By Staff
May 8th, 2023
 It was built as a community within a golf course – and the residents want to keep it that way.
Spread the Word, Make an Impact!
Millcroft Greenspace Alliance is committed to preserving the entire Millcroft Golf Course Greenspace using an approach that is grounded in research, advocacy, and leveraging resources.
Tonight is the Night! Learn More about…
Our unique strategy to preserve the Millcroft Golf Course green infrastructure, and its importance to our community’s case at the OLT in response to recent legislative changes.
MGA has been fortunate to have significant professional and business support from our neighbours who have volunteered to help analyze the Millcroft Greens application and develop our strategy.
We have focused our efforts on advocacy to find a solution to maintain this greenspace in advance of the OLT. As the OLT hearing draws near, we must now hire a seasoned municipal litigator and a stormwater expert to represent our strategy.
When: Today (May 8th) at 7:30pm
Where: Grace United Church (Millcroft Park Drive and Walkers Line)
We encourage you to forward this email to neighbours, family or friends to remind them of tonight’s community meeting.
By Staff
May 7th, 2023
Are you prepared for an emergency?
 Would you have remembered to include a can opener in your kit?
Emergencies or disasters can happen at any time. Emergency Preparedness Week is May 7-13 this year, and the City of Burlington is encouraging all individuals and families to be prepared by making a plan, building a 72-hour kit and staying informed.
Make a plan
Make a plan for what you and your family will do in an emergency or disaster. Do you know what will you do if you can’t access your home or if your family is not together when a large emergency or disaster happens? What will you do if there is no electricity for an extended time in the winter?
It’s important that you and your family have a step-by-step action plan in case of emergencies. Involve all your family members in the planning process and remember to review and update your plan at least once a year.
Visit for more information about emergency preparedness, including a detailed emergency preparedness guide, preparedness information related to pets and several hazards, as well as directions on what to do if you are asked to evacuate or shelter-in-place during an emergency.
Build a 72-hour kit
Everyone should have basic essentials to last 72-hours in an emergency. It is recommended to keep your 72-hour kit in a location that is safe from flooding and easily accessible. Be sure to replace the food, water and medications in your kit before any of these items expire.
The following items are recommended for your 72-hour kit:
• A basic first-aid kit
• A battery-powered radio
• A small amount of cash
• Blankets
• Copies of your important documents
• Flashlights and batteries
• Warm clothes
• A one-week supply of medications for your family and pets
• A three-day supply of non-perishable food
• Twelve litres of water per person
Stay informed
Stay informed by following trust-worthy sources of information. The City’s social media (@cityburlington), online newsfeeds and Service Burlington (905-335-7777) will be updated frequently during large-scale emergencies. To subscribe to the City’s newsfeeds, visit
Another way to stay informed is by subscribing to Alert Burlington, which is Burlington’s public notification system for community emergencies. Residents and anyone who works within Burlington are encouraged to subscribe to Alert Burlington.
In the event of a large-scale community emergency, Alert Burlington will send important messages by text, email or recorded phone message to anyone who subscribes and lives or works within the affected area(s). Messages can also be sent out in several languages, depending on your communication preferences.
To register, go to You will be asked to create an account with your name, address and mobile phone number, land-line phone number and/or email address.
For those who have registered for Alert Burlington in the past year, Emergency Preparedness Week is the perfect opportunity to log into your Alert Burlington profile and confirm that your information remains up-to-date. More information is available at
Information Booths
During Emergency Preparedness Week, the Fire Department will have information booths throughout the City, including at various community centres, Burlington Centre Mall and the Central Branch of Burlington Public Library. Residents and visitors can stop by to learn more about emergency preparedness.
By Joe Gaetan
May 7th, 2023

Here’s what Karina Gould had to say in the House of Commons on The Economy on May 4th, at 3:05 p.m.
“Mr. Speaker, we understand that Canadians are struggling right now and that there is a high cost of living, but, unlike the Conservatives, we are actually acting. We have put measures in place, like the Canada child benefit, like the climate action incentive, like increasing the guaranteed income supplement, like the new grocery rebate. We are actually acting to help Canadian families at this time of struggle.”
In June 2019, Trudeau’s then environment minister, Catherine McKenna dismissed a report by the Parliamentary Budget Officer saying that to meet Canada’s Paris Accord targets the price on carbon would need to rise to $102 a tonne. McKenna said at the time that the government has, “no plan to increase the price post 2022. For Conservatives to suggest otherwise is simply false and misleading.”
Under the Government’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan, the federal fuel charge is set to rise from $65 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023-24 to $170 per tonne in 2030-31.
In 2023-24, the federal fuel charge will be expanded to include Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
In 2021 the cost of Natural Gas was .13 cent per cubic meter. The combined federal carbon tax and HST in 2021 added an additional .09 cents to a cubic meter natural gas. Fast forward to 2023 and the combined federal carbon tax and HST is now .21 cents a cubic meter of natural gas. An increase of 133% in four years. To add insult to injury the federal government applies the HST on top the carbon tax meaning we are being taxed on a tax.
 Karina Gould: MP Burlington, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.
If nothing else and if Minister Gould and her government would like to help struggling Canadians, they will STOP adding HST to the carbon tax. This move alone would go a long way to help people who are struggling.
The federal government recently announced it was willing to give Volkswagen approximately $13 billion to build a battery factory in the area as part of the greening of the economy.
But when it came to putting something in the last budget that would help ordinary people make the green transition, the cupboard was bare.
The Parliamentary Budget Officer shows the carbon tax cost the average family about $402 in 2022 and $847 in 2023 even after the rebates. Not sure how that helps struggling Canadians.
If Canada did nothing or if we did everything, on a global basis we would have next to no effect on global greenhouse gas emissions. I think most Canadians buy into our social responsibility where GHG emissions are concerned, and we also need to be stewards of our natural resources meaning we shouldn’t waste them. Imposing unnecessary and needless taxes during these inflationary times is unnecessary.
Had this government stuck to their initial promise on the carbon tax, fewer Canadian would be struggling.
Joe Gaetan is a Burlington resident who delegates on occasion and is a strong believer in holding the elected accountable and expects them to be transparent while serving the public.
By Benjamin Anderson
May 7th, 2023
It’s no secret that AI is now helping several industries at a rapid pace, where one might expect that artificial intelligence will replace physical manpower to cut costs and make parts of the industry faster and efficient.
 How big a hand will Artificial intelligence have in gaming?
But to what extent can AI be used, and how can it effectively work in the gaming industry in Canada? We’re taking a closer look at what impact it might have and how the popular technology of AI will be used going forward.
AI solves problems on a daily basis
As daunting as it might be, where AI can replace different jobs and positions for people in several industries, it also has great upsides. For online casinos, the technology can provide personalized gambling experiences for players by analyzing player data by using machine learning. This helps on making automatic recommendations, tailoring both game offerings but also promotional offers. This is where the latest tech at new casinos has a big upside to them where the technology works as an additional support.
Security becomes tighter
Another advantage is the assistance of fraudulent activities, something that the gambling industry fights hard against in many ways. As AI is getting smarter by the minute with the help of machine learning, the algorithms can detect anomalies in transactions and behaviors that are unusual or suspect. This also goes for account creation, typically online casinos have tedious and long KYC requests to deal with when a new player creates an account, where now AI can be used to verify identities much faster than a regular check.
 Will players be able to invoke Artificial Intelligence?
Player data becomes safer
Players don’t have a lot to go on when playing at newly released sites when it comes to security. The casino industry’s biggest stamp of approval comes from their gaming licenses, which shows that the business is legitimate and has certain checks in place to verify they are safe to play on. Here’s where AI will help in a bigger way, by automatically verifying the identity of each account it hinders fake account creation, which is big news for the industry. Not only that, but the algorithm can also learn along the way how they deposit, play games, and withdraw money. This makes the layer of safety much higher than before, where the algorithms learn the patterns, it can detect unusual transactions thanks to the use of IP addresses and additional data it has learned along the way.
This helps to build trust in the industry, especially for new sites which don’t yet have an established brand. In this research, it’s said that new casinos are released every month, and going forward, new casinos in Canada has hard competition to beat, which is why security will play a bigger role for the future.
 Is Gaming going to become the human mind up against Artificial Intelligence ?
The gambling industry looking forward
It’s safe to say that the industry will continue to grow, by looking at total revenue for gambling related activities in Canada, the revenue for the whole country amounted to $14-16 billion, and all projections tell this number will be even higher in 2024. Online casinos have come a long way regarding player safety and tailoring experiences for all players. With the help of artificial intelligence, many of the tedious checks become more efficient and safer.
By Staff
May 5th, 2023
 The virus, often a variant of the original Covid19, is still with us. Booster shots are advised.
The World Health Organization said today that COVID-19 no longer qualifies as a global emergency it has been downgraded from a pandemic to an epidemic.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said today that “It’s with great hope that I declare COVID-19 over as a global health emergency”
It is more than a symbolic end to the devastating coronavirus pandemic that triggered once-unthinkable lockdowns, upended economies and killed millions of people worldwide.
The pandemic’s impact on society isn’t fully known yet; three years of being under a state of emergency had massive impacts on how we relate to one another. Do you notice how people deliberately stand apart from others – creating what came to be known is as social distancing?
That the U.N. health agency’s stated the emergency phase was over doesn’t mean , the pandemic has come to an end – there are still outbreaks in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
 Refrigerated trailers had to be used to hold the bodies of Covid victims when funeral homes in the United States ran out of space.
WHO says thousands of people are still dying from the virus every week, and millions of others are suffering from debilitating, long-term effects.
“That does not mean COVID-19 is over as a global health threat,” said,Ghebreyesus; warning that new variants could yet emerge. He noted that while the official COVID-19 death toll was 7 million, the real figure was estimated to be at least 20 million.
Ghebreyesus said the pandemic had been on a downward trend for more than a year, acknowledging that most countries have already returned to life before COVID-19.
He bemoaned the damage that COVID-19 had done to the global community, saying the pandemic had shattered businesses, exacerbated political divisions, led to the spread of misinformation and plunged millions into poverty.
By Pepper Parr
May 5th, 2023
Next Monday a large group of people who oppose what the provincial government wants to do to the health system we have will do their best to fill parts of the Public Gallery in the Legislature .
 Natalie Pierre speaking at Queen’s Park
While the group sits in the Gallery Natalie Pierre will be in her seat and when there is a vote she will stand and vote with the government and I wonder how she will feel.
I met with Natalie for a very short period of time during the election. I was impressed – there was a sense of empathy that I felt during the short period of time I was able to talk with her.
There was supposed to be a longer follow up interview with Natalie but her handlers made sure that didn’t happen.
Natalie was new to the game and chose to follow directions rather than follow her instincts and inquire.
Her years at Sheridan College, where she worked in Human Relations, was a time when she developed the ability to listen.
I find myself wondering what Natalie will think is as she glances at the people in the Gallery and wondering if she will ask herself: Am I serving those people or am I one of a number of people in this place, here to support a government that I am a part of ?
The woman who represented Burlington before Natalie was elected didn’t have the ability to understand what people wanted or needed. She was an MPP looking out for herself.
The sense I gained when I talked to Natalie was that she was genuine; real and capable of knowing what people needed.
I expect Natalie will vote with the government knowing full well that to not vote will kill and chance she might have to grow is as a legislator.
My early sense was that this one was different.
There has not been an opportunity to interview Natalie since she was elected. Whatever her office sends out to media doesn’t come our way.
It has been our practice to publish the maiden speech of every member of both Parliament and Queen’s Park. We were in touch with Natalie’s office asking if they would let us know when she was to speak.
We didn’t hear from her office then and you didn’t get to hear what she had to say.
 So far the voice of Natalie Pierre has not been that strong.
We understand that some people, elected to serve the public, aren’t comfortable with the way we report events. Their job is not to be comfortable but to be available to accredited media.
Were we to publish puff pieces often enough we would be made very welcome.
Our approach it to work at doing our best to inform the public so that they can make informed decisions.
Going forward we will work a little harder at getting through to Natalie Pierre.
Salt with Pepper is the musings, reflections and opinions of the publisher of the Burlington Gazette, an online newspaper that was formed in 2010 and is a member of the National Newsmedia Council.
By Staff
May 5th, 2023
Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition executive director is advising anyone at all interested in what happens to the health and hospital service we have in Ontario that on Monday (May 8) the final vote on Bill 60, the Ford government’s hospital privatization bill will be held in the Ontario Legislature.
The coalition will be holding a press conference in the media studio at Queen’s Park at 9 a.m. at the invitation of the NDP. We are inviting members and supporters to come at 8:30 a.m. to get through security and attend the press conference.
Following the press conference we will be filling one of the galleries in the Ontario Legislature at 10 a.m.
The Opposition Parties will welcome us into the Legislature at 10 a.m. They will be demanding answers of the government regarding Bill 60 during Question Period (10:30 a.m. – noon).
Everyone who comes will be able to leave their things in an office at the Legislature that is pre-arranged.
The vote on Bill 60 will be at or around 1 p.m. People can stay for as much or little of these events as they wish. It would be great to have a significant presence in the Legislature on Monday.
Everyone who would like to come should send their full name in an email to by Friday (today) mid to late afternoon so that we can get the list to security so people can get in quickly. (You are, of course, able to go to the Public Galleries without pre-arrangement if you want.) Please note in the subject line: “Bill 60 Queen’s Park” so we can easily find your email!
This is an event that matters.
Related news articles:
What happens to the health and hospital service we have in Ontario
By Staff
May 4th, 2023
They are kind of old school – not the kind of thing that students get excited about.
But they are fine examples of people with very good minds and the ability to do some hard work.
Truth be told – it is real talent.
The Spelling Bee of Canada will host its National Championship Competition on Sunday, May 28th at the Sheraton Parkway in Richmond Hill, ON.
Following a series of regional chapter spelling bee competitions across the country, 60 finalists (20 per age category) have made it through to the next round and are set to compete at the championship this month. The Burlington area finalists are:
Burlington / Milton / Hamilton, ON
Kiash Das (Age 7) – Primary
Temisan Johnson (Age 11) – Junior
Jaral Nathan C. Lasquite (Age 14) – Intermediate
Spelling Bee of Canada’s 36th Annual Championship will take place in-person on Sunday, May 28th at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites in Richmond Hill. The event will be live-streamed on, CBC Gem and on the SBOC YouTube channel.
Spelling Bee of Canada organizes a variety of competitions and programming aimed at children between 6-14 years of age. The participants are placed into one of three categories: Primary age 6 to 8, Junior age 9 to 11 or, Intermediate age 12 to 14, to vie for cash, trophies and prizes.
By Pepper Parr
May 4th, 2023
The item on the Agenda was time sensitive and needed to be ratified before the scheduled meeting on May 16.
The one item from the Corporate Services Strategy Risk and Accountability meeting of May 3; the 2023 Tax Levy Bylaw. The motion is to approve the bylaw for which there has to be a recorded vote.
Mayor asks if there are any questions of Staff.
 Councillor Kearns: Why am I here?
Councillor Kearns: I recognize that we’re in a pre scheduled special meeting of Council. I’m just wondering from staff, is there anything that could have been done to ratify this within a regular Council cycle ?
I’m curious why we’re here today.
 City treasurer Joan Ford
Joan Ford, Chief Financial Officer responds.
We do need to get this ratified by council so that we can prepare the tax bills and send them out by the end of the month for a June 21 due date, September. 21st due date.
The reason we weren’t able to make the April council meeting is we needed to wait until the region ratified there tax levy. That was done mid April.
Mayor turns it to the clerk for the recorded vote. Everyone votes for the motion
Mayor adjourns the Special Council meeting which lasted a mere 8 minutes – the tax bills can be printed and get mailed to you sooner than you think.
The City of Burlington collects property taxes for the city, Halton Region, and the Halton district school boards. The total combined tax levy for all three organizations is approximately $486.1 million. The city’s levy is $219.2 million. The city collects $150.1 million on behalf of Halton Region and $116.8 million on behalf of the Halton district school boards. The taxes levied for Halton Region and the Halton district school boards are sent to them.
All this happened because Lisa Kearns was there.
By Staff
May 4th, 2023
This annual exhibition celebrates the guilds who make, learn, share, and teach at the Art Gallery of Burlington.
Arts Burlington includes
Burlington Fine Arts Association,
Burlington Handweavers and Spinners Guild,
Latow Photographers Guild,
Burlington Potters Guild,
Burlington Rug Hooking Craft Guild,
Burlington Sculptors and Carvers.
Opening Reception: Saturday May 6, 1 – 4pm

By Pepper Parr
May 3rd, 2023
It wasn’t an attractive building and it got put on hold when the city introduced an Interim by law that put everything on hold back in
At that time Amica argued that the need for additional long term care facilities was important enough for them to be excused from the Interim bylaw.
 The rendering reminded one of the Soviet era brutalist style architecture – nothing very welcoming to the place.
Council didn’t buy it.
The development application was taking longer than many people expected including the residents of the Co-op housing development: these were the people who were going to be bought out, the building demolished so that shovels could be put in the ground.
Nothing happened.
Then we learned that there was a rumour – and that is all it is at this point that “they found some sort of mineral in the surrounding soil (I think it was magnesium) that is at a high concentrate and due to the high water table they have to build holding ponds to filter out the minerals before they pump it out to the lake. The cost of this added several million dollars and
“I was told that Amico was considering their options.”
Our source added: “… when I first heard this on our street I didn’t think much of it but since the demolition of the CO-OP building … there’s been zero activity. All the construction trailers are gone.”
Now there is just rubble and yellow tape. This makes me wonder that perhaps there is an issue. There should be construction in full swing right now.”
The development was a partnership between Spruce Partners Inc. and Amico Properties Inc. Bousfields Inc., are the Planning Consultants – they have always been stingy when it comes to handing out information
No word yet from the Planning consultant or either of the partners.
By Staff
May 3rd, 2023
Do you have a story to tell? Then, get ready to share your talents with us! Burlington Public Library’s annual writing contest is open to everyone ages 10 and up, including adults. We can’t wait to read your short stories, poems, and comics. Entries must be received by midnight on Wednesday, May 31 to be eligible for judging.
Burlington Public Library stands by the basic principles of intellectual freedom and the open exchange of information. The writing contest is an open forum for writers to express their ideas and creativity.
Contest Details
• Entrants must live, work, or attend school in Burlington.
• All short stories, comics, and poems must be unpublished, original work of the entrant. Fan fiction is not accepted.
• Only one entry per category will be accepted.
• Digital submissions only. Please get in touch with us if you cannot create a digital copy of your work.
• Entries will be reviewed, shortlisted, and judged by a team of library professionals; their decisions are final.
• All participants with a shortlisted submission will receive a copy of the judges’ comments on their submission(s).
• The Library will notify the winner in each category, and post their submission on our website.
• By entering this contest, you permit BPL to use your name for promotional purposes, including the Library’s print, visual, or electronic/online media.
Judging Categories & Awards
• Short story: Ages 10-12, 13-17, 18+
• Poem: Ages 10-12, 13-17, 18+
• Comics: Ages 10-12, 13-17, 18+
Link to registration site.
By Staff
May 3rd, 2023
The Ontario government is making it easier to take transit by giving riders more ways to pay.
 That green card is no longer the only way to pay for your ride.
Riders on GO Transit, UP Express, Brampton Transit, Burlington Transit, Durham Region Transit, Hamilton Street Railway, MiWay in Mississauga, Oakville Transit and York Region Transit can pay fares by tapping a debit card on a PRESTO device, including debit cards on a smartphone or smartwatch.
“This latest milestone for the PRESTO system gives transit riders yet another convenient payment option when travelling for work, school, leisure, and more,” said Stan Cho, Associate Minister of Transportation.
Riders can also use debit payment on paratransit services in Burlington, Durham Region, Hamilton, York Region, Oakville, and Ottawa. The new debit payment option comes as PRESTO reports a million card taps on its devices since the launch of credit card payment in August 2022.
The Ontario government is also working with the Toronto Transit Commission to introduce both credit and debit payment options for Toronto transit riders this summer.
When transit authorities add Interac Debit, they are offering riders a payment method that almost 30 million Canadians already use for day-to-day transactions. Interac is proud to play a part in supporting the needs of transit riders in Ontario.”
What the announcement doesn’t say is how much the city of Burlington pays to give Presto access to its collection system. It isn’t cheap.
By Pepper Parr
May 3rd, 2023
Most people probably do not know that the Joseph Brant Hospital is a non-profit corporation. You would’ realize that when you pay for parking over there.
There is an item in the agenda of the Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk & Accountability Standing Committee related to the governance of the hospital that recently completed a governance compliance review that proposed amendments to Joseph Brant Hospital Administrative By-laws one of which is to:
Approve the recommendation outlined in Appendix A to office of the city clerk report CL- 11-23, Briefing Note dated April 18, 2023 regarding a recent Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) compliance exercise, and proposed amendments to Joseph Brant Hospital Administrative By-laws, one of which is to discontinue the Municipal Representative seat on the Joseph Hospital Board and adopt a practice of inviting the Joseph Brant Hospital Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer annually to a Council meeting to provide updates on the Hospital and its future directions.
Everything city Council does is expected to align with the Vision to Focus, which is the part of the Strategic Plan Council focuses on during its term of office.
The report presented to Council had the following two lines:
Alignment: Delete this line and the areas that do not apply.
Building more citizen engagement, community health and culture
The Hospital included Briefing notes on how and why they made the decision they made. The bulk of those notes are set out below. The full briefing note is available on the city web site.
 A rendering of the hospital before the addition was completed. At that time the hospital was reaching out to the public for donations.
“As part of its By-law review, the OTF discussed the size and composition of the Board and independent Counsel recommended the Hospital contact the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) on best practices related to the role of municipal representatives on skills-based Boards.
“With regard to the composition of the Board, which currently includes an appointed position of a Municipal Representative as well as ex-officio (non-voting) positions as stipulated within the Public Hospitals Act (Regulation 965), the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) provided guidance that Hospitals have increasingly moved away from having ‘non-legislative’ positions on the Board as best practice to Boards that are resourced based on skills and to avoid any inherent or systemic conflicts that would arise from political appointees and special interest groups vis- a-vis the Board.
 Eric Vandewall addressing a reception that was waiting for a provincial minister to show up and announce a large chunk of cash the province was handing over to the hospital.
“The OHA referenced the Guide to Good Governance which supports having a skills-based board as best practice. Further, with regards to ex-officio positions on the board from government or other such entities, the Board “should question why it has specific ex-officio positions and consider whether other actions might be more appropriate to maintain strong relationships”. The OHA noted in its Guide to Good Governance that “best practice in hospital governance is to recruit a skills-based board that is independent of any one interest group” and noted the inherent risk that ex-officio directors will have a greater potential for conflict.
 He loves the hospital – does the hospital love him?
“More specifically, the OHA noted that “this is particularly evident where members of local government…feel a conflict between duty to the electorate and a duty to the hospital”. The OHA further noted that “it is important that a board be comprised of individuals with the skills, experience, qualities and diversity that are appropriate for the hospital’s mission, objectives and strategic directions”.
“The OHA had also confirmed that “the majority of Hospitals had some time ago shifted away from having Municipal, special interest groups and political appointees on Boards due to systemic conflicts.” This was done along with other considerations to ensure that these types of groups remain aligned with the hospital but not necessarily with a seat on the Board. The Board’s independent Counsel bolstered this view in the advice provided.
“Joseph Brant Hospital, as similar to other Ontario Hospitals, had historically had open memberships whereby members of the Community can purchase, for a nominal fee, a membership which would allow them to attend meetings and have a vote on hospital affairs.
“Over time, like most Ontario Hospitals, JBH became a closed membership whereby the Hospital Membership and the Board of Directors are the same. In his 2008 Annual Report, the Auditor General recognized “the challenging position in which ex-officio directors are placed when specific interests of the group they represent are in conflict with the hospital’s and the community’s best interest”. Once the Hospital moved away from open membership, some legacy ex-officio positions on the Board including the Hospital Foundation, the Hospital Auxiliary and Municipal Representative remained in the By- laws.

 Interesting to note that the hospital met with the Mayor and ward 6 Councillor Angelo Bentivegna separately – six weeks apart. Any idea why ?
The Board Chair, Randy Smallbone and Eric Vandewall President and CEO, met with Mayor Meed-Ward on February 3, 2023 to discuss discontinuation of the Municipal seat on the Hospital Board. On March 14, 2023, Board Chair Randy Smallbone and Eric Vandewall met Councilor Angelo Bentivegna to discuss discontinuation of the Municipal seat on the JBH Board.
Both Mayor Meed-Ward and Councillor Bentivegna appreciated the opportunity to hear from JBH in the regard, they understood the rationale and importance of best practices in governance, and both endorsed the hospital’s decision to proceed in this direction.
It was also agreed by both Mayor Meed-Ward and Councillor Bentivegna that based on the Board’s decision to update the Hospital By-law and discontinue the Municipal seat on the Board, that every effort will be made to ensure that the ongoing positive relationship between the Hospital and the City of Burlington continue.
Specifically, it was agreed that the City will invite the Hospital Board Chair and CEO on an annual basis to update Council on the hospital and its future directions. In addition, on a bi-annual basis, the Board Chair, Vice Chair and CEO will have a joint meeting with the Mayor and the Acting Deputy Mayor of Ceremonies and Emergencies to discuss any pertinent matters.
 This is a story you might really want to comment on.
The Hospital is requesting a Motion of Endorsement from the City of the Burlington Council as follows:
THAT Council for the City of Burlington endorse the Joseph Brant Hospital Board of Directors decision to discontinue the Municipal Representative seat on the Hospital Board and THAT the Hospital commits to continuing its engagement and ongoing positive relationship with the City of Burlington.
Related news story:
Spectator tells the story about conditions at the hospital
Hospital CEO, Mayor and Councillor on the hospital board refuse to comment on what was a scathing report
By Pepper Parr
May 2nd, 2023
City council has a policy of saving as much of the city’s heritage as possible. Some developers work with the city – others fight them every foot of the way.
 A rendering of the 31 storey tower the developer want to build.
The Camero development at 795 Brant (at the intersection of Brant and Prospect) is one of the examples where the developer has dug in their heels and seems prepared to spend whatever it takes to get their way – which is to demolish the two storey house on the property and build a 31 story building on the site with 356 residential units.
 The house the developer want to demolish as it stands today. The city wants to see the facade at least kept and included in the final plans.
Constructed in 1854, the house, according to a Staff report has significant heritage value.
On Sept. 21, 2022 the owner filed an application for an Official Plan Amendment and a Zoning By-law; The proposed new building did not incorporate the existing heritage structure. The application was deemed complete on Sept. 23, 2023.
On Dec. 13, 2022, City Council stated its intention to designate the property, and on Jan. 24, 2023 passed heritage designation bylaw No. 03-2023.
City Council did not decide on the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment Applications within 120 days after they were deemed complete as required by the Planning Act, and on Jan. 27, 2023 the owner appealed Council’s non-decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT).
On Feb. 28, 2023, the property owner appealed the heritage designation to the OLT.
On Mar. 8, 2023, the owner submitted a heritage permit to facilitate the demolition of the heritage designated building.
On Apr. 12, 2023, the Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee (HBAC) reviewed the application and recommended that City Council decline the application.
Provincial Policy Statement, 2020 is very clear: Significant built heritage resources and significant cultural heritage landscapes shall be conserved.
The heritage value of 795 Brant St. has been established in two separate consultant reports. It meets six out of nine criteria for heritage designation under Ontario Regulation 9/06, whereas only two are required. The building is an early example of a brick-built vernacular Georgian house with a symmetrical three-bay façade. It was constructed by James Cushie Bent and Jabez Bent between 1854 and 1855 using brick manufactured on the site
It is historically significant in the following ways, among others:
The property is a physical reminder of the market gardening industry in Burlington; the agricultural output of the 53-acre property was substantial;
The building was prominently featured in the 1973 Centennial documentary “The Eyes of Memory and is one of only three heritage properties (1134 Plains Road East, 2021 Blairholm Avenue, 736 King Road) currently within the City of Burlington that were nineteenth century fruit farms of early settlers that produced goods for the market garden industry. It is the last visibly historic building on this section of Brant St.
 A 1902 photograph of the house when the property was a large 53 acre garden market that had a substantial output.
Heritage Impact Statement Conservation Options
Consultants hired by the city had proposed to the owner that the new development retain the original 1854 house facing Brant St., provided the brick could be conserved; the developer claims the brick is beyond repair – Staff report that they do not see any evidence to support the claim.
The Ontario Heritage Act requires that the City approve or decline a heritage permit application no more than 90-days after a heritage permit submission is deemed “complete”. If a decision is not made in this time frame, Council is deemed to have “consented” to the application.
Staff sent the applicant a notice of completeness on Mar. 23, 2023 confirming that the application was complete on Mar. 8, 2023, which is considered “Day 1” of the required 90-day period. Day 90 will be June 6, 2023.
Once a decision is made, the owner has the option to appeal the decision to the OLT within 30 days.
Options Considered
Option 1- Decline the Application (Recommended)
Staff are recommending that Council decline the application, consistent with the PPS, 2020 and the Burlington Official Plan, which require that significant built heritage resources be conserved and their heritage attributes protected.
Option 2- Approve the Application (Not recommended)
Approving the demolition of a designated heritage building, which multiple heritage professionals have confirmed is worthy of protection, is not consistent with provincial and municipal policy and is not recommended.
The Heritage Burlington Advisory Committee recommends that City Council refuse the application for a heritage permit to demolish the two-storey Georgian- style brick house at 795 Brant St.
John Reilly, the Staff member with the best understanding of the file and is understood to be one of the team talking to the developer set out for Council where things stood and why he brought forward the recommendation to not approve a recommendation to demolish the heritage designated property
The file has an extensive history. The city did not act on the OP amendment or the Zoning Bylaw Amendment which were then appealed to the OLT for a non decision. The applicant then submitted a heritage alteration permit requesting permission to demolish the building which is the application before Council today.
Built between 1854 and 1855. Staff believe the property has historical value as a local landmark and would like to see some part of the structure built into the tower they want to build.
Reilly explained that the team on the project has done their best to convince the developer to work with the city to incorporate changes.
Nothing so far.
 There is a lot of development planned in the area.
Reilly explained: “Situated on the property in a way that makes it relatively easy to conserve, the applicant objects to the designation and is planning to demolish the building because there is some damaged masonry on facades of the building. Staff have considered these objections. the areas of damaged brick are fairly minor. We’re not looking at 100% or anywhere close to that 100% of brick being damaged or stalled or cracked.
“We’re looking at specific areas of each facade that where there are some bricks in need of replacement or repair many of the alterations or you know evidence of age that the applicant is citing are repairable these are the alterations many of them are reversible windows are easily replaced. For example, paint can be removed from brick or a building can be repainted in a more sympathetic colour or historically appropriate colour. Staffs view, is that this building is not beyond repair . The building occupies less than 3% of the site and we haven’t been presented with any new evidence in the form of an engineer report that would tell us that the building is about to fall down or is past the point of saving.”
Staff are recommending that council refuse this heritage permit application to demolish the building.
The development is in ward 2 however the Mayor was the only person who asked questions.
“Your report mentions that refusing the demolition will create another appeal opportunity and can you just specify what that is?
Reilly: “There would be an opportunity for the applicant to appeal to the Ontario land tribunal.
He imagined that all the appeals would be merged into one hearing, assuming the developer actually appealed the decision council was about to make when the report gets to Council later in the month.
 Core Development has kept the Carriage Gate restaurant and included it in their development situated between Lakeshore Road and Old Lakeshore Road.
“Our goal is for them to incorporate this into a development” which, we have seen take place at other development; the Beausoleil at Pearl and Lakeshore and the Core development on old Lakeshore Road that has included the Carriage House restaurant into their development.
Reilly – there are many conservation options and we’ve signalled flexibility throughout every meeting that we’ve had with the applicant.
The Mayor moves the motion and comments that “your rationale is entirely defensible”, adding “We have seen how well development can be incorporated into heritage redevelopment and the best example currently which is really exciting to see in real time is the Pearl and Lake Shore redevelopment adding that she has “never believed that it’s either preserve heritage or have redevelopment.”
“I believe there’s a win win here. And staff have been very clear about encouraging the applicant to go for the win win. “I continue to encourage them to incorporate this into a redevelopment and redo their plans. So fingers crossed, but I certainly support what we have here.”
With no further comments the vote was called to refuse the heritage permit application for demolition of 795 Brant street
The hands were raised – it passed and that was it for the day.
It was a short agenda that ran for less than an hour.
By Staff
May 2nd, 2023
On April 6, Statistics Canada released the Labour Force Survey data for the first quarter of 2023.
The data shows that Halton’s unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.9% between Q4 2022 and Q1 2023; remaining lower than the provincial and national rates.
Meanwhile, Halton’s labour force participation rate decreased by 1.8 percentage points from the previous quarter, averaging 68.9% in Q1, similar to the pre-pandemic rate in Q4 2019.

Making a Killing:
Everything you want to know about privatization of public hospitals
Wednesday May 3 at 7 p.m.
By Pepper Parr
May 2nd, 2023
The Ontario Health Coalition is made up of groups across the province that want to see change in the way the health system works.
Using the attention grabbing headline:
Making a Killing:
Everything you want to know about privatization of public hospitals
The Halton unit of the coalition is putting on a series of events to help people understand what they are doing and to answer questions.
They are holding a briefing with a question and answer session on the privatization of public hospitals including:
• what the real-world experience of privatization has been across Canada, in the United States and internationally; and,
• what the evidence shows regarding its impacts on quality of care, access to care for patients, health care costs, quality and deregulation for the workforce, and the foundational principle of equity in health care.
You can join and participate in any of the following ways:
• Zoom: To join the session via Zoom, please register here: Afterwards, you will receive an email with a link to join the meeting on Wednesday May 3rd at 7 pm.
• Facebook livestream: To join the session via Facebook livestream, go to on Wednesday May 3rd at 7PM to watch and participate in the livestream
• Twitter spaces: To join the session on Twitter through a Twitter Space, go to on Wednesday May 3rd at 7PM, and click on the purple twitter spaces icon that will be at the top of our profile once the meeting has started.
By Pepper Parr
May 2nd, 2023
When there is a public event that brings different interest groups together one has to watch carefully what is taking place in the room; who is talking to whom.
Last week the Burlington Chamber of Commerce hosted an event on Red Tape Reduction. It wasn’t particularly well attended – a little over 100 people took part.
 Lou Frapporti, second from the right is keeping a close eye on City Manager Tim Commisso, with his back to the camera. Frapporti is a Partner at Gowlings, a Hamilton law firm and corporate Counsel for Alinea. Dave Pitblado, second from the left is attentive. John Hutter is on the far left runs King Paving.
A decent number of people from City Hall attended: Mayor Meed Ward was on hand to chat people up, she wasn’t one of the speakers. City Manager Tim Commisso was on hand as well is as city Executive Director Jackie Johnson who is responsible for Communications and Engagement. Neither spoke
Three city councillors were on hand: Paul Sharman, Angelo Bentivegna and Kelvin Galbraith; he was one of the panel speakers.
A number of politicians did speak: provincial Minister of Red Tape Reduction Parm Gill whose riding includes parts of northern Burlington: he addressed the attendees,. Natalie Pierre who is the MPP for Burlington said a few words.
Lou Frapporti, a partner at law firm Gowlings, spoke and told the audience that he was corporate counsel for Alinea , an organization that had taken over Paletta International, the largest land holder in Halton Region.
After the formal part of the event people gathered in small groups to chat. One group of four caught my attention. Dave Pitblado of Alinea who does a lot of the stick handling for different Alinea developments. Two of the developments on the go are 1200 King Road and Bronte Meadows. Recent changes made by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing made changes to the Regional Official Plan that opened up the kind of development that would be permitted on those two properties.
Recently Burlington City Council went into a CLOSED session to discuss an Alinea property. There was no detail given when Council came out of the CLOSED session.
 Dave Pitblado listens carefully to what City Manager Tim Commisso has to say. It was clear that Commisso was explaining something that was important to Pitblado and it wasn’t whether or not the Leafs were going to win the first round of the Stanley Cup finals. This was business – big business.
So, when we spotted City Manager Tim Commisso in discussion with Dave Pitblado, Lou Frapporti, Corporate counsel for Alinea and John Hutter of King Paving we wondered what that conversation was about.
Time to take some pictures.
The two that are part of this story offer one interpretation of what the conversation is about.
We expect City Council to get brought up to speed when they are next in a CLOSED session.
When the public will hear anything from the City Communications department is anyone’s guess.
By Pepper Parr
April 30th, 2023
If the sun comes out and things warn up a bit you might want to spend some time walking along the Naval Promenade and taking in the public art now in place.
It is a combination of Indigenous work and items from the Dan Lawrie collection
 A Waterfront Sculpture Trail with an interesting mix of some work that is a delight to the eye. Does anyone know what the flag markings on the left mean ?
There is a story behind the Lawrie Collection – we are working on that.
 Having a woman putting on lipstick in front of those mirrors would make it complete.
 This is a fine piece of work.
 The Indigenous art is included in the collection spread out along the Naval Promenade
By Pepper Parr
April 30th, 2023
It was billed is as a Symposium on Red Tape Reduction put on by the Burlington Chamber of Commerce with Alinea as the main sponsor.
Attendance was thin – maybe 100 people. City Councillor Paul Sharman and Angelo Bentivegna were on hand; Mayor Meed Ward glad handed her way around the room; Councillors Nisan and Kearns took a pass on the event – Councillor Stolte is out of action and on a leave of absence.
 For some reason the photo op is a necessary part of these events
Milton MPP Parm Gil, Minister of Red Tape Reduction gave a pretty strong political speech which seemed to take too many pokes at the former Liberal government and far too much patting on the back for the Ford government – but this was a Chamber of Commerce crowd.
A banner at the front of the room with the statement ‘’’Business without boundaries” surprised me. They wish.
My immediate thought was – have they never heard of Walkerton?
Parm Gil made mention of using robots to do inspection work – can you imagine how quickly that would spiral out of control. Where public safety is the issue experienced eyes are required. You can program a robot to do whatever you want it to do.
 Deputy Mayor Kelvin Galbraith
Our interest in the event was to see how ward 1 Councillor Kelvin Galbraith handled himself. He was positioned as both a small business owner and a Council member with a Deputy Mayor for Business and Red Tape Reduction portfolio on a panel of three people. That included John Romano of Nickel Brook Brewery and Josie Tavares, Senior Development Planner/ Project Manager, CLV Group Developments Inc., a group that has significant rental properties in Burlington and is one of the partners involved with the Holland Park development on Fairview close to the GO station where seven towers are proposed.
 Kelvin Galbraith getting a look from Josie Tavares during the panel discussion
Ms Tavares knew her stuff and talk with both confidence and experience about the problems – she didn’t appear to hold much hope for any real change in the way planning is done remarked that planning is getting to be a legal exercise.
She made some very good points; knew her brief and was able to point to situations where the developers were able to work with the planners.
John Romano, Co-founder, Nickel Brook Brewing Co. had some hard earned experience with the planning department. When he moved from Drury Lane to Mainway his intention was to take the brewery operation with him – years later years later the brewing is now being done in Etobicoke and Romano has no idea when it will be on Mainway – if ever.
Galbraith didn’t have much in the way of experience as a business man with planning issues but as the Deputy Mayor for Business he was the guy getting the calls and the person who probably knows best where the problems are at city hall. And that wasn’t something he was going to talk about in a public session.
He did mention the reduction in the length of time needed to get a development application through city hall and spoke as well of the “My File Portal” software that was due any day now that would let an applicant log in and see exactly where their application was and where the holdup was is as well.
 John Romano – Nickel Brook Brewery – waiting for an application to get through city hall
Tavares and Romano appeared to agree that the problem in Burlington was at the Engineering level and that the number of retirements taking place has put a lot of younger people behind those desks now doing the work.
Did anything useful come out of the panel discussion ? Could anything useful have come out of it ?
The province is introducing new legislation that is going to have a huge impact on the way development gets done.
Burlington is expected to have 29,000 new homes in place by 2031 – they signed a pledge saying they would deliver.
Some of the legislation cuts deeply into the amount of money from Development Charges and Community Benefit Charges the city would receive.
The municipalities don’t have the power to do very much – they are on the receiving end of everything except the cash needed to do the work that has to be done.
The federal government is bringing in close to half a million people every year to do the jobs that are part of a robust economy.
Growth is taking place at every turn with a public that is fine with the growth –“ just don’t put it where I live”.
 Kelvin Galbraith responding to a question during a symposium on Red Tape reduction
Anyone expecting more from Galbraith would be disappointed – he just wasn’t able to make a presence. His hopes to at some point be the Mayor of Burlington didn’t advance much at this event. This was a panel where the speakers were there to talk about planning problems – Galbraith didn’t have any. However he has more in the way of planning issues to deal with in his ward.
Lou Frapporti, a partner with Gowlings in Hamilton said publicly that he was corporate counsel for Alinea, adding that Alinea had taken over the Paletta International operations – which while true was just part of what was a messy corporate battle that ended up with Angelo Paletta leaving the firm and Paul Paletta taking the reins, forming a new corporate entity and doing his best to create a different, less abrasive approach to development.
Alinea is the largest landowner in the Region and the holders of the three largest development properties in Burlington; Bronte Meadows in the east and 1200 King Road in the west. Eagle Heights, in the north west, is outside the urban boundary where the infrastructure needs a lot of work.
Waterdown Road is undergoing some widening north of the 403.
It is in the southern part of Waterdown Road where all the action is taking place and where Galbraith has significant personal property holdings.