian experts have given the public instructions – they are simple – stay indoors; if you are out distance yourself from others.
Stay away from crowds and wash your hands frequently.

The rate at which the corona virus has spread world wide is staggering.

Livde screen Mar 23

March 232rd, 2020

March 27

March 27th, 2020

April 4th, 2020

April 4th, 2020

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The challenge: Learning to stay inside and walk safely when you choose to be outside

SwP thumbnail graphicBy Pepper Parr

April 4, 2020



Getting people to fully understand what we are up against with the COVID19 crisis.

During a media event yesterday – Friday, three doctors made it very clear that 3000 to 15,000 people will die. They left the impression this level of loss was inescapable.

They will be people with compromised immune systems. Each year something in the order of 1300 people die during the annual flu season.

The downside is horrific.

The medical community warns that the surge of infections has yet to arrive in full force. That surge can’t be stopped. The infections that are going to show up in the days and weeks ahead were either brought into the country or passed from one person to the other a week to two weeks ago.

People have yet to see the number of deaths rise – we are seeing the number of infections reported increase. Some of those infected people will die; they are most likely to be people in the 70 and 80 year age range.


Projected death April 30Projected cases

This year the medical community is dealing with a flu that has never been seen before and for which there is not yet a vaccine.

Those are the hard on the ground facts.

People are told to stay inside – something many are having difficulty doing.

Rattlesnake 2

These cars were parked outside Rattlesnake Point Conservation Halton Area that had been officially closed earlier in the week.

We seem then in public parks where they have been gathering in groups. So the cities are closing the public parks.

People want to get outside for some exercise and fresh air – and are frustrated by all the negative news and rules they aren’t certain make a heck of a lot of sense.

The Beachway has always been a popular place for people to walk; to spend time on the beach in warmer weather.

Beachway - no cars parked

Not a single car parked – barricades in place

Earlier in the week the parking lots in the Beachway were packed – not the case now – except for one lot at the west end everything is blocked.

So what do you do to get out for some fresh air and exercise?

Beachway - west end lot open

West end lot was left open. For who?

You are going to have to be creative and find spaces that are not crowded.

This is a situation we are going to be in for the balance of April for certain.

Any lifting of the limits on what we can do and where we can do it will be determined by the number of infection reports we get.

Dr. Donnelly, one of the three presenters at the media event on Friday, made the point:

The solution to the crisis is in our hands – our behaviour will determine just how quickly we can get the worst of this behind us.

Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.

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Critical six foot rule not being observed on the hospital site where 93 bed modular health unit is being assembled.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 4th, 2020



It was the right decision.

Create additional ICU capacity for the wave of infections that are about to hit the province.

The Joseph Brant hospital moved quickly; allocated $2 million to a field hospital that can hold 93 people and the equipment needed to get them through the infection.

Hospital president Eric Vandewall made sure that the modular field hospital was sourced and delivered quickly. Trucks left Calgary with all that was needed and in just over a day the parts to construct the modular hospital were on the ground and being assembled.

Modular - full view

Located right beside a side entrance to the hospital the 93 bed modular unit is being assembled in about 12 days.

The structure looks a little like the inflated domes used for people to play soccer in.

The unit sits right beside a side entrance to the hospital – making the transfer of patients into the modular unit and back to the hospital if a higher level of care is needed – smooth and efficient.

The hospital expects to have everything in place by the end of the week.

But … there are health safety issues on the site.

The six foot rule seems to have been forgotten.

Modular three workers

Never mind the six foot rule – these men are not even six inches apart – 20 feet from the entrance to the modular 93 bed health unit they are assembling.

Men work inches apart over a piece of equipment. A hole had to be drilled into a steel plate – the drill bit broke twice.

A little further from the construction area a group of men gathered around what looked like an administration office for the builder – BLT.

No protective masks – which may not have been necessary. And not all that much in the way of space between the men.

Earlier in the day three doctors, President and CEO of Ontario Health Matthew Anderson alongside President and CEO of Public Health Ontario Dr. Peter Donnelly and Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health Adalsteinn Brown revealed the projected numbers at Queen’s Park on Friday.  They spent an hour and a half explaining what the projections were for COVID-19 infections. The low end of the projections was 3,000 to 15,000 that could die.

That was possible if people worked to that six foot rule. Those on the Joseph Brant hospital site didn’t adhere to the rule – if just one of them was infected – then they would all become infected and take what they had picked up to the people they interacted with.

This is what the doctors were very very worried about.

With this kind of behavior everyone is at a much higher risk.

Modular - workers - group

Construction workers on the hospital site fail to adhere to the 6 foot rule – endangering everyone they are in contact with.

The Gazette photographer was a good 15 feet away.

Ironically and disturbing that someone did not explain to these men what and why they were putting together a modular health unit.

Some of them might be the first patients to be in one of the 93 beds available.

The spread of the COVID-19 virus is preventable – but not with this kind of behavior.

Where was the project supervisor?

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Response to the Mayor's call for a Front Line Clap goes unheeded.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 4th, 2020



It is said that it is the thought that counts.

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward wanted to show a little love for the front line workers and asked citizens to join her for a Front- Line Clap as one way to show appreciation for the people who are working to protect us.

In a report to the citizens of the city Mayor Meed Ward said:

“I want to thank all our healthcare and front-line professionals for their remarkable work in this crisis, from doctors and nurses to janitorial and operational staff at our hospitals and doctors’ offices, to bus drivers and grocery store workers and the entire logistics chain that manufactures, delivers and sells the essential food and supplies we all depend on. I know they are working long hours, spending time away from their families and loved ones, and faced with new challenges and difficult decisions like never before. Our entire city owes them a debt of gratitude for their skills and service. They come to work every day for us, and they are the reason the rest of us need to stay home and help stop the spread of COVID-19.

“This Friday, April 3rd, please join me in showing your appreciation for all these heroes through the Front- Line Clap at 7pm. Stand on your front porch, front step, or balcony to clap for 2 minutes so they can hear our gratitude.”

It didn’t quite work out that way.

The Gazette spent some time in the area the Mayor lives in – the streets were quiet except for a father on a bike teaching his son how to maneuver his small bike.

Mayor with iPad on deck

Mayor sets up her iPad on her veranda. Was the intention to broadcast the clapping?

The Mayor came out onto her veranda and set up her iPad.

There were no neighbours on their verandas.

A local photographer happened along, chit chatted with the Mayor.

The Gazette photographer put the camera away and returned to the car.

Mayor talking to photo

Local photographer observes the six foot rule – chats with the Mayor.

A Gazette reader had hoped that hundreds of people would take up the Mayor’s call. The reader wrote:

“Put blue ribbons on my balcony & bundled up & waited for others in the neighborhood to join in with clapping or cow bells or shouting or honking of horns. NOTHING!!! I know we are all a little anxious right now, but a little appreciation for all those people looking after those affected by this insidious virus, are living with anxiety that we cannot possibly imagine. Bad on us!”

It is the thought that counts and the Mayor has it right when she says: “STAY home, STOP the spread, SAVE lives”

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The data suggest we can reduce significantly the number of people who will die because of the virus - if we follow the rules

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 3rd, 2020



The province could experience something between 3,000 and 15,000 deaths from the COVID-19 virus – if we follow the rules.

Three of the smartest medical minds in the province, each doing a critical job, were on-line for a media event that lasted more than an hour and a half.


Dr. Peter Donnelly and Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health

President and CEO of Ontario Health Matthew Anderson alongside President and CEO of Public Health Ontario Dr. Peter Donnelly and Dean of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health Adalsteinn Brown revealed the projected numbers at Queen’s Park on Friday.

Dr Donnelly explained that in a normal flu season about 1,350 people die.

The data that was presented indicated that Ontario would have seen 300,000 cases of COVID-19 and 6,000 deaths by the end of the month if there was no government action or intervention.

There is one action that can keep the number of deaths down to that 3,000 level and that is to follow the rules.

graphic covid 1One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Two ears that work is all you need. Stay indoors; if you do go out for exercise stay away from other people. Mayor Meed Ward got it right.

The solution to the crisis we face, said Dr. Donnelly “is in the hands of the public.”

The decision to close schools in March was the right decision. Closing offices and factories were the right decisions.

Dr Matthews explained that the level of mortality for people over 80 who have underlying conditions and become infected is 16% – For those 70 the mortality level is 10%

Getting the data that was needed to do useful modelling from which projections can be made did take some time. Ontario was a little slow off the mark in the testing.

There were other issues:

Are there going to be enough ICU beds? Dr Anderson said that it is going to be very tight – and if public behaviour does not follow the rules – there will be a problem.

ICU capacity

The province believes they will be OK – but there is no certainty.

Dr. Donnelly, who did most of the talking, said that the province is going to have to be rapid and rigorous in bearing down on people who don’t follow the rules.

Projected cases

Projected death April 30We are heading into what looks like a decent weekend. Last weekend there was some really poor public behaviour. Cars were lined up on the side of the road at Rattlesnake Conservation area – when the park was officially closed.

People at Spencer Smith Park were tearing away that yellow tape that was around the park swings – Do that and the numbers will rise – and we will all be in very serious trouble.

six feet

Is that six feet of space?

People were standing just too close together.

The solution is in our hands. The solution to the problem is in the way we all behave.  Discipline yourselves and don’t be afraid to remind your neighbours.

“It is not possible to be exact about where we will end up,” continued the Dr Donnelly. “But I think it is reasonable to say that if we do everything that we can think of, everything that already has been done stays in place, all of the other measures that are being considered put in place, we could reduce the death toll.”

He then talked about the virus being part of the world we live in for a couple of years.

Rattlesnake 2

The park these cars were parked outside had been officially closed.

Ontario is reporting 3,255 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across the province with 67 deaths as of April 2.

President of Ontario Health, Mathew Anderson, said during today’s press conference on the models, that we are already growing close to pushing our healthcare system beyond its current capacity.

“If we do not adhere to social distancing — if we do not contain this disease, it will grow more rapidly,” he said.

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Province reduces the number of essential services that can operate during the COVID crisis: from 74 to 44

News 100 redBy Staff

April 3rd, 2020



The province has revised the list of essential services that can remain open and operate in the province.

For the purposes of this order, businesses include any for-profit, non-profit or other entity providing the goods and services described herein.

This does not preclude the provision of work and services by entities not on this list either online, by telephone or by mail/delivery. This also does not preclude the operation or delivery of services of any publicly funded agency or organization that delivers or supports government operations and services, including operations and services of the health care sector.

Teleworking and online commerce are permitted at all times for all businesses.

The list has been reduced from 74 to 44.

They are:

Supply chains

Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services within Ontario, or that supply businesses or services that have been declared essential in a jurisdiction outside of Ontario, with the support, products, supplies, systems, or services, including processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution, delivery, and maintenance necessary to operate.


Businesses that primarily sell food, beverages and consumer products necessary to maintain households and businesses including:
Supermarkets and grocery stores.
Convenience stores.
Discount and big box retailers selling groceries.
Restaurants (take-out, drive-through and delivery service only).
Beer and wine and liquor stores.


Gas stations and other fuel suppliers.
Laundromats and drycleaners.
Security services for residences, businesses and other properties.
Vehicle and equipment repair and essential maintenance and vehicle and equipment rental services.
Courier, postal, shipping, moving and delivery services.
Funeral and related services.
Staffing services including providing temporary help.
Veterinary services (urgent care only) and other businesses that provide for the health and welfare of animals, including farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters, zoos, aquariums and research facilities.
Home child care services of up to six children as permitted under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, and child care centres for essential workers authorized to operate in accordance with Ontario Regulation 51/20 (Order Under Subsection 7.0.2 (4) of the Act – Closure of Establishments) made under the Act.
Hotels, motels, other shared rental accommodation including student residences, except for seasonal campgrounds and any pools, fitness centres, meeting rooms and other recreational facilities that may be part of the operations of these businesses.
Cheque cashing services.

Services to the public that are restricted to alternative methods of sale

Stores that sell any of the following items and provide them to the customer only through an alternative method of sale such as curb side pick-up or delivery, except in exceptional circumstances:
Hardware products.
Vehicle parts and supplies.
Pet and animal supplies.
Office supplies and computer products including computer repair.
Safety supplies.

Financial services

Businesses that provide the following financial services:
Capital markets and related securities trading and advisory services.
Banking/credit union activities including credit intermediation.
Land registration services.
Real estate agent services.
Pension and benefits payment services.
Financial services including payroll and payment processing and accounting and tax services.

Telecommunications and IT infrastructure/service providers

Information Technology (IT) services, including online services, software products and the facilities necessary for their operation and delivery.
Telecommunications providers and services (phone, internet, radio, cell phones etc.) and facilities necessary for their operation and delivery.
Newspapers, radio and television broadcasting.


Maintenance, repair and property management services strictly necessary to manage and maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings.

Transportation services

Businesses and facilities that provide transportation services, including,
transportation services provided by air, water, road, and rail, including taxis and other private transportation providers, and
support services for transportation services, including,
logistical support, distribution services, warehousing and storage, truck stops and tow operators,
services that support the operations and safety of transportation systems including maintenance and repairs, and
marinas, but only to the extent that the marina is necessary to enable individuals to access their primary place of residence.
Businesses that provide and support online retail, including by providing warehousing, storage and distribution of goods that are ordered online.


Businesses that extract, manufacture, process and distribute goods, products, equipment and materials, including businesses that manufacture inputs to other manufacturers, (e.g. primary metal/ steel, blow molding, component manufacturers, chemicals, etc. that feed the end-product manufacturer), regardless of whether those other manufacturers are inside or outside of Ontario, together with businesses that support and facilitate the movement of goods within integrated North American and global supply chains.

Agriculture and food production

Businesses that produce food and beverages, and agricultural products including plants, including by farming, harvesting, aquaculture, hunting and fishing.
Businesses that process, manufacture or distribute food, beverages, crops, agricultural products, animal products and by-products.
Businesses that support the food or agricultural products supply chains and the health and safety of food, animals and plants.


Construction projects and services associated with the healthcare sector, including new facilities, expansions, renovations and conversion of spaces that could be repurposed for health care space.
Construction projects and services required to ensure safe and reliable operations of, or to provide new capacity in, critical provincial infrastructure, including transit, transportation, energy and justice sectors beyond the day-to-day maintenance.
Critical industrial construction activities required for,
the maintenance and operations of petrochemical plants and refineries,
significant industrial petrochemical projects where preliminary work has already commenced,
industrial construction and modifications to existing industrial structures limited solely to work necessary for the production, maintenance, and/or enhancement of Personal Protective Equipment, medical devices (such as ventilators), and other identified products directly related to combatting the COVID-19 pandemic.
Residential construction projects where,
a footing permit has been granted for single family, semi-detached and townhomes
an above grade structural permit has been granted for condominiums, mixed use and other buildings, or
the project involves renovations to residential properties and construction work was started before April 4, 2020.
Construction and maintenance activities necessary to temporarily close construction sites that have paused or are not active and to ensure ongoing public safety.

Resources and energy

Businesses that provide and ensure the domestic and global continuity of supply of resources, including mining, forestry, aggregates, petroleum, petroleum by-products and chemicals.
Electricity generation, transmission, distribution and storage and natural gas distribution, transmission and storage.

Community services

Businesses that deliver or support the delivery of services including:
Sewage treatment and disposal.
Collecting, transporting, storing, processing, disposing or recycling of any type of waste.
Potable drinking water.
Critical infrastructure repair and maintenance including roads, dams, bridges etc.
Environmental rehabilitation, management and monitoring, and spill clean up and response.
Administrative authorities that regulate and inspect businesses.
Professional and social services that support the legal and justice system.
Government services including but not limited to policing and law enforcement, fire and emergency services, paramedics, coroner and pathology services, corrections and court services, licences and permits.


Businesses and organizations that maintain research facilities and engage in research, including medical research and other research and development activities.

Health care and social services

Organizations and providers that deliver home care services or personal support services to seniors and persons with disabilities.
Businesses that sell, rent or repair assistive/mobility/medical devices, aids and/or supplies.
Regulated health professionals (urgent care only) including dentists, optometrists, chiropractic services, ophthalmologists, physical and occupational therapists and podiatrists.
Organizations that provide health care including retirement homes, hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, independent health facilities and mental health and addictions counselling supports.
Laboratories and specimen collection centres.
Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies, including medications, medical isotopes, vaccines and antivirals, medical devices and medical supplies.
Manufacturers, distributors and businesses that provide logistical support of or for products and/or services that support the delivery of health care in all locations.
Not-for-profit organizations that provide critical personal support services in home or residential services for individuals with physical disabilities.
Not-for profit organizations that support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals.

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Reports indicate the province is on the right path with the shutdowns that have taken place.

Newsflash 100By Pepper Parr

April 3rd, 2020



The message leaking out of Queen’s Park from highly respected journalist is that the province did do the right thing when it moved to an Emergency State earlier in March.

Doug Ford - habd to head

Ontario Premier Doug Ford – he is delivering on a daily basis. Not something many expected of him. Good on him.

Hospital modular

Modular hospital being built at hospital to meet Covid response is serious business.

The province is expected to release data later today that will confirm that the right decisions were made and that hundreds of lives were saved.

The belief is that the rules in place now will get even stricter – and getting the message out will be pervasive.

More when the Premier delivers his message later today.

There are public messages that pop up on the right hand side of the Gazette front page – pay attention to them.

The Pandemic Response field hospital being built at the hospital now is being done for a reason.

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Community comes through for the Food Bank - hampers will have an Easter treat in them

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 3rd, 2020



We got a very telling message this morning.

Listen in:

“ I wish I could share what I saw this morning at our Food Bank with you.

Volunteers working so hard and so fast, Line-ups at the front door, cars being loaded with deliveries, our foodbank truck making morning pickups, the phone ringing constantly.

Its about three times what we’re used to. The clients out front taking turns to speak through the window to get their additional needs met.

Front door opening only when order is ready and closing again for the next client. Our credit cards are maxed because we are ordering/purchasing so much now due to no food donations. Robin’s been trying to arrange through our bank and through Visa to increase our limits quickly. Diane and Robin keep everyone’s spirits high throughout what seems like organized mayhem.

I think though our main message to everyone is, don’t worry we’re on it. If you can’t get through on the phone it’s because we only have one line and it’s a busy time – we will definitely get back to you – leave us a message!

Burlington Food Bank – update with Robin Bailey – April 3

We’ve recently had a group of student volunteers who have been working so hard and doing an amazing job. One of our regular volunteers (Tom) has been coming in every day after closing to do a deep clean sanitize of everything and making sure everything is ready to go for the next day.

Thanks also to Dominique who has been in over-drive since the crisis began. We would like to thank the Hudson’s Bay Company and Crème de la Crème here in Burlington for donating Easter treats for all of our clients – what a nice gesture.

Even though things are changing fast and demand is up, don’t worry — we’re on it. If you need food and can’t get through on our phone it’s because we only have one line and it’s a busy time – we will definitely get back to you – please just leave us a message!

Today’s update

The Food Bank needs all the help they can get.  Donate HERE if you can – please


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Burlington’s business support organizations come together as Team Burlington to support businesses through COVID-19


News 100 blueBy Pepper Parr

April 3, 2020



Some very tough times ahead for the hospitality and retail sectors of the Burlington economy.

Lakeshore looking east to Brant north side

These days even the tables and chairs are gone.

No business thus no revenue – with expenses that are basic – with rent being the biggest.

The Burlington Chamber of Commerce, Burlington Economic Development, Burlington Downtown Business Association, Aldershot Village BIA, and Tourism Burlington have joined forces to offer support and help Burlington’s Business community navigate the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Anita Cassidy

Anita Cassidy, Executive Director of Burlington Economic Development.

While the Team Burlington name is not new, COVID-19 has renewed the group’s collaborative mission to keep the business community informed and ensure relevant and timely information is distributed as soon as it becomes available. “Right now, it’s about pooling resources for the collective benefit of the business community,” explained Anita Cassidy, Executive Director of Burlington Economic Development. “That means daily scrum meetings, sharing information, engaging subject matter experts and government officials, and asking the tough questions to ensure we know what businesses need now, and what they’ll need in the future to come out strong on the other side.”

About the best the Team is going to be able to provide is sympathy – there isn’t much they can do. Hydro will be low – the lights aren’t turned on; the city is creating some breaks on the tax side and I am sure that the Team will talk to landlords, and yes, lean on them a little but how much of the support has to come from the owners of the properties?

The first thing Team Burlington did to support businesses during COVID-19 was launch a one-stop-shop resource for businesses to turn to for information, resources and tools. With so much information rolling out every day, the website, which is hosted on, aims to provide the latest government updates, toolkits, support programs, economic relief information and resources all in place.

Carla Nells CoC

Carla Nell, President and CEO of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce

Carla Nell, President and CEO of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce also spoke to the power of working together. “Our membership already trusts that we’ll take a strong stance to advocate for their interests. Through this team approach, we’ll be able to do even more and extend our reach further to ensure all businesses of all sizes and industries feel supported and heard during these difficult times, and to position them for recovery in the longer term.”

Team Burlington is planning a series of COVID-19 virtual business support forums to give business leaders the opportunity to ask questions and hear from subject matter experts and key government officials at the local and regional levels, as well as Provincial and Federal representatives.

The available information is on the Chamber of Commerce web site.

The global COVID-19 pandemic is putting substantial pressure on the Burlington business community. Mandatory closures, necessary social distancing measures, layoffs and supply chain disruptions are putting immense pressure on businesses of all sizes. However, it is Team Burlington’s hope that through communication, advocacy, and the right relief measures, Burlington’s business community will remain steadfast in its short-term and long-term recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.

Bold statements – the reality is that some in the hospitality and retails sectors are going to end up closing their doors. On Friday, we will earn what the province thinks the immediate and medium term infection results are and what the projections look like.

The Premier has already said the news is not going to be easy to accept.

And if, for reasons that are not yet fully understood, the state of near total lock-down extends into the fall – the economic devastation will be severe.

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Police can now use bylaw enforcement officers to crack down on those who do not comply with emergency orders being made by the province.

News 100 redBy Pepper Parr

April 2, 2020



Halton Regional Police Service officers are now collaborating with local bylaw enforcement officers to respond to calls for service related to non-compliance with emergency orders within our collective boundaries.

Halton police - good angle

Regional police now working with municipal bylaw enforcement officers.

For the duration of the pandemic, if a member of the public wishes to report an incident of non-compliance with the emergency orders, they may contact the Halton Regional Police Service COVID-19 Hotline: 905-825-4722   Do NOT use 911 for these calls

The Province of Ontario declared a provincial emergency on March 17th, through the authority granted under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA).

Since this declaration, several emergency orders have been made under the Act to contain the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure that essential services continue to be provided and Ontarians are supported.

A ministerial designation under the Provincial Offences Act temporarily allows for by-law enforcement officers to assist police officers with enforcing the emergency orders being made by the province.
It is critical that our residents use 911 for emergencies only.

A call taker will collect relevant information from the complainant, and when appropriate, a by-law enforcement officer or police officer will be dispatched to follow up.

Upon responding to an alleged incident of non-compliance, the severity of each infraction in relation to the potential risk to public health and the spread of COVID-19 will be taken into account to guide a response. If compliance is not obtained through dialogue and education, officers have the authority to issue a ticket or summons.

The enforceable orders that fall within the authority of the Halton Regional Police Service, the municipal by-law officers and Conservation Halton officers include:

• Closure of Places of Non-Essential Businesses
• Prohibiting events and gatherings of more than five people
• Closure of public places and establishments
• Closure of all outdoor recreational amenities and parks

People who are being charged with an offence under the EMCPA will be required to identify themselves if asked by a provincial offences officer, which includes police officers, First Nations constables, special constables and municipal by-law enforcement officers.

The Halton Regional Police Service only has the authority to enforce the Federal Quarantine Orders under the Quarantine Act when directed by a quarantine officer or health officer. Residents may still contact the COVID-19 Hotline to request follow-up for quarantine concerns.

Further, at this time, there is no legislative authority for Halton Regional Police Service officers to enforce non-compliance with physical distancing recommendations. Residents may still contact the COVID-19 Hotline to request follow-up for physical distancing concerns.


Halton Regional Police Chief Stephen Tanner.

“These are unprecedented times. It is incumbent on every member of our community to do their part now to slow the spread of COVID-19. The emergency orders that have been put in place by the provincial government are there for our collective protection. Our expectation is that residents will step up, comply with these measures, and contribute meaningfully to flatten the curve,” said Halton Regional Police Chief Stephen Tanner.

“We are fighting an invisible threat to our health and our way of life—we all need to work together and take action now,” said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “I can’t stress enough how important it is that everyone take direction from Public Health seriously. Thank you to all those who are taking action to help flatten the curve and for those who haven’t, you need to start now. We are all in this together.”

Mayor Marianne Meed Ward, in a prepared comment said: “We thank the province for giving our regional police and local municipal by-law enforcement officers the tools to ensure the orders for closures and gatherings are followed. The more we stay apart now, the sooner we can come together.”

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Rivers wonders why face masks are not mandatory in Ontario

Rivers 100x100By Ray Rivers

April 2, 2020





Donald Trump regularly spouts so much misinformation that the American public has almost become immune to him. But almost a hundred thousand people have signed a petition calling for Trump to end his daily COVID-19 briefings, claiming he is politicizing the crisis and using the news pressers as just another partisan political rally.

Fortunately nobody is making that kind of complaint on this side of the border. As tedious as the PM and premier’s daily briefings have become, there is usually some newsworthy item to justify pre-empting our favourite day-time TV reruns. And unlike the combative Trump, our leaders appreciate the seriousness of the situation and have been careful to play nicely with each other.

Doug Ford, whose poll numbers were in the toilet only a few months ago, has almost overcome his bully-boy countenance, dutifully earned after attacking teachers and Toronto’s city council. His fight over the carbon tax with the federal government now seems like distant history, as he regularly heaps praise on the PM and his deputy PM.

doug-ford hard face

Doug Ford is coming across as a much more focused and stronger reader.

But his populist instincts of overreaching continue to get him into trouble, as for example when he advised workers to just walk off their jobs and promised not to let anyone get evicted for not paying their rents. But his past stumbles, most recently the illegible license plates, are forgotten and forgiven as this epidemic now interminably occupies our lives.

Compared to our southern neighbours, Canada is in a better place. But our numbers are still growing and there is no end in sight. And if there is a recovery strategy it has to be a best kept secret, as new numbers roll-in every day telling us that things are only getting worse – not better.

We’ve seen how China, despite bring hampered initially by its knee jerk denials, was finally able to lock down the virus only with a dramatic quarantine, exhaustive travel restrictions, a shuttering of virtually all business and the mandatory wearing of face masks in public. We’ve also seen how South Korea is claiming limited success by aggressive testing and tracking, isolation, travel bans, and… face masks.

But Canada is not following either of these models. Our first COVID-19 case arrived from China near the end of January, yet it took another month to restrict International travel. Arriving passengers were neither tested nor quarantined until enough infected people had arrived for the virus to become a self sustaining problem.

Trudeau welcoming

It was a different time: The Prime Minister was welcoming refugees into the country almost every day.

We just kept counting the infected and dead until, by early March, we had joined the rest of the world in suffering the consequences of this deadly and growing epidemic. So we started ratcheting down our economy by a series of half measures. Mr. Trudeau announced voluntary internal travel restrictions but not a ban, and only partially closed the US border. And Mr. Ford shuttered some, but not all, non-essential Ontario business.

Our chief medical officer of health keeps telling us that all we need to do is wash our hands and keep our social distances. Social distancing is a good idea but how is that even possible for those who need to make the daily commute to their job by subway or bus, for example. So what about the masks which worked so well in Asia?

The virus is respiratory. I’m not a medical doctor but even I know that means the pathway for the infection starts with the mouth or nose and moves out by a cough, sneeze or even talking. The virus apparently lasts a relatively long time on some surfaces (counters, doors and grab rails and grocery produce) but it gets there when an infected person coughs or sneezes near or onto those surfaces – or touches them after sneezing into their own hands.

Masks - crowd wearing

Masks were essential in China – Rivers wonders why they are not essential in Ontario

April 2 2020

World wide data on the morning of April 2, 2020

So the Chinese authorities believe wearing a mask reduces the contagion. But our Dr. Tam, the World Health Organization and the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) are still telling us not to wear a mask in public unless we are already infected and contagious. But couldn’t people be contagious and not display symptoms? And shouldn’t they stay at home if they are sick? And why do doctors and nurses wear masks?

Given the enormity of the epidemic spreading across the USA, the CDC is apparently on the cusp of recommending that everyone should start wearing a mask in public. Of course there aren’t nearly enough masks in America for all the people, so the CDC will likely offer a ‘how-to’ make and keep clean (for re-use) your very own cloth mask.

This would no doubt give Donald Trump something new to announce at one of his press availability sessions. But how will he explain why he didn’t do this sooner? Trump’s poll numbers have never been higher. This is amazing given how he has totally mismanaged the COVID-19 issue. Trump was aware of the epidemic when he banned commercial flights to China back in January.

But his administration fumbled terribly. Having decided to develop their own test kits they failed to get them done in a timely fashion. They failed to enforce social distancing. And their business as usual attitude allowed the virus to spread such that the US is now the global epicentre of the pandemic. And they don’t even have enough face masks to protect their own health care workers, let alone their population.

The US infection rate has been doubling every four days and is now 200,000 – more than twice China’s. The US chief medic has projected that the outbreak could rise to a million infections or more in that country alone. It is very likely that US deaths, already greater than those in China, could reach 100,000, even if they all start to wear masks tomorrow. That is twice as many fatalities as all those American soldiers who died in Vietnam.

Canada’s political leaders are also witnessing a rise in their approval ratings. That is a natural phenomena, particularly In the early stages of a crisis like this. We want to believe in our government and leaders in a time of uncertainty. For example, George W Bush, one of American’s worst presidents by almost any account, saw his approval rating skyrocket after 9/11 as the country looked to their president for leadership.

The approval we’re giving Mr Ford and Trudeau is unlikely to last if this epidemic continues too long or gets worse, however. And that approval will disappear if the public discovers that our governments have failed to protect us because of some kind of prejudice by our chief medical officer against wearing face masks – even if they have to be homemade ones.

Rivers hand to faceRay Rivers writes weekly on both federal and provincial politics, applying his more than 25 years as a federal bureaucrat to his thinking.  Rivers was a candidate for provincial office in Burlington where he ran against Cam Jackson in 1995, the year Mike Harris and the Common Sense Revolution swept the province. He developed the current policy process for the Ontario Liberal Party.


Background links:

Trump Petition –    Ford Overreach    Ford Risen –     Mask Use

Trump Worst Leader –    South Korea –     US Death Toll –    More Masks

Dr. Tam–    Face Masks

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Select childcare centres in Burlington, Georgetown, Milton and Oakville being made available to all front line workers - apply on line

News 100 yellowBy Staff

April 1st, 2020



Halton Region has partnered with the Ontario Ministry of Education and select childcare centres in Burlington, Georgetown, Milton and Oakville to provide eligible healthcare and frontline workers with emergency child care.

Emergency child care services will be funded by the Province of Ontario and are available at no cost to eligible health care providers and essential workers who have no other child care alternatives. The centres will provide care for infants to children 12 years of age and some centres will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

To apply, eligible workers are asked to complete the Online Child Care Subsidy Application form available at Those who are unable to complete the online application form can call 311 for support. Spaces are limited and will be filled in order of the applications received.

Public Health is working close with the Ministry of Education to open these child care centres as soon as possible and are taking additional measures to maintain a safe and healthy environment, including:

• daily screening of children and staff;
• regular cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects and surfaces;
• reduced group sizes; and
• limiting the number of people in each child care centre.

For more details on emergency child care service eligibility and to submit an application, visit

“These emergency child care centres across Halton will ensure health care and frontline staff have access to child care supports while they continue to protect the health and safety of our community,” said Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr. “I am grateful for these dedicated workers who have been putting others first and working around-the-clock to help those impacted by COVID-19. There will never be enough words of thank them for all they are doing.”

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